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SEE 7 =2KING JESUS New year. New beginnings. New things. It's always refreshing to have a new start. Receiving the prophetic promise for the year, ‘ADVANCE! all the more gives us that extra push to make that step of faith and go beyond! We are believing that our biggest breakthrough will happen soon! But wait! God wants to deliver us from all that is holding us back ~ all that is keeping us from having a believing heart, from making us advance. This is why every start of the year, we shut down the outside noise by fasting from social media. We focus on seeking Jesus by abstaining from food, and we receive by faith as we hear from Him through prayer and fasting We pray that as you go through this Sday devotional, the Holy Spirit would speak to you and empower you, triggering your faith to go beyond! God's Word is alive and powerfull Write down what the Lord has been impressing you through each bible verse. Feel free to take notes. Let's start! GETTING STARTED A couple of years ago, our not-so-new car had a nagging problem. While left unfixed, it just kept dying on us until it finally conked out completely. Car-doctors told me that the car had an alternator “disorder.” The reason why it lost its power was because this auto-part (the alternator) had a serious breakdown, sapping all of the engine's muscle. Apparently, the car's engine runs on three things: air, fuel, and spark. The spark is the center of a car's life. For the spark to take place, there has to be electricity. The battery of the car supplies the electric power, but it only has enough supply for a number of kilometers. This is where the alternator enters the picture. Inside it are magnets, copper wires, a voltage regulator, and a bunch of such gadgets. A process takes place converting electricity from AC to DC (scratch your head and review your science workbooks if you must!). While this happens, the alternator charges the battery automatically, making sure that it doesn’t run out of juice. It also distributes power throughout the car engine so that all components have enough electricity to run on maximum capacity. After grueling weeks of trying to repair the alternator, | gained a better understanding of its importance. Without it, a car is as good as dead. One word, five letters: HEART. This is what came to my mind as | watched the repairman replace the old alternator with a new one. The Bible tells us in Proverbs that, “Above all else, we need to guard our hearts.” The author gives us a smart answer on why we need to do this. He says, “For it is the wellspring of life!” The Message version of the Bible says, “Keep vigilant watch of our hearts because it is where life starts.” This leads us to the next question: “What kills the life of the heart?” Allow me to discuss two key issues that may clutter a person's heart; slowing it down and even stopping it with a cardiac arrest. Pains of the past A bag {ull of pains from the past causes major slow-downs; severe traffic jams. Wrapped inside this bag are regret, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, and resentment. This would include heartaches caused by broken promises, shattered hopes from our own boo-boos, and heartbreaks caused by our own stubbornness. One thing's for sure, though: one cannot live life at full throttle if the heart is stuck blasting the pain of a bad past. Dwelling in the trauma of “what happened yesterday” is a useless load. The apostle Paul gives us a wonderful advice in his letter to the Church in Philippi. He says: “1 focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 | press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:13-14 New Living Translation Sins of the heart This second issue is a killer, and it’s called sin. Some say it’s rebellion against God, while others speak of it as disobedience. | consider it being stubborn, sometimes defining it as having one’s focus on the middle letter "I," and not on God as the reference for every decision. Sin, which is “hamartia” in Greek jargon, actually means “missing the mark.” Scholars break it down as simply missing the mark of the will of God for our lives. It’s going left when God says go right. It is also holding on when God says let go. Sin is doing the opposite of what God wants us to do. Ifyou want to have a heart suicide, all you need to do is to fill t up with sin. The more we choose not to yield to God's will, the more we get our hearts killed. The Solution Now here's the solution to a heart that's not willing to fail: surrender. It's a sure remedy. Whether it's the past that’s causing a major breakdown, or sin that's killing us, the formula that will always work is a heart that’s surrendered. Surrender means doing what God wants us to do, and giving up what God wants us to give up. Understand that God will not make us do or give up something if it were not for our own good. So, surrender your past, your present, your future— your whole life. You do this by giving all your heart to Jesus; by allowing Him to be the center of your life and by making him the one in charge. Let Him sit on your heart's throne as King Take this: the key to a healed and healthy heart is