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Present Perfect tense merupakan salah satu 

bentuk waktu(tenses) dalam Bahasa Inggris yang

digunakan untuk menyatakan aktifitas atau kegiatan yang terjadi di masa lampau dan masih
berpengaruh hingga sekarang.


(+) S + has/have + V3 + O …
(-) S + has/have + not + V3 + O …
(?) Has/have + S + V3 + O …

Belajar Bentuk waktu dalam Bahasa Inggris

Has dan have merupakan auxiliary verb atau kata kerja bantu

Has dipakai untuk Subjek: He, she dan it.

Have digunakan untuk Subjek: I, you, we, they.

Kata keterangan waktu yang digunakan dalam tenses ini yaitu:

-      since (Sejak)

-      For (Selama

-      Already (sudah: untuk kalimat affirmative/positive)

-      Not …… yet (belum/negative)

Sebelum mempelajari bentuk waktu ini kita perlu mengetahui bentuk kata kerja. Kata kerja(verb)
dibagi menjadi 2 menurut perubahan bentuknya yaitu kata kerja beraturan(regular verb) dan kata
kerja tak beraturan(Irregular verb).

Regular Verbs,merupakan kata kerja yang perubahanya menurut kaidah tertentu seperti ditambah
akhiran –ed baik dalam bentuk kedua maupun ketiga. Contohnya sebagai berikut:
Infinitive Past Past participle

Play Played Played

Study Studied Studied

Work Worked Worked

Walk Walked Walked

Open Opened Opened

Finish Finished Finished

Stop Stopped Stopped

Arrive Arrived Arrived

Visit Visited Visited

Cancel Canceled Canceled

Irregular Verbs, merupakan kata kerja yang perubahannya tidak tentu dan berubah-ubah

Infinitive Past Past participle

Eat Ate Eaten

Read Read Read

Sing Sang Sung

Write Wrote Written

Make Made Made

Go Went Gone

Cut Cut Cur

Do Did Done

See Saw Seen

Take Took Taken

Contoh Dalam kalimat:

1.    I have closed the door

(-) I have not closed the door

(?) Have I closed the door?

    Answer: Yes, I have atau No, I have not(haven’t)

2.    Susi has studied English for two hours

(-) Susi has not studied English for two hours

(?) Has Susi studied English for two hours?

     Yes, She has atau No, She has not(hasn’t)

3.    They have played Football since 9 a.m.

(-) They haven’t played football since 9 a.m.

(?)Have they played football since 9 a.m.?

    Yes, They have atau No, They haven’t

4.    He has already finished doing his project.

(-) He hasn’t  already finished doing his project.

(?) Has he finished doing his project?

     Yes, he has atau No, he has not 

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