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Republic of the Philippines


6536, Tabango, Leyte


(GEC 3)
2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021

Name: MARISOL F. APORBO Score:________________

Program, Year and Major:_BSEd Science IV Date: March 29, 2022

Test I. Identification. Read and identify what/who/when is being describe on each statement. Write it on the space provided before
each item.
GLOBAL NORTH- SOUTH 1. It is a metaphor for interstate inequality and a product of Western imagination (Claudio, 2014)
GLOBAL NORTH COUNTRIES 2. It is the home of all members of the Group of Eight (G8).
Will Salas 3. Who was the protagonist of the movie “In Time”?
__Time__4. What was the currency use in the move “In Time”?
Money 5. What is the world’s currency?

II. Multiple Choice. Read each statement carefully and choose the answer that is correct. Write the letter before each number.

__c_ 1. According to Appadurai (1996), there are 5 dimensions of cultural flow, three of them are included in the five except for one.
Choose that which is not included on the list.
a. Financescapes
b. Ideoscapes
c. Nucleoscapes
d. Technoscapes
__b_ 2. The following ideas where portrayed in the movie “In Time” except for:
a. Inflation
b. Injustice to children
c. The global north and global south
d. Uneven distribution of wealth
_b_ 3. North-South divide can be seen in the following except _______.
a. Development
b. Geographical location
c. Life expectancy
d. Literacy
__c_4. Which of the following are not ‘global south regions’?
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Australia
d. Latin America
__d_5. All are descriptions of capitalism except:
a. Consumers’ choice
b. Economic freedom
c. Private property
d. State-controlled means of production

III. Filling the blanks. Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete the ideas express in the sentence.
The jumbled letters serve as your clue for doing so. (2 pts each)

Economic globalization is one of the three main dimensions of ______GLOBALIZATION___________

(ZALIBOLGATINO) commonly found in academic literature, with the two others being _________POLITICAL________
(LOPTICALI) globalization and ____CULTURAL____ (LUCTULAR) globalization.
Economic globalization refers to the widespread international ____MOVEMENT____ (MOVETMEN) of goods, capital,
_________SERVICES________ (ICESERVS), technology and information. It is the increasing economic integration and
interdependence of
_______NATIONAL__________ (ONALNATI), regional, and local economies across the world through an intensification of
cross- ________BORDER_________(ROBDER), movements of goods, services, technologies, and capital. Economic globalization
primarily comprises the globalization of production, _______FINANCE__________ (INAFCEN), markets, technology,
organizational regimes, institutions, _________CORPORATIONS________ (ROCROPTANIOS), and people.
While economic globalization has been expanding since the emergence of trans-national trade, it has grown at an increased
rate due to improvements in the efficiency of long-distance ________TRANSPORTATION________ (PORTANOTINARTS),
advances in _____TELECOMMUNICATION___________ (COMETELMUNINIOTAC), the importance of information rather than
physical capital in the modern economy, and by developments in science and technology. The rate of globalization has also increased
under the framework of the General Agreement on ________TARIFFS_________ (FARFSIT) and _____TRADE___________
(DEART) and the World Trade Organization, in which countries gradually cut down trade barriers and opened up their current
accounts and capital accounts. This recent boom has been largely supported by developed economies integrating with developing
countries through foreign direct ________INVESTMENT_________ (SENVITNEMT), lowering costs of doing business, the
reduction of trade _____BARRIERS__________ (RABRIERS), and in many cases cross-border migration.
IV. True or False. Write “e” when the statement is false. Write “c” when the statement is true base on our discussions.

___c___ 1. Although Philippines is a country belonging to the Global South, some citizens also experience Global North within the
___e___ 2. The term third world was initially used to refer to the former colonies of European countries.

___c___ 3. Global South country is characterized as a poor nation.

___c___ 4. Our tendency to sing and dance K-pop is a proof that we are becoming global citizens.

___c___ 5. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a global concern.

V. Analysis. You are to analyze the relationship that exists between each pair and fill the missing word to complete it. 2 pts each

Example: sun:sky; fish:_______. Answer: sun:sky; fish:ocean

1. Protectionism: domestic ; _______Trade liberalization______ : international

2. Korea: electronics ; Chile : ______avocado_______
3. NATO: freedom and security ; UN :______International peace and Security_________
4. Philippines: Southeast Asia ; Canada :_____North America_________
5. USA : Western Imperialism; Soviet Union:______Communist State_________

VI. Essay. Answer the questions thoroughly. (15 pts)

Global governance refers to institutions that coordinate the behavior of transnational actors, facilitate cooperation, resolve
disputes, and alleviate collective action problems. These institutions were created in response to the need and because of the
intensification of relationship amongst these actors.
Give three threats that of global concerns, thus the need for global governance. Explain how it is being a threat/challenge. (5
points each).


1. Government Corruption
Corruption is a major cause of poverty considering how it affects the poor the most, eroding political and economic
development, democracy and more. Corruption can be detrimental to the safety and well being of citizens living within the corrupted
vicinity, and can cause an increase in violence and physical threats without as much regulation in the government..
2. Terrorism: Terrorism like the bombing incidents of the last few years continue to claim the lives of innocents. It is a threat
to the peace, security and stability of the world, so terrorism prevention methods have been implemented to illustrate what is wrong
and should be/could be done to uphold justice. However, the basis of the threats, mindsets and the successes/failures of response
efforts still need to be evaluated..

3. Pollution
Pollution is one of the most difficult global issues to combat, as the umbrella term refers to ocean litter, pesticides and
fertilizers, air, light and noise pollution. Clean water is essential for humans and animals, but more than one billion people don’t have
access to clean water due to pollution from toxic substances, sewage or industrial waste. It is of the utmost importance that people all
over the world begin working to minimize the various types of pollution, in order to better the health of the planet and all those living
on it..
Missing or serious
Criteria & Points Assigned problems Below Expectations Excellent expectations
0 1 2
Answer is complete.
Sufficient details are provided
in support of the assertion.
Answer is incomplete.
The essay did not answer Excessive discussion of
Relevance to Answer the question. Unrelated topics/issues

Minor problems of
Weak organization; Organization and logic Clear and logical presentation.
Ideas are rumbling Needs work in transition Good development of argument;
Organization of the Answer Ideas are repeated Of ideas Transitions are made smoothly.

Mechanics of Writing Clear and readable

prose.Uses appropriate
(spelling , punctuation,
spelling and
grammar, clarity) Major problems with punctuation
mechanics of language

GOD Bless!

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Part-time Instructor

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Head, General Education

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