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Measuring Equipments

7.1 Real time Spectrum Analyzer

A. Essential Features.

I. The instrument shall be portable, AC operated and supplied complete with all
accessories like input probes, Adapters and power cords, printer etc.
H. The instrument shall have full set of marker functions including delta Marker, peak
search marker, Zone marker, centre marker and multi marker (minimum 6) etc.
HI. The instrument shall have time and Data storage functions with internal memory to
store minimum of 100 traces and 100 measurement setups.
IV. The instrument shall be programmable for automatic measurements.
v. The instrument shall have auto-calibration function.
VI. The instrument shall have facility to display carrier in carrier
VH. The equipment shall have suitable software for transfer of screen shot measurement
data to PC or Laptop.
VIII. The offered spectrum analyzer shall have over all accuracy of 3.0 dB

Sf. Parameters • Specification s/Features

1 Frequency Range 9kHz to 18 GHz
2 Minimum Acquisition 100 MHz
3 Spurious-Free Dynamic -70 dBc or better
Range at Maximum
Acquisition Bandwidth
4 Displayed Average Noise Better than -140dBm/Hz for entire range of
Level frequencies from 1OMHz to 18 GHz
5 SSB Phase Noise at 1GHz 10kHz offset: <-105dBc/Hz
frequency 1MHz offset: <-125 dBc/Hz
6 Third order intercept point Better than + 15dBm across specified frequency range
7 RBWand VBW 1Hz to 5MHz, Gaussian shape with shape factor
better than 4.1: 1 (60:3 dB)
6 Spectrum Display capabilities (a) Display transients of a minimum event duration of
61lsec length shall be displayed in the frequency
domain span up to acquisition bandwidth
(b) Spectrum computation of>48,000 DFTs per
(c) Shall provide an understanding of Time-varying
RF signals with colour-gradation based on frequency
of occurrence.
(d) shall have persistence feature to capture rare
interference kind of rare events and retain all updates
on the screen with colour gradation
7 Trigger capabilities Modes: Free Run, Triggered- Continuous or Single.
Sources: RF input, External Trigger input

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Position: Settable from 0 to 100% of total ~cquisition
8 Acquisition Length Min. 5 sec at 40MHz Acquisition Bandwidth or
9 Time Correlated Multi- Time-correlated measurements in multi-domain
domain analysis displays across multiple domains. Multi domain
displays shall connect problems in Time, Frequency,
Phase, and Amplitude for quicker understanding of
cause and effect when troubleshooting
At least four completely time correlated markers shall
be available for measurement across Time, frequency,
modulation domain.
10 Spectrogram Display (a) Spectrogram shall be available.
(b) Zoom feature using overlapFFT techniques shall
be available for in-depth analysis of the signals
(c) Ease of use for Zooming function is desirable
(d) 3-D view of the spectrogram to view captured
signal is required
11 Modulation Analysis Modulation Types: QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 64QAM,
• 256QAM .
Numerical Measurements: Error Vector Magnitude
(EVM) (RMS, Peak), Modulation Error Ratio (MER),
Magnitude Error (RMS, Peak), Phase Error (RMS,
Peak), Origin Offset, Frequency Error, Gain
Imbalance, quadrature Error,
Displays: Constellation Diagram, EVM vs. Time,
Magnitude vs time, Phase error vs time, Demodulated
IQ vs. Time, Symbol Table (Binary or Hexadecimal),
, Eye Diagram, Trellis Diagram, Frequency Deviation
vs. Time
1 kS/s to 100 MS/s for up to maximum Acquisition
Shall have carrier tracking capability inside
acquisition bandwidth for continuous demodulation
12 Frequency domain Channel Power, Adjacent Channel Power,
Measurements Multicarrier Adjacent Channel Power/Leakage Ratio,
Occupied Bandwidth, Spur Search, xdB Down,
dBm/Hz Marker, dBc/Hz Marker
13 Time domain & Statistical Amplitude vs. Time, Frequency vs. Time, Phase vs.
measurements Time, Amplitude Modulation vs.Time, Frequency
Modulation vs. Time, Phase Modulation vs. Time, RF
IQ vs. Time, Time Overview .

Statistical: CCDF, Peak-to-Average Ratio

14 Automated Pulse Capabilities: up to 10,000 pulses with minimum pulse
Measurements width of 50ns
Time & Power measurements: Average-On Power,
Peak Power, Average Transmitted Power, Pulse
n i
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Width, Repetition Interval (Hz), Duty Factor (%) etc

Pulse-Pulse Measurements: Frequency Difference,

Phase Difference
Displays: Pulse Results Table, Pulse Trace (selectable
by pulse number), Pulse Statistics (Trend of Pulse
Results, FFT of Trend and Histogram)
15 Display Integrated TFT Colour display with Touch screen
16 User Interface and Memory Windows OS with Mouse and keyboard interfaces.
GPIB, LAN, Serial, VGA, USB connectivity
Internal HOD to store IQ data, set-up files etc.

7.2 Digital Waveform Monitor (with Video & Audio measurement facility)

Waveform monitor is to be used for performance monitoring of Base Band signals i.e. audio
and Video in digital mode for PAL format. Also this is to be used for SOl signal
measurements. The essential features are:

1. The equipment shall be able to monitor PAL analog video, SD digital video SD-SDI
along with Analog audio and digital audio (embedded or AES/EBU).
2. The equipment shall be able to provide total solution for SO-SOl signal monitoring.
3. The equipment shall have dual input support.
4. The equipment shall have capabilities of carrying Waveform monitor & Vectroscope,
Picture display, eye pattern diagram, SOl format analyzer, SDI jitter application, inter
channel timing, etc.
5. The equipment shall have capabilities to display Parade and Overlay displays with
interpolated waveforms.
6. The equipment shall have capabilities to numerical & Graphical display of A/V delay.
7. The measuring equipment shall be able take both vertical Interval and full field
8. The equipment shall have dual limit verification system employed to generate a caution or
alarm system when either limit is violated.
9. It shall have Graphic display of Amplitude and timing'measurement, linear and nonlinear
distortion measurements.
10. The equipment shall have USB printer ports, fully documented remote control operation,
hardcopy for analysis and documentation. '
11. The equipment shall have real time format analyzer with event logging and frame capture.
12. Fully remote control option.
13. The equipment shall have facility to interface with Video wall monitoring through DVI or
IP port.
14. The equipment shall have capabilities to measure loudness & true peaks as per ITU-R BS.
1770-2 recommendations.

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7.3 Multi format Video Generator (Test Pattern Generator)

The multi format digital signal generator is to be used for test signal generator for broadcast
facilities and to test the equipment performance the essential features are:

1. The equipment shall have multi format digital (SO-SOl) test signal generation facility.
2. It shall have channel configuration and performance to support reference generator needs.
3. It shall have unique, robust channel of mode to provide stable synchronization signal for
digital broadcast facility.
4. It shall provide 8 channels (4 AES/EBU pairs of audio signal generation).
5. It shall have various Analog colour bar test signal in PAL format.

SINo. Parameters Specification

1. Audio sie:nal
a) Output Standard ANSI S4.40 (AES3)
b) Amplitude IV +0.2Y
2. Di2ital test sie:nal (SD-SDI)
a) Output Standard ITU-R BT 601
b) Bit rate. 270 Mbps
c) Amplitude 800 mV p-p + 10%

7.4 Specifications for MPEG Real time Transport Stream Monitor

A. Introduction:

The equipment should be well equipped for MPEG-2 DYB Transport Stream
monitoring in real time with multiple serial inputs, ASI, TS packets with 188/204/208
bytes OR SSI (according to SMPTE 310M ), data rate: 80 Mbit/s. The equipment
should be well equipped for real time MPEG-2 TS analysis with MPEG2 1 MPEG
4/H.264 elementary streams through ASI and IP input.

B. General Features:

a) It should have feature of Real time monitoring of single Transport Stream with
multiple Elementary streams with a facility to see the current status of all the
b) It should support MPEG 13818-1 standard. .
c) It should support complete DYB TR 101 290 sta:ndard with user defined priorities at
all 3 levels.
d) It should have ASI and IP input interface to monitor MPEG-2 transport stream with
MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 (H.264) elementary streams.
e) It should have DYB-S2 input interface with backward compatibility ofOYB-S to do
RF monitoring.
f) It should have error log facility with date and time stamping.
g) It should have alarm and special icon facility to indicate errors.
h) It should be capable of doing complete peR analysis and displaying
i) It should have capability of triggered recort)S of Transport Stream.

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~,\\l.--' .
j) It should have capability of Sl/PSI/PSIP table Interpreter.
k) It should have Transport Stream Template Monitoring.
I) It should have feature of bit rate monitoring.
m) It should have capability to print error logs and graphs.
n) It should have feature oflogging of user-selected PIDs to record packet rates at user-
definable intervals.
0) It should have capability to decode and monitor EPG.
p) It should have feature of thumbnail decode.
q) System should be capable of getting connected to the network and controlled by
central monitoring system using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
protocol. Network monitoring software and Network access license must be
provided along with the unit.
r) Cables and suitable adapters / accessories to monitor/analyze the existing digital
streams should also be provided.
s) Rack-mountable in standard 19-inch rack.
t) The equipment shall have facility to interface with Video wall monitoring through
DVI or IP port.
u) The offer equipment should either have an integrated color monitor or should be
supplied with external monitor along with KDM switch.

c. Technical Specifications:

i. ASI interface:

(a) Input BNC

(b) Number of Input One
(c) ASl bit rate 80 Mbps minimum
(d) Data format Must accept both Burst and Packet mode ASI format
(e) Signal Amplitude 2 Vp-p Maximum; 200mVp-p Minimum
(f) Termination 750. nominal
(g) Return Loss . 10 dB min, 5 MHz to 270 MHz

ii. DVB-S2 Interface:

(a) 950 MHz to 2150 MHz

(b) -60 dBm to .•30 dBm
(c) QPSK, 8PSK, accordance with DVB-S2
(ETSI EN 302307)
(d) MER (Modulation Error Ratio)
with Equalizer
(i) Display Range IOta 29 dB
(ii) Accuracy ± 2 dB typical for range of 10 to 20 dB
(e) CNR (Carrier to Noise Ratio)
(i) Display Range
(ii) Accuracy ± 2 dB ty
(f) RF Constellation should be logged.

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iii. Specifications for Network Management Software

1. It should have Statistical logging and report generation.

2. It should have trending analysis for tracking of management performance
3. It should be capable of identifying the troublesome service and allow
troubleshooting and root cause analysis.
4. It should be capable of providing the network wide view across the video
5. It should be capable of rapidly identifying the location and the root cause
of underlying systemic service delivery problems.
6. It should be an open architecture.
7. It should be user-friendly.

iv. Specifications for Workstation

Sl. Parameter Requirement

I CPU Quad Core CPU
2 RAM 4 GB or more
3 Hard disk 250 GB or more
4 Network Dual Ethernet Interface
5 Operating System Windows XP Professional or better

7.5 Digital Content Monitor


The equipment should do 24 x 7 Real-time monitoring of all DTH streams and should detect video
and audio errors in all the digital TV and radio programs.

General Features:

1. It should support MPEG-2 and H.264 encoding for Video and MPEG-l Layer II (Mono and
Stereo), Dolby AC-3 (5.1), AAC and HE-AAC encoding for Audio.
I It should support both Standard and High Definition video resolution.
2 It should support live and 24x7x365 days analysis and monitoring on linear broadcasting.
3 It should have feature of Perceptual Video Quality (QOS) measurement and alerts capability.
4 It should have feature of Audio and Video Quality of Experience scoring system with
measurement and alerts capability on the TS payload contents.
5 It should have feature of Audio Silence and Audio-level detection, measurement and alerts
6 It should have feature to detect black video, frozen video, Tilling / Macro blocking.
7 It should have feature of Audio Loudness and AC-3 Dialnorm monitoring.
8 It should decode and display live thumbnails of the elementary streams in the transport stream.
9 It should have feature of Carousel Monitoring. ~_ •

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10 It should have feature of grouping different genres of programs from different transport stream
contents selectively.
11 It should have feature of doing Alert triggered stream capture.
12 It should have feature of Historical Reporting and Graphing of last 60 days.
13 It should have feature of program statistics and availability reporting.
14 It should have feature of automatic report, graphs and charts generating capabilities.
15 All Programs statistic's reports and charts should have the capability to schedule automatic
generatio'n on periodic basis, up to last 60 days.
16 It should have feature to generate SNMP traps and should have MIB support.
17 It should have feature of creating Administrator or non-Administrator user accounts.
18 Cables and suitable adapters / accessories to monitor/analyze the existing digital streams should
also be provided.
19 It should be Rack-mountable in standard 19-inch rack.
20 The equipment shall have facility to interface with Video wall monitoring through DVI or IP
21 Technical Specifications:
22 Interface:
23 Input Port DVB-ASI or DVB-ASI over IP
24 Throughput 200 Mbps
25 Management Port : 1OOBASE-T Ethernet interface

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8. Power Supply System

The Power Supply System consists of the following equipments:-

(a) 2x200 KVA UPS operating in (1+1) parallel redundant load sharing mode with 15
minutes battery backup for each UPS.
(b) Additional 200 KVA UPS operating in 1+0 mode with 15 minutes battery backup.
(c) 300 KVA air-cooled Isolation transformers will be separately provided at the input to
the UPS system
(d) 300 KVA oil cooled Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
(e) Power distHbution Panel (PDP) for power distribution to the various equipments of the
uplink chain.
(f) Suitable earthing for the power supply system.

8.1 Specifications for UPS

8.1.1 Scope:
The specifications are for the SITC of 3 Phase 2x200 KVA, parallel redundant, true on-line
double conversion continuous operation (defined as VFI in the IEC62040-3 UPS
Specifications), solid-state Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) along with Battery and
Isolation Transformer (at the output on each UPS).
Additionally one 200 KVA UPS operating in 1+0 mode, true On-line double conversion
continues operation (defined as VFI in the lEC 62040-3 UPS specifications), solid-state
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) ALONG WITH Battery and Isolation Transformer (at
the output on each UPS).
The UPS system should be with UPS Group Synchronizer facility.
The UPS system has to operate in conjunction with the existing Building Electrical System
and Diesel Generator (300 (min) KVA) to provide power conditioning, back-up power
protection, and power distribution for the critical loads. ..

8.1.2 General:

The UPS should be reliable and stable in operation under Indian tropical conditions .. It should
have a front panel LCD display to show various parameters of the system to ease the

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The UPS system shall be capable of running in single stand-alone Mode as well as in Parallel
Redundant Load Sharing Mode with another identical UPS as per the attached configurations
shown in Fig. 21 & Fig. 22 respectively.

8.1.3 Essential features:

1 a) The system should be fully DSP controlled in all respects (i.e. rectifier
control, inverter control, display, digital diagnostics.), solid-state type,
utilizing On Line Double Conversion technology (high frequency
PWM using IGBT Rectifier & inverter section).
b) The system should be capable of providing continuous high quality
sinusoidal waveform power for electronic equipment loads.
c) The system should conform to voltage frequency independent

2 The DSP based controller should have following characteristics:

a) Diagnostic monitoring achieved by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of
spectrum analysis.
b) Adaptive control by having the speed to monitor and control the system
c) Real time generation of smooth, near optimal reference profiles and
move trajectories.
d) Control power switching and inverters and generate high resolution
Note: Thefirm shall mention the DSP chip used in the control system of the
offered UPS.

