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2022 2nd Quarter SMEA Monitoring Tool

1. Unaccomplished PPAs of 1st quarter

Instruction: Accomplish this tool if you have carry- over activities from the 1 st quarter that you
implemented during the 2nd quarter.

PPA Physical Financial Accomplishment Remarks/ (basis for

All PPAs listed in the AIP with or Accomplishment 2nd qtr. Plan Adjustment
without funds # Target # of Actual
Output output Target amount Actual amount
A. Access
B. Quality
1. To enhance the teaching
competencies of teachers
2. To provide sufficient supplies for
instructional and office use
3. To provide fare/perdiem of
teachers & SH in attending
seminars, meetings & other
activities required by DepEd
4. To purchase ring binder
5. To protect learners, teachers,
parents, stakeholders and visitors
from the covid 19 pandemic
6. To provide internet connection
and payment of internet in the
school for the update of LIS, EBEIS
& submit reports online
7. To provide payment of gasoline &
Note: This tool will be used every quarter. The division concern may vary per quarter.
8. To purchase of troley Speaker
(Crown Brand) and microphone
9. To purchase plastic chairs for the
school children
10. To construct flower boxes
11. To construct school signing
12. To purchase wood and plywood
and hire someone to construct small
tables for kinder and grade 1
13. To provide repair for school ICT
C. Governance
1. To implement all Deped
mandated programs
2. To increase stakeholders'
participation in school activities like
PTA, HPTA, Meetings and Brigada
3. To pay for Delivery &
Transportation fees of Office
supplies and other materials

2. Assessment of AIP based on WFP (April 1-June 30)

Instruction: This is the tool you use to assess your 2 nd quarter Targets in your AIP and WFP.

PPA Physical Financial Accomplishment Remarks/ (basis

All PPAs listed in the AIP with or Accomplishment 2nd qtr. for Plan
without funds # Target # of Actual Adjustment
Output output Target amount Actual amount

A. Access
B. Quality

Note: This tool will be used every quarter. The division concern may vary per quarter.
C. Governance

Note: If Training, put the No. of target Participants and # of actual Participants in the physical Accomplishment part,
and the budget used under financial part.

3. UNACCOMPLISHED Outputs/ Balance for the 2nd quarter (if there are activities to be carried for the 3rd quarter)

Title of PPAs Reasons for the Balance Recommendations

(Replace or carry-over)
1. To purchase ring binder machine. Requested money is not carry-over
2. To purchase of trolley Speaker Requested money is not carry-over
(Crown Brand) and microphone enough.
3. To construct flower boxes Requested money is not carry-over

4. Issues and concerns

Issues and concern Suggested Action/s to be taken
1. Access
1. a.
2. Quality
2 a. Too much paper works given to teachers that Lessen the paper works or hire a clerk to make all the
consume their time instead of preparing their lessons school reports.
and IMs.
3. Governance
3. a.
Facilitating Factors Good/ Best practices Notable accomplishments

Facilitating Factors

Note: This tool will be used every quarter. The division concern may vary per quarter.
Note: No. 1 to 5 is for the school data and for the SBM file/attachment. Do not submit to the PSDS but accomplish it.

Division Concerns (To be submitted to the PSDS)


Total enrolment Elementary (Public) Junior High Senior High (Public)

Male Female
33 24 A. Failure Rate 0

33 24 B. Dropout Rate 0
5 0 C. Graduation Rate 100%
33 24 D. Promotion Rate 100%
4 5 E. Completion/ Moving up 100%

Note: Indicate the number and rate of failures, dropout, graduation, and promotion. (Number of failures, dropout, graduation,
and promotion over enrolment multiplied by 100% equals the rate)
Reasons Total Number Intervention/ TA Provided

Example: (10/50)100 = 5% (Do not compute the rate yet, it will be the PSDS to get the overall and compute the rate.

2A. Data on Failure Rates with corresponding reasons (refer to SF4) (Raw Data)

Reasons Total Number Intervention/ TA Provided

Note: This tool will be used every quarter. The division concern may vary per quarter.
2B. Data on Dropout Rates with corresponding reasons (Raw Data)

Note: This tool will be used every quarter. The division concern may vary per quarter.

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