Influence of Green Signal Countdown Timer On Severe Crash Types at Signalized Intersections Due To Red Light Violations

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Influence of green signal countdown timer on

severe crash types at signalized intersections due
to red light violations

Madhumita Paul & Indrajit Ghosh

To cite this article: Madhumita Paul & Indrajit Ghosh (2020) Influence of green signal countdown
timer on severe crash types at signalized intersections due to red light violations, Transportation
Letters, 12:8, 528-539, DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2019.1651571

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Published online: 06 Aug 2019.

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2020, VOL. 12, NO. 8, 528–539

Influence of green signal countdown timer on severe crash types at signalized

intersections due to red light violations
Madhumita Paul and Indrajit Ghosh
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, Roorkee, India

Traffic conflicts at signalized intersections caused by red light violations (RLVs) present an enormous Signalized intersection; red
danger for severe crashes. This study proactively evaluates the efficacy of Green Signal Countdown light violation; green signal
Timer (GSCT) on RLVs and resulting right-angle and right turn related crashes (for left-hand driving) countdown timer; before-
after study; post
using Post Encroachment Time (PET). A before-after (B-A) with comparison group analysis is done
encroachment time
considering five 4-legged signalized intersections from Delhi, India comprising of with and without SCT
installations. RLV occurrences and maximum violation time during initial 10 s of red are more in the
absence of GSCT. Considering various RLV-related characteristics, Powered Two Wheelers (P2W) are found
to have the highest exposure in crash involvement for both timer conditions. Finally, B-A method shows
57.74% reduction in crossing conflicts due to the presence of GSCT at the sites. . Accordingly, SCT's
installation can be recommended as a cost-effective engineering countermeasure to reduce severe crash
types at signalized intersections.

Introduction without examining the safety aspects. SCT’s green component, i.e.
Green signal countdown timer (GSCT) is found to alter the driv-
Red light violation (RLV) is one of the major factors contributing
ing behavior at the end of the green signal (Devalla, Biswas, and
to motor vehicle crashes at urban signalized intersections. It takes
Ghosh 2015; Limanond, Prabjabok, and Tippayawong 2010; Chiou
places when a driver intentionally or unintentionally enters into
and Chang 2010; Fu et al. 2016; Biswas, Ghosh, and Chandra
the intersection from one of its approaches at the onset of red and
2017). Simultaneously, its absence or presence may affect the
involves in crash with another road user who has the right-of-way
occurrences of RLVs at the starting of red and thereby create the
(Baratian-Ghorghi, Zhou, and Zech 2016). As per the recent
potentials for severe crash types. Among such crashes, the most
statistics of the USA, an average of 719 people died each year
severe ones are the right-angle and right turn related crashes (for
between 2011 and 2015 in RLV-related crashes (American Traffic
left-hand drive) (Wang and Abdel-Aty 2007; Jin, Wang, and Chen
Solutions [ATSOL] 2017). In Thailand, 1702 red light running
2010). In this context, the goal of the present research is to assess
crashes at intersections were caused by drivers violating the red
the safety impacts of GSCT on severe crash types at major urban
light (Kanitpong et al. 2015; Jensupakarn and Kanitpong 2018).
signalized intersections. For this purpose, this study adopts the
To reduce this non-compliant driving behavior and resulting
before–after (B-A) with comparison group study design based on
crashes, several mitigation measures related to geometric changes,
Traffic Conflict Technique (TCT), which includes five signalized
change in signal timings, installations of contemporary traffic
intersections located in Delhi, consisting of both treatment and
control devices, e.g. red light cameras (RLCs) have been imple-
control sites (i.e. sites with and without SCT respectively).
mented during the last few decades. Although RLCs have increas-
Of late, TCT has been drawing enormous attention owing to its
ingly been used to enforce violations at intersections and
proactive nature and several drawbacks associated with traditional
discourage a driver running the red light, their presence is found
crash data based assessment (Gettman and Head 2003; Zheng,
to be associated with a higher number of minor rear-end collisions
Ismail, and Meng 2014; Sacchi and Sayed 2016; Paul and Ghosh
(Council et al. 2005; Persaud et al. 2005; Baratian-Ghorghi, Zhou,
2018). TCT monitors the real-time traffic interactions even before
and Zech 2016). In addition, RLCs are not always cost-
the crashes occur and has the benefit of determining the propen-
effectiveness considering their installations and maintenance
sity of resulting collisions at any road network including intersec-
(Chen and Warburton 2006).
tions. Its use for short term safety evaluation is well accepted
The application of driver warning indicators in terms of dis-
worldwide, although TCT does not show the general trend of
tance and time reference aids is currently quite common to help
crashes and the associated contributory variables. Furthermore,
drivers to make their decisions at signalized intersections. In
for certain types of conflict, the crash conflict relationship is
recent years, a cost-effective technological implementation,
ambiguous and the correctness of the conversion to expected
namely, signal countdown timer (SCT), has become increasingly
crash frequencies is doubtful. (Williams 1981; Laureshyn and
popular in numerous Asian including India, which operates as
Varhelyi 2018). Another significant point is that the police record
a time-warning system. Interestingly, this device was installed in
does not always enable for the correct identification of severe RLV
India with the objective of saving valuable fossil fuel when motor-
crashes. There may be few crashes per year but hundreds of RLV
ists are stuck at the red light. However, their installations at major
could have occurred at an intersection. Hence, it is essential to
signalized intersections of several Indian cities have been taken up

