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CIRCUIT ANALYSIS (20ES2104B) on successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: col Analyze the AC and DC circuits by applying appropriate theorems. CO2 Analyze two-port network parameters. CO3 Design different resonant circuits for the given specification co4 Analyze the DC transient response of RL, RC and RLC circuits UNIT I: D.C Circuits & Network Theorems: Superposition theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Tellegen’s theorem, Millman’s theorem and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. A.C Circuits & Network Theorems: Nodal and Loop methods of analysis, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. UNIT I: Two Port Network: Relationship of two port variables, Short circuit admittance parameters, Open circuit impedance parameters, Transmission parameters, Hybrid parameters, Relation between parameter sets, Parallel connection of two port networks. UNIT IIE: Steady State Analysis of AC Circuits: Response to sinusoidal excitation — series RL, RC and RLC circuits, parallel RL, RC and RLC with complex impedance and phasor notation. Resonance: Series resonance, Parallel resonance, concept of band width and Q factor. UNIT IV: Transient Analysis: First order differential equations, definition of time constant, RL circuit, RC circuit with DC excitation, evaluating initial condition procedure, second order differential equations, homogeneous and non-homogeneous problem solving using RLC elements with DC excitation. ‘Text books [1] Jr William H Hayt & Jack Kemmerly “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, 9th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000. Reference Books [1] 1.M. E.Van Valkenburg “Network Analysis” 3rd edition, PHI, 2009. [2] A Sudhakar and SP Shyam Mohan, “Circuits and Networks: Analysis and Synthesis”, 4th edition, TMH, 2002. KIRCHHOFF’S LAWS The entire study of electric network analysis is based mainly on Kirchhoff laws. But before discussing this, it is essential to familiarize ourselves with the following terms: Node Branch Loop Mesh A node is a junetion where two or more network elements are connected together. An element or number of elements connected between two nodes constitute a branch. A loop is any closed part of the circuit. A mesh is the most elementary form of a loop and cannot be further divided into other loops. All meshes are loops but all loops are not meshes. Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) + The algebraic sum of currents meeting at a junction or node in an electric circuit is zero. * Put in another way, it simply means that the total current leaving a junction is equal to the total current entering that junction. Consider the case of a few conductors meeting at a point A as in Figure (a). Some conductors have currents leading to point A, whereas some have currents leading away from point A. Assuming the incoming currents to be positive and the outgoing currents negative, we have @ TA Ch)+ (Ch) +E) + C1) =0 or Wt h-hyls=0 oF Lt h=hthtls or incoming currents = outgoing currents Similarly, in Figure (b) for node A SIF CH)HCE)TCK)+CH)=0 of FA tht*hth ‘We can express the above conclusion thus : 5 /=0 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) The algebraic sum of all the voltages in any closed circuit or mesh or loop is zero. If we start from any point in a closed circuit and go back to that point, after going round the circuit, there is no increase or decrease in potential at that point. This means that the sum of emfs and the sum of voltage drops or rises meeting on the way is zero. @ (+ Ns,— Loop ‘Sum Vokages(counterockwise ode) aay 17 hsh=0amps sets +Vy-0 vos ‘Sumeuerents OUT ‘gets rata ibe =n b-b-Oamps fbove mesh (a) gern ps cova ae Kirehhot's Current Law Kirchhot's Determination of Voltage Sign In applying Kirchhoff’s laws to specific problems, particular attention should be paid to the algebraic signs of voltage drops and e.m.fs., otherwise results will come out to be wrong. Following sign conventionsis suggested : Sign of Battery E.M.F. A rise in voltage should be given a + ve sign and a fall in voltage a -ve sign. Keeping this in mind, it is clear that as we go from the -ve terminal of a battery to its +ve terminal (Figure), there is a rise in potential, hence this voltage should be given a + ve sign. If, on the other hand, we go from +ve terminal to -ve terminal, then there is a fall in potential, hence this voltage should be preceded by a —ve sign. It is important to note that the sign of the battery emf. is independent of the direction of the current through that branch. E E 4 fF, op 4 B a a el Rise in Fall in Voltage Voltaze +E =E Sign of IR Drop Now, take the case of a resistor (Figure). If we go through a resistor in the same direction as the current, then there is a fall in potential because current flows from a higher to a lower potential. Hence, this voltage fall should be taken -ve. However, if we go in a direction opposite to that of the current, then there is a rise in voltage. Hence, this voltage rise should be given a positive sign. current current 4+ VY -B AV 4B swe Sse 2. motion — motion Fall in Rise in Voltage Voltag -V==IR + It is clear that the sign of voltage drop across a resistor depends on the direction of current through that resistor but is independent of the polarity of any other source of e.m.f. in the circuit under consideration. Consider the closed path ABCDA in Figure. As we travel around the mesh in the clockwise direction, different voltage drops will have the following signs : UR, ty (fall in potential) (Gall in potential) I, Rs (rise in potential) & Ty (fallin potential) Ry ; (fallin potential) (ise in potential) Using Kirchhoft’s voltage law, we get HR, —haRy —IyRy “UR -E; or Ry Ry * Solution Current through the 15 Q resistor 0 Current through the 5. resistor =5+2=7A Applying KVL to the closed path, 5(7)—R(2)+100-30=0 ~35-2R+100-30=0 R=175Q2 r 1m Pig 24 the og deste 15 resister i 30, hig the polarity ieee 2 ye oh — i waZwv Sa z Li] Fig 24 Example 2.4. What is the voltage V, across the open switch in the cireuit of Fig. 2.7? Solution. We will apply KVL to find Vs. Starting from point A in the clockwise direction and using the sign convention, +¥, + 10-20 -50 +30 = V8 30V Example 2.5, Find the unknown voltage V in the cireuit of Fig. 2.8. Solution. Initially, one may not be clear regarding the solution of this question. One may think ‘of Kirchhoff’s laws or mesh analysis ete. Buta litle thought wil show that the question can be solved. by the simple application of Kirchhoff's voltage law. Taking the outer closed loop ABCDEFA and applying AVL to it, we get 16 x 3-424 40-1, -16V “The negative sign shows theres fll in potential 164 (EERE cine currents in all she branches of the network shown in Fig. 2.9. 40 8 Cy 30 20 Be 1A 0 12 a Fig. 2.9 Solution Assigning currents to all the branches (Fig. 2.10), Applying KVL to the closed path OB40, -21-x)-3y +(x) =0 3x-3y=2 i) Applying KVL to the closed path ABCA, 3y-4(l-x=y)45(x4 9) =0 Ox+12y=4 (ii) (xy 40 6 8 1A (x+y) 5a x A 1AQ SQ Fig. 2.10 Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), x=057A y= 0.0954 To, = 057A Tog =1-0.57= 0.43 A Tap = 0.095 A 0.57-0.095= 0.475 A 525 A 1-0.57+0.095 [EERIE tar isthe potential difference between points x and y in the network shown in Fig. 2.11? ave Writing KVL equation for the path x to y, Solution 2 V.+3h +4-3h -V, =0 h=~--=04A 2+3 4 3.7 1; =05A 2 345 337 Potential difference between points x and y = Vy | EEEEERA vetermine the potential difference Vy for the given network in Fig. 2.14. 