Mces Wk2 Day 1 36 Questions

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Medical Coding Exam System - Week 2 Day 1

Practice Exam Questions 101 - 136
101. A patient had a bronchoscopy with destruction for relief of stenosis by laser therapy. During
this procedure photodynamic therapy by endoscopic application of light was used to ablate
abnormal tissue via activation of photosensitive drugs. The photodynamic therapy lasted 60
minutes. How would you report this procedure?

a. 31645, 96567
b. 96567 x 2
c. 31643, 96570-51, 96571-51
d. 31641, 96570, 96571 x 2

102. Dr. George asked the local pharmacist to review Ann’s new medications with her when she
picked them up. Ann is a new patient who just moved into the area and required several new
medications. Ann is hard of hearing and had a difficult time understanding Dr. George when he
called her. The pharmacist spent 35 minutes with Ann and documented a review of her history,
recommendations for improving health outcomes, and treatment compliance. The pharmacist faxed
this note back to Dr. George’s office. How would the pharmacist report his services?

a. 99605, 99606
b. This service has no codes to report
c. 99607 x 3
d. 99213

103. What code would report an internet assessment and management service provided by a
qualified non-physician healthcare professional to an established patient not originating from a
related assessment and management service provided within the previous seven days?

a. 96150
b. 99444
c. 98969
d. 96151

104. Code 95907 could describe studies to which of the following nerves?

a. Lateral antebrachial cutaneous sensory nerve and posterior femoral cutaneous sensory nerve
b. Medial calcaneal sensory nerve and radial sensory nerve to digit one
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

105. Jane has a family history of skin melanoma. Her primary care doctor asked for a consult with
Dr. John. During Jane’s first visit with her new dermatologist, Dr. John, he documented a
comprehensive history, comprehensive examination, and medical decision-making of moderate
complexity. Dr. John also performed a whole body integumentary photography for monitoring of
Jane’s skin. Dr. John sent a report back to her PCP and told Jane she should return in one year or
before then if anything should change on her skin. What code(s) would you use to report Dr. John’s

a. 99244-25, 96904


b. 99213
c. 96904
d. 99204, 96904

106. What services can you report in addition to the general ophthalmological services or evaluation
and management services?

a. Intermediate ophthalmological services

b. Special ophthalmological services
c. Only new patient general ophthalmological services
d. Only established patient general ophthalmological services

107. Jim underwent a Code for a percutaneous transluminal revascularization of acute total/subtotal
occlusion during acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery, intracoronary stent, single vessel. What
code(s) should you use to report these services?

a. 92941
b. 92943
c. 92944
d. 92973

108. What term could describe an inflammation of the plantar, causing foot or heel pain when
walking or running?

a. Plantar fasciitis
b. Tenodesis
c. Tenolysis
d. Tendon fasciitis

109. Blepharoplasty describes what type of a procedure?

a. Surgical reduction of the upper/lower eyelids to remove excess fat, skin, and muscle
b. Treatment for spider veins with injections of sclerosing solution
c. Replacement of damaged skin with healthy tissue taken from a donor
d. Destruction of tissue by burning or freezing

110. Which autoimmune disorder will eventually destroy the thyroid gland?

a. Hayem-Farber disease
b. Alzheimer’s thyroiditis
c. Lou Gehrig’s disease
d. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

111. Which of the following statements best describes a rheumatologist?

a. A specialist who provides medical care and drug treatments focused on mental and cognitive
b. A specialist who provides treatment to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and their aftercare
c. A specialist who provides the diagnosis and treatment of disease characterized by inflammation
of the connective tissues.


d. A specialist who provides the diagnosis and surgical treatment of bone disorders

112. A patient suffered a burn that involved the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers with
some muscle involvement. What degree of burn would describe this injury?

a. First-degree, superficial with blisters

b. Second-degree, partial thickness with muscle
c. Third-degree, full thickness
d. None of the above

113. In which part of the body would you find the choroid?

a. Brain
b. Eyeball
c. Muscles of the hand
d. Spinal column

114. Which combining form refers to the small intestine?

a. enter/o
b. gastr/o
c. celi/o
d. col/o

115. An ERG is what type of a procedure?

a. Electroretinography
b. Electrorenalography
c. Electroretinograph
d. Electrorhidogram

