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Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072


Anticaries effect of an antioxidant-rich apple concentrate

on enamel in an experimental biofilm-demineralization
~ oz-Sandoval1,2
R.A. Giacaman1,2, M.P. Contzen1, J.A. Yuri2,3 and C. Mun
1 Cariology Unit, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, University of Talca, Talca, Chile
2 Interdisciplinary Excellence Research Program on Healthy Aging (PIEI-ES), University of Talca, Talca, Chile
3 Centro de Pomaceas, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, University of Talca, Talca, Chile

Keywords Abstract
antioxidants, apple, biofilms, dental caries,
polyphenols, Streptococcus mutans. Aims: To assess the anticaries activity of an antioxidant-rich apple concentrate
(ARAC) in an experimental biofilm caries model on enamel.
Correspondence Methods and Results: A validated caries model with Streptococcus mutans
Rodrigo A. Giacaman, 2 Norte 685, Escuela UA159 biofilms was used. Biofilms were formed on enamel slabs during
de Odontologıa, Talca, Chile.
5 days. To mimic cariogenic challenges, triplicate slabs were exposed three
times per day for 5 min to 10% sucrose followed by five additional minutes of
2014/0434: received 28 February 2014, exposure to serial dilutions of ARAC in 09% NaCl. A triplicate slab exposed
revised 28 May 2014 and accepted 2 June to 10% sucrose followed by 09% NaCl served as caries-positive control.
2014 Acidogenicity was estimated by medium pH twice per day. After the
experimental phase, biofilms were recovered to determine biomass, viable
doi:10.1111/jam.12561 bacteria and intra- and extracellular polysaccharides. Slabs were used to
estimate demineralization by the percentage of surface microhardness loss (%
SHL). Differences among treatments were analysed by ANOVA and Bonferroni
test (P < 005). Streptococcus mutans biofilms were exposed to ARAC after a
cariogenic challenge with sucrose-induced lower enamel demineralization than
the positive control. The highest dilution of ARAC at 1 : 100 000 (v/v) showed
the most marked reduction in demineralization of about 57%. Although no
differences were observed in the number of bacterial cells, the intracellular
polysaccharides or in the biomass (P > 005), the highest dilution of the apple
concentrate induced significantly lower extracellular polysaccharide formation
by the biofilm.
Conclusions: An apple concentrate in low concentrations appears to have a
potential anticaries activity on enamel. Data suggest a metabolic rather than an
antimicrobial mechanism, but further research is needed.
Significance and Impact of the Study: Phenolic compounds contained in
apple concentrates seem to have anticaries properties that may be effective
even in the presence of sucrose and in very low doses. Nutritional
interventions that do not require rescinding from sucrose might be derived
from these findings.

than one-third of the population at all ages (Murray

et al. 2012). Besides the obvious detriment to oral health,
Dental caries continues to be a major public health prob- dental caries compromises quality of life (Scarpelli et al.
lem and one of the conditions with the highest preva- 2013) and it is the main oral cause of disability-adjusted
lence worldwide (Bagramian et al. 2009), affecting more life years (DALYs) (Murray et al. 2012). Given the high

846 Journal of Applied Microbiology 117, 846--853 © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology
R.A. Giacaman et al. Anticariogenicity of an apple concentrate