2A A @ 5 109 De Fig. 2.14 Solution The resistor of 3 Q is connected across a short circuit. Hence, it gets shorted (Fig. 2.15). nadnrsa 2 h=2A Potential difference Vag =Va-Von Vy-2N+8-5h Vy -2(2.5)+8-5(2)-Vs =0 Vy-V_=7 Vip =7V EXAMPLES WITH DEPENDENT SOURCES (EERE she network of Fig. 2.41, find hy, I and V. v 4 b zat sa # av 6a Fig. 2.41 Solution Applying KCL at the node, ve 244V . vv : a tit ayn2 376 (EERE ind vottages ¥; and Vs in the network of Fig. 2.42. ; 20 4t Ws OG "1 40 Ve Fig. 2.42 Solution Applying KVL to the loop, 6-21+4/-41=0 1=3A From Fig. 2.42, 21=2(3)=6V 41=4(3)=12V | EEESERZZ Find she power delivered by the dependent source in the network of Fig. 2.43. aes aa VF 052 AW 30 Fig. 2.43 From Fig. 2.43, Vy, =0.57 Applying KVL to the loop, V, =0.5(10)=5V 30-11 +3, -0.51-31 =0 Power supplied by the dependent source =(3V,)(J) = 3 x 5 x 10 = 150 W 30-1 +3(0.5/)-0.51-31 =0 (EESERR Fine the voltage V, in the network of Fig. 2.45. + 6a 4 2ay Sty Fig. 2.45 Solution Applying KCL at the node, 1 LA ari(h)% Ihe sla Jos From Fig. 2.45, MESH ANALYSIS + A mesh is defined as a loop which does not contain any other loops within it. + Mesh analysis is applicable only for planar networks. * Anetwork is said to be planar if it can be drawn on a plane surface without crossovers. + In this method, the currents in different meshes are assigned continuous paths so that they do not split at a junction into branch currents, + Ifanetwork has a large number of voltage sources, it is useful to use mesh analysis. * Basically, this analysis consists of writing mesh equations by Kirchhoff voltage law in terms of unknown mesh currents. Steps to be Followed in Mesh Analysis 1. Identify the mesh, assign a direction to it and assign an unknown current in each mesh. 2. Assign the polarities for voltage across the branches. 3. Apply KVL around the mesh and use Ohm’s law to express the branch voltages in terms of unknown mesh currents and the resistance. 4. Solve the simultaneous equations for unknown mesh currents. Consider the network shown in Fig. 2.50 which has three meshes. Let the mesh currents for the three meshes be J, />, and J; and all the three mesh currents may be assumed to flow in the clockwise direction. The choice of direction for any mesh current is arbitrary. Applying KVL to Mesh 1, YW - Rh -h)-R(h-b)=0 (R, + Ry) = Ry ly — Ry hs = Kh i) Applying KVL to Mesh 2, Va — Rs Ip ~ Ra(Ip —13)— Rin -h) = 0 RL, + (Ri + Rs + Ryo — Ry Is = V2 Applying KVL to Mesh 3, Ry (Is — hh) — Ra (I~ La) - Rls +V3 = 0 Roly — Ral + (Ro + Ry + Rs) 15 = V5 ii) (EERE Fin the current through the 2 Qresistor of the network shown in Fig. 2.53, 6a 20 10v> 12 3a Fig. 2.53 102 Solution Assigning clockwise currents in three meshes as shown in Fig. 2.54, Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 10-61; -1(, -)=0 Th-h=10 «Gd Applying KVL to Mesh 2, “(hy =h)-2h-3(-h)=0 =I +61) -31; =0 i) Applying KVL to Mesh 3, -3(Is -1y)-10 5 -20=0 =31y +13 /5 =-20 --liii) 6a 20 10V>—> » 12 ») eo) 102 4 be t Is 20V Fig. 2.54 Solving Eqs (i), (ii) and (iii), N=134A Ty =-0.62A J; =-1.68A Ing = Ip =-0.62A (EERE Find the current supplied by the battery of the network shown in Fig. 2.57. Solution Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 4-3h-Mh-h)-4(h-5)=0 8h-h-4h=4 Applying KVL to Mesh 2, 2h -5(I=1s)-M(2 =) =0 =h+8I,-51; =0 Applying KVL to Mesh 3, 613 —4(I3 ~h)-S(I3- 2) = 0 41-5, +15 =0 Solving Eqs (i),(ii) and 3a 19 av “Tt h 4a Fig. 2.57 Aili) Current supplied by the battery = [, = 0.66 A. 2a 6a (ERYIERZEEM obtain the branch currents in the network shown in Fig. 2.63 52 10s 52 Ig D 2 Mi <> AW 109 Sv 10v Sls Fig. 2.63 Solution Assigning clockwise currents in two meshes as shown in Fig. 2.64, From Fig. 2.64, Iga In i) 2 sii) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 5-51, -101p -10(1) =In) 514 5-51-1012 -10; +10 -5, =0 20h, =0.25A iii) Applying KVL to Mesh 2, $14-10(Ip=h)-SIp-10=0 $1) -10/2 +10, -5 fy =10 15h -15Ip 0 ofiv) Sv ta 5a 10le 52 = 10V Fig. 2.64 Putting /, = 0.25 A in Eq.(iv), 15(0.25)-15 I> =10 In =-0.416.A RCT eea Find currents I, and 1, of the network shown in the Fig. 2.67. 2 40 20 522 19 +10 SV 2l, Fig. 2.67 Solution Assigning clockwise currents in the two Meshes as shown in Fig. 2.68. % aay a From Fig. 2.68, yah k=h-h Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 8-5-2, -4h “Wh - a) +21, ~$-5h-2(-)-4-hth+2h -5-5h-2h+2h-4/, “10h+3=5 — .Aiii) hth+2h=0 Applying KVL to Mesh 2, —21y 12 -h)-2 -10=0 2 =-Inth-2I, =10 =h-3h, =10 iv) =10V Fig. 2.68 Solving Eqs (iii) and (iv), n=-Be-1364 In =-2.878A 1) =-1.364.A I, =h Ip = -1.36442.878 = 1.514 A SUPERMESH ANALYSIS Meshes that share a current source with other meshes, none of which contains a current source in the outer loop, form a supermesh. A supermesh requires one mesh current equation, that is, a KVL equation. The remaining mesh current equations are KCL equations. \EEESSEEZA Find she current through the 10 resistor of the network shown in Fig. 2.80. 5a Solution Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 2-1h -10(1) = 12) =0 12 10 2 Mh 10 =2 Ai) ) ) i. a) se aver i a & Fig. 2.80 Since meshes 2 and 3 contain a current source of 4 A, these two meshes will form a supermesh. A supermesh is formed by two adjacent meshes that have a common current source. The direction of the current icc., in the upward direction. source of 4 A and current(/, ~ /) are same. ‘Writing current equation to the supermesh, 1 solving Eqs (0, (i) and h-h=4 Ai) Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, =10(y =) -5ly 1515 =0 101, -151y-1545 =0 ...Gii) Current through the 10 Q resistor = [, — I, = (2.35) ~(-2.78) = 0.43 A (EEN ined she current in the 5 resistor of the network shown in Fig. 2.82. Solution Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 50 -10( ~n)-S(- fs) =0 15h -10I)-51;=50 — «..(i) 50V> Meshes 2 and 3 will form a supermesh as these two meshes share a common current source of 2 A. Writing current equation forthe supermesh, h-h=2 — ...ii) Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, =10(I2 =) -2Iy =U ~5(y-,) = 0 “15 +12) +6/;=0 ...Gii) Solving Eqs (i), ii) and (iii), 1=20A 1h=1733A [y= 15.334 Current through the 5 Q resistor = J, — J = 20 15,33 = 4.67 A |EEESEEIEN te she network of Fig. 2.85, find currents I, and I, Solution From Fig. 2.85, -10-81,—K =0 Vy =-10-8h, ov ) Meshes | and 2 will form a supermesh. Writing current equations for the supermesh, 3 ii) h-h= Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, 10-81, 3% -101) =0 -10-8/ -3(-10-8h,)-10/) =0 16/,-101; =-20. ...(iii) Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), 1 =-833A 33A (EEERIEEN to the network of Fig. 2.86, find the current through the 3 S2resistor. “Vv 3a 2n8y, 5 v, Solution Assigning clockwise currents in two meshes as shown in Fig. 2.87. 4 32 From Fig. 2.87, VWe=-2h i) Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh. Writing current equations for the supermesh, Fig. 2.87 In-h=2 . ii) Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, -2h-4-31-5V, =0 -2h-4-3h-5(-2h)=0 8h-3h=4 Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), > > ha=h=4A NODE ANALYSIS * Node analysis is based on Kirchhoff current law which states that the algebraic sum of currents meeting at a point is zero. + Every junction where two or more branches meet is regarded as a node. * One of the nodes in the network is taken as reference node. + If there are n nodes in any network, the number of simultaneous equations to be solved will be (n= 1). Steps to be followed in Node Analysis ue Assuming that a network has n nodes, assign a reference node and the reference directions, and assign a current and a voltage name for each branch and node respectively. Apply KCL at each node except for the reference node and apply Ohm's law to the branch currents. Solve the simultaneous equations for the unknown node voltages. Using these voltages, find any branch currents required. (BEES Calculate she current through 2 Qresistor for the network shown in Fig. 2.94. Vy (052g Solution Assume that the currents are moving away from the nodes. Awe Applying KCL at Node 4, gas Ao Sa # a ¥,- - 20v 20V V4-20 V4 Va-Vo 9 1 1 05 Fig. 2.94 Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), V,=11V V_=12V Current through the 2 @ resistor = 4 5 2 =6A 1) (41 .1,1), 20 —ty,(t+t+t)}y, = 05 { \r -2V4+3.5Vg=20 (ii) |EESEERS Find the voltage at nodes 1 and 2 for the network shown in Fig, 2.95. Solution Assume that the currents are moving away from the nodes. joy 3a Applying KCL at Node 1, 1AQ) 12 a)2A ~ Fig. 2.95 Y-05Vp=1 — ...i) Applying KCL at Node 2, Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), ya oh W=2Vv 1 2 V,=2V 1 1 --VM 4+ l+—]h=2 2! ( 2)" “OSH +15 =4 (i) (EERERRS Seine the current in the 100.2r istor for the network shown in Fig. 2.96. 