CONTACT Madhumita Paul Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand
247667, India
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

adopt TCT in B-A with comparison group study design to evaluate instances when the violating vehicle leaves a specific spatial spot,
the efficacy of GSCT on RLV related severe crash types at signa- and the right-of-way vehicle enters into it.
lized intersections.

Background on safety assessment of GSCT As already noted, to fulfill the study objective, a before-after (B-A)
For more than a decade, countdown timers have been employed with comparison group analysis is performed at locations with and
continuously in the field as the advanced traveler information without GSCT facilities in order to meet the study goal.
systems, mostly in Asian cities. By displaying the remaining Historically, Empirical Bayes (EB) before–after method has seen
signal timing to drivers, these digital timers are intended to its broad implementation for assessing the efficacy of any safety
increase intersection capacities, reduce right-angle accidents measure in response to a few weaknesses linked to the traditional
and anxiety of drivers standing in the queue (Long, Han, and B-A method (Hauer 1997). However, the EB method has some
Yang 2011). Though, in reality, their expected effect, particu- drawbacks which are as follows:
larly on driver behavior influencing traffic safety, came with
mixed realization to different researchers. A group of studies ● It has a laborious methodological design
concluded that the presence of GSCT helped to reduce (i) the ● It requires many reference sites, i.e. a large group of sites
number of RLVs in China (Ma, Liu, and Yang 2010; Huang where the subject treatment is absent, however, have similar
et al. 2014), in Thailand (Limanond, Prabjabok, and characteristics to those of the treatment sites. This require-
Tippayawong 2010), (ii) the percentage of cycles with RLVs ment can increase the cost of data collection in order to get
from 66.2% to 37.1% in Malaysia (Kidwai, Ibrahim, and additional information.
Karim 2005), from 59% to 31% in India (Sharma et al. 2011). ● The reference group needs to be selected carefully for devel-
(iii) amber, red, red/amber running violations in Slovenia oping a safety performance function in EB analysis. It creates
(Rijavec, Zakovšek, and Maher 2013) and red running ratio in a problem when trying to select a suitable reference group
Taiwan (Chiou and Chang 2010). A study conducted by Lum similar to the treatment sites.
and Halim (2006) in Singapore observed that GSCT reduced
RLVs by about 65% after 1.5-month of its installation. However, Hence, B-A with comparison group study design is used consider-
its effectiveness disappeared after 7.5 months as the RLVs went ing a number of treatment and control sites. This technique helps
back to the before-GSCT scenario. Another study by Limanond, to separate out the impact of other compounding factors rather
Prabjabok, and Tippayawong (2010) concluded that the impact than the subject treatment at the treated sites. It also controls for
of GSCT on reducing RLVs sustained over at least 12 months of the effect of Regression to Mean (RTM) bias by comparing sites
its installation. Ni and Li (2014) in China found that GSCT which received treatment to those which did not.
helped to reduce rear-end crashes adjacent to the stop line In the present study, initially, various RLV characteristics
during the yellow time. In contrast, its presence led to observed at the study sites are examined for both with and without
a higher number of RLVs in China (Long, Han, and Yang GSCT situations and subsequently compared. Later, the effective-
2011), more number of cycles with RLV occurrences in ness of GSCT is evaluated using B-A with comparison group
Malaysia (Ibrahim, Karim, and Kidwai 2008), increased risk method on the basis of observed crossing conflicts due to RLVs.
for rear-end crashes in Taiwan (Chiou and Chang 2010), Figure 1 shows a data flow diagram of the methodology adopted in
100% and 33% more crashes and injuries respectively in this study.
Taiwan (Chen et al. 2007). Thus, it can be observed that
a number of studies had investigated the effect of GSCT on
Site selection
intersection safety in terms of RLVs and occurrence of rear-end
crashes, although outcomes of these studies are contradictory. For the study purpose, intersections are selected from Delhi, India
However, no study assessed the influence of GSCT on severe primarily based on crash history, geometric configurations and traffic
right-angle and right turn related crashes (for left-hand drive) conditions. At first, a number of intersections are shortlisted which
that also take place at signal controlled intersections. In case of are the accident blackspots for the three successive years (2014–16)
India, only two studies (Sharma et al. 2011; Biswas, Ghosh, and according to the Delhi Traffic Police crash record, and have
Chandra 2017) investigated the effectiveness of these timers on a significant quantity of right-angle and right turn related crashes
intersection efficiency and RLV characteristics by considering (right turn right-angle and right turn head-on collisions). Later, for
one approach of the study sites which were randomly selected conducting the B-A with comparison group analysis, five major
without looking into crash data. Moreover, their studies did not intersections situated on urban arterials with a comparable crash
specifically evaluate the influence of countdown timer on inter- history as well as road geometry are selected. All the selected sites
section safety. are having channelized left turn lanes, fixed phase signal and cycle
The present study is therefore the first attempt which examines timings as well as a yellow time of 5 s. The study sites are further
the effects of GSCT on RLVs at the onset of red and related crash referred to as IS-(i) in the following sections, where i = 1, 2, . . . n,
potentials proactively using B-A with comparison group method. where n = number of intersections. The details of the intersection
For the study purpose, traffic conflicts between violating and right- locations along with signal timings and crash data are given in
of-way vehicles that occur during the phase transition period have Table 1.
been analyzed both in the presence and absence of GSCT. The The first two sites (IS-1 and IS-2) are the treatment sites having
conflict indicator, Post-Encroachment Time (PET) has been uti- SCTs for all the approaches. Since the SCTs at these sites have
lized as it is the most efficient one for identifying conflicts between been installed long ago, crash data for these sites is available only
cross traffic (Gettman and Head 2003; Mahmud et al. 2017). For for ‘after’ installation period. Assistance is sought from Delhi
a RLV situation, it is represented as the time interval between two Traffic Police to create ‘before’ condition by switching off the

