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Jan, 2020
This research study seeks to measure the impact of e-banking on commercial banking
operations. With our case study being UBA Bank Cameroon, we will set out to
examine the relationship between e-banking services and the profitability of the
banking institution and also to identify the difference between those who use E-
banking Services and Counter Service. We will use the T-test model and a simple
correlation model to establish a relationship between e-banking services and the
profitability of the banking institution whilst also establishing the difference between
customers who use e-banking services and customers who use the counter service. In
conducting this research, we will use both primary and secondary data. Furthermore,
quantitative and descriptive methods of analysis will be adopted to examine the impact
of e-banking services on the profitability of the banking institution.

1.1 Background of the Study..........................................................................................3

1.2 Problem Statement....................................................................................................4

1.2.1 Research Question.................................................................................................4

1.3 Objectives of the Study.............................................................................................5

1.4 Hypothesis.................................................................................................................5

1.5 Significance of the Study..........................................................................................5

1.7 Scope of the Study...................................................................................................6

1.7 LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................6

1.7.1 Definition Of Concepts..........................................................................................6 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)..............................................................8 Extended TAM Model........................................................................................9 Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT)....................................................................9 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)..................................................................10

1.8 Proposed Methodology...........................................................................................10

1.8.1 Research Design...................................................................................................10

1.8.3 Methods of Data Analysis....................................................................................11

1.8.4 Econometric Model..............................................................................................11

1.9 Expected Results.....................................................................................................14


1.1 Background of the Study

Electronic banking has become an integral part in the operations of every commercial
banking institution around the world. Globalization has also played an important role
in the proliferation of electronic banking around the world since one of the main
factors of globalization on the banking sector is increased competition, thus in order
for commercial banks around the world to stay ahead of the competition and meet up
to international standards they have to be innovative in terms of integrating electronic
banking in their operations.

Nevertheless, electronic banking in Cameroon is rapidly growing. In Cameroon, until

1997, banks were only offering services through the physical branch. The country now
has electronic services such as Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), SMS banking,

Internet banking, Point of Sales (POS) machines, and telephone banking (Talla, 2013).
The major banks in Cameroon are also investing a significant sum of their capital
towards digital banking and digitizing their operations in order to meet up with
international standards and also to gain domestic competitiveness. Nevertheless, Banks
in Cameroon also face fierce competition from mobile telecommunication networks
like MTN and Orange Cameroon offering Mobile Money services and also
Microfinance institutions which take a large percentage of the unbanked economy,
leading to a financial inclusion rate of 47% and the banking sector contributing to 15%
while 32% constitutes the Mobile Money services and Microfinance institutions
according to the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF, 2014).

Before the integration of electronic banking into banking operations used to take far
longer time to conduct not forgetting the extensive of man power that has to be put in
to perform a task that a computer can do in seconds. Likewise the provision of banking
services where customers will have to deal with the brick-and-mortar of the
commercial banking institution each time they need its services. Thus commercial
banks in Cameroon are investing in in digital technologies that improve their efficiency
and effective in daily operations as well as their service provisions to customers. Thus,
this study is simply measuring the impact of electronic banking technologies on the
operations of commercial banks and also bringing in the aspects of cost and
profitability in adopting e-banking in the institution.

1.2 Problem Statement
The application of e-banking in bank transactions is now a measure that is being
adopted by all commercial banks in Cameroon. One of the main phenomenon this
study will focus on is the aspect of e-banking adoption on the cost and profitability of
banking institutions. It is certain that the primary goal of private commercial banks like
UBA is to maximize shareholder’s wealth, and in order to achieve this objective, bank
management must be efficient and effective in their operations in terms of keeping the
balance between profitability and cost. It has been proven that integrating e-banking in
banking operations leads to increase efficiency and speed in terms of how transactions
are conducted and service delivered thus leading to increase profitability in the long
run. But at the same time significant investment will have to be put in order to achieve
a fully integrated e-banking sector, therefore the aspect of cost also comes in here, thus
this study is trying to establish the relationship between cost and profitability in e-
banking implementation.

In addition to profitability and cost, the is also the problem of certain factors hindering
the adoption of digital banking in banking operations. Some these problems are;
customer perception, cost involved in shifting from traditional banking to digital
banking, security aspects since e-banking encompasses large sums of money and
sensitive customer information, competing factors like Microfinance institutions and
Mobile Money and other cost related problems. Lastly, this study will evaluate the
level of application of e-banking services in bank transactions, whilst also trying to
answer the following questions below.

1.2.1 Research Question

Based on the above problems raised the following questions will be developed;

• How does e-banking impact commercial banking operations in a banking institution?

• What is the relationship between e-banking and the profitability of the banking

• What are differences between those who use E-banking Services, and Counter

• What is the level of application of e-banking transactions in the institution?

