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Steven Troy C. Collado

Kirk Daniel Tolentino
Adrian C. Espinoza

Preventive Measures
Cognitive: for COVID-19
Students Provide a. Effects of
with ADHD information and Having Covid- Laptop
will have questions about 19 Virus PowerPoint 1 hour
knowledge preventive 1. Factors causing presentation and 15 Big screens
and measures of and video minutes using Rubrics:
information, Coronavirus/COVI presentations (10 projector Diagram (fill
2. Benefits of
and will D-19, its origin, all about minutes in the blanks))
Having a
recognize the and its etiology healthy Covid-19 break) video clips
virus interestingly. lifestyle (origin, downloade
etiology, 3. Proper hygiene etiology, d from
origin, and controls preventive YouTube
transmission b. Preventions measures)
models. Discuss isolation Pen and
and quarantine Paper
periods, and 1. Awareness
isolation in modes of
conditions. transmissio
n and how
to avoid it
a. Types of
b. Prevention and how
to avoid COVID-19
c. Vaccine

Affective: Encourage them to Definition of the Virus Brief 35 Handouts, Rubrics:

Students follow health A. Definition of discussion minutes laptop, Pen and Paper
with ADHD protocols on how the Disease (5 projector, Test (True or
will be to prevent COVID- A. Symptoms of minutes video clips False)
interested 19 COVID-19 video break)
and the B. To prevent the presentation Paper and
readiness on Discuss health and spread of pen
applying safety procedures COVID-19
preventive interestingly. C. Effects of
measures of having the
COVID-19 virus
1. Healthy
2. Proper
3. Different
Types of
Psychomoto Demonstrating a. Standard Demonstratio 20 Projector, Return
r: preventive Precautions n minutes Laptop, Demonstratio
Students measures such as b. Contact and 15 Video clips, n
with ADHD usage of masks, droplet Discussion minutes Facemasks
will apply proper precautions 10 Soap, Rubrics:
and practice handwashing, c. Airborne Video minutes water, basin Essay
ways on how physical precautions presentation
to prevent distancing, Pen and
and avoid infection controls, Methods of Evaluation Paper
COVID-19 and prevention Rubrics: Venn
properly strategies Diagram
Rubrics: True or false
Rubrics: Handwashing
Rubrics: Essay

Preventive Measures for COVID-19:

A. Effects of having COVID-19 Virus:
* Fever
* Cough
* Loss of taste
* Loss of smell
* Headache
* Diarrhea
* DOB (difficulty of breathing)
* Tiredness

1. Factors causing COVID-19

a) SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, is
the cause of coronavirus disease in 2019. (COVID-19).
b) When a person is exposed to very tiny droplets or aerosols that remain in the
air for several minutes or hours, the COVID-19 virus may occasionally
c) Close Contacts to people exposed to the virus

2. Benefits of having a healthy lifestyle.

a) Exercising regularly might improve your mood and make you feel better
b) Less health issues - leading a better lifestyle lowers your risk of becoming
sick frequently.
c) Saving money: consuming unhealthy foods, smoking, and consuming sugary
or alcoholic beverages all come at a cost. Habits
d) Getting healthy might help you feel in charge of your life and take control of
3. Proper Hygiene Controls (Self and Environment)
a) Take regular shower
b) Maintain oral hygiene
c) Wash your hands frequently
d) Wash your genitals
e) Keep your clothes and surrounding dry and clean
B. Prevention and interventions:
1. Awareness in modes of transmission and how to avoid it.

a) Type of transmissions:
(1) Aerosols or droplets. The most typical transmission is this one. Coughing up an
infected person When someone sneezes or talks, droplets or extremely small particles,
known as aerosols, are released into the air and carry the virus. It can be inhaled into
the lungs of anyone within 6 feet of that person.
(2) Transmission through air. According to research, the virus can survive in the air for
up to three hours. If someone, who has it exhales and you take that air in, it may enter
your lungs.
(3) Transmission on the surface. When you touch surfaces that someone with the virus
has coughed or sneezed on is a less common way to contract it.
(4) Fecal-oral. Studies also suggest that virus particles can be found in infected people's

b) Prevention and how to avoid COVID-19:

(1) Avoid traveling
(2) Stand at least 6 feet (about two arm lengths) away from people.
(3) Always wear a mask in indoor/outdoor public places
(4) Wash your hands often
(5) Keep your hands away from your eyes, mouth, and nose
(6) Avoid contacts, stay at home if you feel sick

c) Vaccine
1 Side effects:
Fever, headache, fatigue, and pain at the injection site were the most commonly
reported side effects, and overall, most side effects were mild to moderate. However, as
with the two-dose or single-dose primary shots, serious side effects are rare but can

2 Benefits:
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is a safer, more reliable way to build protection than getting
sick with COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccination helps protect you by creating an antibody
response without you having to experience sickness, potentially including severe illness,
or post-COVID conditions.


