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The She Woman

Breaking the yoke of procrastination and indecision.
Copyright © 2022 by Regy Boat

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, scanning, or otherwise without written
permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this
book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other
means without permission.

I dedicate this book to God Almighty for adding a year to one of

most influential people who helped shape my life.
~ Dr. Eva Gyamaa - Yeboah
Happy Birthday to you Mentor!
Everything rises and falls on


~ Dr. Eva Gyamaa - Yeboah

Table of Contents
A friend I’ m not ashamed to Celebrate.......................10
I NTRODUCTION..............................................................12
G R A T E F U L F A T H E R .................................................29
HOW DO YOU ADJUST YOUR............................34
PERSPECTIVE? ..........................................................34
About the Author...........................................................57


I gift this book to you today as we celebrate the

birthday of my mentor Dr. Eva Gyamaa - Yeboah. She is
a Woman of Principle. Fueled by her faith and desire to
serve others. God has gifted her with an amazing heart
for all. Always going the extra mile, to encourage people
to live out the God call on their life. I cannot wait to see
the lives that will be transformed as we learn something
about her today - Becoming The She Woman.
The She Woman - How to break the yoke of
procrastination and indecision. Through this book you
will be transported into transformational journey on
practical steps to break the yoke of procrastination and

I want to help you take charge of your life and
achieve more as you learn about my mentor
( Dr. Eva Gyamaa - Yeboah) . If you wholly imbibe and
practice the principles taught here- in, you
will go places.

The She Woman!


A friend I’ m not ashamed to

This book is written out of the inspiration
drawn out from her life. She always admonishes
the author to embrace her dreams, break through
barriers, rebound from setbacks, and lead with
skill and authenticity. Her personal stories
reveal the vulnerability and strength that
everyone should get. With wisdom and
implementable guidance that’ s applicable - I’ ve
come out with a book in honour of my Mentor-
Dr. Eva Gyamaa - Yeboah. This book is designed to
help you on ways to climb the ladder of
success. Enjoy!


The most valuable commodity you have is time. Time

is the one thing both the rich and the poor have in
common. Time is the one thing you can’ t buy more of,
regardless of how wealthy you are. Time and chance
happen to all men. If you can manage your time properly
and use it productively, there’ s no limit to the things
you can achieve. Therefore, the one thing you must
guard like a mother hen is your time. Your most
dangerous enemies are time thieves and time wasters.

Procrastination is the thief of time, and indecision is

it trusted sidekick. Together, these two will rob you of
more opportunities than even the money heist crew.
Well, today is your lucky day because this book in your
hand will teach you practical ways to stop these bandits
in their tracks. Trust me, this is not ‘ aspire to acquire’
stuff. There are no theoretical or ideological concepts
here. These are workable procedures and processes that
people like you have applied to their lives and got
amazing results . Some principles here may be
unconventional, but they all work.


The first thing to fix, though, is your attitude. If

your attitude is wrong or negative, forget it, this book
will not do jack for you. It all starts with cultivating
a positive attitude towards life. Attitude is everything.




The way we see the problem is the problem

- Stephen R. Covey.

Your attitude is basically how you react to things and

situations around and within you. It is the sum of your
temperament, be - haviour and your character. The
oxford advanced learners’ dictionary defines attitude
as the way you behave towards something or
someone that shows how you really feel or what you
really think about a person or thing.

Your attitude is vital because it determines your

approach to life. Your attitude colors everything you do.
Nothing else sets a tone for the way your life will pan
out more than your attitude. Your attitude will determine
if you’ ll fail or succeed in life.


