Energy For Future

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Expt. No.. Page No.

1. COhel is DLEie -Helmen ue enchan2e teceaique

Ao eDifLieHeRleaan_lgoxithaa es Leiog sed to
este LiShwla eucangin golake ovea peLR
nekw 0 Ucingneg phe eluph i e Catrve to geoezele
poiaks Gndgel- e e secsel-_Ley_uciag the Paxemelez
foz Sekeof_Ciap.eici y aod Peelical imp lemcakedis
o te lgoxitu a we lL Concider drly 4 vemjd les
Oneprime Pend G a primitive o f P)and tos
pziM vee c L .
p C _ r e Lonpue Llg_ovcil e le ovmber
use 3S
usC3SSg ALce KoL_PCk PTivde veloee b
aod t g Jeae ral L e enchesg e it Pslilg
T oppos i e s pe30o KTeceve C e uey sn
5ene7e_ Cecrel- keyéfLer twwU Hag Lave te
Come Cec xe- heq o_eCTy)t
Step-1 ALic od Rob_ge pe avnb ex Pa22, G 9
SHer-2 Aicesele ce privee Ley c4 BoL Seleckey
Pri vete. ucg be2
+er2- Auce ond ok mpde p d lic Veles

m( mod 2x) =6 -(5moi 2r) 16

Ster-- Lice nd Rob eneten9e Pllic qiucaLers
Her- Dice end RoL JeLeve pul lic
he y:l6 AA
hep-G-Clie ond BoL _cpteS7 Lxiq uey S

vea(ymodp) .9 ub M P) 2
Step-9- 9 is e Chered eczet

Teacher's Signature
2Cmpls'a heybeð o C.
Centre bred h e r i c H o a Server
t u e xber os provid es

fundl;on is to d e n iC t e usess
Cho s
nd Se rvevs to ucex .
i Cols'sn Se ver n o ebole
He se in Cuhe l .
fo Liel~ ofte i C d ' o .
Serve7 kno wn
kno w

os t i r 4 Per hy use r
DistsLadion Coufer CkD e). E
a ney S e PTin cpal
t h e ne work
e 7vice o
Te CoM po2
uhe -

s pefor ms
A ufhe - C o n Sesve
C e r viCe
6Terding ev
Coon and #cae- forTIcu el

o tt ess ig uds
of urer

Dloa Ae veriier
hhe del Lere Server
iscuec Cuets to r

77cel- Gro ing Cer vey
Ahenti clion
Ser veer Drebeae
Ser ves
for TG A s Vevifi cd
uer Cogoo - re9 e S t
decwy ption of messa9 7Cos decryP+s hcuet.

) U Se v en9 7/ Cuehs ulen coyi on

Sesve) ve rifco17,

Expt. No. Page No.

CNIaed- iç Aes
atis bxevichoa el Avenced Encry pHio
StendeY Spe.upcehon a aa encayPh
o eleckToaiL dd ectol shed hy NS

tuen DES n elcoho-Didespite bein-

hexdeT _mplemeal
mP07 tN poiat
AES it_ablacu ciphe
Thehey Ciz Ceo ke 122 /92/216 i t
ColyPt bLock S_of 12? Lit e c l
aa MeoS_itteues12 bits as p u cod
Dutp 12 bitt 2/ eocryPteo cip h e r teute

AEc 3ek'es _on SidsL4Wioa Per mutediss a eto

princle wiU Meaos_it iS perlo Ivm e_osiag a
Sezie o pkes ppezlaoo w'eh thVoLveçeplu1

Plin 4e
Pre -O

Reund Cnpo*

Reund 2


CiPhe Ten Teacher's Signature

who- is Des 2
Dt Cocryphor Stnodo
i s olbr evichion
Volne7 o l e ojin r) ver

het beto ounvery

chte-tu ond h e r e fose
te poPu luri y
Po wes ful ha
on decline
o De het been found Coigslg

D e s es b blecu aphe r Cnd ncTyPtsCudd e i'blo Cu

in blCac

mecoS bitc of Plan

ofCi2e Gy b+s eccdr i ww
aS inp w Wa pToqu c e Ptoqu Ce 6y bet
te n es
of c phe y te ul- o
se f encry Ppon
Yy Ph
ard key
T Some alyoo ith n differe nces,
wn mino
on decrypi on
leg th
is S
6yLi pleio Plan tenl


69-L4 uphe 6y-Lif
eu CiPhea

B l o Ck- I ten

Des Cribe vle cyele of vIRos

Te llo wing r differenl Stog es in

tuc e Cyele of e v inus


Expt.No. Page No.

(Creei6 hCiVetio) (AssiileAioo)

(Repliceion) Discove Credicei

xCaeelis-viru is fiast creeped t Cao be donc

nitabasisPagae ing eptc.
RepLiCdi'os Vizuc -mazkeS new Lupie s o ijselL.
4 Leer enou4h pme p PIeca
Acyego- viru ic fzig9e xe Sterik lousing-
4aoge yeor Ggsfem.
Diseye -yizuc ic_delecLedgnd o l e e ia
ASinileho2j- deve lepezc o anlizvixuç GystCA
optwereMadfy ta
4elepon.f t ne yixus

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