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1. Read the information about famous people.

Match the sentences (1–5) with the descriptions (a–f).

0 This person had the same role on screen several times over d
1 Fans and followers didn’t call this person by their real name. __

2 This person was responsible for something that’s on most computers. __

3 This person created a way for people to share what they thought online. __

4 This person had a great idea for something while they were travelling. __

5 This person has a connection with sport but is not a sportsperson. __


2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the SIMPLE

0 I ’m not doing (not do) homework this evening because I don’t have any.
1. (you / check) your emails before you go to school?
2. Paul and Matthew (play) tennis so they’re not at home right now.
3. I (not eat) meat because I’m a vegetarian.
4. Emma (watch) her favourite TV show so don’t disturb her!
5. Jack’s always busy, so he (not see) his friends every day.

3. Complete the text with the words in the box. There is one more word than you need.

like prefer wouldn’t like would enough want

Hi! My name’s Karina, and my friend Jackie and I really 0 like shopping in the mall in
our town! I think Jackie 1 like to go every weekend, but we don’t have 2
money to do that. We need to go next Saturday because I need a new dress for a party. I
can get one online, I guess, but I’d 3 to look in the shops in the mall. I’ve got some
money from my birthday, but I don’t 4 to get anything expensive, and
there’s a great shop in the mall that’s very cheap! I wouldn’t 5
to shop there all the time, but when
I haven’t got much money, it’s OK!

4. Complete the story with verbs in simple past about Michael

The American superstar Michael Jackson __________(be) born in Gary, Indiana, on
August 29, 1958. He_________(entertain) audiences nearly his entire life. In 1964
Michael __________ (begin) to perform with his brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and
A musical prodigy, Michael's singing and dancing talents ______(be) amazing, and he
soon________(become) the dominant voice and focus of The Jackson 5. They
_________(sing) lots of incredible songs like "I Want You Back," "ABC," and "Never
Can Say Goodbye”.
By the 1980s, he ________(become) infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. A
TV natural, he _________(play) some roles in films, such as playing the Scarecrow
in El Mago (1978), but He ________(have) much better luck with elaborate music
He ___________(marry) Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley’s daughter and the
_______(get) a divorce a few months later. He ___________(have) three children with
his second wife
Michael ___________(die) on June 25, 2009, at the age of 50.
5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There is one more word than you need.

sell borrow save buy spend earn shop

0 Do teachers earn a lot of money in your country?

1 Can I your jacket? I haven’t got mine and I’m really cold!
2 John tries to €20 of his poket money every month. He puts the money in
the bank.
3 Alice doesn’t magazines because she never reads them.
4 I want to my bicycle because I don’t use it very often.
5 How much do you on chocolate every week?

6. WAS/WERE: Complete the sentences:

a) _____ you at the station? No, I ______. I _____ at home.

b) _______ she a doctor? Yes, she ______
c) _______Sara here last summer? No, she ______. She_____ in Mexico.
d) _______ they our students? Yes, they ______.
e) _______Luca in our class? No, he______.

7. Complete the sentences with the names of jobs. The first letter is there to help you. There is
ONE space for each letter in the word.

0 My mum’s an a r t i s t – she can paint anything!

1 Sarah’s a n and she works at the hospital in our town.
2 Al’s a really good m . He plays the guitar and the piano.
3 My cousin’s an a . He’s in a show at our local theatre.
4 Mr Smith is a v and looks after our dog when it’s ill.
5 Laura started ballet lessons years ago and now she’s a famous d .
8. Highlight the correct answer.
0 Sarah was breaking / broke a cup when she was washing up.
1 Luckily, I wasn’t waiting / didn’t wait at the bus stop when it rained. I was at home.
2 Tom’s phone was ringing / rang while we were doing our test.
3 We were watching / watched a good film when Dad came home.
4 I couldn’t understand / didn’t can Maths when I was small.
5 We were listening to music when somebody was knocking / knocked at the door.

Write a story. Use the prompts below to help you. (100-120 words)

When? Where? Who? What / doing?How / end? (surprise!)

Write 70–80 words. The story should begin:

Hannah was very surprised when she opened the door.





AUDIO: Eyes Open: Unit 3 Standard test

1. Listen to a woman talking to a police officer. Answer the questions. Choose the correct
answer: a, b or c.

0 The woman was coming home from 3 When she opened the front door,
a the shops. someone
b her office a called her.
c her friend’s house. b was just leaving the garden.
1 Her husband is learning c came out of the house.
a French. 4 She saw a man carrying
b English. a cameras and jewellery.
c Spanish. b cameras and money.
2 When she reached her house, she c money and jewellery.
a ran to the front 5 The woman thinks the man was
door. wearing
b didn’t open the a a jeans and a hoodie.
door. b a hoodie and a hat.
c felt a bit afraid. c jeans and a hat.

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