prevalence and its negative consequences for the popula- Although some studies suggest an anticaries effect from
tion, new approaches to cope with the disease are polyphenols (Ferrazzano et al. 2011) and also from apple-
required. As caries restorative treatment is expensive and derived polyphenols (Yanagida et al. 2000), most of them
dental health care has usually low coverage among the have been performed through microbiological assays
population in most countries, treatment strategies must against cariogenic bacteria. It is less clear that this effect
focus on finding novel preventive approaches. could be evidenced when a relevant caries model with cari-
Widely accepted in the dental field, fluoridated agents ogenic biofilms and dental tissues is assayed, nonetheless.
have been highly effective in preventing caries (Jones et al. With that purpose in mind, we conducted the present
2005). Furthermore, fluorides are perhaps the dental ther- report whose aim was to evaluate the anticaries effect of
apy more strongly based on evidence (Ten Cate 2012). Yet, an apple concentrate on dental enamel in a validated bio-
functional foods, nutraceutics and prebiotics from natural film-based caries model (Giacaman et al. 2012).
origin are being increasingly considered within the medical
field as “healthier” approaches to treat diseases, and their
Materials and methods
consumption is rapidly increasing (Ozen et al. 2012).
Hence, growing interest in the dental field in finding natu-
Experimental design
ral agents with anticaries properties, different to fluoride, is
perceived. Results from the scarce published studies, how- A previously validated caries model with biofilms of the
ever, are far from being conclusive (Rethman et al. 2011). cariogenic Streptococcus mutans (Strep. mutans) UA159
Containing a wide range of molecules from different was used (Ccahuana-Vasquez and Cury 2010). This
origin and structure, an anticaries effect of various natu- model allows assessing the effect of putative anticaries
ral products has been reported (Jeon et al. 2011). Among substances in both biofilm formation and the hard tissue
the substances with putative anticaries effect, polyphenol demineralization inhibition upon several cariogenic chal-
antioxidants contained in fruits and vegetables have been lenges. Strep. mutans biofilms were formed on bovine
claimed as potentially active against the disease (Ferrazz- enamel slabs for 5 days. Biofilms/slabs were exposed three
ano et al. 2011). Phenolic compounds are substances times per day to a solution of 10% sucrose (w/v) for
belonging to a heterogeneous group, from simple to 5 min to create cariogenic conditions followed by five
highly polymerized molecules, including flavonoids additional minutes of exposure to an experimental anti-
(quercetin and kaempferol), phenolic acids (chlorogenic oxidant-rich apple concentrate in three serial dilutions of
acid and caffeic acid) and carotenoids (lutein and zeaxan- 1 : 1, 1 : 1000 and 1 : 100 000 (v/v). The dilutions used
thin). Health benefit from phenolic consumption derives were based on previous experiments showing effect at
not from one particular component, but from the syner- very high dilutions. A group of slabs was exposed to 10%
gistic activity of the bioactive compounds and other sucrose followed by 09% NaCl (positive caries-control)
nutrients contained in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and and another to 09% NaCl followed by 09% NaCl (nega-
other plant foods (Liu 2013). Besides a reported associa- tive caries-control). Culture medium was replenished
tion between the consumption of fruit and vegetables twice per day, and the pH of the spent medium was mea-
with a reduced rate of coronary heart disease (Dauchet sured to evaluate acidogenicity by the biofilm. After the
et al. 2006), phenolic compounds in natural products 5 days of the experimental phase, biofilms were recovered
have been investigated as potential anticaries agents (Yoo to assess total biomass, viable bacteria, soluble proteins
et al. 2011). Indeed, these molecules have shown to and three fractions of polysaccharide production. Enamel
reduce caries-associated bacterial growth (Matsumoto demineralization was estimated by surface Knoop
et al. 2004) and biofilm formation (Yamanaka et al. microhardness (SH) loss. Two independent experiments
2004). An inhibitory effect of the enzymatic activity of were carried out, each in triplicate (n = 6).
glucosyltransferases, a key virulent mechanism in cario-
genic bacteria, has been proposed as the responsible
Apple concentrate elaboration
mechanism (Nakahara et al. 1993). In this context, apple
contains a high concentration of polyphenol antioxidants An apple concentrate produced by the Centro de
(Wu et al. 2004). Regardless of the cultivar, the antioxi- Pomaceas from the University of Talca was provided for
dant capacity of the apple is mostly due to quercetin, epi- the experiments. Phenolic content of the concentrate was
catechin, and procyanidin B2 and in a less extent to of 20 g CAE per 100 g of lyophilized product, with an
vitamin C, phloretin and chlorogenic acid (Lee et al. ORAC value of 180 000 lm TE per 100 g (CAE: chloro-
2003). It has been reported that the antioxidant capacity genic acid equivalents and TE: Trolox equivalents). Given
of the apple is substantially higher in the skin than in the the high concentration of phenolic compounds, the
core (Yuri et al. 2009). concentrate was named antioxidant-rich apple concentrate

Journal of Applied Microbiology 117, 846--853 © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology 847
Anticariogenicity of an apple concentrate R.A. Giacaman et al.

