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DESIGNING FOR UTIONS JAIN MAMTA, SHRIYA JOSHI ADITIJAWDEKAR LOKMANYA TILAK INST. OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STUDIES DESIGNING FOR UTIONS INSTITUTION: An organization or foundation, or the like, devoted to the promotion of a particular cause or program, especially one of a public, educational, or charitable character. nt wiv. SCOPE. THIS STUDY WILL BE EXPLORING THE LANDSCAPE DESIGNING DEPENDING UPON THE PEDISTERIAN PATHWAYS, SITE FURNISHING, LANDSCAPE SCHEME AND ALSO THE ELEIMENTS OF LANDSCAPE DESIGN. THE IDENTITY OF A COHESIVE CAMPUS IS BEING VALUED AND ACKNOWLEDGED WHICH INTEGRATES THE LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURE AND ENHANCES ITS PLEASURI Fseno] conten | SITE STUDY 1 ACCESSIBILITY 2 EXISTING STRUCTURES RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BUILT FORM AND LANDSCAPE VEHICULAR ROAD LAYOUTS VEGETATION ELEMENTS OF LANDSCAPE 5 POINT ANALYSIS NEGATIVE ANALYSIS Saas EXC ns (CASE STUDY INTRODUCTION RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BUILT FORM AND LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS OF LANDSCAPE WITH HELP OF DIAGRAMS KEY DESIGN FEATURES PROPOSED ELEMENTS OF LANDSCAPE SECTIONAL ANALYSIS STUDY CIDCO CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE VASHI- NAVIMUMBAI Lanscare case stuby ACCESSIBILITY TO THE SITE SITE PLAN BY CIDCO. 6 MIN WALK FROM, . VASHI RAILWAY STATION 14 MIN WALK FROM VASHI BUS DEPOT HIGHLIGHTS: SITE ACCESSIBILITY SITE PLAN AS UNDER/PROVIDED BY CIDCO. EXISTING STRUCTURE Pmt ee GN - EXITING STRUCTURES ENTRANCE AND PARKING APPROACH © PARKING ENTRANCE ROAD LAYOUT ROADS AND PATHWAYS INSIDE THE PLOT SINGLE POCKET WITH HALF SHRUBS ANDGREEN PATCH —_CIDCO CONVENTION AND GROWN TREES ALONG PERIPHERY LANDSCAPE POCKETS CIDCO CONVENTION ‘CENTRE - PLAN SHRUBS ALONG PERIPHERY 7 EXISTING VEGETATION IN CIDCO EXHIBITION CENTRE DRIVEWAY AND GREEN AREA NEAR ENTRY OF THE STRUCTURE GREEN AREA NEAR THE ENTRY OF ‘STRUCTURE CIDCO CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE - PLAN PARKING DIVIDED BY SHRUBS SHRUBS AT PERIPHERY ‘*~' PARKING - DRIVEWAY ‘SHRUBS ALONG PARKING DATA OF EXISTING TREES ON SITE atae a) ALMOND TREE ( BADAM) MANGO TREE é ‘AIMLA TREE etd HEIGHT MEDITERRANEAN 4-10M. DRY SUMMER, TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL CLIMATE SUB TROPICAL CLIMATE UPTO 27M 8-18M Coren) oy GREEN ‘YELLOW GREEN GREEN Eau) 3-4M 6-8M 4-5M rd Ad 5 YEARS 5 YEARS. S YEARS ca USED AS A. PURIFIER PROVIDES, SHADE USED A, PURIFIER MEDICINAL USE Peary PAPAYA TREE MAST TREE PLUMERIA TREE et TROPICAL, WARM ANY CLIMATE EXCEPT DESERTS TROPICAL CLIMATE Crs uPTO12M. fevtety (INDIA) GREEN TREE WITH YELLOW FRUIT GREEN GREEN WITH WHITE FLOWERS 2-3M 2-3M 3-4M em TIME 3 YEARS 1-2 YEAR Coca PRODUCES FRUIT EASY TO GROW AND MAINTAIN BEAUTIFUL FRAGRANT FLOWERS: ALLEVIATES NOISE POLLUTION FLOWERING TREE FRAGRANT ELEMENTS ON SITE Ets Err mn id Grrr nce in PAVEMENTS USED BUILT FORM. Prog Eres Groene ns PARKING DRIVEWAY >. ENTRANCE PORCH VIEW FROM SITE F 5 ELEMENTS OF LANDSCAPE DESIGN 1. Color_- It is important to use a complementing color scheme throughout the yard. Sometimes Contrast can create some Interest and excitement. rection or Line - Linear patterns are used to direct physical movement and to draw attention 3. Form — Form can be expressed through built objects or trees and shrubs of various shapes and sizes which create natural patterns Texture ~ Paving and building materials along with plants with varying textures can add to the atmosphere of your outdoor area. 5. Scale ~ Your outdoor design should balance the size of the buildings or established plants it surrounds, while maintaining a comfortable human environment for the individuals who will use the area. NEGATIVE ANALYSIS LIMITED TREES NNO SHADE IN THE OPEN AREAS OPEN AREA NOT USED EXCESSIVE PAVEMENT NO SOUND BARRIER NO PRECAUTION AGAINST EXCESSIVE SUNLIGHT ABSENCE OF SEATING SPACES NNO SHADE FOR PARKING IN EXHIBITION CENTRE 1 2 3. 4. 5 6. 7. NO SHADE IN THE OPEN AREA LIMITED TREES AT EXCESSIVE PAVEMENT PERIPHERY STUDY CHRISTCHURCH CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE CHRISTCHURCH, NEWZELAND Lanse case stuby Christchurch Convention and Exhibition Centre INTRODUCTION + The CCEC is a world class conference facility, housing @ 1,400 delegate auditorium, an exhibition hall and meeting, + [tis surrounded by high quality public realm that has been designed to integrate the building into the surrounding environment, including Otakaro Avon River Precinct A promenade, Cathedral Square and Victoria Square. PROPOSED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN Public Realm and Landscape ACTIVITY CORRIDORS + Three emerging corridors of activity within the central city intersect with the CCEC. + These