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1. Talk abput the past (Habla acerca del pasado)

- Yesterday ( ayer)
- Today (hoy)
- Last week (semana pasada)
- Last month (mes pasado)
- Last year (año pasado)
- Last Tuesday ( jueves pasado)
- Two days ago ( dos días atrás)
- Two weeks ago ( dos semanas atrás, hace dos semanas)
- Two months agos ( dos meses atrás, hace dos meses)
- Two years ago ( dos años atrás, hace dos aos)
- 1998= nineteen ninety-eight.
- 2001= two thousand and one
- 1900= nineteen hundred
- 1901-2000= the twentieth century


Utilizamos was y were para oraciones en el tiempo pasado.

I We

He was at home last night. You were colleagues in 1995

She They


It was cloudy yesterday There were a lot of people in the park this morning.

She wasn´t at work last Monday. We weren´t at the arty last night.

Was Richard at school yesterday? Were your parents students in 1985?

Where was his brother last night? Where were they two days ago?

When was she in France? When were you sick?

Usamos contracciones para las oraciones negativas:

Was not= Wasn´t

Were not= weren´t

2. Discuss Past Activities ( Discute sobre actividades pasadas)


- Go to the beach ( ir a la playa)

- Go running (ir a corer)
- Go bike riding ( ir en bicicleta)
- Go for a walk ( ir a caminar)
- Go swimming (ir a nadar)
- Go for a drive ( ir a manejar)
- Spring ( primavera)
- Summer ( verano)
- Fall/ autumn ( otoño)
- Winter ( invierno)


o Verbos regulares: Añadimos –ed para formar el verbo en pasado simple. Si el verbo
termina en –e, solo añadimos –d

Call-------called like------liked / Study-----studied Shop-----shopped

I called my mother yesterday, but she wasn´t home.

o Verbos irregulares: Estos verbos cambiarán en su forma en el pasado.

Come ------came















o Para hacer oraciones negativas, usamos el auxiliar did no ( didn´t) y la forma base de
un verbo.

I didn´t go to the movies last night.

3. Ask about a vacation ( Preguntar sobre vacaciones)

GRAMMAR. Preguntas en el pasado simple

Para preguntar acerca del pasado, usa did y la forma base de un verbo.


You Yes, You did.

He He

Did She watch TV last night? She

We No, We didn´t.

They They


What did you do last summer? When did he come home last night?

Where did she go last winter? How many eggs did you eat this morning?

Who did they see yesterday? How often did you go swimming last week?
1. Conversation.

A: Where were you last week?

B: When?

A: On Friday?

B: I went to the beach.Why?

A: There was a great party at the Paty’s house.

B: There was? Too bad I wasn´t there!

2. Conversation:

A: Hi, Sandy. How´s it going?

B: Great, thanks.

A: What did you do last weekend?

B: I went swimming , and then I went for a walk with my family in the park. What about you?

A: About the same. I went to a movie.

3. Conversation.

A: You look fantastic. Were you on vacation?

B: Yes, I was. I just got back last month.

A: Where did you go?

B: I went to Paris for two weeks, then I went to Spain for one week.

A: No kidding. How was it?

B: So tired, but really spectacular!

A_Well. It´s great to see you. Welcome back.

B: Thanks.
1. Describe people ( describe personas)


- Hair ( cabello)
- Black ( negro)
- Brown ( marrón)
- Red (rojo)
- Bonde ( rubio)
- Gray ( gris)
- White ( blanco)
- Dark ( oscuro)
- Light ( claro)
- Straight ( liso)
- Wavy ( ondeado)
- Curly (ensortijado)
- Short ( corto)
- Long ( largo)
- A mustache ( un bigote)
- A beard (una barba)
- Bald ( calvo)
- Eye ( ojo)
- Eyebrow ( ceja)
- Nose ( nariz)
- Ear ( oreja)
- Mouth ( boca)
- Chin ( mentón)
- Neck ( cuello)
- Brown eyes ( ojos marrones)
- Blue eyes ( ojos azules)
- Green eyes (ojos verdes)
- Eyelashes (pestañas)
- One tooth ( un diente)
- Two teeth ( dos dientes)
- Tongue ( lengua)


Usa los adjetivos para dar una descripción física.

With be. With Have

My eyes are blue. I have blue eyes.

Our hair is blonde. We have blonde hair

Her eyelashes are long and dark. She has long, dark eyelashes.

2. Show concern about an injury.


- Head (cabeza)
- Chest ( pecho)
- Stomach/abdomen
- Hip ( caderas)
- Knee ( rodillas)
- Ankie ( tobillo)
- Shoulder (hombro)
- Arm ( brazo)
- Leg ( piernas)
- Hand ( mano)
- Finger ( dedo de la mano)
- Fingernail ( uña de los dedos)
- Toenail (uña del pie)
- Toe ( dedo del pie)
- Foot ( pie)
- Feet ( pies)
- Burn ( quemar)
- Hurt (doler)
- Cut ( cortar)
- Break ( quebrar)
- Fail (caer)

3. Suggest a remedy ( sugiere un remedio)


- A headache ( un dolor de cabeza)

- A stomachache ( una dolor de estómago)
- An earache ( un dolor de oído)
- A backache ( un dolor de espalda)
- A toothache ( un dolor de diente)
- A cold ( un resfriado)
- A sore throat (un malestar en la garganta)
- A fever ( fiebre)
- A cough (tos)
- A runny nose (flujo nasal, alergia)
- Take something ( toma algo)
- Lie down ( acuéstate)
- Have some tea ( toma algo de te)
- See a doctor/ dentist ( ve a un doctor/dentista)

Pregunta por una recomendación con Should o shouldn´t y la forma base de un verbo.

Questions Answers

Should I see a doctor? Yes, you should.

Should she take something? No, she shouldn´t

What should she do? She should go to bed.

1. Conversation.

A: Who´s that? He looks familiar.

B: Who?

A: The man with long, wavy, dark hair.

B: Oh, that´s Andrea Bocelli. He´s a opera singer from Italy.

A: No kidding.

2. Conversation:

A: Hey, Manuelle. What happened?

B: I broke my arm.

A: Oh. I´m sorry to hear that. Do you need something?

B: No, I don´t. Thanks!

3. Conversation:

A: I feel awful.

B: What´s wrong?

A: I have a backache and headache.

B: You really should see a doctor and then go to bed.

A: Good idea.

B: I hope you feel better.

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