000 JDs CL DC6 2021 G1 W. AFE v1.0

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with AFE)
Guide – Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator by JayDee v1.0

GUIDE 1 – playing as FLIGHT CAPTAIN (full use of AFE)


Parking Brake....................................................................CHECK SET
https://www.youtube.com/c/jaydeegaming Landing Gear Lever.......................................................CHECK DOWN
EFB................................................SET RADIO OPTIONS & REALISM
EFB..............................................................SETUP RAMP MANAGER
NOTES / HINWEISE EFB.........................................................................SET LOAD & FUEL
----- English ----- EFB.................................................................CHECK MAINTENANCE
This checklist is intented for flight simulator use only. I tried to optimize
workflow for single pilot operation. AFE (EFB) ................................................................BEFORE START
- AFE manages – checklist, switches & doors
For this aircraft I made two guides. The first one is for playing in the
role of the Flight Captain and therefore fully incorperating the Wait until AFE announces "Start the Engines"!
Artificial Flight Engineer (AFE). The second one will be for people
who want to handle the aircraft alone. Avionics/Radios/GPS........................................SET & PROGRAMMED
NAVI/CDI................................................................... SET GPS IF REQ
----- Deutsch ----- Transponder........................................................AS REQ/SET & STBY
Diese Checkliste ist nur für den Gebrauch im Simulator gedacht. Die Altimeter...................................................................SET LOCAL QNH
Checkliste ist für die Operation mit einem einzelnen Piloten optimiert. Internal Lights..................................................................................SET

Für dieses Flugzeug habe ich zwei Guides gemacht. Der erste Teil ist
für das Spielen als Flugkapitän unter voller Nutzung des
Künstlichen Flugingeneurs (AFE). Der zweite Teil ist für Spieler, die Beacon.................................................................................CHECK ON
das Flugzeug komplett alleine bedienen wollen.
Engine Start Order – 3, 4, 2, 1. AFE should have set Ingnition and
(MP)......................................................................................Main Panel Engine Selector to 3 after the Before Start Check!
(OH)..............................................................................Overhead Panel
(CP)....................................................................Center Panel/Pedestal ----- Starting Engine 3 -----
(CEP).................................................................Center Eyebrow Panel
(LEP).......................................................................Left Eyebrow Panel Mixture Engine 3 (CP)...........................................CHECK AUTO RICH
(REP)....................................................................Right Eyebrow Panel Ignition Engine 3 (OH).............................................CHECK SET BOTH
(BP)......................................................................................Back Panel Engine Selector (OH)......................................................CHECK SET 3
EFB....................................Electronic Flight Bag/Tablet left side of Pilot Fuel Booster Pump 3 (OH).....................................................SET LOW
MAN..............................................................Manifold Pressure (in.HG) Fuel Pressure Gauge 3 (MP).....................................................CHECK
BMEP.....................................................Brake Mean Effictive Pressure Starter Switch (OH)..........................................................PRESS BOTH
abcdefg.......................................most important items for a quick start Let Engineer count to 12 Blades. Then in quick order:
abcdefg..............................not so relevant, but for a complete checklist (Ignition) Booster Switch (OH)....................................................PRESS
abcdefg.....................................................relevant mostly for IFR / ATC Primer Switch (OH).....................................................................PRESS
abcdefg...............................................................gameplay / ui features Oil Pressure Gauge 3 (MP)........................................................CHECK
abcdefg..........................mostly relevant for navigation and/or autopilot If no oil pressure is indicating after 30 seconds, shut down the
AFE...................................................................Artificial Flight Engineer engine and let it be checked!
AS REQ................................................................................as required Throttle Engine 3.......................................CHECK IDLE (<1.000 RPM)
IF DES.....................................................................................if desired (Ignition) Booster Switch (OH).......................................CHECK RESET
Primer Switch (OH).......................................................CHECK RESET
----- Starting Engine 4 -----
Empty Weight...................................................................(A) 52.567 lbs
Max. Takeoff Weight (WET TO)............................................107.200 lbs Mixture Engine 4 (CP).................................................SET AUTO RICH
Max. Takeoff Weight (DRY TO)..............................................87.600 lbs Ignition Engine 4 (OH)..........................................................SET BOTH
Service Ceiling..........................................................................25.000 ft Engine Selector (OH).............................................................SELECT 4
Max. Demonstrated Crosswind (manual).....................................26 kts Fuel Booster Pump 4 (OH).....................................................SET LOW
Fuel Pressure Gauge 4 (MP).....................................................CHECK
VA (Max. Maneuver Speed)...........................................143 – 178 KIAS Starter Switch (OH).........................................................PRESS BOTH
VFE 30° (Max. Flaps 30° Extended Speed)...............................173 KIAS Let Engineer count to 12 Blades. Then in quick order:
VFE FULL (Max. Flaps >30°Extended Speed)...........................153 KIAS (Ignition) Booster Switch (OH)....................................................PRESS
VLE/LO (Landing Gear Extension)............................................173 KIAS Primer Switch (OH).....................................................................PRESS
Oil Pressure Gauge 4 (MP)........................................................CHECK
If no oil pressure is indicating after 30 seconds, shut down the
Range...................................................................................~ 4.000 NM engine and let it be checked!
Takeoff Ground Roll (Sea Level)..............................................~ 5.500 ft Throttle Engine 4.......................................CHECK IDLE (<1.000 RPM)
Landing Distance (Sea Level)..................................................~ 5.000 ft (Ignition) Booster Switch (OH).......................................CHECK RESET
Primer Switch (OH).......................................................CHECK RESET

