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Name: NIÑO CRIS H. CASAS Course, Year & Sec.


Topic: Mental Giftedness

III. Activities Activity One: Essay (5 pts each)

Answer the following questions briefly.
1. How will you define “giftedness” in your own words?

— Giftedness is a type of involuntary or natural development in which a person has

advanced cognitive abilities and increased intensity interact to form unique
feelings, experiences and understanding. With increased intellectual ability, this
asynchrony grows. The Gifted’s uniqueness makes them particularly vulnerable,
necessitating changes in parenting, teaching, and counseling in order for them to
reach their full potential.

2. As a future educator, does differentiated instruction ideal to be utilized in a

mainstreamed class of average and gifted individuals?
— Differentiated instruction is a teaching method that adapts instruction to the
needs of all students. Instead of lumping students into one big group, it allows us
to provide the support they require. As a future educator, you should use
differentiated instruction within the mainstream class to differentiate between
average and gifted students. Gifted students could go beyond what is really being
taught in the classroom and challenge themselves by continuing to work on
something that is more at their level of learning. It's effective for both average
and gifted students because they take on more responsibility for their own
learning when they are given another set of options for learning through the use
of different instructional materials.

3. Cite an activity appropriate for children with mental giftedness. Elucidate your
answer concerning its appropriateness and efficacy in utilizing it during
— Enable Gifted Students to Work Together. Allowing gifted students to work in
groups improves their academic performance while also benefiting other students
in the classroom. When gifted students collaborate, they push themselves in new
directions. They bounce ideas off one another and push one another’s ideas
forward. They also learn that, as smart as they are, they must put forth effort
when dealing with difficult material.
Activity Two: Essay Paper (30 pts + 5 pts for the unique title)

Construct an essay paper consisting of not less than 200-words. Make sure the
three important elements (Introduction, Body, and Conclusion) is present in your paper.
The topic of your paper is about mental giftedness awareness. Don’t forget to create
your own title for your essay paper.


Every child is unique and special in their own way. Furthermore, each child’s
experience is unique, which is why it is critical to be aware of their differences in relation
to other students, and to provide attention and support not only at home, but also at
school. A school is a social and educational environment in which a child spends the
majority of their day, second only to their home.
Our challenge as a future educators is to meet the needs of every student.
Everyone should have the chance to learn, grow, and strive for excellence. Mentally
gifted individuals with exceptional talents, skills, and educational potential have unique
needs on which we must concentrate, evaluate, and be aware of in the classroom. With
proper education and guidance from teachers and peers, talented students can make a
significant contribution to their communities, schools, and fellow students.
Children with special abilities feel and think differently than their peers. If their
gifts and talents are to be developed, emotional aspects of their educational journey are
just as important as cognitive needs. However, understanding the importance of being
flexible with your curriculum and understanding the needs of the child is critical to being
an effective teacher and building trust with your students, especially students who are
mentally gifted.

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