Let Freedom Ring (2022)

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A6 Thursday, June 30, 2022 Livingston County News


Relatives remember Pavilion veteran as a ‘trickster’

WORLD WAR II: Family members of Jack McGee shares stories passed on
BY BRIAN QUINN in the liberation of Dachau
bquinn@batavianews.com and about Dr. Walter Heu-
mann being a prisoner there.
LE ROY — Sitting around “Especially because Dr.
the table at the Brooks home Heumann was our doctor!”
on South Street Road, rela- Brooks said.
tives of Pavilion native and Powers said the Heumann
World War II veteran Jack family went on to become a
McGee talked about the distinguished part of the com-
McGee sense of humor. munity. Dr. Walter Heumann
Mary Ann Brooks and died in 1978 at age 67.
Pat LaPoint, Jack McGee’s Brooks and LaPoint, in
nieces, said much of what their early 80s, said their
they learned about their uncle uncle and his family were
came from stories that were very fun-loving.
told. Mary Ann Brooks said they
“The boys were all alike. have a cousin, Joyce Her-
They were all characters,” old, in her late 80s, of Pavil-
Mary Ann Brooks said. “We ion Center, who knew Jack
kind of knew him through McGee well growing up.
his brothers as much as any- “She told a story, she said
thing.” he was a trickster. He used to
Mary Ann Brooks jokingly walk around Pearl Creek on
admitted there was something his hands — all around Pearl
she didn’t care about regard- Creek,” Mary Ann said. “She
ing Jack McGee from a letter said that he was a real char-
he wrote home from Europe. acter. He was just full of fun.
“In this letter, he says, ‘I The whole family was.”
thought that was a real nice Herold told The Daily News
picture of the kids. Patty by phone in June, “He was
looks as if she’s getting a little quite the prankster. I remem-
fatter and Mary Ann is just as ber that mostly because I was
chubby as ever,” Mary Ann very young too. I remember
read and laughed. him playing jokes on me and MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS
Jack McGee, born in 1921, tricks and things like that.” Jack McGee’s nieces, Mary Ann Brooks and Pat LaPoint hold their uncle’s Bronze Star.
was a son of Elmer and Marjo- Another example of the
rie (Snider) McGee. McGee’s McGee sense of humor, Mary they were growing up, “I graduated fifth in my class.” later, through a picture, that LaPoint said she and
family included brothers, Ann Brooks said, came from want you to be good students. As it turned out, Robert there were only six students
Robert, Francis, Richard and her father telling them, while I want you to be like I was. I McGee’s daughters found out in their dad’s class. See JACK A7
Vincent, and sisters, Millie
and Mary. Richard and Vin-
cent who also served during
the war. Millie’s son, Jack
Powers, had spoken about
his uncle, Jack McGee, when
McGee, a 1940 Pavilion grad-
uate, was inducted June 3 into
the Pavilion Central School
Alumni Hall of Fame.
Jack McGee joined the
Army in January 1944 and
was assigned to the 3rd Bat-
talion, 157th Infantry Regi-
ment, 45th Infantry Division
in France in September. He
was killed in an accident in
May 1945, while on duty in
McGee was part of a bat-
talion that liberated the con-
centration camp in Dachau in
Germany during World War
II. Though he didn’t know
it, one of the prisoners at the
camp would later come to
Pavilion with his family and
serve for years as a doctor at
Pavilion Central School.
On April 29, 1945, the 3rd
Battalion liberated 32,000
internees from the camp at
“When they approached the
camp, they saw railroad cars
filled with dead and dying
prisoners,” McGee’s nephew
Jack Powers said in June
when McGee was inducted
into the Alumni Hall of Fame.
Among the 32,000 prison-
ers freed from Dachau were
a physician, Dr. Walter Heu-
mann. In 1947, he and his
wife, Ruth, came to the Unit-
ed States. His first job was
as an intern in Connecticut,
then he got a job in Sonyea
in Craig Colony. He came to
Pavilion in 1952, according to
a 1960 Daily News story.
Heumann ended up open-
ing his practice on Route 63,
directly across from Pavilion
Central School.
“For many years, he was a
family physician to my fam-
ily and many others. He was
also the school physician and
he gave annual physicals to
many of us who were going
for football or other sports
...” Powers said during the
ceremony. “Who knows how
many conditions Doc Heu-
mann discovered during
those annual physicals that he
helped ward off some serious
McGee’s nieces, Mary Ann
Brooks and Pat LaPoint, said
it was startling to find out
about his unit being involved