Figure 1. Data Flow Diagram of the present work.

digital timers for more than a week. The other three sites belong to enabled with yellow flashing light between 10 pm and 6 am.
the comparison group where the subject treatment (i.e. SCT) is not A thorough analysis of crash data reaffirmed that RLV is signifi-
present. As per the study requirement, real-time interactions cantly responsible for the occurrence of maximum amount of
between vehicles due to RLVs are video recorded for both with subject crashes during daytime off-peak hours (6 am to 7 am, 12
and without SCT scenarios. A map view of study sites and noon to 4 pm) on weekdays. Consequently, traffic data collection
a snapshot of site IS-2 are shown in Figure 2(a,b). is carried out for both the treatment and comparison groups using
videography technique on weekdays during daytime off-peak
hours under good visibility conditions. To collect data from treat-
Data collection and extraction
ment sites (IS-1 and IS-2), video recording is initially done for
For the present study, two types of data are collected – crash data ‘after’ period i.e. when timers are switched on. Once these digital
from Delhi Traffic Police and traffic data from the field. Crash data displays are switched off by traffic police for more than a week,
contains a range of information such as time, date, precise location, ‘before’ data is collected at these intersections during the same
collision types and associated severities. By using crash data for 3 time period to replicate the traffic environments (Limanond,
calendars years (2014–16), collision diagrams are prepared for all the Prabjabok, and Tippayawong 2010; Biswas, Ghosh, and Chandra
study sites. Figure 3 shows a sample collision diagram for site IS-3. It 2017). The latter situation basically represents ‘without’ GSCT
can be observed that at the study site, IS-3, a number of right turn condition in the present study, as drivers have no information
right-angle collisions took place. Two crashes are found to have taken regarding the remaining green time, similar to the situation when
place between EB and SB traffic, and two others between NB and WB the timers are not installed. Data collection at the comparison sites
traffic. By diagnosing collision diagrams and signal phasing of each (IS-3, IS-4 and IS-5) is also conducted twice. The complete data
site, it is perceived that RLV at the onset of red is the prime reason for collection process takes several days to record data from all the
the occurrence of subject crashes at study locations. Although drivers approaches of the study sites, considering both before and after
from certain approaches of the intersections are also involved in situations.
RLVs, no crash has been reported. Nevertheless, all the approaches Once the field survey is over, all the necessary information for
of selected intersections are chosen for further analysis and RLV subsequent analyses such as traffic volume, vehicular composition,
behavior leading to various crossing movements are studied number of RLV vehicles along with their categories, number of
thoroughly. cycles where RLVs occur, and PET between violating and right-of-
It is also found that the maximum number of right-angle and way vehicles are extracted from the videos. For the recording of
right turn related crashes took place during different times of conflict data and obtaining the related PET values, captured video
the day and fewer happened at night. However, the nighttime is edited by dividing the entire conflict area into equal numbers of
subject crashes are not associated with RLVs as these sites are square grids. These are prepared by using Autodesk Maya 3D and

