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Received February 5, 2020, accepted February 21, 2020, date of publication March 2, 2020, date of current version April

8, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2977656

A Space Vector Switching Pattern Hysteresis

Control Strategy in VIENNA Rectifier
School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
Corresponding author: Yan Li (
This work was supported in part by the National Nature Science Foundation of China under Grant 51877007.

ABSTRACT The conventional hysteresis current control (C-HCC) in VIENNA rectifier is one of the
simplest and economic strategies. However, current harmonics content and switching number are high,
and the coupling among the three-phase cannot be eliminated. The vector control based on SVPWM has
a higher control accuracy. However, SVPWM needs a large amount of computation, and the implementation
process is complicated. Therefore, it is significant to research a control strategy which can combine the
simplicity and rapidity of C-HCC and good control performance of vector control. In this paper, a space
vector switching pattern hysteresis control (SVSP-HC) strategy is proposed. It refers to the concept of
voltage vector and does not require a carrier. Compared with other hysteresis-based methods, SVSP-HC
can get a better current control performance with a similar or even lower equivalent switching frequency.
Moreover, the switching numbers of three-phase bridge legs are basically balanced to each other. Finally,
the effectiveness and advantages of SVSP-HC have been verified through simulation and experiments.

INDEX TERMS Hysteresis control, VIENNA rectifier, switching pattern, vector control.

In recent years, VIENNA rectifier [1]–[3] has attracted more
and more attentions and been applied to many occasions
because of its unique features. Meanwhile, various control
strategies for VIENNA rectifier have been proposed. The
circuit topology of VIENNA rectifier is shown in Fig. 1.
In [4], the hysteresis current control (HCC) method has
been applied to control the VIENNA rectifier. HCC has many
advantages, such as, fast dynamic response, good robustness,
etc. However, the HCC has its own disadvantages too, espe- FIGURE 1. Topology of VIENNA rectifier.
cially when it is adopted to control the three-phase convert-
ers. For example, it cannot eliminate the coupling among
the three-phase currents which results in increased switch- known, it is sensitive to system parameters and has a poor
ing state switching number (SN) and current harmonics. dynamic performance. The SVPWM algorithm needs a large
The current tracking error will exceed twice the hysteresis amount of computation, especially when it is used in three-
bandwidth, etc [5]. In [6] and [7], the one-cycle control level topologies. In recent years, analyzing the passivity of
strategy is applied to control the VIENNA rectifier, and a VIENNA rectifier and using the passive-based control (PBC)
fast-dynamic response has been achieved. However, one- method to control VIENNA rectifier have attracted more
cycle control strategy is generally implemented with analog and more attentions. In [13], the passivity of VIENNA rec-
mode which will result in a difficult adjustment process of tifier is analyzed and the control loop with PBC theory is
parameters. In [8]–[12], the vector control strategy based designed. However, the design process of PBC controller is
on SVPWM is applied to the control process of VIENNA rather complex. In recent years, new method including the
rectifier. The PI algorithm is simple and mature, but as widely advantages of both HCC and PI-based vector control has
been focused [14]. This method can combine the simplic-
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and ity and rapidity of C-HCC and good control performance
approving it for publication was Zhilei Yao . of vector control. Except the above methods, other control

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
60142 VOLUME 8, 2020
Y. Li, H. Zhao: Space Vector Switching Pattern Hysteresis Control Strategy in VIENNA Rectifier

