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Performance Task for STS:

(Project Proposal for Proper Facemask Disposal)

Project Title: Project S.A.F.E Bin (Project Segregation Area for Facemask Eco-waste Bin)
Prepared for: Local government and citizens of Barangay Tagas, San Jose, Cam. Sur
Prepared by: Mary Ann S. Ogoy BSN-1A

Rationale: “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” as they say, but improper waste disposal has always been a
problem in our country. According to the report of PhilStar, with the rise of COVID pandemic, the garbage
piles now include discarded infectious waste particularly face masks. As a medical in lined student, I am
aware of the impending threat of improper disposal of used face masks because it can spread the virus
according to experts. Thus, I would like to request and propose the installation of face mask and other
infectious waste bin in the locality of Tagas, San Jose, Camarines Sur. This project will not only help control
the improper disposal of used face masks, but it will also help reduce the potential risk of spreading the
Backgound: Barangay Tagas is a small barangay located at San Jose, Camarines Sur, but it is making a
mark in its name because of the new tourist spot, the Tagas Boulevard ( But
according to a barangay official, starting from Valentine’s Day of 2020 until now, visitors have visited the
said place leaving a huge number of used facemask littering across our barangay, especially, at the
boulevard. This is very alarming since we know how infectious and contagious the virus is. I strongly
believe that the installation of face mask and other infectious waste bin in our locality at a certain location
will be both environmentally friendly and safe to the health of the locals and public.
To install face mask and other infectious waste bin at barangay Tagas;
To ensure the safety and lessen the risk of spreading the virus;
To reduce medical/infectious waste especially the face mask at our locality.
Source of Fund/Other Agencies Involve:
Barangay fund for health and safety, and fund for environment enhancement program
Barangay Officials
SK council
Materials Needed & Budget:

Material/s Quantity Amount Day/s Total

Outdoor Garbage Bin 10 pcs. ₱2,900/per bin Php. 29,000
Total Php. 29,000

Expected Output/Deadline: The installation can start this May 8-12, 2022.
Evaluation: The project shall be inspected by the municipal tourism officers.

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