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Attention and Perception

lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

Nombre del profesor - Tlf: (+34) 968 00
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Universidad Católica San Antonio deNombre
- Tlf: (+34) 968
profesor - Tlf:27 88 00
(+34) -
00 00 00 -
What is attention?
•“Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking
possession by the mind in clear and vivid form of one
out of what seem several simultaneous objects or
trains of thought... It implies withdrawal from some
things in order to deal with others.”

William James, 1890

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· Do you ever get distracted when you are supposed to be focused?

· Why do we pay attention to something?
·How are we able to pay attention to certain things while ignoring others?
In psychology attention refers to the concentration of awareness on some
phenomenon to the exclusion of other stimuli.
Attention is awareness of the here and now in a focal and perceptive way.
Attention has to do with the immediate experience of the individual; it is a
state of current awareness. It is a condition of selective awareness which
governs the extent and quality of one’s interactions with one’s
environment. It is not necessarily held under voluntary control

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Distracted- (adj)Unable to concentrate because one is preoccupied by
something worrying or unpleasant.
He was distracted by the music.
I got distracted during the exam.
Focused- Concentrated. The adjective focused derives from the verb
focus, which means to fix on a central point. When you are focused on
school, all your attention is fixed on one thing: school.
I am focused on my studies.
To pay attention- to be attentive .
I am paying attention to the teacher.
To ignore- to refrain from noticing or recognizing:
I ignore his insults

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Concentration- the act of concentrating; the state of being concentrated.
Exclusive attention to one object; close mental application.
My powers of concentration aren't what they used to be.
Awareness- the state or condition of being aware; having knowledge;
consciousness. Aware (adjective: having knowledge; informed; alert;
The objective is raising awareness to the stereotypes and
challenging them.

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Adverbs of Frequency:
We use some adverbs to describe how frequently we do an activity.
These are called adverbs of frequency and include:
Frequency Adverb of Frequency Example Sentence

I always pay attention when I am

100% always

90% usually I usually get distracted by loud music.

80% normally / generally I normally don´t get distracted by TV

70% often* / frequently I often focus while cooking.

50% sometimes I sometimes forget things.

30% occasionally I occasionally leave things unattended

I seldom pay attention to people

10% seldom

5% hardly ever / rarely I hardly ever pay attention to TV

0% never I never forget my classes

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The Position of the Adverb in a Sentence:
- An adverb of frequency goes before a main verb (except with To Be).
I always remember to do my homework.
- An adverb of frequency goes after the verb To Be.
They are never pleased to see me.
- When we use an auxiliary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would,
can, etc.), the adverb is placed between the auxiliary and the main
verb. This is also true for to be.
They might never see each other again.
We can also use the following adverbs at the start of a sentence:
Usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally
Occasionally, I like to eat Thai food.
BUT we cannot use the following at the beginning of a sentence:
Always, seldom, rarely, hardly, ever, never.

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We use hardly ever and never with positive, not negative verbs:
She hardly ever comes to my parties.
They never say 'thank you'.
We use ever in questions and negative statements:
Have you ever been to New Zealand?
I haven't ever been to Switzerland. (The same as 'I have never
been Switzerland').
Adverbs of Definite Frequency
We can also use the following expressions when we want to be more
specific about the frequency:
every day every other week
daily monthly
once a month
twice a year
four times a day
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Focused attention: Ability to respond to specific visual, auditory or
tactile stimuli in a discreet manner.
Sustained attention: Ability to maintain a consistent behavioral
response during continuous and repetitive activity.
Divided attention: Paying attention to more than one thing at one time.
This ability is limited, which has an impact on how much we can
process at once.
Selective attention: Focusing on specific objects and filtering out
others. The ability to attend to one source of information while ignoring
or excluding ongoing messages around us.

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Sensation refers to the detection of physical energy by our sense
organs, including our eyes, ears, skin, nose, and tongue, which then
relay information to the brain.
Perception is the brain’s interpretation of these raw sensory inputs.
Simplifying things just a bit, sensation first allows us to pick up the
signals in our environments, and perception then allows us to
assemble these signals into something meaningful

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The senses:
Taste- gustatory perception
Sight- visual perception
Touch- touch perception
Smell- olfactory perception
Hearing- auditory perception
To perceive:
to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses.
I perceived a car in the distance.
to recognize, discern, envision, or understand:
I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice.
note, discover, observe, descry, distinguish.

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Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis.
He was born in Freiberg in 1856. He qualified as a doctor of medicine
in 1881 at the University of Vienna. Freud lived and worked in Vienna.
In 1938 Freud left Austria to escape the Nazis. He died in exile in the
United Kingdom in 1939.
The past simple is formed by adding –ed to the infinitive: worked,
started, invited, lived, died, etc. (REGULAR VERBS)

But many verbs are IRREGULAR: write-wrote, see-saw, go-went, cut-

cut, etc. You can study a list of the most common irregular verbs here:

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To form negatives, questions and short answers in the past simple, we
use the auxiliary did + bare infinitive.
For the verb to be, you don’t need the auxiliary did.

