English Learning Kit: Junior High School

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Junior High School

Grade 9



Fourth Quarter – MELC 1

Factual Information
VS. Subjective Content
Development Team of English Learning Kit

Writers: Raymond S. Porras John Rian D. Pormillos

Reymark G. Magno
Illustrators: Armand Glenn S. Lapor Mark T. Dasa

Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Ricky T. Salabe

Division Quality Assurance Team:

Lilibeth E. Larupay Dr. Eugenio L. Mallorca
Armand Glenn S. Lapor Agustin T. Estoque
Rita M. Bertomo

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo Dr. Novelyn M. Vilchez

Dr. Ferdinand S. Sy Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque Dr. Eugenio L. Mallorca
Lilibeth E. Larupay

Grade 9-English
Grade 9-English
Competency: Judge the relevance
relevance andand
worth of ideas,
soundness 1of author’s reasoning,
Competency:Judge the
Determine and
the relevance worth of
truthfulness soundness of author’s
the ideas presented reasoning,
in the material
and the
and the effectiveness
effectiveness of
of the
the presentation
presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)
viewed (EN9VC-Iva-10Q)
English 9 - Learning Activity Sheet No.1

Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _ Date: _


I. Learning Competency with Code

MELC: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of the author’s reasoning, and
the effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)

II. Background Information for Learner

Do you easily believe fake news? Do you have difficulty filtering correct and evident-
based information?
As a Junior High School learner, it is of paramount importance that you know how to
process factual and faulty information. Once you know how to filter information, you could not
be easily fooled. Let us learn more about factual information and subjective content!

What is factual information?

This refers to an unbiased and balanced statement that represents facts about something.
The statement is not colored by the past experiences, prejudices, perceptions, desires, or
knowledge of the speaker. Therefore, they are independent and external to the mind of the
specific person.

As the information is entirely facts-based, it can be observable, quantifiable, and provable.

It can be counted, described, and imitated. It presents complete truth and is free from individual
influences, so it proves helpful in rational decision-making.

Factual information solely deals with facts. It is a short and non-explanatory statement.
The best place to find factual information is in reference books such as encyclopedias and
almanacs. You can also find it in government agencies like Philippine News Agency and
Philippine Statistics Authority.

Example: Philippines is composed of 7,641 islands.

What is a subjective content?

These are ideas or statements which are dominated by the personal feelings, opinion,
preferences of the speaker. It is an interpretation of truth or reality, from the speaker’s angle, that
informs and affects the judgment of people and is always biased. It can be a belief, opinion,
rumor, assumption, suspicion, that is influenced by the speaker’s standpoint.
Grade 9-English
Competency: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning,
and the effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)
A subjective point of view is characterized by the past experiences, knowledge,
perceptions, understanding, and desires of the specific person. These statements are
exclusively based on the ideas or opinion of the person making them, as there is no universal

Subjective information is information from only one point of view. Opinions are
subjective. You can find subjective information almost anywhere factual information isn't. It is
in books, journals, websites, and book reviews.

Example: I hate how Philippines gets hot during summer.

Key Differences Objective and Subjective Information

The fundamental differences between factual and subjective are discussed in the
given below points:

1. A neutral statement, which is completely true and real, unbiased and balanced, is a
factual one. Subjective means something which does not show the clear picture or it is
just a person’s outlook or expression of opinion.

2. A factual statement is based on facts and observations. On the other hand, a

subjective statement relies on assumptions, beliefs, opinions and influenced by
emotions and personal feelings.

3. Factual information is provable, measurable and observable. In contrast, subjective

information is relative to the subject - that is the person making it.

4. The factual statement can be checked and verified. Unlike subjective statement or a
series of balanced opinions, so they can’t be checked and verified.

5. When a piece of information is factual, it remains same, irrespective of the person

reporting it. Conversely, a subjective statement differs from individual to individual.

6. A factual statement is appropriate for decision making, which is not in the case of a
subjective statement.

7. You can find the factual statement in hard science, textbooks and encyclopedias, but
a subjective statement is used in blogs, biographies, and comments on social media.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Site

“Fact vs Opinion - Reading Comprehension Worksheets for Grade 5.” K5Learning.com. Accessed July 22, 2020.

Department of Education. A Journey through Anglo-American Literature - Grade 9 English: Learner’s

Material. 1st ed. Metro Manila, Philippines, 2017.

Ellis, Dean B. “Fake News: Home.” Arkansas State University: Dean B. Ellis Library. December 2, 2019.

Grade 9-English
Competency: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning,
and the effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)
IV. Activity Proper


Directions: Read the video transcript of US President Barack Obama. Find out the
issue/idea he has presented in his message to the American people.

Obama: 'There Were No Winners in This' Government Shutdown

Hi everybody. This week, because Democrats and responsible Republicans came

together, the government was reopened, and the threat of default was removed from our economy.

There’s been a lot of discussion lately of the politics of this shutdown. But the truth is, there
were no winners in this. At a time when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, the
manufactured crises of these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and growth. And it’s
understandable that your frustration with what goes on in Washington has never been higher.

