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56 6.1 Don’t give up! en Geeoeel was and were 11 Workin small groups. Make a list of things a person needs to be successful in life, Do you all agree? ‘a good education, 2 Workwith a partner, Student A, read about Vera Wang. Student B, read about Akio Morita Complete your ‘column in the table. vera Wang The past Pee eos ‘Akio Morita ‘Born (when?) Early career Problems Famous fo (what?) el Successful people who failed at first {A Vera Wang was bora in New York in 1949 and her parents were from China. When she was 2 younger she was avery good ice iF) Skater and she wanted to skate inthe Olympies. However, she was very unhappy when she wasn't in the US Olympic team in 1968 and she decided to become a fashion designer. She worked fifteen years for Vogue magazine, then ‘another two years with Ralph Lauren, Today she is ‘a vory successful designer. She has her awn fashion label Vera Wang and sells dresses for $25,000! B Akio Morita was born in 1921 land be was a businessman from the age of 25. He was the founder of Sony with his ‘business partner and friend Masara Ibuku. At first they ‘weren't very successful. Their first product was an electric rice cooker and they only sold 100 of them because it always burnt the rice! ‘Today, Sony is in the top 100 companies inthe world ‘Business Weekly Om Oxford 3000" (ene ‘Tell your partner about the story you read and listen to your partner's story to complete the other column in the table in exercise 2, Which story do you thinkis most interesting? Why? Underline the examples of was, were, wasn't and weren'tin the article in exercise 2 and complete the information in the Grammar focus box. Ene a and? andisnt. oe, andaren’t (+) She was a very good ice skater. er parents were from China, (© She wasn't in the US olympic team. ‘Morita and ibuku weren't successful at first () Was it expensive? Yes, It was No, t wasn’t. Were they bom in China? Yes, they were.No, they weren't. are the past forms of is and are the past forms of are 5a Complete the article abouta successful team using was, ‘were, wasn'tor weren't Cool Runnings x People" surprised to see a bobsleigh team from Jamaica at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Canada, 12. very easy for the team to practise in Jamaica before the Olympics because there? no sezand theres no bobsleighs for them to use. ‘Theys successful in their races, but they “ very popular with the people watching ‘because they tried so hard. There? film telling their story in 1993 called Cool Runnings and it + ‘huge suecess, making $150,000,000 around the world. b 62{)Listen and check your answers. 6A) 62 63 64 65 (RITE ES time expressions 8a Work with a partnerand do the History Firsts Quiz. Match questions 1-6 to answers a-f, HISTORY FIRSTS ‘When was/were the first ... 1 football World Cup? a In 1929. 2 Olympics? b In the 19th century. 3 dishwasher? e In 1927, 4 Sony Walkman? d_ In 1930. 5 talking film? © 2,800 years ago. 6 Oscars ceremony? f In 1979. bb 6a})Listen and check your answers. 9 Complete the table withthe time expressions in the box. EXEMUNEIIAN the past of to be three weeks night the 18th century year six months week 2001 summer edongtime 7999 6a. 62))Listen to the questions and short answers. Are was, were, wasn’t and weren't stressed in the questions or in the answers? in lee a 1A Wastherea bobsleigh team at the Olympics? 4 nighe ac Leng thome: B Yes, there was. 2A Wasiteasy for them to practise? B No, itwasn'. 3. A Were there bobsleighs for them to use? B No, there weren't ‘10a Put the past time expressions in exercise 9in the correct 41 A Weretheypopulnt place on the timeline. B Yes, they were <—— a long time ago last night b 63)Listen again and repeat bb Compare your answers with a partner. 7a. Make questions from the prompts using was or were, ‘1a [ESI Complete the sentences by writing where you were 1 young his morning nas ime Meron hg ts mong 1 aca bs wohoursage 2 you/amred cet wechoult bt ‘teed arom 3 ourgaie ltt cso 31 ists 4 outa aoryesterny? v1 Ie Orbe 5 ours! nds ecm own sy 31 en 6 Jou/athne seen edok acne? o ini b Workvithaparnestaewumsioaskandansnerite 7! 8 questions inexerlse 7a. b Workwith partner. Take turns to guess about each ober. AA Were you on the bus two hours ago? B Yes Jas, Wereyou at work at 3.90 yesterday afternoon? A No, Tuas. Twasat home © vox rors vineo 6 37 88 6.2 Stories SSIES past simple regular verbs 1a Howmany currencies do you know? Make alist, e.g. dollars, pounds. b The four photos show different kinds of currencies from the past. Label them with words from the box. ‘coins metal snakes ring salt 2. 6al)Listen toa programme called The History of Money and number the photos I-4in the order you hear them 3 GaiListen 1 The Romans/ Chinese Lobi/ Egyptians used jewellery s money. 2 ‘The Romans / Chinese Lobi/ Egyptians copied a Turkish dea in the first century BCE 3. The Romans/ Chinese / Lobi/ Egyptians earned something you can eat. 4 The Romans / Chinese / Lobi/ Feyptians believed theit money was lucky. sain and choose the correct option. 