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Summer 2022



2 • July 2022 The Chamber Factor

Located in Lakeville, NY, Sweeteners Plus is a processor and distributor of all types of liquid and dry sweeteners.
Founded in 1983 by president & CEO Carlton E. Myers as a food processing plant, the company has evolved as
more and more food companies consolidated and moved their operations out of New York State. Our product lines
and facilities have diversified to meet these changes. We are also a major employer and community oriented

A Complete line of Liquid and Dry Corn-Based and Sugar-Based Sweeteners

Our product line a wide range of liquid and dry sweetener products, including artificial and organic sweeteners.
We also support kosher requirements. Certificates are available on request.
Regional and National Distribution
Our philosophy of long haul by rail and short haul by truck enables us utilize our on-site railroad facility for the majority of our inbound raw materials.
Then we distribute our finished product regionally with company-owned trucks and driver employees. We also have strategic partnerships with care-
fully selected distributors in order to serve our national customers. Our effective cost management of our distribution operations contributes not only
to the bottom line of our customers but also to their peace of mind. In August 2022 we will complete Phase 2 of construction, allowing us to transfer
dextrose from railcar to truk tankers at our new Landisville, PA site!
Specialty Liquid Syrup Production, Bottling and Distribution
Sweeteners Plus also produces various specialty liquid syrups for distribution to the retail and food service industry. Our bottling facility houses a
state-of-the-art bottling line that supports private-label beverage production, including kosher and organic beverage needs. This is only the latest
example in our long history of being able to change to effectively meet customer demands and needs.
Problem Solving, Customer Focus Attitude
With over 32 years in the sweeteners industry, Sweeteners Plus has the experience, expertise, and know-how to
solve sweetener problems ranging from a broken rail car pump valve to the best way to package and ship to new
formulations to meet a need. We also have a long history of starting brand-new services to meet customer needs
and challenges. Call us today to find out how we can help you go to the next level with your sweeteners.
Green Operations to Minimize Environmental Impacts
Sweeteners Plus has ongoing initiatives to improve our operations and reduce waste. As just a few examples, and
we sell empty super sacks to a recycler for reuse. Our fleet is CNG equiuped and we have a on-site fuel station,
we also track the carbon footprint of our truck fleet.

Find your new career at Sweeteners Plus!

As a prominent bulk supplier of such bulk ingredients as sugar, fructose, and corn syrup, Sweeteners Plus is a logistics company which prides itself
on excellent service, customer experience, and high-quality relationships since 1983. Currently undergoing extraordinary growth, Sweeteners Plus
is directing $15 million of its over $50 million invested toward growth initiatives. Be a part of the Sweeteners Plus success story and enjoy growth
opportunities, challenging yet exciting projects, and several development opportunities. Embrace Lean Manufacturing principles of value stream
mapping, flow, pull, and perfection as you experience newly updated over-the-road assets, state-of-the-art operating system software, and a world-
class operating model.
With locations across Buffalo, Lakeville, and Pennsylvania, Sweeteners Plus is expanding its offerings and its geographical footprint! Through its
24/7 business model of high-quality products delivered to customers by its own professionally driven fleet of tractors and trailers results in excellence
in customer service. In concert with growing Sweeteners Plus has taken several important and effective steps to reduce its environmental footprint.
As an example of technology, leadership and environmental stewardship thinking, in 2018, we the Lakeville site added a wastewater treatment sta-
tion to utilize wastewater removed from tanks. Cleaned by an environmentally friendly, non-chemical tank wash system, the resulting “Sweet Water”
is then recycled for various applications, reducing waste and supplying innovation to the market!
Join the Sweeteners Plus Family and help us continue to grow a logistical and environmental legacy we can all be proud of!