found in Jesus alone. A pair of eyes fixed on Jesus, plus a heart that is fully surrendered are what makes up the secret to real LIFE. Jesus is the giver of life, and He is life. The quickest way to receive life is to make the decision to surrender everything to Him-- when we choose to say, “Not my will Lord, but Yours be done!” The author of Hebrews gives us wonderful advice about all of these: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:1-3 New International Version It is not a mistake that you are reading this. If you desire to make this decision today, here's a prayer of surrender you can pray: Jesus, today I come to you with a humble heart. | ask for forgiveness for all my sins. | open my heart and welcome You to be my Lord and my Savior. | surrender everything to you. May Your will be done upon my life. As I receive you, | know that | am healed by faith, and that my heart is restored to life. | pray that You bless and use everything about me for Your honor and for Your glory. This I say in Your name, Amen. DAY1 a THE PATH OF PRAISE “They that trust God in the way of duty, shall find him a present help in their greatest dangers.” - Matthew Henry Commentary DAVID DID SO. In 2 Samuel 22, we get a glimpse of David’s words of thanksgiving, alluded to his times of battle, conquests, and victories. 2 Samuel 22:29-37 New International Version 29 You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into light. 30 With your help | can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall. 31 “As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord's word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him. 32 For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? 33 It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. 34 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. 35 He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. 36 You make your saving help my shield; your help has made me great. 37 You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way. Verse after verse of strong assurances coming from a remembrance of God's faithfulness in battle available every single time. A reminder that, the more challenges we've overcome, the more we are reminded to be grateful. And the more we give thanks in response, the more we experience God's strength. There is a certain confidence found in our journey that can only be discovered when we choose the path of praise! It is what David declared in v. 30 as he remembered what God has done: 30 With your help | can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall. ‘As we Advance towards this year, let us remember God and move forward in Praise! While the past two years have not been particularly easy, this thanksgiving chapter (which can also be found in Psalm 18) reminds us that even when we're waiting for deliverance, whether we're still in the midst of a difficulty, or in the afterwards of a fresh victory, we can always start praising God. It is only when we are Grateful of what God has done are we able to see better what He has in store. Our past deliverance is today’s brand-new confidence! Lord, thank You for every single reminder of your goodness. The last few months have been plagued with times when we are tempted to worry, moments of waiting, or things we don’t understand. But help us remember that every time, you proved to be faithful! You are faithful then, You are faithful now, You'll be faithful until the end! | pray that the altars of my answered prayers challenge me to believe that there is more in store. | believe that with your help, | can Advance! | surrender this whole year to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen! Day 2 THE GUIDANCE OF THE GODLY 2 Samuel 22:31 New International Version “As for God, His way is perfect: The Lord’s Word is flawless. He shields all who take refuge in Him.” In this brand-new year, itis fitting that we seek first God's way, God's Word and God's protection. But | want us to understand that these three works dynamically. We cannot expect God's protection this year unless we abide by His perfect Way. And of course, we cannot expect Him to shield us unless we keep His flawless Word. He will lead us in the path of righteousness. He will advise us which way to take, which is best for our life. The way of green pasture and the way of still waters; yes, that way is His way. Isn't it the prophet of old says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8 New International Version That leads me to the second truth; that if we want God's protection this year, we should depend on His Word — not the words of the so-called fortune tellers or the predictions of the psychics that the future of this year is dependent on a particular animal. As Christians we know better. (Amen?!) We do not entrust our future to the stars or the animal, but we entrust our future to Him who created the stars, the universe and the entire animal kingdom. He is all powerful, all knowing, sovereign, eternal and yes, He is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega — He who holds all things together in His hands. He is the one worthy to entrust our future with because His Word is flawless