provide clues to the likely origins and destinations of delegates and precinct users and an appropriate design response in terms of sp: layout and character. + The CEC will strengthen The Square’s position as 2 central city meeting point, the movement corridors of Colombo Street and the two diagonals of the grid radiating out from the city’s heart to key destinations. Oam Isz, e sess ecez, Public Realm and Landscape x, WALKING AND CYCLING % asc + It is anticipated that intemational and non locals . from hotels will mainly travel to the CCEC by foot. + Three entrances have been identified to pick up on the key pedestrian routes from neighbouring hotels and attractions. * The main entrance is along the western frontage of ee eAST the site, aligning with the Otadkaro Avon River Precinct is the pedestrian promenade along the river. F * These proposed pedestrian and cycle routes will generate a high level of activity along the key frontages of the site. Hse nte — Mcptemte fem Acmstlerode end CEE Pen pom gh 1S cmtienes ce + ecient © ter pig ns HC te sexe tinge Hm NESEAPECASESLOY » Public Realm and Landscape sme ce fm cy cert Dene (200 oat top GD wwen nn emi ‘CARS/TAXIS AND LOADING Cathedral Square and Armagh Street will provide the main access for those arriving by car or taxi. In addition, access will be possible via the shared space promenade along Oxford Terrace for drop off only. ‘A number of informal drop-off and pick-up locations for private cars are provided on two of the key entrances, with a taxi rank on Armagh Street and Cathedral Square. Loading is intended to be internalised within the site, with service vehicles accessing the site from ‘Armagh Street and exiting via Colombo Street. Public Realm and Landscape COACH DROP OFF AND PICK UP Chartered coach bays are proposed along Armagh Street and Cathedral Square with an option to use the bay outside the former Rydges Hotel for larger events. (200 trepet/netup 1 Cintas Public Realm and Landscape-A comfortable and enjoyable place to be % powon Pan —> wnnoacs > none + The orientation of the buildings and relationship with the site edges will enable key views of the site from a range of locations in the wider context. + The form of the building will help to frame key views for adjoining streets and spaces and create visual interest. + The longer western facades of the CCEC are exposed to Panoramic views from a number of viewing locations and the dynamic forms within the facade provide visual interest. continue to Public Realm and Landscape-A comfortable and ae place to be The proposed planting along the western edge will provide further shelter from the SW wind, The raised terraces provide areas for public seating in the sunny spots. Main entrances to building Large scale pedestrian steps leading from Armagh Street to Key Design Features CCEC entrance. Paving to integrate the red tones being used in Victoria Square to reinforce the connection across Armagh St. Armagh Grove: stepped terraces rising from Oxford Terrace to the CCEC building rear atrean Teal platform. Terraces to be planted with bold swathes of clear stem_native trees and low-level srasses to maintain views to and from the building The curves ofthe teraces are informed by the KOwhalwhal pattern andthe itbons of ERSSTORPTRTE the building facade provide areas for public seating and break out space for delegates. Incicative location of the proposed future Ngutu to weleome, guide and inform visitors to the CCEC. Ceremonial gathering area and pedestrian ramp rising from Oxford Terrace to the main entrance of the CCEC building. aaa Some provision for drop off/pick up by ear or taxi slong the Avon River Precinct. EEE Feature paving at the main entryway will define and celebrate the main entrance and gathering area (Atea). ——a Enisting Scarlet Oak to be retained and underplanted with lowlevel grasses to maintain | |S ES views to and from the building. Large areas of lawn to encourage flexible and informal occupation by public and delegates. ‘K rain garden in the SW corner collects all stormwater runoif from the Riverwalk hardstand areas. The CCEC River Walk: this lane (for pedestrians and cydists only] connects Cathedral Square to the Otdkaro Avon River Precinct. Sculptural lighting features provide visual interest, define spaces and create a ‘welcoming and safe place day and night. Pil eoseEeoY 2 Proposed Landscape Design The front door-a weleoming space Proposed Landscape Design Sections (1:100) Proposed Landscape Design Sections (1:100) ¥ anna —=— er ub ‘SECTIONS Proposed Landscape Design Sections (1:100) = lar . Proposed Landscape Design Sections (1:100) YOU ‘SOURCES: PHOTO:ALL PHOTO CREDITS BELONG TO STUDENTS MAPS: GOOGLE MAPS CIDCO NAVIMUMBAI CASE STUDY:

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