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Art. 1156. An obligation is a juridical Art. 1427.

When a minor between eighteen and

necessity to give, to do or not to do. twenty-one years of age, who has entered into a
contract without the consent of the parent or
guardian, voluntarily pays a sum of money or delivers
Kinds of Obligations as to basis & enforceability a fungible thing in fulfillment of the obligation, there
shall be no right to recover the same from the obligee
Civil Obligation who has spent or consumed it in good faith. (1160A)
-one which has a binding force in law, and which
gives to the obligee or creditor the right of enforcing Art. 1428. When, after an action to enforce a civil
it against the obligor or debtor in a court of justice. obligation has failed the defendant voluntarily
performs the obligation, he cannot demand the
Natural Obligation return of what he has delivered or the payment of the
-one which cannot be enforced by action, but which value of the service he has rendered.
is binding on the party who makes it in conscience
and according to the natural law. Art. 1429. When a testate or intestate heir voluntarily
pays a debt of the decedent exceeding the value of the
Title III. - NATURAL OBLIGATIONS property, which he received by will or by the law of
intestacy from the estate of the deceased, the
Art. 1423. Obligations are civil or natural. Civil payment is valid and cannot be rescinded by the
obligations give a right of action to compel their payer.
performance. Natural obligations, not being based on
positive law but on equity and natural law, do not Art. 1430. When a will is declared void because it has
grant a right of action to enforce their performance, not been executed in accordance with the formalities
but after voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, they required by law, but one of the intestate heirs, after
authorize the retention of what has been delivered or the settlement of the debts of the deceased, pays a
rendered by reason thereof. Some natural obligations legacy in compliance with a clause in the defective
are set forth in the following articles. will, the payment is effective and irrevocable.

Art. 1424. When a right to sue upon a civil obligation

has lapsed by extinctive prescription, the obligor who Thus, when an action has prescribed in accordance
voluntarily performs the contract cannot recover with the statute of limitations, a natural obligation
what he has delivered or the value of the service he still subsists, although the civil obligation is
has rendered. extinguished.

Art. 1425. When without the knowledge or against Essential Requisites of Obligations
the will of the debtor, a third person pays a debt
which the obligor is not legally bound to pay because 1. Active subject
the action thereon has prescribed, but the debtor -always a person, juridical or natural
later voluntarily reimburses the third person, the a. creditor – obligation to give
obligor cannot recover what he has paid. b. obligee – obligation to do

Art. 1426. When a minor between eighteen and 2. Passive subject

twenty-one years of age who has entered into a -must be determinate or determinable
contract without the consent of the parent or a. debtor – obligation to give
guardian, after the annulment of the contract b. obligor – obligation to do
voluntarily returns the whole thing or price received,
notwithstanding the fact the he has not been 3. Object of the obligation
benefited thereby, there is no right to demand the In a contract of sale for example, the object of
thing or price thus returned. the obligation is the conduct of the vendor in
delivering the car.
The car, on the other hand, is the object of the
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Art. 1159. Obligations arising from
CONTRACTS have the force of law between
the contracting parties and should be
complied with in good faith.

Who has the burden of proof?

The OBLIGEE has the burden of proof because
obligations arising from law are not presumed.
4. Vinculum juris
The vinculum juris is the legal tie. It consists of This provision presupposes that the contract is
the enforceability of the obligation. If the valid and enforceable.
debtor does not conform, the creditor has the
power to go to court to make the debtor When are pre-contractual obligations binding and
perform – coercive. when do they give rise to liability?

5. Causa If the offer by one party is clear and definite, leading

The object of an obligation answers the the offeree in good faith to incur expenses in the
question What is owed? expectation of entering into the contract and the
The causa answers the question withdrawal of the offer is without any legitimate
Why is it owed? cause.

For example, A will deliver a car to B since A Art. 1160. Obligations derived from QUASI-
expects to get P300,000. The P300,000 is the CONTRACTS shall be subject to the provisions
causa of the obligation. of Chapter 1, Title XVII, of this Book.

6. Form
Form means some manifestation of intent. Quasi-contracts
a. Negotiorum Gestio
Sources of Civil Obligations b. Solutio Indebiti
c. Other Quasi-contracts
Art. 1157. Obligations arise from:
(1) Law; What is a quasi-contract?
Art. (2)
1158. Obligations derived from LAW are
Contracts; It is a juridical relation which arises from certain
not (3)presumed. Only those expressly
Quasi-contracts; lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts by virtue of
(4) Acts in
orthis Code orpunished
omissions in special
law;are which the parties become bound to each other
demandable, and shall be regulated by the
(5) Quasi-delicts. based on the principle that no one shall be unjustly
precepts of the law which establishes them;
enriched or benefit at the expense of another.
and as to what has not been foreseen, by the
provisions of this Book.
A quasi-contract is not an implied contract. There is
no meeting of the minds between parties. A juridical
There is always a concurrence between the law relation is created by a quasi-contract so that nobody
which establishes or recognizes it & an act or shall enrich himself at the expense of another.
condition upon which the obligation is based or
predicated. Is the enumeration exclusive?
No. Article 2143 states that: The provisions for quasi-
contracts in this Chapter do not exclude other quasi-
contracts, which may come within the purview of the
preceding article.

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NEGOTIORUM GESTIO (obligation incident to the This case falls under “other quasi-contracts”
officious management of the affairs of other Article 2145
persons) The law requires that the degree of diligence to be
exercised by the officious manager is that exercised by
Art. 2144. Whoever voluntarily takes charge of the a good father of a family. This means the ordinary
agency or management of the business or property of degree of care which a reasonable and prudent person
another, without any power from the latter, is obliged to will do given the same circumstances the officious
continue the same until the termination of the affair and manager is in. If he causes damage to the property of
its incidents, or to require the person concerned to the owner, he shall be liable to such owner. An
substitute him, if the owner is in a position to do so. This officious manager is in a sense an intruder in the
juridical relation does not arise in either of these business or the property of the owner. However, if his
instances: intrusion is with the objective of preserving, managing
and taking care of the property without any intent to
(1) When the property or business is not neglected gain, a quasi-contract is created. He cannot escape
or abandoned; liability by stating that there was no obligation on his
(2) If in fact the manager has been tacitly part to take over the property or business in the first
authorized by the owner. place. Once he takes over, he is charged with the
responsibility to take care of it.
In the first case, the provisions of Articles 1317, 1403,
No. 1, and 1404 regarding unauthorized contracts shall On the other hand, if indeed the owner suffers damage
govern. due to the negligence or fault of the officious manager,
the court can increase or moderate the indemnity
In the second case, the rules on agency in Title X of this according to the circumstances.
Book shall be applicable.
Article 2146
Illustration: The officious manager can delegate the management
A abandons his property, a Mango plantation, and his of the properties to another. However, he will be
business therein. B decides to manage the business responsible for the acts of the said delegate. Such
and the property so that the business will earn upon person to whom the management has been delegated
harvest time. B does this without any authority from A. shall likewise be directly responsible to the owner.
B therefore becomes an officious manager without The liability of two or more officious managers is
expectation of any profit or remuneration. B must solidary. The owner can seek the full amount of
continue managing the property or the business until damages from anyone of the officious managers.
it is terminated. He can also require A to have him (B)
substituted if A is in a position to do so. In cases of fortuitous events (Article 2147)
The officious manager shall be liable for any fortuitous
If the property is not abandoned, all acts of A event:
unauthorized and any contract entered into by him (1) If he undertakes risky operations which the
shall be generally unenforceable. owner was not accustomed to embark upon;
(2) If he has preferred his own interest to that of
If B were authorized, the law on agency shall apply. the owner;
(3) If he fails to return the property or business
Question: after demand by the owner;
The owner left his house for a short vacation, the (4) If he assumed the management in bad faith
very night they left, their house was burned, the
neighbors saved some of their appliances. Is there Illustration:
negotiorum gestio in this case? The first case is when the officious manager
undertakes risky operations which the owner is not
No, the appliances were not under the management accustomed to embark upon. Thus, if the business of
of the gestor and there was no abandonment and the owner is simply providing a warehouse for dolls
neglect of the property. and other toys, and the officious manager decides to
allow the storing of highly inflammable materials in
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the warehouse, the officious manager shall be liable if However, if the said teacher manages the said farming
the warehouse is burned due to a fortuitous event, business to save it from imminent danger, he will not
such as the striking of lightning. be liable for damages caused by a fortuitous event.
The second case is when the officious manager has
preferred his own interest to that of the owner. For Article 2149
example, the officious manager takes over the business The ratification of the management by the owner of the
of the owner of warehousing goods. In the meantime, business produces the effects of an express agency, even
the officious manager also stores some of his goods in if the business may not have been successful.
the warehouse. In the event that a flood occurs, and he
first saves his goods, before the goods of the owner Ratification means that the owner agrees to whatever
and the latter’s clients, from being destroyed, the the officious manager has done. It cures even the
officious manager will be liable for the loss due to the defects, which the officious manager has committed. If
fortuitous event. ratification happens, the law on agency applies and
even if the business is not successful, such agency by
The third situation is when the officious manager fails virtue of ratification shall be recognized.
to return the property or business after demand by the
owner. Once the owner demands the return of the Article 2150
business, the officious manager should readily return The owner must always reimburse the officious
it. He has no right to keep it for himself. Hence, if the manager for all expenses, which have inured for the
property is destroyed by fortuitous event, the officious benefit or advantage of the owner.
manager will be held liable for his act of unduly
retaining what is not his. Hence, if the officious manager pays taxes on the
property so that it will not be foreclosed, the owner
The fourth situation is when the officious manager must reimburse the officious manager for the payment
assumes the management in bad faith. For example, made by the latter.
the officious manager takes over the warehousing
business of the owner so that he can get the clients of Even if no benefit has been derived but the officious
the owner for his (officious manager’s) own manager takes over to save the property or business
warehousing business. Such officious manager shall be from imminent loss, the officious manager should
liable for the loss of the warehousing business of the likewise be reimbursed for obligations incurred for the
owner caused by a fortuitous event. owner’s interest, including useful and necessary
Article 2148
Generally, the happening of a fortuitous event affecting Article 2151
an obligation excuses the person charged from Whether or not there is benefit and whether or not
performing the obligation. In case of negotiorum there is imminent danger are immaterial for purposes
gestio, Article 2148 does not excuse the officious of reimbursing the officious manager of useful and
manager from liability due to fortuitous event. necessary expenses and of payment made in
furtherance of the owner’s interest:
The officious manager has no business taking over the a) if the officious manager has acted in good faith
abandoned property or business of somebody if he has and
no knowledge or is not competent to undertake the b) the property or business is intact, ready to be
management. Hence, if a teacher takes on the farming returned to the owner.
business of another, he shall be liable for any damage
caused by a fortuitous event. He should have been The very fact that the property is intact means that the
prudent enough to know that he cannot possibly officious manager has prudently and with due
undertake something, which he has no competence in. diligence managed the property.

If another person who is competent to take over the

farming business decides to manage the same and the
said teacher prevents him from doing so on the ground Article 2152
that he has been there first, such teacher will be liable The officious manager is personally liable for contracts
if the property is destroyed by a fortuitous event. which he has entered into with third persons, even
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though he acted in the name of the owner, and there HELD: Yes. Art 2154 of the New Civil Code is
shall be no right of action between the owner and third applicable. For this article to apply, the following
persons. These provisions shall not apply: requisites must concur: 1) that he who paid was not
(1) If the owner has expressly or tacitly ratified the under obligation to do so; and 2) that payment was
management; or made by reason of an essential mistake of fact.
(2) When the contract refers to things pertaining to the
owner of the business.
If the officious manager decides to manage the There was a mistake, not negligence, in the second
property or business, and for this reason, he buys remittance. It was evident by the fact that both
some decorations to be placed in the property, such remittances have the same reference invoice number.
officious manager shall be the only one responsible for
the payment of such decorations even if he acts in the Article 2155
name of the owner. The seller of the decorations has Payment by reason of a mistake in the construction or
no right of action against the owner in the event the application of a doubtful or difficult question of law may
officious manager does not pay for them. However, the come within the scope of the preceding article.
owner shall pay for them if he has expressly or tacitly
ratifies the act of the officious manager. If the buying Solutio indebiti, generally involves only a mistake of
and selling of decoration is the very object of the fact. However, under Article 2155, a mistake of law is
business of the owner, the owner shall be liable. allowed if the mistake is brought about by the
construction or application of a doubtful or difficult
Article 2153 question of law.
The management is extinguished:
(1) When the owner repudiates it or puts an end Illustration:
thereto; Gonzalo Puyat and Sons, Inc. vs. City of Manila
(2) When the officious manager withdraws from where the appellee, by mistake paid taxes which were
the management, subject to the provisions of not due as the appellant was exempted from the same,
Article 2144; and the said mistake in payment was, among others,
(3) By the death, civil interdiction, insanity or the result of a complicated correlation and application
insolvency of the owner or the officious of various municipal and national laws, the Supreme
manager. Court ruled that there was solutio indebiti by stating:

The management is extinguished if the owner In refutation of the above stand of appellants, appellee
repudiates it or puts an end to it. The owner still has avers that the payments could not have been voluntary.
the power of dominion over his property or his At most, they were paid “mistakenly and in good faith”
business. Hence his decision must prevail over that of and “without protest in the erroneous belief that it was
the officious manager. If owner does not want the liable thereof.” Voluntariness is incompatible with
officious manager, this decision should prevail. protest and mistake. It submits that this is a simple case
of “solutio indebiti.”

SOLUTIO INDEBITI (recovery of what has been Appellants do not dispute the fact that appellee-
improperly paid) company is exempted from the payment of the tax in
question. This is manifest from the reply of appellant
Art. 2154 City Treasurer stating that sales of manufactured
If something is received when there is no right to products at the factory site are not taxable either
demand it, and it was unduly delivered through mistake, under the Wholesalers’ Ordinance or under the
the obligation to return it arises. Retailers’ Ordinance. With this admission, it would
seem clear that the taxes collected from appellee were
Illustration: paid, thru an error or mistake, which places said act of
Andres v. Mantrust payment within the pale of the new Civil Code
Whether or not the private respondent has the right to provision on solutio indebiti. The appellant City of
recover the second $10,000 remittance it had delivered Manila, at the very start, notwithstanding the
to petitioner Ordinance imposing the Retailer’s Tax, had no right to
demand payment thereof.
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of his (X’s) watch. X must claim the watch within one
Appellee categorically stated that the payment was not month from the advice. If X does not claim the watch, B
voluntarily made (a fact found also by the lower is excused from all liability if, A, because of solutio
court), but on the erroneous belief, that they were due. indebiti, claims back the watch, and B gives back the
Under this circumstances, the amount paid, even watch to A. However, if at the time A gives the watch of
without protest is recoverable. “If the payer was in B, the latter has reasonable grounds to believe that it
doubt whether the debt was due, he may recover if he has been acquired unlawfully, B can return the same to
proves that it was not due” (Art. 2156, NCC). Appellee A.
had duly proved that taxes were not lawfully due.
There is, therefore, no doubt that the provisions of
solutio indebiti, of the new Civil Code, apply to the Article 2159
admitted facts of the case. Whoever in bad faith accepts an undue payment, shall
pay legal interest if a sum of money is involved, or shall
Article 2156 be liable for fruits received or which should have been
If the payer was in doubt whether the debt was due, he received if the thing produces fruits.
may recover if he proves that it was not due.
If the creditor knows that the payment is not yet due
For example, a debtor pays a creditor prematurely and payment is tendered to him, he must inform the
because he is not sure whether the debt is already due. debtor that payment is not yet due. Should the creditor
The creditor accepts it . The debtor can recover what accept such premature payment, he is therefore in bad
he has paid prior to the due date of the debt provided faith and shall be liable for interest from the time he
that the demand for reimbursement is not made after accepts payment up to the time he returns it upon
the debt has become due. This is a case of solutio demand of the debtor.
Article 2160
Article 2157 He who in good faith accepts an undue payment of a
The responsibility of two or more payees, when there thing certain and determinate shall only be responsible
has been payment of what is not due, is solidary. for the impairment or loss of the same or its accessories
and accessions insofar as he has thereby been benefited.
An illustration of this article is as follows: A is indebted If he has alienated it, he shall return the price or assign
to B and C for P2,000. The obligation is of a solidary the action to collect the sum.
nature such that A can pay only to one of them the
whole obligation, and the debt is considered paid as to An illustration of this article is as follows: A is obliged
both. Thus, if A pays B the amount of P2,000, the debt to give B a house on January 1, 1997. Believing that it
is considered paid. It is up to C to claim from B his was due on August 1, 1996, A delivered the house on
share of the credit which is P1,000. If there is payment said date. B likewise did not know that the house was
by mistake, A can recover from either B or C the still due on January 1, 1997. B was in good faith. On
amount which he has paid. This is true, even if in the November 1996, the house was rented in the amount
meantime, C has not yet obtained his P1,000. of P2,000 per hour by a movie producer for a
particular motion picture and, while shooting, the
Article 2158 kitchen was accidentally burned. After the shooting of
When the property delivered or money paid belongs to the motion picture, B was paid the rent in the amount
a third person, the payee shall comply with the of P30,000 for 15 hours. On December 1996, A
provisions of Article 1984. discovered that the house was not yet due and
demanded its return. B can return the house and pay
Illustration: the amount of the kitchen which has been impaired,
A is obliged to pay B his obligation by giving B a watch. because he (B) has been benefited by the house when
Despite the fact that the payment is not yet due, A he had it rented.
gives B the watch which turns out to be stolen from X.
At the time of his receipt of the watch, B has no Article 2161
obligation to ask A questions as to who owns the As regards the reimbursement for improvements and
watch. However, if B later finds out that X really owns expenses incurred by him who unduly received the thing,
the watch, B must advise X that he (B) is in possession the provisions of Title V of Book II shall govern.
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Article 2162 the payment has been made can show that such
He shall be exempt from the obligation to restore who, payment is a gift or a donation by showing the proper
believing in good faith that the payment was being evidence like a valid deed of donation.
made of a legitimate and subsisting claim, destroyed the
document, or allowed the action to prescribe, or gave up OTHER QUASI-CONTRACTS (Articles 2164-2175)
the pledges, or cancelled the guaranties for his right. He
who paid unduly may proceed only against the true Article 2164
debtor or the guarantors with regard to whom the When, without the knowledge of the person obliged to
action is still effective. give support, it is given by a stranger, the latter shall
have a right to claim the same from the former, unless
Illustration: it appears that he gave it out of piety and without
A is indebted to B in the amount of P1,000. It is an oral intention of being repaid
contract of loan and hence it prescribes in 6 years
from the time it falls due. Illustration:
“MV Princess of the Stars” incident
X is the guarantor of the indebtedness. As guarantor, X One of the deceased caused by the sinking of the ship
will only pay B if B has unsuccessfully exhausted all was buried by a 3rd person, A. A then asks B,
efforts to collect from A upon the maturity of the debt. deceased’s aunt for reimbursement on the burial
expenses. Can B be compelled to reimburse the burial
The debt becomes due and A fails to pay B. B has not expenses?
yet exhausted all efforts to collect from A. Believing
that he is principally liable also for the debt, X pays B No. Only persons obliged to give support can be
on the fifth year since the debt has become due. B also compelled to reimburse.
believed in good faith that he could collect from X and
hence accepts the payment from X. Article 2165
When funeral expenses are borne by a third person,
In the meantime, more than six years have already without the knowledge of those relatives who were
lapsed since the debt has become due. B does not obliged to give support to the deceased, said relatives
demand from A anymore because he has already been shall reimburse the third person, should the latter claim
paid by X on the fifth year. reimbursement

In this case, X paid B by mistake. X cannot recover the The following are obliged to support each other:
money paid by mistake from B because, if this is 1) the spouses;
allowed, B cannot anymore recover payment from A as 2) legitimate ascendants and descendants;
B’s cause of action against A has prescribed. X can only 3) parents and their legitimate children and the
recover from A, the true debtor. Since a quasi- contract legitimate and illegitimate children of the
of solutio indebiti exists from the time X made the latter;
payment on the fifth year, he has six years from such 4) parents and their illegitimate children and the
payment within which to file an action against A, the legitimate and illegitimate children of the
principal debtor. This is so because, considering that a latter; and
quasi-contract prescribes after six years from the time 5) legitimate brothers and sisters, whether of full
the cause of action accrues, the action to collect from A or half-blood.
is still effective.
Whenever two or more persons are obliged to give
Article 2163 support, the liability shall devolve upon the following
It is presumed that there is a mistake in the payment if persons in the following order:
something which had never been due or had already 1) the spouse;
been delivered was delivered; but he from whom the 2) the descendants in the nearest degree;
return is claimed may prove that the delivery was made 3) the ascendants in the nearest degree; and
out of liberality. 4) the brothers and sisters.

A debtor who pays in solutio indebiti may recover what

he has paid by mistake. However, the person to whom
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Illustration: property, undertakes to do the necessary work, even
A was the daughter of X and Y. A died. G was the one over his objection, he shall be liable to pay the expenses.
who shouldered the expenses for A’s funeral. If G did
this benevolent act as an act of charity, X and Y need For example, a municipal ordinance prohibits the
not reimburse him. If G intended to be reimbursed, he throwing of spoiled food outside of the house in a
can only be paid after demanding payment from X and waste can without any plastic bag. A does not abide by
Y. the said ordinance and continually throws spoiled
Article 2166 food in a wooden garbage container. To prevent the
When the person obliged to support an orphan, or an spread of disease, the municipal government can put
insane or other indigent person unjustly refuses to give the spoiled food inside a plastic bag first and then
support to the latter, any third person may furnish provide the owner of the house with a garbage can at
support to the needy individual, with right of the owner’s expense even if he does not want to.
reimbursement from the person obliged to give support.
The provisions of this article apply when the father or Article 2170
mother of a child under eighteen years of age unjustly When by accident or other fortuitous event, movables
refuses to support him. separately pertaining to two or more persons are
commingled or confused, the rules on co-ownership shall
Article 2167 be applicable.
When through an accident or other cause a person is
injured or becomes seriously ill, and he is treated or The commingling here is unintentional as it is the
helped while he is not in a condition to give his consent result of an accident or fortuitous event.
to a contract, he shall be liable to pay for the services of
the physician or other person aiding him, unless the Article 2171
service has been rendered out of pure generosity. The rights and obligations of the finder of lost personal
property shall be governed by Articles 719 and 720.
A is bumped by a car and is seriously injured. He Article 2172
becomes unconscious. X sees A and brings him to the The right of every possessor in good faith to
hospital. A’s injuries need immediate treatment but, reimbursement for necessary and useful expenses is
since he is in coma, he cannot give his consent. The governed by Article 546.
doctor nevertheless treats his injuries lest it becomes
more serious. When A recovers, he has the obligation Article 2173
to pay the services of the doctor unless the latter does When a third person, without the knowledge of the
not want to be paid. debtor, pays the debt, the rights of the former are
governed by Articles 1236 and 1237.
Article 2168
When during a fire, flood, storm or other calamity, Article 2174
property is saved from destruction by another person When in a small community a majority of the
without the knowledge of the owner, the latter is bound inhabitants of age decide upon a measure for protection
to pay the former just compensation. against lawlessness, fire, flood, storm or other calamity,
any one who objects to the plan and refuses to
Illustration: contribute to the expenses but is benefited by the project
The house of A starts to catch fire but A is not in the as executed shall be liable to pay his share in the
house. When the garage of the house is already on fire, expenses.
Z goes inside the burning garage and pushes the car of
A out of the same without the knowledge of A. The car For example, the people of a certain barrio decide to
is saved from destruction. In this case, A is bound to engage a security force to protect their community
pay Z just compensation unless Z does not want to because of rampant lawlessness. For this reason, the
accept it. people agree to contribute to the expenses of this
security force. G however refuse to make any
Article 2169 contribution. In the event that the security force
When the government, upon the failure of any person to apprehend robbers intending to rob the house of G, G
comply with health or safety regulations concerning should pay his share in the expenses for the
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community’s engagement of the security force to Third. That there be no other practical and less harmful
protect the people from criminals. means of preventing it.

Article 2175 In exempting circumstances:

Any person who is constrained to pay the taxes of GR: There is civil liability
another shall be entitled to reimbursement from the E: paragraph 4
latter. Any person who, while performing a lawful act with due
care, causes an injury by mere accident without fault or
For example, A is the neighbor of G whose property is intention of causing it.
about to be forfeited to the government because of
unpaid real estate taxes. A can pay the taxes but G
must reimburse him.
Article 1167
Art. 1161. Civil obligations arising from If the person obliged to do something fails to do it, the
CRIMINAL OFFENSES shall be governed by the same shall be executed at his cost.
penal laws, subject to the provisions of
This same rule shall be observed if he does it in
Article 2177, and of the pertinent provisions
contravention of the tenor of the obligations.
of Chapter 2, Preliminary Title, on Human
Furthermore, it may be decreed that what has been
Relations, and of Title XVIII of this Book, poorly done be undone.
regulating damages.
When the obligation to do can only be performed by
the debtor, he cannot be compelled to do so by force,
so the only remedy is damages.
General Rule:
If you commit a crime, you are liable both criminally Article 2177
and civilly. Responsibility for fault or negligence under the
preceding article is entirely separate and distinct from
Exception: the civil liability arising from negligence under the
If there is no private offended party. Penal Code. But the plaintiff cannot recover damages
twice for the same act or omission of the defendant
Article 104 of the RPC states that: The civil liability
established includes: A person, while not criminally liable may still be civilly
1. Restitution (restoration) liable. When the acquittal is based on the ground that
2. Reparation of damage caused (amount of the guilt of the accused has not been proven beyond
damages: price of the thing; sentimental value) reasonable doubt, the plaintiff has the right to institute
3. Indemnification for consequential damages a civil action for damages.
(those suffered by family or 3rd persons)

Note that it is not absolute that when a person is Art. 1162. Obligations derived from QUASI-
criminally liable, all these 3 would arise. DELICTS shall be governed by the provisions
of Chapter 2, Title XVII of this Book, and by
Illustration: special laws.
In justifying circumstances:
GR: No civil liability Article 2176
E: paragraph 4 Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another,
Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or injury, does there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the
not act which causes damage to another, provided that damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no
the following requisites are present; pre-existing contractual relation between the parties, is
  called a quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of
First. That the evil sought to be avoided actually exists; this Chapter.
Second. That the injury feared be greater than that done
to avoid it;

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Quasi-delict is a civil law term whereas tort is a Elements of a Quasi-delict
common law term. To sustain a claim based on a quasi-delict, the
following requisites must concur:
In quasi-delict, the obligation arises only when there 1. A duty on the part of the defendant to protect
is a violation. Without violation, there is no obligation. the plaintiff from the injury of which the latter
It is the breach itself which gives rise to the obligation. complains;
2. A failure to perform that duty; and
In contracts, there is already an obligation which 3. An injury to the plaintiff through such failure
exists prior to or even without a breach. The breach of
the contract is immaterial to the legal obligation. Test of Negligence
Example: Contract of sale of watch. If both parties Would a prudent man, in the position of the person on
perform their obligation, the contract is extinguished. whom negligence is attributed, foresee harm to the
There is no breach, but there is an obligation. person injured as a reasonable consequence of the
course about to be pursued?
(Compare the above example with the one below)
Example: Driving recklessly, A hits a child. When did Kinds of Negligence
the obligation came to being? When there was injury 1. Culpa Aquiliana or negligence as a source of
due to negligence. (Negligence per se does not give obligation
rise to a quasi-delict unless there is injury.) Breach and -governed by Articles 2176-2194
quasi-delict are inseparable. But contract and breach -no contractual relation at all
may be separable.
2. Culpa Contractual or negligence in the
Article 2176 is not applicable when there is a pre- performance of a contractual obligation
existing contractual relation. However, when such act -governed y Article 1179 and all on contracts
of breaching the contract is also tortious, the
contractual relation will not bar the recovery of Requisites of liability (imputed):
damages. 1. the fault of negligence of the defendant
2. the damage suffered or incurred by the plaintiff
Are contracts and quasi-delicts mutually exclusive? 3. the relation of the fault or negligence and
(When two events are mutually exclusive, the damage incurred by the plaintiff
occurrence of one precludes the other. In short, they
cannot occur at the same time) Damage
It is the loss, hurt or harm which results from injury. It
No. In Gutierrez v. Gutierrez, there was a collision differs from damages which term refers to the
between a bus and a car wherein the passenger of the recompense or compensation awarded for the damage
bus was injured. suffered.

