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Dosen Pembimbing:

Luh Putu Dian Kresnawati S.Pd.,M.Pd


Kadek PastikDiana Artha 2114101061/01

PRODI S1 Akuntansi




Conditional Sentence Exercices

I. Choose the correct answer!

1. I will visit your hometown…………..
a. She had had a lot of free time
a. if I come to Indonesia. b. She has had a lot of time
b. if I came to Indonesia
c. She has a lot of time
c. if I will come to indonesia
d. She had a lot of time
d. if I would come to Indonesia
e. She had have a lot of time
e. if I would have come to Indonesia
7. If I read the newspaper, ……
2. If I had had free time …………..
a. I would get a lot of information
a. I will watch the movie together with my
b. I got a lot of information
c. I’m getting a lot of information
b. I would watch the movie together with
d. I would got a lot of information
my friend. e. I have been got a lot of information
c. I would have watched the movie together
with my friends. 8. If I were you,……..
d. I would have been watching the movie
a. I will attend that international
together with my friends. conference
e. I would have watch the movie together b. I attend that international conference
with my friends. c. I would attend that international
3. If I were you, …………..
d. I would have attended that international
a. I will buy that limited edition camera.
b. I would buy that limited edition camera.
e. I attended that international conference
c. I would have bought that limited edition
d. I would have been buying that limited
edition camera.
9. If I work hard,…..
e. I would have buy that limited edition
a. I would get a lot of money from my boss
b. I had gotten a lot of money from my boss
c. I got a lot of money from my boss
4. My father would buy me a new
d. I will get a lot of money from my boss
motorcycle …………..
e. I would have got a lot of money from my
a. if I passed the state university entrance boss.
b. if I pass the state university entrance test.
10. If I had mastered the presentation’s material
c. if I have passed the state university
last night,……..
entrance test.
a. I will not be nervous right now
d. if I am passing the state university
b. I would not be nervous right now
entrance test.
c. I am not nervous right now
e. if I will pass the state university entrance
d. I would have not been nervous right
e. I was not nervous right now
5. If Maria had obeyed her mother’s advice to
accept the scholarship,…………..
a. She would have graduated from famous
b. She will graduate from famous university.
c. She graduates from famous university.
d. She graduated from famous university.
e. She would graduated from famous

6. Rina would have visited me if………….

II. Complete the conditional sentences by
choosing the correct form!

1. If my husband cooks, he burns the food.

2. They will go to the party if they are invited

3. If Julie doesn’t wear a hat, she gets


4. If she had gone to university, she would

have studied French.

5. If we eat all this cake, we will feel sick.

6. If I have enough money, I will buy a big


7. She would have passed the exam if she had

studied harder.

8. If we won the lottery, we would travel the


9. He would have been happier if he had

stayed at home.

10. If we were not friends, I would be angry

with you

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