strategies have been researched too [15]–[20]. All of these

strategies have their own characteristics. And these strategies
have room for improvement. For example, simplifying the
strategies and reduce the dependence on mathematical model
accuracy are promising.
In this paper, the equivalent process from three-level volt-
age vector of VIENNA rectifier to two-level voltage vector
is deduced. By which, one fundamental period of VIENNA
rectifier is divided into six parts and each part is controlled as
a three-phase two-level voltage source rectifier (VSR). Com-
bination with the three-phase VSR, a space vector switching
pattern hysteresis control (SVSP-HC) strategy is proposed.
The theoretical derivation of SVSP-HC is presented. Mean- FIGURE 2. Decomposition graph from three-level voltage vector to six
while, the implementation process of controlling VIENNA two-level voltage vector distribution.
rectifier with SVSP-HC is shown too. Moreover, the compar-
ison verification among the proposed SVSP-HC, C-HCC and vectors V1M ∼ V6M and six large vectors V11 ∼ V61 .
ISV-HCC is shown too. Finally, simulations and experiments As the voltage vector categories is up to 25, it will be very
have been done to verify the effectiveness and advantages of complicated if SVPWM is used to control this circuit. There-
SVSP-HC. fore, the distribution of three-level voltage vector can be
decomposed into six two-level voltage vector distributions,
II. PROPOSED SVSP-HC CONTROL METHOD FOR THE as shown in Fig. 2. The control process of VIENNA rectifier
VIENNA RECTIFIER is then regarded as the control of three-phase VSR by trans-
The main variables used in the paper are listed and explained ferring the 25 three-level voltage vectors and the reference
in Tab. 1. voltage vector V∗ equivalently into each small hexagon [14].
In the equivalent process from three-level vector to two-
A. EQUIVALENT PROCESS FROM THREE-LEVEL VOLTAGE level vector, the twelve small vectors correspond to the center
VECTOR TO TWO-LEVEL VOLTAGE VECTOR vector of the two-level small hexagon, i.e., the zero vector.
As illustrated in Fig. 2, the VIENNA rectifier consists of one In Fig. 2(a), the red shaded portion corresponds to the situ-
zero vector V0 , twelve small vector V10 ∼ V60 , six medium ation that the V∗ locates in the small hexagon of the sector
I corresponds, just as Fig. 2(b). The equivalent reference
voltage vector V ∗I in sector I of Fig. 2(a) can be expressed
TABLE 1. Variables definition and explanation.
as Eq. (1).

V ∗I = V ∗ − V10 (1)

In sector I, the process of three-phase reference voltage v∗nO

equivalent to two-level small hexagon is just as Eq. (2).

 vaO = v∗aO − vdc /3

 ∗0

v∗0 = v∗bO + vdc /6 (2)

 bO ∗ + v /6
cO = v cO dc

where, v∗0 ∗
nO is the equivalent reference voltage of vnO in the
small hexagon.
Finally, if V∗ locates in the six small hexagons that the six
sectors correspond in Fig. 2(a), the equivalent process of V∗
and v∗nO from the three-level large hexagon to the two-level
small hexagon is similar to the situation that V∗ locates in
sector I.


This paper proposes a SVSP-HC method based on the three-
phase VSR. The SVSP-HC is used to control the six equally
divided parts of the VIENNA rectifier. The topology of three-
phase VSR is shown in Fig. 3.

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Y. Li, H. Zhao: Space Vector Switching Pattern Hysteresis Control Strategy in VIENNA Rectifier

FIGURE 3. Topology of the three-phase VSR.

FIGURE 4. Vectors distribution of three-phase VSR. (a) The 8 voltage
vectors Vk . (b) The 8 inductance voltage vector VLk .

sn_2L is defined as switching function, as shown in Eq. (3).

Letting 1I/Ts instead of dI/dt in Eq. (7), Eq. (9) can be

sn_2L = 1; Sn1 is on, Sn2 is off
sn_2L = 0; Sn1 is off, Sn2 is on obtained.
According to Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL), Eq. (4) can V = V L + E = L1I/Ts + E (9)
be obtained when the equivalent resistance R is ignored.
where, Ts is the digital control period.
vnO = en − Ldin /dt (4) According to Eq. (9), there is a linear relationship between
VLk and 1I. Therefore, the idea of selecting the VLk which
It is satisfied in a three-phase symmetric system that
has the minimum angle with 1I can be changed into selecting
the vector Vk which is closest to V ∗ .
    
