Digital Marketing BSH Home Appliances

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Digital marketing approach in BSH Home Appliances

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Digital marketing approach in BSH Home Appliances

Table of Contents



Protagonist claims on an issue affecting digital marketing at BSH Home Appliances...................3

Digital marketing in organizations..................................................................................................3

Analysis of BSH Home appliances organization.............................................................................5

The issue faced by the organization.................................................................................................6

Digital marketing campaigning process..........................................................................................7

The outcome of implementing a digital marketing campaign.........................................................8

Questions linked to case study.........................................................................................................9



Digital marketing is transforming how businesses transact with consumers and other
stakeholders. This essay examines a case study on the digital marketing campaigns that a firm in
Singapore known as BSH Home Appliances incorporated to mitigate the effect of the lack of
video visibility by consumers. The issue was brought up by staff in the firm, including Kathy
Tay, the regional brand marketing manager at the firm. The rise of digital technologies sparked
creativity among marketers through digital technologies in marketing products and services of an
organization, thus the birth of digital marketing that relies on digital platforms such as SMM and
SEO to market products and services. One of the digital marketing campaigns integrated by BSH
Home Appliances was to work with the digital marketing company to create segregate channels
for the firm's various product segments. The results indicated the firm was able to generate more
organic web traffic from Google


Digital marketing is transforming how businesses transact with consumers and other
stakeholders. Currently, several organizations have adopted digital marketing strategies to aid
them in achieving organizational objectives through using digital marketing strategies such as the
use of Social Media Marketing, also known as SMM that includes the incorporation of social
media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or Search Engine Optimization that is
associated with using keywords to search through search platforms including Google and Bing.
The purpose of this essay is to examine a case study on the digital marketing campaigns that a
firm in Singapore known as BSH Home Appliances incorporated after realizing that one of their
previous digital marketing approaches was not reeling in the desired outcomes in the form of
achieving the marketing and company objectives.

The essay will begin with an analysis of digital marketing in organizations and examine BSH
Home Appliances organization. Next would be the firm's digital marketing issues, followed by
the digital marketing campaigns that the firm will incorporate. Lastly will be the firm's results
after incorporating digital marketing campaigns.

Protagonist claims on an issue affecting digital marketing at BSH Home Appliances

The issue was brought up by staff in the firm, including Kathy Tay, the regional brand marketing
manager at the firm. She noticed that there were creating several videos for different platforms,
the main one being YouTube, but the visibility of these videos among consumers was minimal.
Several marketers agree that videos bring a higher Return on Investment; thus, creating more
videos visible to consumers is an effective way of marketing a company's products and services.

Digital marketing in organizations

With the advancements in technology, several companies can no longer ignore the need for
digital marketing; especially, when numerous consumers are taking to digital platforms to
interact. If one was to take a step back to two decades ago, different forms of media marketing
were utilized by organizations (Lee, 2021). These conventional forms of marketing proved to be
costly to organizations, mainly through placing ads on television, radios, magazines, and
newspapers, to mention a few. Numerous organizations used to rely on repeat customers and
word-of-mouth marketing, particularly SMEs that did not have the appropriate resources. This

was when only large organizations were regularly using television and radio advertisements to
attract and retain customers' business, implying they had a competitive advantage in their
specific markets compared to SMEs in that area.

The rise of digital technologies sparked creativity among marketers through digital technologies
in marketing products and services of an organization, thus the birth of digital marketing that
relies on digital platforms such as SMM and SEO to market products and services (Chaffey,
2021). This rise came with several benefits to organizations, such as faster access to consumer
bases and cheaper ways of marketing, thus saving up on resources that could be used for other
activities and operations within and outside the business. Digital marketing has also improved
employee performance; it gives employees the critical aspects and measures to incorporate to
enable effective marketing strategies that, in turn, increase the organization's business in the
market, earning it a competitive edge over other firms.

The performance of employees can be measured using a digital dashboard, which is a business
intelligence instrument that allows management in an organization to track, analyze, and report
on the key performance indicators and metrics concerning aspects such as employee
performance. Some individuals might ask whether it is necessary to have a digital dashboard in
business; these individuals can be introduced to aspects such as how it is easy to customize the
digital dashboard to cater to the needs that an organization desires through the drag and drop
widgets (Royal Holloway University, 2021). They can also be told how digital dashboards are
mobile-friendly, meaning management can access vital information concerning the organization
anywhere and anytime. Digital dashboards are also scalable in that they can change as projects
or the business focus and scope evolve.