3 a) The system should have a monitoring panel (LCD Based) with various
types of fault alarms and metering functions including:
1. Output voltage, current & frequency.
2. Input voltage, cumint & frequency.
3. Bypass Voltage, Current & frequency.
4. Battery capacity, backup time left & bad battery indication.
5. Temperature of System, Inverter section and Rectifier section.

b) The UPS system should display both RMS value and Peak value of
load current.
c) The UPS system should have facility to get)erate aural alarm for bad
Battery condition.
4 a) The system should have wide input voltage and input frequency
tolerance as specified in Rectifier section.
b) Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS) should be provided at the
input & output of the UPS System.
5 The system should have provision for controlling all the three phases
individually, even in case of 100% unbalancing at the output with even 0%
load on one phase. There should be no change in regulation in phase voltage
with 100% unbalancing.
6 UPS should be configured for parallel redundant p ~ration.
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7 The system should be capable of supplying energy to load from commercial
mains without any break in case of phase reversal at the input. It should also
enerate aural and visual alarm in such a case.
8 a) The system should have provision of protection for
1. Input under voltage
2. Input Over Voltage
3. Output Over Voltage
4. Output Over load
5. Output short circuit
6. Battery under Voltage
7. Over temperature
8. DC Over current
b) The system should generate aural and visual alarms for above-
mentioned conditions.
9 The system should have Controls as
• Input Circuit Breaker
• Bypass Circuit Breaker
• Maintenance Bypass Switch
• Inverter ON / OFF Switch
• .Alarm acknowledge switch
10 a) The system should have facility to store the Logs of the events being
monitored by monitoring system.
b) The UPS system should have the capability to store a minimum of last
100 events.
c) The UPS should have in - built digital fault diagnostic through stored
events in UPS system.
11 The battery charger should have provision of
a) Monitoring battery temperature and accordingly adjusting the charging
level to enhance the battery life.
b) Programmable battery charging which can be programmed to enhance
battery life.
12 The system should have communication port RS 232 and should be compatible
to integrate with control computer. Suitable software for monitoring &
diagnostics etc. should be su lied.
13 The UPS s stem out ut should be isolated from the DC circuit of the UPS.
14 The system that shall be quoted against this tender should be capable of
running continuously round the clock, seven days a week without interruption
or failure. .
15 The UPS System quoted must conform to the latest international standards of
safety and EMC .. In general, following standards should be met: -
A. Safety: lEC 62040-1 / EN 50091-1
B. Emission and Immunity: lEC 62040-2, Class A / EN 50091-2 (Class A)
C. Performance: lEC 62040 -3/ EN 50091 - 3
D. CE-Marked in accordance with EEC directives 73/23 "low voltage" and
89/336 "electroma netic com atibility"

8.1.4 Detailed Specification

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1. System
1. Technology: UPS shall be designed to operate as true on-line, double
conversion DSP controlled type UPS strictly as per the
definition ofIEC 62040-3 as follows:

a) Upon Mains Restoration:

Upon restoration of AC input power, the Rectifier/Charger should
automatically restart walk-in and gradually take-over the supply to inverter
and charging to the battery.
b) Static Bypass:
Each UPS Module should have in-built 100% rated static Bypass Line. In two
UPS Modules connected in Parallel redundant Current Sharing Mode, in the
event of any fault in one UPS, the faulty UPS should isolate itself and the
healthy UPS, which normally shares the load 50%, should take-over the full
All the loads should be transferred to the Static Bypass Line of the UPS
without any break if the input frequency is within 50 Hz and with a break
below 20 milliseconds if the input frequency is beyond 50 Hz for the
following conditions:

1. If both the UPS fails simultaneously

II. If overload beyond 150% for 1 minute is faced by the UPS
iii. If both UPS sense over temperature (i.e. inverter exceeding 85 Deg
Celsius simultaneously).
IV. If both the UPS inverters are put-off

2. I Capacity: I 200 KVA at power factor 0.9( 180 KW)

2. Rectifier Section

1. Technology DSP Controlled IGBT Rectifier to

reduce the. harmonics.
2. Input 3-phase, 4-wire plus Ground
3. Input Voltage 400 V nominal (+ 15%, - 15 %)
4. Input Frequency 50 Hz,+/- 10%
5. Input Power factor >0.99
6. Input Current Harmonic Distortion .:S 3%
6. Soft start (0-100%) 10 Sec minimum .
8. DC ripple voltage < 1%


1. Technology

2. Ius Ground

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(a) Nominal:
400 V AC (nominal), 50Hz
3. Outputvoltage regulation:
a) 100% Balanced load 9=1%
b) 100% Unbalanced load 9=2%
c) Transient response (100%
step loading) ~5%
d) Recovery time to steady state ~5 msec.
(± 1%)

4. Output frequency regulation

(b) Line Connection: ± 1% (meeting input frequency range of
45-55 Hz.)
a) Self Connection: ± 0.05% or better
5. Overall Efficiency: >93% (for all loads from 50% to 100%)
(From liP to OIP of the U.P.S.
6. Output voltage Distortion: < 1% linear load,
(at rated load) < 3% non-linear load with 3: 1 crest
7. Audible noise level at 1 meter 74 dBA maximum
8. Overload capacity:
(a) Inverter Upto 110% 10 min
Upto 133% 1 min
(b) Bypass Mode Upto 110% continuously at rated current
110% to 150% 10 min
>= 150% 2 seconds

9. Computer Interface: RS 232 Interface or Ethernet

10. Note: Bidder should Specify the following Parameters for quoted UPS
i) Total system losses at nominal load (with charged battery)

4. Battery bank and Battery

I. Parameter Specific$tion
1. Battery Bank Capacity Minimum 216000 VAH (for each UPS)
2. No. of Battery String 1 no. for each Battery Bank (one battery
bank with each UPS)
3. DC Voltage of the battery bank Should be Minimum 360 V
4. Type: 2 V cells of Maintenance Free Valve
Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA).
5. Backup time: Minimum 15 minutes (at the End of Life
(EOL) of Battery) for 100 % load with
each UPS system
6. Charging Voltage ~ : 2.23-2.27 V per Cell at 27°C
t: 2.28-2.32 V per Cell at 27°C

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7. Cutoff Vo ltage 1.70-1.75 V per Cell (should be

8. Floating Voltage regulation 1% or better.
between no load & full load.
9. Codes and standards The supplying battery manufacturer shall
be ISO 9001114001 certified. The battery
design shall be of proven technology. The
manufacturer shall have 5 years of field
experience. ISO-900 1/1400 1. Certificate
Copy for 'VRLA Battery' must be
attached with the offer.
10. Design All cells within the battery string shall be
of the same manufacturer and model. The
cells shall be "valve-regulated"
(maintenance free) type.
11. Life 20 years designed life at 27u C on full
Life Cycling Characteristics Each battery shall be designed to provide
4000 cycles at 20% depth of discharge
(DOD) at 27° C and 1200 cycles at 80%
DOD at 27° C..
13. Deep Discharge Following an equalization charge, battery
shall be capable of being recharged to
rated capacity from a discharge down to
zero volt per cell.
14. Recharge Rate The battery shall be capable of a 90%
recharge within 12 hours
15. Battery Orientation Battery shall have front accessible
terminals with clear removable covers to
facilitate. visual inspections and allow
ease of service.
16. Self-Discharge The battery shall have a maximum self-
discharg~ rate of 0.5-1.0% per week at
17. Construction/ A. Plates
Functional Description 1. Valve~regulated type batteries shall be
lead-acid; flat pasted-plate type with lead
alloy grids.
2. The positive .grid alloy shall be
constructed of a suitable alloy made of
Lead-Cadmium-Antimony or Lead-
Calcium- Tin and shall be capable of deep
cycle operation with low gassing, low
corrosion rate, and low water loss
3. The negative grid shall be constructed
of: It: ~d-calcium Alloy.
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18. Accessories Each battery shaIl be furnished with the
following accessories:
1. Each battery system shall include the
necessary inter-cell and inter-module
connectors and terminal plates. The
connectors shall be lead-tin plated copper
and shall include stainless steel hardware.
2. One set of numerals (one numeral per
cell) suitable for permanent attachment to
3. Assembly and connection drawings.
4. Each module shall include an easily
removable transparent "snap on" safety
shield to cover all connectors
19. Recycling services The manufacturer must provide
worldwide recycling services to properly
dispose of spent lead-acid batteries.
These serVIces must include proper
instructions for the packaging,
transportation, and beneficial recycling as
required meeting E.P.A. guidelines (or
other applicable agencies) for the safe
handling of lead-acid batteries.
Documentation of disposal must be
20. The bidder should submit battery sizing calculation justifying foIlowing
- No. of Cells
- Capacity of Cell (Ah), (By considering the K factor, efficiency of
system, Temperature correction factor, Ageing correction factor, etc.)
-DC bus voltage
The total required area for battery installation should also be mentioned.

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8.2 Specification for 300 KV A air-cooled Isolation Transformer ( To be used externally at
input of UPS)

The Isolation Transformer should be Three Phase, naturally cooled type; housed in one steel
cubical provided with cast iron wheels at bottom and should have Hooks for lifting the unit.
The cubical enclosing the Isolation Transformer should have sufficient openings (doors and
removable covers) for ease of operation and maintenance of the system.
Sl. Parameter Specification
1. AC Input: Delta 3-phase, 400 V ±15%
(phase to phase)
2. AC output: Star 3-phase, 400 V ±15%
(phase to phase)
230 (phase to neutral)
3. Frequency: 47 to 53 Hz
4. Capacity: 300KVA
5. Duty cycle and use 24 x7 Continuous, Indoor
6. Common Mode Noise Reiection Better than 110 dB
7. Inter winding capacitance Less than 0.005 pF
8. Load regulation <=4%
9. Insulation resistance More than 500 Mega Ohms at
10. Terminals Studs on fiber glass plate

8.3 Specification for oil cooled Automatic Voltage Regulator

The unit should be self contained, compact, efficient and highly reliable for 100% duty cycle,
365 days a year and based on field proven design using modern technology.

Sl. Parameter Soecification

1 Input Voltage Range 400 V ± 15%, 3 phase, 4 wire AC
2 Capacity 300KVA
3 Output voltage and 400V +/- 1% three phase AC (230 V Phase to neutral)
rated operating Voltage should be adjustable to +/-5% with control located
frequency on front panel
4 Voltage regulation +/-1 % from no load to full load
5 Frequency AVR should work satisfactorily with input frequency range
of48-52 Hz
6 AVR Type Indoor, servo controlled
7 Speed of correction 20 volt per second or better
8 Metering (i) Digital meters shall be provided with selector switches
for measurement of phase to phase and Phase to neutral
voltage on all three phases for input and output
(ii) Digital ammeter in output on all three phases
(iii) Indications, on control panel should be provided for
input! output voltage status
9 Electrical protection Protection against o~r ~d, short circuit surge voltage due
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to system faults, switching operations and hotspot
tern eratures
10 Main selector switch Four position heavy duty control switch sh all be provided
for the following operations
(i) OFF- The input is cut off
(ii) Test - Input is through but output is cut off
(iii) ON- Input and output both are thro ugh
By Pass- AVR gets isolated and input gets directly
connected to out ut
11 Input output Terminal for connection
12 Coolin Oil-cooled
13 Manual control Provision for manual control of each phas e in case of
failure of automatic controls system
14 Efficiency 90% or better

8.4 Specification for Power Distribution Panel

Suitable Powet Distribution Panel (PDP) must be supplied and installed w hich will distribute the
AC power to each rack of the Earth station. A schematic diagram shou ld be given in advance
before installation for approval.

8.5 Earthing System

Earth pits should consist of Copper Earth electrode (diameter 20 mm (min)), insulated
copper strip/wire (50 Sq. MM (Min)), Chemical earth fill compound w ith fast discharge
characteristics, water absorbing gel, perforated Hard HDPE pipe (diamet er 40 mm (min)),
funnel, water supply provision upto each earth pit (preferably from A/c co ndenser), 10 feet
depth (min) and 1 feet diameter (min.). Earth pit should be prepared so tha t earth resistance
is less than 1 ohms -typical depth of earth pit is 10 feet minimum. (S ample picture is
enclosed at Drg. 23) .

8.6 Ion Streamer System

ESE Ion Streamer confirming to Conform to standard NFC 17-102 et UNE 21-186 and
conform to standard EN 50164 as prescribed in the standard series EN/CE I 62305. It need
to be mounted on a pole (height minimum 6 meter above the height of h ighest PDAs) and
insulated copper conductor. .

9. Air-conditioning system
a. Air-conditioning system will be used for Earth Station Equipments. The Air-conditioning
system will be installed in RF room, Baseband and compression room, Monitoring room
and Power supply & UPS room.

ble High Sensible

temperature from

Page 70 of75
18°C to 20° C for the baseband, compression & IF and RF rooms. The 4.5 to 5.0 Ton units
shall run on 3 Phase AC power supply.

c. The bidder should provide and install comfort air conditioning systems with 5 stars BEE
rating, 2 to 2.5 Ton in the monitoring and other technical areas to maintain a temperature
from 22°C to 27° C. The units shall run on single Phase AC power supply.

d. Necessary duct arrangement to meet the requirement is part of the scope of work.

10. Physical, Environmental and Mechanical Specifications

10.1 Power Supply

A. Features
(a) Equipment shall operate from a wide range of power supply voltages without interruption
or damage.

(b) Every rack should have minimum two (or in multiple of two) Mains Distribution
units with sequential delayed output start up, output status LED, current sensors (with
IP comiectivity) and IEC-3 pin for each equipment installed in the rack. (Please refer
DRGNO: 17)

B. Specification

Sl. Parameter Specification

1 Voltage Range 220 V AC (nominal)
2 Frequency 50 Hz (nominal)

10.2 Environmental Specifications

Sl. Parameter· Specification

1 Operating Temperature (Indoor) O°C to 40°C

2 Operating Temperature (Outdoor) -10°C to 50°C

3 Storage Temperature -10°C to 60°C
4 Humidity (Indoor) o to 85% non-condensing
5 Humidity (Outdoor) o to 100 %
6 Altitude o to 1000 m

10.3 Mec hamca IS .peCI'filca fIons

Sl. Parameter Specification
1 Construction Modular approach, EIA RS-31 OC, 19" rack
2 Cooling Internal circulation fan wherever applicable
3 Mounting Equipment shall be rack mounted and required
number of racks shall be supplied pre-wired to
house all the supplied equipment.

D3 S_SpecificationsJor_Upgradation_oCTodapur(59 to 97L051112 Page 71 of75


A. Compliance

I. A point-by-point compliance statement from Bidder should be enclosed in respect of all

the points, sub-points and paras laid down in this specification from page 1 onwards
along with the offer.
ii. The OEM compliance in respect of the equipment as listed below should necessarily be
given on their letter heads along with the bidder compliance, in respect of all the points,
sub-points and paras laid down in the specification of respective equipment.