vaO 2/3 −1/3 −1/3 sa_2L
 vbO  =  −1/3 2/3 −1/3   sb_2L  vdc . (5) In SVPWM mode, V∗ can be composed of vectors Vi , Vj
vcO −1/3 −1/3 2/3 sc_2L and zero vector V0 . Vi and Vj are the adjacent vectors to V∗ .
The composing process of V∗ can be expressed as Eq. (10).
From Eq. (5), it can be known that vnO is determined by
[sa_2L sb_2L sc_2L ] and vdc . Moreover, sn_2L has two states: Ti V i + Tj V j + T0 V 0 = Ts V ∗ (10)
0 and 1. Therefore, there are 8 switching states which cor-
respond to 8 vectors Vk (k = 0 ∼ 7), as expressed where, Ti , Tj and T0 are the operation time of Vi , Vj and V0
in Eq. (6). respectively in one control period Ts . Ti , Tj and T0 satisfy

Ti + Tj + T0 = Ts (11)
V k = 2vdc /3exp(jkπ/3), when k = 1∼6
V 00 , V 07 = 0 , when k = 0, 7 Ti , Tj and T0 can be obtained as:
The space vector distribution of three-phase VSR is shown
Ti = [(v∗aO − v∗bO )/vdc ] · Ts
in Fig. 4(a). (12)
The value of vnO affects the change rate of the inductor Tj = [(v∗bO − v∗cO )/vdc ] · Ts
current. Therefore, according to KVL, the rotating vector T0 = [1 − (v∗aO − v∗cO )/vdc ] · Ts (13)
VL of the three-phase inductance voltage corresponds can be
expressed in the form of Eq. (7). The purpose of SVSP-HC is to select the appropriate
switching pattern simply and quickly. The process of select-
V L = LdI/dt = V − E (7) ing the switching pattern in SVSP-HC is equivalent to that of
selecting the vector Vk which has the longest operation time
where, E and I are the rotating vectors of en and in correspond, in one control period of SVPWM. For example, if Ti ≥ T0
respectively, V corresponds to the 8 vectors Vk . and Ti ≥ Tj are satisfied, it means that Vi has the longest
Therefore, substituting V = Vk into Eq. (7), the 8 inductor operating time. Therefore, Vi can be selected in SVSP-HC.
voltage vectors VLk can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 4(b). While, if T0 ≥ Ti and T0 ≥ Tj are satisfied, it means that
1I is defined as the current tracking error vector and the zero vector V0 is selected in SVSP-HC. Furthermore, it can
expression form is shown in Eq. (8). be concluded that if V∗ locates in sector Sñ , the determination
of selecting V0 is T0 ≥ Ti and T0 ≥ Tj . And Eq. (12) and
1I = I ∗ − I (8)
Eq. (13) can be brought into this determination to obtain that
where, I∗ is the rotating vector of the three-phase reference 
[1 − (v∗aO − v∗cO )/vdc ] > (v∗aO − v∗bO )/vdc
current i∗n corresponds. [1 − (v∗aO − v∗cO )/vdc ] > (v∗bO − v∗cO )/vdc .
To make I change with I∗ , dI/dt should be more and more
close to the direction of 1I. It is equivalent to selecting a In three-phase symmetric system, v∗aO + v∗bO + v∗cO = 0 is
vector Vk that makes VLk and 1I have the minimum angle. satisfied. Substitute it into expression (14), it can be found

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Y. Li, H. Zhao: Space Vector Switching Pattern Hysteresis Control Strategy in VIENNA Rectifier

FIGURE 6. Control diagram.

FIGURE 5. The distribution way of the regions where V ∗ locates.