Lakeville, New York | | 585.346.2318

The Chamber Factor July 2022 • 3

…continuing the proud tradition of salt mining in the Genesee Valley. …Dating back to 1885
Support Legislation to “Buy US Products ESPECIALLY Salt”
Please ask your representatives to support NYS Senate Bill S3908 ( and
NYS Assembly Bill A07919 ( Thank you!
Miners drilled holes in the 1930’s Photo Credit: Larry Tetamore • Tetamore Photographic
to prepare the area for explosives.
Although technology has dramatically
increased the efficiency of salt mining
(especially in the areas of loading
and transportation), the five major
steps remain the same: undercutting,
drilling, blasting, loading and

…Keeping a skilled labor force employed…

American Rock Salt has
supported the economy of
this entire region, bringing
over 410 employees to
Livingston County and
hundreds of related jobs to
All Our Rock Salt is Mined With
the region through the Pride by NYS Workers
trucking, rail, and
construction industries. Keeping Roads Safe in 12 States
….To now having the largest producing salt mine in the United States.
4 • July 2022 The Chamber Factor

Career Connector helps build future workforce

GENESEO – The Education County Board of Supervisors, to provide opportunities for
to Employment division of the Chamber was able to de- employment, we want to ex- Students learn the ABC’s of careers
the Livingston County Area velop this project and bring pand what they see. You can-
Chamber of Commerce has local employers on board at no not do what you don’t know,” What do you want to be when trades, social work, truck driv-
you grow up or head out the ers, video game designers, zoo-
launched the Career Con- cost to those employers during said Angela Grouse, the Cham-
doors of your high school? This keepers and more.
nector platform powered by the initial three-year period. ber’s director of education to year’s lunch and learns, career Elementary, middle, and high
Nepris to educate and inspire The goal of the Career Con- employment. pathway conversations and ca- school students throughout the
students about the career op- nector of Livingston County Chamber officials said reer days answered that ques- nine districts in Livingston Coun-
portunities that exist in our lo- NY is to help students expand the regional landing page, tion and more with professional ty served by the Education to
cal communities. and explore career horizons launched in March, is the first presenters. Employment Initiatives program
The first five live industry and learn where their interests of its kind in New York State. The program featured ca- at the Livingston County Area
chats which ran in April and and abilities can take them. Six Livingston County reers from “A” to “Z,” including Chamber of Commerce met in
May reached 56 classrooms The Nepris platform has school districts have pur- architecture, banking, conserva- small groups with career pro-
and more than 1,000 stu- operated for almost a decade chased licenses for their stu- tion officers, engineers, graphic fessionals from more than 70
dents both locally and in 14 providing a variety of engage- dents and educators to access designers, health careers, infor- local employers to learn about
other states across the coun- ment models to bring local the platform and are working mation technology specialists, what a day in the life of these
try. Those events featured employers and school dis- with the Chamber on the proj- journalism, law enforcement, professions look like, and clar-
American Rock Salt (“Digging tricts together in one place to ect. Eleven local businesses lawyers, librarians, manufactur-
ing, mining, plumbing, skilled See ABCS T13
into Geology at the Mine”), scale the industry and educa- – with more in development
UR Medicine | Noyes Health tion connections. It enables – have also established cor-
(“Let’s Move! All About Ca- matching the skills of working porate partner pages on the
reers in Physical Therapy”) professionals to curriculum Career Connector, allowing
Livingston Associates (“Ca- needs and connects them vir- them to showcase their career
reers in Construction”), Ba- tually with students to bring opportunities and brand, said
rilla (“Pasta, Packaging and abstract lessons to life, men- Chamber President and CEO
You”), and Genesee Construc- tor students on class projects, Laura Lane.
tion (“Diggin’ Up the Dirt on provide insight into a day in Lane said the financial sup-
Skilled Trades”). the life of a professional and port from the Board of Su-
This interactive program offer virtual tours of workspac- pervisors was the “piece that
allows students to begin think- es. bands this all together.”
ing about careers as early as “Data shows that students David LeFeber, chairman of
kindergarten, continuing begin self-limiting their career
through their senior year, by opportunities as early as first See FUTURE T13
connecting them to employers grade. You do what your par-
on the job site in their class- ents do, your neighbor, your
rooms in real time. relatives, others you see in the
With the help of $135,000 neighborhood, or the nurse in
in funding over the next three your doctor’s office. Our stu-
years from the Livingston dents look to their community