As an example, it is mainly your attitude towards

schooling that will determine if you will graduate with
flying colours, or not even graduate at all. Keith Harell
wrote an entire book on how powerful your attitude
is. He titled the book Attitude is everything, and he
couldn’ t have been closer to the truth. Attitude is
1 0 0 % of your life. Revered author and speaker Zig
Ziglar, while trying to paint a picture of how important
a person’ s attitude is, made this remark, “ Your
attitude, not your aptitude will determine your altitude. ”

Your attitude basically speaks of belief, and belief is

pivotal to your success or failure. A man who
believes can do anything there is no height he can’ t
scale, no depth he can’ t wade through, and no length he
can’ t cover. If you don’ t believe that you will succeed
in any endeavour, you won’ t. The belief that you can
succeed, that you will succeed, is the foundation of
success. No man has ever achieved success without
first believing that he will hit the mark, eventually.

Success is rarely ever straightforward. Usually, you

have to wade through several failures and
disappointment before you encounter success. During

this wilderness experience, it is only a positive
attitude and an unshakeable belief in your ability to
reach your destination, that will keep you going
and will eventually see you to the top, no matter how
long it takes.

Pastor Chuck made this long but very astute

observation in one of his sermons; Words can never
adequately convey the incredible impact of our attitude
towards life. The longer I live, the more convinced I
become that life is 1 0 percent what happens to us and
9 0 percent how we respond to it.


I believe that the single most significant decision I can

make on a day - to - day basis is my choice of attitude as
Dr. Eva Gyamaa - Yeboah experienced. It is more
important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my
successes or failures, fame or pain, what others think or
say about me, my circumstances or my
position. Attitude keeps me going or cripples my
progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope.
When my attitude is right, there’ s no barrier too high,
no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge
too great for me.




Your attitude could either be positive or

negative. Either one is remarkably powerful and will
( not can — will! ) shape your life depending on which
one you adopt.

Having a positive attitude will help you ride out the

worst of storms. It will help you win over the most
uncompromising of persons. It’ s only with a positive
attitude that you can get the best out of the worst

An upbeat attitude makes it possible for you to take

disappointments in your stride. It makes you see even
the biggest foibles as nothing more than learning
opportunities. A positive attitude sparks a chain
reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It
is a catalyst which always births extraordinary results.

Having a positive attitude is the number one

prerequisite for achieving success in any walk of life.
This is because no matter how good you are at what you
do, there will be times when you’ ll drop clangers. At
times like this, only a positive attitude will help you
carry on and not give in to messages of despair and
discouragements. A positive attitude will make you
think right and because you are thinking right, you are
bound to speak right and act right. This testimony is
from David Bailey. He said, “ A positive attitude can
really make dreams come true: It did for me” .

A negative attitude is the diametric opposite. It is just

as powerful as a positive attitude, but destructively.
A negative attitude will make you give up before you
even try. It defeats you before you begin.
A cantankerous attitude will alienate people and turn
friends into strangers. This impedes your progress
because you can’ t get anywhere without people. No
man is an island. There is no self- made man anywhere.
You need people’ s help, input, advice, encouragement,
skill, finances, intellect etc. , to get to the top.

Someone with a negative attitude always provides a

problem for every solution. They always think of
reasons a solution will not work out. Yet, they cannot
present a better solution. A pessimist is never happy.
They are the conspiracy theorists. A bad attitude is like a
flat tire. If you don’ t change it, you’ ll go nowhere.

Your attitude is the window through which you view

and experience the world. If your attitude is positive,
then your window is squeaky clean. Light, hope,
possibilities and opportunities can shine through. You
see life clearly and so you get more out of life.


When your attitude is negative however, it means

that your window has been smeared by the mud of
disappointments, ridicule, failures and criticisms. Your
window is no longer clean. So, you experience life in
a blurred form. Less light enters and your life becomes
dark and cold because your window is murky, you
will miss opportunities. You will hardly get things
done because you can’ t even see the view properly
through your stained - glass window.

This all sounds very scary, right? Let not your heart be
troubled. I have good news for you. The good news is
that if you have a negative attitude, you can change it to
a positive one.

Thankfully, it is not that difficult to do. Making this

change makes you a better person and sets you on your
way to success and greatness. I am about to reveal to
you one very powerful way of switching your attitude
from pessimism to optimism. I’ d like to show you one
way to clean up your attitude window and get it clear
and shiny again.