Livingston County News Thursday, June 30, 2022 A7


Freeing a future Pavilion doctor

3RD BATTALION: Jack McGee part of unit to liberate Dr. Walter Heumann from Dachau
BY BRIAN QUINN Fame. during those annual physicals “He was the school physician, so there was a car,” she said. never knew when our time might
bquinn@batavianews.com “When they approached the that he helped ward off some he did all the physicals.” Brooks’ husband, Don, said come, so we were always packed
camp, they saw railroad cars serious problem?” Mary Ann Brooks said she doctors made house calls all the expecting to be taken away at
A Pavilion man was part of a filled with dead and dying pris- Powers said the Heumann needed surgery on her leg after time in those days. any time.”
battalion that liberated the con- oners,” Powers said at the time. family went on to become a Heumann and the other doctor In the 1960 Daily News story, They were first taken, along
centration camp in Dachau in Among the 32,000 prisoners distinguished part of the commu- tried to set it a couple of times. before the Heumann family
Germany during World War II. with Ruth Heumann’s mother,
freed from Dachau were a physi- nity. Dr. Walter Heumann died Joyce Herold of Pavilion came to Pavilion, Heumann’s to Auschwitz, where they were
Though he didn’t know it, one of cian, Dr. Walter Heumann. In in 1978 at age 67. Center, a cousin of Brooks and first job was as an intern in Con-
the prisoners at the camp would separated. Ruth Heumann was
1947, he and his wife, Ruth, Later in June, McGee’s niec- LaPoint, remembered the doctor necticut. After that, he got a job at Auschwitz when the Russians
later come to Pavilion with his came to the United States, and to es, Mary Ann Brooks and Pat as well. in Sonyea in Craig Colony. He
family and serve for years as liberated it in 1945. The Ameri-
Pavilion in 1952, according to a LaPoint, said it was startling to “I still live by a lot of the studied psychiatry this time. cans liberated the camp her hus-
a doctor at Pavilion Central 1960 Daily News story. find out about his unit being things he taught me. He had “What we didn’t know was
School. band was at the same year.
Heumann ended up opening involved in the liberation of some good common sense — not that he was a psychiatrist. He
Jack McGee joined the “A Jewish chaplain gave Ruth
his practice on Route 63, directly Dachau and about Dr. Walter to take too many pills when you would have the psychiatric
Army in January 1944 and was across from Pavilion Central Heumann being a prisoner there. had a cold,” she said. “A lot of patients at night to be discreet, a list of freed persons. Her hus-
assigned to the 3rd Battalion, School. “Especially because Dr. Heu- home remedies is what he gave so nobody knew,” Mary Ann band’s name was there and with
157th Infantry Regiment, 45th “For many years, he was a mann was our doctor!” Brooks me. He wasn’t all medical. I had Brooks said. the normal means of transporta-
Infantry Division in France in family physician to my family said. five children. We went to him In the 1960 article, Walter and tion severed, she managed to
September. and many others. He was also At one time, Heumann was until he left.” Ruth Heumann came to America hide, as she says, ‘like a hobo’
On April 29, 1945, the 3rd the school physician and he gave in downtown Pavilion, Brooks LaPoint said back then, aboard the refugee ship Ernie on top of a load of coal to Bavar-
Battalion liberated 32,000 intern- annual physicals to many of us said. She remembered breaking decades ago, families only had Pyle with their son, Harry, who ia for three days and nights,”
ees from the camp at Dachau, who were going for football or her leg and that Heumann and one car. was 7 months old. the article said. When she was
McGee’s nephew, Jack Powers, other sports ...” Powers said dur- another doctor treated her. “The man of the family “The local Nazis always had reunited with her husband, Ruth
had said in June when McGee ing the Hall of Fame ceremony. “Then they built the house worked. If you were going to the a quota of Jews to fill for send- Heumann said, “It was a won-
was inducted into the Pavilion “Who knows how many condi- across from the school,” LaPoint doctor, he either came to your ing to the concentration camps,” derful reunion, mixed with dirty
Central School Alumni Hall of tions Doc Heumann discovered said of Heumann and the family. house or you went at night when Walter Heumann said. “We coal dust and emotion.”