later overlaid on the videos using a video editing software, Corel

50 + 5 + 45 + 5 + 55 + 5 + 70 + 5 + 65 + 5 + 55 + 5 + 45 + 5 + 55 + 5 + 45 + 5 + 35 + 5 + 80 + 5 + 45 + 5 + 65 + 5 + 70 + 5 + 35 + 5 + 30 + 5 + 70 + 5 + 65 + 5 + 45 + 5 + 35 + 5 +
VideoStudio Pro. The dimension of grids is selected in accordance


with the maximum width of commercial vehicles observed on
Indian roads i.e. 2.5 m x 2.5 m (Paul and Ghosh 2017, 2018).

Intersection-5 (IS-5)

These grids are nothing but spatial spots located in the conflict


area of the intersection through which two consecutive conflicting



vehicles traverse. Recorded videos are played on a large television

screen at a rate of 25 frames per second and two-time events t1 and


t2 are noted down to calculate the PET values. t1 is the time when
a violating vehicle just exits a particular grid of conflict zone at the


onset of red, and t2 represents the time when the front of a right

turning or through moving vehicle (right-of-way vehicle) just
185 enters the respective grid. The difference between these two-time

events t2 and t1 provides the PET value for a RLV situation.
Intersection-4 (IS-4)
Comparision Group


Analysis and results





To evaluate the effectiveness of GSCT on RLVs and resulting


crossing conflicts, a number of measures of effectiveness



(MOEs), namely, the number and percentage of RLV cycles, total

number of RLV vehicles and mean RLV per RLV cycle during the

initial 10 s of red time are identified. All MOE related information


are noted down for both before and after situations and sequen-
tially analyzed. As road geometry, ambient environment and signal

timing remain the same for both cases, any variation in RLV-

related characteristics and resulting conflicts can be attributable to

the GSCT display.
Intersection-3 (IS-3)



Characteristics of RLVs


An empirical analysis has been carried out to comprehend the



RLV characteristics of the study sites. For this purpose, each

approach of the junctions is taken into account irrespective of

their contribution to RLV-related crashes. All MOEs are estimated


for both before and after situations and provided in Table 2.

Table 2 shows that the number of observed cycles for different

approaches is closer to each other as cycle length and green time of


all study sites are almost similar (as provided in Table 1).
Frequency and percentage of RLV cycles are found to be varying
Intersection-2 (IS-2)


for different timer display conditions at the study sites. At IS-1, for

four different approaches, percentage of RLV cycles reduces from



55.56 to 33.33%, 47.62 to 28.57%, 51.56 to 35.94%, and 46.88 to


31.25% from before to after period. A similar phenomenon is also

observed at the other treatment site (IS-2). Additionally, it is
evident that the percentage of RLV is always on the higher side
Treatment Group

Table 1. Details of selected intersections along with crash records.


at the control sites. The percentage of RLV cycles for the compar-
ison group with no SCTs is similar to the timer off situations at

treatment sites (IS-1b and IS-2b). This trend is consistent with the


findings reported in a number of studies (Ma, Liu, and Yang 2010;

Limanond, Prabjabok, and Tippayawong 2010; Sharma et al. 2011;
Intersection-1 (IS-1)


Huang et al. 2014; Biswas, Ghosh, and Chandra 2017) whereas it



contradicts several other studies (Ibrahim et al., 2008; Long, Han,




and Yang 2011). For the treatment sites, a close look at Table 1

also reveals that approaches with a higher percentage of RLV


cycles and greater frequency of violations had already experienced

a number of right-angle and right turn related crashes due to more

violations along them. It reiterates that RLV committed by vehicles


along those approaches is the leading cause of such severe crashes

at the selected intersections.
Approach width (m)

right-turn related
No. of total crashes

crashes (3 years)
Timer Information

Green + Yellow +

No. of angle and

Another MOE, mean RLV per RLV cycle, which basically

Target approach

Cycle length (s)

Details of Sites

designates the intensity of RLV occurrences, is also calculated for

(3 years)
Red (s)

RLVs along the approaches of both treatment and comparison


group sites. This MOE is defined as the number of RLVs averaged

over all the cycles having at least one RLV in that cycle. At

Figure 2. (a) A map view of study sites (b) A snapshot of the study site 2.