- I worked yesterday. I didn’t work yesterday. Did you work
- She wasn’t at school yesterday. They weren’t very nice to me.
Were you at the party?

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We use the past simple to talk about finished states, events and actions
in the past.
A: Madame Curie lived in Paris and discovered radiation.
B: She didn’t discover radiation in fact. That was Bacquerel.
A: So why did she win the Nobel Prize?
B: She won it twice. In 1903 she and her husband shared the Nobel for
physics with Bacquerel for discovering radium and polonium. Then she
got the Nobel for chemistry in 1911

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The past simple also describes habitual actions in the past:
Every day we got up early and went to the beach. I sometimes walked
to school when I was a child.
Another way to express a frequent habit in the past is using the phrase
used to + verb (there, the adverb often is implicit):
I often walked to school. = I used to walk to school.
We used to meet every week, but now we can only meet once a month.

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Spanish students often have difficulties in using the past continuous
tense. :
When I got up this morning the sun was shining and the birds were
singing. (“Cuando me levanté esta mañana, el sol estuvo
brillando y los pájaros estuvieron cantando”???) I was walking
home when I met Dave. (“Estuve yendo a casa cuando me
encontré con Dave”???)
The correct translation for this tense is the “pretérito imperfecto”
Spanish tense, either simple or continuous:
“Cuando me levanté esta mañana, el sol brillaba / estaba brillando
y los pájaros cantaban / estaban cantando” “Iba / estaba yendo a
casa cuando me encontré con Dave”

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The past continuous is formed from the past tense of be with the -ing form
of the verb:
Was / were + verb_ING
I/he/she/it was working.
You/we/they were working.
Was(not) Wasn´t/ were (not) weren´t + vern_ING
You were not singing.
Were / Was + subject+ verb_ING
Were you singing?

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We use past continuous to say that something was in progress around a
particular past time:
What were you talking about during your counseling session ?
The past continuous describes an action in progress (continuing) in the
past. We often use it to describe the background situation for a sudden
event in the past simple.
I was sitting by the door when my psychologist arrived.
While I was waiting at the entrance I perceived a strange odor.

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Time expressions
Use when or while with the past continuous to mean “during the time
that”. While we were waiting, it started to rain.
Typical expressions used with the past simple are:
yesterday two days/ years/months ago last week/ month/ year/ Monday in 2012

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Form the present perfect with the auxiliary verb HAVE/HAS and the past
I have decided to leave tomorrow.
In speech and informal writing we use short forms (contractions):
She has = She’s sent us an email.
I have = I’ve decided what to do. Negative
I/you/we/they haven’t (have not) worked.
He/she/it hasn't (has not) worked.

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We use the present perfect especially to say that a past action or event
is connected with the present in some way. If we say that something
has happened, we are thinking about the past and the present at the
same time:
I can’t go on holiday because I have broken my leg.
The past experience (broken leg) has an effect on the present (I can’t go
on holiday).
We also use the present perfect to describe experiences in our life.
Have you ever visited any other countries?
Yes, I’ve been to Italy and France.
(NOT: I’ve been in Italy)

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Also, we often use the present perfect to express the idea of
achievement, and to express the number of things finished so far*.
At last! I’ve finished my homework! Have you done all the housework?
I’ve read 100 pages of this book.
The present perfect NEVER goes with expressions of time such as
those used with the past simple, e.g. in 2011, last week, yesterday.
I’ve visited my grandparents last week. > I visited my grandparents…
The teacher has given us the assignment yesterday. > The teacher
gave us…

* So far: hasta ahora/este momento, por el momento

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We use the present perfect to talk about situations which began in the
past and continue into the present, and we want to say how long
they have lasted. We often use how long, for and since with the
present perfect to express this idea. How long have you lived here?
To say how long a situation has lasted we use since. SINCE describes
the point in time when the time period started:
I’ve lived here since 2004.
He has been happier since he changed school.
Tom has worked here since July 10th.
We use for with a period of time that continues until now. FOR describes
the length of a time period:
I’ve lived here for nine years.
My dad has had the same car for fifteen years!
Tom has worked here for three months

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Time expressions used with the present perfect
There are some time expressions that usually appear with present
perfect verbs:
Just is used to describe a very recent event, something that happened
only a few moments ago.
I’ve just baked a cake. Be careful, it’s still hot! («Acabo de hornear
un pastel.»)
Tom’s just left, he is probably in the garage getting his car. («Tom
acaba de irse.»)
Already is used to say that something happened sooner than expected.
A: Don't forget to send the letter!
B: I've already sent it. (“Ya la he mandado.”)
ATTENTION!: Both just and already are used in affirmative sentences
and are placed between have/has and the past participle.

