Analysis of A Grid-Forming Converter Based On Repetitive Control in Centralized AC Microgrid

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Analysis of a Grid-Forming Converter Based on

Repetitive Control in Centralized AC Microgrid

Helio M. A. Antunes, Sidelmo M. Silva, Danilo I. Brandao, Reginaldo V. Ferreira, Braz de Jesus C. Filho
Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil,,,,

Abstract—The power system is experiencing an expansion of supplying loads [4]–[6]. Finally, the GSC operates injecting
distributed generators connected to the low voltage network. In active power, regulating reactive power flow, and performing
this context appears the so-called microgrid, which consists of a ancillary services like voltage and frequency regulation,
group of electrical microsources, loads and storage elements harmonic compensation and low-voltage ride-through [7]. It is
controlled as a single unit whose may operate either connected to highlighted that GSC may be controlled either as current
or islanded from the main grid. The microgrid can be arranged source or as voltage source, depending on how its control
in a centralized structure, e.g., master-slave architecture, where scheme was designed.
the centralized converter, i.e., grid-forming converter plays a
crucial role. It must promptly respond to load and grid The evolution of power electronics allowed the
variations, manage the transition from grid-connected to development of grid-interactive interface between renewable
islanded mode, and define the voltage and frequency during sources and utility, ensuring even the isolated operation of
islanded operation. This paper proposes a repetitive control MGs [8]. When the MG operates interconnected to utility,
tuned at even harmonic orders applied to a grid-forming voltage and frequency are imposed by the grid itself. Whereas,
converter instead of repetitive control tuned at odd harmonics as when MG runs in islanded mode, the voltage and frequency
usual. Such grid-forming is devised in synchronous reference must be imposed by a centralized GFC endowed with energy
frame and applied to a centralized AC microgrid, particularly storage systems (ESSs). Besides of that, GFC must promptly
under islanded operation. Such microgrid is composed of linear
respond to load and grid variation, and manages the transition
and nonlinear load, a photovoltaic inverter and the grid-former
from grid-connected to islanded mode.
converter itself. Through simulation results the microgrid power
flow and power quality are analyzed evaluating the grid-forming MGs can be controlled either in grid-connected or islanded
converter operation. mode in single-master operation (SMO). SMO is a centralized
control strategy in which the converters operate in a master-
Keywords— AC microgrids; distributed generation; islanded slave architecture. One converter must be controlled in V-f
operation; repetitive controller. mode while the others in PQ mode. The active and reactive
I. INTRODUCTION power flow of these latter distributed units are controlled by a
central controller usually placed at point-of-common-coupling
(PCC) of the MG through a communication link [9].
The world has been experiencing a fast change in the
production and use of electric power. In the past, the power This paper proposes a GFC in which its voltage loop
system operated transporting large amount of energy produced control is implemented based on a repetitive control (RC) in
by huge power plants located far from the consumer centers. parallel with proportional-integral (PI) controller in cascade
With the introduction of distributed generation that scenario with a current loop using proportional controller. Such RC
has been changing with the use of energy renewable sources, selects the even harmonics instead of odd harmonics as usual,
and power production closer to end users [1], [2]. which permits to use synchronous reference frame (dq0)
instead of natural coordinates (abc). The proposed control of
In this context, a new concept appears with the evolution of GFC guarantees high power quality for the MG even under
the distributed generation named as microgrid (MG). conditions of unbalanced linear and nonlinear load and with
According to [3], a MG is a set of electrical microsources, intermittency of GFEC. Besides, it assures bidirectional power
loads and storage elements controlled as a dispatchable unit. In flow. Finally, the main contributions of the paper are MG
which the microsources are commonly based on renewable modeling and the devised control for GFC based on RC.
energy sources. Besides, the distributed units of a MG can be
classified in three groups, depending on their control II. MICROGRID STRUCTURE UNDER ANALYSIS
capability: 1) grid-feeding converter (GFEC), 2) grid-forming Fig. 1 shows a simplified block diagram of the MG under
converter (GFC), 3) grid-supporting converter (GSC) [4]. study, while Table I shows its main electrical parameters. The
The GFEC are restricted to inject active power into the MG is formed of a GFEC with capacity to meet partially the
grid, being them controlled as current source in PQ mode. The loads, representing the intermittency of a photovoltaic system.
GFC operates as a voltage source in V-f mode mostly The MG only operates in islanded mode, keeping the MG
Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering – Federal University of Minas

978-1-5090-5339-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE.