4a_ Are the sentences in exercise 8 about now or before now? b_ Underline the verbs in the sentences in exercise 3 and complete the rules in the Grammar focus box. Wun Regular verbs can be changed into the past simple in three ways: 1 For most verbs, we add start started 2 For verbs that end in-e, we add? __: close — closed {3 For verbs that endin consonant +-y, we delete -y and add® cary = carried -ed ending in past simple verbs 52. 651) There are three different ways to pronounce the -ed ending in past simple verbs. Listen to the examples and repeat. ‘ll: opened, returned, called ‘Wi: finished, looked, thanked ‘idl: started, collected, visited 66i)Listen and write the verbs in the box on the correct lines in exercise 5a. copled believed iked loved moved noticed posted prepared received shouted used waited wanted worked © 67{)Listen, check and repeat. 6 Work with a partner. Read and complete a story. Student A, turn to page 128. Student B, turn to page 133. (Or Oxford 3000" fed eta a eee —_— OI ———oonrrer™> Oe eR —_— — | ¥ | & 61_ (2) 6364 (EERE common regular verb collocations 7a. Work with a partner. Underline the two correct options. 1 wait foralong time /fora friend / fora bus stop 2 post anemail /aletter /a comment on aweb page 3 enter arace/ajob/a competition 4 move jobs /to the countryside / house 5 visit the beach /a museum /a relative 6 shout atyourdog / at the weather / at someone 7 prepare aparty/ameal /foran exam 8 receive a TVprogramme /an email /a phone call 9 call ataxi/abus/anold friend 10 use —_adictionary /a tablet /a newspaper b 68i)Listen, check and repeat 8a Match questions 1-10 to answers @-j When was thelasttime you... moved house? received an email? prepared a meal? posted a letter? shouted at someone? visited a relative? called ataxi? entered a competition? used a dictionary 10 waited foralong time? ‘a Amonth ago. twas to my friend in Australia, Last summer. [travelled to Kenya to see my grandmother, © When Iwasa child. Iwasin a swimming race, _ About a week ago. My son was very naughty. © Yesterday. Iwas late for work. f In2010, Froman apartment toa house. Last night. I cooked spaghetti for my housemate, 1h Lastweek. I checked the meaning of coin. i. Two hours ago, My bus was very late. j_ Thismorning. Itwas from my boss. b 691) Listen and check your answers. © 620)) Listen to the questions again and repeat va ‘Think about how to answer the questions in exercise Ba so that they are true for you. Write a past time expression in each of the circles to answer the ten questions. Do not write the time expressions in order. last night b Work with a partner. Take turns to make guesses about the information in your partner's circles. Say ifyour partner \was right or wrong and give more information, A I think you visited a relative last night B Noll visited a relative three days ago, I walked to my uncle's house. A. OK, Ithink you prepared a meal lastnight. B_ Right! cooked a meal for my family. 59 60 6.3 Vocabulary and skills development Ee roe PSSST understanding present and past simple verbs 1 he best option foryou. Discusthe statementsin Sina groups. 1 Artglleris are intresting / boring 2 Toften ever f hardly ever visit museums, 2. 6mi)Listen to two sentences about an art galery: Which s present and which is past? How do you know? 3. 632i)Read andlisten tothe information in the Unlock the code box about present and past simple verbs, Pyros Peers ncnc Regular past simple verbs can sound very similar to their present simple forms, ‘walk every day. walked every day. They love it. = They loved it. We want i = We wanted it, 4. Regular past simple verbs end with three diferent sounds: Niwalked —idiloved ful wanted 2 Time expressions can help you decide if the verb is past ‘r present. ‘moved house in 2072. (past) ‘walk alot these days. (present) 4a 643) Listen and tick (7) the word you hear in each pair 1-9. Compare your answers with a partner. 1 cook / cooked 6 listen /listened 2 carry /cartied 7 chat / chatted 3 change/changed 8 dance / danced 4 help / helped 9 enjoy /enjoyed 5 wait /waited b 6231) Listen again and repeat 5a. 6414) Listen to six sentences and decide ifthey are past or present. Write your answers on the lines. 1 past 4 2 5 3 6 b Compare your answers with a partner, (Or Oxford 3000" Sneek 6a. Work with a partner. Lookat the photos ofa place called Inhotim and guess the answers to questions 1-3 1 What was Inhotim before the 1990s? 2 Whatisitnow? 3. Whyis itimportant for the local area? b 625i) Listen oa progeamme about Inhotim and check your answers. 7a. 628i)Listen tothe programme again. Are the verbs in the box in the present or past simple? notice start live work look change decide travel look include work visit Change the present simple verbs n 7a othe past simple form, started 8 Work with a partner. Take turns to make present and past sentences about yourself, using the verbs and time expressions in the boxes, Your partner says if they are past ‘or present. A Ilived on a boat when Iwas a child. B That's past. like listen live look love play study talk travel visit wait want watch work every day five years ago in2006_ last week now these days when Iwasa child yesterday (WEE eescy adverbs of degree Sentence stress 11 627}) Listen to four sentences from exercise 10a and repeat 94 Lookat four sentences from the programme about TEL neh ie bE Ia TESRT Inhotim and read the Vocabulary focus box about adverbs atdagten, 1 .