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Occupation Field of study Workplace (Place of work)

Engineer Engineering Civil Engineering:

Government entities, real
estate companies and
construction offices.

Mathematician Mathematics School, university and

research centers
Administrator Business,Public Business and credit Bank
Physicist Physics University, research centers,
hospitals, and government
Biologist Biology University, school, (research
centers botanical, zoological
and microbiological) and
Geologist Geology Research centers and geology
Sociologist Sociology Social institutions and
Political scientist Political science Government, labor and
political organizations
Journalist Journalism Newspaper/magazine offices,
publishing companies,
universities and colleges,
offices, public relations
Librarian Library science University, community
organizations and government
Pharmacist Pharmacology Hospitals, clinics and
Dentist Dentistry Dental clinical and hospital.
Architect Architecture Government entities, real
estate companies and
construction offices.
Economist Economy Government entities, private
institutions and university.
Lista personal:

Occupation Field of study Workplace (Place of work)

Actor Acting Live theater productions, at
theme parks, in commercials,
and on television shows.
Artist Art Theater, museum
Archaeologist Archaeology School, university and
research centers
Electrician Electronics Trade organizations
Secretary Secretariat Office
Translator Linguistics International entities
Veterinary doctor Veterinary Medicine Veterinary clinic
Astronaut space science space agencies
Researcher Sciences Pulic and private institutions
Professor University teaching Educational institutions
Programmer Software programming Institutional research office
Psychologist Psychology Social benefit organizations,
academy, hospital.
Psychiatrist Psychiatry Psychiatric hospital
Social worker Social sciences Educational institutions,
governmental and private

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