It was proven that the driver of the car was a minor Is fault the same as negligence?
and an incompetent driver. The passenger sued No. Negligence is just an omission of the diligence
against them all. The SC held that the bus driver, bus required whereas fault covers intentional and
owner and the driver of the car (through his father) unintentional acts.
are jointly and severally liable to the passenger.
One word which would cover both fault and
The liability of the owner of the bus and the bus driver negligence is Culpa
rests on that of a contract.
On the other hand, the father is responsible for the It is that condition where a person acts in a way or
acts of his son and is therefor responsible for the manner contrary to what normally should have been
negligence of the minor. Here, it is clear that breach of done and ultimately causing damage or injury to
contract and quasi-delict are separate. another. (Prescribing the wrong medicine to a patient
causing the latter to suffer injuries)
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contract. The case of Cangco has not really resolve this
It consists in the omission to do acts required under Cangco vs. Manila Railroad Co.
the attendant circumstances resulting in damage or
injury to another. (Failure of the pilot to provide Balane: There are two important principles that we
sufficient fuel to the helicopter causing it to crash and learn fr. this case:
injure its passengers)
The difference in concept bet. contract & quasi-delict is
Balane: that in a contract, there is a pre-existing juridical tie
The Code Commission did not choose to use tort. This bet. the parties. Violation of the contract gives rise to
is because tort does not exactly have the same liability but not to the juridical tie. Juridical tie is not
meaning as quasi-delict. borne by a violation. In quasi-delict, it is precisely the
wrongful act w/c gives rise to the juridical tie.
Tort [broader] covers intentional torts which in quasi- Liability & juridical tie are simultaneous.
delict is considered as civil liability arising from acts or
omissions punishable by law. There are some QD w/c Contracts & quasi-delicts create two concentric circles
are not covered by tort. w/ quasi-delict as the bigger circle.

A tort is a civil wrong (an actionable wrong) consisting [Note: There is a little mistake in Cangco. The SC said
of a violation of a right or a breach of duty for which that the driver can be sued under culpa contractual.
the law grants a remedy in damages or other relief. This is wrong. The driver cannot be sued as he has no
The right is created by law in favor of a person called a privity of contract w/ the passenger.]
creditor to compel another called a debtor to observe
duty or a prestation either to render what is due him Facts: Cangco was an EE of MRR Co. He takes the
or to refrain from causing him injury. train going home from work. That day he alighted
from the train while it was still slightly in motion. He
Classes of Torts According to Manner of landed on the elevated platform on top of some sacks
Commission of watermelon which made him fall violently, rolled
away from the platform under the moving train where
1. Intentional Torts he badly crashed and lacerated his right arm. It
a. tortfeasor desires to cause the happened at night bet 7-8pm and d station was poorly
consequences of his act, or lit. Cangco’s arm was amputated twice. The
b. tortfeasor believes that the consequences seriousness of his injury made him file a case for
are substantially certain to result from it damages vs MRR Co.
c. Articles 26, 32 & 33 (CC)
2. Negligent Torts It can not be doubted that the employees of the
a. tortfeasor’s conduct merely creates a railroad company were guilty of negligence in piling
foreseeable risk of harm which may or may these sacks on the platform in the manner above
not occur; stated; that their presence caused the plaintiff to fall as
b. Article 2176 (CC) he alighted from the train; and that they therefore
constituted an effective legal cause of the injuries
3. Strict Liability Torts sustained by the plaintiff. It necessarily follows that
Articles 2183 & 2187 (CC) the defendant company is liable for the damage
thereby occasioned unless recovery is barred by the
Q: If there is a contract between the parties, can there plaintiff's own contributory negligence.
be a quasi-delict committed by one against the other
regarding the area covered by the contract?           It is important to note that the foundation of the
legal liability of the defendant is the contract of
A: If you look at Art. 2176, you get the impression that carriage, and that the obligation to respond for the
if there is a contract between the parties, they cannot damage which plaintiff has suffered arises, if at all,
be liable for quasi-delict on an area covered by the from the breach of that contract by reason of the
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failure of defendant to exercise due care in its
performance. That is to say, its liability is direct and           The test by which to determine whether the
immediate, differing essentially, in legal viewpoint passenger has been guilty of negligence in attempting
from that presumptive responsibility for the to alight from a moving railway train, is that of
negligence of its servants, [RESPONDEAT SUPERIOR], ordinary or reasonable care. It is to be considered
which can be rebutted by proof of the exercise of due whether an ordinarily prudent person, of the age, sex
care in their selection and supervision. (presumption and condition of the passenger, would have acted as
juris tantum, rebuttable). Imputed liability in NCC is the passenger acted under the circumstances disclosed
not applicable to obligations arising ex contractu, but by the evidence. This care has been defined to be, not
only to extra-contractual obligations, or to use the the care which may or should be used by the prudent
technical form of expression, that article relates only man generally, but the care which a man of ordinary
to culpa aquiliana and not to culpa contractual. prudence would use under similar circumstances, to
avoid injury." (Thompson, Commentaries on
Every legal obligation must of necessity be Negligence, vol. 3, sec. 3010.)
extra-contractual or contractual. Extra-contractual
obligation has its source in the breach or omission of RULING:          …that the train was barely moving when
those mutual duties which civilized society imposes plaintiff alighted is shown conclusively by the fact that
upon it members, or which arise from these relations, it came to stop within six meters from the place where
other than contractual, of certain members of society he stepped from it. Thousands of person alight from
to others, generally embraced in the concept of status. trains under these conditions every day of the year,
The fundamental distinction between obligations of and sustain no injury where the company has kept its
this character and those which arise from contract, platform free from dangerous obstructions. There is
rests upon the fact that in cases of non-contractual no reason to believe that plaintiff would have suffered
obligation it is the wrongful or negligent act or any injury whatever in alighting as he did had it not
omission itself which creates the vinculum juris, been for defendant's negligent failure to perform its
whereas in contractual relations the vinculum exists duty to provide a safe alighting place.
independently of the breach of the voluntary duty
assumed by the parties when entering into the CASE: Where there could still be QD even when there
contractual relation. is contract of carriage
The contract of defendant to transport plaintiff carried Gutierrez vs. Gutierrez
with it, by implication, the duty to carry him in safety
and to provide safe means of entering and leaving its FACTS:
trains (contract of carriage). That duty, being A truck and a car collided on a narrow bridge. A
contractual, was direct and immediate, and its non- passenger of the truck was injured and filed a case.
performance could not be excused by proof that the The owner of the truck was made defendant although
fault was morally imputable to defendant's servants. his driver was driving the truck at that time and he
was not a passenger of the truck. The owner of the car
          The railroad company's defense involves the was also made defendant although the driver of the
assumption that even granting that the negligent car at the time of the collision was his son, 18 yrs. of
conduct of its servants in placing an obstruction upon age, w/ other members of the family accommodated
the platform was a breach of its contractual obligation therein, but not the car owner.
to maintain safe means of approaching and leaving its
trains, the direct and proximate cause of the injury HELD: The court found both drivers negligent. The
suffered by plaintiff was his own contributory owner of the truck was made liable for culpa
negligence in failing to wait until the train had come to contractual, under the contract of carriage. The owner
a complete stop before alighting (Doctrine of of the car was made liable under Art. 2180, imputed
comparative negligence, Rakes doctrine). If the liability for culpa aquiliana.
accident was caused by plaintiff's own negligence, no
liability is imposed upon defendant's negligence and
plaintiff's negligence merely contributed to his injury,
the damages should be apportioned. It is, therefore,
important to ascertain if defendant was in fact guilty of
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Doctrine of proximate cause  is that which, in
FRAUD NEGLIGENCE natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any
dolo Culpa efficient intervening cause, produces injury and
Nature of Act involves mere want of without which the result would not have occurred.
willfulness or care or diligence,
deliberate not voluntary act The exemplification by the Court in one case is simple
intent to cause or omission and explicit; viz: "(T)he proximate legal cause is that
damage or acting first and producing the injury, either
injury to immediately or by setting other events in motion, all
another constituting a natural and continuous chain of events,
Gives rise to Ø the act itself the want or care each having a close causal connection with its
or diligence immediate predecessor, the final event in the chain
immediately affecting the injury as a natural and
A single act may be a crime and a QD at the same time; probable result of the cause which first acted under
(Art. 100, RPC) such circumstances that the person responsible for the
Injured party cannot recover damages twice for the first event should, as an ordinarily prudent and
same act or omission of defendant; (must choose 1 intelligent person, have reasonable ground to expect at
Rem.) the moment of his act or default that an injury to some
person might probably result therefrom."

As to nature of private right public right
Right violated
Is a Wrong the individual the State
Criminal not needed Necessary
Legal Basis for Broad penal law
liability necessary
Liability for every QD gives there are crimes
Damages rise to liability for without civil
damages liability
Form of reparation for punishment/
Redress injury suffered/ fine/
indemnification/ imprisonment
Quantum of preponderance beyond
Evidence reasonable doubt
Compromise can be criminal liability
compromised can never be

Requisites for liability: (onus)

1. Wrongful act or omission imputable to the
defendant by reason of his fault or negligence;
2. Damage or injury proven by the person claiming
recovery; Compliance with Obligations
3. A direct causal connection between the negligent
act and the injury. Article 19
Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in
the performance of his duties, act with justice, give
everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith.

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Article 1163 the obligation and other circumstances shall be taken
Every person obliged to give something is also into consideration.
obliged to take care of it with the proper diligence of
a good father of a family, unless the law or the Article 1460
stipulation of the parties requires another standard A thing is determinate when it is particularly designated
of care. or physical segregated from all others of the same class.

Article 1164 The requisite that a thing be determinate is satisfied if

The creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing at the time the contract is entered into, the thing is
from the time the obligation to deliver it arises. capable of being made determinate without the
However, he shall acquire no real right over it until necessity of a new or further agreement between the
the same has been delivered to him. parties

Article 1165 Article 440

When what is to be delivered is a determinate thing, The ownership of property gives the right by accession
the creditor, in addition to the right granted him by to everything which is produced thereby, or which is
article 1170, may compel the debtor to make the incorporated or attached thereto, either naturally or
delivery. artificially

If the thing is indeterminate or generic, he may ask Article 442

that the obligation be complied with at the expense Natural fruits are the spontaneous products of the soil,
of the debtor. and the young and other products of animals.

If the obligor delays, or has promised to deliver the Industrial fruits are those produced by lands of any
same thing to two or more persons who do not have kind through cultivation or labor.
the same interest, he shall be responsible for any
fortuitous event until he has effected the delivery. Civil fruits are the rents of buildings, the price of leases
of lands and other property and the amount of
Article 1166 perpetual or life annuities or other similar income
The obligation to give a determinate thing includes
that of delivering all its accessions and accessories, Kinds of Prestations
even though they may not have been mentioned. 1. to give;
2. to do; or
3. not to do
Article 1244
The debtor of a thing cannot compel the creditor to Kinds of Performance
receive a different one, although the latter may be of the 1. specific performance
same value as, or more valuable than that which is due. -performance by the debtor himself (applies only
to obligation to give )
In obligations to do or not to do, an act or forbearance
cannot be substituted by another act or forbearance 2. substitute performance
-performance at the expense of the debtor
against the obligee's will.
3. equivalent performance
-grant of damages

Article 1246 Article 1163
When the obligation consists in the delivery of an Every person obliged to give something is also obliged to
indeterminate or generic thing, whose quality and take care of it with the proper diligence of a good father
circumstances have not been stated, the creditor cannot of a family, unless the law or the stipulation of the
demand a thing of superior quality. Neither can the parties requires another standard of care.
debtor deliver a thing of inferior quality. The purpose of
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This article involves the prestation “to give.” The word time binding upon the whole world. A’s remedy is to
“some- thing” connotes a determinate object which is seek damages from X in connection with the fruits. If
definite, known, and has already been distinctly however, the mango orchard has already been
decided and particularly specified as the matter to be delivered, A already has a real right binding upon the
given from among the same things belonging to the whole world. If X sells to B the fruits after delivery to
same kind. A, A can recover from B who in turn can seek damages
from X.
Article 1164
The creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing from Article 1165
the time the obligation to deliver it arises. However, he This provision involves the prestation “to give.” The
shall acquire no real right over it until the same has object of the prestation can either be determinate or
been delivered to him. generic. A generic object can be any object belonging
to the same kind. In the event that there is non-
This article involves the prestation “to give.” After the delivery of a generic thing, the creditor may have it
right to deliver the object of the prestation has arisen accomplished or delivered in any reasonable and legal
in favor of the creditor but prior to the delivery of the way charging all expenses in connection with such
same, there is no real right enforceable or binding fulfillment to the debtor. The creditor can ask a third
against the whole world over the object and its fruits party to deliver the same thing of the same kind with
in favor of the person to whom the same should be all the expenses charged to the debtor.
given. The acquisition of a real right means that such
right can be enforceable against the whole world and In case of non-delivery of a determinate thing, the
will prejudice anybody claiming the same object of the remedy is to file an action to compel the debtor to
prestation. The real right only accrues when the thing make the delivery. This action is called specific
or object of the prestation is delivered to the creditor. performance. If the debtor is guilty of fraud,
negligence, delay or contravention in the performance
He only has a personal right over the same if it is of the obligation, the creditor can likewise seek
enforceable only against the debtor who is under an damages against the debtor.
obligation to give. This means that the personal right
of the creditor can be defeated by a third person in A fortuitous event is an event which “could not be
good faith who has innocently acquired the property foreseen, or which though foreseen, were inevitable.”6
prior to the scheduled delivery regardless of whether As a general rule, a debtor is relieved from his
or not such third person acquired the property after obligation “to give” if the object of such prestation is
the right to the delivery of the thing has accrued in lost through a fortuitous event.
favor of the creditor. In this case, however, the
aggrieved creditor can go against the debtor for The last paragraph of Article 1165 however provides
damages as the debtor should have known that the that a fortuitous event will not excuse the obligor from
fruits should have been delivered to the creditor alone his obligation in two cases namely:
1) if the obligor delays; and
Illustration: 2) if he has promised to deliver the same thing to
For example, on February 1, 1990, A buys a mango two or more persons who do not have the
orchard from X to be delivered on March 1, 1990. On same interest.
the latter date, A shall have the right to the fruits of the
mango orchard. If the property is delivered only on In both cases, the obligor will be liable for damages or
April 1, 1990, A can nevertheless ask that the fruits will be bound to replace the lost object of the
accruing since March 1, 1990 be likewise delivered to prestation in cases when the obligee agrees to the
him. X cannot resist by saying that he is entitled to the replacement.
fruits before the actual delivery on April 1, 1990. If, How do you comply with the obligation?
however, X sells the fruits on March 20, 1990 to B who If the source of the obligation is the LAW, then the
does not know the previous sale to A and who provisions of the law would provide how this source of
immediately takes possession of the fruits, B shall have obligation can be complied with.
a better right over the said fruits. Considering that
there is no delivery of the property to A on March 20, If it is a CONTRACT, then the stipulation provide how
1990, A has no real right over the said property at that the contract shall be complied with.
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than the law, is the stipulation of the parties would
If it is an obligation to give, what is the manner of require a higher degree of diligence. In the absence of
compliance? a law or a stipulation to that effect, the diligence of a
It depends on what is to be given, whether it is a good father of a family should be observed.
determinate thing or an indeterminate thing.

Can there be a valid obligation to deliver a generic

Yes. This may arise from law and not from a contract
of sale. Sale of a car or of a horse cannot be considered
a valid sale. But a testamentary provision in a will
which is a generic thing is valid disposition. The law
expressly allows this.

A testamentary provision giving an heir a car, is the

testamentary provision allow the heir to reject the
He may validly reject or wrongfully reject the
disposition. For obligations to deliver a generic thing,
the debtor cannot deliver a thing which is of inferior
kind, but neither can the creditor demand a thing
which is of superior quality.

However, what is superior or inferior is a very

subjective determination. What may be superior to me
may be inferior to most of you.

Therefore if the purpose of the testator is to give his

car is to allow the grandson to use the car in
competitions, then a car insufficient to perform in race
tracks is improper. Moreover, aside from the purpose
is the value of the estate which should not impair the
legitime of the estate.

In obligations to give a determinate thing, what is

the manner of compliance?
The primary obligation of a debtor is to give the very
same thing which he promised to deliver.

In an obligation to deliver a Kia Pride, the debtor

offered to deliver a BMW, can the obligation be
validly extinguished?
Yes, though the creditor cannot be compelled to
accept, he may however want to accept. Thus, the
obligation will be extinguished.

Article 1167
Is there an exception where a debtor is obliged to If the person obliged to do something fails to do it, the
deliver a thing requires a different kind of diligence same shall be executed at his cost.
in taking care of the thing other than a good father
of a family? This same rule shall be observed if he does it in
Yes, if the law requires a higher degree of diligence contravention of the tenor of the obligations.
such as what is required of common carriers. Other
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Furthermore, it may be decreed that what has been defendant and asked for its return, which was done.
poorly done be undone. The inferences derivable from these findings of fact
are that the appellant and the appellee had a perfected
Article 1168 contract for cleaning and servicing a typewriter; that
When the obligation consists in not doing and the they intended that the defendant was to finish it at
obligor does what has been forbidden, it shall also be some future time although such time was not
undone at his expense. specified; and that such time had passed without the
work having been accomplished for the defendant
The articles deal with the obligations “to do” and “not returned the typewriter cannibalized and unrepaired,
to do.” The creditor can ask any third person to which itself is a breach of his obligation, without
perform the obligation due from the debtor should the demanding that he be given more time to finish the
latter fail to do the same. The debtor will be liable for job, or compensation for the work he had already
all expenses in connection with the performance or done. The time for compliance having evidently
fulfillment of the obligation undertaken by the third expired, and there being a breach of contract by non-
person. The words “at his cost” imply both the right to performance, it was academic for the plaintiff to have
have somebody else perform the obligation and the first petitioned the court to fix a period for the
right to charge the expenses thereof to the debtor. performance of the contract before filing his complaint
in this case. Defendant cannot invoke Article 1197 of
With respect to the situation wherein the debtor the Civil Code for he virtually admitted non-
poorly undertook the obligation, the creditor has the performance of the contract by returning the
right to have everything be undone at the expense of typewriter that he was obliged to repair in a non-
the debtor. The reason for this rule is to prevent the working condition, with essential parts missing. The
debtor from taking his obligation lightly. He must fixing of a period would thus be a mere formality and
exercise due diligence and prudence to see to it that would serve no purpose than to delay. It is clear that
the prestation is properly performed. In case the the defendant-appellee contravened the tenor of his
prestation is for the debtor not to do a particular act or obligation because he not only did not repair the
service and he nevertheless performs it, it shall typewriter but returned it “in shambles,” according to
likewise be undone at his own expense. the appealed decision. For such contravention, as
appellant contends, he is liable under Article 1167 of
In Chaves vs. Gonzales where the repairer of a the Civil Code, jam quot, for the cost of he execution of
typewriter, upon demand of the owner, returned the the obligation in a poor manner. The cost of the
typewriter with missing parts and without having it execution of the obligation in this case should be the
repaired, and where the owner had another company cost of the labor or service expended in the repair of
fix the typewriter, the Supreme Court ruled that the the typewriter, which is in the amount of P58.75
original repairer can be held liable not only for the because the obligation or contract was to repair it.
missing parts but also for the cost of the execution of In addition, the defendant-appellee is likewise liable,
the obligation of repairing the typewriter by another under Article 1170 of the Code, for the cost of the
company, thus: missing parts, in the amount of P31.10, for in his
obligation to repair the typewriter he was bound, but
Because the plaintiff appealed directly to the Supreme failed or neglected to return it in the same condition it
Court and the appellee did not interpose any appeal, was when he received it.
the facts, as found by the trial court, are now
conclusive and non-reviewable.

The appealed judgment states that the plaintiff

delivered to the defendant x x x a portable typewriter
for routine cleaning and servicing; that the defendant
was not able to finish the job after some time despite
repeated reminders made by the plaintiff; that the
defendant merely gave assurances, but failed to Kinds of Civil Obligations
comply with the same; and that after getting
exasperated with the delay of the repair of the 1. As to Perfection & Extinguishment
typewriter, the plaintiff went to the house of the
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a. Pure Smith Bell v. Sotelo Matti
-obligations whose performance does not Doctrines:
depend upon a future or uncertain event or 1. As no definite date was fixed for the delivery of
upon a past event unknown to the parties is goods, the term which the parties attempted to
demandable at once. establish being so uncertain, that one cannot tell
whether as a matter of fact, the aforesaid goods
b. Conditional could, or could not be imported into Manila, the
-obligations in which the acquisition of rights obligation must be regarded as conditional and
as well as the extinguishment or loss of those not one with a term
already acquired, shall depend upon the
happening of the event which constitutes the 2. Where the fulfillment of the condition does not
condition. depend on the will of the obligor, but on that of a
3rd person who can, in no way be compelled to
c. With a term or period carry it out, the obligor's part of the contract is
-obligations whose fulfillment a day certain complied with, if he does all that is in his power,
has been fixed, shall be demandable only & it then becomes incumbent upon the other
when that day comes. contracting party to comply with the terms of the

PURE OBLIGATIONS Topic: Validity and fulfillment cannot be left to the

Article 1179 exclusive will of the lessee
Every obligation whose performance does not depend Encarnacion v. Baldomar
upon a future or uncertain event, or upon a past event Doctrine:
unknown to the parties, is demandable at once. The continuance and the performance of the contract
of lease cannot be made to depend solely and
Every obligation which contains a resolutory condition exclusively upon the free and uncontrolled choice of
shall also be demandable, without prejudice to the the lessees between continuing paying rentals or not,
effects of the happening of the event. completely depriving the owner of all the say in the
Article 1197
If the obligation does not fix a period, but from its Eleizegui v. Lawn Tennis Club
nature and the circumstances it can be inferred that a Article 1581 of the Civil Code, fixing legal terms for
period was intended, the courts may fix the duration leases in which no conventional term is stipulated, has
thereof. no application to a lease whose termination is
expressly left to the will of the lessee.
The courts shall also fix the duration of the period
when it depends upon the will of the debtor. Lim v. People
It is clear in the agreement, Exhibit “A”, that the
In every case, the courts shall determine such period as proceeds of the sale of the tobacco should be turned
may under the circumstances have been probably over to he complainant as soon as the same was sold,
contemplated by the parties. Once fixed by the courts, or, that the obligation was immediately demandable as
the period cannot be changed by them. soon as the tobacco was disposed of. Hence, Article
1197 of the New Civil Code, which provides that the
courts may fix the duration of the obligation if it does
not fix a period, does not apply.

Philbanking v. Lui She

Article 1308 of the Civil Code creates no impediment
to the insertion in a contract for personal services of a
resolutory condition permitting the cancellation of the
Topic: Uncertainty of the time of fulfillment of the contract by one of the parties. Such a stipulation does
obligation not make either the validity or the fulfillment of the
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contract dependent upon the will of the party to whom that the parties reserved to themselves the faculty of
is conceded the privilege of cancellation; for where the agreeing upon the period of the renewal contract. The
contracting parties have agreed that such option shall second paragraph of Article 1197 is equally clearly
exist, the exercise of the option is as much in the inapplicable since the duration of the renewal period
fulfillment of the contract as any other act which may was not lef t to the will of the lessee alone, but rather
have been the subject of the agreement. Indeed, the to the will of both the lessor and the lessee. Most
cancellation of a contract in accordance with importantly, Article 1197 applies only where a
conditions agreed upon beforehand is fulfillment . contract of lease clearly exists. Here, the contract was
not renewed at all, there was in fact no contract at all
A lease to an alien for a reasonable period is valid. So is the period of which could have been fixed.
an option giving an alien the right to buy real property
on condition that he is granted Philippine citizenship. It follows that the respondent judge’s decision
Aliens are not completely excluded by the Constitution requiring renewal of the lease has no basis in law or in
from the use of lands for residential purposes. Since fact. Save in the limited and exceptional situations
their residence in the Philippines is temporary, they envisaged in Articles 1197 and 1670 of the Civil Code,
may be granted temporary rights such as a lease which do not obtain here, courts have no authority to
contract which is not forbidden by the Constitution. prescribe the terms and conditions of a contract for
Should they desire to remain here forever and share the parties.
our fortune and misfortune, Filipino citizenship is not
impossible to acquire.

Araneta v. Phil. Sugar Estates

Where the issue raised in the pleadings was whether
the seller of the land was given in the contract of sale a
reasonable time within which to construct the streets
around the perimeter of the land sold, the court, in an
action for specific performance to compel the
construction of said. streets or for recovery of'
damages, cannot fix a period within which the seller
should construct the streets. The court should
determine whether. the parties had agreed that the
seller should have reasonable time to perform its part
of the bargain. If the contract so provided, then there
was a period fixed, a "reasonable time", and all that the
court should have done was to determine if that
reasonable time had already elapsed when the suit
was filed. If it had passed, then the court should'
declare that the petitioner had breached the contract,
as averred in the complaint. and fix the resulting
damages. On the other hand, if the reasonable time had
not yet elapsed, the court perforce was bound to
dismiss the action for being premature. But in no case
can it be logically held that, under the pleadings, the
intervention of the court to fix the period for
performance was warranted, for Article 1197 of the
New Civil Code is precisely predicated. on the absence Suspensive condition
of any period fixed by the parties. 1. A obligates himself to give B P100,000 if the
Millare v. Hernando latter gets married to C.
The first paragraph of Article 1197 is clearly
inapplicable, since the Contract of Lease did in fact fix 2. X obligates himself to give to Y a certain house
an original period of five years, which had expired. It is and lot if the latter passes the bar
also clear from paragraph 13 of the Contract of Lease examinations in his first attempt.
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Resolutory condition 2. Where the debtor promises to pay his debts to
1. When a person donates a parcel of land to the the creditor as soon as he shall have received
City of Manila subject to the condition that it funds derived from the sale of his house
shall be transformed into a public park within
a period of one year Impossible condition
If A obligates himself to pay to B P100,000 if the latter
2. In case a person sells a parcel of land with the can contact the inhabitants of Mars
right of repurchase
Contrary to law, food customs and public policy
Potestative condition whose fulfillment depends 1. If C promises to give D a parcel of land if the
exclusively upon the will of the debtor latter secures a divorce from his wife
1. Obligor subscribed to 200 shares of capital
stock to a certain college subject to the 2. If E binds himself to deliver to F a car if the
condition that she will pay as soon as she had latter will go with him around the world on a
harvested fish from her fishpond trial honeymoon.
2. If the debtor binds himself to deliver to the
creditor a certain car by end of December Divisible obligation
provided he is in the mood to do so If A and B enter into an agreement whereby the former
binds himself to give P5,000 to the latter in 2 equal
*If however, the debtor binds himself to pay a previous installments, the 1st installment to be given if the latter
indebtedness of P2,000 to the creditor by the end of is able to dispose of illegal drugs belonging to the
December provided he is in the mood to do so, although former and the 2nd installment to be given if the latter
the condition is void on the ground that its fulfillment gets married to C.
depends exclusively upon the will of the debtor, the
obligation itself is not void since it refers to a pre- Since the obligation if divisible, that part (2 nd part)
existing indebtedness. which is not affected by the unlawful condition shall be
The rule on potestative (debtor) conditions is
applicable only when the obligation shall depend Positive Condition
for its PERFECTION upon the fulfillment of the A binds himself to give B P5,000 if the latter passes the
condition and NOT when there is a pre-exisiting one. bar exam in his first attempt and B flunks the exam,
the obligation is extinguished.
Casual Condition
1. If the obligor promises to deliver his car to the X binds himself to give a new car to Y if the latter gets
obligee if a certain candidate is elected to the married to Z within a period of 5 years from the time
position of President of the Philippines in of the constitution of the obligation, and at the
2016, the obligation is valid because the expiration of 5 years, Y had not yet complied with the
fulfillment of the condition to which it is condition, the obligation is extinguished.
subject depends upon the will of others.
Negative Condition
2. If the obligor promises to give P10,000 to the X binds himself to give P5,000 to Y provided that the
obligee after the lapse of 2 years, provided latter shall not get married before reaching the age of
that during such period war shall not break 25. If B is not yet married at the age of 25, the
out between Russia and the United States. obligation become effective.

Mixed condition
1. Where the payment of the balance of the
purchase price of a house and lot is subject to Article 1186
the condition that the premises shall be The condition shall be deemed fulfilled when the obligor
vacated by the occupant and that the vendee voluntarily prevents its fulfillment
shall see to it that the said premises shall be
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Doctrine of Constructive Fulfillment (of Suspensive convenience, considers the fruits and interests as the
Conditions) equivalent of each other.