1. Compression System
2. Up-converters
3. High Power amplifiers
4. L band Router
5. Measuring equipment
6. PDAs
7. Multi Viewers and Display System
8. Decoders and Demodulators
9. UPS system

111. Mere signature on a copy of Doordarshan specifications shall not be accepted as a

compliance statement.
IV. One copy of compliance statement and BilI of material should also be given on CD-ROM
in the same format as DD specifications.

v. Compliance statement in the format as indicated below shall only be accepted.

eo.. rIi CJ
Z 00 ,Q.
t.: ~
== =
o 0
rJ':J ~ CJ
1 Scope
2 General
3 Essential

VI. The manufacturer should also record the performance figures of the equipment offered in
the quote for which the compliance statement is enclosed.
vii. The compliance statement should be supported by highlighted record of these in the
technical literature/data sheets enclosed with the tender and a clear reference to the
attached supporting document should be given in ~~arks column against each &

03 S_SpecificationsJor_Upgradation_oCTodapur(59 to 97L051112 ~ Page 72 of75

every specs. Any offer without proper supporting document of each & every specs and
containing only a commercial hand out/pamphlet will be rejected.
viii. The data sheets should be submitted in respect of each equipment offered. Any deviation
from the specification detailed in the compliance statement is to be highlighted
separately. Page no. of location of data sheet should be given in page no. column above.

IX. Offers without proper & duly completed compliance statement are likely to be rejected
with the sole responsibility of bidder further claim/ correspondence will be entertained.

B. Ordering Information
One soft copy of ordering information/ Bill of material (in MS Excel format) should be
provided along with the quote in the same format as DD BOM.

C. Documentation
Offer should include the supply of user manual for a1l equipment (Hard copy & CD with
search facility) and all software back up on CD, to respective consignees. Operation Manual
for a1l equipments should be supplied on CD with search facility to respective Consginee and
one set to Directorate and one set each to respective Zonal office .. One set of the above
manuals for each equipment should be enclosed along with the tender for technical
evaluation. Offers without the manuals for evaluation are liable to be rejected.

D. Delivery Schedule:- 6 months from date of issue of Purchase Order.

E.Guarantee and Warantee

a) The equipment sha1l be warranted against any manufacturing defects for a period of
three years from the date of commissioning.
b) Warrantee period is to be extended corresponding to the outage period if the failure
rectification takes more than 15 days time.

F. Spares
a) Necessary spares required for the maintenance of the equipment offered to be quoted
separately. The cost of spares sha1l not be taken into account for deciding ranking of
commercial bid.
b) A complete recommended spare list with quote should be offered,· along with the bid.
c) Supplier should give a certificate from respective OEMs for providing spares and
maintenance support for this system for the next five years.

G. Accessories
All essential accessories like cables, connectors and power cord etc. should be included in the
offer. Optional accessories should be quoted separately.

H. Inspection

D3 S_SpecificationsJor_Upgradation_oCTodapur(59 to 97L051112 Page 73 of75

All the equipment to be supplied against the supply order for this tender shall be subjected to
inspection at site by Doordarshan Inspection Officer authorized by DG:DD. The Inspection of
equipment have to be conducted as per following schedule.

i) Inspection on Receipt of Equipment at Site: The stores shall be inspected at site and the
Inspection certificate issued by the Inspection officer based on the Manufacturer's
Guarantee/ Warranty and factory test results and physical verification of Make & Model
of equipment.
ii) Site Acceptance Test: All the equipment supplied against the supply order for this
tender shall be subjected to inspection at site (where equipment is to be supplied/
Installed) based on ATP (Acceptance Test Procedure) approved by Doordarshan
Directorate. A draft ATP for the system should be provided by the bidder one month in
advance of the proposed date of inspection of the system to Doordarshan Directorate for
approval. The approved ATP will be followed by DD's Inspection Team for acceptance
and commissioning of the system.
iii) Bidder shall provide all necessary facilities to the inspection officer/ Inspection team for
the purpose including all the testing equipment required for inspection

I. Pre-bid Conference
A pre bid conference on technical specification and other issues shall be held on date and
time specified in the NIT .All prospective bidders may attend the pre bid conference to
discuss their queries and suggestions. All the queries and suggestions should be sent to
Doordarshan at least 2 days before the date of pre bid conference. No queries/ suggestions
shall be entertained after pre bid conference. Amendments subsequent to the pre bid
conference shall be sent to prospective bidders, who have purchased tender document by e-
mail/fax/ post. Amendments shall be posted on Doordarshan website .It
shall be bidder's responsibility to check for any amendments on Doordarshan's website before
submitting their duly completed bids.

Bidders are expected to visit Todapur site and meet Director (Engg), Earth station Todapur
before attending the Pre-Bid meeting.

J. Necessary Requirement

a) The offer should indicate the time frame for completing the activities up to the
commissioning of the set-up on a bar chart starting from date of issue of Purchase Order
b) All the essential items, which the manufacturer feels are necessary to complete the
equipment/chain for the full exploitation of all the features of the equipment offered,
may also be quoted.
c) Equipment from renowned and well-known firms of the industry with proven track
record only will be accepted. The Bidder should enclose a list of organizations to which
same equipment as in this tender has been supplied.
d) System/equipment (motor controllers etc.) should be offered along with its
frame/housing and other accessories which are necessary to meet the

specifications/requirement and for the full exploitation of the equipment.