1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to measure the impact of e-banking on commercial
banking operations in UBA. At the same time we can also break down this objective as
thus ;

• To measure the relationship between e-banking and the profitability of the banking

• To identify the factors that is influencing the adoption of digital banking in the

• To identify the difference between those who use E-banking Services and Counter

• To make necessary recommendations based on the findings.

1.4 Hypothesis
In line with the research question the hypothesis of this study is that:

Ho1: E-banking Transactions has no significant relationship with the profitability of

the banking institution.

Ho2: There is no significant difference between those who use e-banking services and
Counter Service.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The relevance of this study is simply to help the general public get a better
understanding of e-banking as a channel of delivery of commercial bank services in
Cameroon and the accompanying benefits that comes. In addition, this study will also
be of importance to potential customers of banks get an understanding and know the
benefits of electronic banking services. And give customers the incentives of
integrating ICT in their daily banking transaction and the benefits that follows suit.
This study will also be helpful to the government to protect the e-banking industry and
to enable it grow faster. Thus leading to economic development and a digital economy.
Moreover, this study will also be of help to other researchers and students researching
on e-banking to gain more understanding of e-banking in commercial banking
operations as well its use as a medium of delivery of commercial banking services to


1.7 Scope of the Study
The thematic scope of this study will be on banking performnce. That is in term of
profitbaility and cost with respect to our specific objective of this study. On the other
hand, the spartial sscope of this study will be based on UBA bank Cameroon in order
to better understand the significance and impact of e-banking on our case study. Whilst
the time frame will be based on a set number of years with respect to the comapany
data that UBA will give the researcher.


1.7.1 Definition Of Concepts Electronic Banking

The definition of e-banking varies slightly amongst researchers, this is because
ebanking is a service delivery medium to banks and encompasses many different
platforms, according to the IMF (2002) e-banking can be defined as the use of
electronic channels for banking products and services, and is subset of electronic
finance which includes several delivery channels such as the internet, wireless
communication networks, ATM, telephone banking and other transactional electronic
banking mediums. The term transactional e-banking is also used to distinguish the use
of banking services from the mere provision of information. Internet Banking

Internet banking constitutes one of the key concepts which encompasses the
fundamental idea of e-banking in this modern society. According to Driga and Isac
(2014) internet banking is referred to as online banking, web banking, virtual banking.
It is a system that enables bank customers to access accounts and general information
on bank products and services or perform account transactions directly with the bank
through a personal computer using the internet as the delivery channel; customers are
able to access all of their accounts through the website of the bank and are allowed to
conduct banking activities such as transferring funds, paying bills, viewing account
balances, paying mortgages or purchasing financial instruments and certificates of
deposits. Electronic Money
In accordance with the Bank for International Settlement (BIS, 2014) defined
electronic money as a stored value or prepaid product in which a record of the
funds or value

available to the consumer for multipurpose use is stored on an electronic device in the
consumer’s possession. Electronic Funds Transfer

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), is simply the use of electronic means to transfer
funds directly from one account to another, rather than by cheque or cash. In modern
banking today EFT can be primarily used for interbank transfer of funds, check
clearing and the transfer of funds between the apex bank and the commercial banking
institution. Banking Operations

Banking operations have evolved over the last three decades from the standard brick
and mortar to an organized system of ICT and computers performing most of banking
operations. Integrating e-banking in banking operations is now the trend in the
commercial banking industry since it helps in improving back-office performance,
customer service provisions, transfer of funds, exchange of information amongst
others. In addition, globalization is also playing role in digitizing banking operations
around the world including Cameroon through inter-bank competiveness, thus the
banks with the ability to provide automated links to their customer can serve a global
customer base without restraints (Bexley, 2010). Cost
The modern banking industry is somehow focused on substantially reducing the unit
cost of key drivers like cost per current account, professional services, IT
services/software, facilities maintenance, and rent/lease, insurance, utilities,
supplies/equipment and security services. Implementing cost cutting strategies through
digitizing commercial banking operations is essential in improving future performance.

Thus, investment in ICT is at the top priority of every commercial today. Profitability
From a finance standpoint, the primary goal of commercial banking institution is to
maximize shareholders wealth. Keeping this in mind bank will want to achieve this
with the greatest amount of efficiency while also taking into consideration important
aspects like customer satisfaction and effective service delivery. There are many
reasons why banks needs to make profit likewise there many sources of bank
profitability. This is

where e-banking comes in to play the play a major role in modern banking in terms of
achieving these objectives. However, in this section of the study we are looking at the
effects of e-banking on bank profitability.