In order that this doctrine can be applied, it is When the obligation is UNILATERAL
however, necessary that the obligor must have Since the obligor or debtor does not receive any
actually prevented the obligee from complying with equivalent or valuable consideration from the obligee
the condition, and that such prevention must have or creditor, it is but logical that he shall be entitled to
been voluntary of willful in character. all of the fruits or interests of the thing pending the
fulfillment of the condition, unless there is contrary
Illustration: intention on his part.
Where the conditions which are imposed by a certain
company in order that its employees will be entitled to If A had obligated himself to give to B a parcel of land if
retirement benefits can no longer be complied with the latter gets married to C, and the condition is
because the retirement or pension plan was willfully fulfilled only after 2 years from the time of the
abrogated by a unilateral act of the Board of Directors constitution of the obligation, he shall be obligated to
of the company, it was held that such conditions are deliver only the land and not the fruits which he may
deemed complied with; consequently, such employees have gathered or received therefrom during the
are entitled to retirement benefits. pendency of the condition.

Article 1188
If the obligor has promised in writing to sell a parcel of
land to the obligee upon the happening of a certain
condition, and subsequently, before the fulfillment of
the condition, he changes his mind and finally decides
to sell the land to another person, the obligee can
bring an appropriate action such as a petition for the
issuance of a writ of injunction, to prevent the sale in
order to preserve his right.

Retroactive effect
When the obligation imposes reciprocal prestations
upon the parties, the fruits and interests during the
pendency of the condition shall be deemed to have
been mutually compensated

A obligated himself to sell a certain parcel of land to B

for P100,000 subject to a condition of a suspensive
character, and such condition was fulfilled 2 years
after the perfection of the contract.

A literal application of the principle of retroactivity

would have the effect of compelling A to deliver to B
not only the land, but also all of the fruits which he
may have gathered or received therefrom during the
time of perfection of the contract to the time of the
fulfillment of the condition.

As far as B is concerned, it would have the effect of 2. As to Plurality of Prestation

compelling him to pay to A not only the P100,000, but a. Conjunctive
also the interest thereon during the same period. b. Alternative
c. Facultative
But because of the reciprocal character of the
obligation, the law, as a matter of justice and Conjunctive (“and”)
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-debtor must perform more than one prestation another or two or more other obligations to be
-no right to choose because all must be performed performed.

Alternative (“or”) In alternative obligations, if there was already a

-debtor must perform any of the several prestations communication of a choice. By then the obligation is
-right of choice generally belongs to the debtor unless converted into a simple obligation and the one chosen
given to the creditor or 3rd person was the one impossible to perform especially if it is
due to a fortuitous event. As such, the obligation is
Facultative extinguished. If there was already a communication of
-only one thing is due but the debtor has reserved the a choice but what become impossible was the other
right to substitute it with another prestation which was not chosen, the obligation is not
-right to choose always belongs to the debtor extinguished.

Alternative Facultative In facultative obligations, it depends on whether

As to the Effect of Fortuitous Loss there is already substitution at the time of the
Only the impossibility of Impossibility of the impossibility of the performance of one of the
all the prestations due principal prestation is prestation. If before substitution the impossibility of
without the fault of the sufficient to extinguish one of the obligation becomes impossible to perform
debtor extinguished the the obligation, even if the due to a fortuitous event, the obligation is
obligation substitute is possible. extinguished. But if one of the obligation become
impossible to perform due to the fault of the debtor,
As to Choice the obligation is not extinguished (debatable on the
Right to choose MAY be Only the debtor can second scenario).
given to the creditor choose the substitute
If in facultative obligation what was lost or became
As to Nature
impossible to perform was the substitute prestation
Various prestations all of Only the principal
and there was no substitution yet at the time of the
which constitute parts of prestation constitutes the
loss, the obligation is not extinguished because the due
the obligation obligation, the accessory
prestation was the principal prestation.
being only a means to
facilitate payment.
B’s car was lost due to the fault of the debtor, what are
the remedies of the creditor?
As to Effect of the Nullity of Prestations
Nullity of one of the Nullity of the principal It depends on who has the right to choose. If it shows
prestation does not prestation invalidates the that the choice is not expressly granted to the creditor,
invalidate the obligation, obligation. the right of choice pertains to the debtor. Under the
which is still in force with law it was provided that the choice is with the debtor,
respect to those which unless otherwise expressly granted to the creditor.
have no vice.
If the choice is with the debtor, even if it was due to his
fault, he has other prestations to choose from without
In multiple prestations where one of the prestation is being held liable for damages. Anyway, there is no due
impossible to perform even if the other prestation still prestation because the debtor has not made a choice
are possible to perform, may the obligation be yet.
considered to have been extinguished?
If however in alternative obligations, the first two
It depends on the kind of obligation involved. It may prestations become impossible to perform due to the
be a conjunctive obligation, alternative obligation, and fault of the debtor, and the remaining prestation
facultative obligation. becomes impossible to perform due to a fortuitous
event. Can the debtor be held liable for damages?
In conjunctive obligations, the impossibility of
performance of one will not result in the The debtor can be held liable if this is the choice of the
extinguishment of the obligation because there is creditor. However, if the choice is with the debtor, he
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cannot be held liable for damages even if the loss of But if the choice is with the debtor, the liability will be
the last remaining prestation was due to a fortuitous based on the value of the prestation which was lost
event. This is because the debtor diminished the last due to his fault.
possibility of the performance of the obligation and
secondly he was at fault therefore he can be held liable Qualification in Alternative Obligation: If one of the
for damages under Art. 1170. However, the provisions prestations become impossible to perform due to the
in Art. 1170 presupposes a simple obligation, and thus fault of the debtor, and the choice is with the creditor:
not applicable in the present case to make the debtor The creditor can either demand for the value of the
liable. Secondly, even if the obligation has diminished prestation with damages or he can demand for the
the performance of the obligation imputable to the performance of one of the remaining prestations
debtor, he cannot be held liable because it can be without damages.
considered as his choosing to make the first two
prestations impossible to perform, and the last Second view: If the creditor can demand for the
prestation be considered as his choice. The last though performance of one of the remaining prestations, the
lost due to fortuitous event, cannot make the debtor creditor may opt to demand for the value of the thing
liable. which was lost due to the fault of the debtor. In this
instance under alternative obligations, it is possible
Art. 1170. Those who in the performance of their that the debtor is not the owner of the horse. In
obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay, alternative obligations the debtor is not sure whether
and those who in any manner contravene the tenor he can deliver the horse or not. if the horse was owned
thereof, are liable for damages. by the creditor, as such he can seek damages. If the
thing lost was owned by the debtor as a valid premise,
the debtor cannot be held liable for damages. In
The horse died due to the fault of the debtor, this alternative obligations it must be remembered that the
time the creditor has the right to choose. What are prestation may either be owned by the debtor or not.
the rights of the creditor?

He can choose from one of the remaining prestations Facultative obligations

or choose the prestatation which was lost due to the In facultative obligations it is improper to say that
fault of the debtor. there is only one prestation. For how could it be
considered to fall in obligations with multiple
If the creditor choose to demand for the value of the prestations if there is only one prestation involved.
obligation which was lost due to the fault of the Rather it is better to say that there is only one
debtor, the debtor can be held liable for damages. prestation due in a facultative obligation. At any given
point in time there can only be one prestation due
If the creditor chose to compel performance through unlike the other prestations.
the remaining prestations, the debtor cannot be held
liable for damages. When will the obligation in facultative obligation
become due?
The horse was lost due to the fault of the debtor, If there is already a communication of the
then after the second prestation was also lost due to substitution.
the fault of the debtor, and thirdly a book was lost
due to the fault of the debtor. What is the extent of If the principal prestation before substitution
the liability of the debtor under the foregoing became impossible to perform due to the fault of the
circumstances? Can the creditor choose for the debtor , can the creditor demand to perform the
value for any of the three prestations? substitute prestation?

It depends on who has the right to choose. If the No. This is because in facultative obligation, the choice
creditor has the right of choice, he can choose on the is always with the debtor. The remedy of the creditor
value of any of the three prestations. is to demand for damages.

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If before substitution, it became impossible to
perform due to the fault of the debtor, can the
debtor be held liable for damages by the creditor?

The debtor cannot be held liable for damages because

that was not the due prestation. The debtor will bear
the lost, but he cannot be held liable for damages.

When can the debtor make the substitution?

The debtor can make the substitution at any time.

Can the debtor make the substitution if the debtor is

already in delay?
No. Why should the law allow the debtor to make
substitution is he is already in delay. If he is already in
delay he can already be liable for damages. There is no
sense to give him a right if he is already liable for

If the obligation is already impossible, can the

debtor make a substitution?
No. For how can the debtor make a substitution if the
obligation is already impossible, unless it was really
the agreement or the intention of the parties.
Otherwise, it is considered simply as an obligation
with a penal clause. Upon non-compliance with the
obligation, the debtor can be compelled to perform the
other prestation or the accessory undertaking.

Is the substitute prestation agreed upon by the

Yes. There can never be a valid facultative obligation
when the substitute prestation has not been agreed
upon. Otherwise if the debtor has the right to make a
substitution without the substitute prestation having
been agreed upon, it may be prejudicial to the creditor
because such will give the right to the debtor to deliver
an inferior prestation.

Villaroel v. Estrada
Whether or not the right to prescription may be waived
or renounced.

As a general rule, when a debt has already prescribed,

it cannot be imposed by the creditor. However, a new
contract which recognizes and assumes the prescribed
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debt is an exception, for it would be valid and Cruz alleged that Tuason & Co. promised to convey
enforceable. Hence, a person who acknowledges the him the 3,000 sq. meters of land occupied by him
correctness of the debt and promises to pay it despite which was part of the 20 quiones of land within 10
knowing that the debt has already prescribed, such as years from the date of signing of the compromise
the case at bar, waived the benefit of the prescription. agreement between the Deudors and the latter as
consideration of his services. The said land was not
Ansay v. NDC conveyed to him by Tuason & Co.
Whether or not the Christmas bonus is demandable.
Cruz further alleged that Tuason & Co. was unjustly
The Christmas bonus is not demandable. Appellants enriched at his expense since they enjoyed the benefits
admit that appellees are not under legal obligation to of the improvements he made on the land acquired by
give such claimed bonus and such grant only arises the latter.
from a moral obligation or natural obligation.
However, natural obligation is only enforceable with The trial court dismissed the case on the ground that
the presence of the element of voluntary fulfillment by there was no cause of action. Hence, this appeal.
the obligor. In the case at bar, there has been no
voluntary performance on the part of the appellees. ISSUE: Whether or not a presumed quasi-contract be
emerged as against one part when the subject matter
DBP v. Confesor thereof is already covered by a contract with another
Whether or not a promissory which was executed in party.
consideration of a previous promissory note which has
already been barred by prescription is valid. HELD: From the very language of this provision, it is
obvious that a presumed qauasi-contract cannot
Yes, the second promissory note is valid because the emerge as against one party when the subject mater
said promissory note is not a mere acknowledgement thereof is already covered by an existing contract with
of the debt that has prescribed already. Rather, it is a another party. Predicated on the principle that no one
new promise to pay the debt. A new promise is a new should be allowed to unjustly enrich himself at the
cause of action. Although a debt barred by prescription expense of another, Article 2124 creates the legal
is unenforceable, a new contract recognizing and fiction of a quasi-contract precisely because of the
assuming the prescribed debt would be valid and absence of any actual agreement between the parties
enforceable. concerned. Corollarily, if the one who claims having
enriched somebody has done so pursuant to a contract
Cruz v. Tuason with a third party, his cause of action should be against
As requested by the Deudors, the family of Telesforo the latter, who in turn may, if there is any ground
Deudor who laid claim in question on the strength of therefor, seek relief against the party benefited. It is
an informacion posesoria, Cruz made permanent essential that the act by which the defendant is
improvements on the said land having an area of more benefited must have been voluntary and unilateral on
or less 20 quinones. the part of the plaintiff. As one distinguished civilian
puts it, "The act is voluntary. because the actor in
The improvements were valued at P30,400 and for quasi-contracts is not bound by any pre-existing
which he incurred expenses amounting to P7,781.74 obligation to act. It is unilateral, because it arises from
the sole will of the actor who is not previously bound
In 1952, Tuason & Co. availed of Cruz’ services as an by any reciprocal or bilateral agreement. The reason
intermediary with the Deudors, to work for the why the law creates a juridical relations and imposes
amicable settlement in a civil case. The said case certain obligation is to prevent a situation where a
involved 50 quiones of land, of which the 20 quiones of person is able to benefit or take advantage of such
land mentioned formed part. lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts at the expense of
said actor." In the case at bar, since appellant has a
A compromise agreement between the Deudors and clearer and more direct recourse against the Deudors
Tuason & Co. was entered into on 1963 which was with whom he had entered into an agreement
approved by court. regarding the improvements and expenditures made
by him on the land of appellees. It Cannot be said, in

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the sense contemplated in Article 2142, that appellees Whether or not the defendant is obliged to refund the
have been enriched at the expense of appellant. amount which the plaintiff paid

Gutierrez v. Orense HELD: Yes. The plaintiff was actually exempted from
Whether or not Orense is bound by his nephew Duran’s paying the tax assessed, hence, it was clearly an error
act of selling the former’s property or mistake which makes it fall under Art 2154 of
solutio indebiti. Art 2154 provides that if something is
Yes. It was proven during trial that he gave his consent received when there is no right to demand it, and it
to the sale. Such act of Orense impliedly conferred to was unduly delivered through mistake, the obligation
Duran the power of agency. The principal must to return it arises.
therefore fulfill all the obligations contracted by the
agent, who acted within the scope of his jurisdiction. Alongside with this, Art 2156 is also applicable which
states that if the payer was in doubt whether the debt
Adille v. CA was due, he may recover if he proves that it was not
Whether or not a co-owner may acquire exclusive due. Plaintiff had duly proved that taxes were not
ownership over the property held in common. lawfully due. Therefore, there is no doubt that the
provisions of solution indebiti apply in this case.
Whether or nor Rustico had constituted himself a
negotiorum gestor Sagrada v. NACOCO
Whether or not the defendant is obliged to pay rentals
HELD: No. The right to repurchase may be exercised to the plaintiff
by a co-owner with respect to his share alone.
Although Rustico Adille redeemed the property in its HELD: No. Nacoco is not liable to pay rentals prior the
entirety, shouldering the expenses did not make him judgment. If defendant-appellant is liable at all, its
the owner of all of it. obligations, must arise from any of the four sources of
obligations, namley, law, contract or quasi-contract,
Yes. The petitioner, in taking over the property, did so crime, or negligence. (Article 1089, Spanish Civil
on behalf of his co-heirs, in which event, he had Code.) Defendant-appellant is not guilty of any offense
constituted himself a negotiorum gestor under Art at all, because it entered the premises and occupied it
2144 of the Civil Code, or for his exclusive benefit, in with the permission of the entity which had the legal
which case, he is guilty of fraud, and must act as control and administration thereof, the Allien Property
trustee, the respondents being the beneficiaries, Administration. Neither was there any negligence on
pursuant to Art 1456. its part.

Andres v. Mantrust People’s Car v. Commando Security

Whether or not the private respondent has the right to Whether or not the defendant is obliged to indemnify
recover the second $10,000 remittance it had delivered the plaintiff for the entire costs as result of the incident
to petitioner
HELD: Yes. Plaintiff was in law liable to its customer
HELD: Yes. Art 2154 of the New Civil Code is for the damages caused the customer’s car, which had
applicable. For this article to apply, the following been entrusted into its custody. Plaintiff therefore was
requisites must concur: 1) that he who paid was not in law justified in making good such damages and
under obligation to do so; and 2) that payment was relying in turn on defendant to honor its contract and
made by reason of an essential mistake of fact. indemnify it for such undisputed damages, which had
been caused directly by the unlawful and wrongful
acts of defendant’s security guard in breach of their
There was a mistake, not negligence, in the second contract.
remittance. It was evident by the fact that both
remittances have the same reference invoice number. Plaintiff in law could not tell its customer that under
the Guard Service Contract it was not liable for the
damage but the defendant since the customer could
Puyat & Sons v. Manila not hold defendant to account for the damages as he
had no privity of contract with defendant.
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Gutierrez v. Gutierrez
Cangco v. MRR Whether or not both the driver of the truck and
Whether or not there was a contributing negligence on automobile are liable for damages and indemnification
the part of the plaintiff. due to their negligence. What are the legal obligations
of the defendants?
HELD: In determining the question of contributory
negligence in performing such act – that is to say, HELD: Bonifacio Gutierrez’s obligation arises from
whether the passenger acted prudently or recklessly – culpa aquiliana. On the other hand, Saturnino Cortez’s
the age, sex, and physical condition of the passenger and his chauffeur Abelardo Velasco’s obligation rise
are circumstances necessarily affecting the safety of from culpa contractual.
the passenger, and should be considered.
The youth Bonifacio was na incompetent chauffeur,
that he was driving at an excessive rate of speed, and
The place was perfectly familiar to the plaintiff as it that, on approaching the bridge and the truck, he lost
was his daily custom to get on and off the train at the his head and so contributed by his negligence to the
station. There could, therefore, be no uncertainty in his accident. The guaranty given by the father at the time
mind with regard either to the length of the step which the son was granted a license to operate motor
he was required to take or the character of the vehicles made the father responsible for the acts of his
platform where he was alighting. The Supreme Court’s son. Based on these facts, pursuant to the provisions of
conclusion was that the conduct of the plaintiff in Art. 1903 of the Civil Code, the father alone and not the
undertaking to alight while the train was yet slightly minor or the mother would be liable for the damages
under way was not characterized by imprudence and caused by the minor.
that therefore he was not guilty of contributory
negligence. The liability of Saturnino Cortez, the owner of the
truck, and his chauffeur Abelardo Velasco rests on a
Thus, the same act, which constitutes a breach of different basis, namely, that of contract.
contract can also be the source of an extra-contractual Question: Are contracts and quasi-delicts mutually
obligation, had no contract existed. exclusive?
Answer: No.
In a breach of contract, there is a presumption of
negligence on the part of the defendant once the In Gutierrez vs. Gutierrez, there was a collision
breach is established. On the other hand, there is no between a bus and a car and a passenger of the bus
such presumption of negligence in quasi-delict. was injured. It was proven that the driver of the car
was a minor and an incompetent driver. The
The Supreme Court reversed the decision of the lower passenger sued against them all. The Supreme Court
court holding that it was important to note that the held that the bus driver, bus owner and the driver of
foundation of the legal liability of the defendant was the car (through his father) are jointly and severally
the contract of carriage, and that the obligation to liable to the passenger. The liability of the owner of the
respond for the damage which plaintiff has suffered bus and the bus driver rests on that of a contract. On
arises, if at all, from the breach of that contract by the other hand, the father is responsible for the acts of
reason of the failure of defendant to exercise due care his son and is therefore responsible for the negligence
in its performance. That was to say, its liability was of the minor.
direct and immediate, differing essentially, in legal
viewpoint from that presumptive responsibility for the Here, it is clear that breach of contract and quasi-delict
negligence of its servants, imposed by article 1903 of are separate.
the Civil Code, which can be rebutted by proof of the
exercise of due care in their selection and supervision. However, they can overlap as can be seen in the
Article 1903 of the Civil Code is not applicable to following example: Bus driver drives recklessly and
obligations arising ex contractu, but only to extra- the bus hits a tree. A passenger is injured. The
contractual obligations, or to use the technical form of passenger and sue the driver for quasi-delict (due to
expression, that article relates only to culpa aquiliana negligence) or for crime or the bus company for
and not to culpa contractual. breach of contract of carriage or for quasi- delict
(negligence in the selection and supervision).
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unsecured and pure civil obligations. They are
HSBC-SRP v. Sps. Broqueza immediately demandable.
The RTC reaffirmed the decision but the CA reversed
FACTS: it.
Petitioners Gerong and Editha Broqueza are
employees of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking On Aug. 6, 2007, HSBCL-SRP filed a manifestation
Corporation (HSBC). withdrawing the petition against Gerong because she
already settled her obligations.
They are also members of HSBC, Ltd. Staff Retirement
Plan. ISSUE:
Whether or not the loans of the Sps. Broqueza is a pure
The Plan is a retirement plan established by HSBC obligation and demandable at once even if they were
through its BOT for the benefit of the employees. dismissed by HSBC.

On Oct. 1, 1990, petitioner Broqueza obtained a car HELD:

loan in the amount of P175,000.00. The RTC is correct in ruling that since the Promissory
Notes do not contain a period, HSBCL-SRP has the
On Dec. 12, 1991, she again applied and was granted right to demand immediate payment.
an appliance loan in the amount of P24,000.00.
Art. 1179 of the NCC applies.
Petitioner Gerong, on the other hand applied and was
granted an emergency loan in the amount of The spouses obligation to pay HSBCL-SRP is a pure
P35,780.00 on June 2, 1993. obligation because they do not contain a period. Once
Editha Broqueza defaulted in her monthly payment,
The loans were paid through automatic salary HSBCL-SRP made a demand to enforce a pure
deductions. obligation.

A labor dispute arose between HSBC and its Despite the spouses Broquezas protestations, the
employees. payroll deduction is merely a convenient mode of
payment and not the sole source of payment for the
Majority of HSBCs employees were terminated among loans.
them the petitioners.
HSBCL-SRP never agreed that the loans will be paid
The employees filed an illegal dismissal case before only though salary deductions. The same never agreed
the NLRC against HSBC, which is now pending before that if Editha Broqueza ceases to be an employee of
the CA. HSBC, her obligation to pay the loans will be
Because of the dismissal, petitioners were not able to
pay the monthly amortizations of their respective HSBCL-SRP can immediately demand payment of the
loans. They were considered delinquent. Demands to loans anytime because the obligation to pay has no
pay were made. period. Moreover, the spouses Broqueza have already
incurred in default in paying the monthly installments.
On July 31, 1996, HSBCL-SRP filed a civil case against
the spouses. On Sept. 19, 1996, HSBCL-SRP filed Finally, the enforcement of a loan agreement involves
another civil case. Both suits were civil actions for debtor-creditor relation founded on contract and does
recovery and collection of sums of money. not in any way concern the employee relations. As
such it should be enforced through a separate civil
The MeTC ruled that the nature of HSBCs demands for action in the regular courts and not before the Labor
payment is civil and has no connection to the ongoing Arbiter.
labor dispute.
Pay v. Palanca
The loans secured by their future retirement benefits
to which they are no longer entitled are reduced to
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The promissory note indicated payment “upon
demand”. Petitioner relied on this to mean that
prescription would not lie unless there is demand
from them. The petition was filed fifteen years after its

Whether or not a promissory note to be paid “upon
demand” is immediately due and demandable.

YES. Every obligation whose performance does not
depend upon a future or uncertain event, or upon a
past event unknown to the parties, is demandable at
once (Art. 1179 of the New Civil Code). The obligation
being due and demandable in this case, it would
appear that the filing of the suit after fifteen years was
much too late.

February 8, 2016
Make-up class

Obligations are extinguished by:
1. Payment or performance
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2. Loss of the thing due likewise be extinguished by their mutual
3. Condonation or remission of the debt disagreement.
4. Confusion or merger of the rights of creditor and
debtor; Tolentino:
5. Compensation; As a rule, death does not extinguish the obligation.
6. Novation
Other causes of extinguishment of obligations such as This rule is only applicable in obligations arising from
Annulment, Rescission, Fulfillment of a resolutory contracts
condition, and Prescription, are governed elsewhere in
this Code. Article 1311
Obligations arising from contracts are transmissible
When the obligation involved is a conditional except when it involves purely personal obligations
obligation, where the condition is suspensive and the (which extinguishes the obligation)
fulfillment of the c is dependent on the sole will of the
debtor, will the discussion on dacion en pago a Is fortuitous event a mode of extinguishment?
relevant matter? NO. Though, it is relevant to loss of the thing due or
impossibility of its performance.
No. Article 1182
The obligation is void. Thus, a discussion on modes of In other words, fortuitous event per se, is not a mode
extinguishment is irrelevant. There can only be a of extinguishment simply because not every time there
relevant discussion of the modes if there is a valid is a fortuitous event that the obligation will be
obligation. extinguished.

Citizen’s Surety v. CA Is compromise agreement among the “other” modes of

In that case, Pascual Enterprises was saying that it extinguishment?
cannot be held liable under the Indemnity Agreement
because the execution of the Deed of Assignment was Uribe:
by way of dacion en pago which it extinguished its I cannot agree to that because it would fall under
obligation under the Indemnity Agreement. condonation or novation.

It turned out that the Indemnity Agreement and the

Deed of Assignment were executed on the very same Tolentino:
day. The implication is that the surety company at the Among the other modes, nullity of contracts
time the Deed of Assignment was executed was not yet
liable under the Suretyship agreement. Uribe:
I disagree. How can nullity of contracts be a mode of
In a Suretyship agreement, you will only be liable if the extinguished if there is no valid obligation?
principal debtor defaulted. Since it was executed on
the same day, there was no default yet. Thus, the
Indemnity Agreement is only to indemnify in case he
cannot pay in the Suretyship agreement.

Since there is no obligation to be extinguished at the

time the Deed of Assignment was executed, it cannot
be considered as dacion en pago. The SC ruled that the
Deed of Assignment is merely another security.
Saura v. DBP
Mutual desistance is also a mode of extinguishment. Payment is applicable to any kind of obligation. Even
obligations to do or not to do can be extinguished by
Rationale: If an obligation may arise from the mutual this mode because it is synonymous to performance.
agreement f the parties then an obligation may
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4 Rules: subrogation. Thus, he can validly demand the entire
1. Person who pays amount paid.
2. Person to whom payment is made
3. Thing to be delivered or prestation to be What if X and B agreed that upon payment he will be
performed subrogated?
4. Place, date, time, manner of payment As long as the payment of a 3 rd person who does not
have an interest was made without the knowledge or
PAYOR (person who pays) against the will of the debtor, he will NOT be
subrogated even if X and B agreed upon or stipulated
AB otherwise.

X (3rd person) X paid B without the intention of seeking

reimbursement. However, 2 weeks after, X demanded
Will an obligation be extinguished if an offer to pay from B the return of the amount he previously paid,
came from a 3rd person? can he validly demand the return?
It depends on whether B will accept what was being NO. The law expressly provides that B can retain the
offered by X because the general rule is that the amount paid. (indirect donation: void donation but
creditor cannot be compelled to accept payment from valid payment)
a third person unless it was stipulated.
However, if X dies, A would have to return the entire
P100,000 amount to the estate since the donation was void.
If X pays B, how much can X validly demand from A?
It depends on whether or not X has an interest in the What if a 14-year old minor makes the payment, is it
fulfillment of the obligation. valid? Can the creditor retain the amount paid?
No. Minor does not have a capacity.
Who has an interest?
Those who are subsidiarily obliged have an interest – What if the payment was made by a person suffering
pledgors, mortgagors, guarantors, sureties, one made from civil interdiction? Valid?
liable under a penal clause No, the payor must have free disposal of his
If X DOES NOT have an interest, X can validly demand
from A to the extent that the latter has benefited. PAYEE (person to whom payment was made)

If A couldn’t pay, can X foreclose the mortgage? Payment shall be made to:
NO (Premise: He is a 3rd person who doesn’t have an 1. person in whose favor the obligation has been
interest in the fulfillment of the obligation and the constituted; or
payment was made without the knowledge or against 2. his successor in interest, or
the will of A) 3. any person authorized to receive it

Under the law, he cannot foreclose because he will “in whose favor…”
never be subrogated in the rights of the creditor -creditor
therefore, he cannot exercise whatever right the
creditor had not only against the debtor but every one “successor in interest”
of those subsidiarily liable. -heirs

If X HAS AN INTEREST and he pays B who accepted “authority to receive payment”

the same. Can X foreclose the mortgage? -authority by law (sheriff, executors, administrators,
Yes, because upon payment he will be subrogated liquidators, receivers, etc)
because this is payment of a person who has interest. -agents are creditors (but not in their own right)
*As long as you have the power to demand fulfillment,
Also, even if X does not have an interest in the you are considered as a creditor.
fulfillment of the obligation but when he made the
payment there was consent by A, there will also be What if the payment was made to a wrong party?