Jack Powers said his uncle

joined the Army in January
1944. By June, McGee was a
From A6 trained combat infantryman,
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Brooks lived in Buffalo when ready for deployment.
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they were young. “In that same month, he AR


came home for two weeks to

“My dad and both sets of

visit his family, including my Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

grandparents were working at


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either the Curtiss or Bell air- mother, who was five months
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plane plants. pregnant with me. That was Office: 585.343.6750
“There were soldiers in and the last time the family would davidadams@howardhanna.com
see Jack alive,” Powers said. HowardHanna.com
out of our house all the time,”
LaPoint recalled. “Whoever McGee joined the 45th
was on furlough at the time, Infantry Division in France in
they seemed to gravitate September 1944. By October,
(toward) our house. We had a Jack earned a Combat Infan-
lot of uncles, a lot of relatives, try Badge and Bronze Star
Mary Ann Brooks and her sister, Pat LaPoint, look at photos
from Covington, from Perry. Medal. of their uncle, Jack McGee.
The thing that I remember “That division was made
is them hoisting me up on up of National Guard units after the war in Europe ended, buried in the American Bat- www.maxpiesfurniture.com
their shoulders. I was the first from Colorado, New Mexico, in an accident while still on tlefield Cemetery in Lorraine, WHERE OUR CUSTOMERS SEND THEIR FRIENDS
grandchild born. so, obvi- Oklahoma. They were large- duty in Germany. McGee is France.
ously, I was quite a novelty. ly native American Indians, EST. 1905 | Family Owned | Bedding | Carpeting | FURNITURE
They would sing ‘Peg O’ My American Hispanics and cow- We Are Open For All Of Your Foot Care Needs 400 Jackson St. | BATAVIA | 585.343.6280
Heart’ to me — the song, ‘Peg boys,” he said. “It was quite
O’ My Heart,’ that was popu- a unit for Jack McGee, who
lar at the time. At that age, I came from Pearl Creek, N.Y.,
don’t think you pay attention to join. That unit was bat-
to who’s in and who’s out, tle-hardened. They had gone
who’s your relative.” through some vicious combat
In those days, nobody talk-
ed much about World War II,
LaPoint said. They didn’t find
in Italy and southern France.”
Jack Powers said his uncle’s
role was as a machine-gunner, 3922 West Main Street Road, Batavia
Lamb Farms,, Inc
out most of what they know a tough job. 585-344-1677 | www.bataviafootcarecenter.com
A New York Leader In
about Jack McGee’s service McGee was killed shortly Quality Milk Production
until Jack Powers did all the
research he did. And Ag Innovation
“That was all new to us,”
Mary Ann Brooks said. 585-948-5777
Mary Ann said another
cousin, Don Snider, who
served during the war, was
supposed to meet Jack lambfarms@hotmail.com
lambfarms@hotmail.com •• OAKFIELD,
NY •• lambfarmsinc.net
McGee. McGee was tragical-
ly killed the day before Snider
was supposed to meet up with
him, Brooks said.
“He (Don Snider) had to
keep that secret for a whole
month, because it was a whole C.B. Beach & Son
month before Grandma found
out (about McGee’s death) by Happy 4th of July! Mortuary, Inc.
telegram,” she said.
Pat LaPoint said their 77 Years in Business “IT’S WHAT WE DO” 1903-2022
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“Millie told me that story.
She was there when the West- 128 Cedar St. Batavia, NY • 585-343-2400 / 585-356-4300
ern Union people came,” RAHAITZ.COM
Mary Ann Brooks said.

