Pre-Finals Examination in Science, Technology and Society

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San Jose Community College

Pre-finals Examination in
Science and Technology and Society

July 11, 2022

Test I.
Direction: Answer the following questions below correctly and put your answer on
the spaces provided for. Stricty NO ERASURE.

___1. Which of the following is the big reason that some animals became endangered
and have now become extinct?
A.Food insecurity B. Food Scarcity C. Starvation D. All of these
___2. What would be the result of suffering from food insecurity?
A. Poor Hygiene B. Poor Nutrition
C. Poor Performance D. All of these
___3. What part of the Philippines is considered to be one of the poorest areas
according to the World Food Program and Philippine Statistics Authority?
A. Masbate B. Isla Puting Bato in Tondo
C. West Rembo Makati D. All of these
___4. Accdng to the WFP and PSA, what is the usual diet of the people living in the
poorest areas?
A. Champorado at Tuyo B. Kanin at Mais
B. Dinuguan at Puto D. Sinabawan at Patis
___5. The following below are the reasons of hunger that the WFP and PSA identified,
A. Head of the Family has no regular job
B. The family has inadequate income
C. Many Spouses and Children
D. Calamities
___6. What was the definition of the United States Department of Agriculture about
food insecurity?
A. It is due to social and economic problem of lack of food
B. The state of being without consistent access to food
C. Unfortunate to have adequare quantitgy of affordable nutritious food
D. The state of not having sufficient food each day
___7. The following below are the USDA definition about food insecurity except?
A. The state of non-voluntary fasting
B. It is because of illness
C. It is due to societal and financial problems
D. It is likely on the condition of less house food
___8. The inability of a person to acquire suitable foods in freely satisfactory ways?
A. Insufficiency
B. Uncertainty
C. Socially acceptable
D. All of the above
___9. Below are the states in America being identified by the USDA as statistically
having higher prevalence of hunger, except?
A. Golden State San Francisco
B. Atlanta Georgia
C. Cleveland Ohio
D. Houston Texas
___10. Which of the following tops the list as the hungriest country in the world?
A. Philippines
B. United States of America
C. Taguig City, Metro Manila
D. Central African Republic

Test II.
Essay: Explain the following in simple terms.

1. Is Food Insecurity part of your everyday living? If yes, cite 5 examples.

2. As a student, what can you do to alleviate food insecurity? Cite 5 possible realistic
solutions about the matter.
3. If you will be given a chance to talk about food insecurity before a big audience
putting it in a slogan manner, what would it be?

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