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General Rule: Void thus it will not extinguish the Plaintiff was the one claiming ownership of the land
obligation which was expropriated by NAPOCOR. SC ordered
Exceptions: NAPOCOR to pay, thereafter, A appeared claiming that
1. If it redounded to the benefit of the creditor he is the real owner of the land. Can NAPOCOR again
2. Payment made in good faith to a person in be compelled to pay?
possession of the credit NO. because NAPOCOR paid X in good faith.
3. Payment was made to the creditor after the
assignment of credit to a 3rd person but without “made to the creditor after the assignment of credit
knowledge of the assignment to a 3rd person but without knowledge of the
“redounded to the benefit of the creditor”
A Y assigned his interest to A but after the assignment, X
paid Y.
X is the debtor of Y but he made the payment to A. As
a general rule, it is void. Will that extinguish to A even if it was made to a wrong
As a rule, X has the burden of proving that the Yes, as long as the payment was made AFTER the
payment made to A redounded to the benefit of Y assignment and without the knowledge of such
Article 1241 What is A’s remedy, if any?
1. If Y ratified the payment; He can hold Y liable
2. If the payment was made to A because of the
acts of Y which led X to believe that A had the
authority to receive payment (estoppel) X borrowed P20,000 to Y.
3. If A acquired the rights of Y AFTER the payment Thereafter, X offered to pay Y but only P10,000.
Y refused.
“made in good faith to a person in possession of the X met the 22-year old son of Y and he offered the
credit” P10,000 to Y which Y accepted but the money which Y
accepted was lost.
Promissory Note is with A (wrong party) How can Y validly demand from X? P20,000
This is clearly a payment to a wrong party and does
Nonetheless, A demanded payment from X who paid not fall under any of the exceptions.
the same. Will that extinguish the obligation of X to Y?

If the name indicated in the promissory note is Y’s

name (without any deed of assignment), then it will
not extinguish the obligation because it was not made
to a person in possession of the credit.

If the promissory note is payable to bearer, then the

obligation of X to Y shall be extinguished as long as
when X paid A, he did it in good faith. (because he paid
to a person in possession of the credit)

As long as X was not aware of the defect of the title of

A, it will extinguish his obligation to Y. 2 Important Principles

New SC case: 1. Substantial Performance (Art. 1234)

Tuason v. Javier
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Legarda v. Saldañ a

Debt was payable in 10 years and the debtor

have already paid for 8 years. Thus the creditor
invoked rescission as a remedy.

Was rescission a valid remedy?

NO because there was already a substantial

The remedy can be specific performance plus


Azcona v. Jamandre
As agreed upon in a contract of lease, the amount to be
paid on an annual basis was P7,200. Lessee paid only
P7,000 evidenced by a receipt issued by the lessor “as
per contract”

The SC ruled that applying Article 1235, despite that

the payment was incomplete, the creditor accepted the
payment knowing its incompleteness and without
objection or protest, the obligation is deemed complied


If 2 persons had an agreement, does that mean that

they entered into a contract?
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Not necessarily. Because there can be an agreement 2. Autonomy
but there is no obligation arising from the said 3. Mutuality
agreement. 4. Obligatory force
5. Relativity
Is “dation in payment” a contract?
No. It is a special form of payment, thus it is a mode of Consensuality
extinguishment whereas a contract is a source of For a contract to be valid under this principle, consent
obligation, it does not extinguish, it creates an must be freely and voluntary given. It’s not merely
obligation. consent.
Criticisms in the Definition
Republic v. PLDT
1. “to give something or to render some service”
The RP filed an action to compel PLDT to enter into an
Obligations not to do may also arise from
inter-connection agreement.
contracts such as obligation not to put up a fence
or obligation not to sell the products of a
During that time, PLDT has absolute monopoly in
competitor companies or not to convert a Honda
telecommunications in the country. It also had
car into a taxi
overseas monopoly except for the United States.
2. “one binds himself with respect to another”
Most contracts would result to reciprocal The SC held that the government cannot compel
obligations; bilateral anyone to enter into a contract because a contract
requires consent which must be voluntarily given.
3. “two persons”
Is it possible for a contract to be perfected with only The SC also ruled that the action can be an
one person participating in the contract such as a expropriation proceeding.
promissory note or a deed of sale?
Contract of Adhesion
Yes, in an auto-contract. A contract of adhesion is defined as one in which one
One person is responsible for the perfection but of the parties imposes a ready-made form of contract,
this person is acting in two capacities: one he may which the other party may accept or reject, but which
act on behalf of another and the other, on behalf of the latter cannot modify. One party prepares the
himself or a third person stipulation in the contract, while the other party
merely affixes his signature or his "adhesion" thereto,
Example: Contract of Agency giving no room for negotiation and depriving the latter
of the opportunity to bargain on equal footing.
If A authorized B to borrow money. May B
himself without the consent of A be the lender in It must be borne in mind, however, that contracts of
relation to this contract of loan? adhesion are not invalid per se. The one who adheres
Yes, the only requirement of law is that the to the contract is, in reality, free to reject it entirely; if
interest rate must be the current rate. Thus, B will he adheres, he gives his consent.
be signing for himself as a lender and also as the
borrower representing A. Thus, even if only one is the “stronger party”, the other
still adhered to the terms and conditions thus it is
Void auto-contracts (Article 1491) valid.
Example: Contract of Sale
The guardian is the buyer and the property PAL case
involved belongs to his ward and the seller is also A passenger’s luggage was lost so he sued PAL for
the guardian representing the ward; the law damages. PAL raised the defense that it can only be
expressly provides that the following cannot liable for P100 because it was stipulated in the terms
acquire by purchase. (void) and conditions. SC sustained.

Fundamental Characteristics of Contracts

Leal v. IAC
1. Consensuality

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Real estate mortgage, the principal debtor defaulted Bar Question 1996
and he manifested his intention to redeem but the Alma was hired as a domestic helper in Hongkong by
mortgagee bank that there was a stipulation in the the Dragon Services, Ltd., through its local agent. She
contract that the mortgagor waived his right of executed a standard employment contract designed by
redemption. Despite the waiver, the SC held that yes the Philippine Overseas Workers Administration
the mortgagor may redeem. The waiver is void (POEA) for overseas Filipino workers. It provided for
because it is contained in a contract of adhesion. (it her employment for one year at a salary of
goes into the voluntariness of the act) US$1,000.00 a month. It was submitted to and
approved by the POEA. However, when she arrived in
Autonomy Hongkong, she was asked to sign another contract by
Article 1306 Dragon Services, Ltd. which reduced her salary to only
US$600.00 a month. Having no other choice, Alma
Acceleration clause signed the contract but when she returned to the
A provision in a contract or promissory note that if Philippines, she demanded payment of the salary
some event (such as when the debtor fails to make any differential of US$400.00 a month. Both Dragon
one of the installment payment) occurs, then the Services, Ltd. and its local agent claimed that the
entire amount shall be due and demandable second contract is valid under the laws of Hongkong,
and therefore binding on Alma. Is their claim correct?
Banco Filipino v. Navarro Explain.
Escalation clause
-it must be based on a valid or reasonable standard Their claim is not correct. A contract is the law
between the parties but the law can disregard the
Example: Contract of Loan contract if it is contrary to public policy. Just because a
contract is valid where it was executed doesn’t
If the interest rate is dependent solely on the will of necessarily follow that it will be valid here in the
the bank, then it is void. Philippines.

If the interest rate is dependent on the market rate, Cui v. Arellano University
then it shall be valid. However, the BSP issued a SC ruled that it is contrary to public policy.
circular as far as the requirement for an escalation Scholarships are granted on the basis of merit. It
clause to be valid is that: should not be used to bolster the reputation of the
school. Since it is based on merit, even if the student
1. It must be based on a valid and reasonable will transfer to another law school, he shall not be
standard; required to reimburse the school.
2. There should be a de-escalation clause;
3. The clause can only be invoked (for the increase Saura v. Sindico
in the rate) only once a year; An agreement between 2 persons who are vying for an
4. For the increase of the rate, the remaining official nomination for the Nacionalista Party in
period in the contract must at least be 730 days Pangasinan. They agreed that whoever would lose in
the provincial convention would not run as an
Tiu v. Platinum Plans independent or rebel candidate. Subsequently, the
Non-involvement clause one who lost ran and he won. Thus, the one who won
Daisy Tiu (Asst. VP of Platinum Plans for the entire sued.
Asia-Pacific Region) raised as a defense that the
stipulation is void because it is an unreasonable SC held that the stipulation is void because it is void as
restraint of trade. to public policy:

The SC held that this is a valid stipulation because it is 1. The right of a person to present himself as a
a reasonable limitation on the rights of the employee candidate cannot be limited by the mere
and protection on the part of the employer. agreement of two or more persons;
2. The right of the electorate to choose who among
the candidates is fit for the position

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At present, only the second is still a public policy. Article 1308
Under the present Constitution, the first one is no The contract must bind both contracting parties; its
longer a right since COMELEC can already declare one validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of one of
as a nuisance candidate. them.

Article 1306 Illustration:

The contracting parties may establish such stipulations, If in a contract of lease, there is a stipulation to the
clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem effect that the lessee has the right to terminate the
convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, contract at any time by merely giving notice to the
morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. lessor and the termination takes effect after 15 days
from receipt of notice.
Examples of void stipulations
The SC ruled that it is not violative of the mutuality of
1. Pactum Commissiorium contracts principle because it refers to validity and
-a stipulation in a contract of pledge or compliance and NOT to the termination of contracts.
mortgage to the effect that upon default of the
principal debtor, the property would Florendo v. CA
automatically belong to the pledgee or May a bank unilaterally raise the interest rate on a
mortgagee housing loan granted an employee, by reason of the
voluntary resignation of the borrower?
2. Pactum de non aliendo
-a stipulation in a real estate mortgage The SC ruled that the unilateral determination and
wherein the mortgagor is prohibited from imposition of increased interest rates by the herein
alienating the Property without the consent of respondent bank is obviously violative of the principle
the mortgagee of mutuality of contracts ordained in Article 1308 of
the Civil Code
3. Pactum Leonina
-a stipulation in a contract of partnership Obligatory force
wherein one or some of the partners would be Article 1159
excluded from sharing in the profits Obligations arising from contracts have the force of law
between the contracting parties and should be complied
4. Waiver as to future fraud is also void as with in good faith.
provided by law.
Article 1315
5. In agency, a waiver in relation to the obligation Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and from that
to render an account, that the agent is not moment the parties are bound not only to the fulfillment
obliged to render an account is void of what has been expressly stipulated but also to all the
consequences which, according to their nature, may be
6. In succession, a waiver as a right to revoke, in keeping with good faith, usage and law.
even if in a will it is indicated that the “I will not
revoke this will” is void The premise of this article is that the contract is valid.

7. Public morals: In a contract of loan, where the When would a contract have the force of law between
interest rate is unconscionable, exorbitant, the contracting parties?
excessive, inequitable. (NEVER use the word Upon perfection
usurious) Perfection of a contract is subject to the Statute of
8. When the court had already declared the
stipulation to be void, it is contrary to law
because the decisions of the SC shall form part
of the law of the land. Can there be a perfected contract if the contract is void?
Never. It is only when the contract is perfected that a
Mutuality party may demand fulfillment from the other party

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In a contract of lease, the right of a lessee to sub-lease
Relativity is a right granted by law but by stipulation it may be
Article 1311 prohibited.
Contracts take effect only between the parties, their
assigns and heirs, except in case where the rights and Rights of usufructuary upon his death will not be
obligations arising from the contract are not transmitted to his heirs. The usufruct will be
transmissible by their nature, or by stipulation or by extinguished upon his death unless the parties
provision of law. The heir is not liable beyond the value stipulated otherwise.
of the property he received from the decedent.
If a contract should contain some stipulation in favor of Rights and obligations, which are purely personal in
a third person, he may demand its fulfillment provided character
he communicated his acceptance to the obligor before
its revocation. A mere incidental benefit or interest of a When do the rights and obligations become purely
person is not sufficient. The contracting parties must personal?
have clearly and deliberately conferred a favor upon a When the qualifications and skills of the parties have
third person. been considered in the constitution of the obligation.

PBQs involve: Ultimately, the relativity of contracts may extend to

1. Who are bound to the contract? May a third third persons.
person be bound?
2. Would a third person have a cause of action in Article 1312
relation to a contract? In contracts creating real rights, third persons who
3. May a third person be held liable under a come into possession of the object of the contract are
contract? bound thereby, subject to the provisions of the Mortgage
4. May a third person be benefited by a contract? Law and the Land Registration Laws.

Privity of Contracts principle The premise is that the mortgage is registered.

“Contracts take effect only between the parties, their However, even if it is not registered, if the third person
assigns and heirs” that actual knowledge then he may still be bound by
the contract.
Thus, when an action is filed by a third person who is
not privy to the contract against those privies, the Real Estate Mortgage executed by A & B involving a
action will be dismissed. However, where an action parcel of land thus, whoever will be in possession shall
for rescission by way of accion pauliana be bound. If A sells the land to X (third person) then C
shall acquire ownership but he may be bound by the
But remember, contracts is just one of the sources of contract so if the principal debtor defaults, the
obligations. There may not be privity of contract mortgagee may have it foreclosed and this land may be
between two persons but there may be a cause of sold in a foreclosure sale and go to the highest bidder,
action under the other sources. X’s ownership will be terminated.

Intransmissible rights Article 1313

There are instances when the rights and obligations Creditors are protected in cases of contracts intended to
arising from such contract would only affect the defraud them.
parties thus the heirs and assign will not be bound. In
other words, pag namatay ang isang party, his heirs Ordinarily, an action is filed by a third person who is
will not acquire his rights. not privy to the contract against those privies, the
action will be dismissed.

Examples: However, an action for rescission by way of accion

Law pauliana may prosper. If the contract was in fraud of a
creditor, such creditor would have the right to rescind.

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Article 1314 years, he was no longer a minor at the time of
Any third person who induces another to violate his perfection of the contract. Will the suit prosper?
contract shall be liable for damages to the other Suppose XYZ Corporation is impleaded as a co-
contracting party. defendant, what would be the basis of its liability, if any?
-Article 1314
Interference by third persons
The law requires malicious inducement. Necessarily, Bar Question 1991
there should be knowledge. But just because there is Roland, a basketball star, was under contract for one
knowledge doesn’t necessarily mean that there is year to play-for-play exclusively for Lady Love, Inc.
malice. Read the facts and circumstances carefully. However, even before the basketball season could
open, he was offered a more attractive pay plus fringes
Note: benefits by Sweet Taste, Inc. Roland accepted the offer
This article is considered by the SC as an extension of and transferred to Sweet Taste. Lady Love sues Roland
quasi-delict and Sweet Taste for breach of contract. Defendants
claim that the restriction to play for Lady Love alone is
Who would be liable? void, hence, unenforceable, as it constitutes an undue
Not only the 3rd person who induced. Both the 3 rd interference with the right of Roland
person and the party who himself violated the contract to enter into contracts and the impairment of his
would be solidarily liable. freedom to play and enjoy basketball.

Stipulation Pour Atrui 1. Can Roland be bound by the contract he

(Stipulation in favor of a 3rd person) entered into with Lady Love or can he
It must merely be a secondary matter in the contract. disregard the same?
2. Is he liable at all? How about Sweet Taste? Is it
PBQ: liable to Lady Love?
What if the beneficiary (3rd person) received a letter
from the obligor saying “the benefit in your favor is Yes. Article 1159
hereby revoked” before he (the beneficiary) could Roland is bound by the contract he entered into with
communicate his acceptance to the obligor. Is it Lady Love and he cannot disregard the same, under
possible for this beneficiary to be entitled to what was the principles of obligatoriness of contracts.
given to him in the agreement? Obligations arising from contracts have the force of
law between the parties.
Yes. As a rule, the revocation must be made with the
consent of both parties and made before the Yes, Roland is liable under the contract as far as Lady
communication of the acceptance by the 3 rd person to Love is concerned. He is liable for damages under
the obligor. Otherwise, if the revocation was a Article 1170 of the Civil Code since he contravened the
unilateral act of one of the parties it violates the tenor of his obligation. Not being a contracting party,
mutuality of contracts. Sweet Taste is not bound by the contract but it can be
held liable under Art. 1314. The basis of its liability is
Bar Question 1999 not prescribed by contract but is founded on quasi-
Francis Albert, a citizen and resident of New Jersey, delict, assuming that Sweet Taste knew of the contract.
U.S.A., under whose law he was still a minor, being Article 1314 of the Civil Code provides that any third
only 20 years of age, was hired by ABC Corporation of person who induces another to violate his contract
Manila to serve for two years as its chief computer shall be liable for damages to the other contracting
programmer. But after serving for only four months, party.
he resigned to join XYZ Corporation, which enticed
him by offering more advantageous terms. His first
employer sues him in Manila for damages arising from
the breach of his contract of employment. He sets up
his minority as a defense and asks for annulment of Classification of Contracts
the contract on that ground. The plaintiff disputes this
by alleging that since the contract was executed in the 1. As to degree of dependence
Philippines under whose law the age of majority is 18
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a. Preparatory -commodatum, gratuitous deposit
-those which have for their object the
b. Bilateral
establishment of a condition in law which is
-those which give rise to reciprocal obligations
necessary as a preliminary step towards the
for both parties
celebration of another subsequent contract
-sale, lease
-partnership, agency
6. As to cause
b. Principal
-those which can subsists independently from a. Onerous
-those in which each of the parties aspires to
other contracts and whose purpose can be
fulfilled by themselves procure for himself a benefit through the giving
of an equivalent or compensation
-sale, lease
c. Accessory b. Gratuitous or lucrative
-those which can exist only as a consequence of, -those in which one of the parties proposes to
or in relation with, another prior contract give to the other a benefit without any
-pledge, mortgage equivalent or compensation
2. As to perfection
c. Remuneratory
a. Consensual 7. As to risk
-those which are perfected by the mere
agreement of the parties a. Commutative
-sale, lease -those where each of the parties acquires an
equivalent of his prestation and such
b. Real equivalent is pecuniarily appreciable and
-those which require not only the consent of already determined from the moment of the
the parties for their perfection, but also the celebration of the contract
delivery of the object by one of the party to the -lease
other b. Aleatory
-deposit, pledge, commodatum, mutuum -those where each of the parties has to his
account the acquisition of an equivalent of his
3. As to solemnity or form prestation, but such equivalent is not yet
a. Informal or any form determined since it depends upon the
-those which require no particular form happening of an uncertain event thus charging
-loan the parties with the risk of loss or gain
b. Formal or special 8. As to name
-those which require a particular form
-antichresis, donations, chattel mortgage a. Nominate
-those which have their own individuality and
4. As to purpose are regulated by special provisions of law
a. transfer of ownership - sale -sales, lease
b. conveyance of use - commodatum b. Innominate
c. rendition of service – agency -those which lack individuality and are not
regulated by special provisions of law

9. As to subject matter
a. thing
b. right
c. service
5. As to nature of obligation produced
Questions to ask:
a. Unilateral 1. Why is it a ___ contract?
-those which give rise to an obligation for only
2. Ascertain the basis of the classification
one of the parties
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3. Who are obliged?
If the question is: Because he sold his only property,
would it raise a presumption that the sale is made in
Pag sinabing onerous, this is in relation to others like fraud of creditors?
gratuitous and remuneratory. This goes into cause. It depends on the circumstances.

If at the time of the sale, there was already a judgment

For example, what is the cause in a contract of sale? against the A in favor of any creditor, or a court order
It is essentially onerous. Thus, the cause in such of garnishment or attachment in relation to the said
contract as to each contracting party is the promise or property or against him as a debtor, then the law
prestation to be performed by the other party. would already raise a presumption that such sale is in
fraud of creditors because a contract of sale is an
If a contract is a gratuitous contract , the cause is the alienation onerous in character.
liberality of the grantor. Example, commodatum.
Thus, if the alienation is onerous in character, there
Cause of Contracts would be a presumption that it is made in fraud of
Article 1350. In onerous contracts the cause is
understood to be, for each contracting party, the 2012 case
prestation or promise of a thing or service by the other; Instead of sale, the debtor mortgaged his property. At
in remuneratory ones, the service or benefit which is the time of the mortgage, there was already a
remunerated; and in contracts of pure beneficence, the judgment against him. Would that raise a presumption
mere liberality of the benefactor. that such is made in fraud of creditors?

Article 1351. The particular motives of the parties in -No, mortgage is not a conveyance of ownership; thus,
entering into a contract are different from the cause it is not onerous alienation
On the other hand, if the alienation is gratuitous
Article 1352. Contracts without cause, or with unlawful A is indebted to X. A donated to B his properties worth
cause, produce no effect whatever. The cause is unlawful 7M. What is left is only P3M. Will the presumption
if it is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public arise?
order or public policy.
-Not necessarily. It depends on the amount of
Article 1353. The statement of a false cause in indebtedness. The presumption only applies that the
contracts shall render them void, if it should not be alienation, gratuitous in character, is in fraud of
proved that they were founded upon another cause creditors, if the debtor did not reserve sufficient
which is true and lawful. properties to cover his debts.

Article 1354. Although the cause is not stated in the In obligation to deliver a specific car: When the debtor
contract, it is presumed that it exists and is lawful, A delivered the car to B. B noticed that the stereo is no
unless the debtor proves the contrary. longer there. Who is entitled to this stereo?

Article 1355. Except in cases specified by law, lesion or It depends on the applicable principle:
inadequacy of cause shall not invalidate a contract, a. Greatest reciprocity of interest
unless there has been fraud, mistake or undue influence. -applicable only when the obligation arose
from an onerous contract
b. Least transmission of rights
-if the transaction is gratuitous

In other words, if the obligation of A arose from a

A sold his only property to B. But at the time of the contract of sale (onerous), the first one should be
sale, A was indebted to X. Is this sale considered applied, thus the buyer B, is entitled.
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On the other hand, if the transaction is a donation delivered or the service is to be rendered was
(gratuitous), the donor shall be entitled to the stereo a controlling motive for the establishment of
applying the second principle. the contract; or

Recall: (3) When demand would be useless, as when the

Art. 1187 obligor has rendered it beyond his power to
The effects of a conditional obligation to give, once the perform.
condition has been fulfilled, shall retroact to the day of
the constitution of the obligation. Nevertheless, when In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay
the obligation imposes reciprocal prestations upon the if the other does not comply or is not ready to comply
parties, the fruits and interests during the pendency of in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him.
the condition shall be deemed to have been mutually From the moment one of the parties fulfills his
compensated. If the obligation is unilateral, the debtor obligation, delay by the other begins.
shall appropriate the fruits and interests received,
unless from the nature and circumstances of the What if in a contract of sale, there is no mention of the
obligation it should be inferred that the intention of price. Will it be valid?
the person constituting the same was different. Yes, because it is presumed to exist and presumed to
be lawful. (disputable presumption)
In obligations to do and not to do, the courts shall Rationale: When one enters into a contract, he has a
determine, in each case, the retroactive effect of the cause unless the contrary is proven.
condition that has been complied with.
What if the price is grossly inadequate? Will it affect the
Art. 1191 validity of the contract?
The power to rescind obligations is implied in No. The law provides that: “Except in cases specified
reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors should not by law, lesion or inadequacy of shall not invalidate a
comply with what is incumbent upon him. contract, unless there has been fraud, mistake or
undue influence.”
The injured party may choose between the fulfillment
and the rescission of the obligation, with the payment
of damages in either case. He may also seek rescission, Problem:
even after he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter should A bought a gun for the purpose of killing somebody
become impossible. else. What is the status of the sale? If the motive is
unlawful, would the at affect the validity of the
The court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless contract?
there be just cause authorizing the fixing of a period. As a rule, no. Motive is different from cause.
This is understood to be without prejudice to the
rights of third persons who have acquired the thing, in The SC ruled that the as a general rule, the illegality of
accordance with articles 1385 and 1388 and the the motive does not affect the validity of the contract.
Mortgage Law.
However, as an exception, if the motive is illegal or
Art. 1169 unlawful because it is contrary to law, it may affect the
Those obliged to deliver or to do something incur in validity of the contract if the motive predominates the
delay from the time the obligee judicially or purpose of the party in entering into the contract such
extrajudicially demands from them the fulfillment of as to defraud his creditors making it a Rescissible
their obligation. contract.

However, the demand by the creditor shall not be

necessary in order that delay may exist:
(1) When the obligation or the law expressly so
declare; or Stages of Contracts
(2) When from the nature and the circumstances
of the obligation it appears that the 1. Negotiation
designation of the time when the thing is to be 2. Perfection
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3. Performance perfected contract. Habang may offer at hindi
4. Consummation winiwithdraw ang offer and there was an acceptance, a
contract may be considered to have been perfected.

Contract of Option Sanchez v. Rigos

Art. 1324 Option Money

When the offerer has allowed the offeree a certain The SC ruled that the consideration in an option
period to accept, the offer may be withdrawn at any contract can be any prestation, not necessarily money.
time before acceptance by communicating such
withdrawal, except when the option is founded upon a Illustration:
consideration, as something paid or promised. On May 1, 2002, S offered to sell a specific car to B for
P500,000.00. B sent his letter of acceptance to S on
Art. 1479 May 8, 2002. On May 10, 2002, however, S died in a
A promise to buy and sell a determinate thing for a vehicular accident and his secretary received the letter
price certain is reciprocally demandable. or acceptance on May 12, 2002 unaware that S had
already died
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a
determinate thing for a price certain is binding upon The contract was not perfected because the offer of S
the promisor if the promise is supported by a became ineffective when he died. Death before
consideration distinct from the price. knowledge of the acceptance by the offeree
extinguishes the offer; thus, there can be no perfected
Art. 1482 contract.
Whenever earnest money is given in a contract of sale,
it shall be considered as part of the price and as proof Bar Question 2005
of the perfection of the contract. Marvin offered to construct the house of Carlos for a
very reasonable price of P900,000.00, giving the latter
If it is merely an option agreement, the offerer may 10 days within which to accept or reject the offer. On
withdraw the offer at anytime before the the fifth day, before Carlos could make up his mind,
communication of the acceptance to him and he Marvin withdrew his offer.
cannot be held liable for whatever damage that may be
caused to the offeree. a. What is the effect of the withdrawal of Marvin’s
Take note, it is from the time the offerer had
knowledge of the acceptance that there would be a Carlos cannot hold Marvin liable for damages
perfected contract (cognition theory) because the withdrawal was proper. Here there
was merely an offer which was not accepted.
In an option contract, if there is a consideration paid There being no consideration separate and
or promised but separate and distinct from the price, distinct from the price, the offerer Marvin can
the offerer cannot validly withdraw the offer. The withdraw at anytime before acceptance is
withdrawal has to be made within the period. conveyed to him.

If he would withdraw despite the consideration, can the b. Will your answer be the same if Carlos paid
offeree demand the performance of the obligations Marvin P10,000.00 as consideration for that
arising from the contract? option? Explain.
-No, if he would withdraw despite the existence of the
option contract, he can be held liable for damages for No, in that case, there is an option contract thus,
breach of the option contract. the offerer cannot validly withdraw the offer
because that would constitute a breach of
In a case, it was held that: Even if there is no contract. The remedy is an action for damages.
consideration separate and distinct from the price, but
the offeree accepted before the offerer could
withdraw, the contract may be considered as a
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c. Supposing that Carlos accepted the offer before 2. Object which is the subject matter of the contract
Marvin could communicate his withdrawal (not necessarily a thing, it may be rights or
thereof? services)
This is a contract of piece of work, a consensual 3. Cause or consideration
contract; thus, if there was an acceptance before
the withdrawal is conveyed to the offeree, there Consent
is a perfected contract. Scenario 1: Where no consent was given
Where there is no consent of one or both parties, the
Bar Question 2013 contract is VOID.
Sergio is the registered owner of a 500-square meter
land. His friend, Marcelo, who has long been interested Fictitious contract
in the property, succeeded in persuading Sergio to sell In a deed of sale, consent is manifested by the
it to him. On June 2, 2012, they agreed on the purchase signature. If there is a signature above the name of the
price of P600,000 and that Sergio would give Marcelo person, does that mean that that person gave his
up to June30, 2012 within which to raise the amount. consent?
Marcelo, in a light tone usual between them, said that -Not necessarily because it may have been forged.
they should seal their agreement through a case of
Jack Daniels Black and P5,000 "pulutan" money which Simulated contracts
he immediately handed to Sergio and which the latter “Making it appear” that the parties entered into the
accepted. The friends then sat down and drank the contract when in fact, they did not.
first bottle from the case of bourbon. 1. Absolute
The parties simulated a contract but they never
On June 15, 2013, Sergio learned of another buyer, intended to be bound by such contract
Roberto, who was offering P800,000 in ready cash for 2. Relative
the land. When Roberto confirmed that he could pay in The parties simulated a particular contract but
cash as soon as Sergio could get the documentation they actually intended another contract or
ready, Sergio decided to withdraw his offer to Marcelo, transaction
hoping to just explain matters to his friend. Marcelo,
however, objected when the withdrawal was What is the usual proof of simulation?
communicated to him, taking the position that they -the capacity to buy of the buyer
have a firm and binding agreement that Sergio cannot
simply walk away from because he has an option to Scenario 2: Where both parties gave consent
buy that is duly supported by a duly accepted valuable If both parties gave consent, does that guarantee that it
consideration. is a valid contract?
Not necessarily. Maybe one of the parties is
a. Does Marcelo have a cause of action against incapacitated.
a. What kind of incapacity, absolute or relative?
Yes, there being a perfected contract (of sale).
b. What kind of capacity is involved, juridical
b. Can Sergio claim that whatever they might have capacity or capacity to act?
agreed upon cannot be enforced because any If there is no juridical capacity, necessarily the
agreement relating to the sale of real property contract is VOID (because technically there’s
must be supported by evidence in writing and only one party and the other does not exist).
they never reduced their agreement to writing?
If the incapacity affects only the capacity to act,
such as when there are restrictions like civil
interdiction, minority, insanity, etc., the contract
is merely VOIDABLE.