1.7.2 Conceptual FrameworK


1.7.3 Theoretical Framework
Electronic Banking Mediums Measures of Banking Perfromance
The nature of the implication of electronic banking has for some time been a subject of
Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Return on Assets
debate amongst different schools of thought. There is a huge survey of literature,
which investigated theoretical
Point of Sale (ROA)of evaluating
and empirical aspects
System/Terminal Returntheonefficiency
banking (Eze GP, 2016). The theories that will be disscussed in this study
Equity (ROE) Net
will be, Technology Acceptance Model, the Extended Technology Acceptance Model,
Mobile Theory
Innovation Diffusion Phone and
Banking ProfitBehavior.
the Theory of Planned Margin

(MPB) stored Value Card/ Gross Profit Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Smart CardAcceptance
The technology Credit Model
and Debit
developed in 1989 by FredOperating
Margin Davis. The model was
Cardsdesigned to predict user‘s acceptance ofCost
Information Technology and usage
in an organizational context. The model posits that that user acceptance is determined
by two key beliefs, namely perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The theory
argues that the consumers’ attitude towards using new technology is influenced by

perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The organization may be willing to
adopt a new technology but may not have the necessary resources (financial or human)
to do so. Despite this short coming, TAM is still one of the most useful models in
explaining the adoption of technology in the organizational context. This theory
informed on the process and motivation of e banking amongst commercial bank. Extended TAM Model

This extension of TAM developed by Dobdinga, C.F (2012) was to identify the drivers
to the customer’s perception of e-banking adoption in Cameroon by considering an
extension in the Technological Adoption Model (TAM). The extended TAM was
assessed using a sample survey of 210 customers. The psychometric properties of the
data were investigated using the estimation of internal consistency reliability and the
convergent and discriminate validity of the instrument items. The results estimated
using a path regression analysis showed that perceived security, trust, cost of service,
usefulness, and accessibility have significant influenced on customer’s attitudes and
hence adoption of e-banking. To this effect, the results further showed that
characteristics such as age, education and marital status have significant influence on
customer’s attitude. It was also revealed that perceived reliability, trust, security, and
accessibility have significant impact on the perceived usefulness of e-banking
adoption. He concluded that the results show the need to increase e-banking security,
accessibility, trustworthiness and to reduce the cost of e-banking services so to
encourage customer’s attitudes towards the adoption of e-banking services. Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT)

The underpinning theory employed in this work is a theory arising from the
decomposed theory of planned behavior. This theory considers that the use of
technology is influenced by attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control.
The theory argues that the lesser the ratio of currency outside banks to broad money
supply the higher the intermediation efficiency and vice-versa. Rogers (2004)
described the innovation diffusion as an uncertainty reduction process. He has also
proposed attributes that can help reduce uncertainty regarding the innovation which are
relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, triability and Observability. Relative
advantage has to do with the idea giving an organization an edge while compatibility
has to do with the degree to which the innovation is seen to be consistent with the
values of the organization and the needs of the potential adopters.
12 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
The theory of planned behavior (TPB) was developed by Ajzen in 1988. The theory
posits that individual behavior is driven by behavior intentions, where behavior
intentions are a function of three determinants: an individual’s attitude toward
behavior, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. Subjective norms
perceived are a person’s own estimate of the social pressure to perform the target
behavior. Subjective norms are assumed to have two components which work in
interaction: beliefs about how other people, who may be in some way important to the
person, would like them to behave (normative beliefs). Perceived behavioral control is
the extent to which a person feels able to enact the behavior.

1.8 Proposed Methodology

1.8.1 Research Design

The sampling techniques that the researcher will use in this study will be directly in
line with the objectives of the study. Non-probability and non-random sampling will be
used, that is the sample of study will be selected in a non-random manner. In addition
to this, the sample size of this study is restricted to the confines of UBA bank branch in
Limbe. UBA bank Limbe have the various unique innovative aspects in the banking
industry especially in the subject matter of electronic banking.

1.8.2 Sources of Data Collection

In line with the objectives of this study data collection for this research will adopt both
quantitative and qualitative data approach to answering the research questions with the
use of both the primary and secondary methods of data collection.

Primary Data
In order for us to achieve the objectives of this study, primary data will be the main
source of data. Questionnaires will be delivered and collected by the researcher at the
various selected bank branches. Therefore, the main primary data gathering tool will be
a well configured questionnaire adopted in order to identify and answer our research
questions. Questioonnaires will be issued to both the bank employees and customers.

In addition, secondary method of data collection in this study will entail existing body
of knowledge such as books, articles, dissertations, websites and other internet texts. In
this study, the secondary data collection will involv reviewing all available literature
on e-banking. Furthermore, UBA Bank publishes periodic or annual reports to the
public either as a regulatory requirement or sometimes as motive to show the financial
position, developments and improvements of the bank the internal and external
environment of the bank

1.8.3 Methods of Data Analysis

The goal of this study is to measure the impact of electronic banking on commercial
banking performnacce. Thus it can be further analyzed as identifying the difference
between those who use E-banking Services and Counter Service and e-banking
operations on the profitability of the bank. The data obtained from both primary and
secondary sources will be analyzed using both descriptive and quantitative methods of
analysis. This study will probably use T-test and Correlation analysis with the help of
MS Excel and SPSS to determine the effects and relationships of the dependent
variable on the independent variable.

