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OMAR AHMAD 7/9/2022

Hello new 6th grade parents! I am Mr. Ahmad your

child’s science teacher this year, we are in for a good
I am a graduate of BYU and met my beautiful wife of 6
years in Uta h. I love science and studied paleontology
so I can answer all those Jurassic Park questions this
year. I speak Malay, Indonesian, basic Arabic, and
beginners Urdu. I am a movie buff so any suggestions
I am excited to be teaching this year and here are just
my top 3 expectations for the school year…

1. Students will actively be engaged in class, we do partners and small groups

2. Students will keep their hands an feet to themselves, science labs can have some hazards
we don’t need to add more into the mix with horsing around
3. Students are expected to clean after themselves, I am only one man
Your child will be graded on a 0-4 scale and attempting to answer is better than not answering.
Homework will be turned into the correct period basket, and passed back after being recorded.
Assignments that miss the due dates have the following consequence… 1 day late -10pts, 2 days
late -20 pts, 3 days late -30 pts, and on the 4th day it becomes an automatic 0.
Assignments can be retaken by writing a mini essay about the topic with correct grammar and
spelling. Failed tests will be able to make points back to a 70 if your child writes the question
followed the complete answer on a separate sheet of paper.
If your child is absent, it will be their responsibility to make- up the missed work. They will have
a day to make up for each assignment per missed day.
I am always available by email and phone (given I am not teaching) and you can schedule a time
to meet with me during my preparation period if needed. Please remember I am human and may
not respond back to you if email/phone calls are made after 4 pm.

I look forward to seeing your child grow and learn in Science this year!

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