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Time expressions used with the present perfect
Yet is used ONLY in negative sentences and questions. It shows that
the speaker is expecting something to happen. BE CAREFUL because
in Spanish it has a different translation depending on whether the
example is a negative sentence or a question:
I haven’t finished my homework yet. (“Todavía no he acabado los
The police haven’t arrested the criminals yet
Has it stopped raining yet? (“¿Ha parado ya de llover?”)
Have you met the new secretary yet? (“¿Has conocido ya a la nueva
ATTENTION!: Yet is placed always at the end of the sentence.

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Time expressions used with the present perfect
•So far is used in affirmative sentences and questions, it means «hasta
ahora/este momento, por el momento». It is placed at the beginning or
the end of affirmative sentences, or at the end of questions.
The team has met twice so far, but we still need to meet again and
discusss more issues. Have you found any difficulties in this unit
so far?
•Never / ever are used to talk about our experiences in life. Ever is
mostly used in questions and it’s placed before the past participle. It
means «at some time»:
Have you ever tried Vietnamese food? Hasn’t your cousin ever
visited you?
When the answer is «no», we can use ever with a negative verb:
No, I haven’t ever tried Vietnamese food.
But the most usual option to answer «no» is to use never followed by an
affirmative verb: No, I have never tried Vietnamese food.
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Difference between Have been to VS Have gone to

I have been to = I went there and I have returned.

We’ve been to the cinema to see a new film. It was great.
I’ve already been to that beach and I like it very much.

I have gone to = I went there but I haven’t returned yet. I’m still there.
She’s gone to work to the USA so I haven’t seen her for months.
He’s gone on holiday and he’s having a great time.
Jim is on holiday. He has gone to Italy.
(= He is there now or on his way there.)
Jane is back home now. She has been to Italy.
(= She has now come back.)
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Complete each sentence with one of the following words: yet, for,
since, often, ever, never, already, so far, just, always
Luis has lived in the city centre ……… 1996.
Thanks for the present! I’ve ………. wanted a pet goldfish.
Have you …….. drunk pineapple juice? It’s fantastic!
Hurry up! Haven’t you finished …….. ? You’re so slow.
Nina has worked in this company ……. five years.
I’ve ……. been on a big ship before. It’s an interesting experience.
We’re very busy today. ……… we’ve sold over a hundred bikes.
Can I have a different book? I’ve ……… read this one

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Choose the simple past or present perfect and talk about why each
is necessary.
1. When I was a child, I ________ (swim) a lot.
2. So far this week, we ________ (study) a lot.
3. Theo __________ (be) very sick recently.
4. I _________ (have) a terrible headache yesterday.
5. It ________ (rain) a lot lately.
6. They _______ (get) married ten years ago.
7. He _________ (has) an appointment with his therapist every
8. I ____ just (leave) my therapy.
9. So far he__________ (try) to quit smoking four times.
10. I __________(visit) a meditation retreat every Tuesday

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Complete de following sentences using the past simple or
continuous and talk about why each is necessary. :
1.- A: I tried to explain my problem to her.
B: ____________________ (she/listen)?
2. Vicky ___________ (have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock
__________ (ring)
3. My brother ______________ (talk) on the phone when I arrived, but
when he ____________ (see) me, he ___________ (finish) the call.
Perhaps he thought that I ____________ (listen) to his conversation.
4. I ________(enjoy) my book so much that I ________(not/notice) that
the train had stopped.
5. 9. When I (be) _____________on my way home, I (see)
_____________an accident.

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Group work:
A) Divide yourself in groups and read about the
attention and perception disorders:
1. Attention Deficit Disorders
2. Schizophrenia
3. Eating disorders
B) Presenting your answers in class: Present your
answers to the rest of the class.

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Read the fact sheet about AD/HD and do the following exercises:
1. What types of AD/HD are commonly distinguished?
2. What areas of a person’s life can be impacted by AD/HD symptoms?
a. Invent examples to show how somebody’s life can be affected by
3. Some years ago you met Charles, a 5-year-old AD/HD patient.
Describe his abnormal behavior(s).
a. At school and home; with other children and family; etc.
4. Discuss (briefly) the fallacious and proven causes of AD/HD.
a. Can we rely on the media to learn about AD/HD?
5. Margaret is a 7-year-old girl suffering from AD/HD. Propose a
treatment to help her cope with her disability.
a. What role can psychologists play in the treatment of people with

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Read the information about schizophrenia and do the following
1. Paul is a 23-year-old man who has schizophrenia. Describe his
symptoms and behavior.
2. What are hallucinations? And delusions?
3. Ellen is 28-year-old woman with schizophrenia. She is suffering side
effects of antipsychotic medication. Describe what is happening to her.
4. You are talking with the family of a person with schizophrenia about
psychosocial treatments and how they can help their loved one. What
are you telling them?

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Read the information about eating disorders and do the following
1. What tests do clinicians use to diagnose eating disorders?
2. What clinicians are usually involved in the treatment of patients with
eating disorders?
3. Is there a typical eating disorder patient today?
4. Lucy is a 21-year-old woman suffering from Anorexia Nervosa/Bulimia
Nervosa (choose one). Describe the case and suggest a treatment.

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