FUEL PLANNING (very rough estimate with 1h reserve) Repeat for Engines 2 and then 1
Distance 1.000 NM 2.000 NM 3.000 NM 4.000 NM
Fuel 12.000 lbs 22.000 lbs 30.000 lbs Max.lbs
1. CRZ FL 110/120 110/120 150/160 150/160
2. CRZ FL 150/160 150/160 240/250 240/250

Beginner Guide - Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 1

Guide – Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator by JayDee v1.0


AFE (EFB) ..................................................................AFTER START → line up and brake
- AFE manages – checklist, switches & some engine parameters! → set PARKING BRAKE
- Player NEEDS to manage power (Throttle & RPM)!
AFE (EFB)................................TAKEOFF (DRY) or TAKEOFF( WET)
Wait unil AFE announces "After Start Check Complete"! - AFE manages – power setups, flaps, cowl flaps, gear, after takeoff
Cowl Flaps (CEP)............................................................CHECK OPEN - Player does NOT need to manage power (Throttle & RPM)!
Gust Lock..............................................................................REMOVED
→ AFE brings the engines to ~ 30 in.HG MAN
ATC Clearances........................................................................AS REQ → quick check - RPM > 2.150 RPM
Parking Brake (CP)................................................................RELEASE → quick check - FLAPS 20°
→ AFE now brings engines to TO POWER
→ release PARKING BRAKE @ ~ 40 inHG MAN
TAXI → keep aircraft centered on runway
→ quick check – 53 inHG (Dry) or 59.5 inHG (Wet)
→ if using reverse thrust, be carefull, don´t use brakes
→ taxi very slowly
(above 49 In.HG – WET only))
→ RPM ~ 1.000
→ @ V2 (=VR) rotate very slowly and only a few degrees
→ avoid RPM between 1.200 – 1.500 RPM (Hamonization)
→ keep PITCH ~ 5° Nose Up to further accelerate
→ CLIMB RATE ~ 500 fpm
BEFORE TAKEOFF → @ 165 KIAS start raising Nose to maintain that speed
→ CLIMB RATE increases to > 1.000 fpm
Determine wether to use DRY or WET takeoff, depending on → AFE should set 40 in.HG MAN and 2.400 RPM
actual Gross Weight. → AFE should have raises Gear and fully retracted Flaps

----- DRY TAKEOFF -----

Dry Takeoff means – No Waterinjection into the combustion CRUISE CLIMB
process. Flaps....................................................................................CHECK UP
Max.BHP (Brutto Horse Power)...............................................1.950 HP Gear.....................................................................................CHECK UP
Max.Manifold Pressure.............................................................53 in.HG Anti Ice.....................................................................................AS REQ
Max. Takeoff Gross Weight....................................................87.600 lbs Autopilot......................................................................................IF DES
----- WET TAKEOFF ----- ----- CLIMB POWER SETTING -----
Wet Takeoff means – Waterinjection into the combustion process 40 inHG MAN / 2.400 RPM / 165 KIAS
for more available Power. AFE (EFB).............................................................STILL IN TAKEOFF
Max.BHP (Brutto Horse Power)...............................................2.400 HP - AFE manages – climb power
Max.Manifold Pressure..........................................................59.5 in.HG - Player does NOT need to manage power (Throttle & RPM)!
Max. Takeoff Gross Weight..................................................103.800 lbs
@ Critical Altitude
Determine V1, V2 in the placard at Overhead Panel. AFE (EFB)..............................................................................DISABLE
V2 is also VR. Blower (Engine Supercharger).......................................SHIFT to HIGH
Switch 2 engines at a time (1&4, then 2&3) and reduce M.P by ~ 10-
AFE (EFB)...........................................................BEFORE TAKEOFF 12 inHG before swicthing to HIGH.
- AFE manages – checklist, fuel pumps, flaps, pitot heat, lights, cowl Maintain Climb Power manually after switching to High Blower
- Player NEEDS to manage power (Throttle & RPM)! @ Transition Altitude
Altimeter..........................................................................SET STD QNE
You can already start to taxi onto the runway to lineup, while the
AFE still runs the BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK. @ ~ 500 ft below Cruising-Altitude
→ decrease rate of climb (manually or gyro pilot) to level off
After AFE announces CHECK COMPLETE → trim for level flight or use gyropilots altitude hold
Pressurization (REP)........................................................SET CRZ ALT
Flaps (CP)...................................................................CHECK SET 20°
Pitot Heat (CEP).................................................................CHECK ON
Landing Lights......................................................................CHECK ON
Engine Instruments....................................................................CHECK
Flight Controls...............................................................CHECK FREE
Trim...............................................................................SET NEUTRAL