B6 Thursday, June 30, 2022 Livingston County News


Where to be patriotic for the Fourth of July

BY KORI SCIANDRA tion, call William Kane (585) event includes craft vendors,
ksciandra@batavianews.com 382-3460 or Norman Gates food vendors, a designated
(585) 243-2536. kids’ zone with rides and
WARSAW — Celebrat-
ing Independence Day tradi- activities and lots of music.
tions can range from town-
Warsaw Firemen’s This is a family-friendly,
wide customs such as July Fourth of July Carnival community-based event that
4 parades bursting with red, encourages everyone to stop
July 2 to 4 • Warsaw out and enjoy the sights and
white and blue decor to fam- The carnival sets up in the
ily-filled barbecues by the sounds of downtown Batavia
Village Park, 89 Liberty St., and the Ramble.
pool and a packed crowd for Warsaw. The weekend will
watching fireworks. feature Midway rides, chick-
Though each tradition may en barbecue, a parade, live
3rd of July Fireworks
vary between families, July entertainment daily and fire- July 3 • Conesus Lake
4 celebrations are among the works on July 4. For updates, Originally an old Seneca
most celebrated holiday tra- go to • warsawfiredepartment. Indian tradition, this Indepen-
ditions in the United States. com. dence Day celebration is the
This year, the GLOR highlight of the summer on
region is filled with fun for The Batavia Ramble Conesus Lake. When the Sen-
the whole family to enjoy. eca Indians were the sole resi-
The York-Leicester Field
PHOTO COURTESY OF THE WARSAW FIRE DEPARTMENT AND RESCUE SQUAD. July 2 and 3 • Batavia dents of Conesus Lake they
Day makes its return for the Celebrate July 4th weekend at the Warsaw Fireman’s Parade. The annual Ramble begins would gather at fires around
first time in two years. Bata- 2 p.m. in Jackson Square the lake to celebrate the beau-
via’s Ramble expands into a way Complex, 4389 Gypsy ing on the giant screens in Java Lake will host its between Center and Jack-
large arts festival. Lane, Mount Morris. When 4K laser projection, family annual events with a fire- son streets, Batavia. The free See 4TH B7
One of the biggest – viewed, the monument stage events, miniature golf, work show slated for Sun-
and earliest – celebrations appears to be a flag furling Corral Mining Co., family day, July 3, the public is
arrives when the Warsaw in the breeze. Many poppies video arcade, playgrounds welcome to attend.
Fire Department and Rescue are designed to move in the and plenty of space for fam- Other Fourth of July cel-
Squad hosts its annual 4th wind. Parking is adjacent to ilies to gather and play. ebrations in the GLOW
region include: Real Estate Services
of July Carnival, slated for the monument, which visi- Charcoal Corral will have
tors are able to walk through real char grilled food, pizza, Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!
July 1 to 4 at the Village
and explore up close. ice cream, and an outdoor York Leicester Field Day DEBORAH GILLEN

Park on Liberty Street. The

In Groveland, the Revo- barbecue, slated for Satur-

weekend will feature rides, July 1 • Retsof Licensed Real Estate Salesperson



games, a parade, chicken lutionary War Ambus- day, July 2 with possibly The community-sponsored 570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020

barbecue, music, fireworks cade Park at 5434 David more barbecues to be held event is scheduled from 7 Cell: 585.749.8951
and more. Gray Hill Rd., Groveland, throughout the weekend. to 11 p.m. on the grounds at Office: 585.343.6750 ext. 2133
has an obelisk marking the For more information deborahgillen@howardhanna.com
Events include a beer tent, York Central School, 2578 HowardHanna.com
from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Fri- site where British forces about the upcoming events, Genesee St., Retsof, and fea-
day with music by Radio ambushed a Continental visit CharcoalCorral.com. tures games, music, prizes,
Relapse from 9 p.m. to 1 Army scout party. For infor- Yogi Bear’s Jellystone refreshments, free treats for
The Carnival opens at
mation, go to www.grove-
land.ny.org or call (585)
Park – Western New York,
at 5204 Younger Road,
youngsters, and one the larg-
est fireworks display in west-
home / auto / life / small business
noon Saturday, July 2 with 243-1750. North Java, will host a fire- ern New York beginning at
matinees from 1 to 5 p.m. Or, consider a visit to the work display July 3. The dusk.
and 6 to 10 p.m. It will National Warplane Muse- event is not open to the pub- The event is handicapped family owned & operated since 1938
include music by the Double um in Geneseo. The his- lic but can be seen from the accessible. Admission is free,
Cross Band in the Beer Tent torical aviation museum at surrounding roads. but donations will be grate-
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sat- 3489 Big Tree Lane, Gen- If you aren’t looking to fully accepted at the gates and Richard Donohue Jr., Broker
urday. eseo, houses vintage air- camp at Yogi this weekend, stands. No alcoholic bever- 39 Vine Street, Batavia
The Carnival continues craft, armor and other pieces park on the side of Younger ages, smoking, pets or outside 585.343.5604
Sunday beginning at noon from around the world. The Road to enjoy thefirework vendors are permitted on the donohueins@gmail.com
with a matinee from 1 to 5 museum moved a C-130 show. school grounds. For informa-
p.m. with chicken barbe- that saw service in Vietnam
cue served at the fire hall from the Smithsonian Insti-
and Legion Hall from 3 tution to the museum where
p.m. until sold out (take-out it is being developed into an
only). The parade will kick- exhibition. Other exhibits
of at 7 p.m. Sunday evening. highlight the Tuskegee Air- Real Estate Services
Enjoy music by Trolls 2.0 Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!
man and look at World War AR