(a) proposed way. (b) conventional way. Furtherly the principle of MST can be realized by the
following Eq. (18).

that, if V∗ is located in sector SI , the selecting V0 can be Sa = Sb = Sc = (Sa∧ ||Sb∧ )&&(Sb∧ ||Sc∧ )&&(Sa∧ ||Sc∧ ) (18)
determined by the expression (15).
where, Sn and Sn∧ are the switching states of this and last
vaO < vdc /3
control period of phase-n, respectively.
v∗cO > −vdc /3 SVSP-HC can be realized with a hysteresis control way.
Fig. 6 shows the SVSP-HC control diagram.
Moreover, if V ∗ locates in sector SI , the three phases v∗nO
According to the comparison process with hysteresis band
which is got by expression (17), the Dn1 and Dn2 can be
v∗aO > v∗bO > v∗cO (16) obtained. Then, Dn can be obtained from the logical relation-
ship between Dn1 and Dn2 . Finally, the expected switching
Finally, the final determination of selecting V0 if V ∗ states can be selected from the switching table. The switching
locates in SI is the synthesis of expression (15) and (16), i.e., table of SVSP-HC is shown in Tab. 3
−vdc /3 < v∗no < vdc /3 (17)
TABLE 3. Table of the proposed SVSP-HC.

Similarly, in other sectors, if (17)is satisfied, V0 is selected.

The region which corresponds to the determination of select-
ing V0 is shown in the complex plane, as the Z& shown
in Fig. 5(a). Therefore, as a consequence, if V∗ locates in Z& ,
the zero vector will be selected; otherwise, a non-zero vector
will be selected. Finally, the correspondence between the
regions where V∗ locates and the selected vector Vk is shown
in Fig. 5(a). Meanwhile Fig. 5(b) shows the conventional
distribution method of the regions where V∗ locates, namely, If V∗ locates in sector I&∗ and the system is full load,
I∗& ∼VI∗& . the selected vector is V1 [100] or V00 [000], just as shown in
It is known that the V0 contains two items: V00 [000] and Fig. 7. Under this condition, only the switching state of phase-
V07 [111]. Therefore, In SVSP-HC, when V0 is selected, a a is changing. If V∗ locates in other sectors, there is similar
choice must be made between V00 and V07 . The selection conclusion. Therefore, when system operates in a full load
process of zero vector is based on the principle of ‘‘Minimum situation, the switching states changing happens among 1/3 of
switching times(MST)’’. That is, by referring to the switching time in one control period. In addition, when the hysteresis
state of each bridge leg during the last control period to reduce control is realized by digital control, there is only one switch-
the equivalent switching frequency. It ensures that the zero ing process in a digital control cycle Ts , so at least two digital
vector selected in this control period meets the condition that control cycles are needed to form an equivalent switching
only one bridge leg has switching action. The principle of cycle. In this case, the equivalent switching frequency of the
MST can be summarized in Tab.2. three-phase bridge leg corresponding to SVSP-HC is:
1 1 1 1
TABLE 2. principle of zero vector V00 and V07 . f1 = · · = (19)
3 2 Ts 6Ts
In no load mode, if V∗ locates in sector I&∗ , the selected
vector is V1 [100] or V00 [000] or V4 [011], just as shown
in Fig. 8. In this case, the three-phase bridge legs are coupled
together and the switching states of the three-phase bridge
legs all change. In addition, it should be emphasized that the
three-phase bridge legs can all complete one switching state

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Y. Li, H. Zhao: Space Vector Switching Pattern Hysteresis Control Strategy in VIENNA Rectifier

FIGURE 9. SVSP-HC control diagram in VIENNA rectifier.

amplitude changes from 2vdc /3 to vdc /3 and the reference volt-

age changes into v∗0 ∗
nO from vnO . Therefore, when VIENNA
rectifier is controlled by SVSP-HC, the expression (17) of
FIGURE 7. Process if V ∗ locates in sector I∗& under full load condition. selecting V0 will be manipulated into (22).

−vdc /6 < v∗nO < vdc /6 (22)

Correspondingly, the bandwidth of the three-level hystere-

sis comparator in Fig. 6 changes from δ2L = 2vdc /3 to
δ3−2L = vdc /3. Finally, the SVSP-HC control diagram in
VIENNA rectifier is shown in Fig. 9.


