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Gleidy María

Martinez Tejada

English Conversation

Teófilo Antonio Álvarez
 Now comment based on the video:

1. Do you consider Buzcashi a dangerous sport?

Yes, I do, I considerer that Buzcashi is too dangerous. For me personally, doesn’t make
sense, this is a very silly sports, is like a race to death. Even for horses as they run is very
2. What do you think of these people?
I think they should have more awareness about how dangerous is this sport and
the risk to their lives and they should think about those horses, in how much they

3. Which sport is more dangerous in your country? Why?

In our country we don’t have much dangerous sports; this is why I think that in our
Dominican republic the most dangerous sport is motorcycling.

Read the articles. Look for the answers to your questions.

Pg. 17, exercises: Check the Facts Reading1 A, B
Exercise A,
 T The writer believes that sports must be competitive.
 T The writer believes that sports must be dangerous.

 F Extreme ironing is a very old sport.

4. T Extreme ironists almost always compete outside.

5. T Some companies sponsor extreme ironing teams.

6. T Extreme ironists don't like people to know their names.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Check (.I) the items that ironists must carry with them.

_I Iron

_I ironing board
_ _ electric generator

_I _ clothes

__ Laundry basket

_ _ gas stove

_ _ food

Pg. 18, exercises: Reading 2, A, B

 Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F). Go back to Reading 2
and look for the answers you are unsure of.

1. F Sonya Thomas ate 12 lobsters in 38 minutes.

2. T Competitive eating is Sonya's job.

3. T Sonya is a member of the IFOCE.

4. F Sonya is the best professional eater in the world.

5. F Professional eaters are fat.

6. F Professional eaters play golf and tennis.

7. T The most important competition is a hot-dog eating contest.

B. Answer the questions.

1. What two things are most important in competitive eating contest?

 speed
b. style

 amount
d. taste

2. Name three different eating contests.

• National lobster eating contest

• Hot dogs contest

• Chicken Wings Competition

Pg. 18, exercise: Analyze
 Would the writer of Reading 1 think that professional eating is a sport?

Yes, when he says: Most people believe that sports must combine physical activity
and competition. If we use this definition, then eating is a sport.

2. Sometimes writers let their readers infer or guess part of their meaning.
What connection does the writer want the reader to make in the quote

The writer tells us that one can think that professional eaters can be fat, obese, but
that it is not so, that they are low-weight people.

Pg. 21, exercise:  Reading Skills

 What do you think of extreme ironing and professional eating? Are they
sports? Would you participate in them?
Well, in my opinion, I think that these two activities could not be called sports. Nor
they should be included as a sport. These are entertainment activities.

 Are there any other sports that you think are silly?

I really love almost all sports, unlike this one, referring to sports that are Olympic.

Pg. 22, exercise: PART II, Read to find the answers to these questions.
Read the next article to find the answers to these questions.

1. According to the writer, which of these activities are sports? figure skating
golf gymnastics baseball

According to the writer, activities such as baseball and golf are considered as
sports while the author does not conceive of figure skating or gymnastics as such.
2. How did you make your decision?

I agree in part with the writer regarding the level of physical and mental
competitiveness that is required of a player, but if we consider sports as chess that
is mental then we should consider other similar as such.

 Do all athletes participate in sports?

No, an athlete has four basic pillars in his life: endurance, strength, speed and
flexibility. Then Cheerleaders, dancers, gymnasts and artistic skaters are incredible
athletes and are not considered sports.

 Are all those who participate in a sport athletes?

Not all, you can participate in a sport and not be an athlete. Bowlers and golfers do
not have to be great athletes. They are people with a specific ability, but they are
not athletes.

Pg. 23, exercises: Vocabulary Work / Reading Skills

Guess context meaning   match the words and their meanings.

1. Result A. people who make sure that competitor follow

The rules
2. Determine B. physical ability

3. Influence C. decision

4. Referees / arbitrators D. participate in

5. Athletics E. to affect

6. Curling F. decide

7. Participate G. a game
Pg. 24, exercise: Talk about Your Ideas

 Do you agree with the following definition of sport? Why or why not? A
human activity that is competitive, has a defined result, requires physical
activity and / or physical ability.
Yes, since sport is everything that is competitive because all the athlete has the
desire to win and requires physical activity. I agree with this definition.

2. Would the Reading 3 writer agree with this?

I do not think that the author of reading 3 would agree, since for him only some
physical activities such as baseball, golf, hockey, etc., can be called sports.

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