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static switch (MG-SS) open. In this way, the GFC emulates the of a DC voltage loop in cascade with a faster current loop, both
power grid with master-slave architecture. with PI controller [12]. The gains of voltage and current loop
are designed using pole alocation technique [14]. The cutoff
Electric loads of the MG include linear and nonlinear. A frequency of current loop (wci) is equal to (1/10) of switching
linear load was modeled as a constant impedance with RL frequency. Already the voltage loops is used two cutoff
characteristic. The nonlinear load considered is composed of a frequencies (wcv1, wcv2) equal to (1/10) and (1/100) of current
three-phase diode rectifier, an inductive filter in the input and a loop. The gains of PI controllers are obtained using the
capacitor and resistor in DC side. The load model permits to relations, and they are shown in Table II:
evaluate unbalance characteristics.
A. Grid-Feeding Converter K pi = (L1 + L2 )wci (1)
Fig. 2 shows the equivalent circuit of the GFEC. It is Kii = (R1 + R 2 )wci (2)
composed of a three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) with
two levels space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) and 2V (w + wcv 2 )C DC
K pVDC = − DC cv1 (3)
LCL filter [10], [11]. The current source in parallel with the 3vd
DC represents, for example, the intermittence of a photovoltaic 4VDC (wcv1 × wcv 2 )C DC
system. The GFEC operates as a current source injecting active KiVDC = − (4)
power into the grid without contributing to reactive regulation. 3vd
[12], [13].
Fig. 3 shows the block diagram control of GFEC devised in III. GRID-FORMING CONVERTER
synchronous reference frame (dq). It is used in the control The GFC operates with closed-loop control creating a
scheme some feedforward actions to cancel cross coupling of reference of voltage and frequency on its output. The operation
some terms (wLid and wLiq), the disturbance in voltage (vd and principle for this converter comes from an uninterrupted power
vq) and DC current (iDC). It can be seen that the control consists source (UPS) that have an ESS, and can supply an electrical
load without the power grid. So, the GFC ensures in a MG the
power quality (PQ), the continuity of service and the stability
[4], [15].
When the power grid is present, the GFC operates as a
current source in PQ mode. This converter waits for the exact
moment to start its operation in islanded mode, changing its
control to V-f mode opening the MG-SS. The transition in a
MG between the operation modes needs to occur without
voltage and frequency transients (i.e., seamless) [16], [17].
The GFC from Fig. 2 is formed of a VSI that can have a
single-phase or three-phase configuration, with a LC filter to
Fig. 1 - Structure of the centralized three-phase four-wires AC MG. ensure a sinusoidal voltage on its output. In DC side is used an
ESS, formed in most cases by a bank of electrochemical
TABLE I- ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MG UNDER ANALYSIS. batteries, mainly for economic reasons [18]. For low voltage
ESS applications a second stage is used, formed of a buck-
System Characteristics
boost converter [19], [20].
220V, 60 Hz, 75kVA, LC filter: RL= 10mΩ, L1= 26μH,
Cf=411μF, Rf= 0.1Ω fsw= 15.36kHz, VDC= 350V
40kVA, 220V, fsw=7.68kHz, LCL filter: R1=10 mΩ,
GFEC L1=730 μH, Rf= 0.2Ω, Cf= 55μF, R2=10mΩ, L2=24μH,
CDC=9.4mF, VDC= 500V, vd=180V
Linear load 220V, 40kVA, fp=0,8 (lagged)
220V, 30kW, RAC=64mΩ, LAC=30μH, CDC=28.8mF,
Nonlinear load

Fig. 3 – Control diagram for GFEC in dq0 frame.