202 y, 902 y, Solution Assume that the currents are moving away from the nodes. AW Applying KCL at Node 1, Y= 00 Hine _ 60V > 1A 502 S100 20 "30 p4ov I 1 1 60 = (deh )n-gu-Se Fig. 2.96 0.083 H; - 0.033 Va = 4 A) Applying KCL at Node 2, trl 30 0.033 K, + 0.063 Vy = 0.8 Solving Eqs (i) and(ii), =67.25V Vy =48V 48 Current through the 100 92 resistor = “> = => = 0.48 A |EEEETSEEREN Find the voltage across the 5 Qresistor in the network shown in Fig. 2.108. Solution From Fig. 2.108, vy h 208 Y-50 K-50 e 102 Ao ed ead 20+10 30 oat sa ‘Assume that the currents are moving away from the node. yp 30h aliens Applying KCL at Node 1, 2a, W430h N50 Fig. 2.108 3” 10 30 Ke 2of MK =) 4,4 30 J K-50 Solving Eq. (ii), 5 10 30 Y=20V 2% -50 4-50 a +o ii) 10 30 Voltage across the 5 Q resistor = 20V. UNIT I D.C Circuits & Network Theorems: Superposition theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Tellegen’s theorem, Millman's theorem and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. A.C Circuits & Network Theorems: Nodal and Loop methods of analysis, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. Thevenin’s Theorem It states that ‘any nwo terminals of a network can be replaced by an equivalent voltage source and an equivalent series resistance. The voltage source is the voltage across the two terminals with load, if any, removed. The series resistance is the resistance of the network measured between two terminals with load removed and constant voltage source being replaced by its internal resistance (or if it is not given with zero resistance, i.e., short circuit) and constant current source replaced by infinite resistance, i.e., open circuit.’ Explanation Consider a simple network as shown in Fig. 3.110. Ay Ry A a A a 8 Fig. 3.110 Network For finding load current through R,. first remove the load resistor R, from the network and calculate open circuit voltage ve R Yin V,,, across points A and B as shown in Fig. 3.111. Re ™ RAR Fig. 3.111. Calculation of Vp, For finding series resistance Ry, replace the voltage source by a short circuit and calculate resistance between points 4 and Bas shown in Fig. 3.112. RR R+R Rn Thevenin’s equivalent network is shown in Fig. 3.113. Vow Rm t+ R 4, Fig. 3.112 Calculation of Ry, Vin = Rr A > 38 4 B Fig 3.113 Thevenin's equivalent network If the network contains both independent and dependent sources, Thevenin’s resistance Rp, is calculated as, Yn Rr where I, is the short-circuit current which would flow in a short circuit placed across the terminals A and B. Dependent sources are active at all times. They have zero values only when the control voltage or current is zero. Ry, may be negative in some cases which indicates negative resistance region of the device, i.e., as voltage increases, current decreases in the region and vice-versa. Ifthe network contains only dependent sources then Vin =0 Iy =0 For finding Rp, in such a network, a known voltage Vis applied across the terminals 4 and B and current is calculated through the path AB. vr Rn=— mh = or a known current source 7 is connected across the A terminals A and B and voltage is calculated across the terminals 4 and B. Ry = mh = Thevenin’s equivalent network for such a network is shown in Fig. 3.114. Fig. 3.114 Thevenin’s equivalent network [__og Steps to be Followed in Thevenin’s Theorem 1. Remove the load resistance R,, 2. Find the open circuit voltage I’, across points and B. 3. Find the resistance R,, as seen from points 4 and B. 4. Replace the network by a voltage source V, in series with resistance R,,. . Find the current through R, using Ohm’s law. Vin ad Rm +R, (EESEERA Fine the current through the 2 Qresistor in Fig. 3.115. 4ov—— 109 —10V Fig. 3.115 Solution 52 oy AB w= 2 Vine Step 1 Calculation of V, (Fig. 3.116) z Applying KVL to the mesh, sv ») wa = +40v 40-51 -20-10/ =0 4 157 =20 1=133A Fig. 3.116 52 AB Writing the V,, equation, { 107 Vp, +10=0 ma Vyy = 107 +10 = 10(1.33) +10 = 23.33 V Step I Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.117) Fig. 3.117 asa A Rr =5||10=3.332 Step IMT Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.118) 2333 —— , ») ze 23.33 FF he C333 =438A [EEE Fine the current through the 8 Qresistor in Fig. 3.119 250 5a 109 I l 5a Fig. 3.119 75V ga Solution Step I Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.120) 250 asa 3 ‘Writing the V, equation, S1-Vqy—75=0 Vin=5(25)-75 = 50V Step IH Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.121) Ry, = (5||5)+10=12.50 ‘Step IT Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.122) 50 12548 =244A Fig. 3.120 sa to8 Wo A 5a Fn Fig. 3.121 sa sov oO a0 Fig, 3.122 (EERE ine the current through the 2 resistor connected between terminals A and B in the Fig. 3.123. 20 10 30 ave 120 20 say 8 Fig. 3.123 Solution Step I Calculation of ,, (Fig. 3.124) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 2-2h-1%h-h)=0 14h, 12h = 2.4) Applying KVL to Mesh 2, 12 -h)-1h -3h-4 12h, +1612 =—4 Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), h=-04A Writing the ,, equation, Vy 32 -4=0 Vy = 4432 =44+3(-0.4)=2.8V Step IH Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.125) Ryy =[(2|]12)+1])]3= 1.430 2a 19 30 22" 4 a On Fig. 3.124 20 19 3a 180 AS . wom fet} 5 Sa — Step HI Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.126) 28 1.4342 ne = 082A 20 (EERE Find she current through the 40 resistor in Fig. 3.138. 502 wa V5 200 40a ~10V Fig, 3.135 Solution Step I Calculation of V, (Fig. 3.136) rae Since the 20 @ resistor is connected across the 25 V source, the resistor =. 10v becomes redundant. Vang =25V Applying KVL to the mesh, 225-501-107 +10=0 1=058A Writing the ¥,, equation, Vy ~101+10 = 0 Vay = 10(2) -10 = 10(0.58)-10 = -4.2 V Step IT Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.137) 500 100 A A 202 Fin soa 50a Fin 102 B B @ © Fig. 3.137 asso A Rr = 50||10=8.33.2 4“ 42V UD 40a Step IM Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.138) B I 42 9.09 a(t) Lee) “833440 (EEEEREER inet the current through the 3. resistor in Fig. 3.148. 40 eo 20 50V Fig. 3.148 Solution Step 1 Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.149) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 50-2h — Mh = 12)-8(h ~ ta I~ 9h Applying KVL to Mesh 2, Aly ~ Shp 82) Ma — 9h +18h2 =0 Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), h b= 69. A, 85 A Writing the V, equation, Vy —5Iy -8(2 —h) =0 Vy = Sl2 +8(12 —hh) = oi) (ii) 3.85) + 8(3.85 — 7.69) = -11.47 V Fig. 3.149 Step IT Calculation of R,,, (Fig. 3.150) Converting the upper delta into equivalent star network (Fig. 3.152), A A A fe ae 5a R, Ry 12 80 4x2 R= =07 1 I I Tagg OBO a aa B 4x5 R= =182Q Fig. 3.151 44245 R= 5x2 _ooig B: 44245 Fig. 3.152 Fig. 3.153 Simplifying the network (Fig. 3.153), Ryy = 1.82+ (1.73 || 8.91) = 3.272 1.820 1730 Bele B Fig. 3.154 3270 1147V = C 3a A Fig. 3.155 Step IM Calculation of J, (Fig. 3.155) _ a7 3.2743 1 3a(T) (EERSEEREE Fined the current shrough the 30. resistor in Fig. 3.167. 150 600 200 180V—— t) 138 40 —-sov . 