« the sculptures were very interesting. 2. Thegardens were quite nice, too. BemardoPaz decided to use the ipace ee Onetingweny at we 3 [thought the sculptures in the park were abit boring. 4. the journey o the park was really long. but as you get closer, you notice something abit unusual. 12 Workwith a partner. Discuss the ideas using the adjectives Although it is quite far from the usual tourist spots of Brazil, sind siuldabiondiverb of degre. itis really important for the local area 1 Modern art/boring/interesting itis really imp. A Modern artis realty boring. B_ No, it isn't It's very interesting, 2 Clothes in this country/expensive/cheap When we use adjectives to describe things, we often want to 3. The classroom/hot/cold today ‘show how strongly we feel. To do this, we can use adverbs, 4 Trains and buses/fast/slow in this country. 2g abt, aio, very, realy, befor the adjectives. 3 Gnd ual Eeae an nee ns 5. Cars/dangerous/sae. ecearene ae usta a Vek De COUNTY 13a Plana story about a place you visited, oran event, Note: We dont use bit with postive adjectives. you went to in the lasttwo yenrs. Use questions 1-7 tohelp prs eeneems you and include 2-3 adverbs of degree. 1 Wh Where did you go? b_ Write the words in bold in exercise 9a on the line, ate th 1008 Who were you with? 10a 6.46{) Listen to two people talking about thei visits to How was the weather? Inhotim. Is speaker 1 or speaker 2 more positive about the 5. Were there alot of people there? different parts of their visit? 6 What did you do there? 1 sculptures/art 3. food/restaurants 7 Howwasit? 2 gardens 4 journey b Workin small groups. Take turns to tell your stories. Write b 616 Listen again. Write the language that helped you down the adverbs of degree and adjectives each person uses. answer exercise 100 very interesting a 6.4 Speaking and writing fs Brno Cr ro cco SS showing 1) a miss interest as a listener CT] 4 Work with a partner, Look at the photos and the Pee words. Guess the story and put the pictures in no i a the the correct order 1-6 SNES MANAGEMENT 2 648i) Listen to Oscar telling the story and Hat pn check your ideas. Why did he miss his Business ‘Management class dinner 3. 648}) Listen to the conversation again. Tick (7) the expressions the listener uses. How do these expressions ‘help’ the conversation? That's terrible! Pooryou! Oh no! Really? What a nightmare! — That's great! Thar’ brilliant! That's interesting! That's awful! 4a Workwith a partner, Decide which of the expressions in exercise 8 are for responding to a goodnews b badnews ¢ interesting news Read the information in the Language for speaking box and check your answers Ns ses cd BIenauekcas Responding to good news That's britiantt That's amazing! That's great! Responding to bad news That's tories ‘ohn That's awful! oor you! What a nightmare! Responding to interesting news Realy? That's interesting! 5a. 6:19) Listen tothe expressions inthe Language for speaking box. Notice how the voice goes up or down, 6191) Listen again and repeat. ‘Work with a partner. Take turns to tell each other some news and respond to it, Student A, turn to page 129. Student B, urn to page 134. 62 EMT write a tweet or text message 7 Workin small groups. Answer the questions. 1 Doyou use any socal media sites? (Facebook, Twiter, ec) What do you use them for? 2. Howmuch time do you spend on these sites? 3. Doyou think they ae useful? Why/Why not? 8a. Read the three tweets below. Which one... 1. gives the writer’s opinion? 2 asks forinformation? 3. tellsa short story? | Anyone know where | can dance salsa? Really want to learn! i 2 fd Just walked into boss's office and she was asleep! So funny! ‘font Aft Co) 3 B Watching Gladiator Love itt Ha hal You still at work? Don't wake her up. Then you can go home! 6162 63 a) 65 9 Workwith a partner. Lookat the firsttweet again and answer the questions. Check your answers in the Language for writing box. 1 Where can you put the words doesand fin the tweet tomake full sentences? 2. Why do you think the two words are not included in the tweet? Weak inject and t 0 ind examples of missing words in the replies in exercise 8b, t [Sav ityears ago. 11 Lookat four more tweets. They all contain words they don’t need. Cross out the unnecessary words. Compare your answers with a partner. 1 Mary 2is.iSmart "ried explaining Twitter to my daa. twas easy! 2 chris © Francist Do you want to go out tonight? 3 Steven ©Si0V201985 's anyone watching the programme on. Channel 6? Does anyone understand it?! Tm er Pia Ii cin soa ne thnatle well ery Atte 12a [ESI Write a tweet about something interest 1 bb Pass your tweet around the class and write replies to the tweets you receive from your classmates. Which tweet has the best replies? 63 6a 6.5 Video C Istanbul 1 Lookat the photos of Istanbul. Which ofthese things can yousee in them? ‘ancient buildings buses busy market dome fishermen gardens herbs modem buildings mosque public transport residents ships and ferries souvenirs spices strait tourists 2 Workwith a partner, Look at the photos again and discuss the questions. + Do you think Istanbul is a good place to live? + Do you think ife in istanbul is the same or different to where you ive? why? + Would you like to five in istanbul? © Watch the video about Istanbul. Write short summary including the most important facts about the city. Think about. + how old the city is + why the city was important/famous in the past + why the city is mportant/famous now * busy modern ife + East and West. 4 © Watch the video again. Decide ifthe sentences are true (1) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. 