Loop Gains
DC voltage Kp= -9.2Ω-1, Ki= -810.7Ω-1
Fig. 2 – Equivalent circuit for GFEC. Current Kp=3.6Ω, Ki=96.5Ω

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A. Control of Grid-Forming Converter
Y (s) 1
The GFC with operation in islanded mode needs to ensure = (5)
at its output a sinusoidal voltage, with constant amplitude and E ( s ) 1 + e - (sT 2 )
frequency free of disturbances, even with the connection of
linear and nonlinear unbalanced loads. Another point that The poles of the equivalent transfer function are shown in (6).
needs to be highlighted is the presence of distributed generators
s = ± jwo (2 k + 1), k = 0,1,, ∞. (6)
with intermittent behavior.
The converter which function and feature characteristics are
closer to GFC is the UPS, which also must feed any type of
load and maintain the voltage with low TDHv, without the
power grid [21]. The IEC 62040-3 standard determines that in
an UPS the highest value of TDHv for cyclic loads must be less
than 8% [22].
Fig. 4 shows a typical diagram control for a VSI that
operates as GFC in V-f mode. The diagram can be applied to
single-phase or three-phase topologies. The VSI operates in
closed loop, with a voltage loop responsible to generate a
reference for the inner current loop. It is possible to use some
feedforward action responsible for eliminate cross coupling
and to accelerate the converter dynamic
The controllers of voltage and current loop applied to GFC
are based on different reference frames. In the literature is
possible to find the following reference frames: Fig. 4 – Simplified control diagram for a GFC.

• Natural reference frame (abc);

• Synchronous reference frame (dq0);
• Stationary reference frame (αβ0).
In [23] is presented a classification of voltage and current
controllers applied to voltage and current loop, and illustrated
in Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b).
In the literature, it is very common to find a three-phase
GFC controlled in dq0 coordinates. This system uses
proportional-integral (PI) controller for voltage and current
loop, since that fundamental voltage has DC level. However,
this control structure does not have capacity to reject
disturbances of the unbalanced load and distortion due to
nonlinear load [20], [24], [25].
When adopting control of GFC in AC reference frame a PI
controller does not have good response, since it does not
guarantee null error in steady state in the presence of periodic
references [26]. One option is the RC, which has tracking
capability for periodic inputs [8].
The RC is based on the principle of the internal model
proposed in [27]. If a control system needs to have zero error in
steady state for range of frequency, it must be included the
model of that signal in a stable closed loop, ensuring a perfect
tracking performance and good capacity of disturb rejection
[28]. So, in this way, it is explained why a PI controller with
integral action guarantees null error for a step reference.
Fig. 6(a) shows the RC diagram for odd harmonics, using a
plugin structure, which meets the principle of the internal
model. A control action is produced with a negative feedback (b)
using a delay equal to half of fundamental period from the Fig. 5 – Control strategies for GFC: (a) current control; (b) voltage control.
input signal. The transfer function of the RC is defined in (5)

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All poles from RC are located in the imaginary axis and The proposed control of the GFC is done in the
they are odd multiples from fundamental component, without synchronous reference frame. Applying Kirchhoff’s Laws of
DC level. This is the traditional RC, where is important to track voltage and current at GFC output in Fig. 8, the following
or reject odd components, with presence of nonlinear load. relations are obtained:
Usually, the application of RC is in time domain [23]. di
vid = RLiLd - wL1iLq + L Ld + vod (9)
When it is used the synchronous reference frame, dt
fundamental component becomes a DC level and all other di Lq
components are even components. Therefore, the traditional viq = R L i Lq + wL1i Ld + L + voq (10)
RC is not a good solution applied to this reference frame. dt
However, the RC can be adapted for even harmonics like in diL0 (11)
Fig. 6(b), only change signal to plus in feedback. The transfer
vi 0 = RL iL0 + L + vo0
function and poles of equivalent system becomes:
dv (12)
Y (s) 1 -wC f voq + C f od = iLd - iod
= dt
E ( s ) 1 - e - (sT 2 ) (7)
wC f vod + C f = iLq - ioq (13)
s = ± jwo (2 k ), k = 0,1,, ∞. (8) dt
Fig. 7 shows a comparison between the bode transfer C f o0 = iL0 - io0 (14)
function for RC using even and odd harmonics. dt
From (9) to (14) is presented the LC filter plant shown in
IV. PROPOSED CONTROL FOR GRID-FORMER CONVERTER Fig. 9. Analysing the block diagram of the LC filter, it is
possible to observe that the output voltage over the capacitor
In this paper it is adopted the GFC topology as shown in
(vo) and the output current (io) through the inductor are the
Fig. 8. The converter is formed of three single-phase inverters
disturbances. There is also a cross coupling between the terms
connected in wye, to form a four-wire system without low
wL1id, wL1iq, wCfvd and wCfvq. In this way, the GFC control
frequency transformer.
needs to cancel the effects of these terms to have a fast
The LC filter for GFC is designed to have a cutoff dynamic response.
frequency equal to one decade of the inverter switching
The proposed control of GFC is shown in Fig. 10. The
frequency. Using a capacitor bank for the LC filter with
voltage control loop is implemented with a parallel association
reactive capacity between 10 to 15% of GFC kVA rating it is
with PI and RC controller. The RC assures zero error, in steady
possible to obtain a voltage source with good characteristics of
state for a periodic reference and the PI controller fast dynamic
operation [29]. The filter inductance is splitted in two parts to
response. The current loop is in cascade with voltage control
avoid common mode noise.
loop and it is used a proportional controller.
The PI and P controllers for voltage and current loop are
designed by a pole alocation technique with RC deactivated
[14]. A typical separation of (1/5) for current and voltage loop
bandwidth allows to obtain a good response for voltage source
(a) (b) operation, as defined in [29]. In Fig. 11 is depicted the block
diagram of control for GFC considering the cancelation of
Fig. 6 – Equivalent control diagram for RC with Kr=1 for: (a) odd
harmonics; (b) even harmonics.
cross coupling and internal feedbacks.
First considering a proper design of the current loop, it is
possible to obtain the closed loop transfer function neglecting
the PWM effect (v*i=vi):