The way business is done in Washington has to change. Now that these clouds of crisis
and uncertainty have lifted, we need to focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to
do – grow the economy, create good jobs, strengthen the middle class, lay the foundation for
broad-based prosperity, and get our fiscal house in order for the long haul.

It won’t be easy. But we can make progress. Specifically, there are three places where I
believe that Democrats and Republicans can work together right away.

First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a responsible budget, one
that grows our economy faster and shrinks our long-term deficits further. There is no choice
between growth and fiscal responsibility – we need both. So we’re making a serious mistake if a
budget doesn’t focus on what you’re focused on: creating more good jobs that pay better wages.

If we’re going to free up resources for the things that help us grow – education,
infrastructure, research – we should cut what we don’t need, and close corporate tax loopholes
that don’t help create jobs. This shouldn’t be as difficult as it has been in past years. Remember,
our deficits are shrinking – not growing.

Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system. There’s already
a broad coalition across America that’s behind this effort, from business leaders to faith leaders to
law enforcement. It would grow our economy. It would secure our borders. The Senate has already
passed a bill with strong bipartisan support. Now the House should, too. The majority of Americans
think this is the right thing to do. It can and should get done by the end of this year.

Third, we should pass a farm bill – one that America’s farmers and ranchers can depend
on, one that protects vulnerable children and adults in times of need, and one that gives rural
communities opportunities to grow and the longer-term certainty they deserve.

We won’t suddenly agree on everything now that the cloud of crisis has passed. But we
shouldn’t hold back on places where we do agree, just because we don’t think it’s good politics,
or just because the extremes in our parties don’t like compromise. I’ll look for willing partners from
either party to get important work done. There’s no good reason why we can’t govern responsibly,
without lurching from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis. Because that isn’t governing –
it’s just hurting the people we were sent here to serve.

Grade 9-English
Competency: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning,
and the effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)
Those of us who have the privilege to serve this country have an obligation to do our job
the best we can. We come from different parties, but we’re Americans first. And our obligations to
you must compel all of us, Democrats and Republicans, to cooperate, and compromise, and act
in the best interests of this country we love.

Thanks everybody and have a great weekend.


Directions: The statements below are taken from US President Barack Obama’s “There
Were No Winners in This' Government Shutdown” speech. Identify which
among the statements contain factual information (statements that can be
verified or proven to be true) or subjective content (involves judgment, feeling,
opinion, intuition, or emotion rather than factual information). Write F for Factual
and S for subjective on your answer sheet.

1. “There were no winners in this government shutdown.”

2. “At a time when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, the manufactured
crisis of these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and growth.”

3. “The way business is done in Washington has to change.”

4. “First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a responsible budget,
one that grows our economy faster and shrinks our long-term deficits further.”

5. “Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system. There’s
already a broad coalition across America that’s behind this effort, from business
leaders to faith leaders to law enforcement. It would grow our economy. It would
secure our borders.”

6. “The Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan support.”

7. “Those of us who have the privilege to serve this country have an obligation to do our
job the best we can.”

Activity 3. FILL ME IN
Directions: Classify the statements whether these are Factual or Subjective. For example, if
statement number one expresses factual information, write the complete statement
under the factual column. To do the activity, copy and illustrate the table on your
answer sheet.

1. According to science, the sun is a star.

2. Kamote cue is more delicious than Banana cue.
3. According to the experiment conducted, oil can’t be mixed with water.
4. The heat of the sun has a natural vitamin called, Vitamin D.
5. The fortune teller predicted that the end of the world is near to come.

Grade 9-English
Competency: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning,
and the effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)
6. Iloilo is one of the provinces of the Republic of the Philippines.
7. Dinagyang is Iloilo City’s religious and cultural festival.
8. It is hard to learn motor cycle driving than a bicycle driving.
9. Barack Obama has been a president of the United States of America.
10. The Philippines is a beautiful country.


V. Reflection

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the necessary words or statements based on your learning
experience to complete the sentence. On your answer sheet, copy the questions
and write your answers.

The discussion is about ________________________________________


I can use factual information statements in__________________________


I can use subjective content statements in__________________________


Subjective and Factual sentences are important because______________


Grade 9-English
Competency: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning,
and the effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)
and the effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)
Competency: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning,
Grade 9-English
1. S 2. F 3. S. 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. S
Activity 3. FILL ME IN
Factual Statements:
1. According to science, the sun is a star.
3. According to the experiment conducted, oil can’t be mixed with water.
4. The heat of the sun has a natural vitamin called, Vitamin D.
6. Iloilo is one of the provinces of the Republic of the Philippines.
7. Dinagyang is Iloilo City’s religious and cultural festival.
9. Barack Obama has been a president of the United States of America.
Subjective Statements:
2. Kamote cue is more delicious than Banana cue.
5. The fortune teller predicted that the end of the world is near to come.
8. It is hard to learn motor cycle driving than a bicycle driving.
10. The Philippines is a beautiful country.
Answers may vary.

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