3.167 Solution 150 600 A, 6 Step 1 Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.168) Saami Meshes | and 2 form a supermesh. Writing current equation for supermesh, tvs ») Dea) ea h-h=13 _ ..(i) Writing voltage equation for supermesh, 150-154, ~601y ~40/) = 0 tsa oa sre 15/, +100/, = 150 Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), Fig. 3.169 Step H Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.169) Ryy = 751) 40 = 26.09. 4012 ~Vin 50 =0 ne080 Vin = 4012 ~50 = 40(3)-50 = 70 V A nv aoa t= = 1254 2) ~ 26.0930 Writing the V,, equation, (ESR Fine the current through the 10. resister in Fig. 3.183, 100 20 20 16BV= 19 Fig. 3.183 19 Solution Step 1 Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.183) Applying KVL to Mesh I, 1S~2h-M(h-f2)- 10-14, = 0 4h-)=-25 Applying KVL to Mesh 2, 10-1 ~h)-2/2 - Ua = “hal Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), 1 =-6A h=lA Writing the V,, equation, Vin +2 +2h, =0 Vay = 2h, + 2p = 2(-6)+2(1) =-10V 15V5 19 Fig, 3.184 19 Step I Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.185) Converting the star network formed by resistors of 2,2 and 1Qinfo an equivalent deta network Fin Fig 3.186), ae Frm 20 20 reals 20 20 10 19 10 19 19 10 Fig. 3.185 Fig. 3.186 R =24242%2_ Q &a2+1s2ta40 2x1 R=2414 40 ing the network (Fig. 3.187), Fry aye in t Fry so ade ra A OB 1330 40 40 (c) ogo oso Ry = 1.332 19 19 (a) 139.0 A Step HIT Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.188) \ we (sk S00 =! = oss a(t) 133410 8 Fig. 3.188 (EEESEEREM ein the current through the 1. resistor in Fig. 3.189. 1A 20 3a 10 Pp) 3A Fig. 3.189 Solution Step I Calculation of V, (Fig. 3.190) 1A 20, oD 3a, av Tabs * a kh 7p) 3A Writing the current equations for Meshes 1 and 2, Fig. 3.190 Writing the V7, equation, 4-2h-h)-Fin = 0 Vpn = 4-21 — 2) = 4-2-4) = 12V 20 3a as Fm *y Fig, 3.191, Step H Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.191) aa Ry =22 A ave » 10 h 8 Fig. 3.192 Step III Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.192) 2 adnan ars) | EESERZ inet the current through the 3.2 resistor in Fig. 3.193. 2a to tov 20 (4) 100 3a Fig, 3.193 Solution Applying KVL to the mesh, Step I Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.194) 10-2/-2/-20=0 47 =-10 1=-25A on WA Writing the ’,, equation, gA 10-21 Vy =O Vy = 10-21 =10-2(-2.5) = 15V 20 10 A v= 20 (WA Mm 20, + Ay oB Fig. 3.194 G a Fig. 3.196 By source transformation (Fig. 3.195), Step IE Calculation of R,,, (Fig. 3.196) Rry = (2[12)+1=141=22 20 A t 20V 156V—— » 32 3g Step I Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.197) A 1s B Fig, 3.195 38 Fig. 3.197 EXAMPLES WITH DEPENDENT SOURCES. (EEETTSERER obtain she Thevenin equivalent network for the given network of Fig. 3.198 at terminals A and B. 4a av A teh tL _1 Fig. 3. |__og 198 Solution 4 “A 40 teh Vn av o8 Fig. 3.199 Step 1 Calculation of Vy, (Fig. 3.199) From Fig. 3.199, Writing the I, equation, 8-0-V, =0 Vin =8V =O A i 4a ) 4S 2h ) he 4 evi B Fig. 3.200 Step H Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.200), Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh. ‘Writing current equation for the supermesh, Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), h-h=2h 3h -h=0 wei) Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, 84h =0 h=2 Ai) h=6A Iy=h=6A Step IIT Calculation of R,, 1.33.0 L___og Fig. 3.201 (EERSEERTA ina Tievenin's equivatent network of Fig. 3.202. 20 30 A 4v— $) 04 Vx Ve 6B Fig. 3.202 Solution 20 3a a a av » 01 Ve Vee Ven 4 OB Fig. 3.203 Step I Calculation of V, (Fi Ve =Vin Nh=-0.1V, Writing the V,,, equation, 4-2h-V, =0 4-20.17, )-V, =0 4-087, =0 V,=5V V.=Vm =5V 20 30 Step I Calculation of R,, A av tn By ‘Step IV Thevenin’s Equivalent Network (Fig. 3.206) Fig. 3.205 e250 . . pO Step H- Calculation of , (Fig. 3.204) A From Fig. 3.204, svt ¥,=0 ‘The dependent source 0.1 depends on the controlling Lng variable I”, When V_= 0, the dependent source vanishes, ie., - 0.1V,= 0 as shown in Fig. 3.205. Fig. 3.206 Iy == 08A 7 (EEEIRER TA obtain the Thevenin equivalent network of Fig. 3.207 for the terminals A and B. 20 av vy 19 ay, 2a Fig. 3.207 A Solution Fig. 3.208 Step I Calculation of V, (Fig. 3.208) From Fig. 3.208, 2-2h-V, =0 Vv, =2-2h For Mesh 1, -2(-2)=6V Writing the 1, equation, 2-2h -0+4V, -Viy =0 2-2(-2)-0+ 4(6)-Vy, = 0 Vim =30V 20 ava Fig. 3.209 Step IT Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.209) From Fig. 3.209, V,=2-2h — ...i) Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh, Writing current equation for the supermesh In-h=2 (ii) Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, 2-2h 1 +4V, =0 2-2h-h+4(2-2h 10h +1: Ail) Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), N=0.73A 1h=2.73A I= h=22BA Step IT Calculation of ae = == 10.982 Ree 27 Step IV Thevenin’s Equivalent Network (Fig. 3.210) 10.980 ——ww——»a Fig. 3.210 (EERE ine the thevenin's equivatent network of the network to the left of A-B in the Fig. 3.226 tah 5a 102 Fig. 3.226 Solution a(t > 5a >! 102 Vin Fig. 3.227 Step I Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.227) From Fig. 3.227, nO) For Mesh 1, Applying KVL to Mesh 2, -S(2~h)-101, -10h, = 0 -S(I2 —h)-10( = 12) 10h = 0 Sh+5h=0 aaa) Solving Eqs (ii) and (ii), Ie=h-h=1-(-I)=2A Writing the V,, equation, 10/ -10-y = 0 10(-1)-10-Fny Vin =-20V Step I Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.228) Applying KVL to Mesh 3, From Fig. 3.228, =10(F3 = fy)-10= 0 104 10 , > | A 10/2-10/;=10 —..(iv) Solving Eqs (i), (ii) and (iv), “Q® 2) $8 2) gma) fe an kh b cy h=3A B h=2A Fig, 3.228 Iy =h=2A Leh-h ..4 Step III Calculation of Ry, For Mesh 1, hl sil) Applying KVL to Mesh 2, Sy — 1) 101, -10 - 5) = 0 Sa = 4) 10, = 12) 1002 = 43) = 0 20V >> Sh-Sh+10l;=0 iii) (EEERREREED ine rhevenin's equivalent network at terminals A and B in the network of Fig. 3.230. 20 40 4Y, vy, S50 Fig. 3.230 solution Fi Fig. 3.231, Since the network does not contain any independent source, ae a K=%h-h) fd) Iy=0 ae plying KVL to Mesh 1, But the R,, can be calculated by applying a known ~4V, -2h -5(-1n)=0 Vv voltage source of 1 V at the terminals 4 and B as shown _4[5(h —h]-2h 545i, =0 in Fig. 3.231 - 27 +25 =0 il) Applying KVL to Mesh 2, Rm = -S(Iy =) -4hy -1=0 5-9 =1 (iii) Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), 4) =-0.21A fy =-0.23A Hence, current supplied by voltage source of 1 V is 0.23 A. 1 A Rn == 4350 023 4.35.0 Fig. 3.231 (EERE ind the current in the 9 2 resistor in Fig. 3.2 4a 6), <> Fig. 3.233 90 Solution Step H_ Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.235). Step 1 Calculation of Y,, (Fig. 3.234) From Fig. 3.235, an Applying KVL to the mesh, a 61, 4a Vn 20v—=—- 28 Fig. 3.235 20-41, +61, -61, =0 1=5A Writing the V, equation, 61, Vy =0 6(5)—Vn = 0 Vy, =30V The dependent source 67, depends on the controlling variable ,, When 1, =0, the dependent source vanishes, i.e.,6/, = 0 as shown in Fig. 3.236. 6 SS A 4 40 > 20V—— 20V—=- 8 @ © Fig. 3.236 20 Iy=Fa5A Step II Calculation of R,,, 6a A 30v = ) 92 he 8 Fig. 3.237 Step IV Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.237) (EERE Determine the current in the 16 @ resistor in Fig. 3.238. 102 6a 4ov = oa, Fig 3.238 162 Solution 102 6a ‘Step I Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.239) —vww——ww—0 From Fig. 3.239, ? 1=0 40v = Vin 109 6a 3A [Lo 4ov = {) 08, Vin 8 Fig. 3.239 The dependent source 0.8/, depends on the controlling variable J. When J, = 0, the dependent source vanishes, as shown in Fig. 3.240. 08s, Vin =40V toa ea |, Solving Eqs (ii) and (ii), n=3A 5 nasa 5 Iweh=3 Step I Calculation of R,,, Fig. 3.241 Vn _ 40 Step IT Calculation of /,, (Fig. 3.241) Rn = rs aprua From Fig. 3.241, ose N A hah =i) A Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh, Writing current equation for the supermesh, ove 160 h-hh =081,=08l * Kh-18h=0 B Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, 0 = i = I= =1A 40-10 1-6 I, =0 . 1 Taal6 10 +612 =40 (SEERA Final the current in the 10.2 resistor. 