* *
iLd iLq i* K pi
= = L0 = (15)
iLd iLq iL 0 sL1 + K pi

Fig. 7 – Comparison between bode transfer functions for even and odd RC. Fig. 8 – Four-wire GFC under analysis.

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For the voltage loop is adopted the fastest pole (wcv1) is
equal to (1/5) of cutoff frequency of current loop. Already, the
slowest pole (wcv2) is equal to (1/5) of the fastest voltage pole.
The folowing expressions are obtained [30]:
K pv = (wcv1 + wcv 2 )C f (18)
Kiv = wcv1 × wcv 2 C f ) (19)

For the RC is necessary to obtain the gain Kr and the low-

pass filter (LPF). The LPF is used to limit the interaction
between voltage and current loop, and to avoid instability of
the system [21]. The LPF is a secondary order type
considering damping factor equal to ζ=0.7, and defined
transfer function:
Fig. 9 – Block diagram of LC filter in synchronous reference frame.
H (s) =
s2 s (20)
+ 2ζ +1
wc2 wc
The cutoff frequency of LPF is adopted to be equal to (1/2)
of current loop bandwidth. Finally, the gain Kr is evaluated
defining the equivalent transfer function in closed loop with
all controllers, considering the maximum value that assures a
good phase margin and the stability of the system. Table III
presents the values of all controllers calculated for GFC under


Loop Gains
Voltage Kp= 1.9Ω , Ki= 1225Ω-1, Kr= 30Ω-1

Current Kp=0.5 Ω
Fig. 10 – Proposed control diagram for the GFC.

To evaluate the proposed control is used the dynamic

stiffness, a very usefully concept in theory of DC electrical
machines which can be applied to VSI [31]. This concept is
based on the transfer function of (21), and verify how much of
output current can pertubate the output voltage in one volt. In
Fig. 12 is plotted the transfer function defined in (21) with all
defined gain values for the GFC presented in Table I.

idq0 ( s) sL1
vdq0 ( s) s L1C f + Ci ( s)C f + Ci ( s)[R( s) + Cv ( s)] (21)
v o* =o

Ci ( s) = K pi (22)
Fig. 11– Simplified block diagram in synchronous reference frame with
simplications. K iv
Cv ( s) = K pv + (23)
Adopting a cutoff frequency (wci) equal to (1/5) of s
switching frequency is possible to obtain the gain: KR
R(s) =
- (sT 2 ) (24)
K pi = L1wci (16) 1- e
In Fig. 12 is possible to note that with the proposed RC
For the voltage loop design is considered that the current control is increased the gain in DC level and the even
loop is the fastest, and it is represented by a unitary gain harmonics, compared to the condition in that it is only used the
(i*L=iL). Therefore, the closed loop transfer function is: PI and P controllers. So, the voltage source characteristics are
* * improved. The proposed control can be applied to three-phase
vod voq v* sK pv + Kiv
VSI with three legs, to produce a three-wire system just
= = o0 = 2 (17)
vod voq vo0 s C f + sK pv + Kiv eliminating the control of zero sequence in voltage and current

