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Vocabulary Example

Department store The collection was to be shown inside a department store.

Bookshop These books are available now through bookshops.
Newsagent Try the newsagent's on the other side of the park.
Supermarket I have to stop at the supermarket on the way home.
Music shop I own the music shop across the street
Chemist I used to be a chemist for the Russian military
Shoe shop The shoe shop closed down a few months ago
Electronics shop Some electronics shops are already selling the equipment prior to the official launch.
Clothes shop Jenny has a spa, hospitals, clothes shops and many coffee shop
Sports shop It's the biggest sports shop in the region
Very good: great It's great to see you after all this time!
Wonderful How wonderful that you're back
Brilliant He gave a brilliant performance
Amazing Her voice is amazing
Very bad: awful She'd been ill and she looked awful.
Very hot: boiling He worked hours in the boiling sun.
Very cold: freezing After walking through the snow, my feet were freezing.
Very big: huge They live in a huge house.
Buy I bought my camera from a friend of mine.
Spend She spends a lot of money on clothes.
Saving He spent all his savings on an expensive car.
Sell How much does the phone sell for?
Earn After all the work I’ve done, I’ve earned a vacation.
Borrow He borrowed a novel from the library.
Laugh It's very rare that a book is so good you actually laugh out loud.
Elephant An elephant ran through your front yard
Coffee Shall we go for a coffee (= cup of coffee)?
Phone We speak on the/by phone about twice a week.
I'm off now - see you tomorrow.
Take your jacket off.
Like [ + to infinitive ] He likes to spend his evenings in front of the television.
Enough He's tall enough to change the bulb without getting on a chair.
Want [ + obj + to infinitive ] Do you want me to take you to the airport?
He prefers watching baseball to playing it.
Would you prefer to leave?
Monkey They said they were down here trying to catch some monkeys.
Owl Suddenly I heard the distant cry of a screech owl
Snake A snake lurks in the grass
Bat That's what bats do in the daytime .
Deer One of the deer tried to jump the ditch
Buffalo It is common here to see a water buffalo pulling a cart.
I felt ill so I went home.
He is critically (= very badly) ill in hospital.
Hunting My father and I both enjoy hunting.
When I’ve got a cold, I don’t feel like eating.
Let’s eat out tonight.
Unhappy They were unhappy about their hotel room (= did not like it) and asked to be moved.
Untidy Your handwriting is so untidy I can't read it.
Unhelpful I don't need any more of your unhelpful advice!
Unfriendly Why is everyone so here unfriendly in this town?
Unfair He was treated in an unfair manner
Clothes It's silly to go to the expense of buying new clothes when you don't really need them.
Unit 1: Money matters
Phone After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and call for help.
Comic book The comic book store isn't far from here
Video games Different video games have a different effect on your brains
Music I just like making music (= playing an instrument or singing).
Concert tickets Did you get those concert tickets yet?
Try Maybe you should try getting up (= you should get up) earlier.
Go Wouldn't it be quicker to go by train?
Read He spent a pleasant afternoon reading.
Save I'll lend you a bag for your trip - it'll save you buying one.
Unusual I was actually on time, which is unusual for me.

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