Before that, I’ d like to bring to your notice this really

powerful observation made by a renowned speaker.
He said, “ Our attitudes control our lives” . It is of
paramount importance that we know how to control and
harness this great force” . The question now is; how can
you harness and control this powerful force? How do you
clean up the grime and dirt from your attitude window?
How can you stop being so negative and become more
positive- minded?




I will use these three words; perspective, mindset and

perception interchangeably. They all refer to the way you
see things. Your perspective is the outlook you give to
a particular event or the viewpoint from which you
assess a situation. The dictionary defines perspective as
the capacity to view things in their true relation or
relative importance.

Two people can look at the same thing but see different
pictures. Why? Their perceptions are different. Their
perspectives vary. Their mindsets are differently
inclined. The oxford advanced learners’ dictionary says
perspective is a way of thinking about something. I
have witnessed two people go through the same
disastrous situation. Their circumstances mirrored each
other but their reactions were markedly different. One
of them started lashing out, blaming everyone and
everything for his hard luck. He subsequently became
despondent. The other person licked his wounds, counted
the cost of failure, learnt his lesson, picked himself up
and forged ahead. Why the difference in their reactions?
It’ s simple. It was their attitude, and their attitude
were preset by their perspectives of the situation
before them. While the former saw his mistake as the
end of the world and subsequently gave up, the latter
understood that the downfall of a man is not the end of
his life. His attitude was positive because his mindset
was right.


“ Things turn out best for the people who make

the best of the way things turn out. ” Successful
people are positive. They believe they can get
things done.

For the most part, they enjoy what they’ re

doing and those things are important because
pursuing a dream is a bumpy journey. It Is
uphill. It has a lot of dead ends. Only those
who think right succeed.

Yea, that’ s right. Only those who think right, believe

and have a positive attitude, succeed.




Everyone loves a good story, so here’ s a story which

illustrates how effective adjusting your perspective is
in changing your attitudes. Here goes:

A single father ( whom we’ ll call Steve) revealed that

it used to drive him crazy when he would drive home
after a hard day at work, through hours of rush hour
traffic, only to find the driveway to his garage
impassable. It would be littered with his children’ s
toys which they abandoned after playing. He would
lecture his kids about putting their toys away and
keeping them out of the driveway, but it did no good.
He even threatened to run over their toys. The kids

would keep the driveway clear for a day or two before
falling back into their old habits.

Kids will always be kids. Steve would get upset and

enraged when he couldn’ t get his car into the garage
after a long day of work and commuting. Then one
evening, Steve came home and again


met the same situation. He left his car at the end of the
driveway, got out and angrily began clearing a path.
He got angrier with each toy he picked. At first, he did
not see his retired neighbour walk over and begin
gathering the toys alongside him.

The neighbour’ s daughter and youngest child had

married a few weeks earlier and moved to another
state. When Steve realized that his neighbour had joined
him in the clean - up, he looked up and muttered with
such bitterness, “ I’ m sick of cleaning up after these
kids day after day. ” His neighbour gave a knowing
smile and replied, “ Hope you don’ t mind if I help? My
little girl Jamie is gone now and I’ m all by myself now.
You should enjoy it while it lasts. Your kids will be
gone before you know it. Time flies, you
know. ” Without being aware of it or maybe he was
aware of it the neighbour had delivered a powerful

He had changed Steve’ s mindset. He had altered Steve’ s

perception and adjusted his perspective. From that
night, Steve never got angry whenever he comes home
to meet toys in his driveway. He said that from that

point on, whenever he comes home to see bicycles,
Barbie dolls, crayons etc. , scattered all over his
driveway, he felt gratitude. He now thinks, “ Oh! the
kids are still kids. I’ ve still got time with them” .
His driveway did not change. It still looks like a
place hit by a cyclone every evening. His children
still haven’ t learnt to put away their toys. Yet
Steve’ s attitude has changed from one of anger,
resentment, bitterness and unpleasantness, to one of
gratitude and understanding, all because of a shift in
his perspective.