Essential Elements of Contracts If both parties are incapacitated, then the

1. Consent of the contracting parties contract is UNENFORCEABLE.

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Under 1409, prohibited contracts are void. If there is Ultimately, if the buyer of a parcel of land is an alien
relative incapacity in one of the parties in the and thereafter an action was filed by the seller for the
contract, it will necessarily be void. recovery of this parcel of land. Will the action
If one of the parties to a contract of sale is an alien, On its face, the sale is void unless it falls under any of
what would be the status of the contract? the exception. Thus, the seller will have a right to
recover and the action to recover does not pescribe.
The in pari delicto rule does not apply to this
Aliens, as a general rule, are not allowed to own real Constitutional prohibition.
property in the Philippines.
(Article XII, Section 7) If at the time of the filing of the action, this land is no
“Save in cases of hereditary succession, no private lands longer owned by an alien or when the alien is no
shall be transferred or conveyed except to individuals, longer an alien, the action to recover cannot prosper
corporations, or associations qualified to acquire anymore.
or hold lands of the public domain.”
2009 Bar Question
It’s clear from this provision that private land may be In 1972, Luciano de la Cruz sold to Chua Chung Chun, a
transferred only to persons or entities who/which has Chinese citizen, a parcel of land in Binondo. Chua died
the capacity “to acquire or hold lands of the public in 1990, leaving behind his wife and three children,
domain.” one of whom, Julian, is a naturalized Filipino citizen.
Six years after Chua’s death, the heirs executed an
Those who are qualified to acquire or hold lands of the extrajudicial settlement of estate, and the parcel of
public domain are as follows: land was allocated to Julian. In 2007, Luciano filed suit
1. Filipino citizens. to recover the land he sold to Chua, alleging that the
2. Corporations at least 60% of the capital of which sale was void because it contravened the Constitution
is owned by Filipinos. which prohibits the sale of private lands to aliens.
Julian moved to dismiss the suit on grounds of pari
In other words, the Constitution explicitly prohibits delicto, laches and acquisitive prescription. Decide the
non-Filipinos from acquiring or holding title to case with reasons.
private lands. Among the exceptions are as follows: Will the action to recover the land from this heir who is
(1) transfer to an alien by way of legal succession; a Filipino citizen prosper?
or The action will no longer prosper because it is already
(2) if the acquisition was made by a former owned by the Filipino.
natural-born citizen.
Also, if at the time of the sale, he is an alien but after
Thus, a contract of sale of a private land to an alien for some time he acquired Filipino citizenship, the
residential purposes and when the buyer is an alien prohibition is no longer applicable
who is a former natural-born citizen. - VALID
2012 Bar Question
If land is invalidly transferred to an alien who Jambrich, an Austrian, fell in-love and lived together
subsequently becomes a Filipino citizen or transfers it with Descallar and bought their house and lots at
to a Filipino, the flaw in the original transaction is Agro-Macro Subdivision.
considered cured and the title of the transferee is
rendered valid. In the Contracts to Sell, Jambrich and Descallar were
referred to as the buyers. When the Deed of Absolute
How about condominium units? Sale was presented for registration before the Register
The aliens will simply lease the land for a long-term of Deeds, it was refused because Jambrich was an alien
period such as 25 years or longer. Thus, the 60-40 and could not acquire alienable lands of the public
rule does not apply because it is not land but only domain. After Jambrich and Descaller separated,
property. Jambrich purchased an engine and some accessories
for his boat from Borromeo. To pay for his debt, he
sold his rights and interests in the Agro-Macro
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properties to Borromeo. Borromeo discovered that Object
titles to the three (3) lots have been transferred in the
name of Descallar. Who is the rightful owner of the 1. Rights must not be intransmissible.
properties? Explain. 2. Services, take note of the rules like the service
must not be contrary to law, morals; it must not
Scenario 3: Where consent is vitiated be impossible, etc.
Vitiation of consent is not the same as lack of consent.
The former has consent but napilitan lang. It is merely 3. The thing must not be outside the commerce of
voidable. men and licit.

If consent was given in the name of the other person For example, internal organs of human beings are
without authority of that person, it is unenforceable considered outside the commerce of men.
unless the person has the authority under the law such
as when he is the guardian or receiver. All of the things owned in common are outside
the commerce of men but once they have already
Factors which may vitiate consent: been appropriated, then they may be the subject
of the contract.
Affects cognition/awareness as to certain facts
1. Mistake Can future inheritance be the subject of the contract of
2. Fraud sale?
No because the seller has no inheritance while his
Affects volition/voluntariness of the act predecessor lives.
3. Violence
4. Intimidation
5. Undue influence

If X, a 3rd person employed undue influence upon one

of the contracting parties, B without the knowledge of
A. –voidable

Does it affect the validity of the contract?
Yes, it covers both violence and/or intimidation

If violence was employed upon the wife of the party

who is invoking vitiation of consent, would that result
in a voidable contract? Upon whom shall violence be
employed for it to be considered voidable?
Yes, because there is more reason to consider the
contract voidable because violence is worse than

What if the violence was employed not upon the party

claiming vitiation, nor upon his wife, ascendants,
descendants? Can he invoke vitiation of consent?
Yes, however he shall prove that indeed his consent
was vitiated. Rule of thumb: the further in degree, the
harder it is to prove vitiation in consent.

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FORM of CONTRACTS A sale of a parcel of land must be in a public
instrument to be valid. – FALSE
Art. 1356
Contracts shall be obligatory, in whatever form they A contract of sale involving immovable only has to be
may have been entered into, provided all the essential in writing in order to be valid and enforceable and to
requisites for their validity are present. bind the parties.

However, when the law requires that a contract be in However, if it is merely an oral sale, it would be
some form in order that it may be valid or enforceable, unenforceable contract under of the Statute of
or that a contract be proved in a certain way, that Frauds.
requirement is absolute and indispensable. In such
cases, the right of the parties stated in the following Validity
article cannot be exercised. Is a contract of sale required to be in a specific form
for its validity? None.
Art. 1357
If the law requires a document or other special form, as In a sale of large cattle, the law requires this contract
in the acts and contracts enumerated in the following to be:
article, the contracting parties may compel each other 1. in a public instrument;
to observe that form, once the contract has been 2. registered; and
perfected. This right may be exercised simultaneously 3. the buyer has to obtain a certificate of title in
with the action upon the contract. order for the sale to be valid.

Art. 1358 Enforceability

The following must appear in a public document: Statute of Frauds
(1) Acts and contracts which have for their object
the creation, transmission, modification or REFORMATION OF INSTRUMENTS
extinguishment of real rights over immovable Reformation as a remedy is only proper when there is
property; sales of real property or of an interest an instrument thus if the contract is verbal, there is
therein are governed by articles 1403, No. 2, nothing to reform.
and 1405;
(2) The cession, repudiation or renunciation of This is a remedy in equity because the instrument as
hereditary rights or of those of the conjugal written does not reflect the real intention. In other
partnership of gains; words, the parties have already a meeting of minds but
(3) The power to administer property, or any other their agreement was not accurately reflected in the
power which has for its object an act appearing instrument.
or which should appear in a public document,
or should prejudice a third person; If there is no meeting of the minds, reformation is not
(4) The cession of actions or rights proceeding the remedy but the declaration of nullity because the
from an act appearing in a public document. contract would be void.

All other contracts where the amount involved exceeds Art. 1366
five hundred pesos must appear in writing, even a There shall be no reformation in the following cases:
private one. But sales of goods, chattels or things in (1) Simple donations inter vivos wherein no condition
action are governed by articles, 1403, No. 2 and 1405. is imposed;
(2) Wills;
A document can only be registered if it is in a public (3) When the real agreement is void.
instrument. The Register of Deeds has no business
accepting private instruments for registration. If the instrument as written on its face is void, can it be
the subject of reformation?
The form is only for the greater efficacy of the Yes if the real contract intended is the valid contract.
contract, it is not necessary for the validity neither for The reverse is not true.
the enforceability.
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If there are obscurities or ambiguities, how should it be 2011 Bar Question – MCQ
resolved? Lino entered into a contract to sell with Ramon,
The primordial consideration in the interpretation is undertaking to convey to the latter one of the five lots
the intention of the parties. Even if the instrument as he owns, without specifying which lot it was, for the
written is so clear as to their meaning but it does not price of P1 million. Later, the parties could not agree
reflect the real intention, it will be the latter that which of five lots he owned Lino undertook to sell to
would prevail. Ramon. What is the standing of the contract?

Art.1370 (A) Unenforceable.

If the terms of a contract are clear and leave no doubt (B) Voidable.
upon the intention of the contracting parties, the (C) Rescissible.
literal meaning of its stipulations shall control. (D) Void.

If the words appear to be contrary to the evident This is covered not only by Article 1409 but also on
intention of the parties, the latter shall prevail over the the rules on interpretation of contracts.


In order to judge the intention of the contracting
parties, their contemporaneous and subsequent acts 2 Kinds of Valid
shall be principally considered 1. Valid and binding without any defects
2. Valid but defective:
Citizens Surety v. CA -Rescissible, Voidable and Unenforceable
Mr. Pascual claims that the deed of assignment which
he executed was by way of Dacion en Pago which Voidable and Unenforceable
extinguished his obligations under the indemnity -can be ratified
agreement. However, after the execution of the deed
of assignment, he continued to pay the monthly Nothing in the Code tells us that Rescissible is subject
amortizations. to ratification because there is no defect as far as the
essential requisites are concerned. It’s up to the
If it is truly a dacion en pago, why would you continue person whether or not to invoke the remedy of
to pay? And, why would you execute another real rescission.
estate mortgage if your obligation had already been
extinguished? Void
-cannot be ratified
Clearly, the subsequent acts of this person does not
support his claim that the deed of assignment was by Unique void contract subject to ratification:
way of dacion en pago. Thus, the SC ruled that the deed Art. 1898
of assignment was a form of security arrangement. If the agent contracts in the name of the principal,
exceeding the scope of his authority, and the principal
Art. 1377 does not ratify the contract, it shall be void if the party
The interpretation of obscure words or stipulations in a with whom the agent contracted is aware of the limits of
contract shall not favor the party who caused the the powers granted by the principal. In this case,
obscurity. however, the agent is liable if he undertook to secure the
principal's ratification.

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rescission can return whatever he may be obliged to
When would a contract be Rescissible?
-only when the law provides Neither shall rescission take place when the things
which are the object of the contract are legally in the
Most important: possession of third persons who did not act in bad faith.
Those undertaken in fraud of creditors when the latter
cannot in any other manner collect the claims due them In this case, indemnity for damages may be demanded
from the person causing the loss.
How do you prove fraud?
Determine if there is a presumption that the contract Illustration:
is in fraud of creditors AND prove certain badges of A is indebted to X. A, in fraud of X, alienated his
fraud (see pages 40-41) But, a single badge of fraud is property to B. In this scenario, it is B who is
NOT sufficient to conclude that there is fraud. considered as the 3rd person (in relation to the debtor
and creditor)

Example of badges of fraud: Thus, X cannot invoke rescission if B is in possession in

1. Close relationship between the parties good faith (except in case of donation)
2. The debtor-seller continue to be in the
possession of the property 2012 Bar Question - MCQs
3. When the price in a contract of sale is grossly The following are rescissible contracts, except:
inadequate a) Entered into by guardian whenever ward
4. When the debtor is already insolvent and he sells suffers damage more than 1⁄4 of value of
his property on credit property
b) Agreed upon in representation of absentees,
Cabaliw v. Sadorra if absentee suffers lesion by more than 1⁄4 of
A sale of a parcel of land by the husband is deemed value of property
fraudulent if made about seven months after a c) Contracts where fraud is committed on
judgment was rendered against the vendor for support creditor (accion pauliana).
of his wife and the vendor has not paid any part of the d) Contracts entered into by minors.
judgment. This sale was entered into after a judgment (voidable)
was rendered. Take note, the judgment need NOT be
final and executory. The following are the requisites before a contract
entered into in fraud of creditors may be rescinded,
Accion Pauliana except:
-an action to impugn a contract in fraud of creditores a) There must be credited existing prior to the
should be filed within 4 years from the DISCOVERY of celebration of the contract.
the fraud; however in the Hongkong case, the SC held b) There must be fraud, or at least, the intent to
that if the contract claimed to be in fraud of creditors commit fraud to the prejudice of the creditor
was REGISTERED, then the 4-year period would seeking rescission.
commence not from the time of actual knowledge of c) The creditor cannot in any legal manner
the creditor or discovery but from the time of collect his credit (subsidiary character of
registration. rescission)
d) The object of the contract must be legally
Hongkong Shanghai Bank v. Pauli in the possession of a 3rd person in good
The four-year period to bring an action for annulment faith
of deed of sale of lot is computed from the registration
of the conveyance. Recall: Article 1191
Rescission in Art. 1191 is a PRINCIPAL remedy
Article 1385 whereas in Rescissible contracts, it may be invoked
Rescission creates the obligation to return the things only when the creditor does not have any other
which were the object of the contract, together with available legal remedy.
their fruits, and the price with its interest; consequently,
it can be carried out only when he who demands
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VOIDABLE CONTRACTS c) A threat to enforce one’s claim through
competent authority, if the claim is legal or
There is defect in consent either because: just, does not vitiate consent.
1. The person giving consent is incapacitated d) Absolute simulation of a contract always
because he does not have capacity to act such results in a void contract.
as when he is a minor or when insane, etc.
2. There is vitiation of consent If one of the parties to the contract is without juridical
capacity, the contract is:
Who may ratify? a) voidable
Only the party who has the right to institute the action b) rescissible
for annulment c) void
d) unenforceable
Implied ratification, how made?
When a contract of lease was entered into, the lessor When both parties to the contract are minors, the
was 17 years old. However, even if he is already 20 he contract is:
still continued to receive rentals. Even if within the a) voidable
period for filing the action for annulment, he may no b) rescissible
longer rescind because he has already impliedly c) void
ratified. d) unenforceable

Reasons why an action for annulment may not prosper When the consent of one of the parties was vitiated,
1. Implied ratification the contract is:
2. Prescription a) voidable
3. If the one invoking cannot return what he has b) rescissible
received unless he there’s no fault on his part c) void
d) unenforceable
2012 Bar Question – MCQs
Consent was given by one in representation of
The following are the characteristics of a voidable another but without authority. The contract is:
contract, except: a) voidable
a) Effective until set aside. b) rescissible
b) May be assailed/attacked only in an action for c) void
that purpose. d) unenforceable
c) Can be confirmed or ratified.
d) Can be assailed only by either party.

Guardians may also assail

The following are void contracts, except:

a) Pactum commissorium
b) Pactum de non alienando
c) Pactum leonine
d) Pacto de retro

Which of the following expresses a correct principle

of law? Choose the best answer.
a) Failure to disclose facts when there is a duty
to reveal them, does not constitute fraud
b) Violence or intimidation does not render a
contract annullable if employed not by a
contracting party but by a third person.

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UNENFORCEABLE CONTRACTS When would a contract of lease be covered by the
1. When both parties are both incapacitated. Statute of Fraud?
Take note, they may be ratified so when one of When a contract of lease involves a real property and
the two parties ratifies, the effect would now the period is for more than one year
become merely voidable.
Kung car lang ang nili-lease maski naman 3 years pa
2. A contract entered into by an agent where the yan na verbal agreement, it can be a valid and binding
agent acted in excess or outside the scope of his agreement
Contracts of Sale that are unenforceable if NOT in
3. A contract entered into by a person in writing:
representation of another without the authority
of the latter (unless he had authority under the 1. If it involves an immovable or real property;
law-legal representation) Take note, the price is irrelevant

4. Art. 1878 2. Contracts involving movables are must be in

Contracts entered into by agents requiring SPA writing if the price is at least P500.
Take note, it is the PRICE which is relevant and
Art. 1403 NOT the value of the thing.
Statue of Frauds is a rule requiring certain contracts to
be in writing in order to be enforceable between the 3. Regardless if movable or immovable, if under the
parties. It does not require the contracts to be in a terms of the agreement it is not to be performed
public instrument (not needed, but permitted) within one year because the agreement is that
the seller will deliver only after 18 months and
Thus, if you already have an agreement in writing and the buyer will pay upon delivery, it has to be in
you want it to be registered, your remedy is Art. 1357, writing otherwise, it is unenforceable.
to compel the other party to have the contract in the
form prescribed by law The Statute of Frauds does not go into the weight of
evidence but to the admissibility of evidence.
2009 Bar Question
True or False. An oral promise of guaranty is valid and In other words, if it is covered by the Statute of Frauds
binding. and there is an effort to prove the existence of the
contract through oral testimony, that evidence will
FALSE. An oral contract of guaranty, being a special never be admitted. He should not be allowed to testify.
promise to answer for the debt ofanother, is
unenforceable unless in writing Ortega v. Leonardo

Alternative Answer:
TRUE. An oral promise of guaranty is valid and
binding. While the contract is valid, however, it is
unenforceable because it is not writing . Being a
special promise answer for the debt, or miscarriage of
another, the Statute of Frauds requires it to be in
writing to be enforceable (Article 1403 [2] b, NCC).The
validity of the contract should be distinguished from
its enforceability

Cabague v. Auxilio

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Fe, Esperanza, and Caridad inherited from their
parents a 500 sq. m. lot which they leased to Maria for Art. 1409
three (3) years. One year after, Fe, claiming to have the The following contracts are inexistent and void from
authority to represent her siblings Esperanza and the beginning:
Caridad, offered to sell the leased property to Maria (1) Those whose cause, object or purpose is
which the latter accepted. The sale was not reduced contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
into writing, but Maria started to make partial order or public policy;
payments to Fe, which the latter received and (2) Those which are absolutely simulated or
acknowledged. After giving the full payment, Maria fictitious;
demanded for the execution of a deed of absolute sale (3) Those whose cause or object did not exist at
which Esperanza and Caridad refused to do. Worst, the time of the transaction;
Maria learned that the siblings sold the same property (4) Those whose object is outside the commerce
to Manuel. This compelled Maria to file a complaint for of men;
the annulment of the sale with specific performance (5) Those which contemplate an impossible
and damages. service;
(6) Those where the intention of the parties
If you are the judge, how will you decide the case? relative to the principal object of the contract
cannot be ascertained;
Answer: (7) Those expressly prohibited or declared void
I will decide the case in favor of Maria only as far as by law.
the share of Fe in this parcel of land because this These contracts cannot be ratified. Neither can the
contract of sale was entered into by a co-owner right to set up the defense of illegality be waived.
without the consent of the other co-owners thus the
latter will not be bound. Only the co-owner who Lita Enterprises v. IAC
entered into the contract shall be bound. The fact that If a contract is void, may an action to recover filed by
this sale was not reduced into writing cannot be one of the parties against the other prosper?
invoked by Fe as a defense because there were already It depends (Arts. 1411, 1412, 1415, 1416)
partial payments.
1999 Bar Question
2012 Bar Question
Aligada orally offered to sell his two- hectare rice land In 1950, the Bureau of Lands issued a Homestead
to Balane for P 10Million. The offer was orally patent to A. 3 years later, A sold the homestead to B. A
accepted. By agreement, the land was to be delivered died in 1990, and his heirs filed an action to recover
(through execution of a notarized Deed of Sale) and the homestead from B on the ground that its sale by
the price was to be paid exactly one-month from their their father to the latter is void under Section 118 of
oral agreement. Which statement is most accurate? the Public Land Law. B contends, however, that the
a) If Aligada refuses to deliver the land on the heirs of A cannot recover the homestead from him
agreed date despite payment by Balane, the anymore because their action had prescribed and that
latter may not successfully sue Aligada furthermore, A was in pari delicto. Decide.
because the contract is oral.
b) If Aligada refused to deliver the land, Balane I will decide in favor of the heirs. The contract is void
may successfully sue for fulfillment of the because it is prohibited by law. Any alienation within 5
obligation even if he has not tendered years from the date of award of the land to A, is a void
payment of the purchase price. alienation.
c) The contract between the parties is
rescissible. Secondly, A is not in pari delicto. Article 1416: When
d) The contract between the parties is subject the agreement is not illegal per se but is merely
to ratification by the parties prohibited, and the prohibition by the law is designed
for the protection of the plaintiff, he may, if public policy
is thereby enhanced, recover what he has paid or

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Article 1458. By the contract of sale one of the (3) Onerous

contracting parties obligates himself to transfer the The thing sold is conveyed in consideration of the
ownership and to deliver a determinate thing, and the price and vice versa
other to pay therefor a price certain in money or its
equivalent. (4) Commutative
The thing sold is considered the equivalent of the
A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional price paid and vice versa. (see Ibid.) However, the
contract may be aleatory as in the case of the sale
of a hope (e.g., lotto ticket);
Q: A obliged himself to deliver a determinate thing
to B. Upon delivery, B would pay a sum of money to (5) Nominate
A. Is that a contract of sale? It is given a special name or designation in the
A: Not necessarily. Even if there is an obligation to Civil Code, namely, “sale” and specific rules are
deliver, if there is no obligation to transfer ownership, provided by law to govern the rights of the parties
it will not be a contract of sale. It may be a contract of
lease or deposit (for safekeeping) (6) Principal
It does not depend for its existence and validity
From the definition, you will learn a lot. Ordinarily,
upon another contract.
you should know the purpose of the parties. With the
contract of sale, obligations should arise, based on the
premise that there is a valid contract. Kinds of Sale
Factors to consider:
“obligates” 1. Movable or Immovable
The contract will be perfected even if only 1 party 2. Thing or Right
binds himself because it is a consensual contract. 3. Transfer of ownership

“determinate thing” TRUE or FALSE

What if the object is generic thing, may it be a valid Maceda Law only applies if the subject matter or the
sale? Yes object of the contract of sale is an immovable.
Art. 1460 “capable of being made determinate”
Ex. Sale of a bottle of water The law requires realties but not all immovable are
realties. Maceda Law only covers sales on residential
“to pay therefor” realties. Whereas, Recto Law pertains only to personal
This contract is essentially onerous. There is no property.
gratuitous sale.
Transfer of Ownership
Does the law require that the price be paid in Philippine -not a condition for the perfection of the sale but a
Peso? condition for ownership to pass, the premise is there is
Not necessarily. The law only provides “in money”; already a perfected contract
thus, it may be valid even if it is in any other currency.
Contract to Sell (COS) v. Contract of Sale (CTS)
Characteristics of a contract of sale
(1) Consensual Absolute COS
It is perfected by mere consent with- out any Where the sale is not subject to any condition
further act; whatsoever and where title/ownership passes to the
buyer upon delivery of the thing sold.
(2) Bilateral
Both the contracting parties are bound to fulfill Conditional COS
correlative obligations towards each other — the Sale is subject to certain conditions and upon the
seller, to deliver and transfer ownership of the fulfillment of the conditions, ownership is
thing sold and the buyer, to pay the price; automatically transferred without the need of another
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Contract to Sell (CTS) remaining balance of the purchase price. Nante filed
SC held that it is a special kind of conditional sale. an action for the recovery of possession of the
Despite the fulfillment of the condition/s, ownership property. Nante alleged that the agreement was one to
will not automatically pass. It would only give the sell, which was not consummated as the full contract
buyer the right to demand the seller to sell the thing. price was not paid. Is the contention of Nante tenable?
Thus, the seller is bound to sell and the ownership is Why?
only transferred upon the execution of the deed of
sale. Premise is that the buyer is already in possession Distinctions:
of the property even before the conditions are fulfilled.
1. COS v. Dation in Payment (MMN)
2. COS v. Barter
In a sale agreement, how do you determine if it’s a ACOS, A obliged himself to deliver and transfer
CCOS or CTS? ownership of a watch worth P800,000 to B
whereas B obliged himself to give to A his car
2001 Bar Question worth P400,000 plus cash worth P350,000.

Arturo gave Richard a receipt which states: Quiroga v. Parsons case

"Receipt Received from Richard as down payment For
my 1995 Toyota Corolla with plate No. XYZ-123 2013 Bar Question
P50,000.00 Balance payable 12/30/01 P50,000.00 Rica petitioned for the annulment of her ten-year old
September 15, 2001. marriage to Richard. Richard hired Atty. Cruz to
represent him in the proceedings. In payment for Atty.
(Sgd.) Arturo Cruz’s acceptance and legal fees, Richard conveyed to
Atty. Cruz a parcel of land in Taguig that he recently
Does this receipt evidence a contract to sell? Why? purchased with his lotto winnings. The transfer
documents were duly signed and Atty. Cruz
No, because there is nothing in the receipt showing immediately took possession by fencing off the
that the seller reserved ownership over the thing. property’s entire perimeter.
Thus, a sale agreement wherein the seller did not
reserve ownership over the thing is an absolute Desperately needing money to pay for his mounting
contract of sale. legal fees and his other needs and despite the transfer
to Atty. Cruz, Richard offered the same parcel of land
2012 Bar Question for sale to the spouses Garcia. After inspection of the
A contract to sell is the same as a conditional contract of land, the spouses considered it a good investment and
sale. Do you agree? purchased it from Richard.

2014 Bar Question Immediately after the sale, the spouses Garcia 
Nante, a registered owner of a parcel of land in Quezon commenced the construction of a three-story building
City, sold the property to Monica under a deed of sale over the land, but they were prevented from doing this
which reads as follows: by Atty. Cruz who claimed he has a better right in light
of the prior conveyance in his favor.
“That for and in consideration of the sum of
P500,000.00, value to be paid and delivered to me, and Is Atty. Cruz’s claim correct? No
receipt of which shall be acknowledged by me to the full
satisfaction of Monica, referred to as Vendee, I hereby
sell, transfer, cede, convey, and assign, as by these
presents, I do have sold, transferred, ceded, conveyed
and assigned a parcel of land covered by TCT No. 2468
in favor of the Vendee.”

After delivery of the initial payment of P100,000.00,

Monica immediately took possession of the property.
Five (5) months after, Monica failed to pay the
Civil Law Review II For PERSONAL use only 53
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Rights and Obligations of the Vendor P.D. 1529
1. Transfer ownership In relation to registered lands, those who are dealing
2. Deliver with these parcels of land has to consider the
3. Warrant the thing certificate of title. They are not required to inquire
into other matters. (“Mirror Principle”)
OBLIGATION TO TRANSFER OWNERSHIP However, this does not apply to persons who are
Who can transfer ownership by way of a sale? required to exercise the exercise the highest degree of
Only those who have a right to sell diligence such as banks, or MERALCO.