Craft Hemp & Organic

CBD Products
America’s trusted brand of
craft hemp & organic CBD
sourced from the most
reputable US hemp farms.
3rd party lab tested products
using highest standards.
117 Franklin St., Ste 200, Dansville, NY 14437
Store: (585) 335-2223 • Cell: (585) 943-4282
The Chamber Factor July 2022 • 5

Golf tournament scores big wins Chamber members can make ‘Coffee Connections’ at networking events
The Livingston County Area Cham- other marketing materials to share. on Aug. 16; Grzenda Farm, Livonia, on
Friday, June 10, was a gor- with students and educators ber of Commerce hosts monthly net- Upcoming “Coffee Connections” in- Sept. 20; and Country Inn & Suites,
geous day for golf at Wood- in nine Livingston County dis- working sessions for members called clude Genesee Country Village & Mu- Mount Morris, on Oct. 18.
lynn Hills in Nunda and a great tricts through programming “Coffee Connections.” Those attend- seum, Mumford, on July 19; Zeppo’s For information, email Melissa@
event to support Education designed to make students ing may bring business cards and Creekside Creamery, Mount Morris,
to Employment Initiatives at aware of the range of careers
the Livingston County Area and pathways available to
Chamber of Commerce.
This year’s Leadership Golf
them, the variety of compa-
nies located nearby, and the
It’s our Business to care for your Business!
Tournament received gener- profitable and rewarding
ous sponsorship from Campus opportunities within those
Construction Management, companies. Those initiatives
P&CG, Genesee Construction include career days, lunch and
Services, LG Evans Inc.,Tomp- learns, career guest speak-
kins Bank, Gallagher, MRB ers, and specialized field trips
Group, Matthews’ Bus, Fast- which have reached more
Signs, Nepris, Partyman Ca- than 2,300 Livingston County
tering and numerous cor- students this year. That work
porate hole sponsors. These also includes the Career Con-
sponsors and the support of nector of Livingston County
our golfers helped us raise just NY powered by Nepris and
more than $12,000. other hands-on career events.
Proceeds from this event Golfers enjoyed strutting
support the Livingston Coun- their putts and spinning the “IT’S WHAT WE DO”
ty Education Alliance Scholar- Wheel of Fore-tune where ev- 77 Years in Business
ship program, offering $5,500 ery spinner wins every time. Trusted. Reliable.
per year in scholarships to Good food, good weather, Professional.
four local high school students great games, especially from
and a SUNY Geneseo student, the winners – Team Vaporizer Richard Wendt, President
the Leadership Livingston were the order of the day. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • AGRICULTURAL Fully Insured & Free Estimates
program, and Education to A tremendous thank you to
Employment Initiatives. Ed- our sponsors, golfers, Wood- 128 Cedar St. Batavia, NY • 585-343-2400 / 585-356-4300
ucation to Employment con- lyn Hills Golf Course, and The
nects career professionals Whistling Farmer Pub. RAHAITZ.COM
6 • July 2022 The Chamber Factor