Steve is a better man and a better father today because

he learnt how to view the same situation from a
different vantage point. He learnt how to reform his
attitude by adjusting his perspective.

Naturally, the question topmost in your

mind at this point should be HOW DO YOU





I’ ve been belabouring the notion that you can

overhaul your attitude by adjusting your perspective.

The question now; how does one go about changing

his or her perspective? That question is what this
section looks to answer. Through the teachings of my
mentor I have made available five things you should
do from this minute to adjust your perspective. Here
they are;

1) First, decide to leave negati vity behind.

Adjusting your outlook on situations and life, in

general, is not something you just waltz into. It’ s a
deliberate process. Before you can change your
perspective, you’ ve got to want to change. You must
be sure you want to change. Beyond that, you must
know why you want to change.

Decide first within you, that you are tired of all the
negativity and cynicism. Realize that the reason your
life has locked up to this point is that you have been
viewing reality through a monochrome lens. Settle it
within yourself that it’ s time to pick- up some crayons
and add colour to your life. You can get nothing done
unless you first reach a firm decision to do it. You can
never alter your perception until you decide that you
want something different, something better. Only when
you decide that you are ready to leave negativity
behind can you embrace positivity. To move from where
you are, you have to first decide where you’ d rather be.


2 ) Train your mind to always look on the bright


It’ s not just a cliche. Every cloud has a silver

lining. Some clouds even carry gold. Not everyone can
see the silver linings, though. Therefore, you must train
your mind to always look on the bright side. You must
force yourself to make some sense out of every nonsense
that you encounter. Sharpen your mind’ s eye to see
the upside of every downturn. You must learn to find
humour in even the worst situations.

It’ ll keep you from spiralling into negativity. Every

disaster has an upside no matter how little. Every
opportunity has some difficulty, just as every
difficulty presents an opportunity. It just depends on
which one you see. Regardless of the severity of the
setback you can always find a bright side.

No matter how hopeless that situation looks, this is

how you train your mind to always look on the
bright side; Turn that situation inside - out, outside -
in, upside - down, downside - up, left side - right and
right side - left. Evaluate and critically analyze it until
you discover an upside. Look at that negative event
from all angles until you find a bright side. You are
probably asking what constitutes a bright side, right?

A bright side is a position from which that situation

can be regarded as positive. A bright side is the piece
or fragment of that ugly situation which you can work
with or work on to build something beautiful and
meaningful. To do this, you must stop focusing on
impossibilities. Don’ t automatically start listing out all
the reasons that situation is hopeless.
Before you go down that path, stop yourself and
change direction. Instead, ask yourself questions like, ”
How can this be done? How can we afford it? How do
we make the most out of this? What is the bright side
of this situation? ” When you find the bright side, focus
on it. Fixate on it. Dwell on it. Work with it. See how
you can channel it to work for you. Scale it up. Own
that bright side and see how you can make things
happen. Draw up a strategy to utilize the positives of
that bright side for your benefit.


I gave an example earlier. Let’ s say you are laid off

from your job. Don’ t focus on the lost. Doing that
will anchor your spirits and weigh you down severely. A
negative attitude will not even allow you to lift your
head to see opportunities or to recognize them for what
they are even when they are staring at you in the
face. When you look on the bright side, you’ ll always
see things clearly and act properly. If you focus on the
gloom, you’ ll always see shadows and that will
negatively affect your attitude and consequently, your


3 ) Surround yourself with positi ve- minded people

You cannot be aiming to adopt a positive

mindset while you remain amid cynics and
pessimists. These guys dis - seminate negative
energy. Negativity isjust as contagious as
positivity. Ifyou have a colleague who is always
talking negatively about his or herjob, it won’ t be
long before you start thinking negatively about
that job.