109 10V, 100V = 50 P1040 Fig, 3.247 Solution ‘Step I Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.248) From the figure, +¥n— 10, AB + 100 —— sacv, (t)10a Fig. 3.248 V, =10x5=50V Writing the V,, equation, 100—Vin +107, -V, = 0 100-Vin +9%, = 0 100 —Vy +9(50) = 0 Vy = 550 V Step II Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.249) From Fig. 3.249, Vy = Sy +10) 100 v =~ vy. S50 (h)104 Fig. 3.249 Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 100+107, -V, =0 Step IT Calculation of R,,, 550 Rn = “59 = 450 45 Step IV Calculation of f, (Fig. 3.250) _ 550 6° "45+10 5s50V— 110 7 45.0 100 Practice Problems 1ov> Find the current through the 10 Qresistor in Fig. 3.127. 6a 20 L 10 3a 100 \ t 20v Fig. 3.127 1, = 228 = 1.68. a: 1.47+10 Find the current through the 10 Qresistor in Fig. 3.131. sont wa 300 5a zo 4 Fig. 3.131 10 37a 17+10 = 100V | Find the current through the 10 2 resistor in Fig. 3.139. so 2% wa 50 r s0V—— 4a 152 = 20V Fig. 3.139 I a =043A “615410 Determine the current through the 24 Q resistor in Fig. 3.143. 220V 4 a 200 502 52 Fig, 3.143 93.5 1 “2275424 Find the current through the 20 Q resistor in Fig. 3.156. t20v | av 2a 180 joa 50 H 1 5a 20V Fig, 3.156 = Si =2554 4.67420 Find the current through the 3 Q resistor in Fig. 3.163. sat rea 6a ay Fig. 3.163 r= as43a 443 30 Find the current through the 20 Q resistor in Fig. 3.171. 100 sat 5a 200 10 Fig. 3.171, =e Find the current through the 20 Q resistor in Fig. 3.175. t1ov=— 100 200 50 40 Bo Fig. 3.175 18.84 aN 0.86420 EP kind the current through the 5. resistor in Fig. 3.179. 100V == 102 sov 2a 50V I | 5a 20 Fig. 3.179 288 _338A “SFa+S 30 Find the Thevenin equivalent network of Fig. 3.211 for the terminals A and B. 8h 19 Fig. 3.257 Solution Step I Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.258) ALAA ‘Applying KVL to Mesh i, 19: 2-1n=0 ») ) + “) 150 h=2 . LA b 4 ava Meshes 2 and 3 will form a supermesh. Writing the current equation for the supermesh, Fig. 3.258 h-h=4 eel) Applying KVL to the supermesh, Sf, 1513 =0 iii) Solving Eqs (i), (ii) and (iii), Ty =Iy=1p =2-(-3)=5A Step IT Calculation of R, (Fig. 3.259) Ry =1)[(5+15)=0.95 Q Step IT Calculation of 1, (Fig.3.260) =5x 0.95 0.95410 — 43A 5a pI 19 <— Fy 152 ‘I Fig. 3.259 A & Sach 0.95.0 109 B Fig. 3.260 (REINER Fin he curren in the 102 resistor Fig 3268 200 s0V=- 40.0. 100 = 10v Solution Step 1 Calculation of I, (Fig. 3.266) ‘The resistance of 402 becomes redundant as it is s0v—— connected across the 50 V source (Fig. 3.267). Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 50-50, ~20(/, ~r)-10=0 70h - 20! = 40 Applying KVL to Mesh 2, 10-20(/3 -h)=0 20h, +20 =0 Step II Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.268) Ry =50)|20= 14.28 Step IT Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.269) 1428 _ gga 1, =15x———— = 14.28+10 ii) oi) 200 40.0 In = tov Fig. 3.266 soa A a son S200 8 Fig. 3.268 GA “ 15a wa S68 Fig, 3.269 | ne Find the current through the 10.2 resistor in Fig. 3.274. 100 209 300 sov—— 200 202 Ligoy 4ov Fig, 3.274 Solution Step 1 Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.274) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 50-20( ~ I2)-40=0 @ 20h, - 201, =10 “ Applying KVL to Mesh 2, 40-20(12 —)=20%> ~20(12 ~ Is)=0 20; + 60/2 — 20/3 =40 ...(ii) Applying KVL to Mesh 3, =20(F = 1p) 301 =U 2012 +5013 = -100 Solving Eqs (i), (ii) and (iii), 20) bow fii) Step I Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.276) Py 200 300 ate 200 200 Ry =[(20 || 30) +20] || 20 = 12.32 Fig. 3.276 Step IIT Calculation of f, (Fig. 3.277) A A 123 oat a(t 1230 100 1,=081 =045A 1 SOS 3410 8 Fig. 3.277 ESR Find the current through the 8 Q resistor in Fig. 3.282. sat Fig. 3.282 8a Solution Step 1 Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.283) sa(t 120 40 p)2a The resistor of the 4 Q gets shorted as itis in parallel with the short circuit. Simplifying the network by source transformation (Fig. 3.284), Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh. 20 5V A Writing the current equation for the supermesh, h-h=2 oli) Ove ») pea Applying KVL to the supermesh, a 60-124 -5=0 i 12h =55 fii) Fig, 3.264 Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), a h=458A y= 658A 120 40 —Fy Ty = 12 =6.58A Step H_ Calculation of R, (Fig. 3.285) 8 Ry =12||4=30 een Fig, 3.285 Step IIT Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.286) omac r 1, = 6.58% =1.79A l, 348 Fig. 3.206 SEU GERGEI Find the current through the 1 Q resistor in Fig. 3.287. 20 19 iv 20 Fig, 3.287 Solution A Step 1 Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.288) 2a By source transformation (Fig. 3.289), ly Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 1a sa YX, Sea 3-3 -2(h-1s)+1=0 Ai 5-2; © Lt 8 20 Applying KVL to Mesh 2, Fig. 3.288 -1-%(h -h)-2h =0 41, - 21 Applying KVL to Mesh 3, -AIs—h)-Ah-h)=0 (iiiy 2N 22 441s =O sotving Eqs i, i) and Gi 1 =-064a = -DS5A 20 h=-0598 5 Iy = 1 =-O0598 Rig 3202 30 Step I Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.290) Step MI Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.291) 20 20 20 ) ee ros Step II Calculation of Ry 169. (4 B Fig. 3.298 Ry = = 24 162.130 Ty 1.69 A 162.190 EERE Obtain Norton's equivalent network across A-B in the network of Fig. 3.300. 52 20 A oi wgsa 10%, osy, S152 Fig, 3.300 Solution 5a Step I Calculation of Vy, 20 Fig, 3.301) . qe From Fig. 3.301, svt ) vi Sea » won Cosy, ) 182 Vin W=8-1) Ai) he Fy be 5 Applying KVL to Mesh 1, Fig. 3.301 15-5/, ~8(, -1,)=0 eT Solving Eqs (i), (iii) and (iv), Applying KVL to Mesh 2, ~8(y =I) 21 10/2 = 0 8/, -10/, -10/, =0 (iii) Writing the V, equation, For Mesh 3, 15h -Vim 1; = 0.6%; = 0.6[8, -1,)] 15(-0.83)—V, = 0. Vy = -12.45 V 481, -481,—h =0 wiv) Step H_ Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.302) From Fig. 3.302, h=0 The dependent source of 10 /, depends on the controlling variable /,. When In =0, the dependent source vanishes, i.e. 10/2 = 0 as shown in Fig. 3.303. From Fig. 3.303, V,=8U,-1,) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 15—51,-8(, -1,)=0 131, -8/, =15 Applying KVL to Mesh 2, By = Iy)-2, =0 81, +101, =0 16VT oi) li) (iii) 5a 20 A 7 a a vy,S80 ‘io, Ctosv, 150 I 8 Fig, 3.302 52 20 A 16V— " 80 ) +S o8v, y ke J yy B Fig. 3.303 Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), 1, =227A Ty = 182A Vi =8(1, ~1,) =8(2.27-1.82) =3.6 V For Mesh 3, Ty =0.6F) = 0.6(3.6)=2.16 A Step I Calculation of Ry Vin _ -12.45 Iw 2.16 .y =-5.160 216A(+ CTE MAYM Find Norton's equivalent network at the terminals A and B of Fig. 3.310. Sh 30 2a ave 6a Fig. 3.310 Solution Step 1 Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.311) From Fig. 3.311, heh i) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 9-Hh —Iy)-6h =0 9-31 =9 oii) For Mesh 2, Ip = 61, =6h 6h -I> Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), h=-1A Ib=-6A iil) Fig. 3.311 Writing the ,, equation, 9-3 -hh)4+2h Vi 9-3(-1+6)+2(-6)-V'n Step H_ Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.312) From Fig. 3.312, L=h-h eli) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 9-3(h —I2)-6(h hh) =0 9h -3h,-61y =9 (ii) For Mesh 2, Ih =61, = 6-1) 6h-I-613 =0 - iii) Applying KVL to Mesh 3, -6(13 =) = 2 =) =0 ~6h-2h+8/;=0 —...Liv) Solving Eqs (ii), (iii) and (iv), he Iy=h=45A Fig. 3.312 Step IM Calculation of Ry 4sa(t 40 eT ERA Find Norton's equivalent network to the lefi of terminal A-B in Fig. 3.314. 