C-HCC, ISV-HCC and SVSP-HC are all realized with digital
control in this paper. When the current reaches the hystere-
sis band, the digital control does not perform switch action
immediately due to its discreteness. Instead, it needs to wait
FIGURE 8. Process if V ∗ locates in sector I∗& under no load condition.
until the next control period to perform the switch action and
delay a control period Ts . However, during the delay interval,
switching process in three digital control periods, or it can the current keeps changing, so the error of in tracking i∗n
be described that all the three phase bridge legs have one will increase correspondingly. The additional current tracking
and only once switching state change process in every ‘‘three error resulted by digital control is defined as idig . According
digital control periods’’. It is also satisfied if V∗ locates in to KVL, idig can be derived as:
other sectors. Therefore, the theoretical value of the equiva- idig = (en − vnO ) · Ts /L (23)
lent switching frequency is:
1 The possible values of vnO are 0, ±vdc /3 and ±2vdc /3.
f2 = (20) So the maximum value idigmax of idig can be obtained as
3Ts follows.
Therefore, the theoretical range of equivalent switching
frequency fequ of SVSP-HC is as follows: idigmax = (en max + 2vdc /3) · Ts /L (24)

f1 < fequ < f2 (21) where, enmax is the amplitude of en .


From [20] it can be seen that, as a three-level converter, As the C-HCC cannot eliminate the coupling among the
the VIENNA rectifier can be controlled as a three-phase three-phase currents, the current harmonics and SN will both
VSR in each 1/6 power frequency cycle, i.e., each sector in increase when C-HCC is used to control the three-phase con-
the voltage vector distribution structure. However, compared verter. Even more, the current tracking error will exceed two
with the traditional three-phase VSR, there are some changes times of hysteresis bandwidth, that is, 2iw_C [5]. Apparently,
should be noticed when the VIENNA rectifier is equivalently when C-HCC is implemented by digital control, the current
controlled as a three-phase VSR in each 1/6 power frequency tracking error of C-HCC is a superposition of 2iw_C and idig .
cycle. For example, the time to complete a whole control And the maximum current tracking error can be calculated by
cycle of the equivalent three-phase VSR changes from one Eq. (25).
power frequency cycle to 1/6 power frequency cycle. In addi-
1iC-HCCmax = idigmax + 2iw_C = (en max + 2vdc /3)
tion, from Fig. 2, it can be seen that in the equivalent process
from three-level vector to two-level vector, the voltage vector ·Ts /L + 2iw_C (25)

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Y. Li, H. Zhao: Space Vector Switching Pattern Hysteresis Control Strategy in VIENNA Rectifier


ISV-HCC is proposed by Mansour et al. It satisfies the choice In this paper, VIENNA rectifier is controlled by SVSP-
of a suitable vector to change current to the opposite direction HC and is verified through simulation and experiment.
when a phase current crosses the hysteresis band. It contains a At the same time, the control performance comparison among
four-level and a three-level hysteresis comparator. The maxi- SVSP-HC, C-HCC and ISV-HCC is provided. The related
mum bandwidth of ISV-HCC is iw_ISV + δiw /2 (iw_ISV is the parameters adopted in simulation and experiment are given
first-level hysteresis bandwidth and δiw is the adjacent band as the following.
width) [5]. Similarly, considering idig , the maximum current The AC-side of the VIENNA rectifier is connected to the
tracking error of ISV-HCC can be calculated by Eq. (26). grid by a transformer with a turn ratio of 1:2. Therefore,
the three-phase AC voltage RMS value is 110VAC. The
1iISV-HCCmax = idigmax + iw_ISV + δiw /2
other related parameters are given flowingly: Power: 5kW;
= (en max + 2vdc /3) · Ts /L + iw_ISV + δiw /2 three-phase current amplitude: 21.4A; DC bus voltage vdc :
(26) 400VDC; filter inductance: 4mH.