treatment sites, it is found to be less in numbers for with GSCT RLVs during the initial 10 s of red time are compared for both the
condition in comparison to without GSCT situation. To examine timer scenarios. It is done by collecting the time information for
the difference of this MOE between before and after GSCT instal- the instance when a vehicle along an approach crosses the stop line
lation situations in a statistical sense, two-sample t-test has been after seeing the red indication. The temporal distribution of RLV
performed for all the study approaches of treatment sites. In each events observed at treatment and comparison sites for both before
case, t calculated > t critical at 95% confidence level which indi- and after conditions are provided in Figures 4 and 5.
cates a statistically significant difference between mean RLVs per Figure 4 shows that for all the approaches of treatment sites,
RLV cycle for different timer conditions along the same approach. maximum RLVs take place within 0 to 0.5 s interval of the initial
For the comparison group sites, this value is found to be on the red indication during GSCT on condition. In the presence of timers,
higher side for all the study approaches. violators are found to pass the stop line up to the first 5.5 s of red
In short, if there are no timer displays, a greater number of violating interval. For the timer off scenario at treatment sites, most of the
vehicles are found to enter the intersection at the onset of red rather RLVs occur between the time interval of (0.5–1.0) s and (1.0–1.5) s. A
than stopping at the stop line. This is because drivers, in the absence of similar phenomenon is observed for the comparison group consider-
timers, do not receive real-time information on the remaining time ing both before and after periods (as evident from Figure 5(a–f)).
before a signal indication changes. Hence, they do not alter their speed Additionally, for the without timer situation, the maximum violation
while entering the intersection, leading to a higher propensity of RLV time is observed in the range of 7–7.5 s both at treatment and
events. However, the opposite scenario is observed for with GSCT comparison sites. Thus, it is observed that a comparatively higher
condition as most of the drivers utilize the end of green time informa- number of vehicles make a late entry into the intersections when the
tion to make better decisions while maneuvering. digital display is absent. Contrarily, in the presence of GSCT, most of
the RLV vehicles enter into intersections during the first few seconds
of initial red time. This observation is consistent with the findings of
Maximum violation time a few previous studies (Limanond, Prabjabok, and Tippayawong
To get an in-depth understanding of RLV characteristics for with 2010; Sharma et al. 2011; Biswas, Ghosh, and Chandra 2017).
and without GSCT conditions, the maximum violation time of However, the present outcome is contradictory to the findings of

Figure 3. Collision diagram of IS-3 for the year of 2015.

Table 2. Characteristics of RLVs for before and after periods.

Site Timer condition Timer display at approaches # of observed cycles # of RLV cycles % of RLV cycles # of RLV vehicles # mean RLV per RLV cycle
IS-1 IS-1b A-1b to A-4b 60–61 30–35 49.18–58.33 78–104 2.60–2.97
IS-1a A-1a to A-4a 18–23 30–37.70 28–40 1.56–1.90
IS-2 IS-2b B-1b to B-4b 60–61 32–38 52.46–62.30 89–113 2.78–2.97
IS-2a B-1a to B-4a 19–24 31.67–39.34 25–38 1.32–1.62
IS-3 IS-3b C-1b to C-1b 63–64 33–39 51.56–60.94 88–107 2.63–3.00
IS-3a C-1a to C-1a 31–37 48.44–57.81 73–113 2.51–2.89
IS-4 IS-4b D-1b to D-1b 64–65 35–40 54.69–61.54 79–100 1.98–2.97
IS-4a D-1a to D-1a 35–40 52.31–61.54 85–99 2.24–2.65
IS-5 IS-5b E-1b to E-1b 60–61 34–38 56.67–62.30 83–110 2.44–2.89
IS-5a E-1a to E-1a 31–37 51.67–60.66 81–94 2.29–2.82
‘b’ and ‘a’ refer to before and after GSCT installation situations respectively
A-1 to A-4 represent four consecutive approaches of intersection IS-1

Long, Han, and Yang (2011) where researchers concluded that the another. Observed vehicles at the sites are classified into 5 different
presence of timers encouraged the drivers to make a late entry at the categories. While LCV designates pick-up trucks and vans, HV
intersection leading to risky RLVs. category comprises of buses and trucks. In order to gain a better
insight into RLV behavior of different vehicle classes, RLV events
for each vehicle type during initial 10 s of red are observed at each
Distribution of rlvs for each vehicle class site for both with and without timer scenarios and provided in
Table 3.
In India, the traffic condition is highly heterogeneous in nature as
RLV rate in the above table is defined as the number of RLV
different vehicle categories with diverse static and dynamic char-
vehicles divided by the total flow. It can be seen that the highest
acteristics use the same road facility. Hence, it is anticipated that
RLV rates have been contributed by the Powered Two Wheelers
RLV characteristics may also vary from one vehicle class to

Figure 4. Time distribution of RLV occurrences during initial red at treatment sites.