(ARAC). The ARAC is under licensing process, including glucose for 24 h. Once mature, biofilms underwent the
its elaboration methodology (N/Ref: 628-BP). Phenolic experimental treatments, as described below.
concentration was determined by the Folin- Ciocalteu
method (Coseteng and Lee 1987). In brief, 01 ml of
ARAC was mixed with 05 ml of a phenolic reagent
(Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and incubated for 5 min. Slabs with the mature biofilms were exposed to the
05 ml of a 10% Na2CO3 solution (w/v) was added and experimental substances for 5 min three times per day, as
incubated for 15 min at room temperature. A calibration described in the Experimental Design section, at defined
curve was prepared with chlorogenic acid, and the optical times (8:30, 12:30 and 16:30). Experimental exposure
density (OD) was measured at 640 nm by a spectropho- were: 10% sucrose + ARAC 1 : 1; 10% sucrose + ARAC
tometer. Total phenol concentration was expressed as 1 : 1000; and 10% sucrose + ARAC 1 : 100 000. Tripli-
CAE* g 1 of lyophilized product. Antioxidant capacity of cates exposed to 10% sucrose + 09% NaCl and to 09%
ARAC was assessed by ORAC values, as described NaCl + 09% NaCl were used as positive and negative
elsewhere (Huang et al. 2002), with modifications. Briefly, caries controls, respectively. After each exposure, biofilms
a free radical is required to bind a fluorescent molecule were washed with 09% NaCl and repositioned in the
subsequently forming a non-fluorescent complex. The plate. Culture medium was replenished twice a day,
presence of the antioxidant inhibits binding of the free before the first and after the last exposure. The exposure
radical to the fluorescent compound. Hence, if the sample cycles were repeated to complete 5 days, a known time to
contains a high content of antioxidants, a longer time will induce enamel demineralization (Ccahuana-Vasquez and
take place for the fluorescence to disappear. Cury 2010).

Dental enamel samples and Streptococcus mutans Biofilm acidogenicity

To verify acidogenicity of the biofilm, culture medium pH
Bovine incisors were disinfected with a 5% NaOCl solu- was measured in the wells. A microelectrode (HI 1083B,
tion and stored in 09% NaCl (w/v) until use, avoiding Hanna instruments, Woonsocket, RI) coupled to a
storage times longer than 30 days. Enamel slabs of portable pH meter (HI 9126-02, Hanna instruments) was
7 9 4 9 1 mm were obtained using diamond discs with used to register the pH. Spent culture medium generated
a low-speed handpiece and Soflex polishing discs by the biofilm was read with the electrode twice per day,
(3 mol l 1, St. Paul, MN). To obtain an initial value for before each medium change (Ccahuana-Vasquez and Cury
Knoop SHi, three indentations were performed with a 2010).
microindenter with a microhardness tester (402 MVD,
Wolpert Wilson Instruments, Norwood, MA) at 50 g for
Enamel demineralization
5 s. Mean baseline SHi of all the slabs was calculated
(33685  693), and only those with SHi within a 10% Once the experimental phase was completed, slabs were
variation were included (n = 30). Thus, bias from includ- washed three times with 09% NaCl and biofilms were
ing slabs with too different SHi was avoided. Slabs were detached from the slabs by shaking the slabs for 30 s with a
sterilized with ethylene oxide (Thomas et al. 2007). To vortex mixer in a tube containing 1 ml 09% NaCl, making
create an acquired pellicle-like structure on the enamel a visual confirmation that no biofilm was retained on the
surface to emulate the in vivo situation and also to facili- slabs. Final indentations were performed at 100 lm from
tate bacterial adhesion, slabs were immersed in ultrafil- those performed before the experimental phase to obtain a
tered (022 lm) pooled human saliva for 30 min with a final SHf reading (kg mm 2) in a triplicate row. Mean val-
protease inhibitor cocktail (Koo et al. 2003). Initially ues from the initial and final measurements were used to
measured, saliva-coated and sterile slabs were placed into obtain the percentage of SH loss (%SHL) calculated by the
a 24-well cell culture plate suspended by sterile wire. formula: (SHi SHf) 9 100 / SHi. SH has been exten-
Streptococcus mutans biofilms were formed on the sively used as a reliable methodology to evaluate deminer-
enamel slabs, following a previously reported protocol alization (Zero 1995), and it has been validated for enamel
(Ccahuana-Vasquez and Cury 2010). In brief, enamel caries (Cury et al. 2000).
slabs were inoculated with Strep. mutans cultures (OD
08 at 600 nm) and 1% sucrose-containing medium to
Biofilm analysis
form the adherent biofilm (Koo et al. 2003) and incu-
bated for 8 h. Biofilms were allowed to mature on the Using the recovered biofilm from the previous step, a
slabs in BHI medium supplemented with 01 m mol l 1 biofilm suspension was formed and divided into different