May a buyer acquire ownership over the thing sold if Are there any other laws that enable the seller to
the seller has no right to sell? Yes dispose the thing as if he is the real owner?
Yes. Article 1505
General Rule:
The buyer acquires no better title than what the seller 2009 Bar Question
had. Before migrating to Canada in 1992, the spouses
Teodoro and Anita entrusted all their legal papers and
Exceptions: documents to their nephew, Atty. Tan. Taking
Estoppel advantage of the situation, Atty. Tan forged a deed of
sale, making it appear that he had bought the couple’s
1. Estoppel in pais (Art. 1431) property in Quezon City. In 2000, he succeeded in
By the principle of estoppel, a person is precluded obtaining a TCT over the property in his name.
from denying that another person has authority to sell Subsequently, Atty. Tan sold the same property to
because of his acts. Also known as “Estoppel in Pais” Luis, who built an auto repair shop on the property. In
which is a kind of equitable estoppel because of the 2004, Luis registered the deed of conveyance, and title
acts / representation of the owner, he may not later on over the property was transferred in his name.
deny the authority of the 3rd person.
In 2006, the spouses Teodoro and Anita came to the
2. Estoppel by deed(Art. 1434) Philippines for a visit and discovered what had
When the seller who was not the owner at the time of happened to their property. They immediately hire
the sale, acquires ownership, automatically, ownership you as lawyer. What action or actions will you institute
passes to the buyer by operation of law. However, in order to vindicate their rights? Explain fully.
Article 1434 requires delivery to the buyer.
Suggested Answer:
3. Estoppel by record I will institute the following actions against Atty. Tan:
Case where the seller was estopped from denying the
authority to sell due to his prior testimony made in (a) A civil action for damage for the fraudulent
court. transfer of the title in his name and to recover
the value of the property;
4. Sale by an Apparent Owner (b) An action against the National Treasurer for
5. Negotiable Document of Title compensation from the State Assurance Fund
6. Purchase from a Merchant Store which is set aside by law to pay those who
lose their land suffer damages as a
In a contract of sale involving a parcel of land, when consequence of the operation of the Torrens
would a seller be an apparent owner? system;
-mere possession does not necessarily mean that the (c) A criminal action for forgery or falsification
seller is an apparent owner. of public document;
-when the seller has a certificate of title under his (d) A complaint with the Supreme
name Court/Integrated Bar of the Philippines to
disbar or suspend him or other disciplinary
An old lady owns a parcel of land. She asked a lawyer action for violation or the Code of
to have the land registered under her name, but the Professional Ethics.
lawyer registered the land under his own name.
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Any action against Luis will not prosper because he is What if the owner was NOT unlawfully deprived and the
an innocent purchaser for value. The Title to the land thing was NOT lost but bought from a seller who has no
he bought was already in the name of the person who right to sell?
sold the property to him, and there is nothing on the Art. 559 will no longer be applicable.
title which will make him suspect about the fraud Sun Brothers v. Velasco
committed by Atty. Tan. Sun Brothers  Lopez  Velasco  Ko Kang Chu
What if there was forgery and the forger sold the Lopez bought the refrigerator on installment
property subject of the deed to a 3rd person? thereafter, he sold it to Velasco, a store owner, who in
*A forged document can never convey any title; turn sold it to Ko Kang Chu.
however, it may be a root of a valid title if the buyer is
in good faith and for value Sun Brothers filed an action to recover the said
refrigerator. Will the action prosper? No
1987 Bar Question When Sun Brothers sold to Lopez, ownership did not
Rita owned a valuable painting which was stolen from pass because it was a conditional sale and ownership
her house. The theft was duly reported to the will pass only upon full payment.
authorities. A year after, Rita saw the painting hanging
in the office of Mario. When queried, Mario said that When Lopez sold to Velasco, ownership did not pass
he bought the painting in a gallery auction. The because it falls under the general rule that the buyer
painting was positively identified as the one which acquires no better title than what the seller had.
was stolen from Rita’s house.
When Velasco sold it to Ko Kang Chu, the latter
a. Could Rita recover the painting? Yes acquired absolute ownership because it was bought in
If so, would Mario be entitled to reimbursement? No a merchant store in good faith and for value. (Art.
1505) Thus, Chu cannot be compelled even if Sun
b. Supposing Mario bought the painting from a Brothers are willing to reimburse.
friend, would your answer be the same? Yes
How is transfer of ownership effected?
Suggested Answers: Actual or Constructive delivery
Yes, Rita was unlawfully deprived of the thing thus Art.
559 is applicable. When it was sold to the buyer, the If there was physical delivery, does that mean that there
seller did not have a right to sell. The law provides was transfer of ownership?
that the true owner has a right to recover. No, it may be a conditional sale or a contract to sell
As to reimbursement, there are 2 requisites: Delivery of Sale of Things
a. the buyer must have bought it in a public sale;
b. he must have bought it in good faith 1. Quasi-tradition
This is used to indicate the exercise of a right by
Here it is clear that Mario was in good faith. The issue the grantee with the acquiescence of the grantor.
here is whether the gallery auction is a public sale.
2. Actual delivery (“Real tradition”)
It is NOT a public sale considering the nature of a Delivery or transfer of a thing from hand to hand if
gallery auction, which is often “by invitation only”. it is movable, or by certain material and
Thus, since it is not a public sale, then the owner who possessory acts of the grantee performed in the
was unlawfully deprived can recover that property presence and with the consent of the grantor if it
even without reimbursement. is movable.
Note: If the auction sale is considered a public sale, he 3. Traditio longa manu
can recover as long as he is willing to reimburse the The grantor pointing out to the grantee the thing
buyer of the price paid in that sale. which is delivered which at the time must be
within sight.
What if the owner is NOT unlawfully deprived? Will Art. 4. Traditio brevi manu
559 be applicable?
Yes, if the movable property was lost.
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Grantee is already in possession of the thing under 5. Absolute Sale
a title which is not of ownership, such as when the Seller does not reserve his title over the thing sold
lessee purchases from the lessor the object of the and thus, upon delivery of the thing, ownership
lease. passes regardless of whether or not the buyer has
5. Constitutum possesorium
Vendor remains in possession of the property sold 6. Conditional Sale
by virtue of a lease contract agreement with the Conditions are imposed by the seller before
vendee. ownership will pass

Delivery of Sale of Rights *Possessory lien and the right of stoppage in transit
1. Execution of a Public Instrument unless the can be exercised by the unpaid seller simultaneously
contrary appears in the deed when there is partial delivery
2. Placing of the titles of ownership in the possession
of the vendee a. SIT – goods he has already parted with
3. Use by the vendee of his rights with the consent of b. PL – on the remainder
the vendor

Sale “Risk of Loss” (Art. 1504)

-this is relevant only when the loss happened AFTER
1. Sale on Satisfaction, Approval, Trial the perfection of the contract and before delivery and
Ownership passes to the buyer when: due to a fortuitous event
a. he signifies his acceptance or does any other
act adopting the transaction; Res perit domino, whoever is the owner at the time of
b. retains the goods without giving notice of the loss shall bear loss
rejection, then if a time has been fixed for the
return of the goods, on the expiration of such Bar Question
time, and if no time has been fixed, on the S, an American resident of Manila about to leave on a
expiration of a reasonable time. vacation sold his car to B for $2,000. The payment to
be made 10 days after delivery to X, a third party
2. Sale or Return depositary agreed upon, who shall deliver the car to B
In a sale or return, the buyer acquires ownership upon receipt by X of the purchase price. It was
upon delivery of the thing sold and may revest the stipulated that ownership is retained by S until
ownership to the seller within the time fixed in the delivery of the car to X.
contract or within a reasonable time.
5 days after the delivery of the car to X, the house of X
3. Sale of Specific Goods was gutted by fire thereby destroying the car without
Where there is a contract of sale of specific goods, the fault of X or B. Is buyer B legally obligated to pay
the seller may, by the terms of the contract, the purchase price? Yes
reserve the right of possession or ownership in
the goods until certain conditions have been The car was already delivered to X when it was lost.
Thus, it will be the buyer who bear the risk of loss.
4. Contract to Sell Is it possible that it will not be the owner who will bear
It is considered a special kind of conditional sale, it the loss?
is a peculiar kind of sale because despite the Yes. The res perit domino rule has several exceptions
happening of the condition and actual delivery, the 1. when stipulated otherwise;
buyer does not automatically acquire ownership. 2. security title
If condition happens, the right of the buyer is to 3. delay
compel the seller to execute a final deed of sale. So
ownership does not automatically pass. Lawyer’s Cooperative v. Atty. Tabora

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Atty. Tabora (AT) bought a complete set of American By the execution of a public instrument wherein the
Jurisprudence (Amjur.) from LC payable on ownership passes to the buyer even if the goods are
installment. The contract stated that ownership shall still in the possession of the seller. Thus, if the seller
not pass until full payment of the price but upon was at fault resulting in the delay, then he shall bear
delivery, the buyer will be the one to bear the loss the loss even if he is not the owner at the time of the
whatever may be the cause of the loss. loss.

On the night when the books were delivered to the DOUBLE SALE
office of Atty. Tabora in Naga City, there was a fire thus
burning all the books. Bar Question
In a sale of a parcel of land and there was actual
Atty. Tabora refused to pay thus a case was filed by LC. delivery. The first buyer took possession but he did
AT contended that he was not the owner at the time of not register. Thereafter, the same seller sold the same
the loss (res perit domino). However, it was stipulated parcel of land to a second buyer, who, without
that the buyer shall bear the loss upon delivery. (1 st knowledge of the prior sale, registered the sale. Who
exception) will have the better right? The 2nd buyer

2nd exception: P3:5:38

The buyer will be the one to bear the loss if the seller Bar Question
retained title ONLY to secure the fulfillment of the JV, owner of a parcel of land, sold it to PP. But the deed
buyer’s obligation. of sale was not registered. One year later, JV sold the
parcel again to RR, who succeeded to register the deed
3rd exception: and to obtain a transfer certificate of title over the
If there was delay in the delivery of the goods, and property in his own name. Who has a better right over
thereafter the goods were lost or destroyed due to a the parcel of land, RR or PP? Why? Explain the legal
fortuitous event. Whoever was at fault resulting in the basis for your answer.
delay of the delivery will be the one to bear the loss.
(whether or not he is the owner). RR because there is nothing in the facts that would
show that he is a registrant in bad faith. At the time he
Premise: The seller is still in possession of the goods. registered the deed, he still had no knowledge about
the prior sale. (Good faith is presumed)
1st scenario
If the buyer was the one who obtained the goods from Rules on Double Sale:
the seller’s place but due to his fault, he was not able to Movable
get it on the date agreed upon and thereafter the thing The 1st possessor in good faith has the better right
was lost due to a fortuitous event. Even if at the time Immovable
of the loss, the seller was still the owner, the buyer 1. 1st registrant in good faith
shall bear the loss because he caused the delay. 2. 1st possessor in good faith
3. Person who has the oldest title in good faith
2nd scenario (not necessarily the first buyer, he acquired
When the ownership is already transferred to the ownership by other modes of delivery)
buyer by constructive delivery and the seller was at
fault thereby causing delay. *The first buyer can only be in bad faith in relation to
the defect of the title of the seller. The first buyer can
Wrong answers: never be a registrant in bad faith in relation to the
Traditio Brevi Manu – the buyer was already in second sale (Natural! Nauna siya eh) “priority in time,
possession before the sale priority in right”
Constitutum Possessorium – the seller will not be in
delay because he has a right to possession based on *What is important under this article is the
another contract registration in good faith. A buyer may have been in
good faith upon perfection of the sale but became in
bad faith upon registration.
Best answer:
Civil Law Review II For PERSONAL use only 57
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a. Legal
b. Conventional
-contract of sale with a right to repurchase or
pacto de retro sale

2001 Bar Question P6

On June 15, 1995, Jesus sold a parcel of registered land Redemption
to Jaime. On June 30, 1995, he sold the same land to Right of redemption of adjoining lot owners
What is the nature of the land?
Who has a better right if: 1. Rural
a. The first sale is registered ahead of the second 2. Urban
sale with knowledge of the latter. Why? Right of pre-emption
b. The second sale is registered ahead of the first -even before the perfection of the contract, the
sale with knowledge of the latter. Why? adjoining lot owner may invoke the right of
1st scenario
Jaime, even if he registered the sale with knowledge of Requisites:
the second sale, he, as a 1st buyer, would still be The land must be so small in area that there is no
considered as a registrant in good faith. apparent need for the land in the near future. The
purchase is merely for speculation.
2nd scenario
Jaime, because the registration of Jose was done in bad 2005 Bar Question
faith because he was already aware of the prior sale On July 14, 2004, Pedro executed in favor of Juan a
thus he cannot claim to be a registrant in good faith. Deed of Absolute Sale over a parcel of land covered by
TCT No. 6245. It appears in the Deed of Sale that Pedro
Bautista v. Sioson received from Juan P120,000.00 as purchase price.
1st buyer had better right. Legal possession through However, Pedro retained the owner’s duplicate of said
Constitutum Possessorium title. Thereafter, Juan, as lessor, and Pedro, as lessee,
executed a contract of lease over the property for a
Carumba v. CA period of one (1) year with a monthly rental of
1st buyer had better right. Levied parcel of land was P1,000.00. Pedro, as lessee, was also obligated to pay
unregistered under the Torrens system the realty taxes on the property during the period of
Subsequently, Pedro filed a complaint against Juan for
P4:8:00 the reformation of the Deed of Absolute Sale, alleging
that the transaction covered by the deed was an
P5 equitable mortgage. In his verified answer to the
Remedies of unpaid seller complaint, Juan alleged that the property was sold to
a. Right to retain the thing in his possession; him under the Deed of Absolute Sale, and interposed
b. Right of stoppage in transitu; counterclaims to recover possession of the property
c. Right of resale; and and to compel Pedro to turn over to him the owner’s
d. Right to rescind duplicate of title. Resolve the case with reasons.
(2 presumptions that it is an equitable mortgage
Modes of Extinguishment
present in the case)
1. Ordinary modes
2. Special
-modes of extinguishment under the law on sales
3. Extra-special: Redemption
Civil Law Review II For PERSONAL use only 58
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SC ruled that it is lease of service. There is ER-EE
relationship (control test).

Lease of things (Art. 1643)

2012 Bar Question Consensual
Spouses Raymundo v. Spouses Bandong Essentially onerous
Eulalia was engaged in the business of buying and (Kung walang bayad, hindi siya lease)
selling large cattle. In order to secure the financial
capital, she advanced for her employees (biyaheros). Lease v. Commodatum
She required them to surrender TCT of their
properties and to execute the corresponding Deeds of Republic v. Bagtas
Sale in her favor. Domeng Bandong was not required Government delivered 3 bulls to Bagtas for breeding
to post any security but when Eulalia discovered that purposes however, one of the bulls was not returned
he incurred shortage in cattle procurement operation,
he was required to execute a Deed of Sale over a parcel Transaction involving safety deposit boxes, is this a
of land in favor of Eulalia. She sold the property to her lease? No, it is a special kind of deposit
grandniece Jocelyn who thereafter instituted an action
for ejectment against the Spouses Bandong. Nielsen v. Lepanto Mining

To assert their right, Spouses Bandong filed an action Frenzel v. Uychaco

for annulment of sale against Eulalia and Jocelyn
alleging that there was no sale intended but only Massachusets Rule
equitable mortgage for the purpose of securing the
shortage incurred by Domeng in the amount of P 70,
000.00 while employed as "biyahero" by Eulalia. Was
the Deed of Sale between Domeng and Eulalia a
contract of sale or an equitable mortgage? Explain.

2011 Bar Question

Raul, Ester, and Rufus inherited a 10-hectare land
from their father. Before the land could be partitioned,
however, Raul sold his hereditary right to Raffy, a
stranger to the family, for P5 million. Do Ester and
Rufus have a remedy for keeping the land within their
(A) Yes, they may be subrogated to Raffy’s right by
reimbursing to him within the required time what
he paid Raul.
(B) Yes, they may be subrogated to Raffy’s right
provided they buy him out before he registers the sale.
(C) No, they can be subrogated to Raffy’s right only
with his conformity.
(D) No, since there was no impediment to Raul selling
his inheritance to a stranger.

Contract of Lease
Jardin v. NLRC
Taxi drivers complained about a deduction made by
their operator for the “cleaning” of the taxicabs. The

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If in the agreement there is an absolute transfer of
rights of the lessee to the 3rd person such that the
personality of the lessee would disappear practically
Sublease and Assignment of Lease making the 3rd person as the new lessee, then it shall
Arts. 1649, 1650 & 1670 be considered an assignment.

May a lessee sublease the property leased without the If in the agreement the lessee retained a reversionary
consent of the lessor? interest, no matter how small, it is merely a sublease.
Yes, as long as he was not prohibited by the lessor in
doing so Bar Question
A leased a condominium unit to B for a period of 5
May a lessee assign the property leased without the years. After 1 year, B transferred his rights to C
consent of the lessor? without the knowledge of A. The agreement between
No, but such right may be granted or assented to by B & C was for 3 years. Is the contract between B & C
the lessor void?
No, it is merely a sublease because B will be reverted
Bar Question to his right as lessee for a period of 1 year after his
Isaac leased the apartment of Dorotea for 2 years. 6 agreement with C is terminated.
months later, Isaac subleased a part of the apartment
due to a financial difficulty. Is the sublease valid? Bar Question
Yes, if there is no express prohibition of subleasing in Is the buyer of a land bound to respect an existing
the lease contract contract of lease between the lessor/seller and lessee?

Bar Question Jude owned a building, which he had leased to several

In January 1993, A Corporation leased the all the floors tenants. He then sold the building to Ildefonso without
of the GQS Towers for 10 years at a monthly rental of the knowledge of the tenants. Ildefonso notified the
P3M. It also subleased 5 of the 12 floors to wholly- tenants that he is the new owner ordering them to
owned subsidiaries. The lease contract expressly vacate within 30 days from notice. The tenants
prohibits the assignment of the lease contract or any refused to vacate insisting that they will only do so
portion thereof. The rental value of the building has when the term of the lease has expired.
increased to 50% since it was leased to A Corporation.
Can the building owner ask for the cancellation of the 3 instances when the buyer is bound to respect the
contract for violation of the provision against existing lease:
assignment? 1. If it is stipulated in the contract of sale
No, the prohibition is only as to assignment. In the 2. If the lease contract is registered (constructive
case, the lessee only subleased and the law gives him notice)
such right to do so because there is no express 3. If at the time of the sale, the buyer had actual
prohibition in the lease contract. knowledge of the lease contract (actual notice)

PBQ: Bar Question

A and B entered into a lease contract. Subsequently, B Contract for a Piece of Work
entered into an agreement with C wherein he An independent contractor obliged himself not only to
transferred his rights to C, without the consent of A. supply labor but also the materials. Subsequently, he
Would this be considered a violation of the contract of bought the materials from a supplier and the
lease? contractor failed to pay the latter. Can the supplier
It depends. If the agreement is merely a sublease, validly demand payment from the owner/developer?
there is no violation however if it is an assignment of Yes. Article 1729. Despite the fact that the
the lease, then there is a violation thus it can be a basis independent contractor is not an agent of the owner, it
of the rescission of the contract. is possible for the supplier to be able to hold the
owner liable under the principle of unjust enrichment.
How to determine?
Malacat v. Salazar General Rule:

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The supplier can hold the owner liable only to the 3. No notice for the termination of the contract from
extent of the amount owing to the contractor at the the lessor or the lessee
time of the demand.

1. The owner is liable if he paid the contractor Rights & obligations of the parties
even if the debt is not yet due and
demandable Memorize Article 1670
2. If the owner renounced his claim against the
contractor (gratuitous renunciation) If the parties did not stipulate the period of the
3. If no bond was executed to secure the claims contract, the period would depend on the nature of the
of the suppliers (Performance Bond) object of the contract whether rural or urban.

Frensel v. Ochaco PFQ:

In the absence of materialmen’s lien, the owner of the On November 15, 1999 A leased an urban land to B for
edifice cannot be held liable because there is no privity a period of 10 years with a rental payable annually.
of contract between the supplier and the owner. On December 5, 2009, B while still possession of the
land, paid the rental to A. After expiration of the lease,
Termination of the Contract of Lease there being no notice given by either party for the
Heirs of Dimaculangan v. IAC termination of the lease, B will continue to have the
right to use the thing:
Bar Question a. for a period of another 10 years (applies to the
A is the owner of a lot on which he constructed a original period only)
building for a total cost of P10M. Of that amount, B b. for a period of 1 year from November 15,
contributed P5M provided that the building as a whole 2009 (because in urban lands, it depends on the
would be leased to him for a period of 10 years at a manner of payment of rentals, in the case, the
rental of P100,000 a year to which A agreed. payment is annually)
c. only with the tolerance of A (it is provided by
However, 2 years into the lease, the building was law)
totally burned. Soon thereafter, A’s workers cleared d. for all the time necessary for the gathering of
the debris and started construction of a new building. the fruits which the whole estate may yield in
B then demanded that he should occupy the said one year (only applicable to rural land)
building for the unexpired term of his original lease
explaining that he has spent partly in the construction 2011 Bar Question
of the burned building. A did not agree. Did A do right The term of a 5-year lease contract between X the
in rejecting B’s demand? lessor and Y the lessee, where rents were paid from
Yes, because the contract had been extinguished with month to month, came to an end. Still, Y continued
the loss of the thing due to a fortuitous event. using the property with X’s consent. In such a case, it is
understood that they impliedly renewed the lease:
What if the loss due to a fortuitous event is only partial?
The lessee may either: (A) from month to month under the same
1. demand for the reduction of the rent; or conditions as to the rest.
2. rescind the contract (B) under the same terms and conditions as before
(C) under the same terms except the rent which
*The right of rescission shall only be available if there they or the court must fix.
is substantial loss or destruction (D) for only a year, with the rent raised by 10%
pursuant to the rental control law.
Implied New Lease “Tacita Reconducion”
1. The lease period has expired How about the terms and conditions?
2. The lessee continues to be in possession of the
lease for at least 15 days from the time of the All the original terms and conditions are deemed
expiration of the lease; and renewed or revived EXCEPT the term of the original
contract of lease which expired
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Bar Question
On January 1, 1980 Nestor leased the fishpond of
Mario for a period of 3 years at a monthly rental of
P1,000 with an option to purchase the same during
the period of the lease for the price of P500,000.
After the expiration of the 3-year period, Mario
allowed Nestor to remain in the leased premises at the
same rental rate. On June 15, 1983, Nestor tendered
the amount of P500,000 to Mario and demanded that
the latter execute a Deed of Absolute Sale of the
fishpond in his favor. Mario refused on the ground
that Nestor no longer had an option to buy the
fishpond. Nestor filed an action for specific
performance, will the action prosper?
No, because it is clear in their agreement that Nestor
leased the fishpond with an option to purchase during
the period of the lease. Also, it may be true that there
is an implied new lease in this case because Mario
allowed Nestor to remain in the leased property
however, only those terms and conditions which are
germane to a contract of lease are deemed renewed.
Thus, the action will not prosper because an option to
buy is not germane to a lease contract.

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been revoked. Yangco should’ve written a letter to
Rallos to inform hi of such revocation.

AGENCY Dela Peñ a v. Hidalgo

Hidalgo was the agent of DLP in relation to the
Article 1868 properties of DLP here in the Phils. Hidalgo wrote a
By the contract of agency, a person binds himself to letter to DLP informing him that he already appointed
render some service or to do something in another administrator because he needs to leave the
representation or on behalf of another, with the country for medical reasons.
consent or authority of the latter.
It was proven that the principal received the letter but
The purpose of the contract of agency is the execution despite knowledge of the appointment of another
of a juridical act; thus, not all representations result in administrator, he did not do anything. The SC held
a contract of agency, only representations involving a that by the mere silence or inaction or failure to
juridical act results into agency repudiate, he would be deemed to have impliedly
given his consent to the new agency.
Juridical Act
-create, modify, extinguish a legal relationship Bar Question
A as principal appointed B as his agent granting him
Bar Question general and unlimited management over A’s
Joan asked Aiza to buy some groceries for her in the properties stating that A withholds no power from B
supermarket. Was there a nominate contract entered and that the agent may execute such acts as he may
into between Joan and Aiza? consider appropriate.
Yes, if Aiza agreed, there is a contract of agency when
Aiza agreed to represent Joan in buying groceries or Accordingly, B leased A’s parcel of land in Manila to C
there could a contract of lease of service provided there for four years at P60,000 per year payable annually in
is no principal-agent relationship between Joan and advance. Also, B leased A’s parcel of land in Caloocan
Aiza. City to D without a fixed term at P3,000 per month
payable monthly. Both contracts were executed by B
Termination while A was confined in Makati Medical Center due to
Agency is unique because it may be terminated by the illness. Rule on the validity and binding effect of each of
unilateral act of one of the parties. the above contracts upon A, the principal.

Macke v. Camps 1st – no SPA thus unenforceable

2nd – even if no SPA, it is valid and binding

Rallos v. Yangco PFQ:

Yangco wrote a letter to Rallos. In his letter, he told What if the agent was authorized to sell a car and a
Rallos that he has an agent, Collantes, who has the SPA was issued to him. Thereafter, he was able to sell
authority to obtain the goods from the former which the car to the buyer. A month after, the buyer filed an
would be sold and the proceeds will be remitted to action for annulment on the ground that this agent
Rallos less commission. was a minor at the time the contract of sale was
entered into. Will the action prosper?
Rallos delivered the goods to Collantes however, the
latter stopped remitting thus Rallos sued Yangco. No, it is not the capacity of the agent that should be
Yangco said that he cannot be held liable because the considered but that of the principal. Also, the only
agency between him and Collantes was already party who has the right to institute the action for
revoked. Is Yangco correct? annulment is the incapacitated person himself.
No, Article 1873
There was no notice given to Rallos that the principal-
agent relationship between Yangco and Collantes has

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1. Act within the scope of his authority; and
2. Act in representation of the principal

PBQ: How do you determine if the agent has authority?

If the contract agency is made orally, would a contract Demand for the presentation of the power of attorney,
entered into by the agent bind the principal? read the lawand jurisprudence
GR: Yes
Exceptions: Katigbak v. Tai Hing
Articles 1878 and 1874 –VIPs! The agent was authorized to sell properties of the
principal but the principal refused to recognize the
If the agent is authorized to sell a parcel of land and his contract claiming that the agent only had authority to
authority is not in writing, the sale is void. It is not the sell properties which he already owned at the time of
agency, but the sale which is void. the issuance of the power of attorney and not those
acquired thereafter.
Illustration #1:
The law does not require the SPA to be in a specific The SC held that the contract is valid because of a
form. It may be a simple note. phrase in the power of attorney “which might belong”
Thus, even those properties acquired by the principal
Illustration #2: after the issuance of the power of attorney are
The seller, Brigida, representing her daughter, sold a included in the properties which the agent is
parcel of land but the authority of the mother was not authorized to sell.
put in writing. –the sale is VOID.
Municipal Council of Iloilo v. Evangelista
Bar Question The SC ruled that the “authority to hire includes the
X was abroad and phoned his brother Y authorizing authority to pay” thus when the agent paid the lawyers
him to sell X’s parcel of land in Pasay. X sent the title he hired, he acted within the scope of his authority
to Y by courier service. Acting for his brother, Y when he paid for their services.
executed a notarized deed of absolute sale of the land
to Z after receiving payment. What is the status of the Insular Drug v. PNB
sale? The SC held that the power to collect checks does not
-The sale is void because the authority of Y was merely include the power to indorse or encash because the
a verbal conversation. It must be in writing latter must be in a separate power of attorney.