(P2W) across all sites for both before and after conditions. crashes is highest among all vehicle categories. When the com-
The second highest rates are observed for the car, however, it parison is done between two different scenarios of timer displays,
is quite less as compared to P2W. M3W is responsible for further RLV events associated with a particular vehicle class are observed
lower numbers of RLVs and RLV rates, followed by LCV for to be higher during before period, i.e. for without GSCT
both the timer conditions. No violations have been committed by condition.
HV during the initial red time. The reason behind such lower or
no RLV instances for M3W, LCV and HV categories is that all of
Safety impact of green signal countdown timer on likelihood
them have less acceleration capabilities in comparison to Car and
of RLV-related crashes
P2W, which in turn discourages their drivers to enter the inter-
section during the phase transition period. Although M3W is To perceive the safety impacts of GSCT, RLV events are further
a small-sized vehicle, it is primarily used for carrying passengers analyzed proactively and resulting conflicts are thoroughly studied.
for a fare. Therefore, its drivers are quite conscious about pas- Initially, PET values are calculated for each conflict situation created
senger comfort which restricts them to travel aggressively and between violating and right-of-way vehicles. At all the sites, for both
leads to lower occurrences of RLV. Compared to all other cate- before and after conditions, the PET values are found to be ranging
gories, HV has the largest size and least maneuverability. Hence, from > 0 to 5 s. These observed conflicts up to 5 s PET values have
it becomes very difficult for them to cross the entire conflict area been treated as critical ones in the present study. The is RLV
of the intersection when confronted with red light thus rendering occurrences during the initial few seconds of red are responsible
no RLV instances for this vehicle class. On the contrary, P2W is for serious conflicts with traffic having the right-of-way, which often
having the smallest size and best maneuverability among all the cause severe injury/fatal crashes at signalized intersections.
vehicles. At the same time, they have a tendency to move in Additionally, PET threshold of 5 s has the maximum use in previous
a zigzag manner in between other vehicles by disobeying the lane conflict analyses to identify critical crossing conflicts (Sayed, Brown,
discipline. Therefore, instead of stopping their vehicles during the and Navin 1994; Gettman et al. 2008; Caliendo and Guida 2012; Lee,
signal change, they find their ways to cross the intersection often So, and Ma 2018). To understand the difference in conflict frequen-
leading to RLV situations. Thus, P2Ws expose themselves to the cies between before and after periods of GSCT installation at treat-
risk of severe crashes with those having the green indication. The ment sites, the distributions of average hourly conflicts (AHC) for
crash record also reveals that the involvement of P2Ws in subject both the timer scenarios are prepared as shown in Figure 6. It also




RLV Rate





RLV Rate










RLV Rate












RLV Rate
Table 3. Distribution of RLVs class with respect to ‘before-after periods of GSCT installation’ considering entire 4-hour duration.

Figure 5. Time distribution of RLV occurrences during initial red at comparison sites.





contains the AHC distribution for comparison sites to comprehend

their B-A scenarios.
Figure 6 shows that there is a significant reduction in AHC at
the treatment sites (IS-1 and IS-2) during the after scenario in



RLV Rate

comparison to before GSCT installation situation. For the treat-

ment group (IS-1 and IS-2), the percentage reduction in AHC

from before to after period is 61% and 68% respectively. No

such reduction is observed in AHC between before and after





periods at the control sites (IS-3, IS-4 and IS-5).


Traditionally, B-A with comparison group approach is carried

out on the basis of a statistical method, odds ratio (OR). This
statistical term is commonly used to compare the effect of treat-




RLV Rate

ment with respect to the comparison group. To investigate the

effectiveness of GSCT, ‘OR’ is calculated based on the AHC for
‘b’ and ‘a’ refer to before and after GSCT installation situations respectively

both treatment and comparison groups. An ‘OR’ value equals to 1


implies that all the changes in conflict counts at each treatment






site are similar to the observed changes at the comparison sites,


which means that a 100% change in the treatment site is solely due
to non-treatment factors. Whereas, ‘OR’ value of less than 1 and
greater than 1 indicate an appropriate and a harmful effect of
Timer display at approaches

applied treatment respectively (El-Basyouny and Sayed 2011;

Autey, Sayed, and Zaki 2012). This ratio illustrated in Equation
D-1b to D-4b
A-1b to A-4b

D-1a to D-4a
C-1b to C-4b
B-1b to B-4b
A-1a to A-4a

C-1a to C-4a

E-1b to E-4b
B-1a to B-4a

E-1a to E-4a

(1) is defined as the change in AHC at the treatment site divided

by change in comparison group considering before and after

ORi ¼ (1)
Timer condition

TA = AHC at treatment site (i) in after period,






TB = AHC at treatment site (i) in before period,

CA = AHC at comparison group in after period, and
CB = AHC at comparison group in before period
The treatment effect (TE) of GSCT at a treatment site (i) can be



calculated as Equation (2)