A. Definition about the disease.
- Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people
who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without
special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention.
A. Symptoms of Covid 19
1. fever
2. cough
3. tiredness
4. loss of taste or smell

B. To prevent the spread of Covid 19

1. Maintain a safe distance from others (at least 1 meter), even if they don’t appear to be
2. Wear a mask in public, especially indoors or when physical distancing is not possible.
3. Choose open, well-ventilated spaces over closed ones.
4. Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
5. Get vaccinated when it’s your turn. Follow local guidance about vaccination.
6. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
7. Stay home if you feel unwell.

C. Effects of having COVID-19.

- you will experience fever, cough, tiredness, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, headache,
diarrhea, and difficulty breathing.
a. Healthy lifestyle
1. Mental health is as important as physical health for a healthy lifestyle.
2. Avoid harmful habits like smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, etc.
3. A healthy lifestyle helps you live longer.
4. Healthy living reduces your risk of life-threatening diseases like cancer and diabetes,
among others.

b. Proper hygiene
1. Wash your hands frequently.
2. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
3. Clean your body every day.
4. Brush your teeth everyday
5. Wash your hands after handling pets and other animals.

c. Different types of Precautions

a. Standard Precautions
1. Hand hygiene
2. Personal Protective Equipment
3. Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
4. Cleaning and disinfection of devices and environmental surfaces.
5. Safe injection practices
6. Medication storage and handling.

b. Contact & Droplet Precautions

1. Clean your hands, including before entering and leaving the room entry.
2. Make sure not to touch unnecessary things
3. Wash your hand after touching something.
c. Airborne Precautions
1. Always wear your facemask and face shields
2. Stand at least 6 feet away from people.
3. Avoid going outside if it is not important


Rubrics: Ven diagram

Criteria Excellent (3 points) Good (2 points) Poor (1 point)

Text support of All statements are Most statements are Few or none of the
comparison supported by the text supported by the text statements are
statements supported by the text
Placement of All statements Most statements are Few statements are
statements within the nothing similarities place in the correct placed in the correct
Venn diagram are placed in the circle but student circle.
center circle and all mixed up a few
statements that note statements.
differences are placed
in the correct outer
Number of quality Student are able to Student are able to Student are able to
statement make 5 or more make 3-4 comparison make 2 or fewer
comparison statements in each comparison
statements in each circle statements in each
circle circle

Rubrics: True or False (WASHING YOUR HANDS)

False 1. You should always wash your hands with hot water.
False2. Letting your hands air dry is a good substitute for towels.
True 3. Hand sanitizers can replace handwashing.
False 4. You don’t have to dry your hands after washing.
False 5. You can never wash too long or scrub too hard.
Rubrics: Hand washing

Criteria Excellent (3 points) Good (2 points) Poor (1 point)

Followed Steps Followed all of the Missed one of the Missed all of the
handwashing steps. handwashing steps. handwashing steps

Order Did all of the steps in Only did two of the Didn't do any of the
order. handwashing steps in handwashing steps in
order. order.
Time Washed hands for 20 Washed hands for Washed hands for
seconds. less than 20 seconds. less than 10 seconds

Washed hands Washed hands Had to be told to Had to be told to

independently without being told. wash hands 1x. wash hands more
than 3x.

Rubrics: Essay

Criteria Excellent (3 points) Good (2 points) Poor (1 point)

Quality of Writing The piece was Piece had little Gives no new
written in an written in style or information is and
extraordinary style voice very poorly
and voice was very organized
informative and well
Grammar Usage & Virtually no spelling, Few spellings and So many spelling,
Mechanics punctuation, or number of punctuation and
grammatical errors punctuation spelling, grammatical errors
errors, minor that it interferes with
punctuation, or the meaning
grammatical errors.


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