4 Istanbul is the second largest city in Turkey. _Inancient times the city was first called Constantinople. ©. The city’s name changed to Istanbul in 1833. Today the Hagia Sophia is a mosque. The strait that divides Istanbul is called the Bosphorous. £ Onlylocal people use the ferries on the Bosphorous. ¢g_ Istanbul is famous for its fresh seafood. 1h The Grand Bazaar was first builtin the 18th century, i. There are sixteen streets in the market. j The market doesn’t sell any food. The city isthe same now as it was in ancient times, 5a. MSY Workwith apartner. You went to Istanbul last week for a business trip/weekend visit/study trip. Make notes on * where youstayed —* what souvenirs you brought home + what you did/saw if you recommend the visit + what you ate b Write an email o acolleague/friend telling them about your visit 6162 63 64 65 Review 1a Complete the questions with was or were. 1 Howold the speaker when it happened? 2 itona Monday? 3 ____the lights on when he walked into the living room? 4 his friends atthe party? 5 therea cake? 6 Where the presents? 'b 6209) Listen to someone tellinga story and answer the {questions in exercise 1a. Compare with a partner 24 Imagine today is Wednesday 19th February 2015 and itis 1.20p.m, Write a past time expression next to each item 1-640 say when they were. 1 Tuesday 18th February 2015 yesterday 204 Wednesday 12th February 2015 2010 115 pam, 12.50p.m. b_ Write four dates and times from the past, eg your last irthday, frst driving lesson, time you got up today, etc. © Workwith a partner, Take turns‘o say your dates and times from exercise 2b. Your partner tries to guess what happened then. A IstSeptember 2012 B_Yourson started school. 3 Complete the article with the present simple or past simple forms of the verbs in (brackets). ‘The painter Vincent Van Gogh was born in 1853 and he ¥ (die) in 1890. He? (ba) a farmer and then a teacher before he? (decide) to become an anist when he was nearly 30. These days people (love) his paintings and § (pay) alot ‘of money for them. Unfortunately nobody § (want) to buy bis paintings when he was alive and he?__ (be) poor ‘and unhappy. He ® (paint) one of his most famous paintings - Van Gogh's chair - in 1888. Today it * (be) in the National Gallery in London and every year, art lovers from around the world *°__(travel) hundreds of miles to see it. 4. Match the verbs and noun phrases to make common collocations. 1 move a competition 2 receivean b atsomeone 3 preparea € leter 4 posta d arelative 5 shout e house 6 visit £ foralongtime 7 entera g email 8 wait h meal b Workin small groups. Tell each other about the last time you did the things in exercise 4a 5a Make sentences 1-8 positive or negative so they are true foryou. Add an adverb of degree from the box to give more detail about the positive sentences. very quite really abit 1 Iwasa bit tired lastnight. 2 Iwas ke late for class today. 3 Lwas early for class today. 4 Twas busy last week 5 Iwas naughty when Iwas a child 6 Iwas hungry an hour ago. 7 Iwas youngin 2010, 8 Iwas happy on my birthday last year. b Workin small groups. Take turns to read your sentences to each other and give more information. Twas abit tired last night because I had a busy day at work. wasn't late for class today because got up early. 6a 621 Listen three sentences and choose an expression from the box to respond to each sentence. That's terrible! Really? That's brillant! Poor yout What a nightmare! That's amazing! on no! That's great! ‘That's awl 1b. Write sentences giving good news, bad news and surprising news. © Workin small groups. Take turnsto tell each other your news. Respond to each piece of news with an expression from exercise Ga, 65 66 7.1 Myhealth, my business use ete Health and fitness (Ores a healthy lifestyle 1. Workwith a partner, Read the saying and answer the questions. Healthy body, healthy mind, 1 What does the saying mean? 2. Doyou agree? Why/Why not? 2a Workwith a partner, Use the verbs in the box to complete the phrases for a healthy lifestyle, d0(x2) drink eat go ride sleep take walk 1 lots of fruit and vegetables 2 the staits, not the lift 3 towork 4 abicycle 5 ‘eight glasses of water a day 6 anhour ofexercise each day seven to eight hours a night 8 tothe gymoran evening class 9 physical jobs around the house b 7a))Listen and checkyouranswers. © Workin small groups. Discuss the questions. 