03 s_s~,ft:"~::_:~:::_::::~::::::~2shouldbemount~~ industry ~:~~Ck.

~~~\ \1..----
f) Cost of all the equipment which are necessary to complete the configuration to meet the
specifications/requirement should be very clearly specified and will be included for
commercial evaluation.
g) The system offered should be complete in all respects even if missed in DD
h) The offer incomplete in any respect will be rejected without-any reference of it.
i) If required, one sample of system/sub system complete in all respects along-with
operators & technical manuals may be submitted for technical evaluation.
j) One soft copy of Bill of Material having Make & Model of offered equipment, in the
same sequence and keeping same serial numbers, should be provided along-with the
quote (in the form ofMS Excel work sheet).
k) There shall be a single technical offer (single BOM) for offered solution subsystems.
1) The bidder must have his local office/ authorized representative/ dealer in India for after
sales support. The local office/ local authorized representative/ dealer will be nodal point
for resolving issues, related to installation, commissioning and after sales support. Any
module of Earth Station or other equipment requiring repairs will be handed over to
local office/ local authorized representative/ dealer who will arrange repairs locally or
export the defective modules to OEM factory and re-import after repairs. It is the
responsibility of local office/ Authorized representative/ dealer of the bidder to arrange
the repair/ replacement of faulty items for Doordarshan.
m) After sales service support for the repairs/ maintenance of Earth Station equipment after
the completion of guarantee/ warrantee period shall also be provided by the OEM of the
Earth Station equipment either directly or through his representative in India. A
certificate, on the letterhead, in this regard duly signed by the OEM must be submitted
with offer.

D3 S_Specificationsjor_Upgradation_oCTodapur(59 to 97L051112 Page 75 of75

Bill of Material (BOM)

Sf. Equipment Qty Unit

1 L band Router (64xl 76) with dual redundant power supply (similar to Evertz, Quintech) I set
a Base unit fully wired I set
b Inbuilt hot swappable redundant Cross Point module for 64 x 176 I set
c Inbuilt hot swappable redundant controllerl logic modules . I set
d Inbuilt hot swappable Dual Redundant Power supply unit I set
e Router Control panel as per clause 2. I (vi) I set
f Necessary power supply to LNBCs I set
Protection switch 2 xl (two L-band Input and one L-band output) for upto 32 L-band lIPs array for 1 set
automatic receive antenna changeover facility before L-band router.
(similar to Evertz, DEV, Quintech) (L-band router with inbuilt 2xl Protection switch will also be
acceptable. In that case separete protection switches are not required)
Professional IRDs (with L-band inputs and with DVB-ASI, SD-SDI, AES/EBU, SD-SDI embedded 120 nos
2 audio and PAL Video & Analog Audio outputs along with MPEG-2,4:2:0 and MPEG-4, 4:2:0
decoding and Common Interface slot hardware)
Logo generator cum inserter with SDI input and SDI output [ 8 channels or more in one chassis and 1 set
3 with dual PSU per chassis] (for all offered encoders, if not a part of Encoders or any other
equipment.) .
Digital Audio Levelling Processor with I set
al) SDI Input and SDI output [ 8 channel or more in one chassis and with dual PSU per chassis.]
for all offered encoders of TV channels (required if not a part of any other equipment) (Bidder to
specify in which equipment this feature is included) +
Digital Audio Levelling Processor with
a2) AESI EBU Input and AESI EBU output [ 8 channel or more in one chassis and with dual PSU
per chassis.] for all offered encoders of Radio channels (required if not a part of any other
4 equipment) (Bidder to specify in which equipment this feature is included)
b) ASI IIP to ASI O/P in (4+4+4+4) mode for all offered multiplexers of TV + for all offered
multiplexers of radio channels in three streams (required if not a part of any other equipment)
(Note: All modules should have auto input bypass facilities to output onfailure) .

5 176xl76 SDI router wired for all input and out put consisting of I set
a Base unit fully wired I set
b Inbuilt hot swappable redundant Cross Point module for I 76 x 176 I set
c Inbuilt hot swappable redundant controllerl logic modules I set
d Inbuilt hot swappable Redundant Power supply unit I set
e XY control panel I set
f Single Bus remote control panel I set
HD-SDI patch panels and patch chords for all 176 input ports (24x2-1RU, Normal Through, Self I set
g Terminating type) (Similar to ADC, Canare, Cariford etc.)
6 64x64 AES/EBU router wired for all input and out put consisting of:- I set
a Base unit fully wired 1 set
b Inbuilt hot swappable redundant Cross Point module for 64 x 64 I set
c Inbuilt hot swappable redundant controllerl logic modules I set
d Inbuilt hot swappable Dual Redundant Power supply units I set
e XY control pane If) IJ I set
\. VOJ... \ J ~
~ -s\'\\\~ 1_- _
t f Single Bus remote control panel 1 set
\ •. 7 Essential item (Ifany) to complete the installation of Input and baseband system 1 set

Digital Encoder operating on 4:2:0 mode with MPEG-2 compression (including Stat Mux 1 sets
8 support) (4 or more encoders in one Chassis configuration) for stream 4 consisting of :-
MPEG-2 Encoders·for 16 SD Channels with redundant chassis. Each chassis should 1 sets
consist of 4 or more encoder per chassis. Noise reduction hardware/software and Dual
power supply units for all encoders chassis. For redundancy please refer the clause no.l.2.
Redundant Encoder Chassis populated with highest nos of encoders among the main 1 sets
b chassis. Noise reduction hardware/software and Dual power supply units for all encoders.

MPEG-2 Encoders for 48 SD Channels with redundant chassis. Each chassis should 1 sets
consist of 4 or more encoder per chassis. Noise reduction hardware/software and Dual
c power supply units for all encoders chassis. For redundancy please refer the clause no.l.2
11. (this set isfor transition period during shifting of RF equipment of 1st, 2nd & 3rd
Digital Encoder operating on 4:2:0 mode with MPEG-4 compression (including Stat Mux 2 sets
9 support) (4 or more in One Chassis configuration) for Stream 5 and 6 consisting of:-

MPEG-4 Encoders: for 24 SD Channels with redundant chassis . Each chassis should 2 sets
a consist of 4 or more encoder per chassis. Noise reduction hardware/software and Dual
power supply units for all encoders.
Redundant Encoder Chassis populated with highest nos of encoders among the main 2 sets
b chassis. Noise reduction hardware/software and Dual power supply units for all encoders.

10 Audio Encoders for Radio channels I set

Audio encoders for 40 channels. (Each chassis should consisting of 4 or more channels per chassis.) I set

Redundant encoder chassis populated with the highest number of encoders among the main chassis. I set
b Each chassis should consist of inbuilt dual power supply or as per Clause 1.2.19

IP Switch 48 port with inbuilt dual power supply unit in (1+1 ) configuration (similar to Cisco or 3 2 sets
11 Com)

IP Encapsulator with Multiplexer for Statistical Multiplexing in (1+1) configuration consisting of ( 2 Set
12 Out of two sets, one isfor transition period)

a IP Encapsulater with Multiplexer for Statical Multiplexing 4 nos

b Necessary Video Distribution Amplifier(DVDA's) for DWDS with reclocking 2 nos
13 32x32 ASI router (SDI compatible) wired for all input and out put consisting of: 1 set
a Base unit fully wired 1 set
b Inbuilt hot swappable redundant Cross Point module for 32 x 32 I set
c Inbuilt hot swappable redundant controller/ logic modules I set
d Inbuilt hot swappable Redundant Power supply units I set
e XY control panel 1 set
f Single B}lsremote control panel -h l,\ 1 set
I ~<\\\
~\l--- J-
, .

14 Satellite Modulators in ((1+1) x6 configuration) consisting of:

6 set
a Digital Satellite Modulator capable of Modulating in DVB-S (1 + I) x4 and DVB-S2 (1 + 1) x2
6 sets

b Redundancy RF switch for Modulator for (1+ 1) x 4 in DVB-S and (1 + 1) x 2 configuration in DVB-
S2 6 set

c NMS server hardware and software for modulator redundancy with dual power supply unit (if I
required) set

d Pre-equalisation feature for Modulators

6 sets
15 Network Management System (NMS) for Compression equipment consisting of
1 set
a Compression equipment control system Software
I set
Compression equipment control system Hardware consisting of rack mounted
b main server in 1+1 1 set
master -slave configuration, each server with dual power supply modules.
c Client industrial work station with licenses
d 4 sets
Networking switch for NMS
16 1 set
Hardware to control Radio IRDs
Terminal Servers of multiple ports for Radio IRDs to convert RS 422/RS 485 to IP, one for Each
1 .
a IRD Rack (Configuration
. connectorfor Radio IRD Model ABR-202 TIERNAN Make- 9 pin Din)

b Industrial work station with licenses

c IP switch 1 set
1 Set
17 Required Software and hardware for Third party NMS
( for those equipment which are not 3 sets
provided with OEM NMS)
18 Essential item (If any) to complete the installation of Compression system
1 set
C RF System
19 Ku Band Up-converter(3+1) configuration
1 set
a Ku Band Up-converter
4 nos
b Redundancy RF switch for Up-converter
1 nos
Klystron High Power Amplifiers
20 frequency (KHPAs) (with 3+1 configuration) (3 for fixed
and one for DFTS) 1 Set

a 2.45 K w Ku-band Klystron HP A

4 nos
b Solid State Intermediate Power Amplifier(SSIP A) for KHP A (integral)
4 nos.
c Lineariser (Integral)
d 4 nos
Uplink power control system
e 4 nos
Dummy load for KHP A system for reject load
I set
f Ku band Diplexer ( Center frequency of transponders will be gfyen at the time of purchase
order) 6 sets

g Dehydrator with required accessories

3 nos.
Rigid waveguide with waveguide tray to energize the 9 meter PDA (as per site
h 300 M
requirement) (Rate to be quoted per meter basis) (50 x 6=300 meters) (Two length per
I Waveguide for Dummy load at Changeover Switch (Rate to be quoted as per unit basis
10 nos.

Flexible waveguide in assorted lengths (as per site requirement) (Rate to be quoted per
J 10 nos.
unit basis)
k Waveguide E-Plane bend (as per site requirement) (Rate to be quoted per unit basis)
10 Nos
I Waveguide H-Plane bend (as per site requirement) (Rate to be quoted per;;;. basis) 10 Nos
• ~.
~ I
' ..... IA AA
v ~
\,\\~ ~
m Wave guide Twist (as per site requirement) (Rate to be quoted per unit basis) 20 nos
r"" Waveguide support tray with covers (Rates per meter to be quoted) . Approximate length- 200 M
n 200 meters. The height of waveguide should be kept 4.5 meter above the ground while
crossing the road near RF room.
0 Any other essential item to complete the installation ofHPA system 1 sets
p RF ganged waveguide switch (coaxial switch ganged with the waveguide output switch)
3 sets
21 RF Equipment Control system consisting of
1 set
a RF equipment control system Software
1 no
b Work station with licenses for RF control system software
2 sets
c Essential item (If any) to complete the installation ofRF equipment Control System

22 Modulator to Up-converter cable of 50 mtrs each with suitable connector ( rates should be 300 Meter
Iquoted per meter basis)
23 Essential item (If any) to complete the installation ofRF system

24 Uplink Antenna and Accessories
3 Sets
a 9 meter (min.) Motorized Up link antenna
3 no.
b Ku-Band 4 Pole Linear polarized feed (Motorized)
3 no.
c Trans reject filter coupler for both receive ports for above feed 6 nos.
d Trans directional coupler for both uplink ports for above feed
6 nos.
e Ku-Band LNA in for both ports (6 installed+ 3 cold spare) 9 no.
f Automatic antenna control unit for quick orientation of the above Uplink PDA 3 no.
g Low loss RF cable 1/2 inch (As per site requirement), Per meter rate may be quoted 300 Meter
(Similar to RFS, Andrew etc.)
h Beacon Tracking receiver
3 nos.
I Rain water blower on the feed of the Antenna.
3 nos.
Installation of above PDA including foundation, earthing, Lightening arrester (Material 3 set
and labour)
k NOCC clearance
3 sets
1 Any other essential item to complete the installation of Uplink Antenna system 2 sets
25 Armoured power copper cable from uplink antenna to Controller panel 1 set
26 Antenna change over arrangment for HPAs and PDA (as per DRG NO: 4) alongwith 4 nos 1 set
of wave guide switchs and 4 nos of Dummy loads (5 KWeach)
27 Receive Antenna and accessories
6 Sets
a C band 4.5 meter motorized receive antenna with solid aluminium reflector 6 . nos.
b Dual C-Band Linear orthogonal feed
6 nos.
c C-Band LNBC (similar to Viking, ASC Signal, GD Satcom, No'rsat)
12 nos.
d L-band BTR & Antenna control unit for quick orientation of the above pnA
6 nos.
Low loss RF cable (As per site requirement) per meter rate may be quoted 75 meters per 900 mtrs
e antenna 75x2x6 (aproax.) with laying underground with pipe or overhead covered channel.
(Similar to 7732A cable of Belden or equivalent with matching "F" type connector with
Gold plated pin of Canare or equivalent)
Installation of above PDA including foundation, Earthing, Lightening arrester (Material 1 job
f and labour) . Armoured Power cable with copper conductor from PDA to Controller.

g Any other essential item to complete the installation of Antenna system if any 1 set
28 Provision of Cable & Cable tray

a Providing & installing support & cable tray for old & new PDA's cables for 1 job
~~ meter
distance (apprq~.) with the height of 4.5 mtr as per diagram no.23 ,.,.
\ LVU -- \ V ~~
I~~\\ \
,I b
Providing & installing support & cable tray for old & new PDA's cables for 100 meter 1 job
-. •.. distance (approx.) with the height of2.5 mtr as per diagram no.23
Providing of Low loss RF cables From LNBC of Receive PDAs to L-band Patch Panel 1 set
(Similar to 7732A cable of Belden or equivalent with matching "F" type connector with
c Gold plated crimped type pin of Canare or equivalent) and Armoured power cables with
copper conductor for for old 15 nos ofPDAs (Two lengths per PDA)

Providing of Low loss RF cables from L-band Patch Panel to L-band Router inputs 1 set
(Similar to 9292 cable of Belden or or Comscope SATl160BV APD or equivalent with
matching "F" type connector with Gold plated crimped type pin of Canare or equivalent)

for New 6 nos ofPDAs (Two lengths per PDA)
Patch panel (with matching "F" type connector with Gold plated pin of Canare or 1 set·
equivalent) for inter connecting all receiving PDA's LNBCs to L-band router
f Cable Lables to Delineate on all RF Cables to be place at every 5 meters 1 set
g Providing of multi core cables for existing received PDAs 1 set
29 Ku- Band receive setup for down link monitorine consistine of
a Ku- band receive antenna 120 cm with LNBF 6 sets
b Ku- band receive antenna 90 cm With LNBF 6 sets
c Ku- band receive antenna 60 cm with LNBF 6 sets
d Installation of the above 18 Antennae 1 job
e RF cables (rate should be quoted as per meter basis) 500 m
f Any other essential item to complete the installation of Antenna system if any 18 sets

E Monitoring System
30 Confidence level Monitoring system consisting of
Professional Broadcast Colour Monitor with integrated speakers (15 inches LCD (TFT) 4 nos
(similar to Panasonic, Marshal, Sony, JVC, Kroma)
Professional grade Integrated Audio/video Monitor with >= 4" TFT /LCD screen of high 2 nos
resolution and four Multi Augmented LED audio bar and two integrated speakers. It should
b accept 2 HD/SD-SDI Inputs with reclocked output and CVBS input, including audio De-
Embedder (similar to Wohler make VAMP2-MDA or TSL make. AMU2-3G etc).

Prof. IRDs (with L-band inputs and with DVB-ASI, SDI, AESIEBU, SDI embedded audio and 14 nos
PAL Video & Analog Audio outputs) along with MPEG-2,4:2:0 and MPEG-4, 4:2:0 decoding and
Common Interface slot hardware. (Four nos will be installed in the rack and 10 nos will be kept as
shelf spare.)
MPEG Decoder (with ASI input and with DVB-ASl, SDl, AES/EBU, SDl embedded audio and 6 nos
d PAL video & Analog Audio outputs) along with MPEG-2,4:2:0 and MPEG-4, 4:2:0 decoding and
Common Interface slot hardware ,

MPEG Decoder with IP input along with MPEG-2,4:2:0 and MPEG-4, 4:2:0 decoding and 4 nos
Common Interface slot hardware
f Audio decoder with IP/ASI input with MPEG-llayer-2 audio decoding 4 nos
g Test Loop Translator (TL T) (Ku-band U/L to L-band) 6 no
h 70 MHz to L-band Upconverter 2 nos
1 Ku band downlink to L-band down converter 6 no.
J RF Patch Panel (with required nos. of Terminations) 1 set
k RF Splitters for LNAs (one for each LNA)(1 : 2 passive type) (similar to minicircuit ~tc.) 6 nos
1 Surge protection device (F-female to F-male) rl J1t::..:-
20 sets
m 176 x 4 ASl router (SD lRompatible) ~ 1 set
... .x 11 -- ~ \ '1----
_ .. . _. ~\\ .
I Essential item (If any) to complete the installation of above confidence monitoring system 1 set

"rl 31
n .

Input and Downlink Monitorin!! consistin~ of

55" LCD video Display system with LED Backlit and with native 1920x 1080 pixcels 14 nos
resolution and high brightness (Similar to BARCO or NEC or Christie Digital)