Where, zi = z-value for site (i) and N denotes a normal

To determine the total treatment effect, both the treatment
sites (IS-1 and IS-2) as well as comparison group are combined
in a weighted average manner. Consequently, the statistical
significance of the treatment effect is determined. This weight-
ing is carried out with respect to the inverse variance of each
treatment site as well as the comparison group and shown in
Equation (5)
1 1 1 1
wi ¼ þ þ þ (5)
Therefore, the total treatment ln(OR) for ‘n’ individual treatment
site can be expressed as
wi  lnðORi Þ
lnðORÞ ¼ i¼1 Pn (6)
i¼1 wi

If the weighting for each site is proportional to the inverse of the

asymptotic variance, then the z value for test statistics follows
a standard normal distribution as shown in Equation (7).
z ¼ lnðORÞ wi ,N ð0; 1Þ (7)

The null-hypothesis of treatment effect (H0: OR =1) is rejected

when the approximate tail probability of the standard normal
probability density function is found to be smaller than the
statistical significance level, represented by the p-value. The
Figure 6. Distribution of AHC at both treatment and comparision sites. statistical significance test result of the treatment effect is given
in Table 4.
‘OR’ values are estimated by using Equation (1) and con-
TEi ¼ 1  ORi (2) sidering the average hourly conflicts for both treatment and
comparison sites. For an individual as well as treatment sites
The percentage reduction in AHC can be found as TE ×100%. in a combined manner, OR is found to be less than 1. It
This represents the variation in conflict events observed at the confirms that GSCT contributes to the reduction of crossing
treatment site (i) after implementation of GSCT by controlling the conflicts at the treatment sites. Interestingly, when the effect of
time-trend effects estimated at the comparison sites. The percen- comparison group is taken into consideration to control the
tage reduction in conflicts due to GSCT at each treatment site is non-treatment conflict causal factors, the percentage reduction
given in Table 4. It is to note that the value of OR is always in AHC is observed to be 58.54% and 66.06% at IS-1 and IS-2
positive hence an assumption can be made that it follows a log- respectively. The reduction in AHC is also found to be signifi-
normal distribution. ln(OR) is then determined which is further cant at the 95% confidence interval for both the treatment sites
utilized to weight the OR among different treatment sites to as well as when it is carried out for conflicts considering both
determine the total treatment effect of GSCT. The standard error the sites together.
of ln(OR) for each treatment intersection (SEi) is estimated based
on the assumption that conflict events are rare and random in Treatment correction for traffic volume
nature and hence follow a Poisson distribution (Reyad et al. 2017). In order to assess the true effectiveness of any treatment, it is
The expression for SEi is shown as Equation (3) required to utilize a comparison group to account for the effect of
  any non-treatment factor, such as traffic volume (Hauer 1997).
p 1 1 1 1
SEi¼ þ þ þ (3) The average hourly volume for treatment group during before and
after observational periods are 7767 and 7452 veh/hr respectively.
Hence asymptotically, For the comparison group, these are 7239 and 7568 veh/hr. As
traffic volume for both the treatment and comparison sites are
lnðORi Þ known, the effect of change in traffic volume can be controlled for
zi ¼ ,N ð0; 1Þ (4) explicitly. Subsequently, the present study follows the estimation
process suggested by Hauer (1997) to account for volume change.
The adjustment factors for change in traffic volume at compar-
ison and treatment sites, as well as the overall percentage reduc-
Table 4. Results of treatment effect (% reduction in AHC at treatment sites) based
on comparison groups.
tion in conflicts at the treatment group are estimated using the
following parameters listed between Equations (8)–(18).
Treatment odds TE in Statistically
Sites ratio % SE w z score p value Significant λ ¼ TA (8)
IS-1 0.388 58.54% 0.2235 20.018 −3.940 .000081. yes
IS-2 0.318 66.06% 0.2246 19.822 −4.811 <.00001 yes
Total 0.350 62.56% - 39.841 −6.186 <.00001 yes Var ðλÞ ¼ TA (9)