It can be obtained by referring to Eq. (8) and (9) that The other related parameters in the verification are set accord-
in = i∗n + (v∗nO − en ) · Ts /L (27) ing to four groups of parameter combination (PCO) in Tab. 4
which includes different control periods Ts , C-HCC band-
According to (17) and Eq. (27), it can be got that width iw_C and ISV-HCC bandwidth iw_ISV .
i∗n − (vdc /3 + en ) · Ts /L < in < i∗n + (vdc /3 − en ) · Ts /L
(28) TABLE 4. Four groups of simulation parameters.

Finally, the theoretical range of current tracking error

δiSVSP of SVSP-HC can be obtained by expression (28), i.e.,
δiSVSP = (±vdc /3 − en ) · Ts /L (29)
Considering idig , the total current tracking error iSVSP of
SVSP-HC is jointly determined by both idig and δiSVSP , i.e.,
1iSVSP = idig + δiSVSP
(vdc /3 − vnO ) · Ts /L , when in > i∗n Simulation results in Fig. 10 and 11 are based
= (30)
(−vdc /3 − vnO ) · Ts /L , when in < i∗n on the PCO2 in Tab.4. And the simulation results
As the possible value of vnO is 0, ±vdc /3 or ±2vdc /3, in Fig. 12 and 13 are based on the four groups of PCOs in
the maximum absolute value of iSVSP can be got as Eq. (31). Tab.4.
Fig. 10 is the trajectory of the current tracking error iα and
1iSVSP max = (vdc /3) · Ts /L (31)
iβ in one fundamental period under the αβ coordinate. It can
The comparison between Eq. (31) and Eq. (24) yields be seen from Fig. 10 that the current tracking error of C-
1iSVSPmax < idigmax . It is apparent that the en component HCC is larger than that of ISV-HCC and SVSP-HC, while
of δiSVSP and idig in Eq. (30) exactly cancels out mutually, the current error of SVSP-HC is the smallest. The iw_ISV of
which makes the current tracking error smaller. ISV-HCC and iw_C of C-HCC in PCO2 are both set to 0.
In such configuration, the current tracking error of the two
4) COMPARISON OF THE THREE CONTROL METHODS methods is mainly generated by idig . In addition, it is known
Comparing Eq. (25), (26) and (31), it can be known that from the earlier analysis that the maximum current tracking
( error of SVSP-HC satisfies iSVSPmax < idigmax . Therefore, the
1iSVSP max < 1iC-HCCmax
(32) simulation results in Fig. 10 are consistent with the theoretical
1iSVSP max < 1iISV-HCCmax analysis.
From (32), it can be seen that SVSP-HC can obtain a Fig. 11 shows the SN of three-phase bridge legs during
smaller current tracking error than C-HCC and ISV-HCC. the interval 0.12-0.14s under the condition of PCO2. The SN
Moreover, SVSP-HC is more suitable to be realized with digi- unbalancing degree DSNU is defined as
tal control because of the partial cancellation between idig and
NSavg − NSn

δiSVSP . In addition, the select principle MST of zero vectors DSNU = max × 100% (33)
can reduce the equivalent switching frequency. Therefore,
the SVSP-HC can get a smaller current tracking error with where, NSn is the SN of the phase-n bridge leg, NSavg is
a same or even a lower switching frequency compared with the average SN of the three-phase bridge legs. The SNs
C-HCC and ISV-HCC when the three methods are all per- of the three methods in Fig. 11 are summarized in Tab.5,
formed by digital control. respectively.

VOLUME 8, 2020 60147

Y. Li, H. Zhao: Space Vector Switching Pattern Hysteresis Control Strategy in VIENNA Rectifier

up to 12.16%, indicating that the unbalancing phenomenon

among the three-phase bridge legs is serious.
Fig. 12 and 13 show the SN sum NSn−sum of three-phase
bridge legs and the THD of ia during the interval t <0.1s.
For PCO1, from Fig. 12 (a) and 13 (a) it can be seen that the
SN of C-HCC is less than that of ISV-HCC, while the SN
of SVSP-HC is the largest among the three methods. This
is due to the higher hysteresis bandwidth (1A) of C-HCC
and ISV-HCC. Inevitably, the current THD of C-HCC is
the largest and much greater than that of SVSP-HC. It can
be seen from Fig. 12 (b) and 13(b) that, as the hysteresis

FIGURE 10. Trajectory of current tracking error iα and iβ . (a) C-HCC.

