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PHYSICS – study of force and momentum

Kinematics – physics of motion and particles, they are described and predicted using equations.
Basic Question: What causes bodies to move? Dynamics
Mechanics: Kinematics (description of motion – no force involve) and Dynamics (study of the
relationship of motion to the force that causes it)
Dynamics – The study of the relationship of motion to the forces that causes it.
(Nakadepende sa force kung ano magiging motion ng object)
Without force, there is no movement.
- For example, tinulak mo yung box paright so yung motion niya ay towards right; nag
apply yung rocket ng force so ng apply din yung floor ng force sa rocket kaya tumaas
REFERENCE FRAME – is a rigid body whose particles can be labled to create reference
points. It is simplified by introducing a coordinate system (e.g., Cartesian)
 Particle – is an idealized body that occupies only a single point in space, has
mass and has no internal structure.
 Rigid Body – is a collection of particles linked by a light rigid framework. (e.g.,
- We observe things using our reference frame (ex: we observe heavenly
bodies/universe using Earth as our reference frame)
- Each one of us can assign and has reference frame that is our coordinate system.
- Basta nararamdaman ang movement, hindi siya pwede maging reference frame.

Why is the Earth only approximately an inertial reference frame?

Criteria for us to say that one coordinate system is a reference frame:
1. Hindi gumagalaw ang rigid body; meaning wala tayong nararamdaman na motion kasi
hindi siya gumagalaw.
2. Rigid body must be in constant motion, meaning hindi siya naga-accelerate or
- Zero velocity and acceleration (hindi talaga gumagalaw – stationary)
We observe the universe from our reference frame. Earth is a reference frame because it
rotates at a constant speed and we do not feel its movement/rotation.
Once na wala tayong nararamdaman na motion ng rigid body kung nasaan tayo, pwede siya
maging reference frame.
- Not a reference frame. Around so it turns so it has acceleration and we can feel the movement. Pag
hindi mo nararamdaman na nasa loob ng car, ito ay reference frame (either velocity and acceleration is
zero or acceleration is).
- Acceleration is equal to velocity over time interval. Velocity in the example has constant
magnitude (speed) but not constant direction, therefore, velocity is not constant. If velocity is not
constant, motion is not constant and has acceleration.

- Not a reference frame. We feel the movement kasi undulating meaning up and down.

- Gradient is another term for slope.

- Reference frame. Paakyat siya eh so straight lang siya pataas and hindi siya naga-accelerate. Walang
change in direction and magnitude – velocity is constant

- Not a reference frame. Kasi nag accelerate ka pababa and hinihila ka ng gravity. Change in velocity
kasi nag accelerate pababa.
- push or pull
- interaction between two objects or between an object and its environment.
- vector quantity with magnitude and direction
- SI unit = N (Newton)

- Kung saan inapply yung force, kung saan siya papunta doon papunta
yung vector. For example, pinush mo yung box 45 degres North of West at
10N so papunta yung arrow dun sa point kung saan papunta ang force mo kung saan mo siya tinulak.

- Components are found on the axis (X and Y) or value in the axis.

- Components pag pinagsamasama has the same effect as the original vector. For example yung box na
hinila sa upper right so ang components niya ay X and Y same lang din ang effect pag hinila mo sa X &
- Superposition ay pag may multiple forces ang inapply sa isang object and they will combine to produce
a singular effect/force called resultant.
- Resultant – is the vector sume of all the forces on an object.

Examples of Common Force

INERTIA – the tendency of a body to stay at rest or to keep moving
- All objects have inertia
Types of Intertia

 Inertia at rest – it is the inability of a body to change its state of

rest by itself. (hindi siya gagalaw ng sarili niya ng wlang external
 Intertia of motion – it is the inability of a body to change its state
of uniform motion by itself (hindi siya hihinto hanggat walang
outside force)
 Inertia of rotation – it is the inability of a body to rotate by itself
(there is little friction on space, earth continues to rotate)
 Inertia of direction – it is the inability of a body to change its
direction of motion by itself
- Kaya kapag lumiko yung car right mapupunta ka sa left and vice versa for the body to
maintain/stay in the original direction before kayo lumiko kaya mapupunta ka sa opposite
direction (Hindi magchachange ang ating direction hangga’t walang nagpapachange ng direction


An object at rest tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in uniform motion in straight line
(pag yan lumiko ibig sabihin may external force na yan) unless acted by an outside force.

Hindi magbabago ang state pag ang net force niya ay zero (zero net force = equilibrium). Ang net
force ay zer pag walang na eexperience na force or balanced yung mga forces.