6a os1 4a Fig. 3.314 A Solution Since the network does not contain any independent source, Vm dy But R, can be calculated by applying a known current source of 1 A at the terminals 4 and B as shown in Fig. 3.315. From Fig. 3.315, ras 6 Applying KCL at the node, 62 {os $40 1A 20 Fig. 3.315 SCE ALAE | Find the current through the 2 Q resistor in the network shown in Fig. 3.317. -10V 20 by 2, $) 2a 40 Fig. 3.317 100 Solution A pk 2h, Step 1 Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3318) Vin <> From Fig. 3.318, 1,=0 The dependent source of ~2 /, depends on the controlling variable /,. When J, =0, the dependent source vanishes, ie. -2/,=0 as shown in Fig. 3.319. Fig, 3.318 h=2 sov CG p20 faa 100 A v Bk Writing the 7, equation, 3 Mme =10-Vyy -4(2)=0 4 Vy =-18 V Fig, 3.319 Step H_ Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.320) From Fig. 3.320, hah iO) Mesh I and 2 will form a supermesh. Writing the current equation for the supermesh, ii) h-h=2 Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, -10-4(2 =) = 0 Al, +41; =10 For Mesh 3, Jy =~(-21,) = 2, = 2h, 2h-h=0 — ..Aiv) -10V (iii) Alek 2 OD Fig. 3.320 100 Solving Eqs (ii), (iii) and (iv), N=45A 1=65A h=9A Iy=h=45A Step IM Calculation of Ry Ry = 8 4a ly 45 Step IV Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.321) 1, =45x———=9A 442 45a(t Fig. 3.321 SEE MEM Find the current through the 2Q resistor in the network of Fig. 3.322. sv= Fig, 3.322 20 Solution Step 1 Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.322) From Fig. 3.323, 54h +4 = Writing the 1, equation, AV, Vin Vy = AV = ACI) = Step Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.324) From Fig. 3.324, 5+h,=0 Applying KVL to the mesh, a, -Uy =0 Ty =-4V, = -A(-5)=20 A Step HI Calculation of R, A Step IV Calculation of J, (Fig. 3.325) 2oa(t 02a 20 2 1, =20x—22 = 1.82.4 0.242 8 Fig. 3.325 EAL Find the current through the 10 2 resistor for the network of Fig. 3.339. 59 )05v, YS 100 4a Sv Fig. 3.339 Solution 34 Step I Calculation of V, (Fig. 3.340) 4a For the mesh, ») t)05V, Vm=Vy 0.50, = 0.50 ry ova | Writing the ,, equation, iz 5-41-0-Vp, =0 5-4(-0.5%,)—Frn = 0 Ym =-5V 4a Step II Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.341) Bye From Fig. 3.341, y=0 Fie, 3.241 ‘The dependent source of 0.57, depends on the controlling oo a variable V,..When V, = 0, the dependent source vanishes, i.e. 0.5 V, = 0s shown in Fig. 3.342. 40 | Iv te sv B Fig, 3.342 Step IIT Calculation of R,, Fig, 3.343 EEE Find the current through the 10. resistor in the network shown in Fig. 3.344. 10002 av Nov, (ls, VS 250 109 Solution Step I Calculation of V’,, (Fig. 3.345) From Fig. 3.345, 25(5h)=-125h «..(i) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 12-1000, -2¥, = 0 12-1000/, -2(-1254)=0 ..Gi) 1, =0.016 A VY, =-125h 125(0.016) = -2 V Writing the ¥,, equation, Vin =Vc=-2V 10000 4 vs Nav. ¢f\5h Vy Fig, 3.345 40002, Step It Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.346) From Fig. 3.346, [ Rv The dependent source of 217, depends on the controlling variable 7, When Fig. 3.346 V, =0, the dependent source vanishes, too0e | i.e. 2 V,=0 as shown in Fig. 3.347. - A ev n= -0012A ye i 1000 Iy = Sh, = ~5(0.012) = -0.06 A 8 Step HI Calculation of Ry ae =m. 33330 R “Ty =0.06 Step IV Calculation of J, (Fig. 3.348) 3333p 046.4 1), = -0.06 x = 33.33+10 Fig. 3.348 Practice Problems Find the current through the 10 @ resistor in Fig. 3.258. eq ev 1 zov—— 20 100 5a Fig. 3.261 9.43 I, =0.67x: 0.33 A(T) 9.43410 Find the current through the 10 Q resistor in Fig. 3.270. 6a 20 tov 10 sa Sa t 20v Fig. 3.270 It 1.68A(T) 146+10 Obtain Norton’s equivalent network as seen by R, in Fig. 3.278. 300 i 100 R r 120v—— eon goa tov Fig, 3.278 A as7a(t 150 A Find Norton’s equivalent network of Fig. 3.305. A 4 05h, 19 2a 2v 8 Fig. 3.305 1a 08a Find the current in the 2 Q resistor in the network of Fig. 3.326. 2, 10v—> 20 ah 180 S20 Find the current through the 10 resistor for the network of Fig. 3.330. 3h, 20 5a 10v—— Fig. 3.330 100 sat 25a S100 Find the current through the 5. resistor in the network of Fig. 3.335. 22 | 40 ev 5a Aly Fig. 3.335 weact asa S50 Find the current through the 1 Q resistor in the network of Fig. 3.353. Rvs 6a by 3h 3a Fig. 3.353 19 eat 19 19 Find the current through the 1.6 resistor in the network of Fig. 3.358. 3h toa(t 19 6a Fig. 3.358 160 soa(t 240 162 Superposition Theorem It states that ‘in a linear network containing more than one independent source and dependent source, the resultant current in any element is the algebraic sum of the currents that would be produced by each independent source acting alone, all the other independent sources being represented meanwhile by their respective internal resistances.’ The independent voltage sources are represented by their internal resistances if given or simply with zero resistances, i.e., short circuits if internal resistances are not mentioned. * The independent current sources are represented by infinite resistances, i.e., open circuits. * The dependent sources are not sources but dissipative components—hence they are active at all times. * Addependent source has zero value only when its control voltage or current is zero. + A linear network is one whose parameters are constant, i.e., they do not change with voltage and current. Explanation Consider the network shown in Fig. 3.1. Suppose we have to find current /, through resistor R,. vw a Re Ht Fig. 3.1. Network to illustrate superposition theorem The current flowing through resistor R, due to constant voltage source Vis found to be say 1/ (with proper direction), representing constant current source with infinite resistance, ic., open circuit. Ry Ay Fig. 3.2, When voltage source Vis acting alone The current flowing through resistor R, due to constant current source J is found to be say 1” (with proper direction), representing the constant voltage source with zero resistance or short circuit. Ry Rs Re Ry pr Fig. 3.3. When current source lis acting alone The resultant current /, through resistor R, is found by superposition theorem. hehe Steps to be followed in Superposition Theorem 1. Find the current through the resistance when only one independent source is acting, replacing all other independent sources by respective internal resistances. 2. Find the current through the resistance for each of the independent sources. 3. Find the resultant current through the resistance by the superposition theorem considering magnitude and direction of each current. |S Fined the current through the 2.22 resistor in Fig. 3.4. 5a Solution Step I When the 40 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.5) 1 50 r 29 4ov—- 100 Fig. 3.5, By series parallel reduction technique (Fig. 3.6), _ 40 © 541.67 20v Pa 4ov—> 100 = 10v Fig. 3.4 4ov—— 1670 Fig. 3.6 From Fig. 3.5, by current-division rule, SS =5A(3) Step When the 20 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.7) 15a Ov 20 p 20V 1 1 sa” ' 102 1.670 Fig. 3.7 Fig. 3.8 By series-parallel reduction technique (Fig. 3.8), __ 20 © 541.67 From Fig. 3.7, by current-division rule, 25A(C)--25A (>) =H 10V ‘Step II When the 10 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.9) 5a 20 r 2a 100 =p tov 3330 r Fig. 3.9 Fig. 3.10 By series-parallel reduction technique (Fig. 3.10), m=O 188.) 3.334 Step IV By superposition theorem, 124141" =S-25+1.88= 438A (>) (EERIE eit the current through the 8.2 resistor in Fig. 3.18. 52 wa 120 ave 150 Bo = 6v Fig. 3.18 solution Step I When the 4 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.19) 1 50 4 100 120 ; ave 159 8a Fig. 3.19 By series-parallel reduction technique (Fig. 3.20), 1 52 4 109 av 150 480 (@) wo 7480 © 4 oy y M320 +745 From Fig. 3.20(b), by current-division rule, 1 =032x =0.16A 15148 From Fig, 3.19, by current-ivision rule, 2 Dee 1 =0.16x = 0.096 AL) Step IT When the 6 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.21) poy 52 100 120 r 13750 80 ev 152 8a =s6v » poor —w Fig. 3.21 sme By series-parallel reduction technique (Fig. 3.22), © 109 120 ev Fig, 322 6 245.06 =035A 3750 so tev From Fig. 3.22(b), by current division rule, 1 =035x 33. =0.22A(L) @ 13.75+8 ‘Step IIT By superposition theorem, T= 1 +1" = 0.096 +0.22=0.316 ACL) (EEESEERY rine she current through the 4 Qresistor in Fig. 3.23. 