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Introduction to Volunteerism

1. What is Volunteerism in the Phil. Context?

 Volunteerism in the Phil. Context is about “Bayanihan” or cooperative

endeavor to fellow Filipinos. Volunteerism in the Philippines has

fellowship, compassion, dealings, gratitude, honor, dealing and dignity to

other people.

2. What are the two main types of volunteering?

 Unmanaged volunteering - the spontaneous and sporadic helping. On

the act of helping.

 Managed volunteering - An organized non-profit volunteerism that help

the people on a regular basis.

3. Name one motivation for volunteering.

 To enrich and give new meaning to life – this is actually vital for me since

I’m entering on my 20’s this October. Helping the people makes me

realized that I’m still human no matter what class I may be in the future. It

helps me for guidance to the future and most likely my early adulthood.

Name: Mark Angelo S. Tompong Subject: National Service Training Program 1

Section: 1RDT01 Professor: Prof. Maria Theresa Cardano

Introduction to Volunteerism
4. Why it is beneficial for person to volunteer?

 Economical contribution

 Volunteering connects you to others

 Volunteering is good for your mind and body

 Volunteering can advance your career

 Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life

5. If you were to engage in a volunteer work, what it would be and why? What are you

willing to offer as a youth?

 I would prefer volunteering on a music-based fundraising initiative like in

the famous 1985 Live Aid concert. I would prefer to help the people by

giving inspiration for showing my hidden talents thru music in front of the

crowd because all of us has talents that they are hiding. They only need

an inspiration for showing those talents. It can be beneficiary to the youth

in the future and maybe can be future rock stars in their generation.

Name: Mark Angelo S. Tompong Subject: National Service Training Program 1

Section: 1RDT01 Professor: Prof. Maria Theresa Cardano

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