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PCM120-201 Foundations of SysDLCycle Submitted By: Akashdeep Badal

Submitted to: Abhijeetkumar Singh Roll No: A00154623

Assignment cum Test 1

What is SDLC? Discuss the 7 steps process of SDLC.

Ans: Software Development Life Cycle is referred to as SDLC. The software

industry designs, develops, and tests high-quality software using the SDLC
process. It is a methodical procedure that makes that the software is created in
accordance with the right requirements.

Planning: Any information system must have a solid foundation, and a clear
understanding of the project must be defined. All following tasks should be
well defined so that they may be planned and budgeted for appropriately.
Members of the project must have a thorough awareness of the problems that
the future information system must resolve in order to complete a thorough
planning cycle. The team establishes the high-level project components at this
phase, together with the operating environment for the information system and
the technical, financial, and human resources required to finish the project.

Analysis: After planning in the analysis phase. To ensure that they are
appropriately addressed, the project members thoroughly describe the
technical requirements of the system. Additionally, the team defines the inputs
and outputs of the data flow into and out of the system during the analysis
phase by doing a complete system analysis of the business activities that the
future system must support and address. The team often spends enough time
adequately documenting each detail for future reference during this phase,
which is closely related to documenting all the project specifications.
PCM120-201 Foundations of SysDLCycle Submitted By: Akashdeep Badal
Submitted to: Abhijeetkumar Singh Roll No: A00154623

Design: In this phase, the project's technical documentation was developed

using every piece of documentation the team produced throughout the analysis
phase. By establishing the interfaces that will interchange data inside the
workflow, project members specify the structure of project components as well
as important system components throughout the design phase.

Development: The development phase of the SDLC process is one of the richest
because it includes writing the actual software code for the system, developing
and deploying the system's hardware, configuring cloud systems, putting
interaction protocols into place, and creating the primary test data.

Testing: Testing is followed by the development process. In this case, the

system must be extensively tested and then tested again until the results are as
anticipated. This phase, where the Quality Assurance (QA) team assertively
takes efforts to check and validate the pieces of the information system
throughout many testing’s, is vital since it directly affects the quality of the

Maintenance: The system is rigorously evaluated by the project teams to assist

lower the cost of operation and maintenance using a variety of techniques,
including feedback gathering, error identification and elimination, and optimal
performance requirements.

What is the waterfall model? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the
waterfall model.

Ans: In this model divides the software development process into various
phases, each of which has a specific set of tasks and goals. The first SDLC
process was the waterfall model. In actuality, it was the pioneering model that
found widespread application in the software sector. It is broken down into
phases, with the output of one phase serving as the input for the following
phase. Before the start of the following phase, the previous phase must be
finished. In the Waterfall mode, there isn't any overlapping, in essence.
PCM120-201 Foundations of SysDLCycle Submitted By: Akashdeep Badal
Submitted to: Abhijeetkumar Singh Roll No: A00154623

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Easy to Control and Manage: The section 1. Making Changes can be
division in the Waterfall executes it easier Problematic: The Waterfall model
to handle. Each phase produces its own completely depends on the subsequent
procedures and reliability. From which each steps which make the team progress
phase processes and completes one at a forward. The Waterfall methodology is a
time without overlapping. Furthermore, traditional procedure that leaves almost
phases as an individual have specific no room for changes or revisions after
review and deliverables processes. The the completion of each step. Changes
Waterfall is easy to manage and use due to are only permissible during the
the clarity of all the stages. All the duties processing of the stage.
can be arranged efficiently by 2. Delayed Testing until after
comprehending the hierarchy. Completion: The testing cannot linger
2. Early Determination of the End-Goal: The until the half last of the project as it can
defining characteristic of the Waterfall be risky. The testing phase originates
system is that it commits completely to a late in the developmental process, and
goal and specifies the outcome at the Waterfall commands the testing to be
commencement stages. The team needs to done until the stage appears. In
follow the hierarchy and should dodge Waterfall, project testing necessitates
diverging from the system. The team considerable time to finish, due to
working on the Waterfall for small projects which large revisions can generate
is entirely aware of the entire goal from the substantial delays. Due to this
beginning. restriction, Agile Methodology was
3. High Visibility: The output after completion designed as the critics of Waterfall felt
of each phase generates high visibility in that the model holds too much room for
the Waterfall model. By examining the unnoticed problems.
output of each stage, it can be concluded 3. Waterfall Exclude The User/Client: The
by the project manager and client that the principal purpose of the Waterfall
project is executing considerable progress. Methodology is to support the internal
team to drive more proficiently through
the different phases of the project. As
this is an internal process, the focus on
the involvement of the end client in the
project is very limited.
PCM120-201 Foundations of SysDLCycle Submitted By: Akashdeep Badal
Submitted to: Abhijeetkumar Singh Roll No: A00154623

Discuss the importance of SSADM.

Ans: The process used to analyse and design information systems created in
the 1980s is known as the "structured systems analysis and design method," or
SSADM. Finding the systems and components that need updating is a step in
the lengthy and complicated process of this method.

 Better understanding: By using SSADM, a system is thoroughly examined,

which lowers the possibility that data will be incorrectly labelled at the start
of the project. Additionally, it lessens the possibility of the system being
implemented incorrectly. Since this method is frequently employed, many
project participants will be familiar with it. By avoiding the need for new
employees, it can also save time and money.
 Highly practical: The various phases which are made to assist designers in
imagining the potential benefits of a fresh information system. They can
then decide on the system changes that need to be made after doing their
research. The feasibility study, which involves determining whether the
proposed system can be implemented in a way that is feasible, is one of the
most crucial steps of the procedure. This guarantees that the required
adjustments are made.
 Coherent design: The work of designers can be facilitated by a well-
designed system. A designer can provide a logical and coherent
presentation of the system's parts and functions by using SSADM. It also
places a strong emphasis on the data analysis step of this process.
Organizations can use this technique to add data to their systems, enabling
them to gather the required data.

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