116. Which term refers to the anus, rectum, and the cecum?

a. rectal
b. anorectal
c. esophageal
d. ilium

117. Which term does not refer to a level of consciousness?

a. Syncope
b. Stupor
c. Coma
d. Sciatica

118. What type of condition describes a patient diagnosed with oligospermia?

a. Knots is the varicose veins

b. An inflammation of the prostate gland
c. An abnormally low number of sperm in the semen


d. Failure to ovulate

119. What does the term cystopexy mean?

a. Inflammation of the spinal cord and brain

b. Surgical fixation of the urinary bladder
c. Surgical suture of the knee joints
d. Crushing procedure to remove cysts

120. What is an episiotomy and why would a patient need to have this procedure?

a. Surgical suturing of the rectum caused by extensive tissue damage following a bowel repair
b. Surgical incision of the vulva to facilitate delivery of a baby
c. Surgical puncture of the cervix to remove fluid
d. Surgical creation of an opening into the small intestine to provide relief of excessive gastritis

121. What direction describes raising the foot, pulling the toes toward the shin?

a. Protraction
b. Dorsiflexion
c. Plantar flexion
d. Pronation

122. Which artery opens to allow oxygen-rich blood to pass from the left ventricle into the aorta
where the blood is delivered to the rest of the body?

a. Renal
b. Aortic
c. Superior vena cava
d. Inferior vena cava

123. What syndrome is a condition caused by abnormal production of the hormone gastrin?

a. Vogt-Koyanagi
b. Silvestroni-Bianco
c. Sudeck-Leriche
d. Zollinger-Ellison

124. How can air pass through the upper respiratory tract?

a. Via the nose, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, and larynx into the lower
respiratory system.

b. Via the nose, larynx, and bronchus

c. Via nose, larynx, bronchus, and trachea
d. Via nose, larynx, bronchus, trachea, and pleura

125. What is the uvula?

a. A receptacle for urine before it is voided.


b. A female organ used to contain and nourish the embryo and fetus from the time the fertilized egg
is implanted to the time of birth of the fetus.

c. A small soft structure hanging from the free edge of the soft palate in midline above the root of
the tongue. It is composed of muscle, connective tissue, and mucous membrane.

d. A canal, used for the discharge of urine that extends from the bladder to the outside of the body.

126. What bones make up the axial skeleton?

a. Skull, rib cage, and spine

b. Spine, collar bones, and arms
c. Shoulder bones, pelvic bones, arms, and legs
d. Coccyx, ulna, femur, and tibia

127. What term refers to white blood cells?

a. Erythrocytes
b. Monocytes
c. Lymphocytes
d. Leukocytes

128. Which statement(s) describe a passive natural acquired immunity process?

a. Use of immunoglobulin harvested from a donor who developed resistance against specific
b. The passage of antibodies through the placenta or breast milk.
c. Immunization that uses a greatly weakened form of the antigen, thus enabling the body to
develop antibodies in response to this intentional exposure.
d. Both A and C

129. What does the olecranon process refer to?

a. The elbow
b. Excision of a tumor in the large intestine
c. Plasma membranes
d. Use of a surgical endoscope in the knee

130. Lucy, a 69-year-old patient, was admitted to a nursing home with cellulitis of the right foot,
excluding the toes. She was placed on IV therapy for the cellulitis and is now recovering nicely. She
plans to return to her home upon discharge. She has a history of Type I diabetes with no
complications. She is being treated for both the cellulitis and the diabetic condition. How would you
report these diagnoses?

a. L03.115, E10.9
b. L03.039, E11.9
c. E10.65, L03.126
d. L03.126, E10.51

131. If the type of diabetes mellitus is not documented in the medical record what is the default type


you should assign?

a. There are no guidelines to determine the type assignment.

b. Type I and Type II
c. Type I
d. Type II

132. Cynthia is 28 years old and pregnant. She presents to the emergency room complaining of
diarrhea with watery bowel movements with incontinence, cramps, nausea, and vomiting for the
past 12 hours. She is unable to keep anything down, including liquids. She has been eating a
healthy diet and does not feel this problem is based on something she ate. After testing, she was
found to have enteritis due to Clostridium difficile. She was admitted for hydration and further
treatment. In what order should you report the diagnoses codes for Cynthia’s condition?