and, “Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.” Psalms 119:89 New International Version If we then take refuge or find shelter in His Way and His Word, He promised that He will shield us — from anything that this year might bring. We can literally say to 2022 “bring it on!” Because we choose His Way and His Word over ours and others’ ways and words, we can be sure, secured, and assured of His protection for that is what He said. And when He said it, He will definitely do it. But wait there's more, when we choose His Way and His Word — we are actually choosing The One who said, “I am the Way, The Word and The Life.” We are choosing JESUS! And who is better and capable of shielding us this year more than Jesus Himself? Amen?! Jesus said to him, “I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life: no one comes to the Father but through Me.” John 14:6 AMP Who are you choosing this day / year? Whose way and word are you taking? Where or Whom do you seek protection? Don’t be afraid to entrust your unknown future to an All-knowing God. Dear God today, we humbly seek your protection by taking refuge and shelter in you. If there is any hint of pride and self-reliance in us, we seek your amazing grace for pardon. Give us the heart also to embrace the Word and yield in His ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen Day3 SURRENDER AND DEPEND 2 Samuel 22:29-37 New International Version 32 For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? 33 It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. When facing uncertainty, we somehow grasp or hold on to something to make us secure In the process, this security makes us strong. But isn’t true that it is also in these times, we fail to grasp on something secure, therefore, making us weak, and making us helpless and vulnerable, and frustrated, and tired, and the list goes on and on When we talk about uncertainty, what is amazing about David - the author of the verse (a psalm actually in a history book), is that he wrote this after escaping Saul and is now assuming the throne! Imagine the journey, the process ~ everything he went through. And now, he is about to reach the throne. But see where he attributes his strength and security. He asks, 32 For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? The reason why David can run through a barricade, break through a barrier was never be- cause of his own strength! Be certain of it! You will encounter barricades and barriers this year. We cannot and will never be able to break through them on our own power! We can only advance when we depend on God. We can only advance when we surrender and depend on the Lord. Same way like David did. For who is God besides the Lord? You are not in control. You do not hold the future. Surrender your plans. Surrender your struggles. Let Him be Lord. Who is the Rock except our God? God is the Rock of Ages. Even Wikipedia defines this as inexhaustible source of strength and support. He is the Rock that doesn't crumble under heat or pressure. He’s not washed away by storms or by floods. He is eternal, and will always remain. Depend on Him. Rely on Him. He will keep your way secure. Father God, | do not know what this future brings. But you are God. You are the Everlasting Rock. You are the one who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. I cannot advance if it is without you. Remind me each and everyday to surrender and depend on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. DAY 4 - SUREFOOTED AS A DEER 2 Samuel 22:34-35 New International Version 34 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. 35 He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. A deer is known for its gracefulness and swiftness. The wonder of this animal lies in its long, and powerful legs suited to walk, run, and climb rugged woodland terrains. When climbing, the deer can place its back feet exactly where its front feet were, thus needing only two sturdy footrests instead of four. The deer can climb steep rocky cliffs and never stumble or fall. They never slip while climbing higher and higher. They are surefooted! For both the deer and humans alike, life is an uphill battle. But our struggle is beyond the physical act of climbing. We face mountains that challenge all aspects and facets of our lives. And despite all our rationality or supposed intellect, it seems as though our grip on the footrests is not as reliable as that of the deer. Then that sensation comes, that frustrating feeling of slipping. That is, slipping into iscouragement, sadness, guilt, and sorrow. In the midst of trying times, it is easy to become overwhelmed with discouragement. God never said we wouldn't go through trials and hard times. He never said we wouldn't cry or that we wouldn’t experience great pain or loss. But a sliver of hope shines through his promises; He did say He would be with us each step of the way. He did say that He will sustain us. He did say that NOTHING can separate us from His love. We can never be too low that God cannot lift us up. What's even better? The Word says He will make us surefooted. As we walk through our valley and head toward our mountain, He will guide our steps—making sure that we