1 Which actions in exercise 2a are exercise and which are not? 2. Which things do you do? 3. Whatelse is important fora healthy lifestyle? (Or oxford 3000" CESSES past simple irregular verbs 3 Work with a partner and look at the menu, Do you thinkit is a good idea to show the calories? Why/Why not? Menu Burger $0.89 Cheeseburger $099 Big Big Burger $229 Extra Big Burger $2.35 Grilled Chicken S289 Boz Burger $299 4a, Work with a partner, Lookat the photo and title ofthe article. What do you think the mayor did? the healthy mayor In 2002 New York City chose a new mayor, Michae! Bloomberg. Bloomberg wanted the people ‘of New York to be healthy. In his ‘opinion, they did the wrong things: they ate the wrong food, they smoked, they drove everywhere, and they did little or no exercise So Bloomberg tried to change their habits. Before he was mayor, restaurant menus only gave the price ofthe food. But after 2007 restaurants wrote the number of Calories in their food on the menu. He banned smoking in public places. He also tried to reduce the size of sweet drinks, lke Coca Cola (but the Supreme Court stopped him 1» banned sa something was not alowed Bloomberg had other messages for New Yorkers, toa: da more exercise, leave your car at home, walk or ride ‘a bicycle, and take the stars when you can, He told them he always took the stairs, not the lift Some people thought Bloomberg ‘was wrong, People's health is their business, But i it? 1 reduce make something smaller 'b_ Read the magazine article and check your answers. a) 727374 75 5 Workwith a partner, Read the article again andfind, 1 four things New Yorkers did that were bad for their health. 2. two things Bloomberg changed. 3. one thinghe tried to change. 4. Bloomberg's ideas for doing more exercise. 6 Workin small groups. What do you think about Mayor Bloomberg's ideas? Was he right? Why/Why not? 7 Work with a partner. Look at the Bighlighted | past simple verbs in the sentences. Which verb is regular? In 2002 New Yorkers chose a new mayor, Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg the people of New York to be healthy. 82. Read the Grammar focus box about past simple irregular verbs. goes pl ‘Past simple irregular verbs are not formed by ‘adding -ed, They all take different forms, eg, choose chose sit sat put put past simple irregular verbs in the article and complete the table. Present Past come came make made do eat drive give write have tell take think © 72\)Listen, check and repeat b za{)Listen aga past simple irregular verbs 92. 731) Listen to the pronunciation of the groups of three past simple ‘verbs. Are the vowel sounds in each group the same (8) or different (D)? thought / bought / taught got / chose / wrote sat /went / had came / made / ate flew / took / put met / said / slept and repeat. ‘10a Put the verbs in (brackets) in the past simple to complete the Student health survey results. Student health survey results 85% _ (eat) snacks between meals. B sa% (play) sport and 77% (ao) exercise every week. Osx (sleep) only six hours a night. (watch) TV for two hours or more a day. Bis% B2% GB s2% Bs more per day. O2% lifestyle. (take) extra vitamins, (say) they were worried about work. (sit) at a computer for six hours or (think) they (have) ahealthy b Compare your answers with a partner, Which facts surprised you? ‘1a ESS Think ofa time in the past, eg. when you were a child. Use the ideas in the survey and make a list of your healthy and unhealthy habits. When Iwas about ten years old, Late a lot of sweets. b Workin small groups. Compare your habits. —_— or 7.2. Sporting heroes GOALS Il Talk about sports and fitness (eee sports and fitness 1 Workwitha partner. Write the activity under the correct illustration, ‘cycle do athletics do judo do yoga gofishing go tothe gym jog/run play basketball play football play tennis ski swim b 2ai)Listen, check and repeat. 2 Workwith a partner. Talk about sports or activities that are popular where you liv. People og and play tennis in my local park, 3a Tick(/) the three best reasons to do sport. tokeep fit to meet friends tohavefun towin tolose weight tolearn something new b Compare your answers with a partner, 4 Workwit questions. a partner. Answer the What sports and activities do you do? How often do you do them? Why do you do them? Iplay basketball and I do athleties. How often do you play basketball? Every Wednesday and Saturday evening, Why do you like it? Tmeet my friends and we have lots of fun. poe one be Or oxford 3000" 71 (a) 7374 (SSEASELa past simple negative 5 Workwith a partner. Do you think famous sports people ‘can be heroes? Why/Why not? 6 Work with a partner, Look at the photo of Fauja Singh and answer the questions. 1 Howold do you think he is? 2. Whar sport do you think he does? 3. Whydo you think he likes that sport? 7a 75j) Listen and check your ideas. Do you think Fauja isa sporting hero? Why/Why not? b 75\Listen again, Tick ) the true sentences and cross (X) the false sentences. Compare your answers with a partner. Fauja ran marathons when he was young. He didn’t walk before the age of five. He had a lot of problems on his family’s farm. His happy life continued after he had a family He left India He stopped after his first marathon, 8 Complete the rule in the Grammar focus box. Ernie i m ‘To make the past simple negative we use: Subject + ad not! + infinitive without to be didn’t walk before the age of five, past simple negative 9a 76{)Listen and notice the stress. ° ° He didn't walk... Hedidn'tfeel sad. b- Work with a partner, Correct the false sentences in exercise 7b, Use the correct stress. A. Fauja ran marathons when he was young. B. False, Fauja