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Corporate Social

Company - AIA Engineering Ltd. Responsibility


Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept

whereby companies integrate social and environmental
concerns in their business operations and interactions
with their stakeholders. CSR is generally understood as
being the way through which a company achieves a
balance of economic, environmental and social
imperatives (“Triple-Bottom-Line- Approach”), while at
the same time addressing the expectations of
shareholders and stakeholders.
Who does CSR What is the How can CSR
impact? purpose of programs help
corporate social nonprofits?
CSR impacts companies, responsibility?
nonprofits, and employees Individuals make up
alike. Corporate social roughly three-fourths of
The purpose of corporate
responsibility is something an organization’s total
social responsibility is to
extra that companies do to monetary contributions.
give back to the
improve their local and CSR initiatives can help
community, take part in
global communities. This nonprofits make up that
philanthropic causes, and
means that the general leftover 25% after they’ve
provide positive social
public can be impacted by looked to individual
value. Businesses are
CSR as well when they get donors. CSR also
increasingly turning to CSR
to reap the benefits of encourages corporate
to make a difference and
companies’ do-good volunteerism in the
build a positive brand
efforts. communities where
around their company.
employees live and work.

How much money has been donated as a result of corporate giving?

Corporations donated a total of $26 billion to nonprofits in 2019. 28% of total giving went to education
programs, while 25% went to health and social services and 16% went to community and economic
development programs.
i. conduct and govern themselves with ethics, transparency and accountability.
ii. provide goods and services that are safe and that contribute to sustainability throughout their life cycle.
iii. promote the well-being of all employees.
iv. respect the interests of, and be responsive towards all stakeholders, especially those who are disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized.
v. respect and promote human rights.
vi. protect and make efforts to restore the environment.
vii. when engaged in influencing public and regulatory policy, they should do so in a responsible manner
viii. support inclusive growth and equitable development
ix. engage with and provide value to their customers and consumers in a responsible manner.

AIA Engineering, a certified ISO 9001 company, specialises in the design, development,
manufacture, installation and servicing of high chromium wear, corrosion and abrasion resistant
castings used in the cement, mining and thermal power generation industries. Their philosophy
is to provide customers with optimized solutions through technical evaluation of their
requirements, thereby providing specifically designed solutions in ideal metallurgy for the
application, plus offering process optimization services worldwide. As a result of this approach,
the Group is today the leading company for Quality, Services and Innovation in its field with an
enviable reputation providing Global Solutions. A truly global solution to your local
CSR Policy is inspired by the words "What is that life
CSR Policy of worth which cannot bring comfort to others". While
pursuing our business strategy of introducing products,
AIA Engineering the Company operates in a manner that not just
Ltd. continues to generate an attractive return for
shareholders, but also minimizes our impact on the
environment and helps in replenishing the planet; while
lending a helping hand to the community.

Vision Through sustainable measures,

actively contribute to the Social,
Mission Ensuring socio-economic
development of the community
Economic and Environmental through different participatory and
Development of the community need- based initiatives in the best
in which we operate ensuring interest of the poor and deprived
participation from the sections of the society so as to help
community and thereby create them to become SELF-RELIANT
value for the nation. and build a better tomorrow for
1. Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition.
2. Promoting Health care including Preventive
Health care.
3. Ensuring environmental sustainability and PERFORMED
ecological balance.
4. Employment and livelihood enhancing BY THE
vocational skills and projects.
5. In addition, the Company has identified the COMPANY
following areas for Community Development

interventions :
Promotion of education
Promoting gender equality and empowering
6. Other Activities
Promotion of Sports
Welfare of Senior Citizens.

Correlation Between CSR spending and Sales

- CSR has become a business trend in today’s corporate era and is a tool used by companies to be more socially engaged
with the society they exist in. It is no more an option for companies and it’s now promoted through legal rules and restriction
set by authorities.
- It was through the enactment of the Companies Act 2013 that CSR was mandated by the govt. for the corporates.
- AIA Engineering Ltd. Is a leading company in the Casting Forgings Fasteners sector, their CSR philosophy is to align their
business practices along with socially feasible alternatives.
- An analysis of AIA Engineering Ltd.’s financial position was done by taking into consideration their Sales, Profit, Total
Assets and CSR spending for 5 consecutive years.
- Also to better understand their statements, Ratio analysis was undertaken and Debt-Equity, Return on Capital Employed
and Current Ratio were measured.
- Correlation of 0.913 between the Sales of the Company and their CSR spending shows the positive relation and how even
during the COVID19 times despite the market conditions were uncertain the company had minimal drop in Sales-Profit and
still managed their CSR activities well.
- Regression analysis helped in understanding the relationship between the Dependent Variable (Sales) and Independent
Variable (Total Assets, CSR spending and Profit).
- Overall the in-depth meaning and true essence of CSR in how it helps the company in not only being more socially active
but also how it effects the financials of a company directly/indirectly was understood.
- AIA Engineering Ltd. has been very active in a lot of pressing social concerns and they have made significant strides
forward in making an equitable society.






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