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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 1, November-December 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Didactic Requirements for a Modern Lesson

R. M. Madatov
Basic Doctoral Student, Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: R. M. Madatov

In this article, the didactic requirements for a modern lesson are "Didactic Requirements for a Modern
scientifically and methodologically sound. Also, the factors that Lesson" Published
create conditions for free, creative work of students in biology in International
classes. its design, interpretation of the teaching material in Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
accordance with the level of mastery of students.
and Development
KEYWORDS: lesson, process, education, training, methodology, (ijtsrd), ISSN:
2456-6470, IJTSRD47950
knowledge, skill, qualification, competence, technology, principle,
Volume-6 | Issue-1,
integration, problem, intellect, optimal, effective, information December 2021, pp.890-893, URL:

Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

At a time when the "interests of the individual and the One of the important requirements for the course is to
priority of education" are recognized in Uzbekistan increase the effectiveness of teaching methods and
today, the science of pedagogy teaches the content, techniques, innovative technologies, interdisciplinary
form and methods and principles of the formation of a connections, their strong interconnection.
free personality. The solution of complex tasks of
education and upbringing of young people depends
on the ideological beliefs, professional skills, talents
All didactic tools (maps, tables, pictures, colors, texts,
and culture of the teacher, the use of modern
visual aids) should be solved in the lesson, homework
pedagogical and innovative technologies, the
should be a logical continuation of the knowledge
activation of students [1, 2].
acquired by students in the lesson. It is effective to
An important requirement for a modern lesson is to analyze each lesson. Has the goal of the lesson
bring innovative technologies into the teaching analysis been achieved, how much knowledge have
process, to scientifically substantiate each subject, to the students gained, what shortcomings have been
determine the content and volume of material, taking addressed? A number of questions such as Such an
into account the capabilities of students, to determine analysis will help make the lesson more meaningful
its complexity; linking with previously studied in the future.
materials; substantiate the integration with one or
When it comes to the importance of modern
more subjects, develop a system of assignments for
educational technologies in educating students, the
students and their independent work; identify the
introduction of modern pedagogical and information
material and technical basis of the lesson and enrich it
technologies in the educational process, raising the
with additional visual aids; the use of additional
education system to a qualitatively new level is an
information (computer) tools and improving the
urgent task [2].
content and quality of education, creating a
problematic situation in the classroom. [6]

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47950 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 890
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Today, in secondary schools, academic lyceums, profession and to choose the next stage of education.
vocational and higher education, the subject Modern specialists, regardless of their field of
"Biology" is developed on the basis of innovative activity, have a wide range of knowledge in physics
technologies, each of which has information materials and computer science, sufficient skills and
on the conditions of training, pedagogical goals, competencies in modern computer technology,
objectives and outcomes, the curriculum, teaching information and communication systems, office
methods and tools are integrated. Also, the biology equipment and their use, the basics of new
teacher should create a technological map of the information technology and its future. day, must have
lesson, ie a step-by-step description of the joint incorporated knowledge of the course.
activities of the teacher and the student on the
Experimental research in the field of natural sciences,
educational goals achieved in this lesson before the
in contrast to previous experimental processes, in
lesson. During the lessons, various innovative
academic lyceums and vocational schools in all areas
technologies were introduced into the learning
of science, ie natural sciences (physics, geography,
process in order to develop students' activity, free and
chemistry, biology), exact sciences (mathematics,
independent thinking. Today, it is known from world
computer science). ), social sciences (history, law,
experience that new, modern teaching methods are basics of economics, sciences belonging to the
entering the educational process and are being used
category of national ideas), humanities (native
effectively [6, 7].
language, literature, Uzbek, foreign languages) [1, 7].
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Another aspect is that these educational institutions
The main content of the current pedagogical process are not called experimental sites, but experimental
is the further development of science, the research sites.
development of complex measures to attract talented It is well known that research encompasses a wide
and gifted youth to scientific activities, to create range of meanings. The topics in the optimized
conditions for them to realize their creative and curriculum are carefully reviewed by the researcher-
intellectual potential. teacher of each subject working in the experimental
ANALYSIS AND RESULTS research area, and the topics that are more complex
Of course, education is a product of consciousness. are selected from them. The Republican Center for
But at the same time it is an important factor that Education also provides lesson plans on such topics
determines the level of consciousness and its for practical use.
development, that is, the formation and enrichment of In higher education institutions, which are an
the people's spirituality. Consequently, it is important part of the system of continuing education,
impossible to develop spirituality without changing the educational process is based on the fundamental
the consciousness of the educational system on this knowledge acquired at a lower level. In particular,
basis. We must not forget that the foundation of our interdisciplinary connection, application of previous
future is laid in educational institutions, in other knowledge in new situations and enrichment of
words, what the future of our people will be like, how mutual logical thinking are important factors in the
our children will be educated today. training of biology teachers in pedagogical higher
It is known that the main link of secondary special, education institutions. In particular, the role of
vocational education is the system of continuing cytology, histology and embryological knowledge in
education. In providing continuing education with the this regard is invaluable. This is because a student
State educational standards and relevant educational cannot fully understand biological processes without
programs, first of all, it is necessary to pay special knowing cytology. Without the acquisition of
attention to the fact that their meeting the level of histological knowledge, one cannot accurately
world requirements is built on the basis of high imagine the structure of tissues, the structure of
spirituality. Raising a harmoniously developed organs, and ultimately the structure of an organism.
generation has always been a noble dream of
The concepts and knowledge in the field of
mankind. People with such a dream have always been
embryology make it possible to compare the
considered the sages, the most respected intellectuals,
similarities and differences in the development of
the rulers of the lands of enlightenment and
individuals, species and organisms belonging to
spirituality. different systematic groups. Without knowing
Secondary special, vocational education provides the embryonic development, it is impossible to educate a
necessary amount of knowledge, develops modern biology teacher. In short, the science of
independent thinking, organizational skills and "Developmental Biology", consisting of three
practical experience skills, helps to direct to the modules of science, is one of the most important