didn’t run marathons when he was young. © 27{)Listen, check and repeat ‘10a Work with a partner. Put the verbs in (brackets) into the positive or negative form to make the facts about Usain Bolt true. _USAIN BOLT 2a {When hewas a young boy, Usain Bolt (0) athltiesallthe time. 2 In2008, when he won the Dlympic 100m final, he [slow] down atthe end and he ______ [break] theworld record. '3 When hewon the 100m final at the 2012 London Olympic Games, two billion people watched him on TV. American Ww. {show] the race when it happened. “4 There was thunderstorm during the 100m World Championship inal 2043. Lightoing [hit] him. 78})Listen and check your answers. Did anything surprise you Tell your partner ‘1a [EE Write two true and two false sentences about sports or other activities you did in the past. Use the verbs in the box and other verbs you know. be do go have play run swim win Twon a chess competition when Iwas ten. b Workin small groups. Take turns to read your sentences t0 each other. Say ifyou think each one is true (1) or false (F), Give more information, A Iplayed basketball for my university. B True? © Hmm... Ithinki'sfalse. A Yes, it's false. I didn't play basketball for my university, Tmonly 1.6m tall! © voxrors vioeo7 6 70 7.3. Vocabulary and skills development en 1 2a 3a understand ti staying fitand healthy. Which order do you think the instructions could be in? @ Makea timetable. Repeat the exercise twice a day. Choose an activity you enjoy. Seta goal for yourself, Find a friend to exercise with you. Read the information in the Unlock the code box about time sequencers. pre Rice ‘writers often use time sequencers to show the order in ‘which something happens, eg, fist, next, then. Ifyou understand these phrases, itis easier to understand ‘what comes next inthe text. When we talkabout something that happened, which time expressions do we use to describe. 1. the beginning? 2 themiddle? 3 theend? After that, Next, Finally, Then, First/Firstly, Lastly, Use the time sequencers in exercise 2b to make the order clearer in exercise 1 First, ‘Work with a partner. Answer the questions. 1 Doyouthinkyou take enough exercise? 2. Howmany steps do you think you take every day? 3. Doyou ever check your own health? Ifso, how? fnot, why not? Work with a partner. Look atthe ttle of aTV programme review. How do you think technology ‘can make you healthier? Read the review and check your ideas. Or oxford 3000" 5 + THE REVIEW + TV Technology to make you healthier ‘The programme was about apps and gadgets that check our health and daily exercise. In the programme, three female office workers used this new technology for three weeks What did they do and did it work? Firstly, university scientist Blaine Price léfit the women a gadget to count their steps, and a specially-programmed smartphone to check their sleep ‘After that, the women Wit back to their normal ives and used the gadget to check their exercise. At the end of each day, the scientist sent them an email with the number of their steps. At the beginning they only took 5,000 steps, but the target was 10,000 a day. Next, they checked their sleep, Every night, they put the smartphone on their bed when they Weft to sleep. The next morning, they IG6K88/at the phone and saw the number of hours they slept, and how deeply. Finally, the three women and Blaine met again to talk about their progress. All the women Said they were healthier and fitter, and one said she ran when she Wat@hd TV. They all lost weight, and they all understood better why and when they slept well. So the programme showed that new gadgets and technology can help us change our routine and get healthier! m__72_ Gs) 747s 4a. Putsentencesa-daboutthe story inthe correct order without —_—-7a_-Read the Vocabulary focus box about easily looking at the review, Compare your answers with a partner, confused words 2 The women talked about how healthy and fit they were. b The women lived normal lives. © The women used their phones to check theirsleep. 4. The scientist gave the women some equipment. Reece “There are some common pairs of wordsin English that are easily confused, These are often: 1 words todo with movement or actions between 'b- Work with a partner, Describe each stage ofthe storyin People, e. come/go bring/tae, lend/borrow. your own words using the time sequencers from exercise 2b, 2 words desribing similar actions but wth different grammar or collocation, eg say/tel ook/watch. 5 Workwith a partner. Answer the questions. 1 Whatdoyouthinkoftheidea of checkingyourexerciseand Complete the sentences with the correct form of your sleep with a gadget or phone? word in bold in exercise 6. 2. Doyou think that technology can change your routine? 1 Canyou__tend — meyourear forthe weekend? 4 Isita good idea to check your health and routines every day? 2 They basketballon TVlast night. Why / Why not? 3 here! I want to speak to you. 4 My colleague me about anew easily confused words restaurant intown, 5 Canyou {his book o the ibrary forme? {6 Match the words in old in each pair sentences to the 6 ‘Tmlost’he correct meaning. 