To change your perspective, you must seek people who

already have a positive outlook on life. You must
always be around people who talk positively, people
who think positively, and people who radiate positive
These people can be role models on whom you
model your progression. They’ ll always have
something upbeat to say or do that will help you
see things properly, especially if you are having a
problem. When you surround yourself with positive
minded people, you’ ll hear positive
affirmations, you’ ll feel belief, and you’ ll be

Their positive words and actions will sink in and

gradually affect your line of thinking, colouring those
grey areas and beaming a floodlight on those dark
corners. Their positive way of living will gradually but
definitely influence your lifestyle.

To become better, you need better friends. To become

positive minded, you need positive minded friends. A
blind man cannot lead a blind man.
You will never see right if all the people around you are
wrong sighted. Prolific author Mark Twain advised,
“ Keep away from people who try to belittle your
ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really
great people make you feel that you too can become
great. ”


Positive minded people are great people. They give

you the confidence that you can do anything you set
your mind on doing. They fill you with
momentum. Surround yourself with these kinds of

Now, I know it may not always be possible to choose

the persons you have around you. In an office, for
instance, you cannot determine the type of people the
firm would hire to be your colleagues, supervisors
and subordinates. So, you’ d have to work and interact
with both pessimists and optimists.

So what can you do? Actively seek out those of your

colleagues who are positive - minded and make them
friends. Bring them close. Make them your buddies.
Associate with this kind of people. Make them a part of
your life. Open up to them and let them in. Make them
a part of you as you also try to become a part of their
lives. What do you do about the pessimists? Well, you
shouldn’ t be rude or unfriendly to them.
You shouldn’ t openly pick quarrels or fights. But you
can discreetly put some distance between yourself and
these people. As much as possible, try to avoid them.
Don’ t get too close to them and don’ t allow them to
get too close to you. They’ ll infect you with negative
energy. Work with them but don’ t allow the handshake
to extend beyond the elbow. Let it be just work that
connects you and these cynics.
Also, there may be cases where putting a physical
distance between yourself and these people may not be
easy or possible. For instance, you may have a cynic
as a partner and you guys always have to work together.
You may be a personal assistant or secretary to a
pessimistic boss. In cases like this, the best you can do
may be to form a robust mental wall as a defense against
their negative energy. Block them from getting to
your mind.
Your mind is the seat of your perspective. So guard it
with all diligence. Set up an airtight mental defense so
that their negativity can’ t get to you. In cases like
this, you may have to be around them physically, but I
enjoin you to be as mentally far away from them as
possible. It’ s for your good. Surround yourself,
physically and mentally, with positive - minded people
only and your perspective would have no choice but to
be positive only.


4 ) Become a ‘ possibility thinker’

A possibility thinker is one who asks, “ How can it be

done? ” rather than, “ Can I do it? ” . A possibility
thinker, when faced with a difficult problem, asks “ Why
not? ” and not, “ Why me? ” The difference between a
positivity thinker and an optimist is that while the
optimist says, “ I can do this, ” the possibility thinker
screams, “ I will do this. ” It doesn’ t matter if he has
the natural ability, skill or talent, he will find a way to
get it done. A possibility thinker believes and even the
Bible says, “ All things are possible to them that believe.

A possibility thinker doesn’ t know the meaning of

the word ‘ impossible. ’ This is because the minute you
start thinking a thing is impossible, it becomes so to you.
Once you say it can’ t be done, your mindset is fixed
that way and your attitude becomes defeatist. Nothing
saps energy and zeal more than fighting a lost cause.
Nothing crushes a warrior more than the news that a

battle cannot be won. A lost cause makes you hang your
head in shame and give up, which is a negative attitude.


A possibility thinker sees the big picture. He plays

the long game. He doesn’ t dwell on missed chances or
failed ventures. He doesn’ t allow temporary setbacks
incapacitate him permanently. He knows that he can
make it work and will not stop until he does. This big
picture vista gives you a proper perspective, which helps
you maintain a positive attitude even in the face of

The big picture is like a map. When you can see the
big picture, even if you hit a roadblock, you don’ t get
discouraged because you know that there are other
ways to get to your destination and the big picture
helps you find them. A possibility thinker always has
the right perspective and a positive attitude.