120 40 ave 5a 3a p) 8a Fig. 3.23 Solution Step I When the 40 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.24) 1 120 r 4a ot 5a 30 By series-parallel reduction technique (Fig. 3.25), [ 5a 72 Fig. 3.24 1 2a From Fig, 3.25(a), by current-division rule, 2.920 122.6820 =1.12M-9)=-LI2A(©) 547 Step IT When the 8 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.26) r 120 40 753.0 sa (faa ) 3 Fig. 3.26 In 28x. 7.5343 =2.28A() By series-parallel reduction technique (Fig. 3.27), a Me F327 ey a By superposition theorem, 4006 ~ TsI'si" 1.124+2.28=1.16A(<) 353.0 sa (A) 8a (a) Fig. 3.27 ise) Find the current through the 8 Q resistor in Fig. 3.33. 8a IG 120 300 1) 258 3.33 Solution Step 1 When the 5 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.34) r 82 sat 120 300 =sx— 2-120) 1248430 Step I When the 25 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.35) r 80 120 30.0 $258 Fig. 3.35 30, I” = 25x——__ 3041248 =ISA (>) Step IIT By superposition theorem, T= I +1" =12415=16.2 A(>) | EGER Mind the current in the 1 Q resistors in Fig. 3.46. 1A 20 30 19 Fig. 3.46 3A Solution Step 1 When the 4 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.47) 20 30 avo 19 Fig. 3.47 |= =133A(L) v +1 Step I When the 3 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.48) By current-division rule, 20 30 19 3a Fig. 3.48 1? 23x—2=2A() 12 Step IIT When the 1 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.49) 1A 20 30 19 Fig. 3.49 Redrawing the network (Fig. 3.50), By current-division rule, 30 20 12 Fig. 3.50 1 =1x—2=0.66A(L) 241 Step IV By superposition theorem, T= I+ 1 +1 31.3342+0.66=4 A (1) (EERO Fine the vonage v,, in Fig. 3.51 ——24 ev 50 Vas sat sp tov |__sp Fig. 3.51 Solution ‘Step I When the 6 V source is acting alone (Fig, 3.52) ‘Step HI When the 10 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.53) Since the resistor of 5 Q is shorted, the voltage across it is zero. oh A ‘Step IIT When the 5 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.54) Due to short circuit in both the parts, 0 A 5a 5A Vib = ‘Step IV_ By superposition theorem, Ven =Vibg +Vib +VG5 = 641040 EXAMPLES WITH DEPENDENT SOURCES l EU EER | Find the current through the 6 Qresistor in Fig. 3.64. 1 6a 8a 15V— t) 31 = 10v Solution Step I When the 15 V source is acting alone (Fig 3.65) From Fig. 3.65, 1 6a aa sv » 4S ar ») 4 b oi) Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh. Writing current equation for the supermesh, Ih-h=3I'=3h 4h-h=0 oii) Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, 15-6f -81, =0 6 +8h = 15 Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), iii) = 039A In = 159A 1’ =1=039A(>) Step Il When the 10 V source is acting alone (Fig 3.66) _ Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, From Fig. 3.66, r 6a 8a » ar » sp10v 4 b Fig. 3.66 rah A) Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh. ‘Writing current equation for the supermesh, nh 4h =I, 31 = 3h, di) 61, -8ly +10=0 6h +81, =10 Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), Step HII By superposition theorem, 1=1'+1" =0.3940.26 = 0.65A (>) |B eine the current 1, in Fig. 3.70. ‘ ae 22 5Vva Fig. 3.70 Solution Step I When the 5 V source is acting alone (Fig 3.71) From the figure, 102 ot Fig. 3.71 V,=5-101" 20 510/20 + 407’ — 21" Applying KVL to the mesh, 5-10f,-4V,-21,=0 5-101, -4 (5-107) -27,=0 =B=oss at) Step I When the 2 A source is acting alone (Fig 3.72) From Fig . 3.72, 100 Fig. 3.72 vy, =-10K @ Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh. Writing current equation for the supermesh, h-h=2 sii) Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, 10K -4V, -21) =0 10fi -4(-10/, )-2/2 =0 301-21, =0 «--(iii) Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), nh =014 A(T) I= 214A ‘Step IIT By superposition theorem, Nall +1) =0.5440.14 = 0.68 A (7) (EEEYSRERTH determine the current through the 10.Q resistor in Fig. 3.73. 109 tov, sadv, 100 V— f)10a Fig. 3.73 Solution ope Step I When the 100 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.74) From the figure, say, 100 tov, ) ») toa ae renga sady, Fig. 3.75 Step II When the 10 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.75) From Fig. 3.75, Fig. 3.74 pa Y= 3 -h) 10h +107, -5()—1y)=0 10K, +10§5(h = 2)}- Si => 351, -45Iy =0 (ii) vi=5r Applying KVL to the mesh, ey ‘or Mesh 2, 100— 107 + 10v,~5/'=0 fom oer sre Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), 1'=-2.86 A(>) Step Ill_ By superposition theorem, T= 1°41" =-286-12.86= -15.2A (4) (EERE ine the current 1in the network of Fig. 3.76. )17V 3a + 40 205y BV, Solution ‘Step I When the 17 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.77) S#P#Z_ When the 1 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.78) fon tection. From Fig. 3.78, ba zy 3a F 1 ‘ + 4a wg) 3° >) Om 2aSy, *Y Sv, 4 aa ® Fig. 3.78 Fig. 3.77 Vr, = 2h ai) Vir Meshes | and 2 will form a supermesh. Writing current equation for the supermesh, Applying KVL to the mesh, : a an o aoh= ex 2-17-31 -5V,=0 Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, 2-17-31 -5(-2r)=0 2h -3h -5V, =0 P=34A(>) 2h -3ly -(-2h, 8h -31p Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), h=06A 1=16A I"=1=16A(>) Step III By superposition theorem, T= +I" =34+16=5A(>) (ERERSERE ine the vottage v, in Fig. 3.79. al 19 1 42 4 vuh)oa Fig. 3.79 = 20 Solution ‘Step I When the 5 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.80) From Fig. 3.80, 10 yo) 40 Fig. 3.80 Ww 4 Applying KCL at Node 1, Step H_ When the 20 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.81) Applying KVL to the mesh, 19 oy | 4a Ww Fig. 3.81 AI-1-41-20=0 I -20A V "= 41—1( =31=3 (20) =-60V Step IIT By superposition theorem, V=V/+0,"=20-60=-40V (EEE Fined the current 1, in Fig. 3.88. 4 40 tol, 82 t20v—> 4) 128 Fig. 3.85 Step When the 12 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.87) Solution Step I When the 120 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.86) From Fig, 3.87, _— o Applying KVL to the mesh, a ” Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh. 40 toy 82 pow ) 14h, +8h =0 4 Solving Eqs (ii) and (ii), =-436A 1, =7.64A By" = =-436 A(>) Fig. 3.87 y 101, 8a 40 av Fig. 3.88 ‘Step IIT When the 40 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.88) Applying KVL to the mesh, -41/"—101,""-81/”-40=0 m= 40 1" =- SoA A) Step IV By superposition theorem, LAI FL +1)" = 5.5 4.36 ~ 1.82 =-0.73 A() [EERE Fine ie voltage v in the network of Fig. 3.93. 8a 150 5a tov= Fig. 3.93 go 150 5a Sys Fig. 3.94 Step I When the 10 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.94) From Fig. 3.94, V=-8h i) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, -10-8h -15 h-12 (4-2) =0 35h 12h, =-10 ii) 10V=— » 7) ev’ h b Applying KVL to Mesh 2, 122 = h)- 5h - 87" 12 +12K -5h -8(-8h) = 0 76h, -17h, =0 Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), 8), = -8(0.54) = 4.32 V 8a 152 5a >) Ds) na) ay Fig. 3.95 Step IT When the 5 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.95) From Fig. 3.95, v"=-8h oi) Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh, Writing current equation for the supermesh, Nh-h=-5 Applying KVL to the outer path of the supermesh, Bf, - 15/2 - 1202 - 13) =0 Bl, — 271, +121; =0 (iii) Applying KVL to Mesh 3, =12U3 -12)-51; -8V" =0 12s + 12h -5hs -(-8h, 64h + 12/2 -1715 ool) Solving Eqs (ii), (iii) and (iv), 1=497A 1=997A I= 25.748 V" =-8h =-8(-4.97) = -39.76 V theorem, Step IIT By superposi =V'+V" =-4.32-39.16 = 44.08 V (EERSEER ZY or the network shown in Fig. 3.99, find the voltage V, KoA 20 40 20 40 ve ay yu 8) OF 4 te Fig. 3.100 Step I When the 20 V source is acting alone (Fig. 3.100) From Fig. 3.100, M=6-h) Li) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 20-2 -6(1) 12) =0 8h, -612 = 20 Solving Eqs (ii) and (iii), N=5.71A 1=429A Vi = 6(hy ~ 1) = O(5.71-4.29) =8.52 V 10 20) 40 ve ) ve $80 ) Vea 4 b Fig. 3.101 = waiv) Step II When the 10 A source is acting alone (Fig. 3.101) a From Fig. 3.101, Solving Eqs (i), (ii) and (iv), VE=6h-b) “sta Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 429A -10A 2h -)-6(h - 1) =0 8h — 612-213 = 0 ii) 6(0, ~ 12) = 6(-S.71+.4.29) Step III By superposition theorem, Vi, =i 4¥,"=8.52-8.52=0 Practice Problems Find the current I, in Fig. 3.67. 