Multi viewer display system for 128 SD-SDI Inputs (or 64 SD-SDI input and IP input in 2 sets
case of inbuilt decoder) (or IP input in case of DVB ASI over IP outputfrom IRD and
b inbuilt decoder) + 4 nos DVI Input ( Similar to BARCO Miranda,Sierravideo, Evertz,
Harris) (Multi Viewers with inbuilt decoders will also be acceptable. In that case MPEG-2 and
MPEG-4 decodes are not required)
Protection switch 2 xl (two SDI Input and one SDI output) for upto 128 SDI lIPs array 2 sets
(or 64 SDI inputs & IP inputs in case of DVB ASI over IP output from IRD and inbuilt
c decoder)
(similar to Evertz, Kramer, Nevion, Ensemble) ( Multi Viewers with inbuilt 2xl Protection
switch will also be acceptable. In that case separete protection switches are not required)
Work stations with software licences for controls and cofiguration of Display on video 2 nos
e active splitter(L- band) I-input and 8 output 10 sets
f ASI splitters as per requirement 1 set
De-Modulator unit(DVB-S & S2) for 6 streams with Common interface slot hardware for 1 set
g Stream 5 and 6 (6 main+2 standby)

Decoders (MPEG-2)for 55 channels ( one chassis should consist of multiple modules and 1 set
one chassis as spare .
(If MPEG-2 decoders are part of multi-viewer then separate MP EG-2 decoders need not
be offered)
Decoders (MPEG-4)for 48 channels (one chassis should consist of multiple modules and 1 set
one chassis as spare)
i -
(If MPEG-4 decoders are part of multi-viewer then separate MP EG-4 decoders need not
be offered)
DTH receive Set consisting of 60 cm dish, LNBF , 20 m cable and STB(DVB-S/S2/ MPEG- 100 Sets
J 2/MPEG 4) with CI slot to insert CAM module.
Essential item (If any) to complete the installation of above input and downlink monitoring 1 set
32 Audio Monitoring
a De-Modulator (DVB-S & S2) unit for 6 transponders (6 main+ 2 standby) 1 set
Audio decoders (MPEG 2 Layer 2) for 40 channels ( one chassis should consist of multiple 1 set
modules along with fully populated one redundant chassis)
Multi viewer display system for 64 AES/EBU Inputs (or 32 AES/EBU input and IP input 2 set
in case of inbuilt decoder) (or IP input in case ofDVB ASI over IP output from IRD and
c inbuilt decoder) + 4 nos DVI radio channels (Similar to BARCO Miranda,Sierravideo,
Evertz, Harris) ( Multi Viewers with inbuilt decoders will also be acceptable. In that case
Audio decodes are not required)
Protection switch 2 xl (two AES/EBU input and one AES/EBU output) for upto 64 2 sets
AES/EBU lIPs array (or 32 AES/EBU input and IP input in case of inbuilt decoder) (
similar to Evertz, Krammer, Nevion, Ensamble)
(This only required if not a part of any other equipment.)
( Multi viewer equipment with inbuilt Prtection 2xl array will also be acce~ ~~:)


I e 55" LCD video Display system with LED Backlit and with native 1920x 1080 pixcels 2 no
resolution and high brightness (Similar to BARCO or NEC or Christie Digital)
Professional grade High quality Audio Monitoring system for AES/EBU Multi-Channel 3 set
f audio monitoring should contain amplifier driven speakers and eight numbers ofMult-
Segmented high resolution, tri-colour LED level meter with provision ofVU/PPM
metering. (similar to Wohler AMPI-S 8 DA)
g Active Splitters(L-band) 1: 16 for Radio IRD rack ( 3 installed + 1 cold spare) 4 sets
h Any other essential item to complete the Monitoring system 1 set

33 Real Time spectrum Analyser (Similar to Tecktronix or better)
1 set
34 Multi format Digital Video & Audio Test pattern generator
1 set
35 Digital waveform monitor (with Measurement facility)
1 set
36 MPEG Real time transport Stream monitor For 6 streams 1 set
37 Digital Content monitor for 6 streams (Similar to Tecktronix or better) 1 set
38 Hand held Infrared thermal imager with resolution 160x120, Temp range from 0 to 300 Deg 1 set
Centigrade (Similar to Fluke or better)
39 Hand held Three-Phase Power Quality Monitor I Recorder (similar to Fluke or better) 1 set

40 Colour laser Printer with network printing facility for A4size(similar to HP, Epson) 1 set
41 B/W laser printer wit» network printing facility for A3 size (similar to HP, EPSON)
1 set

2 x 200 KV A ( 3 phase) Uninterrupted Power Supply(UPS) operating in (1+ 1) redundant 1 set
parallel load sharing mode with Battery backup of 15 minutes for each UPS.The isolation
42 transformer will be provided at the output of each UPS, internally, for suitable rating(
minimum 200 KV A) consisting of (Similar to Socomec, Emerson, Pillar, EATON, PCl
(Railo Erose) etc. )
a 200 KVA UPS (3 phase)
2 nos
b Battery bank (216000 VAH)
2 sets
c Internal Isolation transformer at the output of UPS
2 nos
d UPS Group Synchronizer kit 1 set
200 KVA ( 3 phase) Uninterrupted Power Supply(UPS) operating in (1+0) redundant 1 set
parallel load sharing mode with Battery backup of 15 minutes for each UPS.The isolation
43 transformer will be provided at the output of UPS , internally, for suitable rating( minimum
200 KV A) consisting of (Similar to Socomec, Emerson, Pillar, :EATON, PCl (Railo Erose)
a 200 KVA UPS (3 phase) 1 nos
b Battery bank (216000 VAH)
1 sets
c Internal Isolation transformer at the output of UPS 1 nos
d UPS Group Synchronizer kit 1 set
44 Separate External ,Air cooled Isolation Transformer 300 KVA (3 phase) at the input of UPS 2 no.
including installation (Similar to Automatic Electric or better)
45 Oil cooled AVR 300 KV A (3 phase )including installation (Similar to Automatic Electric or 2 no.
PDP to meet the requirement of full earth station equipment including the old equipments 2 sets
46 with 30% spare capacity to connect additional rack load in future and change over switch
with remote m( nitoring current, voltage & temperature through Eathernet or R Q '-,., or RS
-485. \ !OIII ~n~_

'- ~\\\~ "'"":

Dismantaling , shifting, reinstallation and commissioning of Existing (3+1) and (2+1) 1 job
47 CPI HPAs and RF quipments alongwith its monitoring with new setup in New
Control & operators table made of powder coated MS sheet or aluminium to install remote 1 job
operations & control computer, digital waveform monitors, Picture monitors, monitoring
panel with stereo Loud speaker and other relevant equipments. Sample picture is enclosed
at Dr2.13
Required no. of rack frames with raised platform upto 12 inch, redundant power supply (MDUs), 1 set
other interface cards for complete monitoring & control through remote computer. Installation
49 material audio video cables etc (Belden 1855A with matching BNC HD connectors of Can are make
or equivalent), CAT -6 cable (AMP or equivalent)

Wired Rack for Audio IRD's ( 40+8) nos with redundant power supply (MDUs), other interface 1 set
50 cards for complete monitoring & control through remote computer. Installation material audio and
mains power cables
Required no of Mains Distribution units (2 nos of MDU per Rack) with multiple output on start up, 1 set
51 current sensor, Ethernet control port, output status LED and IEC-3 pin for each equipment in every
rack (similar to one4power or TSL or better)
Required no. of Audio, Video, and ASI DAs for proper measuring & monitoring. (min 4 outputs at 1 set
each card)
Earthing system and earth pits (2nos for Baseband and compression, 2 nos for RF and 2 nos for 1 set

53 power supply each, 2 nos for video and two nos for audio and 18 nos for PDAs with less than 1
ohm resistance) Sample picture is enclosed at Drg. 23

ESE Ion Streamer along with mounting pole (height minimum 6 meter above the height of highest 3 sets
PDAs) and insulated copper conductor along with two Earth pits per streamer
55 Installation material and laying of cables protection pipes 1 job
One raised platform/ trolley with wheel and braking arrangements to reach up to overhead cable tray 1 set

sm / ASI Distribution Amplifiers card for 16 inputs with facility to extend in future with dual 1 set
power supply per chassis
RF Patch Pannel for Monitoring purpose (12 port) for Nominal Impediance of 50 Ohms & 3 Nos
frequency range of 0-14.5 GHz. (Similar to DVM PPN12-2RU)
Set of tools consisting of video and RF connectors crimping tools with suitable die-sets of all used
connectors, BNC puller, cable strippers of all use cables, RJ 45 crimping tool, set of screw drivers
59 and spanners, Allen key set, DC powered screw and nut openers, digital multimeter, digital clamp
on meter, weller soldering station and other essential tools required to be used during installation.

Fully wired rack for professional IRDs with all input & output wired up to both L-B and SDr router. 1 set
60 (This is required for installation of IRDs from prospective Broadcasters to decode encrypted

Operation and maintenance (wherever applicable) manuals for all the equipment supplied (hard 2 sets
61 ,
62 All software backups are to be supplied on CDs. (Along with ghost software) 2 sets
Operation and maintenance (wherever applicable) manuals (Softcopy) for all the equipment supplied 4 sets
on CD's (with Search facility etc).(2 set for the station, 1 set for DG DD and 1 set for ADG (NZ»
63 CfiI:J
., 64
In India: Five separate Seminars (including theoretical & Practical training, hands on experience) for
Base band (one week), Digital compression (one week) , RF(one week), Monitoring equipment (one
1 job

week) and Network Management System (NMS) & Over aUsystem (one week) for Doordarshan
personnel. ( This period is not part of DeJiveryperiod)
K Air-conditionin2
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of High Cooling Packaged type air-cooled 1 job
air conditioners with outdoor (condensing unit) consisting of:-
4.5 to 5 TR (Actual capacity @ 18 DegC inside & 43.3 Deg Ambient with 50±5% RH) 1 set
a High Sensible Heat air conditioning with heater & for RF room (3 nos main and 2standby)
(Similar to Hitachi, Carrier, Ogeneral etc)
4.5 to 5 TR (Actual capacity @22 to 27 DegC inside & 43.3 Deg Ambient with 50±5% 1 set
b RH) High Sensible Heat air conditioning with heater for Switch Gear Room ( 1 nos main
and 1 standby) (Similar to Hitachi, Carrier, Ogeneral etc)
4.5 to 5 TR (Actual capacity @ 18 DegC inside & 43.3 Deg Ambient with 50±5% RH) 1 set
c High Sensible Heat air conditioning with heater & for Base band & Compression room (3
nos main and 2 standby) (Similar to, Hitachi, Carrier, Ogeneral etc)
2.0 to 2.5 TR (Actual capacity @ 22 to 27 DegC inside & 43.3 Deg Ambient with 60±10% 1 set
66 RH) comfort air conditioning ( with 5 star BEE rating) for monitoring room (4 main and 2
standby) (Similar to Hitachi, Carrier, Ogeneral etc).
2.0 to 2.5 TR (Actual capacity @ 22 to 27 DegC inside & 43.3 Deg Ambient with 60±10% 10 nos
67 a RH) comfort air conditioning ( with 5 star BEE rating) for monitoring room (4 main and 2
standby) (Similar to Hitachi, Carrier, Ogeneral etc)
2.0 to 2.5 TR (Actual capacity @ 22 to 27 DegC inside & 43.3 Deg Ambient with 60±10% 10 nos
b RH) comfort air conditioning ( with 5 star BEE rating) for monitoring room (4 main and 2
standby) (Similar to Hitachi, Carrier, Ogeneral etc)
c integration of Electronic Hygrometer and Electronic Thermometer in third party NMS 1 job
Temperature and Humidity Monitoring system computer for controls and monitoring of 1 set
temperature and current sensors
Electronic Thermometers at Top and bottom of each rack (including all Tandberg system 1 set
and CPI HPA racks) .
f IP Switch for controls of temperature and current sensors 1 set
Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels) 9 Meter Dish
Details OF DRAWINGS for C Band
for DTT project
(Future use) Platform

," .. ,, ,

..••. ,-, ,-, ,-, ,-, ,-, ,-,

, RFRoom , I II I I I I I I I I I
j;.L. - - T - ~ ~T For~iUte I I I I I I I I I I I I
," New IExlstll~ & ' •... I
-D-'F-T-usc ,
,- - J_ - - _!
15 No. Existing, E ui ment Racks
6 Mtrs. ntenna ,
6No. New
DRG:6 4.5 mtrs Antennas
Switch Gear Room
Space for UPS,
batteries, isolation
Transformer and AVR
DRG: 4&5
7 Meter Dish 9 Meter Dish DRG: 6&7
forKu Band for Ku_Band
,--------- ----------~----------------------------~ ..,,
,.- .- Entrance

Configuration of
Tandberg channels

DRG:6&7 DRG: 4 5 & 12 DRG: 11

(Equipment is to be
( Equipment is to be ( Equipment is to be
shifted to New Building)
shifted to New Building) replaced with New one)

Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels) Input to the Compression Room
--- -- -- -- - -- -,

Auto C/O Sw.

; ,t


Existing Dishes R


Out put from 6 TLTs

Out pllt from 6 nown ••

70 tn T •

KutoL •
Radio Channels o
(IRDs to be provided by DD) SDI (monitoring)
Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
. CO-axial Cable upto Old UtC
during contingency ( Cold
TS 1,2,3 during (13x3)
Transition+ (6x3) :··t'i'1·DVB:.g···~
~---- ~ ..

M-2 IP
Radio Channels
1!M()otl : !1
Encap -- 'VI I
sulator I
Statistical I
'. nnO[)"~R' 'V
: ••••••••••••••••••••• : 1
. 1 +1 DVB-S21 1


Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)


Ku Band 9 mtrs
NewPDA -1

F m I In each interconnecting
D G:4 Existing Scopus ~link
Configuration after
shifting ~ Ku Band 9 mtrs

Tandberg 39
Existing Channels
(3+1) HPA
Configuration after
To RF Patch panel To RF Patch panel shifting
from New system
IF from old system

,7Q!QhL) RF NMS Server

~( ~. =C< •. '~. 'C ,'",

• Upconverter monitoring for new system

ell ••(---------------

=o • Upconverter monitoring for old system

"C • HPA monitoring points for new system
I Down converter # 1
Down converter # 2
HP A monitoring points for old system

To .s Down converter # 3 From LNA of existing PDA

DRG:2 ~ From LNA of New PDA # 1
Down converter # 4 From LNA of New PDA #2
Down converter # 5 DRG:4
Down converter # 6
Block Schematic of DTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 75 Channels) (
Monitoring Setup
L 1
Stream -1 Stream -2 Stream -3 &4
Stream -5 Stream -6
Output (DIL Output (DIL) Output (DIL
Output (DIL) Output (DIL) t
D 55" L D Display wit Backlit LED 55" LCD Display w th Backlit LED
o Stream -1 Stream -2 Stream -3 &4 1 2 n
Streath -5 Stream -6
U Input Input Input
Input Input

: ~ Display Multi- Viewer Display
: Stream Analyzer lIP Module Software Control for video wall lIP Module 1 2 n
: I SDUt DYI SUI &: U"I I SOl I (n+l)
: I Details in DRG:5 . Chassis
L ~--~------------------JUllmJP~DYJL-------- SDloL~_&J)YI _ I

ASI from S
OldMux I
ASIfrom 2 R
3 0
Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Details of Monitoring System
TVS e.• ' "'-'-03

LCD Video wall with Edge I ED Illumination LCD Video wa I with Edge LED llumination


Multi viewer 128CI
For (55+55+ DVI+
Spare) existing system
K: Gig.
v :>
Multi viewer 128CH
For (48+48+ DVI+
spare) New system Stream
4 4-


OIL 55 SWI SW2 48ch

48 ....• Demod+
Demod+ .1Rrl-T 55 .
55 Decoder
Decoder .... " -

IRD OIP from IRD OIP from

Tandberg System and New System
New System for
MPEG-2 channels
Note: 2: 1 switch is not required in case it is inbuilt in Multi viewer

Block Schematic of DTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Details of Monitoring System
for Radio :services

LCD Video wall with Edge LCD Video wall with Edge
LED Illumination 55" LED Illumination 55"


Multi viewer-l
(24+16+ DVI+
K Gig.
=> Multi viewer-2
(24+16+ DVI+




b/L 24 SWI SW2 16 ch
16 Demod+
Demod+ 1 flrT-T 24
Decoder .. --,".".--


IRDO IP from Radio

IRD OIP from
. Rack System
Radio Rack

~ ::: 1 switch is not required in case it is inbuilt in Multi viewer

Block Schematic of DTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)




Part-l R

Existing Scopus Setup

Scopus System is to be replaced with New one

. I TS41

I Tssl
TS6 IP Switch
(1 +1) X2

MUX (for Radio)
====~-~"ToASI Router
\ \
Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Radio Channels to be shifted to New Building

-------------1 r------- -------------1 1

Ch 1 TO 6 : AUDIO
:1 IRD- CH#1 :)
EBU 1 ): _ .ENCQOERJ __
RS485/422 1
.------------1 1 •

1 IRD- CH#2 :.) ):
1 1 • : w
1- - - - - - - - - - - -
-RS 485/422 1
Ch 19to2~:-~~~O------; ) I

: IRD-CH# 3
)1 :_.ENCQDER ~ : T
1 1 C
L- 1- - - - - - - - - - - -
-RS 485/422
-------------1 1
1 H
Ba 1 IRD-CH# 4 ••• )1
1 A (,h ?" to i?
nd 1 ~RS 485/422 1 E 1
-------------1 1
1 -------------1 1 Port
S I (,h i i to 40 ): AUDIO : )'
: IRD-CH#5 ~ ~ 1 _
(Part of
E 1 ENCODER n 1 : DRG:3)
P 1- - - - - - - - - - - - -RS 485/422
1 I------------~ 1
L -------------I~ 1 B ~ AUDIO
I 1
11IRD-CH# 6
:RS 485/422 _

U AES output L ~COD£R..R... __ .J
1 ~
1 I

T 1 from l\u_diQ.9.:~ctrdeTIr{OutI¥Itmonitoring). 1- - - - - - -

T •• 1
L - - - -,'i

: ~ulti-

1- - - - - - - - - - - - --

55" LCD TV

•• 1
1 U
VIewer 1
1 _

S .------------:~
IRD-CH# 36 ••••
1 T AES outpu~- - - - - - - - - 1
1 ~ E from IRDs (Input monitoring)
1 ~RS 485/422 1
R 1~ -Terniin-ar---- -:
- - .",,..,, ..,, - - - - -- - 1 .. ) 1

: IRD-CH# 37 : ••• ).
1 RS 485/422 20"'; Server 24 port .. ~ •. ch
I D-9 Connector L- .Dnuar-:aclLRal:k. •
1_ - - - - - - - - - - - ~RS 485/422 I
-------------1 I
X 21'" •
•. ------------, Industrial
: IRD-CH#38 : ( ): 1
64 RS 485/422 40'"
D9 Connector :
Server 24 port
: IP work station
1- - - - - - - - - - - - ~RS 485/422 1 L _ -4)A6-f9r-Eadl-Ra4:k. •
-------------1 1
1 I) 6 nos audio channels per streams in Tandberg streams-l ,2 &3
: IRD-CH#39 ~ ): 2) 6 nos audio channels per stream for new Stream - 4
1 - - - - - - ~RS 485/422 I 3) 8 nos audio channels per stream for stream no 5 & 6