7 When Jacek athis phone during the 1 Ineed to buy some food and I don’t have any money. meeting, Igot very angry. Can youtlend me £1071 pay you back tomorrow: 8 Ididn'thave. pen, sol one from 2 forgot my pen, so Lborrowed one from my classmate, my friend 4 take something rom somebody fora shor time When you same fo iba patfy.can yon, rain gta bac Lata something to drink? give something to somebody fora short time 10 Let’s_to the beach tamarrow, (and then gett back later) © 79})Listen and check your answers 3. Why don'tyou come to my house for dinner tomorrow? 82 EEN Fourorquestions 1-5.use the wrongverbs. 4 Did you goto the swimming pool yesterday? (Correct the wrorg nea, 4 movefrom anotherplacetohere 1 How often do you go to the gym and do exercises? b_ move from here to another place 2. Doyou lookat films in English without reading, the subtitles? 3. Doyou prefer playing or looking at sport? 4 Doyou usually say your neighbours that you want to have a party? 5. She told me her name. 6. Hesaid that he was hungry. 4 give information by speaking or writing 'bgiveinformation to somebody by speaking oF 5 Would you preferto lend money from a bank or writing from amember ofyour family? Why? 7 Helooked at his watch and said, ‘t's ate” bb Workin small groups. Take turns to askand answer 8 The police watched the house for «wo days the questions in exercise a, Ada fllow-up questions a lookat something for a long time to see what A How often do you go to the gym? hhappens or because you like doingit B_Notvery often. look at something for a short time ‘A What kind ofexercises do you do? 9. Canyou bring me my glasses? AEi ‘move something somebody from another place to here dallas) b_ move something/somebody from here to another place zi 72 7.4 Speaking and writing Cae Eetoener ee (SSMS opinions, agreeing and disagreeing ‘1a Workwith a partner, Discuss the questions. 1 Doyou, your friends or your family play video games? 2. What video games do you know? 3. What's good and bad about video games? ‘Compare your answers with another pai. 2740} Listen tothe introduction to radio programme about children and video games, Answer the questions with your partner. 1 Whatdo people usually think about video games? 2. What did the research show? 3 What did the children do in gym class? 4 How did the children feel about this? 3a_ za f)Listen to two people talking on the radio programme. What do they think are the good and bad things about video games? ‘Work with a partner. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences from the listening in exercise 3a. ‘agree but don't for of opinion right that think what 1 do you think. this idea? at it's great 31 know about 4 Yes, they didn't use games like that at the school 5 Well, ‘me, it depends on the game, 6 You're 7 Whar'syour 2 8 Yes, with that, 712{) Listen, check and repeat. Work with a partner. Which phrases from exercise 3b. 1 askforan opinion? give an opinion? show the speaker agrees? 2 3 4 show the speaker disagrees? Snes enna ‘Work with a partner. What do you think about using video games at school? Use the phrases in exercise 3b. Work with a partner. Read the statement and think of 3-4 ideas to complete each column ofthe table. £ Companies and colleagues should help their ‘employees and students to be fit and healthy. 7 Arguments for ‘Arguments against 7 Work with another pais. Discuss your arguments from. exercise 6, Use the Language for speaking box to help you, Nese) askin ‘Asking for opinions ‘Agreeing What do you think (of .J? You're right What's your opinion (of... agree (with that Giving opinions Disagreeing thin. Yes, but. Forme, .. | don't know about that [EMSAM post a website comment 8a Read the online article about a video game experiment. Describe the experiment to your partner. New research shows that video gamers don't live in the real world. Researchers gave two groups of people a simple test. The first group played a lot of video games before the experiment. The people in the second group didn't play video games. Then, both groups took paper clips out of a bucket of ice-cold water. The first group took more paper clips. They didn't fee! the cold because their brain ‘thought that they were stillin the video ‘game world. The other group felt the cold because they weren't in a virtual world. b Work with a partner. Answer the questions. 1 What does the writer say that the experiment shows? 2. Doyou agree? Why/Why not? 9 Workwith a partner. Read four comments from the website, Who agrees with the research? Who disagrees? 2 Like | Share | Comment FT, Scotland | agree, but | knew this before this research. People don't talk to each other anymore. They work with computers and they also relax with computers. ‘Whelan Firos, Lebanon That's right. | think we live in another world. We look at ‘computer screens for eight hours a day at work, then watch TV for four hours in the evening, too. We are also always on our phones. Like | Share | Reply Haruki, Japan 'm afraid | don't really agree with this research. What's the problem? People relax in different ways. Some people read books. Others play video games. inaiftdewell iia Jeff, Canada That's true, Haruki. For me, video games are a hobby. | think people know the difference between a game and the real world. Luke | share | Reply 410 Underline the phrases the people in exercise 9 use to agree and disagree. Compare your answers with a partner. ‘1a Read the information in the Language for writing box. LANGUAGE FOR WRITING eae “we can use too and aso to add more information. “+ Also goes before the main verb, but after the verb be, sand they also relax with computers. We are also always on our phones. ‘+ Too goesat the end ofa sentence. wath TV forfour hours in the ‘evening, too, b Workwith a partner. Rewrite the sentences using fo and also. 1 He played for his local team and he played for his national team. 2. She goes swimming every day and she goes to the gym twicea week. 3. Helikes watching football on TV and he likes playing it. 4. My cousin isa black belt in judo and she's a black belt in karate. 