848 Journal of Applied Microbiology 117, 846--853 © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology
R.A. Giacaman et al. Anticariogenicity of an apple concentrate

aliquots to evaluate the following biofilm properties: bio- obtain IEPS from the supernatant (Cury et al. 1997). IPS
mass, viable micro-organisms (Ccahuana-Vasquez and were obtained from the pellet of the previous extraction.
Cury 2010) and intra- and extracellular polysaccharides Pellet was incubated with 200 ll 1 mol l 1 NaOH for
(Aires et al. 2008), all of which are succinctly described: 15 min at 100°C, centrifuged (10 000 g for 5 min at
4°C), and the polysaccharide concentration was measured
Biomass from the supernatant. SEPS, IEPS and IPS fractions were
A 200 ll aliquot from the biofilm suspension was trans- treated with 3 volumes of cold 100% ethanol and incu-
ferred to a preweighted tube and incubated with 100% bated for 30 min at 20°C. Samples were immediately
ethanol at 20°C for 15 min, centrifuged (10 min at centrifuged, and the resulting pellet was washed with cold
5000 g and 4°C), and the resulting pellet was washed 70% ethanol and centrifuged again. Total carbohydrate
with 500 ll of 75% ethanol. After a second centrifuga- concentration from each fraction was estimated by the
tion, the pellet was dried for 24 h in a desiccator. Bio- sulphuric phenol method (Dubois et al. 1951). Results
mass was calculated by subtracting the final weight to the were standardized by biofilm dry weight and expressed as
initial weight of the empty tube. Biomass dry weight of percentage of the different fractions of polysaccharides by
the biofilm was expressed as mg per ml of biofilm sus- mg of biomass.
pension (Koo et al. 2003).
Biofilm soluble proteins
Viable bacteria in the biofilm Fifty microlitre aliquots of the biofilm suspension were
Serial dilutions from the biofilm suspension in 09% treated with 2 mol l 1 NaOH and incubated for 15 min
NaCl (v/v) were drop-plated on BHI agar plates in dupli- to 100°C. Samples were centrifuged at 10 000 g at 4°C
cate. Plates were incubated anaerobically for 24 h at for 10 min, and the supernatant was used to assess the
37°C, and colonies were enumerated from the dilution total protein concentration of the biofilm by Lowry’s
that allowed visualization of isolated colonies. Counting method (Lowry et al. 1951) with a commercial kit (DC
was corrected by the dilution factor and expressed as Protein Assay Kit, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). Results
CFU mg 1 of biofilm dry weight (Aires et al. 2008). were expressed as micrograms of protein by milligram of
Intra- and extracellular polysaccharides
Three different polysaccharide fractions were assessed
Statistical analysis
from the original biofilm suspension: soluble (SEPS) and
insoluble (IEPS) extracellular and intracellular (IPS) poly- Parametric distribution of the data was verified by the
saccharides (Aires et al. 2008). Suspension was centri- Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. An ANOVA test was carried out
fuged (10 000 g for 5 min at 4°C) to obtain SEPS from to detect differences among all the experimental groups
the supernatant, and the resulting pellet was exposed to in each of the dependent variables under study. A Bonfer-
200 ll of 1M NaOH, homogenized and centrifuged to roni post hoc test served to detect statistical difference

a a a a


5.50 b
c c
8 24 32 48 56 72 80 96 104 120
Time (h)

Figure 1 Acidogenicity elicited from the Streptococcus mutans biofilms formed on enamel in response to sucrose and dilutions of the apple con-
centrate. Plot shows mean pH registered in the spent culture medium and the error bars represent the standard deviation (SD) of the mean for
each experimental condition (as indicated). Measurements were performed after 24 h of biofilm formation, twice per day, at defined times (as
indicated) in two independent experiments, each in triplicate. Medium changes are represented by the arrows. Different letters represent signifi-
cant differences between treatments (P < 005). ( ) Sucrose + 0.9% NaCl; ( ) Sucrose + 1 : 1 ARAC; ( ) Sucrose + 1 : 1000 ARAC; ( )
Sucrose + 1 : 100 000 ARAC; ( ) Nacl+Nacl

Journal of Applied Microbiology 117, 846--853 © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology 849
Anticariogenicity of an apple concentrate R.A. Giacaman et al.