1, 52 19 2ov—— 1) 908 [p= M4 If =342=5A(>) Find the current in the 6 Q resistor in Fig. 3.82. 12 2% -Vyt 7 a 18V 4)3A 62 Fig. 3.82 r+r=2+1=3A() Find the voltage Vin Fig. 3.89. 3a 6a 3M, a +My 20 18V > > 36V 5A For the network shown in Fig. 3.96, find the voltage V,, 500 2000 . 40 1A) “ = 25v - o5y, Fig. 3.96 Vy = Vi + V6" =108+7=115V Calculate the current I in the network shown in Fig. 3.102. 40 2h 100) Fig. 3.102 121/41" =3.434457=8A (2) Find the voltage V, in the network of Fig. 3.105. 5a fina 19 1 wv DIA yw S20 Me Vg = Ve + Vo" V0" = 1.67 -0.834+3.33= 4.17 V Maximum Power Transfer Theorem It states that ‘the maximum power is delivered from a source to a load when the load resistance is equal to the source resistance.” Rs Proof From Fig. 3.363, Vv >) RR, . 1 We Power delivered to the load R, = P=? vik R= (Rs+ Ry ) Fig. 3.363 Network illustrating ‘maximum power transfer To determine the value of R, for maximum power to be transferred theorem to the load, ap aR, a =“ ___R, dR, dR, (Re +R, (Re + RLY ~(2R MR +R) (R+R) (Ro+ RLY =2 RR +R) =O RE +R? + 2RRy ~2R, Re ~ 2K =O Hence, the maximum power will be transferred to the load when load resistance is equal to the source resistance, Steps to be followed in Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Fin 1, Remove the variable load resistor R,. LS 2. Find the open circuit voltage 1”, across points 4 and B. 3. Find the resistance R,,, as seen from points A and B. Va ) i=Am 4. Find the resistance &, for maximum power transfer. kh Ru = Ry 8 Fig. 3.364 Thevenin’s equivalent network 5. Find the maximum power (Fig. 3.364). EERSERE rina the vatue of resistance R,, in Fig. 3.365 for maximum power transfer and calculate maximum power. R 20 whe = 10V Fig, 3.365 Solution Step I Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.366) Applying KVL to the mesh, 3-21-2/-6=0 1=-0.75A Writing the ,, equation, 6+21-V,-10=0 Vy = 6+ 21-10 = 6+ 2(-0.75)-10 = -5.5V Step I Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.367) Ry =(2||2)+2=32 3vz —10V 20 8 —W- Vin L 7 $20 zl ‘5 20 Fig. 3.366 20 SA, 20 20 Fig. 3.367 Step HI Calculation of R, For maximum power transfer, R= Ry =32 Step IV Calculation of P.,. (Fig. 3.368) Prnax = AR 55V > 3a Fig. 3.368 30 (EEERISEER LE Fine ne vatue of the resistance R, in Fig. 3.373 for maximum power transfer and caleulate the maximum power. joo 20 soa(f 5a 30 ah Fig. 3.373 Solution Step 1 Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.374) For Mesh 1, n=50 Applying KVL to Mesh 2, -5(Iy-))-2 -3 =0 5h -10n =0 Nh=2h h=25A Vin = Bly = 3(25)=75V Step IT Calculation of R,,, (Fig. 3.375) Rm = (5+2)(13= 2.10 100 20 5a 30° Rin Fig. 3.375 Step II Calculation of R, For maximum power transfer, R= Ry = 212 Step IV Calculation of P.,,, (Fig. 3.376) Vin _ (759° Paws =F FR 4x21 = 669.64 W 219 Fig, 3.376 (EERE Find the vatue of resistance R,, in Fig. 3.389 for maximum power transfer and caleulate maximum power. 19 20 50 svt 1a S108 30 oe Fig. 3.389 Solution Step I Calculation of V, (Fig. 3.390) 1a 20 sa ee » ¢ “) wa ) aa Yo 4 bet Se et S OB Fig, 3.390 Applying KVL to Mesh 3, Meshes 1 and 2 will form a supermesh. ‘Writing the current equation for the supermesh, h-h=l (i) Writing the voltage equation for the supermesh, 5-1 -10( ~ Jy 1 +1012 -10/; = 105 ~ 2) 215 -3/y = 0 10h, +15f, =0 Solving Eqs (i), (ii) and (ii), 1=038A 1 =138A 1=092A ‘Writing the ,, equation, Vay = 3/3 = 2.76 V Step H Calculation of R,,, (Fig. 3.391) 10 20 5a A 100 30

Fig. 3.411 Solution Step I Calculation of Vp, (Fig. 3.412) Applying KVL to Mesh 1, 72-6 ~H1-h2)=0 9h -3h =72....(i) Applying KVL to Mesh 2, “3p -h)-2h-4h =0 3h +91 =0 «..(ii) Fig. 3.412 Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), N=9A 1b=3A Writing the V,, equation, Vin —6h) -21 =0 Vin = 61 + 2p = 6(9)+ 23) = 60 V Step I Calculation of R,,, (Fig. 3.413) Ryy =[(6|)3)+2]||4=2Q Step HI Calculation of R, For maximum power transfer, Step IV Calculation of P,,., (Fig. 3.414) Prnax = Vin _ (60) 4Ry, 4x2 = 450 W 20 62 32 a 40 Frm B Fig, 3.413 20 A ov 20 8 Fig. 3.414 (EERE LY For the network shown in Fig. 3.415 find the value of the resistance R, for maximum power transfer and calculate maximum power. 102 20 asa(h sa (A) 10a A Fig. 3.415 102 —-30v Solution n of V,, (Fig. 3.416) 2sa(t 109 20 +8A sa (A) 10a Mn oa > 20v -08 Fig. 3.416 By source transformation, the current source of 25 A and the 5 Q resistor is converted into an equivalent voltage source of 125 V and a series resistor of 5 Q. Also the voltage source of 30 V is connected across the 10.Q resistor. Hence, the 10 resistor becomes redundant (Fig. 3.417). 109 20 5a 125v—— NG) 30 100 Applying KCL at the node, Vn=125 1g Vm=30_4 15 Vy = 58.81V ton 20 A 5a Pr toa 8 Fig. 3.418 Step II Calculation of R,, (Fig. 3.418) Rr =15||2=1.760 toa 20 5a toa 10h Yin 30 98 1a5v > Fig, 3.417 150 20 Fig. 3.419 109 Step IV Calculation of P,.. (Fig. 3.420) = 491.28 W 58.81 V 1760 Fig. 3.420 176.0 (EERE or the network shown in Fig. 3.421, find the value of the resistance R, for maxi- mum power transfer and calculate maximum power. 2a Yaa 8 1 k 40 5a ov 100 4a av Fig. 3.421 Solution Step I Calculation of V,, (Fig. 3.422) 20 124 29 BV | (—3 + = 1 + 40 7 5a 102 4A 10V—— = Vin 1 ev oB Fig. 3.422 Applying KVL to the outer path, Writing the ¥, equation, 10-2/-12-51-8=0 845146-V; L .85V Baa43a Vay =84+6451 =8+6+5(-1.43)= Step I Calculation of R., (Fig. 3.423) 20 20 Bry =(2|)5) +2 ‘oe =3.43.0 102 5a Rr Step I Value of R, 3.423 For maximum power transfer, R, = Rm = 3.43.2 uo 3430 A Step IV Calculation of P.,,, (Fig. 3.424) 6.85 V 3.43.2 Vin _ (6.85)° B =342W © FR 43.43 Fig, 3.424 EXAMPLES WITH DEPENDENT SOURCES (EEESRERS or the network shown in Fig. 3.425, find the value of R, for maximum power trans- ‘Jer- Also, calculate maximum power. 200 400 101 = s0v Fig. 3.425 Solution u Step 1 Calculation of V, (Fig. 3.426) Applying KVL to the mesh, 200 40a 107-201-407 -50=0 T=-1A A\ Bo- > 50V Writing the 7, equation, Vin — 401-50 = 0 Vin —40(-1) ~ 5 Ym Step HM Calculation of /, (Fig. From Fig. 3.427, Teh.) 200 A 400 ‘Applying KVL to Mesh 1, » ) 107-20 =0 sor) ha? BP ba” NL eoy 101, -20/, =0 i Applying KVL to Mesh 2, Fig. 3.427 4072 -50=0 Ip =-125A Solving Eqs (i, (ii) and (ii), 1 =-0.025 A Ty =I) 1 = 0.625 + 1.25 = 0.625 A Step IIT Calculation of R, acon Ty 0.625 Step IV Calculation of R, For maximum power transfer, R.= Rm =16 160 A Vv . 3 Step V_ Calculation of P,.., (Fig. 3.428) tov too 7 2 Pagy = Ht = 1 1 55 w 4Ry, 4x16 B Fig. 3.428 Ea What is the value of this power? osv EY What will be the value of R, in Fig. 3.437 to get maximum power delivered to it? 40 40 Fig. 3.437 Solution Step I Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.438) By source transformation, From Fig. 3.438, Vn = Applying KVL to the mesh, 12-41+0.5Vp -41 = 4r 0 12-Vyy +0.5 Vy Vin = 0 8Vv 05 Vm ETNG) 4a Fig. 3.438 05 Vin cE 2A ao » 40 Mp rav—- oB Fig. 3.439 Step H Calculation of 1, (Fig. 3.439) If two terminals A and B are shorted, the 4 Q resistor gets shorted. osv

5a 40 L » oo) ea Fig. 3.446 Case H Calculation of current J when excitation aa 5a 40 response are interchanged (Fig, 3.447). oy Applying KVL to Mesh 1, ' Sh 10-12) =0 ») oe ») 6a 15-10 =0 fi) Applying KVL to Mesh 2, Fig. 3.447 A10(I2 ~h) 4-20-61 = 0 10, +201, =-20 ii) Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), Since the current / remains the same in both the cases, reciprocity theorem is verified.

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