12a [ESI Writea comment about the article in exercise Ba. Agree or disagree and use 100 oF also o give more information, b Workin small groups. Read each other's comments. Do you agree? 13a [ESS Lookat the ideas on page 129. Choose one and writea comment. Agree ‘or disagree and use f00 oF also to give ‘more information. b Workin small groups. Read comments from other students and write replies. 73 74 7.5 Video Health and fitness in New York 1 5 Work with a partner. What do you know about New York? Think about... + where its * places to visit * population + food + transport Lookat the photos of people in New York. Which activities... a arehealthy? b areunhealthy? © doyoudo? d_ would you like to do? © Watch the video. Match beginnings 1-8 to endings a-h to complete the sentences. 1 The most famous part of New Yorks Fifty million tourist visit New York oT a People didn't cycle much "oe Before 2002, most people travelled to work by The High Line wasan Now the High Lines a You can rent a bike for ten dollars ide Restaurant menus i before 2002. information about calories in your meal. place to jog, walk or relax. old railway line. ‘a day with the Citibikes scheme. ‘Manhattan, subway or car. © Watch the video again and make notes about what they said for tops 1-6 publi transport the Mayor of New York taking exercise parks restaurants and food {a [EE Work insmall groups. Your employer, university or local government wants to make a short video advert, to help local residents live more healthily. Think of four ideas and say why you think they will help people to have @ healthy lifestyle Present your ideas to the elass andl choose the best four. Review 412 Match beginnings 1-6o endings a-fto make questions. 4a Read the text about popula sports in Argentina and ieee ore rel complete the gaps with the words from the box. 2. Doyou do y jog ski basketball gotothe gym football tennis 3. Doyow often ride tad zs ih 4) Sn ymralls The most popular sport in Argentina is" 5 Howmany hous People lke playing it, going o games and watching it 6 Doyou on TV, The Argentinian team won the World Cup in 1978 a doalotof physical jobs around the house? ne I antl BRIE OCOME IMLENIS, bb doyousleep every night? 2 is ise? also very popular © any exercise! v especialy after 4. fruitand vegetables every day? ee oe © bicycle? som finals against the £ tolocal shops fom your house, or do you drive? NBA players n 2008 and then took the 'b Workwith a partner. Askand answer the questions in Olympic gold home. exercise 1a and give more information. 3 as a sport for rich people in the past, but ‘now lots of people play it. The best Argentinian player, Juan Martin del Potro is world number 6 2a. Putthe verbs in (brackets) in the past simple positive or negative. Use the symbols (+/-)to help you. rear Winter sports are also very popular in Argentina 1 1_didite hive (river) people often # in the Andes Mountains. ee {And of course its of people 5 in local 21 (cook/-) chips or fried food. peaks to keen fi I (imake/s) healthy salad forkunch. a1 ~ (go/+) to the gym, b 743))Listen and check your answers. E (wateh/-) TV. a (Gos) to bed early. © Workwith a partner. Which sports are popullar where you L (have/+) eight hours’ sleep last night. live? a Cages 5a Read the conversation, Are the people agreeing, i. fea) ee disagreeing, asking foro giving an opinion? ; ee {A Whats your opinion of people aking their children out inthe evening? * B Well 11 b Make the sentences in exercise 2a true for you. Compare kit's fine. dont have a problem with t your answers with a partner. . = © Idon'tknow about that. For me, it’s not OK when the 3a Girele the correct verb to complete the questions. children have school the next day. 2 ne ye po eavas to pen ig aveniet Wich Gforte?, A And what do you think oftaking children 2 Which of these things do you borrow / lend to your restaurants? : friends: books, clothes, money? B Um, Ithinkit’s OKifthey're not oo noisy 3 Do you say tell your family or bestfriend everything? rarer cena : 4 Doyou thinkits OK to lookat/ watch your phone © Yes agree with that, but children can be very nosy during class? 5. Which three things do you always bring/taketo class? __b_ Workwith a partner. Ask for and give your opinion about. 1. the amount of money famous sportspeople make 2 people driving slowly but carefully 3 people talking in the cinema b Work with a partner. Askand answer the questions in exercise 3a, and give reasons for your answers. 75

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