between each pair of experimental group. The SPSS 15.0

353E + 10  152E + 10a

09% NaCl + 09% NaCl
statistical software, (IBM Corporation, Somers, NY) was

used to manipulate the data, setting a 95% confidence


Table 1 Biofilm traits after exposure to sucrose followed by dilutions of an apple concentrate. Mean  SD, n = 6. Different letters represent statistically significant differences between

Acidogenicity elicited by the biofilm exposed to the
ARAC was evaluated by medium pH measurements per-

10% Sucrose + 1 : 100 000 ARAC

formed twice a day during the entire length of the
experiment. No differences among the groups were

568E + 10  417E + 10a

detected during the first 80 h (P > 005). From that time

point on, however, slabs/biofilms exposed to the 1 : 1



dilution of the ARAC showed similar behaviour than the
caries-positive control (P > 005) and lower pH

(P = 00001) than the rest of the experimental dilutions
(Fig. 1). While the group exposed to sucrose followed by
the 1 : 1000 dilution of the ARAC showed a slightly
lower pH than the critical demineralizing pH of enamel

10% Sucrose + 1 : 1000 ARAC

of 55, samples exposed to the 1 : 100 000 dilution of
the ARAC failed to reach the critical pH at any time

654E + 10  244E + 10a

SEPS: soluble extracellular polysaccharides, IEPS: insoluble extracellular polysaccharides, IPS: intracellular polysaccharides.
point (Fig. 1).


Table 1 depicts the characteristics of the biofilms of

Strep. mutans retrieved from the slabs after the experi-

mental phase. When compared with the caries-positive

control, none of the tested dilutions of the ARAC
induced changes in the number of CFU ml 1 of
Strep. mutans from the biofilms (P < 005). Despite a
dose-dependent trend to decrease, sucrose exposure fol-
10% Sucrose + 1 : 1 ARAC

441E + 10  343E + 10a

lowed by the apple concentrate did not show a significant

reduction of either the biofilm biomass, soluble proteins, 2281a

SEPS or IPS at any of the dilution assayed (P > 005)
compared with the positive control. Exposure of the bio-

film to sucrose and to the highest dilution (1 : 100 000)
of the ARAC, however, induced a reduction of the IEPS
from the Strep. mutans biofilm (P = 0013).
Slabs and the biofilms exposed to sucrose and to the
10% Sucrose + 09% NaCl

254E + 10  103E + 10a

1 : 1000 and to the 1 : 100 000 dilutions showed less

enamel demineralization (%SHL) than the 1 : 1 dilution

(P = 0003 and P = 00001, respectively), which did not



differ from the caries-positive control (P = 100) (Fig. 2).


As an attractive disease-prevention approach, natural
products are increasingly receiving more attention in the
Proteins (lg mg 1 biomass)
SEPS (% per mg biomass)
IEPS (% per mg biomass)

dental field. In fact, during the decade of the eighties a

IPS (% per mg biomass)
(CFU mg 1 biomass)
treatments (P < 005)

mean of 156 articles were retrieved in PubMed with the

terms “Caries” and “Natural products”, compared with a
Viable bacteria

mean of 389 in the first decade of the two thousands

Biomass (mg)

and 593 in the present decade. Natural products usually

contain high content of biologically active components
with antioxidant properties. In particular, apple has high

850 Journal of Applied Microbiology 117, 846--853 © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology
R.A. Giacaman et al. Anticariogenicity of an apple concentrate


50 a


Figure 2 Enamel demineralization induced by b
the cariogenic challenge followed by dilutions
of an antioxidant-rich apple concentrate c
(ARAC). Demineralization was assessed by 20
surface hardness loss (%SHL) induced by
10% sucrose followed by each ARAC dilution 10
tested (as indicated) after 5 days. Data were
obtained from two independent experiments,
each in triplicate. Bars represent mean%SHL Sucrose + 0·9% Sucrose + Sucrose + Sucrose + NaCl + NaCl
of the slabs. Error bars indicate SD. Different NaCl 1:1 1 : 1000 1 : 100 000
letters represent significant differences ARAC ARAC ARAC
between treatments (P < 005). Treatment