a. There are no sequencing rules that would apply to code this case

b. Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions codes only (Chapter 16)

c. Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Puerperium (Chapter 11) codes first, followed by
Infectious and Parasitic codes (Chapter 1)

d. Infectious and Parasitic codes (Chapter 1), followed by Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth
and Puerperium (Chapter 11) codes

133. A patient is suffering with acute respiratory failure, viral pneumonia, atrial fibrillation, and
alcoholic liver cirrhosis. What codes describe these conditions?

a. I25.10, J96.90, K72.90, I48.92, K75.81

b. K70.9, J41.0, K70.30, J12.1
c. J96.90, J12.9, I48.91, K70.30
d. J96.10, J15.20, J41.0, K70.30

134. A 44-year-old male was spraying weeds in his backyard. He accidentally got some of the weed
killer in his ice tea. After drinking the ice tea and working for several hours, he told his wife he felt
“funny” and started to vomit. She drove him to the emergency room for treatment. How would you
report this scenario?

a. R11.10, T60.8X1A, T60.3X1A

b. T60.8X1A, R11.10, T60.3X1A
c. R11.2, T60.8X2A, T60.0X4A
d. T60.8X1A, R11.10

135. Pam’s infant son, who weighs 2,321 grams, is considered underweight for his gestational age
without mention of fetal malnutrition. How would you report this case?

a. T76.02XA
b. P05.07
c. O36.5910
d. P05.08

136. The patient has dementia with a behavior disturbance, unspecified, depression, NOS and


insomnia with sleep apnea.

a. F03.91, F32.9, G47.00,G47.30

b. F03.91, F32.9, G47.00
c. F03.91, F32.9, G47.01, G47.30
d. F03.91, F91.1, G47.30


Medical Coding Exam System - Week 2 Day 1

Practice Exam Answers 101 - 136
101. d. You can find this answer by looking in the index of the CPT Professional under
Endoscopy, Bronchi, Stenosis.

102. a. Use Medication Therapy Management Services. The guidelines for these codes indicate the
documentation elements and times necessary to select a code.

103. c. Code 98969 is reportable for non-physician healthcare professionals.

104. c. If you find yourself spending more than 3 minutes, you have to guess and move on. First you
have to read the guidelines before the 95905 – 95913 codes, then go to Appendix J and read
through the nerves. Good test question because it teaches you to read everything in the CPT
manual, even the Appendices.

105. a. The notes above the code 96904 indicate this service is typically consultative and the
consultation evaluation and management code may be appropriate in addition to the special
dermatological procedures. The other answers are incorrect due to the reporting of the evaluation
and management code.

106. b. See the subsection Ophthalmology in the CPT Professional Edition under for the definition
of special ophthalmological services, “…these services may be reported in addition….”

107. a. 92941; The very long descriptions of this code group need to be highlighted and circled for

108. a. You can find this answer by studying or knowing medical terminology.

109. a. You can find this answer in the index of the CPT Professional Edition. Once you locate the
term, cross reference the code(s) to determine the type of procedure.

110. d. You can find this answer in the ICD-10-CM index under Thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s and cross
reference it to determine the type of disease.

111.c. This question is an example of an answer that you could not find in the source materials
allowed for the CPC exam. This type of question is based on general knowledge of medical

112. c. The degree of a burn is determined by the layers of skin involved. A third degree burn, also
known as a full thickness burn, involves damage to all three layers of skin and possibly the muscle.
You could find this by looking up burn in the ICD-10-CM book and cross referencing to that section
for further definition.

113. b. You can find this answer in the CPT Professional Edition in the illustrations of anatomical
and procedural review at the front of the book. You could also find this answer by looking in the in
the CPT index under Choroid and then cross referencing the procedures.

114. a. This question is best answered by studying or knowing medical terminology. However you
could also discover the correct answer by using the CPT Professional Edition index and looking


up procedures that begin with enter/o.

115. a. You can find the answer in the index of the CPT Professional Edition by looking up ERG.

116. b. This answer comes from studying medical terminology. You can break down the term
anorectal (an/o – anus, rect – rectum, and –al pertaining to).

117. d. Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve that results in pain, burning, and tingling
along the course of the nerve through the thigh and leg. You could find the answer by looking up
each term in the ICD-10-CM index, if necessary.