I IRD-CH#40 •••• )1L
4) ADC & Audio Leveler can be single unit or it can also be a part of
~RS 485/42 Encoder.
1 DRG:8
5) DWDS VSAT will work as it is and be shifted by MIs BEL to
New Buildinl!:.
Configuration of transition setup in New Building
From ,-------------,
I Additionalencoder liank
UIL 14040 MHz!




I __ L_____________
,~.. t. TS-3 Stream
I : I
1-- -
•.. For Radio I 1
I I 1
- -of I DRG:9
- - ..I • ~"'\. "'[:...?' . 1
Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Tandberg Equipment is to be shifted in New building


Router Router ute

I TS31 • Part-l Part-2

Existing Tandberg Setup

M2+S M2+S M2+S M2+S M2+S

Fresent Setup F4=10/4 F5=10/6

*F1=9+1(HD)/4 F2=13/4 F3=13/4

To be shifted

To be shifted

To be shifted

**M2+S M4+S2
•• M4+S2
Fl=13/6 F2=13/6 F3=13/6 F4=16/6 F5=24/8 6=17+1(HD)/8
Proposed Setup

* Frequency of Txd= TV Channel/Radio Channels * * M2= MPEG-2, M4=MPEG-4, S=DVB-S, S2=DVB-S2, HD=HD Channel

6th stream can also work for 24 channel if HD is not there. DRG:lO
Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels) Final Setup After shifting ofRFequipment

IP Switch
(1 +1)X2


) MUX (for Radio)
---~"-TO ASI Router
~128 x4
New Setup (After Transition of Tl, T2, T3)
L····················································· ...............•..................................................•......•
Block Schematic of Monitoring of Radio Channels

55" LCD TV with DVI Input

Input- from IRD
• )

Inputs Outputs

Decoders for 40 Radio Channels

•• A
•• D
• Display Display
•• I Multi- Viewer
o lIP Module Software Control for video wall lIP Module

From R 64x64
DRG:8 -71 Ds
£DE-Q:.R I Ampli ••
(one bus)
Speaker & .-
IPtoAES Bar graph ••
ASItoAES Professional grade Audio monitoring ••
system for Compliance of ITU-R 1770-2 ••
(New Building)
.............................. ~ .. ..............................•....•....................
~ -.-DRG:12 . •
Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Monitoring Console in Monitoring Room
Video Monitors
128 SDI lIP Sources
Downlink Stream 128 SDI lIP Sources Downlink
Downlink Stream 5 & 6 Radio
Input Stream •
Input Stream 5 & 6 Input
1,2,3 & 4 Radio

Third Party NMS NMS

Controls for New RF Controls

MOllitonng of'
UPS, Temperature,
Humidity, etc.

Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
With respect to Example 13a,13b and 13c to explain channel redundancy

Chassis Capacity = 4 Encoders/Chassis 6 Encoders/Chassis 6 Encoders/Chassis 6 Encoders/Chassis

4 5 4 6

4 5 • 4 6

4 3 4 4

4 3 4

5-R 4-R 6-R

Chassis Capacity = 4 Encoders/Chassis 6 Encoders/Chassis 6 Encoders/Chassis 6 Encoders/Chassis

4 6 4 5

4 4 5
-- ~
4 6

4 5

4 6 4

4 6-R 4
4 l

*** 4-R= Redundant Encoder Chassis with 4 Encoder cards and dual power supply
6-R= Redundant Encoder Chassis with 6 Encoder cards and dual power supply
5-R~Red1m~~=Encode< cardsanddnnlpow••.snpply

Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)

Proposed Air conditioning System at DTH Todapur


Hot Air

~< < < ) )

r~p Fm1
o Fan Unit
li li Fan Unit
EqUipment EqUipment E ui ment

li li

[];f] 1J
Unit ~ Cool Air
)Fll )

# Cool Air


Removable Air Filter should be made of Multiple Stainless Steel mesh for easy cleaning with soap & water


Block Schematic of DTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Proposed Air conditioning System at DTH Todapur


8 FanUnit

"EqUIpment EqUIpment E ui ment

Cool Air ~rFilter #
~_)FL-' _)

~# Removable Air Filter should be made of Multiple Stainless Steel mesh for easy cleaning with soap & water

Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Power Distribution, Temp & Current Monitoring in Racks


Equipment 1 All Thermometers
& Hygrometers
Installed in indoor
& outdoor areas

From all equipment

Racks of compression,
RF and monitoring


CD Temperature sensor

Equipment Racks
t;;\ Current
\.::./ sensor
UPS- 2
UPS -1 Group Synchronization unit
(1 +0)
CE) Cooling Fans
(1 + 1) * * Both the Power

t from UPS 1 and UPS 2

\ fOo. Should be of different colors

Block Schematic of DTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Power Supply Arrangement at DTH Todapur, New Delhi
MCCB Isolation
forAVR& Transformer
Isolation ••
3 Phase
Essential Group Synchronization unit
forAVR& Isolation UPS PDP Blue
3 Phase AVR MCCB
Isolation (1+0)
II Feeder


Change Over' Case

of Requirement
With 3 Phase Static
MDU (if required) Single PSU
where current
is < 16 Amps Dual PSU
RF Equipment Equipment

t# HPAwhere
current is > 16
Note: Each rack should have both Green and Blue Supply

Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Earthing connections

Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)
Cable Support System
Solid C Cover
0.5 mm thickness

Perforated C Channel
2 mm thickness

Angle Iron support
Size 50 mm x 50 mm

75CM t
below ~
Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)

POWER Maintenance •
400V AC,
3 Static Bypass
: . r··········..···········:~
MER) 400 V,

~ FIG: 21

Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)

,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -llTPS-l 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --I

Maintenance Bypass I
~o I
L________________ _ 1
Battery Changeover OAD
1 Unit r100 V
I---------------- ------------------------------
Paralleling Kit



Block Schematic ofDTH Todapur Expansion( 59 to 97 Channels)

Earth Pit

Earth Pi PVC
• Condenser Waters
Chamber lnsulat
From Air conditioners
CopperE (To be covered with GI pipe
Copper Earthing strip below Road.)
(<I> 20 MM (min)) Perforated Hard HDPE
Pipe of <I> 40 mm (min)

Multiple layers
Layers of water absorbing
gel bolls, Conductive Earth
Filling Compound with
- - - - -0-
Fast discharge : : : : : : : : : : : _ :0: _ DRG:23

~ ~\\\~
Profiles to be created as part of SITe for DTH Expansion Annexure- Profile

Profile Transponder Td : Tandberg Equipment

Current Make Sc : Scopus equipment

Modulation Nx : New Equipment

MUX No K : Ku-band transponder

Stream S : DVB-S Modulation + MPEG-2 Compression

TV Channels S2 : DVB-S2 Modulation + MPEG-4 Compression
Radio Channels
DWDS Channel

Step1: Installation of New Equipment and transfer of services running on Tandberg platform to New Equipment platform (aftre obeservation for 72 Hrs min.)
Testing of reception on existing STB to avoid PID mismatch (Existing PID details are enclosed)
with New Mod, New utc and New HPA
Profile Transponder
Transition Make N4 N5 N6 NB
Modulation S S2 S2
MUXNo M2 M2 M2 M2
Stream 1 2 3 4
TV Channels o 0 56 79 80 103 o 103
Radio Channels 13 18 19 26 27 34 1 40
DWDS Channel 1 1 1 1

Step2: Shifting of RF Equipment to New Building (after obeservation for 72 Hrs minimum)

Step3: Re-transfer of services running 1, 2, & 3rd stream from old to New RF Equipment (under obeservation for 72 Hrs min.)
Testing of reception on existing STB to avoid PID mismatch (Existing PID details are enclosed)
Old Mod, Old utc and Old HPA
Profile Transponder
After Transition Make N4 N5 N6 NB
Modulation S S2 S2

Main MUXNo M2 M2 M2 M2
Stream 1 2 3 4
-HD TV Channels 40 55 56 79 80 103 40 103
Radio Channels 19 24 25 32 33 40 1 40
DWDS Channel 1 1 1 1
Step4: Transfer of services running on Scopus platform to New Equipment platform (under obeservation for 72 Hrs min.)

Profile Transponder NB
After Transition Make
Modulation M2
Regular Main MUXNo 4
Stream 40 103
-HD lV Channels 1 40
Radio Channels 1
DWDS Channel

All Profile Transponder

Symbol rate Msps

StepS: Following profiles to be made and kept for future use in case of contingencies
K-19 K-21 K-16
Profile Transponder NB
N4 N5 N6
Make N1 N2 N3
S S2 S2
Modulation S S S
M2 M2 M2 M2
MUXNo M1 M1 M1
Standbyl 3 4
2 3 1 2
Stream 1
80 97 40 97
1 13 0 0 0 0 40 55 56 79
+HD lV Channels 1 40
19 24 25 32 33 40
Radio Channels 1 6 7 12 13 18
1 1 1 1
DWDS Channel 1 1 1
Step6: Following Profiles to be made and kept for future use in case of contingencies - IF switch olp to be connected as per contingency
K-19 K-21 K-16
Profile Transponder NB
N4 N5 N6
Make N1 N2 N3
S S2 S2
Modulation S S S
M2 M2 M2 M2
MUXNo M1 M1 M1
Standby2 3 4
2 3 1 2
Stream 1
40 55 56 79 80 103 40 103
lV Channels 1 13 0 0 0 0
-HD 33 40 1 40
1 6 7 12 13 18 19 24 25 32
Radio Channels 1
1 1 1
DWDS Channel 1 1 1
Spec: No: SATD/Expansion of DTH_Dec_2011

Sub: Amendment in Specifications for Expansion of DTH at Todapur, New Delhi as per Pre-bid meeting

A pre-bid meeting was held on 11th October 2012. With prospective bidder in the presence of Technical Specification Committee members and officer from
Purchase Directorate; Based on discussions held in the meeting and queries received from various prospective bidders, replies to the queries and proposed
amendments to the specifications are as below:

51. Item No. Description-

Page Ref
1 5 32 (c) Query Please refer to page 5/8 of BOM at S.No. 32 (c), Protection switch 2x1 for 48 I/Ps array is mentioned, DRG. ESTL
BOM 6A, 57 I/Ps array are shown and refer to page No. 3/77 Introduction, th
point No.(c) The 6 stream shall carry
17 TV channels in SD and 1 TV channel in HD (Turned around) and 8 radio channels, or 24 SDTV channels if
HDTV channel is not included in MPEG-4 DVB-S2 configuration plus redundancy.
As per the above statement, the total TV channels in stream 4,5 and 6 are 64 (If 6th stream carries 24 SDTV
channels). Therefore, the requirement of protection switch 2x1 before the Multi viewer is for 64 I/Ps array.
Kindly amend the Bill of Material and DRG accordingly.

Reply Please see ammended spec & modified BOM.

2 5 32 (b) Query Please refer to page 5/8 of BOM at S.No. 32 (b) Multi viewer display system for 128 SD-SDllnput •.., while at ESTL
BOM DRG. 6A at multi viewer blocks, Multi viewer 72 CH is mentioned. Kindly amend the drawing.

Reply. Pleas.e.seeammended diagram no: 5

3 1 2 Query Please refer to page 1/8 of BOM, SI.No. 2, Total Qty. of Professional IRDs required is 80 Nos. while as per ESTL
drawings and other statements 64 IRDs (stream 4 -16 Nos., stream 5 - 24 Nos. and stream 6 -17 / 24 Nos.)
_\Lb..o will be use in Circuit. 16 Nos. of ProfessionallRDs will be available as spare. Kindly clarify, out of these 16
'~ spare IRDs, now many will be use as hot standby in Rack for redundancy purpose.

Reply AlIlRDs are to be wired up as hot standby in rack.

4 1 DRG.2 Query Please refer to DRG.2, IRD -D/L 1 to 6 at the output of L-Band router 64 x 128 are shown. Kindly describe ESTL
the purpose of these IRDs.
Reply These 61RDs are earmarked to monitor downlink of 6 streams inpdependently ( only one channel per
stream at any time)
5 1 DRG.2 Query Please refer to DRG.2, IRD - ASII/P and IRD - IP input at the output of L-Band router 64 x 128 are shown. ESTL
Kindly amend the drawing, as these IRDs do not have L-Band input.
Reply Please see ammended diagram no:2

:...---- -.
\, \ '\..-----
D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_spe~fter Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 10f 18
51. Item No. Description
Page Ref
6 5 E31(h) Query ESTL
BOM Please refer to page No. 5/8 of BOM, SI.No. E31(h), 70 to L-band Up converter, Quantity required as 1 No.
while as per DRG.4, two 70 to L-band Up converter at the output of RF patch panel are shown. Kindly clarify.
Reply Please see ammended spec & modified BOM .
7 6 E 33 (g) Query Please refer to page No. 6/8 of BOM, SI.No. E 33 (g), AES / EBU Audio router 48 inputs 1 output - 1 No is ESTL
BOM required while it is nowhere used in the drawings provided. Please clarify.
Reply This entry is deleted Please see ammended BOM
8 3 C 21 (f) Query Please refer to page No. 3/8 of BOM, SI.No. C 21 (f), Ku Band Diplexer - 6 sets are required while as per DRG. ESTL
BOM 4 of DD only two Diplexers are required. Kindly clarify.
Reply These are required to maintain services during transition period. Each will be tuned to 6 different
transoonder frequencies
9 DRG.4 Query Please refer to DRG. 4 of DD, all 4 KHPAs are connected to 4 Up converters through RF switch. There will be ESTL
qty 3 coaxial switches at the input of the KHPAs are required for receiving the RF input from the up
converters. These 3 coaxial switches will be ganged with the three-waveguide output switches. This is
essential for the prooer ooeration of the svstem.
Reply Please see ammended diagram no:4 and specification
10 3 C 21 (e) Query Please refer to page No. 3/8 of BOM, Slono. C 21 (e), Dummy load (5KW) one for each KHPA for reject load; ESTL
BOM quantity 4 Nos. are required while as per DRG. 4 of DD, only one Dummy load has shown and required.
Kindly clarify.
Reply Please see amended specification. Block diagrams are indicative and firms are advised to quote all essential
accessories for optimum performance.
11 24 3.5 (B) (2) Query Plefl~e. refer tQ page No. 24/77 of Tender document, point No. 3.5 (B) (2): IP Input ports - Minimum two ESTL
independent ports and DRG. 3 ; IP Encapsulator statistical Multiplexer is getting three inputs from three
different 48 port IP switches. This is to bring to your kind notice that you have asked IP Encapsulator
statistical Multiplexer with two IP input ports but as per the drawing three IP input port multiplexer is
required. Please clarify.
Reply Please refer amended diagram # 3 and specification.
12 47 6.5 Query ESTL
Please refer to page No. 47 of 77, Point No. 6.5 specification for MPEG Decoder or IRD with ASI input; The
specification remains the same as given in the para 2.2 , except the fact that RF Specification parameter
~ specification 2.2(A)(i), 2.2(A)(iii) & 2.2(B) are not applicable. This is to bring to your kind notice that
parameter specification 2.2 (H) is also not applicable for IRD with ASI input. Kindly suggest.
Reply Please see ammended specification.

, C\ \
~ \\\ \ 1.----
D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 20f 18
Description Ref
51. Item No.
Please refer to page No. 47 of 77, point No. 6.6 specification for MPEG Decoder or Integrated Receiver
13 47 6.6 Query
Decoder (lRD) with IP input. The specification remains the same as given in the para 2.2 , except the fact
that RF Specification parameter specification 2.2(A)(i), 2.2(A)(iii) & 2.2(B) are not applicable. This is to bring
to your kind notice that parameter specification 2.2 (H) is also not applicable for IRD with IPinput. Kindly

Reply Please see ammended specification.

Query Do we have to take any clearance from OEM of the existinRsystem?
14 4 1.1.2
It is the responsibility of bidder to ensure smooth change over from old to new system however bidders are
free to undertake the shifting work at their on or in co-ordination with respective OEMs of existing
equipment which are required to shifted.
We understand that the existing L-Band Router and the existing Wohler Monitoring system are not to be
15 4 1.1.2 Query
shifted. Please confirm
Reply Yes Arrayacom
Can we use the existing interconnecting cabling between the Rx Antenna-L-Band router-Compression-
16 4 1.1.2 Query
monitoring system -RF systems etc or do we have to provide new cabling. Can we use the existing racks of
the existing compression system or DDK will insist for new racks in order to maintain aesthetical uniformity
between the existin!;! svstem and new svstem
Wherever possible existing rack with internal wiring can be used but inter rack wiring is required to be
changed with new. Also refer Sr. no. 28 Provision of Cable & Cable tray in BOM
Do we have to upgrade the NMS software for compression equipment and third party equipment for the
17 4 1.1.2 Query
existing system?
Reply No . . Arrayacom
Query Do we have shift the existing Power supply System?
18 5 1.1.22
Reply No Arrayacom
The new PDP and the UPSsystem has to take care of the existing system as well as the new system. Do we
19 5 1.1.22 ...Query
have to provide the high voltage capable armored power cable interconnection between all the UPS,AVR,
PDP, RACKetc or this are existing?
Reply Yes, all interconnecting cables are to be provided as new by the bidder.
20 5 1.1.26 Query
Generally System Integrators in the field of Satellite Communications and Broadcast do not have expertise
on this type of activity as this mainly fall under civil and construction work. We request you to delete this
~ This can be taken up by DDK through vendors specialized in HVAC and can also complete this by the time the
main tender is evaluated and awarded. This will also save time for execution of main activity.

~\\V 30f 18
D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies
51. Item No. Description
No. Ref
Reply No ammendments, as this is a SITCproject.
21 6 1.1.30 & 1.1.31 Query Please let us know what do you expect with clear visibility Arrayacom
Reply No ammendment. Clear visible to backside through bottom of the racks.
22 11 2.1A (VI) l-Band Query The Bill of material mentions XV panel for the L-Band router for manual control and configuration. The state~ Arrayacom
Router of-the-art router now comes with front panel touch screen panel for control and configuration and meets all
the tendered specifications. However in such case they do not provide separate XV panel as required in the
BOM. Please confirm whether this is acceptable. •
Reply Please see ammended specification.