in the Beer Tent from 9 p.m.


II from the home front per-



to 1 a.m. This is Trolls 2.0 Licensed Associate RE Broker


spective. Many uniforms are




10-year anniversary playing 570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020

also on display. The muse- Cell: 585.314.7269
at the Warsaw Fire Depart- um is open daily 10 a.m. to Office: 585.343.6750
ment 4th of July Carnival. 4 p.m. through September. Fax: 585.343.8502
The Carnival opens back michelledills@howardhanna.com
For more information, go to HowardHanna.com
up at noon Monday, July 4 nationalwarplanemuseum.
with a Matinee from 1 to org or call (585) 243-2100.
5 p.m. with music by First
Class Entertainment Gen. 2
Beyond those events and
locations, plenty of summer TRI-COUNTY WELDING INC.
(DJ) in the beer tent from fun is in store. Commercial or Residential
“No job Dan
8 p.m. to 12 a.m. with fire- The Charcoal Corral & Portable & Shop
work show, slated for 10 too big or Mattice,
Silver Lake Twin Drive- too small” Custom Made Trailer Hitches President
p.m., to end the fun-filled In, 7037 Chapman Ave.,
weekend. Custom Made Truck Bodies
Perry, is in walking distance All Type Farm Implement Repair & Service
Donations for the firework of Silver Lake for the Ring
show can be sent to Warsaw of Fire, slated for July 3. 649 East Main, Batavia, NY 14020
Fire Dept., Attn: Fireworks, It will be open throughout 343-5647 (Call Anytime)
P.O. Box 229, Warsaw, NY, July 4 weekend.
For more information
There will be giant Let Freedom Ring!
inflatables, movies show-
about the Carnival or if
you’re interested in lending
a hand, email warsawfd@
For those looking for a
We will be
calm and peaceful place to
sit and enjoy the holiday,
they can stop for coffee or
bringing your lunch to Lib- July 2nd,
erty Way Park at 104 West
Buffalo St., Warsaw. The
solemn park is dawned with
July 3rd,
a beautiful display of flags,
including the American July 4th
flag, flags from each branch
of the United States military in observance of Independence Day “God Bless the men and women
and the POW flag and more.
Another location that may that preserve our freedom.”
appeal to a period of patri- Open at 8:30 AM Tuesday July 5th
otic reflection is the Liv-
ingston County Veterans
Monument, which features
250 metal poppies created
by veterans and their fam-
ily members. The poppies
all feature the name of a Best Brands - Best Prices
veteran – either the veteran
who created the piece, or Best Guarantee ... You Gotta Love Carpet One! Vern C. Falcone Jenna M. Falcone Brooks
in honor of a veteran. The
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poppies have been erected 651 East Main St., Batavia, NY 14020 • 343-7830
on a concrete pad painted
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm; Saturday 8:30am-2:00pm
to resemble an American 8700 Lake Rd. (585) 768-2400
flag near Route 63 at the www.willscarpetonebatavia.com LeRoy, NY 14482 www.falconefuneralhome.com
Livingston County High-