content of antioxidant polyphenols, and it is also highly contained in apples as a mixture of condensed tannins
consumed by the population (Yuri et al. 2009). inhibited the activity of GTFs (Yanagida et al. 2000). GTFs
The results of this study strongly suggest a potential anti- are one of the main virulence factors of cariogenic bacteria,
caries effect of an apple concentrate in very low concen- as they are used to make the biofilm thicker and less
trations presented to the cariogenic biofilm after sucrose susceptible to natural protective factors in the oral environ-
exposure. ment (Schilling and Bowen 1992). Unlike this study, the
wCaries antagonistic activity of antioxidants polyphenols authors used commercial polyphenols. Arguably, the ARAC
have been attributed to three main mechanisms (Jeon et al. could have acted in a similar manner to procyanidins.
2011): (i) Direct antimicrobial effect by killing the respon- The inverse relation of the effect and the dose on poly-
sible bacteria, (ii) Inhibition of extracellular polysaccharide saccharide production also holds true for the acidogenici-
production and (iii) Impairment of bacterial adhesion. ty and enamel demineralization (Figs 1 and 2). The
Our findings suggest that the anticaries effect is metabolic highest dilutions of the ARAC induced the most signifi-
rather than antibacterial. Indeed, the ARAC does not seem cant reduction on tissue demineralization and higher pH
to affect the number of viable bacteria (Table 1). The setup in the culture medium. Consistent with our findings, a
of the caries model used here rules out the mechanism of study tested an extract of Psidium cattleianum leaves on
interfering on bacterial adhesion. Actually, Strep. mutans Strep. mutans (Brighenti et al. 2008). While high concen-
biofilms were already formed and mature once exposed to trations resulted in bacterial killing, low concentrations
the experimental substances. Instead, the ARAC seems to of the extract inhibited Strep. mutans acid production
affect extracellular polysaccharide production, in an inverse and reduced expression of proteins involved in acid
dose-dependent manner. These polysaccharides are metabolism. As the elaboration of the concentrate implies
responsible for 40% of the composition of the dental bio- water elimination, sugars become highly concentrated.
film, and they are one of the main virulence factors of the Undiluted ARAC, therefore, shows a cariogenic effect.
bacterial consortium, as they allow bacterial cell adhesion Thus, the cariogenic effect of the less diluted ARAC
to the acquired pellicle, serve as scaffold for biofilm matu- darkens the anticaries effect due to its sugar content.
ration and increase the porosity of the structure allowing Hence, a highly diluted ARAC (1 : 1000 or 1 : 100 000)
sugar diffusion within the biofilm (Paes Leme et al. 2006). possesses a very low sugar content, and little amounts of
The fact that IEPS production was affected by the ARAC the concentrate can exert its anticaries activity. As a
may explain why there was less biomass in the biofilms matter of fact, the most efficient anticaries effect was
without compromising the number of viable Strep. mutans observed with the highest dilutions. The latter is probably
cells (Table 1). Extracellular polysaccharide formation is attributable to the very high content of phenolic com-
mediated by the enzymatic activity of glycosyltransferases pounds in the ARAC, which remain active even in the
(GTFs) produced by Strep. mutans. GTFs establish natural highest dilutions.
glycosidic linkages from simple sugars to form complex Other natural sources of polyphenols with a putative
molecules. Polyphenols may act as inhibiting GTFs causing anticaries activity have been reported. Cranberries, tea
a reduction in extracellular polysaccharides, as observed (Yoo et al. 2011) and cacao bean husk extract (Matsumoto
here. Consistently, a study showed that procyanidins et al. 2004) have been described as having anti-Strep.

Journal of Applied Microbiology 117, 846--853 © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology 851
Anticariogenicity of an apple concentrate R.A. Giacaman et al.