23 75 11C Query Hard copies of Manuals are no more printed considering the Environmental protection. Only CDs/Pen Arrayacom
Documentation Drives/Memory cards are provided. Soft copy on CD/Pend rive/memory cards are more convenient as it
provides search facilities, occupies less storage space, has more shelf life, Low transportation cost etc.
Also now PCs/laptops/tablets are omnipresent. Hence we earnestly request DDK to delete the requirement
of Hard copy of Manuals.
Reply No Ammendments
24 75 11D Delivery Query We feel that 4 months delivery period is too short considering the scope of work like Three numbers of 9 Arrayacom
period meters Antenna, 6 numbers of 4.5 meters antenna (takes 45 days sailing time in ship), HPAs, Providing of Air-
conditioning, shifting of existing system etc
We request you to provide atleast 6 months time for completion.
Reply Please see ammended specification.
25 75 E (a) Guarantee & Query Most of the manufactures provide only 1 year or 2 years warranty. Manufacturers of HPAs do not provide 3 Arrayacom
Warrantee year~warranty even at extra cost. We feel that two years warranty is optimum from cost point of view.
Can we provide an alternate solution that meets the functional requirement however may not as per the Bill
of Material as we can eliminate the need of certain items in the bill of material and yet meet the functional
requirement? Please clarify
Reply .No Ammendinents

D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies

40f 18
51. Item No. Description
Page Ref
26 Drg- 4 RFchain Query a) There will be qty 3 coaxial switches at the input of the KHPAs; for receiving the RF input from the up CPI
These 3 coaxial switches will be ganged with the three waveguide output switches. This is quite essential
for the proper operation of the system.
b) CPl's scope of work will end at the output of Diplexer - DP2.
c) The directional couplers shown in your Drawing 4; between the waveguide output switches and the input
to the diplexers have been removed. Their purpose is already met by the RF output port monitors on the
front panel of the KHPAs themselves. Additionally there is no.benefit of putting in one more passive element
in the high power RFout circuit.
d) We suggest that qty 3 coaxial circulators be placed at the RF input circuits; as a matter of good
engineering practise.
Reply Please see ammended diagram no:4 and ammended specification. Doordarshan desires to get complete
work done on SITCbasis. OEM and SI may sort out their resoective scope of work.
Query L} I ne 1:3111ot Material (page ;j/~) pOint Ll e) shows the quantity OTuummy LOaa p KW) as Qty 4; one tor CPI
27 3 21 e)
each amplifier.

This is not required.

According to CPl's drawing entitled "1:3 KHPA SYSTEMFOR DOORDARSHAN DTH "only qty 1, 5 Kw high
power dummy load is required and qty 110w power coaxial dummy load is required; and are already
provided as part of the system .

... In addition each diplexeralready comes fitted with its own waste power load.

Kindly amend the Bill of Material accordingly.

Reply Please see the amended specification & BOM.
28 3 21 f Query 3) The Bill of Material ( Page 3/8, Point 21 f) shows the quantity of diplexers as '6'. CPI
BOM As per CPl's drawing entitled "1:3 KHPA SYSTEMFOR DOORDARSHAN DTH"; only qty 2 diplexers are
Kindly amend the Bill of Material accordingly.
Reply No Ammendments, these are also required to maintain services during transition period.
29 32 Point 33 Query 4) The CPI amplifier system proposed already has computer interface ports RS422/485 and Ethernet ports CPI
for remote monitoring and control.
'--.7-:t. 1r He.nce please clarify if you really need a remote control panel; as specified in Point 33 on page 32 of 77 of
~ ~lJ<: I\ your tender specification.

D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 50f 18

Item No. Description

51. Ref
Reply Please see amended specification

We recommend .that since the bus-bars of 200kVA (1+1) and 200kVA (1+0) are two independent sources of Falcon
30 64 8.0 (a) & (b) Query
power, Hence we recommend that the two bus voltages, frequency and phases are synchronized so that any
transfer of load is bumpless.
DD is requested to amend the same.
Reply Please see amended specification and BOM
Since the power from the two UPS bus (Green& Blue, as shown in diagram 18 of DD tender specs) needs to Falcon
31 64 8.0 (e) Query

be distributed to equipment racks, we recommend the use of PDC (Power Distribution Cabinets) with hot
-swap MCBs and PDU(Power Distribution Units) which can be monitored thru NMS to be included. The
technical details of which are being shared along with this letter for your perusal.
DD is requested to amend the same.
Reply Please see amended diagram no 18
The mput voltage Kange needs to be corrected as : Input voltage: 400 V nommal (+ 15%, - 20 %) on tullioad Falcon
32 67 8.1.4 -2-3 Query
400 V nominal (+ 15%, - 40 %) on 50% load Note: It is beneficial to mention the extended input voltage range
at part load of 50% as the input range gets extended for part loads. Since we consider parallel redundant
configuration, under normal condition load on each UPSwill not be more than 50%.
DD is requested to amend the same .

Reply Please see amended specification.

Please confirm whether the overall efficiency is ONLY for the UPSor UPS+ Internal Isolation Transformer at Falcon
33 68 8.1.4 -3-5 Query
the output of the UPS. In case it is for UPS+ Internal Isolation Transformer at the output of the UPS,then
overall efficiency >95% in online mode should be modified to Overall Efficiency: >93%, as additional isolation
transformer will have-efficiency of 98% approx. (UPS 95% x Iso. Tr. 98% ~ Overall >93%).
DD is requested to c1arify/ amend the same.

Reply Please see amended specification .

Please modifY the noise level Audible noise level at 1 meter <70 dBA minimum As noise level varies from Falcon
34 68 8.1.4 -3 -7 Query
vendor to vendor and 62dBA may be vendor specific
Reply Please see amended specification.
Please remove clause 8.1.4.-4-2, since VAh and DC Voltage limits are defined and the battery capacity will be Falcon
35 68 8.1.4 -4-1,2 & 4 Query
determined based on vendor DC Bus voltage Note: Since the DC Bus is minimum 360VDC, so to meet the Vah

.~ ....• 10 ~
requirement of 216000, the battery capacity will be 600Ah However any vendor offering DC Bus of 480V DC,
will meet the VAh of 216000 with battery capacity of 450Ah .
DD is requested to amend the same.
~ ~- Reply Please see amended specification.

~\\\~ 60f 18
03 Reply and AmendmenUn_s~s after Prebid OTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies
51. Item No. Description
Page Ref

36 55 6.15 A( 5) Query We request it to make: Appear TV

Number of Digital Audio Output :Two Stereo Channels per module
Reply Please see amended specification.

37 1 A (e) Query Inbuilt Hotswappable and Redundant Input / Output Modules, Power Supplies, Exalto
BOM Control Cards, Display cards and Front panel, without removing any RFCables or
connectors - 1 set.

Reply No change in specification.
38 1 Query XV control panel Exalto
BOM Remote control panel (hardware and also embedded software to enable remote
access of the router through any web browser through internet or intra net)
Reply Please see amended specification.
39 11 2.1 Query Though our router is complied with the tender specifications, it would be great if the tender specification Exalto
can be amended as above. Quintech being the first company to introduce the world's finest matrix systems,
we are still the largest supplier ofthe RF Matrix systems in the world, with the best quality and very low
MTBF of our products.
We would be glad if you could consider our above request for the respective amendments in the Technical
specifications and the BOM, and provide us with this wonderful opportunity to serve you better again with
our state-of-the-art Matrix routing systems.
Reply No change in specification.

40 4 SI No. 1.1.3 of Query Please-clarify that whether we need to supply a separate Mux for this or this is included in BOM of Mux at SI Ericsson
specs No. A(13). In total how many mux we need to supply 3 or 4 Nos. Please clarify.
Reply Total 4 Mux are envisaged. Please see ammended digram no:3 and BOM.
41 6 SI No. 1.2.3 of Query Nowhere in the document does it say whether this service is to be CBRor VBR. Please confirm the HD Ericsson
specs service will be in CBR, Doordarshan need to state this explicitly.
Reply HD service will be in CBRonly.
42 14 SI No. 2.2 (G) (ii)(2) Querv **Range is missing. Please mention it. Ericsson
of specs Reply Please see amended specification.

43 18 SI No. 3.1 A (VII) of Query What do the mean by "No output"? Is it no PID or a PID containing Black? If it is no PID then the mux could Ericsson
specs go into alarm for the missing PID.

~ Reply
A PID containing Black.

D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 70f 18

51. Item No. Description

What do the mean by "No output"? Is it no PID or a PID containing Black? If it is no PID then the Mux could Ericsson
44 20 51NO. 3.2A (VII) od Query
specs go into alarm for the missing PID.
Reply A PID containing Black.
It is not clear that in total 40 radio Encoders are required in 6xT5 or 22 existing radio and 18 are to be Ericsson
45 22 51No. 3.3 (A) of Query
specs supplied as new radio encoders.
Reply Please see amended specification. (Refer 5r. no. 10 in BOM)
Radio channels cannot be stat mux and will be in CBR.50 request you remove this clause. Also clarify that HD Ericsson
46 24 51No. 3.5(A) of Query
specs service will be in VBR or CBR.
Reply Please see ammended specification. HD service will be in CB~ only.
It should be program streams and not transport stream. Ericsson
47 25 51No. 3.5 C.(ii).i of Query
specs Reply Please see amended specification.
In clause No. 1.1.16 DD has asked for 4 Nos. of client PC's while here & in BOM 3 Nos. of client PC's Ericsson
48 28 51No. 3.8 B (vii) of Query
specs mentioned. Kindly clarify.
Reply Please see amended specification.
logs for 365 days are possible but the hard disk required for the same in NM5 will be very big, so how DD Ericsson
49 28 51No. 3.8 (A) of Query
specs plans for the same. Please clarify.
Reply Please see amended specification.
We are not sure if you can get 56K modems any more. These are becoming obsolete now. New technology is Ericsson
50 29 51No. 3.8 D of Query
specs based on internet IP so requested you to change the same.
Reply Please see amended specification.
This is to bring to your kind notice that 2.2 (H) is also not applicable for IRD with A51input Ericsson
51 47 51No. 6.5 of specs Query
Reply Please see amended specification.
This-is-to bring to your kind notice that 2.2 (H) is also not applicable for IRD with IP input. Ericsson
52 47 51No. 6.6 of specs Query

Reply Please see amended specification.

As per BOM total qty. of ProfessionallRDs required is 80 Nos. while as per drawings and other statements 64 Ericsson
53 78 BOM 51No. A(2) Query
IRDs (stream 4 - 16 Nos., stream 5 - 24 Nos. and stream 6 - 17 / 24 Nos.) will be use in Circuit. 16 Nos. of
ProfessionallRDs will be available as spare. Kindly suggest, out of these 16 spare IRDs, how many will be use
as hot standbv in Rack for redundancv nurnose.
Reply AlIlRDs will be wired up as hot standby in rack.
Redundancy clause should be 1.2.11. Please amend. Ericsson
54 2 of 51No. B(9a) Query
BOM Reply Please see amended specification.

~'-~~~ .J
\, \
80f 18
D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies

Item No. Description Ref

It is not dear that in 6th TS we need to give 17 MPEG 4 Encoders or 24 MPEG 4 Encoders. Kindly darify. Ericsson
55 Page No.2 of BOM Query
/ SI No. B(10 a)
No. 1(C) of specs

Reply 24 nos Encoders

As per BOM 16+16 =32 MPEG 2 encoders are to be supplied. While during transition 39 channels are Ericsson
56 Page No.2 of BOM Query
required so DD will be short of 7 MPEG 2 encoders in ca~e redundancy is to be followed 1.2.11 during
/ SI No. B(9a)
transition period. It may be confirmed if redundancy is required during the transition.
After shifting of 39 channels Tandberg system the new 16 MPEG-2 services will replace 16 out of 20 Scopus
Page no. 4/1.1.3
services Doordarshan will be left short of 4 services of Scopus. Please darify how these 4 services are being
Reply Please see amended specification, redundancy is required during transition.
The Cisco Switch will be in 1+1 redundancy. It cannot be 2+1. Each system will have 1+1 Switch or 2x(1+1). Ericsson
57 2 of SI No. B(12) Query
Reply Please see amended specification.
It is not dear if 2+1 =3 Mux are required or 2+1=3 and one additional for transition is required. Ericsson
58 2 BOM / SI No. B(13) Query
& SI No. 1.1.3 of
Reply Ple<:l!!~.seeamended specification. B (12)
Please refer to page 27/SI No. 3.6 E(C)/ The modulators are suppose to be 1X (1+1) and 2X(1+1), not in Ericsson
59 2 of SI No. B(1S a) Query
BOM 2X(2+1). Kindly darifv.
Reply Please see amended specification and BOM. B (14)
60 2 of Query Kindly specify rack height.
Reply 42" rack height exduding rack stand height.
BOM and block schematics' are not matching. Is the block schematic are only suggestive or can the solution Ericsson
61 2 of Query
BOM build around them.
Reply PI see ammended BOM and Diagrams. Kindly refer to dause no 1.1.28 of specification.

m"-- ~ L..----
D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies
90f 18
51. Item No. [)escription
Page Ref
62 4 sl. No. 1.1.7 Query Your kind attention is drawn to the tender specs at page no. 4 of 77 sl. No. 1.1.7- The bidder shall shift the 3 VTI
chains of Tandberg Compression, Base Band Equipment, (L-Band Router and IRDs) and RF Equipment
(including 3+1 and 2+1 CPI make HPAs) from old premises to the new premises, install and commission it.
As you are aware of that during the shifting there could be many technical problems, like inter connectivity,
hardware and software malfunctioning of equipments, spares and technical support for older systems from
OEMs to fix the problems in a given time line, and most importantly the unrealistic shifting & support cost
quoted by different OEMs to most of the System Integrators, and Discounted Nominal Cost to their
preferred System Integrator, which would put them at great disadvantage in terms of project cost.
Therefore to avoid all these issues we request DG:DD to give all the shifting and commissioning work ofthe
old 3 chains to new premises to your earlier Supplier or OEM on a PAC basis, this would provide all other
bidders a level playing field for the new streams which DG:DD intend to add on.

Reply Please see amended specification.

63 75 sl no. (D) Query Secondly your attention is also drawn to page no. 75 of 77 sl no. (D) Delivery Schedule: 04 Months, please VTI
note the delivery period quoted by Antenna & HPA Suppliers are 5-6 months from the opening of Letter of
Credit, the delivery period of 04 months for such a huge project is too less, it is requested to please make it
09 month.
Reply Please see amended specification.

64 Query 1. Specification of Encoder: INVISION

"There should be dual redundant power supply unit per chassis"
Reqaest: This condition will make our equipment ineligible as it has only one power supply unit in a chassis.
We request you to kindly review this requirement of dual power supply unit in view ofthe fact that DD id
procuring one complete encoder chassis as standby unit.
Reply No ammendments
65 Query Alternatively: INVISION
We have another model, which contains a dual redundant power supply in one chassis. However, one
chassis housesonly two channels encoder. It is requested to review this requirement and allow a chassis with
2. IP Encapsulator cum Mux: - Dual redundant power supply has been indicated. This will make our
equipment ineligible as it has only one power supply unit. It is also submitted that a complete unit is being
~ Isunnlied ac;Standb\/ Unit· therefore thp rpouirempnt of adtiitional PSunit mav kindlv bp reviewed.
0 Reply No ammendments
\... -)!\ -

D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 100f 18
51. Item No. Description
Page Ref
66 DD specs clause Query We nere oy Inform you tnat I nomson have alreaay aone tne aemonstratlon on statistical Multiplexing In Falcon
1.3.11 MPEG-2 to Doordarshan. Please note just by adding software licenses from Thomson in the same model (EM
2000), the compression format will become for MPEG-4. Therefore we request DD to accept the same
demonstration for this tender.
Reply It depends on the information submitted by bidders in technical bid. Please see amended specification.
67 BaM Point no. Query There are no specs in the tender for this requirement. Doordarshan is requested to provide specifications Falcon
16.c about the processor internal memory hard disk, interfaces and other parameters so that we may quote the
same to DD.
Reply Latest industrial work station with required licenses and software as certified by respective OEM.
68 BaM Point 32.a Query The three makes which DD has mentioned as similar makes, are professional LCD video wall displays which Falcon
come with Thin Bezel which are specifically designed for video walls.

Does it mean that DD requirement for monitors with Thin Bezel.