CA rTadj = Adjustment factor for change in average hourly traffic
rT ¼ rC ¼   (10) volume at treatment group,
1 þ C1B TEVTA = Average hourly approaching volume at all the treat-
ment sites during after period, and
TEVTB = Average hourly approaching volume at treatment
VarðrT Þ 1 1 group during before period
¼ þ þ varðωÞ (11)
rT 2 CB CA This adjusted factor is then multiplied with before period AHC
for treatment group and can be replaced TB as TBadj . The expected
after period conflict data at treatment sites considering the sites do
π ¼ rT  TB (12)
not undergo any treatment (π) is obtained by replacing Equation
(12) with Equation (16):
1 VarðrT Þ π ¼ rT  TBadj
VarðπÞ ¼ π 2
þ (16)
TB rT 2
At the final stage, in order to determine the percentage reduction
Where, in conflicts at treatment group, two parameters are estimated
λ = Expected (observed) conflict counts at treatment group namely (i) index of effectiveness (θ) and (ii) variance of θ. Their
during after period, expressions are provided in the form of Equations (17) and (18)
Var (λ) = Variance of expected conflict frequency during after respectively.
period, λ
rT & rC = Ratio of expected conflict counts for treatment and θ ¼ π  if θ < 1; the treatment is effective (17)
comparison groups respectively, VarðπÞ
1þ π2
TB ; TA, CB , CA = Observed AHC at treatment and comparison
groups during before and after periods,  
varðωÞ = Variance of mean odds ratio can be expressed as θ2 VarðλÞ
þ Varπ2ðπÞ
  Var ðθÞ ¼  2 (18)
1 1 1 1
¼ s2 ðoÞ  þ þ þ ; if > 0 or 0 otherwise (13) 1 þ Varπ2ðπÞ
s2(o) = Variance of odds ratios, The percentage reduction in conflict counts is estimated as 100 ×
π = Expected (predicted) conflict frequency at treatment sites (1-θ)
during after period considering no treatment has been Using Equations (17) and (18), the reduction rate at the treat-
implemented, ment group is found as 0.405 with a standard deviation of 0.07.
Var(π) = Variance of expected number of crashes in after Hence, the percentage reduction in average hourly conflicts at the
period without any treatment, treatment group (i.e. considering IS-1 and IS-2 together) is found
The adjustment factor for comparison sites can be expressed as to be 59.47% with a standard deviation of 7%. It implies that due
to implementation of GSCT at signalized intersections which
TEVAC;i possess characteristics similar to the present study sites, the
Cadj;i ¼ (14)
TEVBC;i expected reduction in conflicts can range from 52.47% to 66.47%
at 95% confidence interval. The estimated parameters for volume
Where, corrections are given below in Table 5.
Cadj;i = Adjustment factor for observed AHC during before Thus, the presence of GSCT is found to be responsible for
period at comparison site i, a significant reduction in the number of crossing conflicts due to
TEVAC;i = Average hourly approaching traffic volume at com- red light violations at the signalized intersections.
parison site i during after period, and
TEVBC;i = Average hourly approaching traffic volume at com-
parison site i during before period Conclusions
In this study, the change in traffic volume is observed to be The current study proactively explores the impact of GSCT on
quite less between before and after periods and therefore, a linear serious kinds of crash owing to RLVs using a traffic conflict based
relationship between the expected conflict frequency and traffic before-after (B-A) with comparison group study method. Five
volume provides a very close approximation for such small 4-legged urban signalized intersections situated in Delhi compris-
changes in volumes (Fayish and Gross 2010). The estimated Cadj ing of with and without SCT are selected, which have suffered
of each comparison site is then multiplied with AHC observed a number of right-angle and right-turn related crashes over the
during before period of the respective site. These adjusted before past three years showing an important RLV issue. Afterwards,
and period AHC for all the comparison sites are then summed up a comparative B-A safety analysis is performed between treatment
to get expected before period conflicts at comparison group
(CB adj). This adjusted parameter is incorporated in Equations
(10) and (11) by replacing CB . Table 5. Details of estimated parameters for volume correction.
In the next step, an adjustment factor for change in traffic Parameters Estimate
volume from before to after period at treatment group is deter- λ = Var (λ) 63
mined using Equation (15). This adjustment also assumes a linear π 153.49
relationship between conflict events and traffic volume Var (π) 297.94
r T = rC 0.889
TEVTA Var (ω) 0
rTadj ¼ (15) θ 0.405
Var (θ) 0.0049
Where, 100× (1- θ) 59.47

and comparison groups for various RLV characteristics and result- Disclosure statement
ing conflicts.
The authors declare that they do not have any competing financial, profes-
During ‘before’ situation at treatment sites, several RLV char- sional, or personal interests from other parties.
acteristics such as frequency of RLVs, percentage of RLV cycles,
mean RLV per RLV cycle and maximum violation time of RLV
events during initial 10 s of red are observed to be on the higher Funding
side compared to ‘after’ scenario. A similar trend is observed at the This work was supported by the Science and Engineering Research Board
comparison group sites where timers are not present during both (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and
‘before’ and ‘after’ periods. By providing the remaining green time Technology, Government of India under Grant SB/FTP/ETA-438/2012
information beforehand, GSCT gives drivers the confidence to
stop or proceed through the intersection and thus helps in making ORCID
a proper decision. From the distribution of RLVs with respect to
vehicle classes, the maximum number of RLV events and higher Indrajit Ghosh
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