mutans properties. Acid production inhibition in the tions to achieve the desired goal. Hence, an advantageous
same micro-organism has been demonstrated by Green approach compared with other type of caries-preventive
tea polyphenols (Hirasawa et al. 2006). Likewise, a GTFs interventions may be found.
inhibition has been reported from Oolong tea, with the
subsequent reduction in polysaccharide production
(Nakahara et al. 1993). Furthermore, red wine polyphe-
nols have shown to reduce bacterial adhesion in vitro Authors thank Amalia Neira for the preparation of the
(Furiga et al. 2008), and remineralizing properties have apple concentrate and assistance with technical aspects of
been claimed in grape extracts (Xie et al. 2008) and galla the exposures to the caries model. This study has been
chinese (Chu et al. 2007). Although we could not verify partly funded by the Chilean Government Grants: Fonde-
an antibacterial effect of ARAC, the large variability cyt 11100005 to RAG and Fondef AF0I1022 to JAY.
observed in bacterial counting could hide some effect on
Strep. mutans viability. To decrease the variability, there-
fore, techniques used for bacterial counting should be Conflict of Interest
refined in further investigations. None to declare.
Most of the studies available focus on microbiological
assays with natural products to state the anticaries poten-
tial of polyphenols and natural products (Ferrazzano References
et al. 2011). We used here an in vitro caries approach Aires, C.P., Del Bel Cury, A.A., Tenuta, L.M., Klein, M.I., Koo,
with cariogenic biofilms and not planktonic cells. This is H., Duarte, S. and Cury, J.A. (2008) Effect of starch and
a relevant model, as it resembles the oral environment by sucrose on dental biofilm formation and on root dentine
using a Strep. mutans biofilm formed on dental enamel, demineralization. Caries Res 42, 380–386.
intermittently exposed to a metobolizable substrate. Like Bagramian, R.A., Garcia-Godoy, F. and Volpe, A.R. (2009)
in the oral situation, sucrose exposures results in a pH- The global increase in dental caries. A pending public
cycling system with pH drops with sugar exposure and health crisis. Am J Dent 22, 3–8.
pH recovery with culture medium change. Cariogenic Brighenti, F.L., Luppens, S.B., Delbem, A.C., Deng, D.M.,
challenges used here were designed having in mind food Hoogenkamp, M.A., Gaetti-Jardim, E., Dekker, H.L.,
consumption during main meals. Yet, study design limi- Crielaard, W. et al. (2008) Effect of Psidium cattleianum leaf
tations must be acknowledged. We modelled caries using extract on Streptococcus mutans viability, protein expression
a single-species biofilm of Strep. mutans. The oral biofilm and acid production. Caries Res 42, 148–154.
comprises a metabolically active and organized consor- Ccahuana-Vasquez, R. and Cury, J. (2010) Streptococcus
tium of hundreds of bacterial species, nonetheless (Marsh mutans biofilm model to evaluate antimicrobial substances
2010). Moreover, the model used here does not include and enamel demineralization. Braz Oral Res 24, 135–141.
Chu, J.P., Li, J.Y., Hao, Y.Q. and Zhou, X.D. (2007) Effect of
saliva. Saliva has important anticaries properties that may
compounds of Galla chinensis on remineralisation of
modulate the mere effect of the nutrients presented to
initial enamel carious lesions in vitro. J Dent 35, 383–387.
the oral biofilm (Stookey 2008).
Coseteng, M.Y. and Lee, C.Y. (1987) Changes in apple
Although polyphenols appear as interesting potential
polyphenoloxidase and polyphenol concentrations in
anticaries agents from their anti- Strep. mutans effect, this
relation to degree of browning. J Food Sci 52, 985–989.
is insufficient to support a clinical effect. Evidence show- Cury, J., Rebello, M. and Del Bel Cury, A. (1997) In situ
ing a reduction on clinical caries incidence is missing and relationship between sucrose exposure and the
requires more research (Petti and Scully 2009). Despite composition of dental plaque. Caries Res 31, 356–360.
the limitations of this in vitro investigation, it uses a rele- Cury, J.A., Rebelo, M.A., Del Bel Cury, A.A., Derbyshire,
vant anticaries model that may well serve as proof-of- M.T. and Tabchoury, C.P. (2000) Biochemical
principle of a caries-inhibitory effect of a natural apple composition and cariogenicity of dental plaque formed in
concentrate. Further in vivo studies must be conducted to the presence of sucrose or glucose and fructose. Caries
actually replicate the complexity of the oral environment, Res 34, 491–497.
including the complete dental biofilm and the presence of Dauchet, L., Amouyel, P., Hercberg, S. and Dallongeville, J.
saliva to confirm these findings. (2006) Fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of
Interestingly, the anticaries effect observed here occurs coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis of cohort studies.
in the presence of sucrose (Figs 1 and 2). Changing peo- J Nutr 136, 2588–2593.
ple’s dietary habits is usually a challenging task. If our Dubois, M., Gilles, K., Hamilton, J., Rebers, P. and Smith, F.
results are confirmed in clinical studies, potential applica- (1951) A colorimetric method for the determination of
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852 Journal of Applied Microbiology 117, 846--853 © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology
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