DD is requested to clarify the same.
Reply No ammendments
69 BaM Point 32.a Query In the BaM, DD has mentioned the requirement as 55" LCDvideo Display system, butin the specifications at Falcon
page no.44 clause no. 6. This requirement is mentioned as 55" LCD TV. DD is requested to clarify whether
the requirement is for 55" LCDTV or professional 55" LCDvideo Display system.
Reply Please see amended specification.
70 Specs Clause no. Query DD is requested to clarify whether the requirement is for both wall and stand mount or only one of them is Falcon
6.8.11 acceptable to DD.
Reply No ammendments, requirement is of only one type of mount as per site conditions.
71 BaM Point 33.1 QuerY There are no specs for these controllers in the tender. And not shown in the block diagram at DRG 12. DD is Falcon
requested to provide the specs for controller and give the functionality of controllers in Block diagram.
Reply Please see amended BaM. Requirement is for digital Audio levelling processor for dynamic Audio level
... .. control
72 DD BaM point 4 Query As per tender BaM the requirement is for digital audio levelling processor whereas specs are asking for Falcon
multiband frequency/ Multi loop processing at 48 KHZ sampling rate in digital domain, this shows the
requirement for audioprocesser with multiband frequency not for audio leveler.
Reply Please see amended specification and BaM.
73 DD BaM point 4 Query We hereby inform you that compression OEM's in the international market gives only auto leveling of the Falcon
various inputs to specified/ set / Static levels.
\ Reply No ammendments

m -- \
~ \\\\ V--
D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 110f 18
51. Item No. Description
Page Ref
74 DO BOM point 4 Query Static Audio Level can be adjusted before audio encoding. A static gain is applied to audio input signals. The Falcon
Operator can adjust the gain from -20 dB to 20 dB in O.5dB steps. If necessary Audio is clipped at -0.5 dBFS.
The audio level is approximately the same as the average level of a standard audio signal and this therefore
prevents the unwanted change in audio level when switching between the audio inputs. Generally it is part
of Encoders.
Reply Please see amended specification.
75 DO BOM point 4 Query Hence we request DO to modify the specs to Static Audio Processing. Falcon
Reply No ammendments
76 DO BOM point 4 Query If so, any compression OEM quote audio leveler as asked by DO as part of their integrated unit then DO Falcon
should ask for demo for that equipment.
Reply No ammendments
77 DO BOM point 2 Query If the required IRD's that are asked under this clause of BOM are supplied by separate OEM that means not Falcon
from Compression system OEM.
DO is requested to clarify whether this is acceptable to DO or not.
Reply ProfessionallRDs are to be as per DO specification. However, there can be separate NMS system for
professionallRD to control and monitoring.
78 DO Specs Clause Query Falcon
no. 1.1.7 & 1.1.8 During Shifting process of the 3 chains of Tanberg compression, Base band equipment (L band router & IRDs)
and RF equipments (including 3+ I and 2+ 1 CPI make HPAs) from old premises to the new premise, if any
fault occurs (Hardware or Software), then the same may not be able to solve by bidder.
As they are not authorize to dismantle and reinstall the complete system. This may raise a legal issue related
to handling of the of Tandberg compression, Base band equipment (L band router & IRDs) and RF
equlpments (including 3+ I and 2+ 1 CPI make HPAs).
Wherein the engineers of the bidders other then Tandberg are not experienced, trained, qualified &
Certified to handle the shifting of these equipments.
Hence we strongly recommend DO take this part out of this tender and get it done from respective OEM's.
Reply Please see amended specification.
79 DO Specs clause 1. Query DO is requested clarify whether there is need for HD Encoder or not. Falcon
C at Page no. 3 Reply No requirement of HD encoder, it will be provided by Doordarshan.
80 4 DO Specs clause 1. Query DO is requested to explain the configuration of these equipments in detail. Falcon
Reply Please see diagrams of transition plan and profile's configuration.
81 4 DO Specs clause 1. Query DO is requested to explain in detail, How 20 Nos. of encoders can be configured in 13+0X3 streams (for Falcon
1.4 \~ existing).

03 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 120f 18
51. Item No. Description
Page Ref
Reply Please see diagrams of transition plan and profile's configuration.
82 6 DD Specs clause 1. Query DD is requested to provide HD Encoders details/Specs. Falcon

Reply EN 8092 (Erricson make HD encoder)

83 6 DD Specs clause 1. Query This condition applies with supplied encoders only. Falcon
2.7 DD is requested to confirm the same.
Reply Yes, it is for new encoders only.
84 6 DD Specs clause 1. Query The CAM modules are to be provided by DD. • Falcon
2.16 DD is requested to confirm the same.
Reply CAM modules are to be provided by DD
85 7 DD Specs clause 1. Query DD is requested to confirm the output impedance. Falcon
Reply 600 ohms
86 6 DD Specs clause 1. Query DD is requested to explain what is requirement for this provision. Falcon
2.28 Reply this entry is deleted. Please see amended specification.

87 47 of Sr. no. 6.7 (A) (c) Query The statement at the specification of Multi-viewer and DRG. 6A and 6B are contradictory. Kindly clarify. ESTL
77 of
Reply Please see ammended diagrams
88 49 SI.No.6.7 Query As per the prebid meeting held on 11/10/2012, Doordarshan accepted for IP base Multi-viewer solution. This ESTL
is to bring to your kind notice that with IP multi viewer solution it is impossible to comply the point of Video
input. Please clarify.
Reply Please see ammended specification & BaM.
89 5/8 of SI No. 32(c) Query As per the prebid meeting held on 11/10/2012, Doordarshan accepted that if monitoring solution offered ESTL
BaM, can fulfill the requirement i.e, to switch the input/downlink monitoring chain at any point of time as per the
DRG 6A and 6B than .it is not necessary to offer protection switch 2x1 separately. It is kindly appreciated if
this statement can be reflect in the official tender (BaM).
Reply Please see ammended diagram & BaM.
90 49 of SI No. 6.9 of specs Query You have provided separate specifications for DVB-S Demodulator and DVB-S2 Demodulator. Please clarify ESTL
77, can we offer Demodulator which is capable of both DVB-S and DVB-S2.
SI No. 6.9 of specs
50 of
'77 SI No. 32 (g) of
'- Qh.. \,\\~

D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 130f 18

51. Item No. Description
Page Ref
Page Reply Yes

91 51/77 SI No. 6.13 of Query Please clarify the quantity of Digital Set Top Box and Digital Set Top Box for HD required. ESTL
SI No. 6.14 of
Page specs
5/8, SI No. 32 (j) of

BOM Reply Please see ammended specification & BOM.
92 6/8 SI No. 33(b) of Query In the BOM, it is given that 8 nos., kindly clarify it. Appreciated if can be amend it to 1 set rather than 8 nos. ESTL
BOM to orovide the flexibilitv in designing the solution.
Reply Please see ammended specification & BOM.
93 50/77 SI No. 6.10 (4) of Query It is requested kindly amend the symbol rate range to 10 to 30 MSPS rather than 3 to 30 MSPS, since ESTL
specs downlink TS will not be below that i.e. 10 MSPS. The advantage of it is, bidder will have more & better
ootions to orooose.
Reply Please see ammended specification & BOM.

94 Query Do you need kingpost pedestal for the Antenna System? General
Reply It can kingpost or tripod type but it must meets DD specification
95 Query What is the power handling capacity ofthe feed? General
' .. .....
.... Dvnamics
Reply 1.5 KW
96 Query The specifications mentions suitable axis crossover to be provided and it also states that it should have semi General
rigid and flexible waveguides. Dynamics
Reply Please see ammended specification. Only flexible wave guide need to be offered at antenna end to connect
rigid waveguide to feed.
97 Query Is the axis crossover required in Single run or Dual Run? General
Reply Please see ammended specification. Axis cross over requirement is deleted.
98 Query The specifications mentions Azimuth Travel to be 180 deg in two 120 deg step. General
.....•. Reply No change in specification
\j J(
D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 140f 18
51. Item No. Description
Page Ref
99 Query The RFPmention TX freq at 14GHz and Rx Gain at llGHz General
Reply Please see amended specification.
100 Query The RFPdoes not mention whether the Rain Feed Blower is required for Antenna or not. General
Reply Please see BaM SI No. D 24 (i)
101 Query The RFP mention Suitable ladder and Platform should be provided. Please conform that this ladder and General
I platform should be fixed on the antenna for complete azimuth travel. Dynamics
Reply No ammendemnts

102 BaM sr no:2 Query BaM, SI # 2 states qty 80 IRD. Introduction lists 57+3 (16+24+17, 1+1+1). Drawing only shows 2 redundant SHAF
IRDsfor transport stream 4, 5 and 6. Please clarify
Reply Please see ammended diagram # 2. AIIIRD are required to be installed and wired in racks
103 Query Also, can you please clarify the table stating "profiles to be created as part of SITCfor DTH Expansion" SHAF

Reply It states the transition plan in respect of sequence of steps and NMS profile configuration in each step.

104 Query Are all IRDS to support MPEG-4 DVB-S2, or can we use table provided in SHAF
"BOM_profile_Specifications_for_upgradation of Todapur" for provided MPEG-2jDVB-S-2 IRD for certain
transport streams 1, 2, 3 and 4 and MPEG-2jDVB-S-2 IRDs for transport stream 5 and 6?

Reply AlIlRDs are required to support MPEG-4 DVB-S2 as per DD specification 2.2
105 Query Would it be acceptable for the IRDs to support remote panels as well SNMP enabled to remotely monitored SHAF
anifcontrolled instead of front panel? This way, a high density solution can be provided such that up to 14
IRDScan be accommodated within 3RU more than 4 times the density.

Reply No ammendments
106 Query Do we haveto support CI slot for conditional access descrambler? If so, how many streams to have FTA and SHAF
how many pay? Also, which conditional access is required to be supported?

Reply No ammendments, only two stream 5th & 6th are proposed to be encrypted in future as an when CASwill
be decided.
107 BaM B9 Query BaM section B. 9. A lists 16 channels of MPEG-2 encoding for transport stream 4, with 2 sets. Please clarify? SHAF

Reply This is meant for transition. Please see ammended specification & BaM.

D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 150f 18

51. Item No. Description
Page Ref
108 BaM B.10 Query BaM section B.10. A lists 24 SD channels of MPEG-4 encoding for transport stream 5 and 6, with 2 sets SHAF
however the DRG 3, shows 24 channels of encoding for transport stream 5 and 16 channels of encoding for
transDort stream 6. Please c1arifv?
Reply Please see ammended diagram # 3, bidder are advised to offer 24 encoders for 6th steam but DD will use
17 or 24 encoder depending on presence of HD channel.
109 Query Confidence level monitoring system. IRDSjDecoders, can the analog video and analog audio be provided SHAF
separate as an optional?
Reply No .

110 Query Input and downlink monitoring: Is a IRD to demod to IP feeding MViPjMVP-DEC32-4-IP acceptable? This way SHAF
additional MPEG decoders are not required for multiviewer to monitor and displav
Reply Multi Viewers with inbuilt decoders will also be acceptable so that it can take IP directly from IRDs. Please
see amended specification & BaM
111 BaM E.32.h Query BaM E.32.h, please clarify 55 channels of MPEG-2 decoding, as it seems transport streams 1, 2 and 3 (will SHAF
have 13 main channels each) as well as transport stream 4 (16 main channels) i.e. 58 decodes main and 4
backuD. This also contradicts DRG 6A
Reply PI see ammended diagram 6A
112 BaM E.32.i Query BaM E.32.i, please clarify 48 channels of MPEG-4 decoding as it seems transport streamS and 6 will have 24 SHAF
and 17 channels each i.e. 41 channels main. This also contradicts

Reply PI see ammended diagram 6B, bidder are advised to offer 24 encoders for 6th steams but DD will used 17
or 24 encoder depending on presence of HD channel.
113 BaM 32 (c) Query BaM E.32.c, is it mandatory to provide 2 x 1 protection switch, if one's multiviewe technology can support SHAF
routing of sources form downlink system as well as OjP system. If so, are we okay to provide 128 SD-SDI
inputs and 4DVi inputs to 4 display outputs or do we need 2 sets of this system?
Reply Requirement is of two separate multiviewers for redundancy please see ammended specification and BaM.

114 BaM E 33 Query BOME.33, can the radio service multiviewer system be part of the BaM E.32.b multiviewer system? SHAF
Reply No, it should be separate.
115 Query BaM E. 33.d, , is it mandatory to provide 2 x 1 protection switch, if one's multiviewer technology can SHAF
support routing of sources form Downlink system as well as OjP system.
Reply Acceptable and pi see ammended specification and BaM.

03 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 160f 18

Item No. Description Ref
Please refer to DVB-S2 demodulator specifications 6.10.4, Symbol rate requirement is from 3-30 MSPS, SHAF
116 Query
however it is bring to your kind notice that, Doordarshan is intended to Downlink whole Transport Stream
which will be higher than 3 MSPS. We request you to kindly amend it to 10 MSPS, as Doordarshan all
transoort stream will be more than 10 MSPS. Please suggest accordinglv.
Reply PI see ammended specification.
Please refer to DVB-S and DVB-S2 demodulator specifications, 6.9.3 and 6.10.2, please make us to SHAF
117 6.9.3 & 6.10.2 Query
understand the requirement of 2 or more independently tunable inputs per module. It is kindly requested
that it will be good to use separate demodulators with one RF input for each of 6 streams either we use ASI

or IP outDut and with CI slot for each stream
Reply PI see ammended specification and BOM.
Please refer to MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 Decoder specifications and Drawing no. 6 A, Digital Audio output SHAF
118 Query
(AES/EBU) is required, however the decoders SOl embedded output is directly going to Multiviewer or 2:1
Protection switches. So it is to bring to your kind notice that AES/IBU is not being used. So kindly delete
AES/EBU and related specifications like impedance etc., if it is not required from the MPEG-2 and MPEG-4
Decoder soecs.
Reply It is expected that decoder is same for TV and Radio channel hence this specification is required.
Please refer to Audio Decoder specifications, it is bring to your kind notice that Analog Audio output is not SHAF
reauired if AES/EBU can be directly given to AES/EBU Audio Bargraph. Please c1arifv.
Reply PI see ammended specification and BOM.
Can AES/EBU router be provided instead of 2:1 Protection switches in Downlink and confidence monitoring SHAF
119 Query
of radio chanenls. It can give sources to Radio Multiviewer Directly to Radio multivieweras well as to Audio
bargraph and will be more comfortable and less complex solution. Or as an altlernative IP output of
Demodulators can directly be given to IP multiviewer, in that case no decoder and no AES/EBU router is
required and radio services monitoring will be done by Multiviewer only. Please suggest.

Reply Kindly refer to clause no 1.1.28 of specification. Also amended specification and BOM
Query . Please refer to Audio decoder specification: "The decoder should be able to decode 4 Audio Service". Also
please refer to BOM 33.b." The Quantity required for Audio decoder is 8 nos. Please clarify the quantity. Also
please tell Audio decoder able to decode two or one Audio Services is acceptable or not.

Reply PI see ammended specification and BOM.

Please refer to BOM 33.h, kindly explain the requirement of 3 set of Professional Grade high Quality Audio SHAF
120 Query
monitoring system.
Reply It is for engineering monitoring.
Kindly Let us know that Audio Levelling processor only required for 4th, 5th and 6th streams or also needed SHAF
121 Query
for existing 1st, 2nd and 3rd trandberg Stremas.

~ ~\\\ \ L.-----
D3 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid DTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies
51. Item No. Description
Page Ref
Reply Yes, please see amended specification & BOM.
122 Query Are alllROS to support OVB-S2 including all confidence monitoring IROs? SHAF
Reply Yes
123 00 Specs Clause Query Shifting process of the 3 chains of Tandberg compression, provides the undue advantage on commercial SHAF
no. 1.1.7 & 1.1.8 points to bidders who will quote Tandberg/Ericsson solution

Hence we strongly recommend 00 to allow System integratos other than who are offering Tandberg
compression to offer new 3 chains which shold be acceptable to 00 instead of shifting this 00 should be
ooen to orocurine: the comolete new set 0 for all six streams.
Reply Please see amended specification & BOM.

03 Reply and AmendmenUn_Specs after Prebid OTH 59 to 97_051112/Replies 180f 18

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