Education Alliance awards 4 scholarships

GENESEO — The Living- Conner has excelled aca- around her “the hope that Leadership award recipient. shares that Lucas “consistent-
ston County Education Alli- demically at Dansville, mak- humanity just may stand a ly demonstrates all of the qual-
ance, the foundation arm of ing Merit and Honor roles, as chance in the long run.” LUCAS STEWART ities of an excellent student…
the Livingston County Area well as in his Metal Trades pro- Livonia High School has always been mature for his
Chamber of Commerce, has gram. TRINITI MUSCARELLA Attending Florida Tech, Florida’s age…(has) a strong internal
announced this year’s recipi- Mount Morris High School and STEM University, studying aviation drive and is not afraid to work
ents of its annual scholarship SYDNEY MATTHEWS Genesee Valley BOCES Mount Mor- management with flight hard to achieve his goals.”
program. Geneseo High School ris Criminal Justice
Lucas shares that he appre-
Attending SUNY Brockport, Lucas’s career focus is to
The Scholarship Commit- Attending Massachusetts Insti- ciates the power of empathy,
tee, composed of leaders from tute of Technology to study aero- studying psychology and then coun- become a commercial airline
space engineering seling pilot. compassion, kindness, and
across the county, worked dili-
Triniti’s career goal is to Active in student govern- valuing the little things in life.
gently to select four exemplary Sydney plans to become an
become a counselor focused ment, football, hockey, base- Questions regarding the
students from a talented and aerospace engineer for NA-
deserving pool of applicants. on helping adolescents with ball, chorus, the high school LCEA scholarship program
SA. With an incredibly diverse
Congratulations to our 2022 mental health challenges. She musical, and a volunteer in may be directed to Angela
background and a history of
LCEA scholarship recipients: leadership roles in the pro- wishes to become a role model many areas of church minis- Grouse via email to angela@
gramming she has been affil- for others as her school coun- tries, Lucas has also received livingstoncountychamber.
iated with, she can certainly selor has been for her. the DAR scholarship and oth- com or by calling (585) 243-
achieve her goals. Although she is a fraternal er awards. One of his teachers 2222 .
Dansville High School and Gen-
esee Valley BOCES Mount Morris Involved in music, theater, twin, her counselor describes
her as “one of a kind…opti-
Metal Trades Program
Attending Lincoln Electric Com-
Girl Scouts, Odyssey of the
mistic and positive…a ded- Mary Schillinger-Cooke
Mind, soccer, softball, and Licensed RE Salesperson
pany Welding Technology and Train- much more; she has managed icated scholar…mature…a
ing Center leader…charismatic.” C (585) 943-5896
to balance her commitments 11 Megan Drive Geneseo
Conner’s career goal is to and achieve academic excel- Triniti, dedicated volun-
teers at most school events. (585) 371-5054
become an underwater weld- lence and still have time for
er. A well-rounded young community service. She is active in drama club,
man, Conner has been active She was selected to partici- student government, soccer,
in music and band since 7th pate in a 2021 summer intern- track, and more.
grade. He was also involved in ship program at RIT focused She is the New York State
soccer, cross-country, swim- on solar sailing technology, SkillsUSA secretary, president Greater Rochester •
2000 Winton Rd. S., Rochester, NY, 14618
ming, and track and field. the next frontier in spacecraft of the Criminal Justice Club, Eash office is independently owned and operated.

He has been active in Boy propulsion. and a Hugh O’Brien Youth

Scouts for the past 8 years, One of Sydney’s teachers
volunteering and serving with shared that she “is legitimate-
positivity and reliability. His ly interested in every part of
Scoutmaster shares that Con- the learning process…works
ner “is a hard worker…and has extraordinarily well with oth-
proven to be a good leader.” ers...” and that she gives those

Peek Inside
The V.A.U.L.T.
Catholic Charities Steuben/Livingston continues to provide essential
On the hunt for services to our community, such as: emergency payment assistance,
vintage or upcycled treasures? food and personal items, emergency housing, medical transports for
We have something for every style and budget! our most vulnerable as well as ongoing counseling and casework.
Bring in This Ad for 20% Off One Item Livingston Office
(Cannot be combined with other offers) 34 E. State Street • Mt. Morris, NY 14510
Hours: Monday & Thursday 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm
{585) 658-4466 •
Food Pantry
102 Main Street • Mt. Morris, NY 14510
Hours: Monday & Thursday 9am-1 pm
Wednesday 1pm-3pm
153 Main Street, Dansville •
Hours: Wed-Fri 12-6, Sat 10-3
If you need us, we are here for you.
The Chamber Factor July 2022 • 7