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47950 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 891
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
disciplines of biologists who conduct fundamental never forget that their conclusions today are
research and pedagogical activities [4]. We consider it important for the quality and effectiveness of
more expedient to organize the teaching of tomorrow's education.
developmental biology on the basis of new The use of pedagogical technology in the teaching of
approaches developmental biology shows that by designing the
The researcher-teacher first of all creates a clear learning process, a teacher can achieve significant
technological map of each lesson. At this point, he results even if he does not have extensive pedagogical
can recommend new methods, techniques and experience. Therefore, it is important to define
technologies to the lesson. But the proposed method, learning objectives in the organization of the
technique or tools may not always be effective. educational process. Setting clear goals simplifies the
Because if some modern pedagogical technology monitoring and evaluation process and clarifies the
requires a lot of time and additional resources from process.
the teacher, but the effectiveness of mastering is not It is necessary to create conditions for free, creative
accordingly, then, of course, such technology is work of students in the classroom. To do this, it is
abandoned. This means that the researcher-teacher more useful to clearly design each part of the lesson,
must know which method, method or technology is to adapt the teaching material to the level of mastery
suitable for a particular science, and have the ability of knowledge, to explain a concept or knowledge not
to recommend it. only on the same subject, but also from several
In our research, we aimed to organize teaching by scientific perspectives. The use of interactive methods
ensuring the horizontal and vertical connection of along with traditional teaching methods is one of the
developmental biology with other disciplines. In the important conditions to increase the effectiveness of
acquisition of concepts and knowledge in the field of the lesson. The main emphasis when using interactive
developmental biology, not only biological methods is to allow students to work collaboratively.
knowledge is sufficient, but also the concepts and Interactive methods serve to form in the student free
knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics. We thinking, creative ability [3].
can conditionally call this a vertical (asynchronous) Today, the use of active teaching methods is the basis
relationship. However, in developmental biology, of pedagogical technology. Pedagogical technology is
disciplines such as botany, zoology, human anatomy a systematic method of creating, applying and
and physiology, genetics and evolutionary theory, defining the process of teaching and learning, taking
biotechnology, and genetic engineering are addressed into account the interaction of technical and personal
over a specific course, which can be seen as a resources, with the task of alternative forms of
horizontal (synchronous) relationship with the education. The interdisciplinary teaching of
sciences. This information serves to enrich the logical Developmental Biology, which we want to
thinking, broadening the worldview of the emerging recommend, serves to master the same science at a
specialist biologist and biology teacher, as well as to systematic, consistent and creative level.
expand his understanding of living nature [1, 7].
It should be noted that the provision of The Republic of Uzbekistan is building a democratic
methodological services and the necessary state governed by the rule of law and an open civil
recommendations should serve to enrich the society, ensuring the observance of human rights and
information base of the student, who is the main freedoms, the spiritual renewal of society, the
consumer in the educational process, to expand their formation of a socially oriented market economy,
worldview, to facilitate the acquisition of information integration into the world community. The main goal
on a particular subject. They should provide practical and driving force of the ongoing reforms in our
and methodological assistance to the responsible country is the creation of conditions and effective
methodologists of the research sites and strengthen mechanisms for the realization of the interests of the
cooperation in what areas they need knowledge, individual, his full development and well-being of
innovations and additional materials in order to enter man, outdated thinking and social behavior [5].
the educational process without any problems. Then
there is an opportunity to provide targeted Monitoring and evaluating the quality of teaching
methodological services necessary to ensure the processes, their analysis and correction will help to
effectiveness of work on experimental sites. Most master the science at the required level.
importantly, our researchers-teachers of the In the process of introduction and implementation of
experimental research platform, who are confident in teaching technology, it is necessary to take into
the improvement of the education system, should

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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47950 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 893

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