The ease in which businesses can track data using social media instruments is one crucial benefit
in that the response rates for incorporated digital campaigns can be easily monitored, as seen
above where there are mobile-friendly instruments that enable access to such data throughout the
existence of an organization (Martin, 2019). Web analytics can play a crucial role in achieving
this in that it is associated with the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of internet
data to comprehend and optimize web usage (Royal Holloway University, 2021). Web analytics
can be used to examine the behaviors and activities of users and consumers in a given site that
enables organizations to generate valuable marketing information and provide performance

measures of their websites against targets, insight on user behaviors and needs, and ow these
sites meet these needs, and lastly, the optimization ability to render modifications to improve the
website based on collected feedback and results (Hudson, 2021).

Organizations must attract, recruit, and train individuals with the required
abilities to effectively implement digital marketing strategies. Marketing must adapt to an
environment where everything is digital. No matter what their specialization is, the obvious
choice for a candidate is frequently a combination of competent individuals in various areas
(Lee, 2021). Although unique capabilities may exist in analytics, social media, content
development, or demand generation, it is beneficial if everyone on a team understands and can
cooperate on the progress being made across the firm. Digital marketers, regardless of their
specific abilities, should be aware of how the various domains interact. This implies that those
with abilities and training in many digital platforms marketing are the most valuable members of
any marketing division.

Analysis of BSH Home appliances organization

As stated in the introduction, the case study to be examined concerning digital marketing
strategies in organizations is a firm known as BSH Homes Appliances, a pioneering organization
that deals with the sale of household appliances in Singapore. Its course of action gave a splendid
performance in fabricating kitchen accessories that provided hassle-free lifestyles for their
consumers, making its fame for catering to consumer needs' well-known to the point of global
recognition implying the firm has been globalized (Soravjain, 2021). The company is one of the
many that adopted digital marketing strategies in their marketing approach to attract and retain
consumers. However, not every digital marketing approach is successful in that work is required
to maintain its flow through digital platforms, thus the need for a digital team in organizations to
ensure they are up-to-date with consumer trends because they keep evolving.

When a digital marketing team fails to keep up with evolving consumer trends, they will fall
back on effective marketing strategies that may increase their business with consumers letting
other firms gain a competitive advantage over them, which will be detrimental to the longevity of
the firm (Prunty, 2021). Therefore, it is highly recommended when such digital marketing
challenges occur, organizations should be quick to respond by devising and implementing
solutions to eradicate these issues. Since BHS Home Appliances faces such challenges (which

will be discussed in the next section), they need to devise digital marketing campaigns to
eradicate or mitigate these issues in their business operations and activities.

The issue faced by the organization

Even though BSH Home Appliances is a thriving organization in Singapore, it has some
challenges for effective digital marketing. The particular challenge they face is associated with
YouTube optimization, optimizing YouTube videos and channels to increase the rankings
through the YouTube platform. This form of digital marketing considers the number of viewers
that the video has achieved and how well the video is ranked in a given category (Bright Edge,
2021). The challenge was identified by Kathy Tay, the regional brand marketing manager at the
firm, among other staff members when she noticed they were creating several videos with the
digital marketing team, but the content of these videos was not visible among consumers in the
YouTube platform.

As stated earlier, several marketers agree that videos bring a higher Return on Investment; thus,
creating more videos that are visible to consumers is an effective way of marketing a company's
products and services (Prunty, 2021). To examine and derive solutions for this issue, the firm
needs first to analyze why they need to optimize the videos they create. One of these reasons is
that the platform uploads videos that approximate 300 hours every minute, implying it might be
challenging to differentiate the videos of the firm with other videos thus the need for videos and
content that help BSH Home Appliances stand out from the competition and other videos in this
platform (Royal Holloway University, 2021).

Another reason for optimizing video content is that it enables the firm to generate good views
and drive traffic to its channel, thus enabling a higher conversion rate linked to converting users
of a given channel in YouTube to consumers who purchase products if the channel is liked
business purposes. Since YouTube has no way of understanding the posted videos and clustering
them according to segmented aspects, it might be hard for users and consumers to access videos
from BHS Home Appliances because their videos do not stand out or attract the attention of the
consumers and users making this another reason why organizations such as the one analyzed in
this case study should optimize their video content (Royal Holloway University, 2021). In the
case of BSH Home Appliances, the optimization time concerning the uploaded YouTube videos
was six months for 280 videos.

Digital marketing campaigning process

So far, the challenge discussed facing BSH Home Appliance concerning digital marketing is the
lack of visibility of their videos. This issue is associated with issues such as uploading several
videos on the YouTube platform by several parties making the videos that the firm has uploaded
get lost in the sea of the diversity of videos found on this platform. The firm needs to establish
and integrate digital marketing campaigns to mitigate and eradicate the issues facing the lack of
visibility for their videos (Cooil, Askoy, & Keiningham, 2007). To achieve this, BSH Home
Appliances hired the services of a digital marketing company to assess the situation and derive
the best way and solutions to implement. After careful research, the company came up with the
following digital marketing campaigns the BSH Home appliances could incorporate in their
digital marketing strategies concerning their YouTube platform.