50 plus 1: Chamber marks milestone with gala

By BRENDAN MCDONOUGH managed the needs of this com- those chapters in a book some- munity in way that set us up for day that I might write. It would
The Livingston County Area continued success,” said Lane. definitely have it own chapter,
Chamber of Commerce cele- The Chamber has changed maybe two.
brated more than five decades over the years, but one thing “It was a significant impact
in business with its 50th Anni- Lane said has remained the for the business community,
versay Gala on April 23 at Wil- same has been its commitment society as a whole really and
low Creek Event Center, 3100 to the community. “I think just we are really proud of the role
Lakeville Rd., Lakeville from day one, that focus on our the Chamber was able to play
“50 plus one. We missed our efforts to support the business during that time in helping
opportunity to celebrate our community and help them business navigate the ups and
golden anniversary because grow has helped to establish the downs that came with COVID,”
of COVID,” Laura Lane, the credibility that comes with the said Lane.
Chamber’s president and CEO, chamber of commerce. As for the future, Lane said no
said in an interview with The “There is a nationwide study one knows what that will hold
Livingston County News prior Those attending the Livingston County Area Chamber of that was done and it showed but one thing that will remain is
to this spring’s gala. Commerce’s gala on April 23 prepare to toast the organization’s that from a consumer stand the relationships they have with
Along with the gala, five 50-plus-one anniversary. point 80% of consumers are the local business community.
people were recognized with more likely to shop at or work “Chambers are constantly
awards. “We really wanted to ris, to my understanding it is process to establish the build- with a business that they know evolving because our com-
award members that repre- where Questa Lasagna is locat- ing,” said Lane. is a member of their chamber of munities and our businesses
sent the different areas that the ed. Then, we had a small stint Lane says the credit of the or- commerce,” said Lane. are constantly evolving and so
chamber of commerce really and there used to be a bank ganization’s success is due to its Along the way there have also to that end we will evolve with
touches and interacts with,” right where Wendy’s is located early founders. “It was the result been some ups and down with them,” Lane said. “But I think
said Lane. and we had a very short stint of great visionaries that came the business community and the one thing that will always re-
The Chamber has more than there and then we moved back together back in the early 1970s without a doubt Lane said the main constant for our Chamber
600 members. Its office is at at the end of Millennium Drive, and really set the framework pandemic been one of the most is that we are a connector. Our
4635 Millennium Drive in Gen- which houses Mikala’s Quilting, for our success. It has also been difficult challenges. role in connecting business to
eseo, but Lane says that was not we were in a back office there the result of five decades of “In my 20-year tenure as (a) who and what they need to be
always the case. and then worked to procure the boards, boards of directors that chamber of commerce execu- connected to will always be a
“Physically it had office space land were we are now at Millen- have come together and really tive, I have been at three cham- constant as we evolve over the
on Main Street in Mount Mor- nium Drive and they began the managed this organization and bers now and COVID is one of next 50 years.”

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8 • July 2022 The Chamber Factor

to our members for their ongoing support of the
Chamber and our community as we celebrate 51 years!
Members listed by years in business
American Hotel of Lima Five Star Bank Letchworth State Park Mount Morris Central School
100 Years

Avon Century Barn Genesee Valley Hunt Livingston Associates Mulligan Family Farm
Bell Memorial Library Glen Iris Inn Livingston County Rector-Hicks Funeral Home

Cornell Cooperative Extension Goodwill of the Finger Lakes Livingston County Farm Bureau St. Agnes School
Coyne Farms Harding's Mt. Morris Furniture & Mattress Lamar Advertising Star Headlight & Lantern Co.
Dansville Central School Hemlock Fair Livingston County Historical Society Star Theatre
Empire Access Howlett Farms M & T Bank Stewart Title Insurance Company
ESL Federal Credit Union John W. Martin Funeral Home Merrill Lynch Wegman's

All Western Evergreen Nursery Fidelis Care Lima Golf & Country Club Perry Pet - Livonia Center Office
& Christmas Tree Farm Finger Lakes Trail Conference, Inc. Linwood Turf Equipment RGRTA - RTS Livingston
Arc GLOW Genesee Valley BOCES Livingston Country Club Sabin Metal Corporation
Over 50 Years