Descriptive Analysis
The descriptive analysis will involve the use of statistics gotten from the various
sources and displayed in tabular, graphical or other forms of representations.
Descriptive analysis utilizes data collection and analysis techniques that yield reports
concerning the measures of central tendency, variation and correlation.

Quantitative Analysis
The quantitative approach in this study will utilize statistical measurements which will
then be tested for any existing relationship between the dependent and independent
variables in this study in order to better comprehend the impact the impact of e-
banking on bank operations. Furthermore, we will also be making use of the regression
analysis in this study in order to fully understand and forecast the cause effect
relationship between the variables.
1.8.4 Econometric Model
In this study, two variables are to beconsidered, the independent and dependent
variables. The independent variables will consist of e-banking services while the

dependent variables particularly will represent factors relating to the commercial
bank’s profitability, as well as bringing in the various services e-banking comparing
them with counter services. In addition, in order for us to estimate the relationship of
electronic banking on the bank’s profitability, we will probably apply the multiple
correlation models. This model thus then enabled us to estimate the relationship of the
independent variables which are e-banking transactions and account type on the
provision of commercial banking services in accordance with the dependent variable
which is the level of profitability of the bank given by the UBA Bank’s Return on
Asset (ROA). On the other hand, in testing our second hypothesis in order to identify
the difference between those who use ATM, Mobile Banking, Internet banking, and
counter service, we will make use of the T-test analysis using the one sample statistics
and one sample test.

However, the multiple correlation models enables us to estimate the impact of the
independent variable (ATM, MBA, SAH, CAH, IB, E-banking frequency of usage and

Internet connectivity and Level of Usage (ITC)) on the banks’ profitability or ROA
(dependent variable). The multiple correlation model and T-test Model are given below
model is specified below:

The tools to measure these variables will be based strictly on questionnaires developed
by the researcher and the consolidated financial reports of UBA Bank Cameroon. On
the other hand, the dependent variable of this study is based on the commercial
banking operations. In order words our dependent variable is the operational
performance of the institution.

Correlation Model
According to Investopedia (2017), correlation is one of the most common and most
useful statistics. A correlation is a single number that describes the degree of
relationship between two variables. We use the symbol r to stand for the correlation
which falls between the ranges +1.0 and -1.0, if the correlation is negative, we have a
negative relationship; if it is positive, and we have a positive relationship.

N = sample size which is 14 y = ROA (Return on

Assets) x1 = SAH (Savings account Holder) x2 =

CAH (Current account Holder) x3= EBF

(Frequency of Using E-banking services)

Null Hypothesis (H0) → r = 0

Alternative Hypothesis (H1) → r < > 0

Using the model above to test the relationship between e-banking transactions and
account type with the profitability of the banking institution we shall be able to
determine our correlation coefficient. Furthermore, we will commonly use the normal
level of significance of 0.05 and we considered a two-tailed test in order to test our
dependent variable against our independent variables.

T-Test Statistic Model

According to Investopedia (2017), a t-test is an analysis of two population’s means

through the use of statistical examination, a test with two samples is commonly used
with small sample sizes, testing the difference between the samples when the variances
of two normal distributions are not known. A T-test looks at the t-statistic, the
tdistribution and degrees of freedom to determine the probability of difference between
populations. Furthermore, to conduct a test with three or more variables, an analysis of
variance must be used. The formula for T test is given below:

𝑋2 =ITB (Internet Banking)

X → mean
𝑆1 2 = ATM

N → sample size which is 14
𝑆12 =MBA

S → standard deviation
𝑆12 =ITB

𝑋2 =MBA (Mobile Phone


Using this model above we will be able to define our null and alternative hypothesis
and calculate our t-statistic data using the appropriate level of significance (Sig.) and
degrees of freedom (df). This model will be used to compare our sample mean to our
(N) assuming a two tailed test using a 95% confidence interval.

1.9 Expected Results

The objective of this study is to measure the impact of electronic banking on

commercial banking operations with the specific objectives being to examine the
relationship between e-banking and the profitability of the banking institution, to
identify the factors that are influencing the adoption of digital banking in the institution
and to evaluate the level of application of e-banking in bank transactions in the
institution with our case study being United Bank for Africa (UBA) Cameroon.
Therefore with all things being equal, we are expectin to get the follwoing results.

 To know the age demographic of e-banking users.

 The type of accounts used by e-banking users.

 The level of adoption of e-banking services.

 The relationship between e-banking offerings and the profitability of the bank.

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