Livingston County News Thursday, June 30, 2022 B7


Conesus Lake Ring of Fire

nears 90 years
On July 3, residents flares. Additional flares
around Conesus Lake will for members and all flares
celebrate nine decades for non-members will cost
of what has often been $2.50 each.
described as the fin- Patti Bedard, CLA Pres-
est Ring of Fire in the ident, wants to remind
state, said John Connelly, those who participate in
a director of the Conesus the Ring of Fire to wait
Lake Association. until precisely 10 p.m. to
The description, Connel- light up their flares. “That
ly said, is probably due to guarantees that everyone
the participation of virtu- around the lake will get a
ally every household that full 30 minutes to appreci-
surrounds Conesus Lake. ate this annual spectacle,”
The Conesus Lake Asso- she said.
ciation will have two more Bedard also recommend-
days for its members and ed that spikes from the
the general public to pur- spent flares are picked up
chase flares for this year’s and disposed of properly
Ring of Fire. The days and to prevent possible injury.
times to pick up flares at The Ring of Fire dates
the Fire Department Train- to the 1930s. The display
ing Grounds on Stone Hill stems from an old Sen-
Road, Lakeville, are Fri- eca Indian tradition called
day, July 1, from 4 to 7 the “Ring of Fire.” When
p.m., and Saturday, July 2, the Senecas were the sole
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. No residents of Conesus Lake
Attendees at the 2018 York-Leicester Field Day participate in a wheelbarrow race. The event returns July 1 to the York Cen-
tral School grounds. flares will be distributed they would gather at fires
on Sunday, July 3. around the lake to cele-
As always, CLA mem- brate its beauty and abun-

York tradition returns bers will receive two free dance.

BY BRENDAN MCDONOUGH This year marks the 67th Both men devoted many years tainment.
bmcdonough@livingstonnews.com year the event has been held. of service to the Associa- If there is rain on the day of
YORK – After being can- In addition to having a great tion and contributed a great the event, it will be resched-
celled last year because of fireworks display. Grant deal of their time and talents, uled for July 2.
the COVID-19 pandemic the noted the event is also free. which insured the success of Admission is to the Field
York-Leicester Field Day and “The fact that the event is the event. Day and Fireworks free, but
Fireworks, will be returning free draws a lot of people. “The community really organizers said they hope that
this year and people are get- We furnish ice cream, pop- enjoys it,” said Grant. attendees will donate what
ting excited about it. corn, soda, snow cones and The event will also include they can to ensure that the
“I think people are get- they are all free but we hope family games, activities for event will be able to continue
ting anxious to do something that people will donate,” said children and musical enter- for years to come.
again,” said Program Coordi- Grant.
nator Betty Grant. The Field Day will be dedi-
The event is scheduled for cated this year to the memory
7 p.m. July 1 on the grounds of two members who passed
of York Central School, 2578 away in the past year, Bill
Genesee St., Retsof. Lubanski and Dutch VanRy.

4th p.m. Rain date is July 5.

Independence Day
From B6 Celebration
ty and abundance of the lake. July 4 • Mumford
Today, lake residents light Bring the whole family
flares at 10 p.m. along the to Genesee Country Village
shoreline of the lake creating and Museum, 1410 Flint Hill
a ring of fire. The night is Rd., for a grand celebration
highlighted by fireworks dis- of America’s birth, complete
plays. Public viewing at Long with games, picnics, contests,
Point Park. For updates, go to and a ceremony to swear in
conesusfest.com. new United States citizens.
Also enjoy the marching
Ring of Fire bands and the grand parade.
July 3 • Silver Lake The day will feature a reading
of the Declaration of Inde- QUALITY READY-MIXED CONCRETE
Residences along the shore- pendence. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
line of Silver Lake light flares Admission applies. For infor- 1-800-873-8826 638 East Main Street
at 9:30 p.m. with fireworks at mation, go to www.gcv.org, Phone: 343-6850 Batavia, NY 14020
10 p.m. For information, call or call (585) 538-6822.
(585) 237-6310 .

Fourth of July Lions Club

July 4 • Lyndonville.
Events being presented at 8
South Main St., Lyndonville,
include a multimedia crafts
show, parade at noon, bounce
houses, live music, and Lions
Club old-fashioned chicken
barbecue. Entertainment and
activities all day. There will SHOP L
be a firework display at 10
& SAVE !

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