Arkema Genesee Valley Chapter SHRM Livingston Lanes SCORE of Rochester

Avon Central School Genesee Community College Livonia Avon & Lakeville Railroad Stella Collision Services
BBB of Upstate New York Genesee Lumber of Lakeville Livonia Public Library Sugar Creek Glen Campground
Beachcomber of Conesus Genesee River Restaurant Long Agency Sullivan Farm
Caledonia Library Association, & Reception Center Matthews Buses Swain Resort
Camp Stella Maris Genesee Valley Council on the Arts Merrimac Farms T. Maimone Antiques
Campus Auxiliary Services Genesee Valley Penny Saver Monks' Bread Tim Hortons
Child Care Council Geneseo Central School District Mount Morris Shopper Tom Wahl's Restaurant
Conesus Lake Campground Geneseo Collision Service Northeast Kidney Foundation Trinity Church of Nunda
David Mann Jewelers Howard Hannah Real Estate Services Nunda Lumber & Hardware Turnbull Heating and Air Conditioning
Donnan Farms, Inc. AAC Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Old Fort Farm Underberg & Kessler LLP
Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield KraftHeinz Avon Ott's Collision Service Walmart
Farm Credit East, ACA Lawnel Farms 2 Paychex

ABS Payroll LLC Crossroads Country Mall Lake End Mini Storage Signlanguage, Inc.
ad-stuf Dairy Knoll Farms Lattimore Physical Therapy All Business Development Center
Adventure Calls Outfitters, Inc. Dansville Animal Hospital Leaning Tower, The Smidgens, Inc.
Al Landscape & Design Dansville Collision Letchworth Valley Realty, LLC Smith Landscaping
All County Gutter Dansville Festival of Balloons, LTD Letson Tree Farm II Special Tees
American Rock Salt Company, LLC Dansville Water Systems Liberty Balloon Company Spectrum Business
Andy Klein Plumbing & Heating Inc. Duke Law Firm, P. C. Livingston County News Spectrum Reach
Applebee's Neighborhood Bar & Grill Durkee Consulting, Inc. Livingston Insurance Agency Springwater-Webster Crossing
A.R. Rodger Construction East Hill Creamery Livonia Pharmacy Historical Society Museum
Avon Floral World & Gift Shoppe Expressions Salon & Spa LMC Industrial Contractor Star Pest Control
Barber Farms & Agriculture, L.P. Farrell's Lawn Service Margaret Graf Linsner, Attorney Stephenson-Dougherty Funeral Home Inc.
Batzing Farms Five Arch Self Storage Mark's Leisure Time Marine Studio Sales Pottery
Bickford Farms Flaum Management Mill Creek Optical Summit Family Dental Care
Blake Adjusters, Inc Fratelli's Restaurant Miller's Woodshop Sweeteners Plus, LLC
Over 25 Years