Altimeter...................................................................SET LOCAL QNH

Avionics/Radios/GPS.........................................................CHECK SET
NAVI/CDI....................................................................SET GPS IF REQ
Transponder.......................................................................AS REQ/ON
ATC Clearances........................................................................AS REQ
Start Replay-Tool Recording.......................................................IF DES
Parking Brake.........................................................................RELEASE

Beginner Guide - Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 2

Guide – Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator by JayDee v1.0

----- Use AFE for a Medium Power Cruise Settings ------
AFE (EFB)................................................................................CRUISE
- AFE manages – cruise power
- Player does NOT need to manage power (Throttle & RPM)!
----- Use Manual Power Cruise Settings ------
AFE (EFB).............................................................................DISABLE
- Player NEEDS to manage power (Throttle & RPM)!


Actual Gross Weight 105.000 100.000 95.000 90.000 85.000 80.000 75.000
Max.Crz.Altitude 12.000 ft 16.000 ft 22.000 ft 22.000 ft 23.000 ft 25.000 ft 25.000 ft
*1) + *2) *1) + *2) *3) *3) *3) *3) *3)
ISA -09°C -17°C -29°C -29°C -31°C -35°C -35°C
IAS 193 189 182 182 180 169 176
TAS 237 248 264 264 266 258 267
FF 584 592 630 597 570 521 521
BHP 1.200 1.200 1.200 1.150 1.100 1.000 1.000
RPM 2.200 2.250 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300
BMEP 154 151 147 141 135 123 123
*1) If temperature is more than 10°C above ISA, decrease Max.Crz.Altitude by 1.000 ft
*2) If temperature is more than 10°C below ISA, increase Max.Crz.Altitude by 1.000 ft
*3) If BMEP cannot be reached due to to warm temperatures, decrease Crz.Altitude DESCENT
ATC Clearances........................................................................AS REQ
FUEL MANAGEMENT GPS/Flightplan..................................ACTIVATE APPROACH / IF REQ
Always use Fuel Booster Pumps when switching Tanks. HIGH on the Tank that is
going to be switches off und LOW on the Tank that is going to be switched ON. @ Transition Flightlevel
A) At Cruise Switch from MAIN to ALTERNATE Altimeter......................................................SET LOCAL QNH
Switch on Tank at a time!
Main Fuel Pumps...........................................................................HIGH @ TOD & still with CRUISE POWER
Alternate Fuel Pumps.....................................................................LOW AFE (EFB)................................................................................CRUISE
Fuel Selector (CP)................................................ALTERNATE (middle) - AFE manages – power settings
Main Fuel Pumps.............................................................................OFF - Player does NOT need to manage power (Throttle & RPM)!
Check Fuel Flow & Pressure, if no Fuel Flow or Pressure → trim the airplane (manually or Gyropilot) for a
indicates – switch Fuel Selector immediately back to Main-Tank! sinkrate of 1.000 fpm
→ maintain Cruise Power Settings (manually or AFE)
B) When Alternate-Tanks 1 & 4 are empty (~100lbs left), switch
Engines to Alternate-Tanks 2 & 3 using Crossfeed. @ 10.000 ft / FL100
AFE (EFB)............................................................................DESCENT
Switch on Side at a time! - AFE manages – power settings, descent checklist & superchargers
Alternate Fuel Boost Pumps..................Outboard HIGH the other LOW to back to LOW
Left Crossfeed Lever (CP)................2 ENGINE CROSSFEED (middle) - Player does NOT need to manage power (Throttle & RPM)!
Fuel Selector Outboard Tank (1 or 4).......................................OFF (aft) → trim the airplane (manually or Gyropilot) to keep a
Alternate Fuel Boost Pumps Outboard Tank....................................OFF sinkrate of 1.000 fpm
Check Fuel Flow & Pressure! → quick check - Engine Superchargers LOW
→ quick check - Manifold Pressere ~ 26 inHG
C) When ALL Alternate-Tanks are empty (~100 lbs left), switch → quick check - RPM ~ 2.200 RPM
back to Main-Tanks without Crossfeed. → reguarly check if on descent profile
→ if behind descent profile (to high): slightly increase sinkrate
Switch one Side at a time! → if ahead fo descent profile (to low): slightly decrease sinkrate
Main Fuel Pumps............................................................................LOW
Alternate Fuel Pumps.....................................................................HIGH @ ~ 500 ft above Leveloff-Altitude (which is 3.000 ft above
Fuel Selectors.......................................................................MAIN (fwd) destination elevation or proper procedure altitude)
Crossfeed Lever......................................................................OFF (fwd) → decrease sinkrate (manually or gyro pilot) to level off
Alternate Fuel → trim for level flight or use gyropilots altitude hold
after leveling off
AFE (EFB)............................................................................IN RANGE
- AFE manages – power settings, fuel pumps, some switches
- Player does NOT need to manage power (Throttle & RPM)!
→ quick check - Manifold Pressere ~ 26 inHG
→ quick check - RPM ~ 2.200 RPM
→ quick check – Airspeed ~ 240 KIAS and decreasing