P9 Fiduciary Obligation
2014 Bar Question Domingo v. Domingo
Fe, Caridad and Esperanza inherited from their Principal Domingo authorized agent Domingo to sell a
parents a 500-sq lot which they leased to Maria for 3 parcel of land. Agent Domingo introduced a
years. One year after, Fe claiming to have the prospective buyer, de Leon. While the principal and
authority to represent her siblings, offered to sell the the prospective buyer were negotiating, the latter gave
leased property to Maria which the latter accepted. the agent P1,000 as gift. After further negotiations,
The sale was not reduced into writing but Maria they still cannot agree as to the price so de Leon
started making partial payments to Fe which the latter proposed to just eliminate agent Domingo so they can
received and acknowledged. After giving the full finally agree on the price. The SPA was revoked and
payment, Maria demanded for the execution of a Deed the prospective buyer said that he is no longer
of Absolute Sale which Esperanza and Caridad refused interested in buying the property. The agent
to do. Worst, she found out that the siblings sold the subsequently found out that the parcel of land was
same property to Manuel and this compelled Maria to registered under the name of de Leon’s wife; thus, he
file a complaint for the annulment of the sale with filed a case.
specific performance and damages. If you were the
judge, how will you decide the case? The SC held that even if the revocation of the SPA was
done in bad faith, all the agent’s commission are
Obligations of the Agent
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forfeited because he failed to comply with his fiduciary No, his objection is not valid thus his principal can
duty of delivering to the principal whatever he might collect from him. As a guarantee commission agent, he
have received in the contract of agency. does not only have the obligation to sell but he also
has the obligation to collect the proceeds of the sale
and he bears the risk of collection.
Bar Question
X appoints Y as his agent to sell his products in Cebu PBQ: Rights and Obligations of the Principal
City. Can Y appoint a sub-agent and if he does, what are The primary obligation is to comply with all the
the effects of such appointment? obligations, which the agent may have contracted
When an agent appoints a sub-agent, he does not within the scope of his authority and in representation
dissociate himself from the agency. He is still the of the principal
agent, he will just have another person to help him
accomplish the purpose of the agency thus he is What if the agent assumed the obligation of the
responsible for the acts of a sub-agent. principal to shoulder the expenses in carrying out his
functions? What if he failed to put up the amount, will
Whereas, under Article 1892, if one appoints a he be liable?
substitute, he will no longer be an agent; the substitute Not necessarily. If later on it turned out that the
will become the new agent. principal is already insolvent, the agent is not obliged
to advance the amount necessary to carry out his
Can the principal hold the substitute liable for the functions.
damage caused to the principal?
Yes, he may do so. But this is not absolute, take note General Rule:
that the agent is not the insurer of the success of the The agent may seek reimbursement for the expenses
principal. incurred in carrying out his functions

All acts of the substitute appointed against the Exceptions: Article 1918
prohibition of the principal shall be void. But if the Example:
agent was not prohibited from appointing a substitute, If the agent acted in contravention of the principal’s
the law provides that the agent shall be responsible for instructions UNLESS the latter wants to avail of the
the acts of such substitute but it does not mean benefits derived from the contract
automatic responsibility, it depends on the factual
circumstances of each case. PFQ: The agent, acting within the scope of the
authority and in representation of the principal,
Commission Agent entered into a contract involving a warehouse owned
What if the agent failed to comply with his obligation? by the principal. However, the principal also entered
Can he be held liable? into a contract with a 3rd person involving the same
It is not absolute. There is a defense of the exercise of warehouse. Who has a better right?
the diligence required. Again, the agent is not the
insurer of the success of the principal. General Rule:
Priority in time, priority in right
Guarantee Commission Agent “del credere agent”
(cannot invoke the exercise of due diligence as a Exception:
defense) When the transaction involved is a sale, apply the rule
As an agent, Al was given a guarantee commission in under Article 1544 on double sale.
addition to his regular commission after he sold 20
refrigerators to a company. The company failed to pay Modes of Extinguishment
for the units sold. Al’s principal demanded payment Enumeration under Article 1919 is not exclusive.
for the customer’s accountability. Al objected on the [EDWARD]
ground that his job was only to sell and not to collect
payment for units bought by the customer. Is Al’s PBQs: Extinguishment due to death and revocation
objection valid? Can his principal collect from him or
not? Bar Question

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Mario received from Edgar a pendant with diamonds It appears that C did not register the sale executed by
valued at P5,000 to be sold on commission basis or to the children. D, who was not aware of the previous
be returned upon demand. On the evening of August sale, registered the sale executed by B whose authority
21, 1987, while he was walking home, two men to sell was annotated at the back of the OCT. Assuming
snatched his clutch bag containing the pendant and that B has the authority to sell the land, who has the
ran away. Subsequently, the snatchers were better right, C or D?
apprehended and charged. During the pendency of the
criminal case, Edgar brought an action against Mario C has a better right because the sale of B to D is void
for the recovery of the pendant or its value and because the authority is not in writing.
damages. Mario interposed the defense of fortuitous Article 1874
What if B had an SPA?
Edgar contends: Article 1931
1. The defense of fortuitous event is untenable It depends on whether B had knowledge of the death
because there was negligence on the part of the of A at the time that he entered into the contract:
defendant 1. If B had knowledge, then C shall have a better
2. There must be prior conviction of Robbery for right.
the defense of fortuitous event to be availed of 2. Even if B had no knowledge but D acted in bad
faith, C will still have a better right
Decide the case. 3. If B had no knowledge and D acted in good faith,
D will have a better right under Article 1544
The act of the agent in carrying a clutch bag at night because D registered the sale.
containing diamonds is considered negligent. Thus, he
cannot interpose fortuitous event as a defense in order Bar Question:
to avoid liability. An agent authorized by a SPA to sell a parcel of land
belonging to the principal succeeded in selling the
Austria v. CA (on Edgar’s 2nd contention) same to a buyer according to the instructions given to
The SC held that for fortuitous event to be invoked as a him. The agent executed a deed of sale on behalf of his
defense, it is not necessary that the perpetration of the principal 2 days after the principal died, and event that
act be apprehended or convicted. It is only necessary neither the agent nor the buyer knew at the time of the
that the event be proven by preponderance of sale. What is the status of the sale?
evidence. The sale is valid (Article 1931)
As long as the agent had no knowledge and the 3 rd
What if the principal died, should the agent still carry person acted in good faith, the contract, though
out the agency? entered after the death of the principal, would still
bind the estate of the principal.
General Rule:
No, death of one of the parties extinguishes the Revocation
contract and agency is representative in character, if If the parties agreed that the authority of the agent is
the principal is already dead, the agent will no longer for one year and 3 months into the contract, the
represent anyone. principal revoked the authority of the agent. Can the
agent hold the principal liable for damages for breach
Exceptions: of contract?
1. The agent shall continue with task already begun
and delay would entail danger. Barretto v. Sta. Maria
2. Article 1930 Obiter: Even if there was a period agreed upon by the
3. Article 1931 (Rallos v. Go Chan) PBQ parties as to the authority of the agent, the principal
PFQ: can revoke the authority of the agent at any time
In a phone conversation, A authorized B in 1950 to sell because agency is based on trust and confidence.
a parcel of land. A died in 1954. In 1956, A’s children However, having the right to revoke doesn’t
sold the same land to C. In 1957, B sold the same land necessarily mean that he will not be liable for damages
to D. under the principle of abuse of right (Human
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Article 1927 (Agency coupled with interest)
Instances when the principal cannot revoke the
authority of the agent

Bar Question
Richard sold a parcel of land in Cebu City to Leo for
P100M payable in annual installments over a period of
10 years but title will remain with Richard until the
purchase price is fully paid. In order for Leo to pay the
price, Richard gave him a power of attorney
authorizing him to subdivide the land, sell the
individual lots and deliver the proceeds to Richard to
be applied to the purchase price.

5 years later, Richard revoked the power of attorney

and took over the sale of the subdivision lots himself.
Is the revocation valid or not?

No, the facts of the case pertain to an agency coupled

with interest because the agency was constituted as a
means of fulfilling an obligation which had previously
been contracted (obligation to pay the price). Thus, as
long as the interest still exists, the principal cannot
validly revoke the authority of the agent.

Coleongco v. Claparols
Claparols is the owner of a nail factory and he badly
needed funds for his business to survive. He applied
for loan with different banks but to no avail.
Coleongco offered to lend money but on several
conditions: that he be appointed as agent of Claparols;
that he be the one to obtain the bills of lading when the
goods are shipped, that he be the one to market the
products, etc.

Subsequently, Claparols revoked the authority of

Coleongco thus the latter sued the former claiming
that the agency is one coupled with interest. Is
Coleongco’s claim correct?

Yes, the contract involves a bilateral contract (loan)

which depends upon the agency. He would not have
lent money if he will not be appointed as agent.

However, the SC held that there could be a valid

revocation despite Article 1927. Thus, even if the
agency is one coupled with interest, the revocation is
valid because there was a just cause.

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Bar Question -MCQ
Distinguish co-ownership from partnership
A co-ownership is created not only by agreement by
the parties but also by law.

P10 Bar Question

PARTNERSHIP Can a husband and wife form a limited partnership to
engage in real estate business with the wife being a
Article 1767 limited partner?
By the contract of partnership, two or more persons (Take note: The nature of business is irrelevant and it
bind themselves to contribute money, property, or doesn’t matter who is the limited partner whether the
industry to a common fund, with the intention of husband or wife.)
dividing the profits among themselves.
Yes, because they are not prohibited under the law
Two or more persons may also form a partnership for since limited partnership is NOT a universal
the exercise of a profession. partnership.

Nature & Characteristics: Bar Question

Consensual Can 2 corporations organize a general partnership
Essentially onerous under the CC? Can a corporation organize a general
partnership under the CC?
Bar Question In both instances, No,
X used his savings from his salaries amounting to Tuazon v. Bolañ os
P2,000 as capital in establishing a restaurant. Y gave The SC held that while a corporation may enter into a
the amount of P4,000 to X as “financial assistance” with joint venture agreement, it cannot validly enter into a
the understanding that Y will be entitled to 22% of the contract of partnership.
annual profits derived from the operation of the
restaurant. After the lapse of 22 years, Y filed a case Oral partnership where no immovable property is
demanding his hare in the said profits. X denied that contributed is valid
there was a partnership and raised the issue of
prescription as Y did not assert his rights at anytime Article 1772
within 10 years. Is Y a partner of X in the business? Every contract of partnership where the capital
contribution in money or property is P3,000 or more
UP: Yes, because they agreed to contribute to a shall be in a public instrument and must be registered
common fund and there was agreement to divide the with the SEC.
Even if there is failure to comply with the formalities
CU: No, there is no agreement to contribute because it prescribed in the preceding paragraph, it will be
was only X who established the restaurant. The without prejudice to the liability of the partnership and
financial assistance does not necessarily mean that it is the partners to 3rd persons.
a contribution to a common fund, it could be by way of
donation or loan. Article 1768
A juridical personality shall be created separate and
Under Article 1769, while it is true that when a distinct from the individual partners.
person receives profits, it would raise an inference
that he is partner however no inference shall be made Articles 1771 v. 1773
that he is a partner in such business if he received If an immovable property is contributed and there is
money in payment of a debt in installment or as no inventory signed by all contracting parties, the
annuity of a widow of a deceased partner, among partnership is void.

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What if there is an inventory but the partnership
contract is not in a public instrument? Bar Question
Dauden Hernaez v. delos Angeles A, B & C formed a partnership for the purpose of
When the law requires a particular form and such is contracting with the Government for the construction
not complied with, the contract will only be void if the of one of its bridges. On June 30, 1992, after
law itself provides for the nullity of the contract completion of the project, the bridge was turned over
by the partners to the Government. On August 30,
1992, D, one of the suppliers of the construction
project, sued A for the collection of the indebtedness
to him. A moved to dismiss the complaint against him,
Classification of Partnership on the ground that it was ABC partnership that was
liable for the debt. D replied that ABC Partnership was
As to the Duration dissolved upon completion of the project for which
1. fixed term purpose the partnership was formed. Will you dismiss
2. at will the complaint against A, if you were the judge?
3. for a particular undertaking
No, the individual partners are subsidiarily liable for
If in the articles of partnership there was no fixed period partnership obligations in case the assets of the
as to the term or duration of the partnership, is it a partnership are not sufficient to pay the debt.
partnership at will?
Not necessarily. It may be a partnership for a P10:39:45
particular undertaking.
Classes of Partners
Ortega v. CA As to the rights and obligations
Atty. Misa, one of the senior name partners, dissolved -relevant only in limited partnership
the partnership. The junior partners opposed and
questioned the validity of the dissolution and wants to 2013 Bar Question
hold Atty. Misa liable. According to them, he cannot As a rule, a limited partner cannot be held liable up to
just dissolve the partnership because it is not a his personal property
partnership at will since there were several purposes
indicated under the articles of partnership by reason Exceptions:
of which the partnership was formed. a. If he actively participates in the management
of the business of the partnership
The SC held that despite the fact that several purposes -he does not become a general partner but he
were enumerated in the articles of partnership, it is may be held liable as if he is a general partner
not a partnership for a particular undertaking but a
partnership at will thus the dissolution was proper. b. If his surname appears in the firm name
Exception to the Exception:
As to the extent of liability He may not be held liable if that surname is also
the surname of another partner who is a general
1. General partner or if such surname is already in the name
-all the partners are general partners and each of of the partnership even before he entered into
them has the right to participate in the the partnership
management of the business subject to their
agreement and may be held liable up to his c. If he is both a general and a limited partner at
personal property for partnership obligations the same time
-the law provides that if such partner is at the
2. Limited same time a general and a limited partner, he will
-there should be at least one general partner and have all the rights and obligations of a general
at least one limited partner. The limited partner partner however, as he is also a limited partner,
does not have the right to participate in the in case of dissolution, he will have preference as
management of the business but his liability for to the assets of the partnership which he would
partnership obligations is limited to his capital not have, had he not been a limited partner
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d. If there was failure to substantially comply If he is a capitalist, yes he may be compelled. However,
with the formalities prescribed by law for the if he is an industrial partner, he cannot be compelled
creation of a limited partnership: such as to sell his interest to the other partners.
When there is no certificate;
When the certificate is signed but not subscribed; Incoming/New Partner
When the certificate is not signed by all partners; ABC formed ABC partnership. After some time, D
When the certificate does not name the partners became a partner. 6 months thereafter, a partnership
obligation worth P5M became due and demandable.
Effect: Will it result to a void partnership? Can the creditor hold D liable for the said amount? If so,
No, despite such non-compliance, it is a valid up to what extent?
contract among the partners. However, each one
of them can be treated as a general partner as far Yes. The extent of liability depends on when the
as third persons are concerned obligation was incurred. If it was incurred before he
became a partner, then he will only be liable up to his
As to their contribution capital contribution unless he expressly bound himself
to such obligation.
1. Capitalist
2. Industrial
Whereas if the obligation is incurred when he is
already a partner, then he shall be liable up to his
May a partner be both capitalist and industrial?
personal property.
Yes, but the rights & obligations would be different
Managing Partner
2013 Bar Question
X is indebted to the partnership P100,000 and to A,
Joe and Rudy formed a partnership to operate a car
another partner, P50,000. X paid A P30,000. Who is
repair shop in Quezon City. Joe provided the capital
entitled to the P30,000, A or the partnership?
while Rudy contributed his labor and industry.
A may be entitled to the entire amount if he is not the
managing partner in the partnership.
On one side of their shop, Joe opened and operated a
coffee shop while on the other side, Rudy put up a car
The rule on proportional application under Article
accessories store. May they engage in such separate
1792, is only applicable when the partner to whom
businesses without the consent of the other partner?
payment was made is a managing partner because of
conflict of interest. (P20k to the partnership and P10k
As far as capitalist partners are concerned, they may
to A)
not engage in a business similar to the kind of business
with that of the partnership.
However, even if A is the managing partner, A may still
be entitled to the entire amount if the debt to A is
As far as industrial partners are concerned, they may
already due and the debt to the partnership is not yet
not validly engage in any business without the express
consent of the other partner.
If A is a managing partner and both debts are already
due and demandable, if the debt to A is more onerous
The business of a partnership suffered losses. In a
and X invoked his right to have his payment applied to
meeting of the partners, 4 out of 5 of them agreed to
the more onerous debt.
contribute additional capital so the business will
survive. Can the 5th partner who declined to give
If A is a managing partner and both debts are already
additional contribution, compelled to give? No, unless
due and demandable and both are of the same nature
in the articles of partnership it is so stipulated that by
and burden, the entire amount shall be for the
mere agreement of the majority of the partners, each
partnership if A issues a receipt in the name of the
may be compelled to give additional contribution.
Can he be compelled to sell his interest?
In other words, for the rule on proportional
It depends if he is a capitalist or industrial.
application to apply, there are 4 requirements:
1. The partner who received is a managing partner
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2. The 2 debts are both due and demandable
3. The debt to A is not the more onerous debt and In relation to a partner’s interest in the partnership
the debtor did not choose to have the payment profits, can he assign his whole interest in the
applied to the more onerous debt partnership even without the consent of the other
4. The partner who received the payment issued a partners?
receipt in his name Yes but such assignment will not result in the
dissolution of the partnership because the assignee
dos not become a partner

Property Rights 2013 Bar Question

Frequently asked: In 2005, L, M, N, 0 and P formed a partnership. L, M
1. Partner’s right in specific partnership property and N were capitalist partners who contributed
2. Partner’s interest in the partnership P500,000 each, while 0, a limited partner, contributed
3. Partner’s right to participate in the management P1 ,000,000. P joined as an industrial partner,
of the business of the partnership contributing only his services. The Articles of
Partnership, registered with the Securities and
PBQ: Exchange Commission, designated L and 0 as
Partner’s right in specific partnership property managing partners; L was liable only to the extent of
If a partnership has a parcel of land, what is a partner’s his capital contribution; and P was not liable for losses.
right in relation to this property?
Art. 1811 In 2006, the partnership earned a net profit of
A partner is co-owner with his partners as to specific P800,000. In the same year, P engaged in a different
partnership property. business with the consent of all the partners. However,
in 2007, the partnership incurred a net loss of
This co-ownership is sui generis and it has the P500,000. In 2008, the partners dissolved the
following incidents (it is not the same as that in co- partnership. The proceeds of the sale of partnership
ownership in property law) assets were insufficient to settle its obligation. After
liquidation, the partnership had an unpaid liability of
2 most distinct features: P300,000.
If A, B, & C are co-owners of a parcel of land and A sells
or assigns his interest over the co-owned property Assuming that the just and equitable share of the
without the consent of the other co-owners. Would it industrial partner, P, in the profit in 2006 amounted to
be a valid sale? P1 00,000, how much is the share of 0, a limited partner,
No, it will not bind the partnership or the other in the P800,000 net profit? (1%)
(A) P160,000
Can the separate creditor of A validly levy upon A’s (B) P175,000
interest upon the co-owned property? (C) P280,000
No, only partnership creditors m ay validly levy upon (D) P200,000
partnership properties (E) None of the above

Partner’s interest in the partnership SUGGESTED ANSWER:

It is the partner’s share in the profits and the surplus (C) P280,000
First, deduct the share of P from the profits. P800,000
What will be a partner’s share in the profits? less P100,000 is P700,000. Next, get the share of O by
1. based on stipulation following the proportion that the shares of L, M, N, O is
2. in proportion to their capital contribution 1:1:1:2, respectively.
however, if one is an industrial partner, he
shall be given first the just and reasonable Bar Question
value of his service and the balance shall be Diel, Carlo and Una are general partners in a
distributed to the capitalist partners in merchandising firm having contributed equal amounts
proportion to their capital contribution to the capital. They also agreed for equal distribution
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in whatever net profit for every fiscal period. After 2 Joint Management
years, Una conveys her whole interest in the 2 or more managing partners, none of the partners
partnership to Justin without the knowledge and shall act without the consent of all. In other words, for
consent of Diel and Carlo. an act to be binding, all the managing partners shall
1. Is the partnership dissolved? No
2. What are the rights of Justin, if any? Partners as Agents
Does he have the right to participate in the All partners are managing partners. Whatever any one
management? How about a right to the net profits of them may do alone shall bind the partnership unless
of P360,000? opposed by another partner.

The assignee does not have the right to participate in If there is only one managing partner and his
the management. appointment as such is mentioned in the articles of
partnership such partner cannot be easily removed.
As to the net profits of P360,000: The law requires:
It was stipulated that there will be equal distribution, 1. there must be a just cause; and
thus Justin shall be entitled to P120,000. 2. it must be by a vote of partners having controlling
Partner’s right to participate in the management of the
business of the partnership Obligations of Partners
Most important: sharing of losses
PFQ: Was there an agreement as to losses?
W and X are industrial partners; Y and Z are capitalist Do all partners have a share in the losses?
partners who contributed P50,000 and P20,000, If yes, then it is a valid agreement
respectively. Thereafter, in a unanimous vote of the
partners, W and X were appointed as managing What if 2 or more partners are excluded in the losses?
partners without any specification as to the respective If who was excluded was a capitalist partner, it shall
powers and duties. be absolutely VOID.

A was appointed as secretary by W and X but such PBQ: If it was an industrial partner who was
appointment was opposed by Y and Z. excluded, it will be a valid agreement as to the
partners but void as to 3rd persons such as partnership
On the other hand, B, the accountant, whose creditors. Thus, he may be held liable by the
appointment was made by W and Z but was opposed partnership creditors but he may seek reimbursement
by X and Y. from the other partners since the agreement is valid as
to them. (Article 1816)
Which appointment will bind the partnership?
Article 1801 – Solidary Management What if there is no agreement as to losses or if is void?
The law provides that each of the managing partners Determine if there is an agreement as to profits. If
may bind the partnership for any act of administration there is, apply the same in the losses.
as long as he is not opposed by any other managing
partner. Thus, the appointment of A is binding. Is there is no agreement as to profits, the losses shall
be in proportion to their capital contribution. Thus, in
As to the appointment of B, since it was only acted this scenario, the industrial partner shall not be liable
upon by one managing partner and opposed by since he does not have capital contribution.
another managing partner, it shall be resolved by the
vote of all the managing partners. 2013 Bar Question (same as above)
In 2007, how much is the share of 0, a limited partner, in
In case of a tie, then it shall be resolved by the vote of the net loss of P500,000? (1%)
partners having controlling interest. In this case, Y has (A) P0
controlling interest thus the appointment of B cannot (B) P1 00,000
bind the partnership. (C) P125,000
(D) P200,000
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(E) None of the above

(D) P200,000
A limited partner shall not become liable a s a general
partner unless, in addition to the exercise of his rights
and powers as a limited partner, he takes part in the
control of the business (Art 1948). In the absence of
stipulation as to profits and losses, the share of each
partner in the losses shall be proportionate to what he PFQ:
may have contributed (Art 1797). X, Y & Z are in a partnership business;
X contributed P10,000
P11 Y contributed P5,000
Dissolution Z contributed his services only.
Bar Question
Will the death of a partner terminate the partnership? After payment of partnership debts, what remains in
No, but it may dissolve the partnership. the partnership assets is P6,000 only. In the absence
of terms to the contrary, the share of Z will be equal to:
Article 1829 a. that of X
On dissolution, the partnership is not terminated, but b. that of Y
continues until the winding up of partnership affairs is c. nothing
As to preference, the first ones to be paid are creditors
Take note, termination and dissolution are two who are not partners. The remaining amount shall be
different terms with different meanings. returned to the capitalist partners in proportion to
their contribution. Thus the industrial partner can
Article 1828 only have a share in the assets if there are profits after
Dissolution of a partnership is the change in the relation the capital contributions are returned to the capitalist
of the partners caused by any partner ceasing to be partners.
associated n the carrying on as distinguished from the
winding up of the business. T or F:
A partner cannot demand the return of his share or
If the partnership involved is a general partnership, contribution during the existence of the partnership.
the death of one of them will dissolve the partnership. (premise: share or contribution in which the ownership
has passed)
If it is a limited partnership, it depends if the one who
died is a general or a limited partner:

1. If a general partner dies, it will not automatically

dissolve the partnership because it may be
subject to the stipulation of the partners or if the
surviving partners unanimously agreed to
continue with the business of the partnership.

2. On the other hand, if it is the limited partner who

dies, the partnership will not be dissolved and it
shall not affect the management of the
partnership business.

However, if the right of the limited partner to

have himself substituted by another limited
partner was granted to the executor or
administrator, the latter shall appoint a
substitute limited partner.
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Can cash be a subject matter of commodatum?
Yes, in case of “show-money”

Can the bailor demand for the return of the thing at

Not always. If he has the right to demand at will, it is
called a precarium (special kind of commodatum)
when there was no period agreed upon.

P11:14:35 As a rule, if there is a period agreed upon, the bailor

CREDIT TRANSACTIONS must respect such period and he cannot demand the
return of the thing at any time. However, there are
Most of the bar questions would fall on pledge and exceptions:
mortgage, sometimes loan, rarely deposit.
a. if the use of the bailee is merely tolerated;
What are the credit transactions which do no require b. when the bailor has an urgent need of the
delivery for the perfection? thing, the commodatum is merely suspended
1. guaranty not extinguished
2. suretyship c. when the bailee commits any act of ingratitude
3. mortgage
If B borrowed a van of A and during the period of this
contract, B raped the daughter of A inside the van.
Not all credit transactions are contracts. Like legal Would that give A to demand the return of the thing
pledge, necessary and judicial deposits even before expiration of the period?
It depends if the person raped is under the parental
Which are contracts? authority of the bailor.
1. Loan Expenses incurred by the bailee in relation to the
2. Deposit thing borrowed
Accessory/Security Arrangements Is he entitled to seek reimbursement for such expenses?
1. Guaranty 1. Use or Preservation
2. Suretyship Ordinary - no
3. Pledge Extraordinary - yes
4. Mortgage 2. Repair – yes
5. Antichresis 100% if not in use
50% if being used
LOAN 3. Ornamentation – no
Article 1933
By the contract of loan, one of the parties delivers to 2013 Bar Question
another, either: Cruz lent Jose his car until Jose finished his Bar exams.
1. something not consumable so that the latter may Soon after Cruz delivered the car, Jose brought it to
use the same for a certain time and return it, in Mitsubishi Cubao for maintenance check up and
which case it is called commodatum; or incurred costs of P8,000. Seeing the car's peeling and
2. money or other consumable thing, upon the faded paint, Jose also had the car repainted for
condition that the same amount of the same kind P10,000. Answer the two questions below based on
and quality shall be paid, in which case the contract these common facts.
is simply called a loan or mutuum.
1) After the bar exams, Cruz asked for the return of
Is it possible for a commodatum to be valid with a his car. Jose said he would return it as soon as
consumable thing as a subject matter? Cruz has reimbursed him for the car maintenance
Yes, as long as the purpose of the parties in the and repainting costs of P 18,000. Is Jose's refusal
delivery of the thing is not for consumption such as justified? (1%)
when the thing is used merely for exhibit
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(A) No, Jose's refusal is not justified. In this kind of P11:48:22
contract, Jose is obliged to pay for all the PFQ:
expenses incurred for the preservation of the A borrowed B’s truck. During a fire which broke out in
thing loaned. A’s garage, he had time to save only one vehicle and he
(B) Yes, Jose's refusal is justified. He is obliged to saved his car instead of the truck. Is A liable for the loss
pay for all the ordinary and extraordinary of B’s truck?
expenses, but subject to reimbursement from
(C) Yes, Jose's refusal is justified. The principle of
unjust enrichment warrants the Article 1942
reimbursement of Jose's expenses. The premise of the law is that the bailee had a choice
(D) No, Jose's refusal is not justified. The on which thing to save.
expenses he incurred are useful for the
preservation of the thing loaned. It is Jose's Republic v. Bagtas
obligation to shoulder these useful
expenses. Mutuum
Nakar case
In commodatum, the bailee is obliged to pay for the Example:
ordinary expenses for the use and preservation of the If it was incurred in 2011 – apply 12% for loans and
thing loaned (Art 1941, Civil Code). forbearance of money until June 30, 2013. Thereafter,
apply 6% per annum
The bailee, Jose, has no right of retention on the
ground that the bailor owes him something, even if it Macalino v. BPI
may be by reason of expenses. He can only retain it if 3% per month is unconscionable thus the stipulation is
he suffers damages by reason of a flaw or defect in the void
thing loaned of which the bailor knows (Art 1951,
Civil Code).
2) During the bar exam month, Jose lent the car to his Sigaan v. Villanueva
girlfriend, Jolie, who parked the car at the Mall of Is the payment of interest valid?
Asia's open parking lot, with the ignition key No, for the creditor to be entitled to interest, it has to
inside the car. Car thieves broke into and took the be expressly stipulated in writing.
car. Is Jose liable to Cruz for the loss of the car due
to Jolie's negligence? (1%) Is solutio indebiti applicable?
(A) No, Jose is not liable to Cruz as the loss was
not due to his fault or negligence. DEPOSIT
(B) No, Jose is not liable to Cruz. In the absence of Article 1962
any prohibition, Jose could lend the car to A deposit is constituted from the moment a person
Jolie. Since the loss was due to force majeure, receives a thing belonging to another, with the
neither Jose nor Jolie is liable. obligation of safely keeping it and of returning the same.
(C) Yes, Jose is liable to Cruz. Since Jose lent
the car to Jolie without Cruz's consent, Jose If the safekeeping of the thing delivered is not the
must bear the consequent loss of the car. principal purpose of the contract, there is no deposit but
(D) Yes, Jose is liable to Cruz. The contract some other contract.
between them is personal in nature. Jose can
neither lend nor lease the car to a third 2 kinds:
person. 1. Judicial
2. Extrajudicial
The bailee is liable for the loss of the thing, even if it a. Necessary
should be through a fortuitous event if he lends or b. Voluntary–agreement of the parties
leases the thing to a third person, who is not a member
of his household (Art 1942, Civil Code). Article 1963

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An agreement to constitute a deposit is binding, but the The SC used Article 1998 by analogy. If in the deposit
deposit itself is not perfected until the delivery of the of effects, the depositary is expected to exercise the
thing due diligence required, more so in persons.