(b) ISV-HCC. (c) SVSP-HC.

FIGURE 12. SN sum comparison of the three methods under the

condition of PCO (a) 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4.

FIGURE 11. SNs of three-phase bridge legs during 0.12-0.14s,

respectively. (a) C-HCC. (b) ISV-HCC. (c) SVSP-HC.

TABLE 5. SN of three-phase bridge leg during 0.12-0.14s.

As shown in Tab.5, the equivalent switching frequency

of SVSP-HC is about 22.9% lower than that of C-HCC
and is close to that of ISV-HCC. At the same time, the
DSNU of both C-HCC and SVSP-HC is almost 0, indicating
that there is no SN unbalancing phenomenon among the FIGURE 13. Instantaneous THD Comparison of ia under the condition of
three-phase bridge legs. However, the DSNU of ISV-HCC is PCO (a) 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4.

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Y. Li, H. Zhao: Space Vector Switching Pattern Hysteresis Control Strategy in VIENNA Rectifier

bandwidth of C-HCC and ISV-HCC in the PCO2 is set to 0,

the SN corresponding to C-HCC and ISV-HCC is signifi-
cantly higher than that of SVSP-HC. Meanwhile the current
THD of C-HCC and ISV-HCC decreased significantly, but
it is still higher than that of SVSP-HC. From the analysis to
Fig. 12 (a) and 13 (a), it can be found that the comprehensive
performance of SVSP-HC is optimal under the condition of
Compared with PCO1, Ts of PCO3 is changed to 25µs.
From (a) and (c) in Fig. 12 and 13, it can be seen that
as the decrease of Ts , the SN of three methods increases
and the THD decreases. However, the comparison result is
consistent with that of PCO1. Compared with PCO2, Ts of
PCO 4 is still change to 25µs. While compared with PCO3, FIGURE 15. Switching signals Sn of three-phase bridge leg and ia .
PCO4 set the bandwidth of C-HCC and ISV-HCC to 0A. (a) C-HCC. (b) ISV-HCC. (c) SVSP-HC.
As shown in Fig. 12 (d) and 13(d), as the hysteresis bandwidth
TABLE 6. SN of three-phase bridge leg in one fundamental period.
decreases, the SN of C-HCC is the largest, while the SN of
ISV-HCC and SVSP-HC is relatively close to each other.
However, the current THD of C-HCC is still the highest,
while the current THD of SVSP-HC is the smallest. It is illus-
trated that when Ts is changed to 25µs, the comprehensive
performance of SVSP-HC is still the best among the three

B. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION TABLE 7. Efficiency analyzing of the three methods.