Beginner Guide - Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 3

Guide – Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator by JayDee v1.0

APPROACH / SLOWING DOWN → use brakes if required

→ slowly taxi to leave the runway before making any
Approach should be done completely on Segment at the Leveloff- configuration changes
Altitude ~ 3.000 ft above destination elevation. Level-Segment should
start latest ~ 30 NM before destination.
Check Placard on Overhead-Panel for VAPP and VREF for
FULL FLAPS configuration. AFE (EFB)...............................................................AFTER LANDING
- AFE manages – checklist, flaps, some switches
BMEP are just etimates and for rough reference. They depend on - Player NEEDS to manage power (Throttle & RPM)
actual gross weight. It is more important to hold the speeds.
@ ~ 30 – 35 NM
AFE (EFB).............................................................................DISABLE
- Player NEEDS to manage power (Throttle & RPM)
→ set/keep RPM 2.200 AFE (EFB)...........................................................................PARKING
→ set/keep Throttle to 26 inHG (~ 90 – 110 BMEP) - AFE manages – checklist
→ trim for level flight or use gyropilots altitude hold
→ airspeed should be slowing down
→ if required - lower Power to slow down faster (70 – 100 BMEP) GO AROUND
→ set FLAPS 10° @ 168 KIAS
→ set FLAPS 15° @ 160 KIAS
→ set FLAPS 20° @ 150 KIAS
→ airspeed should settle at ~ 140 KIAS
→ if required adjust BMEP to to hold 140 KIAS (~ 100 -150 BMEP)


You should be at ~ 140 KIAS / Flaps 20° and ~ 3.000 ft above landing
elevation at around 12- 15 NM distance to runway.

BMEP are just etimates and for rough reference. They depend on
actual gross weight. It is more important to hold the speeds.

My recommend order for switching Autopilot from GPS to ILS

1. Garmin: GPS -> VLOC
2. Gyro-Pilot: LOC -> GYR
3. GYR-> LOC
4. LOC-> APP

TIPP: Autofeather is very very sensitive, switch it off, if you

constanly triggering it, until you get familiar with retarding the
throttle slowly.

@ ~15 NM
AFE (EFB)............................................................BEFORE LANDING
- AFE manages – flaps, gear, lights, propellers and more
- Player NEEDS to manage power (Throttle only)

→ adjust Throttles to hold VAPP (~ 100 - 150 BMEP)

@ GS Capture or ~ 10 NM
→ start descending
→ sinkrate for a 3° path = 5 times GS (~600 - 800 fpm)
→ adjust THROTTLES to maintain VAPP (~60 - 140 BMEP)

@ 1.000 ft AGL or ~ 3 NM
Flaps...............................................................................CHECK FULL
Landing Gear............................................................CHECK 3 GREEN
Propellers................................................................CHECK 2.400 RPM
→ adjust Throttles to slowly bleed speed off to reach
VREF at threshold (~ 60 - 120 BMEP)

@ 30 ft AGL
→ slowly pull Throttles to IDLE (autofeather is VERY sensitiv)
→ flare a little bit (only a couple degrees)
→ touchdown with main wheels first
→ lower Nose after Touchdown
→ activate Reverser
→ advance Throttles to around 25-30 inHG

@ 40 KIAS
→ pull back Throttles to IDLE
→ Reverser Bar should automatically POP back up
→ advance Throttles shortly to ~ 25 inHG to make sure
all propellers got out of reverse
→ use brakes if required

Beginner Guide - Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 4

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