118. c. You can find this answer by looking up the term in the ICD-10-CM index of diseases and
then cross referencing the code.

119. b. You can find the answer by breaking down the medical term cystopexy (cyst/o – urinary
bladder, pexy – surgical fixation). The CPT Professional Edition lists a few surgical procedure
suffixes in the front of the book, which are helpful for learning medical terminology.

120. b. You can find this answer in the index of the CPT Professional Edition under the procedure
Episiotomy, then cross referencing the code. You could also reference the list in the front of the
book that describes surgical procedures (suffix otomy– cutting into or incision).

121. b. This is an example of an answer that you may not be able to find in the resource material
available for the CPC exam. Studying or knowing anatomy and medical terminology is the best way
to answer this type of question.

122. b. The aorta is an artery not a vein. There are four types of valves that regulate blood flow
through the heart. 1. The tricuspid valve regulates blood flow between the right atrium and right
ventricle. 2. The pulmonary valve controls blood flow from the right ventricle into the pulmonary
arteries, which carry oxygen-poor blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen. 3. The mitral valve lets
oxygen-rich blood from the lungs pass from the left atrium into the left ventricle. 4. The aortic valve
opens to allow oxygen-rich blood to pass from the left ventricle into the aorta, the largest artery,
where this blood is delivered to the rest of the body.

123. d. You can find this answer in the ICD-10-CM index under Syndrome, Zollinger-Ellison. Once
you locate the code, cross reference to review the definition provided.

124. a. This is an example of an answer that you may not be able to find in the resource material
available for the CPC exam. Studying and knowing anatomy and medical terminology is the best
way to answer this question. The lower respiratory tract consists of the trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles, alveoli, and capillaries of the lungs.

125. c. You can find this answer by looking up uvula in the CPT Professional Edition and cross
referencing the codes listed. This will provide information about where the uvula is located in the

126. a. This is an example of an answer that you may not able to find using the resource material
available for the CPC exam. Studying and learning anatomy and medical terminology is the best
way to answer this question.


127. d. This is an example of an answer that you may not be able to find in the resource material
available for the CPC exam. Studying and knowing anatomy and medical terminology is the best
way to answer this question. Break down the word (leuk/o – white and cytes – cell).

128. b. This is an example of an answer that you may not be able to find in the resource material
available for the CPC exam. Studying and knowing anatomy and medical terminology is the best
way to answer this question. Read the answers carefully. Both the use of vaccination and
immunoglobulins harvested are “artificial” not “natural” means of immunity.

129. a. You can find this answer in the CPT Professional Edition in the index under Olecranon
Process. If you cross reference the codes, you will discover the answer is the elbow.

130. a. You can find this answer in the ICD-10-CM book by looking up cellulites, foot (except toes)
for the first listed diagnosis and diabetes Type I without mention of complications and not stated as
uncontrolled. Per the Coding Clinic, you may not code conditions as diabetic complications without
the physician making the link between the two conditions.

131. d. You can find this answer in the ICD-10-CM coding guidelines under Chapter 3, a. 20 Type of
diabetes mellitus not documented. The section states, “If the type of diabetes mellitus is not
documented in the medical record the default is type II.”

132. c. You can find this answer in the ICD-10-CM coding guidelines under Chapter 11, a, 1, Codes
from Chapter 11 and sequencing priority, which states, “. . . Chapter 11 codes have sequencing
priority over codes from other chapters. Additional codes from other chapters may be used in
conjunction with Chapter 11 codes to further specify conditions.”

133. c. One way to approach this question is to look up the codes for each condition and then check
those off against the answers. Be careful when selecting multiple codes.

134. b. Coding for poisonings have an absolute sequence order. First, poisoning followed by codes
for manifestations, and finally the E code to describe the external cause.

135. d. The fifth-digit sub-classification of eight (8) indicates the correct weight range for this
question. You can find this answer in the ICD-10-CM index under Light-for-dates.

136. a. F03.91: Dementia, unspecified, with behavioral disturbance - CORRECT.

F03.90: Dementia, unspecified, without behavioral disturbance is INCORRECT.
New: insomnia (G47.00) and sleep apnea (G47.30) are separate in ICD-10. F32.9 is depression,


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