The first one was to work with the digital marketing company to create segregate channels for
the various product segments that BSH Home Appliances offered. Since most of the videos the
case study firm uploaded were scrambled, it was hard for consumers and users to pinpoint the
products they wanted to view or purchase because they were hidden among several videos. This
would imply the user or consumer spends more time searching for these products, which many
tend to avoid. By segmenting the channels according to the product segment, the firm made it
easier for users and consumers to access these videos, thus creating traffic for the firm and
increasing their chances of conversion rates, which is linked to converting users to consumers.

Another digital campaign that was established to eradicate or mitigate the effect of the lack of
video visibility in the BSH Home Appliance digital marketing strategy was to design a new
display page in connection to digital advertising (Fanaras, 2019). This display page will enable
the integration of attention-grabbing messages, graphics, videos, and the firm's branding as a
way of standing out from the competition, a feat that enables them to achieve an increase in
business through attracting and retaining consumers, thus increasing the demand for the products
offered, which in the long run increases the income of the firm owing to the increase of the
consumers; purchasing power owing mainly to the increase in the number of consumers and less
linked to the increase in consumer income (Pettingar, 2021).

It is vital to program a systematic playlist that enables consumers to easily access the products
they want to view or purchase, making this another digital campaign that BSH Home Appliances

could incorporate. The firm should realize that consumers write comments about their
experiences after watching YouTube videos. Adverse feedback from the consumers tends to be
detrimental for an increase of business in an organization; therefore, the firm must establish ways
in which consumers can increase traffic to their videos through aspects such as simple
maneuvering that is programmed in their channel, thus saving time for consumers and users and
relating the information required through compelling video and content creation.

Thumbnail designs are crucial in digital marketing and are used by graphic designers and
photographers hired by organizations to represent a large image through a small image and are
usually intended to make it easier and faster to assess or manage a large group of images (Tech
Target, 2005). BSH Home Appliances can incorporate this design to showcase some of their
products in their videos, thus enabling several products within a given video. This might help
them reduce their marketing resources, such as funds allocated for digital marketing through paid
advertisement on YouTube, thus saving them in other business operations and activities. Several
software can be used to create thumbnail designs, some free, including Picmaker (Pic Maker,
2020), and can be found on internet platforms such as Google and others that require payment.

After customizing the thumbnail design, it is vital to include a meta description of the YouTube
videos with close-end captioning to understand what they are watching, thus enabling them to
make a quick and easy decision concerning the purchase of showcased products. Close
captioning enables those unable to understand the video content to read about the product, thus
applying to individuals from diverse cultures and dialects (Soravjain, 2021). It is also crucial to
provide opportunities for users to subscribe and connect through the end screen to get constant
updates on promotional activities and new products showcased by the company.

The outcome of implementing a digital marketing campaign

After incorporating the digital marketing campaigns, there was a waiting period before BSH
Home Appliances could analyze the critical success of the above digital marketing campaigns.
The results were as follows; the firm was able to generate more organic web traffic from Google
since it took advantage of the segregation of channels in connection to the product segmentation,
thus enabling consumers and users to easily navigate through the products they need and want
without having to filter out unwanted videos. This digital marketing campaign also earned
spectacular responses from users and consumers since 280 videos were posted in six months.

Questions linked to case study

1. What other ways can BSH Home Appliances optimize their YouTube videos?
2. Was it advisable for the firm to hire the services of an outside party to help them mitigate
or eradicate the digital marketing issue that affected traffic to its YouTube channel?
3. What are other digital marketing strategies the firm can incorporate?
4. How has digital marketing improved business operations at BSH Home Appliances?


Bright Edge. (2021, October 18). YouTube SEO Tips: Rank For Video Content In 2021.

Retrieved from Bright Edge:


Chaffey, D. (2021, October 11). 10 reasons you need a digital marketing strategy in 2022.

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Cooil, B., Askoy, L., & Keiningham, T. L. (2007). Approaches to Customer Segmentation.

Journal of Relationship Marketing, 6(3):9-39 DOI:10.1300/J366v06n03_02.

Fanaras, L. A. (2019, July 15). Top 5 Benefits of Display Advertising. Retrieved from Millenium


Hudson, E. (2021, july 01). How to Blend Web Analytics and Digital Marketing Analytics to

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Pettingar, T. (2021, November 28). Factors affecting demand . Retrieved from Economics Help:

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Prunty, E. (2021, November 03). Why Digital Marketing is Important for Small Business .

Retrieved from Digital Marketing Institute:


Royal Holloway University. (2021). Digital Dashboards. Royal Holloway University, 1-19.

Soravjain. (2021, Augsut 12). 12 Best Digital Marketing Case Studies of Singapore. Retrieved

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Tech Target. (2005, May 12). Thumbnail. Retrieved from Tech Target:

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