5 ) Look unto Jesus

I’ ve saved the best for last. Have you ever wondered
why the writer of the book of Hebrews admonished
believers always to, “ Look unto Jesus, the author and
finisher of our faith, ” in Hebrews 1 2 : 2 ? It was
because he knew the power of perspective. He knew that
if we focused our gaze on our environment, we are
bound to be dismayed, bitter, dejected, resentful,
troubled, angry etc. This is because our surroundings
are fraught with


challenges and problems left, right and centre. So he

encouraged us instead to focus on Jesus, the one man
who cannot fail. The one man who can fix all things.
He knew that if we could see Jesus even in our darkest
moments, then we would be filled with hope, peace,
confidence and a divine conviction and assurance that
all things will work out for our good.

He knew that if we understand that our God shall

supply all our needs according to His riches in glory
through Christ Jesus ( Phil 4 : 1 9 ) , we wouldn’ t fear
the economic situation of the country or get frightened
by the state of our bank balance. Job knew the
importance of looking up and not down. He had the
right mindset, and that was why even in all the
myriad of troubles he faced, he could still declare, “ I
know my redeemer liveth” ( Job 1 9 : 2 5 a) . Job was
looking unto God and subsequently, his attitude was
positive even in the worst conditions. In the book of
matt 1 4 : 2 5 - 3 3 , Peter had a positive attitude when he
was looking unto Jesus and he achieved the impossible.
He walked on water. He defied gravity and broke the
laws of physics. Then in verse 3 0 , his attitude became
negative ( doubtful) and he began to sink. You know
why? Verse 3 0 reads, “ But when he saw the wind
boisterous… ” He was no longer looking unto Jesus.
His gaze had shifted from Jesus to the wind. He began
to see wrongly. His perspective was off, his attitude
followed suit and he subsequently began to sink.

Look unto the master! look unto Jesus.



If we want to change the situation, we first have to

change ourselves. And to change ourselves effectively
there is a need to change our perceptions.

If you don’ t want to be gloomy any more, change your

perspective. If you don’ t want to be pessimistic
anymore, change your perception. If you want to
reduce the frequency of your rage fits, change your
mindset ( see anger for what it is a destructive
emotion) . If you want to improve your demeanour, see
the importance of a smile. If you can adjust your
attitude from one of negativity to positivity, from one
of pessimism to one of optimism, from defeatism to
possibility, then you’ re already on your way to success.

You can never become successful if you are always

The kind of success you can be proud of begins with

having a positive attitude and mindset. However, a
positive attitude is the starting point of your journey.


If you lack positive attitude, you will never get your

foot on the ladder. A man with a negative attitude will
look at the ladder and think, “ What if I fall? ” A
man who is positive in his thinking would look at the
same ladder and think, “ I can’ t wait to get to the top
and find out how it is up there. ”

Having a positive attitude is the foundation of

any growth process. If your attitude is wrong,
whatever you build on it will collapse like a pack of
cards. Luckily for all of us, no matter how negative your
attitude is, there’ s hope. You can turn it around. Just
focus on adjusting your perspective and your attitude
will follow suit.

You will never change your attitude about smoking

until you see ( understand) the damage it does to your
body . Always remember this: when you change the way
you look at things, the things you look at change .

The right perspective makes the impossible possible. If

you can see it right, you are bound to act right.

Thank you for reading!


Everyone needs a mentor! A mentor who aspire us to do

better than we know how and Dr. Eva Gyamaa - Yeboah is
not an exception!
Thanks A lot



A mentor who allows you see the hope inside

yourself! Happy Birthday 多 The She Woman( Dr. Eva
Gyamaa - Yeboah) !

About the Author

Regina Boateng is a young writer and public speaker.

She writes and teaches on a wide range of topics and
themes. She is also a poet who writes her under the
pseudonym - Regyboat. Her hob - bies include: reading
virtually all kinds of books and listening to gospel
musics. Follow her social media handles : Regyboat


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