In this paper, an experimental verification is carried out

based on an platform of VIENNA rectifier. The experiment
verification adopted the relevant parameters in PCO2. The
experiment setup is shown in Fig. 14. The whole experiment
setup incudes the AC source, the VIENNA rectifier topology
hardware, the load, and so on.
Fig. 15 shows the experimental verification waveforms of
switching signals Sn of the three-phase bridge legs and the
currents ia .
Tab.6 shows the statistic of the SNs of each bridge leg degrees of each bridge leg of C-HCC and SVSP-HC are both
in Fig. 15. It can be seen from Fig. 15 that the equivalent very small. While the SN unbalancing degree of each bridge
switching frequencies of the three methods are 4.43 kHz, leg of ISV-HCC is up to 15.5%. Therefore, this result is
3.55 kHz and 3.42 kHz, respectively. The SN unbalancing consistent with the simulation results.
Fig. 16 shows the Fourier analysis results of ia . It can be
seen from Fig. 16 that the current THDs the three methods
are 3.41%, 3.31%, and 2.52%, respectively. The results are
basically corresponding to the results got in simulation.
It can be seen by synthesizing Fig. 15 and 16 that, when
the hysteresis bandwidth of both C-HCC and ISV-HCC is set
to 0, the ISV-HCC can obtain a similar or even better current
control performance and a 19.9% lower switching frequency
than C-HCC. However, the ISV-HCC has an unbalanced SN
among the three-phase bridge legs. In addition, under the
same experimental conditions, the SVSP-HC has a 25.5%
lower switching frequency and a 26.1% lower current THD
than the C-HCC. Therefore, it is apparent that the SVSP-HC
has the best control performance among P the three methods.
PFig. 17 shows the input power P A and output power
P C got by power analyzer of the three methods. Tab. 7 sorts
out the power data and calculates the conversion efficiency of
FIGURE 14. The VIENNA rectifier experiment setup exhibition. the three methods, respectively. It can be seen from Tab. 7 that

VOLUME 8, 2020 60149

Y. Li, H. Zhao: Space Vector Switching Pattern Hysteresis Control Strategy in VIENNA Rectifier

FIGURE 18. Dynamic response performance when load steps. (a) C-HCC.
(b) ISV-HCC. (c) SVSP-HC.
FIGURE 16. Fourier analysis of current ia . (a) C-HCC. (b) ISV-HCC.
(c) SVSP-HC.
controller. From the experiment results in Fig. 18, it can be
seen that, the dynamic response performance of the three
control methods are similar, that is to say, the proposed SVSP-
HC can obtain the same dynamic response performance com-
pared with C-HCC and ISV-HCC. Therefore, on the premise
of better current control performance, the proposed SVSP-
HC also maintains the fast response ability of hysteresis-
based control methods.

In this paper, a SVSP-HC control strategy is proposed
in VIENNA rectifier. The comparison among SVSP-HC,
C-HCC and ISV-HCC are carried out too. Finally, the simula-
tion and experiment verifications are presented, by which the
feasibility and advantages of the proposed SVSP-HC method
are verified.
Based on the theoretical analysis, simulation and exper-
iment verifications, the following conclusions can be
FIGURE 17. Input power and output power. (a) C-HCC. (b) ISV-HCC.
(c) SVSP-HC. obtained.
1) SVSP-HC is different from C-HCC and ISV-HCC, and
the working conversion efficiencies of C-HCC, ISV-HCC and its hysteresis bandwidth is constant and only determined by
SVSP-HC are 94.95%, 95.62% and 95.70%, respectively. the system parameters. Moreover, an excellent current con-
Therefore, compared with C-HCC and ISV-HCC, the pro- trol performance can be achieved by properly applying zero
posed SVSP-HC can get a close conversion efficiency to vectors.
ISV-HCC and a higher conversion efficiency than C-HCC. 2) The current tracking error caused by SVSP-HC itself
In addition, through the comparison results of the equivalent can be partially offset by the current error caused by dig-
switching frequency in the Tab. 6, it can be seen that the pro- ital control delay. Compared with other hysteresis meth-
posed SVSP-HC has a close equivalent switching frequency ods, SVSP-HC has a higher current tracking accuracy and
to ISV-HCC and a lower equivalent switching frequency a smaller current tracking error. Therefore, the SVSP-HC is
than C-HCC. At the same time, as we all know that the more suitable to be realized with digital control.
higher equivalent switching frequency, the greater switching 3) Compared with C-HCC and ISV-HC, the proposed
loss and the lower power conversion efficiency. Therefore, SVSP-HC can get a better current control performance with a
the power conversion efficiency comparison result among similar or even lower equivalent switching frequency. More-
the three methods in Tab. 7 is consistent with the switching over, the switching numbers of three-phase bridge legs are
number summarize in Tab. 6. basically balanced to each other.
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