Mara Mel - Conclusion and Recommendation

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These 20 hours activity had given me an opportunity to become a more

productive individual, concerning on how to care and how to be

responsible in our community and environment. Presenting and engaging

such activities is indeed of great help to our community if we only know

how important every action we do. Through this, we can now share our

little contribution and part in a more meaningful and significant way. With

this concern, we could create an outlet to everyone who share the same

views and passion in sharing their own effort and own little way to protect

and maintain the natural environment through clean-up drive.

 In conclusion, an ample way has to be implemented in order to rescue the

world from its mass distraction. Since human is the reason why Mother

Nature comes into this critical condition, the responsibility of returning

back the grace of the environment should be imposed to them. They have

to do actions that would really change the phenomena that we are

experiencing right now.


Therefore, we recommend that trees should be regularly planted to save

the mankind and the animal world. Tree plantation and its after-care is a

pleasing work too. We can get much pleasure in planting trees and in

taking care of them. Students should plant trees in their school-compounds

and in the front-yards, backyards and side-yards of their schools and near

their own houses and in other places wherever possible. They should

explain to their neighbors the goodness of tree-plantation and encourage

them to plant and care new trees. We should consider the fact that we all

need trees and trees are important to us humans. Save them and they will

save us in return. Plant more trees and as you plant trees you are planting

life too because of the fact that they are giving us fresh air, woods that we

people used to build our houses. They stand as our shelter most specially

to the animals, a shield to heat. We should protect them because they are

helping us. Sometimes we are being rude to them, we cut them without

replacements and we are the reason why they are being fewer. Have mercy

on them because they are one of the reasons why we still have fresh air

As we did this activity, we have conceived that community service is one

of those things that we could do for our environment. Then, we have

realized that a better place to live in that we are searching for can never be

found if nature will be totally damaged.

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