Nature: Real contract VIP: Article 1979

The thing is non-fungible, it has to be returned If the thing deposited was lost or destroyed due to a
fortuitous event?
Irregular deposit Yes
-depositary has the right to use because he was
permitted and the use is necessary for the


Article 2047
Are bank savings and time deposits considered as By guaranty a person, called the guarantor, binds
deposits? himself to the creditor to fulfill the obligation of the
No, they shall be governed by the law on mutuum principal debtor in case the latter should fail to do so.

Article 1998 If a person binds himself solidarily with the principal

The deposit of effects made by travellers in hotels or inns debtor, the provisions of Section 4, Chapter 3, Title I of
shall also be regarded as necessary. The keepers of this Book shall be observed (solidary oblgiations). In
hotel or inns shall be responsible for them as such case the contract is called a suretyship.
depositaries, provided that notice was given to them, or
to their employees, of the effects brought by the guests Is the principal debtor a necessary party?
and that, on the part of the latter, they take the No, the contract of guaranty or suretyship may still be
precautions which said hotel-keepers or their valid even without his knowledge or against his will
substitutes advised relative to the care and vigilance of
their effects. If the guarantor bound himself solidary with the debtor,
does he become a solidary co-debtor?
Bar Question No
Mr. Jeffrey Sy checked-in to City Garden Hotel
managed by Durban Apartments around midnight and Surety Solidary
gave his car keys to one of the hotel employees. When co-debtor
he woke up, he was told that his car was carnapped.
With that, he filed a claim against his insurance Nature of Accessory, in case Direct and primary;
company and the latter filed a case against Durban liability of default, he he has a share in
Apartments. Is Durban Apartments is liable? doesn’t have a the obligation
share in the
Yes, because there was negligence on the part of principal
Durban. In this case, there was a deposit constituted. obligation
The depositary should have observed the diligence
required for the safekeeping of the thing. The hotel
employee parked the car at the same area where
another car was recently carnapped as well. As a rule, the There is no
surety or subrogation, his
PBQ: guarantor will be only remedy is to
Makati Shangrila v. Harper subrogated in the seek
Effect of rights of the reimbursement
Mr. Harper was found dead inside a room in Makati Payment
Shangrila. Based on the CCTV, a lady entered his room creditor because from his other co-
around 1am and at around 4am a man entered the he has an interest debtors in
room as well. At around 5am, the man and woman left in the fulfillment proportion to their
the room. Is the hotel liable for the death of their guest? of the obligation share in the

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Between the Between the Bar Question
Agreemen principal debtor creditor and the Amador obtained a loan of P300,000 from Basilio
t for the and the creditor solidary co-debtor payable on March 25, 2012. As security for the
extension without the without the consent payment of his loan, Amador constituted a mortgage
of the consent of the of the other on his residential house and lot in Basilio's favor.
period for surety: solidary debtors:
the Cacho, a good friend of Amador, guaranteed and
fulfillment The contract of It will not obligated himself to pay Basilio, in case Amador fails to
of the surety will be extinguish the pay his loan at maturity.
obligation extinguished obligation of the
other solidary co- If Amador fails to pay Basilio his loan on March 25,
debtors 2012, can Basilio compel Cacho to pay? (1%)
If there are 2 or more guarantors in one obligation,
each of them shall be called co-guarantors. No, Basilio cannot compel Cacho to pay because
Basilio has not exhausted the available remedies
P11:1:30:45 against Amador. The guarantor cannot be compelled to
Bar Question pay the creditor unless the latter has exhausted all the
X entered into a guarantee without the knowledge of property of the debtor and has resorted to all the legal
A, the principal debtor. The obligation of A in favor of remedies against the debtor (Art. 2058, Civil Code)
B was also secured by a real estate mortgage executed
by Y. Upon default of A, X paid B. A failed to reimburse If Amador sells his residential house and lot to Diego,
X despite demand. If X files an application for can Basilio foreclose the real estate mortgage? (1%)
foreclosure, will it prosper?
No, because the contract of guaranty was entered into Suggested Answer:
without the knowledge of the principal debtor, thus, Yes, Basilio can foreclose the real estate mortgage. It is
despite payment the guarantor will not be subrogated binding upon Diego as the mortgage is embodied in a
in the rights of the creditor. public instrument.Since the mortgage is in a public
instrument, there is constructive notice to Diego, who
If the necessary parties are the guarantor and the is the buyer if the mortgaged property.
creditor, who is the sub-guarantor?
He is the guarantor of the guarantor Alternative Answer:
No, Basilio cannot foreclose the real estate mortgage.
Rights and Obligations The sale confers ownership on the buyer, Diego, who
Sub-guarantors must therefore consent. The mortgage is not
For a guarantor to be held liable, the law requires that registered, thus, cannot be binding against third
the creditor exhaust all the properties of the principal persons (Art. 2125, Civil Code)
debtor first.
Benefit of Division
Thus, the guarantor has the benefit or right of A borrowed P100,000 from B. A’s guarantors are V, W,
excussion or exhaustion, except: X, Y and Z. Under the benefit of division, how much can
a. If the guarantor renounces such right; B validly hold X liable?
b. If the debtor is insolvent; P20,000 because under the benefit of division, each
c. If the guarantor binds himself solidarily guarantor can only be held liable as to his share (just
like joint obligation) without prejudice to the
Does the suretyor sub-surety have the benefit of guarantors binding themselves solidarily
No because he binds himself solidarily with the When would the guarantor be held liable?
principal debtor -when the debtor cannot or is unable to pay
The guarantor is the insurer of the solvency of the
How many times can the sub-guarantor invoke the debtor
benefit of excussion?
Twice, first the principal debtor, then the guarantor When would the surety be held liable?
-when the debtor does not pay
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The surety is the insurer of the debt itself However, when there is a stipulation that the offspring
is not covered by the pledge, then he may validly
demand for the delivery.

Banco Filipino v. Petersen

The object of the contract is the delivery of
voluminous goods found in a warehouse. The pledgor
delivered the key to the warehouse to the pledgee.
Was there a perfected contract of pledge? Yes

What is the kind of delivery necessary for the perfection

of the contract of pledge?
As a rule, it must be actual delivery, except when it
Antichresis would be an unreasonable requirement for the
Distinct feature: in this security arrangement, the delivery of the thing or the goods to the creditor-
entire obligation may actually be extinguished because pledgee, constructive delivery may suffice
the creditor is required to apply the fruits to the
interest if owing and in case of excess, he shall apply it Take note, if the contract of pledge is not perfected, the
to the principal. pledgee would not have the right to sell.

Pledge Yuliongsiu v. PNB

-the only real contract which is an accessory contract The object of the contract of pledge is the delivery of
three ships. The parties executed an instrument and
Bar Question had it notarized providing that the ships will be under
In the province, the farmers borrowed money from the the control and supervision of PNB even if the ships
local merchant. To guarantee payment, they left the remain to be manned by the crew of the pledgor-
Torrens title of their land with the merchant for him to Yuliongsu.
hold until they pay the loan. Is there an Antichresis,
Pledge, Mortgage? The SC held that there was a perfected contract of
-Mortgage pledge despite the fact that there was no actual
Marcos v. Vda. de Bautista
For a pledge or mortgage to be valid, the pledgor or
Real Estate Mortgage
mortgagor must be the absolute owner at the time of
-must be in a public instrument in order for a
the constitution of the pledge or mortgage
foreclosure to prosper, if it is in a private instrument
the remedy is Article 1357 to have it in the form
Bar Question
required by law
In a contract of pledge involving a cow. After the
perfection of the contract, while the cow was in the
Chattel Mortgage
possession of the pledgee, the cow gave birth.
Is the affidavit of good faith necessary for the validity of
the mortgage?
Who owns the offspring?
No, it is only necessary for the contract to bind 3 rd
The pledgor because he is the owner of the cow
Being the owner can the pledgor validly demand that
Ordinarily, it should only be constituted over
the offspring be delivered to him?
movables. However, it includes growing crops and
As a rule, No. The offspring of the cow is covered by
large cattle (because the Chattel Mortgage law treats
the pledge thus the pledgee has the right to retain the
them as personalty)
offspring together with the mother cow. If the
principal debtor defaults, the pledgee will have the
While the law requires a chattel mortgage to have a
right to sell the cow and the offspring in a public
movable subject matter, if the subject matter is an
immovable, the mortgagor will not be allowed to

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question the validity of the mortgage as between him To the owner/mortgagor of the property
and the mortgagee.
In pledge, the excess will not go to the pledgor, but to
PBQ: Indivisibility Principle the pledgee except when there is a stipulation that in
If the debt is in the amount of P100,000 secured by a case of excess it will go to the pledgor.
mortgage or pledge and the debtor has already paid
for P95,000, can he validly demand for the release of REM covered by Act. 3135 (extrajudicial
the property pledged or cancellation of the mortgage? foreclosure)
No, until the entire obligation is extinguished, the The SC held that even if the law is silent as to whether
pledge or mortgage will continue to have full force and the creditor has the right to recover, he has the right to
effect under the indivisibility principle. recover the deficiency.

Take note, it is the contract of pledge and mortgage P11:2:14:55

which are indivisible and it doesn’t matter if the A lent B P100,000 and as security for the payment of
properties pledged or mortgage are divisible or not. said amount, B delivered to A 2 rings in pledge. When
However, this is without prejudice to any stipulation B failed to pay, A foreclosed and had the rings sold
between the parties. through auction. The proceeds amounted only to
P70,000. May A demand for the payment of the
Dayrit v CA deficiency of P30,000?
Dayrit mortgaged his land to secure the entire No, because it is a contract of pledge and the creditor
obligation of him and 3 other debtors. When Dayrit is not entitled to such deficiency.
paid his part of the obligation, he demanded for
cancellation of mortgage, the creditor refused because
the entire obligation is not yet fulfilled. What if the proceeds amounted to P150,000? To whom
P11:2:05:58 shall the excess be given?
Pactum Commissorium To the pledgee unless there is a stipulation that any
X borrowed money from Y and gave a parcel a land as excess would go to the pledgor
security by way of mortgage. It was expressly agreed
that upon non-payment of the debt on time by X, the What if it was a mortgage?
mortgaged land would already belong to Y. If X 1. To the deficiency, A will have the right to recover
defaulted in paying, will Y now become the owner of the in case the proceeds are less than the debt;
said land? 2. As to the excess, it shall be given to B
No, the stipulation as to automatic appropriation is
void being pactum commissorium. The remedy is to Equity of Redemption
foreclose the mortgage (if it is a pledge, to have the -can only be exercised before the sale
thing sold by a notary public in a public auction)
Right of Redemption
What if in the real estate mortgage, upon default of the -can only be invoked after the sale
principal debtor, the land is deemed sold to the
mortgagee. Does that constitute pactum *Ordinarily, if there is already an equity of redemption
commissorium? in judicial foreclosure, there will no longer be a right of
No, because upon default, ownership does not pass to redemption except in case of bank and financial
the creditor. The creditor will only have the right to institutions.
compel the mortgagor to execute the deed of sale and
until there is delivery, there is no transfer the Period: 1 year from the date of registration of the
ownership. certificate of sale

If there is a deficiency, should the creditor be given the (Review Brondial Notes )
right to recover?
Yes. However, in pledge when there is a deficiency, the
pledgee has no right to recover the deficiency even if
there is a stipulation to that effect.

If there is an excess, to whom shall it be given?

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Recall: Cangco v. MRR

Nature of Liability of the Employer

Is it a direct and primarily liability or merely a
subsidiarily liability?

1. Delict – subsidiary
2. Quasi-delict & contract – direct
The employee need not be insolvent in order for
the employer to be liable.


Article 2176 If a criminal case is filed, may a civil action filed by the
Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another, injured party prosper?
there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the The civil action may proceed independently of the
damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no criminal action. The fact that a criminal action is
pre-existing contractual relation between the parties, is pending will not bar the filing nor will it suspend the
called a quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of civil action under quasi-delict. They are separate and
this Chapter. distinct proceedings.

Even if the act is punished by law, it can also be the What if in the criminal case, the accused was acquitted.
basis of a claim under a quasi-delict but Article 2177 Will the acquittal of the accused result in the automatic
provides a limitation that the injured cannot recover dismissal of the civil action based on a quasi-delict (for
twice: the same act)? No. (Only preponderance of evidence is
required in quasi-delicts)
Article 2176
Responsibility for fault or negligence under the Essential elements
preceding article is entirely separate and distinct from What are requisites in order that defendant can be held
the civil liability arising from negligence under the liable for damages in a quasi-delict case?
Penal Code. But the plaintiff cannot recover damages
twice for the same act or omission of the defendant 1. Act or omission
2. Damage or injury is caused to another
Illustration: 3. Fault or negligence is present
The injured party filed a criminal complaint and was 4. Causal connection between damage done and
awarded by the court P300,000. Thereafter, he filed a act/omission
civil action based on quasi-delict. The court awarded
him with the amount of P500,000. How much can the True or False: If before the act was committed, there
injured recover? was already a pre-existing contractual relation, a claim
under quasi delict cannot prosper. False.
He may only recover the excess which is P200,000.
Article 2177, the rule on double recovery, is a partial The very act which breaches the contract may by itself
defense. be a tortious act; thus, even if there is pre-exisitng
contractual relation, it may not bar an action under
What if the first award was for P500,000 and the second quasi-delict.
was P300,000?
In this case, Article 2177 will be a total defense and the You already have a confirmed airline ticket but you
injured can no longer recover anything. were told by the ticketing officer at the airport that the
plane is full. Is there a breach of contract? Yes. But the
Briefly, quasi-delict is fault or negligence. Fault is not fact of saying that the plane is full is not considered a
the same as negligence. Fault may be intentional. tortious act.
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Air France v. Carrascoso
The manner by which the airline asked him to transfer
from business class to economy is a tortious act.

Singson v. BPI
Singson was one of the defendants in a civil case and
the trial court decided in favor of the plaintiff. Singson
appealed (3 other defendants did not appeal). The
plaintiff filed for a motion for execution only as to the
other defendants, which the court granted and
ordered for garnishment. When BPI received the
order or garnishment, it freezed the account of Causal connection between act or omission
Singson causing some checks issued to his suppliers to Article 2179
bounce thus cutting the supplies to his business. The
bank was held negligent because the order of Doctrine of comparative negligence
garnishment clearly stated except Singson. The bank -if the negligence of the plaintiff was the direct and
was held liable under quasi-delict despite the fact that proximate cause of the injury sustained by him, he
there was a pre-existing contractual relationship. cannot recover and the action will not prosper.

Why would the injured party file an action under a Doctrine of contributory negligence
quasi-delict when he can file an action under a contract -if the negligence of the defendant was the direct and
for breach? proximate cause of the injury sustained by the
plaintiff, even if the plaintiff was negligent, the action
Because the biggest amount that will be awarded in an can prosper, he can recover from the defendant whose
action for damages is moral damages. liability shall me mitigated to due the contributory
negligence of the plaintiff
A claim for moral damages under contract is very hard
to prove because the defendant must have acted in bad There is fault or negligence
faith or in wanton disregard of his obligations under When would an act be considered as a negligent act?
the contract. Whereas in quasi-delict, you are almost There is negligence when there is an omission of the
always entitled to moral damages. diligence required which corresponds to the
circumstances as to the person, time and place
Dulay vs. CA
Atty. Dulay had an altercation with a security guard Degree of diligence required is vital in determining if
causing the death of Dulay. there is negligence
Philippine Bank of Commerce v. CA
The defense of the company was that the act of the Plaintiff company asked one of the secretaries to
guard was not a negligent act thus they cannot be deposit a sum of money to the account of the company
liable under quasi-delict. MTD was granted thus the in PBCom. The secretary instead deposited the said
Petition. amount in her husband’s account.

The SC ruled that for an action under quasi-delict to The claim of the company against the bank was that
prosper, the act need not be a negligent act. It can be the direct and proximate caue of the injury sustained
an intentional, malicious, wrongful act or an act was due to the negligence of the bank for accepting
punished by law. deposit slips which were not completely filled out.

There is damage or injury As a defense, the bank invoked the “doctrine of last
Can there be damage without injury? clear chance” because there were monthly financial
Yes. Damage is just the hurt, the harm or loss. Injury statements provided to the account holders; thus, the
requires wrongful acts. But if there is already fault or company should have noticed that their account was
negligence, damages is the same is injury. empty.

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The SC ruled that the negligence of the bank officers except when the possession or use thereof is
was the direct and proximate cause. Banks are indispensable in his occupation or business.
supposed to exercise the highest degree of diligence.
As a rule, it is the burden of the plaintiff to prove that One of the vehicles attempted to overtake another
the act of the defendant was a negligent act. vehicle. The driver who tried to overtake was held
liable because that place where the incident happened
had 2 yellow lines, which means “no overtaking”.

Ong v. Metro Water District

One of the children of Spouses Ong drowned in a Conclusive Presumptions
swimming pool managed by Metropolitan Water Under circumstances, the law would raise a conclusive
District. Spouses Ong sued but the SC dismissed presumption that the act is a negligent act:
because the spouses failed to prove that there was
negligence on the part of the defendant. In this case, it 1. Article 2193: The head of a family that lives in a
was MWD itself, which proved their diligence before, building or a part thereof, is responsible for
during and after the incident. damages caused by things thrown or falling from
the same.
Disputable Presumptions
2. Article 2187: Manufacturers and processors of
Article 2183. The possessor of an animal or whoever foodstuffs, drinks, toilet articles and similar goods
may make use of the same is responsible for the shall be liable for death or injuries caused by any
damage which it may cause, although it may escape or noxious or harmful substances used, although no
be lost. This responsibility shall cease only in case the contractual relation exists between them and the
damage should come from force majeure or from the consumers.
fault of the person who has suffered damage.
When an employee is negligent? Does that mean that
Article 2184. In motor vehicle mishaps, the owner is the employer is negligent?
solidarily liable with his driver, if the former, who was Not necessarily. Philippine law does not adopt the
in the vehicle, could have, by the use of the due principle of “respondeat superior”. In this jurisdiction,
diligence, prevented the misfortune. It is disputably “pater familias” prevail.
presumed that a driver was negligent, if he had been
found guilty of reckless driving or violating traffic It would merely raise a disputable presumption and
regulations at least twice within the next preceding the employer can raise as a defense that he exercised
two months. the diligence required in the:
a. selection and
If the owner was not in the motor vehicle, the b. supervision of employees
provisions of article 2180 are applicable.
Article 2185. Unless there is proof to the contrary, it Selection
is presumed that a person driving a motor vehicle has It is not sufficient for the employer to merely demand
been negligent if at the time of the mishap, he was for the presentation of a driver’s license. The
violating any traffic regulation. employer must investigate as to the driving history of
the applicant driver.
Article 2188. There is prima facie presumption of
negligence on the part of the defendant if the death or Supervision
injury results from his possession of dangerous 1. This may only be raised as a defense if there are
weapons or substances, such as firearms and poison, rules promulgated;

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2. There should be monitoring if the rules are being The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease
followed; and when the persons herein mentioned prove that they
3. There shall be penalties imposed on violations of observed all the diligence of a good father of a family to
the rules prevent damage.

Can the parents be held jointly liable as a result of the
negligent act of their minor child?
Yes, under the Family Code, the parents can be held
solidarily liable with their child.

Degree of Liability: Direct and Primary

The SC ruled that the liability of the parents is not
merely subsidiary but direct and primary.

Vicarious Liability
Article 2180
The obligation imposed by article 2176 is demandable Libi v. IAC “Romeo and Juliet”
not only for one's own acts or omissions, but also for A female teenager broke up with her boyfriend but the
those of persons for whom one is responsible. latter cannot accept it so he stalked her. One day, they
found both teenagers dead through a gunshot. The
The father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the parents of the teenager was held liable because it was
mother, are responsible for the damages caused by the the father’s gun that was used in the killing/suicide.
minor children who live in their company.
Owners of establishments
Guardians are liable for damages caused by the minors PBQ: Article 2184
or incapacitated persons who are under their authority If the owner of the vehicle was inside the vehicle at the
and live in their company. time of the mishap and the driver caused injury due to
his negligence. Does that mean that the owner shall be
The owners and managers of an establishment or automatically held solidarily liable with his driver?
enterprise are likewise responsible for damages caused
by their employees in the service of the branches in No, the owner shall be held solidarily liable with the
which the latter are employed or on the occasion of driver only if he failed to exercise the diligence
their functions. required under the circumstances to prevent the
mishap if he had the opportunity to do so.
Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by
their employees and household helpers acting within the Managers of establishments
scope of their assigned tasks, even though the former Philippine Rabbit v. Philippine American Forwarders
are not engaged in any business or industry. As a result of the negligence of the driver of PAF,
damage was caused to PR.
The State is responsible in like manner when it acts
through a special agent; but not when the damage has PR impleaded as defendant PAF, the driver and also a
been caused by the official to whom the task done passenger, Mr. Balingit, a salary manager.
properly pertains, in which case what is provided in
article 2176 shall be applicable. Mr. Balingit filed a MTD. Trial court granted thus, the
Petition. The SC sustained the decision of the trial
Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and court. The word manager does not include a salary
trades shall be liable for damages caused by their pupils manager.
and students or apprentices, so long as they remain in
their custody. Employer
PBQ: When can an employer be held vicariously liable?
Martin v. CA
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MERALCO was the complainant who filed a case
against Martin, the employer of the driver, for causing
damage to the post of MERALCO.

The SC dismissed the action because there was no

proof of the employer-employee relationship. The
cause of action of MERALCO for filing the case was that
Martin was the employer of the driver.

2001 Bar Question Defenses

After working overtime up to midnight, Alberto, an The act was not a negligent act
executive of an insurance company, drove a company Ong v. MWD
vehicle to a favorite videoke bar where he had some Fortuious event
drinks and sang some songs with friends to "unwind". There shall be no concurring negligence on the part of
At 2:00 a.m., he drove home, but in doing so, he the person raising such defense
bumped a tricycle, resulting in the death of its driver.
May the insurance company be held liable for the Contributory Negligence
negligent act of Alberto? Why? PBCOM v. CA
No because even if there is an ER-EE relationship, in There can be reduction of amount because there is
order for the employer to be liable, the employee must contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff for
be acting within his assigned task during the incident. asking a secretary to deposit instead of an officer like a
treasurer, finance officer or the like.
Under this source of obligation, may the school itself be PNR v. Tupang and CA
held vicariously liable? Bicol to Manila. While the train was somewhere in
Yes, under the Family Code. Quezon, Tupang was sitting in a metal connection of
the two coaches and due to the sharp curve, he fell and
How about for schools which are not for arts and trade? died.
Yes, it doesn’t matter what kind of school, there is still
vicarious liability The SC ruled that it was the negligence of PNR which
caused the death of Tupang because the coaches were
If the student who caused the injury is already of age, overcrowded which is the reason why he outside.
can the administrators still be held vicariously liable?
The SC however held that there was contributory
Palisoc v. Brillantes (1971) negligence on the part of Tupang because he did not
A student punched another student who fell and hit his hold tenaciously to the bar thus the award was
head that caused his death. When the parents of the reduced.
deceased students sued, one of the defenses raised by
the school was that the student was already of age. Prescription 4 years from the date of the incident

The SC ruled that even if the student is already of age, Escueta v. Fandialan
the teachers, school and administrators can still be The SC held that the action had long prescribed
held vicariously liable. because it was filed 15 years after the cause of action
Under the Family Code today, for the teachers to be
liable, the student has to be a minor. Doctrine of Last Clear Chance/Supervening Negligence
Premise: both parties were negligent
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Negligence of one is preceded by negligence of another May there be a valid award for all these damages?
by an appreciable amount of time. No. An award for actual damages will preclude the
award for nominal and temperate damages.
If it is simultaneous negligence, this doctrine is not
applicable because one of them should have the In actual damage, there is pecuniary loss whereas in
opportunity to prevent the mishap by just exercising nominal damage, there is only a violation of a right
the diligence required which must be indemnified.

Picart v. Smith Temperate damages is awarded when there is

Plaintiff was negligent because he was riding his horse pecuniary loss but it is so hard to prove.
at the left lane of the bridge. The defendant was at the
right lane. When the car was near the horse, the horse In case of death, if the injured would not be able to
got startled causing it to jump off the bridge and die. prove actual damages, the Court shall award by way of
The SC held that the defendant was liable under the temperate damages in the amount of P25,000.
doctrine of last clear chance for being negligent in the If there was death as a result of a
sense that he had the opportunity to prevent the quasi-delictual/negligent act, what are the damages?
misfortune by just exercising the diligence required. Article 2206. The amount of damages for death
He could’ve stopped the car or moved to another lane. caused by a crime or quasi-delict shall be at least three
thousand pesos, even though there may have been
Anuran v. Buñ o mitigating circumstances. In addition:
One of the passengers of an overcrowded jeepney
asked the driver the stop so he can alight but the (1) The defendant shall be liable for the loss of the
driver stopped in the middle of the highway. Another earning capacity of the deceased, and the
approaching vehicle, instead of avoiding the said indemnity shall be paid to the heirs of the latter;
jeepney, rammed into it causing injuries to the such indemnity shall in every case be assessed and
passengers awarded by the court, unless the deceased on
account of permanent physical disability not
The plaintiff sued four parties, the 2 drivers and the 2 caused by the defendant, had no earning capacity
employers. at the time of his death;

However the owner of the jeepney filed a MTD citing (2) If the deceased was obliged to give support
the doctrine of last clear chance. His argument was according to the provisions of article 291, the
that his driver was negligent but the driver of the recipient who is not an heir called to the
other vehicle had the last opportunity to avoid the decedent's inheritance by the law of testate or
collision. intestate succession, may demand support from
the person causing the death, for a period not
The SC held that the doctrine may only be invoked if exceeding five years, the exact duration to be fixed
the case is between those who are all negligent. Thus, by the court;
it cannot be invoked by those who are negligent as
against another who is not negligent because it would (3) The spouse, legitimate and illegitimate
be inequitable descendants and ascendants of the deceased may
demand moral damages for mental anguish by
DAMAGES reason of the death of the deceased.

Article 2197 Indemnity

Damages may be: When the imposable penalty should have been death,
(1) Actual or compensatory; the indemnity to be awarded shall be P100,000
(2) Moral; otherwise, P75,000 (indemnity, moral, exemplary +
(3) Nominal; temperate)
(4) Temperate or moderate;
(5) Liquidated; or Loss of earning capacity
(6) Exemplary or corrective. Gross income in one year – necessary expenses
(amount incurred in earning the amount)
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However, since there was physical injuries she was
If there is no proof of necessary expenses, there shall still entitled to moral damages of P200,000.
be a reduction of gross income by ½
In relation to Malicious Prosecution as a ground for
GI – NE x (2/3 of 80 – age of the deceased at the time the award of moral damages, there has to be a criminal
of death) complaint filed which was found to be malicious.

In a few cases, like a disbarment suit, the SC held that a

clearly unfounded civil suit can be the basis of a claim
for moral damages under malicious prosecution.

Moral Damages
Not every time that a person suffers mental anguish,
serious anxiety, besmirched reputation that he is
entitled to moral damages.

Article 2219. Moral damages may be recovered in the

following and analogous cases:
(1) A criminal offense resulting in physical injuries;
(2) Quasi-delicts causing physical injuries;
(3) Seduction, abduction, rape, or other lascivious acts;
(4) Adultery or concubinage;
(5) Illegal or arbitrary detention or arrest;
(6) Illegal search;
(7) Libel, slander or any other form of defamation;
(8) Malicious prosecution;
(9) Acts mentioned in article 309;
(10) Acts and actions referred to in articles 21, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 32, 34, and 35.
The parents of the female seduced, abducted, raped, or
abused, referred to in No. 3 of this article, may also
recover moral damages.
The spouse, descendants, ascendants, and brothers
and sisters may bring the action mentioned in No. 9 of
this article, in the order named.

Mayo v. People
The driver crossed the island and drove in the
opposite lane. Linda Navarate, one of the injured
parties, filed a claim in the criminal case in relation to
the deformities in her face. According to her, because
of the said deformities, her boyfriend left her so she
demanded for moral damages of P1M. The trial court
granted. The CA reduced by P200,000.

The SC held that since there was no proof that the

boyfriend left her because of the deformities in her
face and even if the boyfriend left her because of it, it is
not a ground for the award of moral damages.

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