For example, hinila mo yung table cloth ng mabilisan, at rest yung baso kasi may sarili siyang inertia
- Nabangga yung car so tumigil yung car and tumilapon yung tao kasi yung body ng tao ay minamaintain
yung inertia of motion (a body in motion stays in motion) unless pinahinto yung tao by an outside force
- The body maintains its direction kaya kapag lumiliko napupunta ka sa opposite side


- The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force on the object

Force and Acceleration Relationship

- Net force (summation of forces) is equal to mass time acceleration


- The acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to the object’s mass if the net force remains
- Habang tumataas yung mass niya, mas nahihirapan siyang mag accelerate with a given amount of force
na inapply sakanya


- If the net force on an object is not zero, it causes the object to accelerate
- The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it, and inversely
proportional to the mass object

- The original equation of 2nd law is P = md (momentum is equal to mass and velocity). If we get the
change in momentum and velocity both sides, we will derive the F = ma for change in momentum
over time is force and change in velocity over time is acceleration.
- Newton’s Second Law: The net force is equal to mass and acceleration. Direction of the resultant force
will be the direction of the acceleration
- Because it was acted upon by an external force, therefore the inertia of motion changed to a state of rest.
- If you exert a force on a body, the body always exerts a force (the “reaction” back upon you).
- A force and its reaction force have the same magnitude but opposite directions. These collinear forces
act on different bodies.

- For example, moon applies the gravitational force upon us/attract us gravitationally. By the law of
interaction, the earth also applies force of attraction to the moon. Another example is earth attract us
downward and we attract the earth upward. We accelerate because the earth has a greater mass.
- Lahat ng matter sa universe ay nage-exert ng force sayo by gravitational force and at the same
time lahat ng matter sa universe ay ina-attract mo rin.

Ibato niya yung object

sa opposite side ng
direction para ma-push ka pabalik. By the 3rd Law of motion yung binato mong object I propropel ka sa
opposite side of direction.

- Gravitational Force
- Electromagnetic Force
- Strong Nuclear Force (binds protons and neutrons)
- Weak Nuclear Force (seen in nuclear reaction)


Mass – characterizes the inertial properties of a body (more mass means high inertia of motion or
rest – mahirap pagalawin or pahintuin)
- more mass means high inertia, less mass means low inertia
- constant everywhere
Weight – it is the gravitational force that the planet exerts on a body
- changes everywhere (planets)
- Microgravity ang tawag sa weight mo sa space

Red line means the focus of our topic

Question: Why does the book on top of the table doesn’t fall?
Answer: There must be a force the is pushing the book upward – called normal force
- Pag hinila ng object yung string through its weight, hihilain din siya ng string pataas (Law of

- Resists the sliding of an object, friction is directed on the opposite direction

- Static Friction: friction at rest meaning pag tinulak mo yung object hindi mo siya basta-basta
mapapagalaw. Kung ano yung force na inapply mo yun din yung iapply ng friction pabalik sayo
- Kinetic Friction: pag nag start na siya magmove
- Rolling Friction: reason kaya tayo nakakapagmaneho
- Fluid Friction: found in the air

- Once na nalagpasan mo na yung maximum value ni static friction, magmomove na yung object
- Normal force is the force na inapply ng surface pataas dun sa object
- Coefficient of static friction dictates the maximum value of static friction based on normal force.

- It is constant and does not vary like static friction na pag tinaasan yung applied force tataas din yung
static friction until ma reach niya ang maximum value.
Free Body Diagram (FBD) - A single body or a subsystem of bodies isolated from its surroundings
showing all the external forces acting on it is its free body diagram.
Steps for Free Body Diagram
Step 1: Identify the object or system and isolate it from other objects clearly, specify its boundary.
Step 2: First draw non-contact external force in the diagram. Generally, it is weight.
Step 3: Draw contact forces which acts at the boundary of the object or system. Contact forces are
normal, friction, tension and applied force.
FBD explanation
- Box is the circle, it is pulled
down by the gravity (w),
tinutulak siya ng surface pataas
as its reaction (n = normal force),
and tinutulak siya nung tao sa
right (f).
F = 20 N
m = 40 kg

1. Isa-isahin ang x and y

- Ano-ano ang mga forces naga-act sa x-axis?

ZFy = sum of forces na naga-act sa x-axis

- wala namang vertical acceleration sa box kasi di naman siya naga-accelerate pataas at pababa

N + (-w) = 0
- ito ang mga forces sa y (axis); we have the N (normal force na positive kasi paataas) + -w
(negative kasi weight ay pababa) = m x a = 0
ZFx = max ay Sum ng forces along the x-axis
F (positive kasi papunta sa right) = max
Magiging ax = F/M
= 20N/40kg = 0.5 m/s2
- Inidentify muna yung forces na naga-act sa bos: W – gravitational pull, N – normal force, V – papunt na
siya sa baba, F (kinetic friction) – friction na pa left kasi ang friction ay nasa opposite direction palagi
Free Body Diagram

- Ni rotate lang ng onti kaya naging ganito

See Notebook for Activities 1 & 2

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