do not slip as long we keep our eyes on Him. This means that Christ-followers can run long miles, climb towering heights, and stand in amazing places. Just as a deer leap over obstacles, a person helped by God overcomes fear and suffering. God gives us the grace, courage, and inner strength we need to press on towards new milestones and experience new vistas. With the swiftness of a deer, we can escape our enemies and attain freedom. All this is because, as it says, "The Sovereign LORD is my strength.” Habakkuk 3:19 We keep our vision set on the Lord Jesus Christ. We run with endurance the race set before us and refuse to give up until God calls us home. We watch with amazement as He accomplishes His work in and through us, and we give Him all the praise and glory. We shake off the temptation to live for ourselves. And like a deer on a mountain slope, we step boldly into whatever God has called us to do - advancing through every slope and valley that may come our way. DAY 4 - SUREFOOTED AS A DEER God will give His followers strength and confidence in difficult times. Like a deer, they will run surefooted across rough and dangerous terrains. When nothing makes sense, and when troubles seem more than you can bear, remember that God gives strength. Turn your eyes away from your difficulties and do not lose sight of your vision of the Lord Jesus Christ. Are there any new heights you want to advance boldly this year? To be surefooted as a deer means to know where to step and to stand firm on that footrest; believing with confidence that He won't let us slip or stumble wherever He leads us. “Lord, thank You for the wonderful things that You have in store for me. I believe You are my strength and with this truth, I can have the confidence to reach new heights by Your grace. | do not need to worry as You will not let my foot slip. May each step | take be in line with Your plans and purposes for my life. Amen.” DAYS ADVANCE BEYOND FEAR 2 Samuel 22:36-37 New International Version “You make your saving help my shield; your help has made me great. You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way.” One of the greatest weapons that the devil has been utilizing against us and our ability to advance — to run through the barricade - is fear. And surprisingly, it is effective! Fear has been a pain in our neck since the dawn of humanity. Perhaps, since fear exposes our very nature and limitation, we ought to stop, we contemplate things that are out of our hands, then later on stunned and unable to strive forward. That's what fear does, it lets y ou realize how vulnerable you are. It points how far you are, how little you are, and how weak you are. Next thing we know, we are already paralyzed. We find ourselves powerless to take a step, stuck on that moment, and trembling} Is there an area in your life you seem to be powerless, stuck, and trembling? But here's the reality: It is not how God designed life. Jesus, our Victory and Champion, came to set us free so we can have a life free from sin and fear. With Him, we overcome! Yes! His saving help is our shield from the lies of the enemy. Fear may remind us of our weaknesses and failures, even the hindrances along the way but through God's help we can overcome! We push through, and advance! Fear has been dispelled! It lost its power against the blood of Christ. We are no longer afraid take a step again and to move forward no matter what obstruction is ahead for He has provide a broad path for our feet. This is where our confidence based on. This why you can advance once more and fight the good fight of faith. Now you can continue and go beyond, because you move with Christ Now you can take steps of faith, knowing He will not allow you to stumble. Now you can advance, because Jesus is with you. Why should you still be afraid when Jesus is with you? Father, thank you for reminding me that | should not be afraid for you are my shield. Thank you for making me realize that fear has no longer authority over my life. | pray that you expose every fear in my life, that | may overcome it by your grace. I'm no longer afraid to advance this year for | know my God is with me. In Jesus name, Amen. SEE meme TING JESUS YES! Congratulations on taking part in this 5 Day Prayer and Fasting! We believe that in this prayer and fasting, we have already torn down walls and broke down barriers. In these 5 days of Seeking Jesus, we have advanced against a troop and we have scaled a wall Let’ s open our eyes of faith and see breakthroughs manifest in the following days! Your biggest breakthrough is about to happen yet! Last year, ARISE! This year, it is time to take that step, ADVANCE! With God's help, we can advance. With God's help, we can scale a wall. With God's help, we can run through a barricade. With God's help, we can break through a barrier. 2 Samuel 22:30 NIV With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall. Let's hear your testimony. We are definitely sure that you have already received an answer to your prayers. Testify of what the Lord has done. Send your written testimonies to and let’s feature your story in our daily 7pm Prayerworks.

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