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The MG model is developed in Matlab/Simulink. Its
operation is evaluated in two scenarios. In the first scenario the
MG operates with balanced load and with presence of GFEC.
By contrast, the second scenario analyzes the GFC operation
with unbalanced nonlinear load.
A. Scenario I
In this first scenario is adopted a period of simulation
equals to 1 s. Below are listed the connection sequence of the
loads, sources and other elements of the MG that produced
active and reactive power flow in PCC, described in Fig. 13.
• t =0 s - PCC is energized by the GFC;
• t=0.1s (I)- DC current in GFEC is adjusted to 8 A; (a)
• t=0.2s (II)- DC current in GFEC is adjusted to 40 A;
• t=0.3s (III)- DC current in GFEC is adjusted to 80 A;
• t=0.4s (IV)- RL load is connected with (16 + j12) kVA;
• t=0.5s (V)- RL load is connected with (32 + j24) kVA;
• t=0.6s (VI)- DC current in GFEC is adjusted to 64 A
and R=5.6Ω is connected in DC side of nonlinear load;
• t=0.7s (VII)- DC current in GFEC is adjusted to 32 A
and R=2.8 Ω is connected in DC side of nonlinear load;
• t=0.9s (VIII) - GFEC is turned off;
• t=1s - end of simulation.
From the results of Fig. 13, it is possible to see the GFEC
injects a variable active power, with a peak equal to 40 kW.
Without connection of electrical load all active energy is
drained by GFC’s ESS. At instant (t=0.4s) that the loads are
connected is possible to see a power sharing between GFC and (b)
GFEC, until (t=0.9s) that GFEC stops to operate. All reactive Fig. 13– Power flow at PCC of MG: (a) active power; (b) reactive power.
power flow is supplied by GFEC, without contribution of
Fig. 14 shows the voltage vrn and current ir waveforms, for
the interval (t = 0.58–0.77s) where GFEC active power is
reduced and nonlinear load is connected, with RL load already
operating. This period is the most critical for GFC, because
current load has high THD and demand of active and reactive
power. However, GFC keeps voltage sinusoidal.


Fig. 14– Voltage and current at PCC of MG: (a) phase-voltage vrn; (b) line
Fig. 12– Dynamic stifiness for GFC with proposed control. current ir.

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Fig. 15 presents the response of voltage closed loop for in synchronous reference frame ensures a good level of
the dq0 axis. Initially in “d” axis, the voltage is increased in immunity to the proposed strategy against voltage unbalance
and distortions.
ramp and during all GFC operation it follows the reference.
The same results are presented in “q” and “0” axis with good Finally, it was evaluated the GFC operation with
response. Finally, Fig. 16 shows the root mean square voltage unbalanced nonlinear load. For this condition, the voltage at
for each and the electrical frequency at PCC of the MG. PCC of MG stayed sinusoidal, with low distortion.
During all the islanded mode of the MG, voltage and
frequency are kept constant.
The authors thank the Graduate Program in Electrical
B. Scenario II Engineering (PPGEE-UFMG) for supporting this research
In the second scenario the MG operates without GFEC, and Brazilian Government Agencies CAPES and CNPQ for
but with presence of unbalanced nonlinear load. Fig. 17(a) their financial support.
shows that GFC energizes PCC, with a suitable slew-rate
voltage until it reaches nominal value.
From results of Fig. 17(a) and Fig. 17(b) it is possible to
observe that GFC can maintain voltage constant with low
distortion, since with unbalanced nonlinear load. By contrast,
in Fig. 17(c) is possible to see that voltage loop follows the
This paper studied and evaluated an application of RC to
a GFC applied to a centralized AC MG, which operates in
islanded mode. The developed model for the MG assists to
analyze the power flow in the grid, in addition allowing the
analysis of current and voltage at the PCC.
The proposed modification on RC provided to the GFC a
good capacity to operate as a voltage source. The RC applied


Fig. 15 – Response of voltage loop from GFC.

Fig. 16– RMS Voltage and frequency at PCC of MG. Fig. 17 – MG with unbalanced nonlinear load: (a) voltage at PCC of MG;
(b) current at PCC of MG; (c) response of voltage loop for GFC.

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