Blossom Modern Home Care Genesee Construction Service Minnehan's Restaurant & Fun Center Teresa House
Solutions of WNY Genesee Country Campground Mt. Morris Lanes & Pro Shop The American Lung Association
Briggs Farm Service, Inc. Genesee Country Christian School Muchler Financial Services The Bonadio Group
Bristol ID Technologies Genesee Country Village and Museum The National Hotel The Geneseo Store/Royaltees Screenprinting
C & R Food Service Genesee Media/WDNY Radio National Warplane Museum The Leaning Tower
CASA-Trinity Genesee Valley Conservancy Niagara Scenic Tours The Paul F. Tilly Agency
Catholic Charities Genesee Valley Federal Credit Union Old Hickory Golf Course Tommy B's DJ and Photo Booth Service
of Livingston County Genesee Valley Title Once Again Nut Butter Touch of Grayce
Center For Dispute Settlement Gigglin' Pig Padgett Business Services Triple H Farms
Chances & Changes Grzenda Christmas Tree Farm Peppermints Restaurant United Way of Greater Rochester
Chanler Agency Gullo's Kitchen & Bath Design Center Pro Kleen Power Washing and the Finger Lakes
CIntas Hark Homes, LLC Quicklee's Convenience Stores Uptown Tan
Circle Nursery School Heritage Christian Services Quinlan's Pharmacy & Medical Equipment UR Medicine | Noyes Health
Coastal Staffing Health & Wellness Referral Services. River Ridge Farms Valley Asphalt & Sealing
Commercial Automotive of Livonia. J&A Farm Market & Greenhouses Robert Bennett Construction VanGelder's Automotive
Community Bank NA James Sakr, MD Robert J. Schild, Inc. Village Clipper Barber & Styling
Compeer of Livingston County Jerry Alonzo : Works in Wood Sally Roberts, LMT Massage Therapy Warren's Commercial Cleaning, Inc.
Complete Payroll, Inc John T Cheek, CPA Salon Secrets Water Treatment by Culligan
Conesus Automotive K. Lopez Construction Sanford Home Sales, LLC WCJW FM 100.9 & 104.3
Conesus Golf Club Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral Home Scorsone's Service Center Inc. The Wedding Dress
CORE The Learning Center Keller Williams of Greater Rochester Scottie's Detail Auto Body White Horse Automotive
Cottone Auctions and Appraisals Knapp Farms. ServiceMaster By Pagano Woodlynn Hills Golf Course
CPL LaDelfa, Schoder & Walker, PC Shafer Landscape, LLC York Animal Hospital
Lake Construction S.I.G. INvestigations
The Chamber Factor July 2022 • 9

Creating Connections ~ Cultivating Growth ~

Amplifying Our Members

3 Legged Pig BBQ Empire Reality Group JS Custom Steel Fabrication Paul E. Stein & Sons
A.B. Cole Real Estate EnergyMark LLC Keene Automotive Power & Construction Group
Accent Digital Printing & Designs Evening Star Coffee Roasters Kindred Ground Pride & Joy Child Care
All Seasons Wine & Spirits Falk Electric Kniley Photography Quality Inn Geneseo
Allegiance Bed & Breakfast FitzPatrick Farm Market Lamplighter Publishing & Ministries Quality Office Environments
American Custom Fanatics Pub Lane's Taxidermy Studio Reed Homestead
Avon Fitness & Tanning Fit Club 24/7 of Geneseo Lee Chiropractic & Athletic Training, PLLC Rodeway Inn
Avon Stove & Fireplace Co. Florence's Perpetual Estate Sale Leisure's Restaurant & Banquet Facility Safe Driver Solutions
Bancroft & Associates Fox Pest Control - Rochester Letson's Tree Farm Ice Cream Sciarrino & Sciarrino, P.C.
Barilla America Inc. G. McClellan Property Management Lincoln Agribusiness Services Spallina Materials Inc
Beaver Creek Industries Gatherings at the Depot Lisa Cottone Agency, State Farm Insurance Springwater Amish Workshop
Big Buffalo Films Genesee Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Livingston County Habitat for Humanity Spruce Solutions
Over 10 Years

Body & Face by Kristin Genesee Valley Feed Livingston Eye Care Stephen M Kelley, Esq,
Caledonia Village Inn Genesee Valley Florist Lloyd & Lynn's Liquor & Wine Steuben Landscaping & Floral Center
Calm Dental P.C. Genesee Valley Visiting Vet, PLLC LMC Contractor Summit Family Dental Care
Cassi V Photography Genesee Valley Web Marketing Lunar Cow Publishing Sweet Arts Bakery
Changwood Company Geneseo Computers Lynnie Lou's T. Cole Construction
Christopher Robins Pet Care Geneseo Healthy Campus & Community MacFadden's Coffee Co. T. Joseph Swyers Dairy Farm
Coast Professional, Inc. Geneseo Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry Maddie's Motor Sports & Temple Hill Bed & Breakfast
Colony Dry Cleaners & Laundromat Germack Financial Mad Max Indian Motorcycle Tetamore Photographic
Commodity Resource Corporation Gert & Bert Creations Mary Kay Yanik, Attorney The Lodge At Springwater
Country Inn & Suites Glass Act Mass Construction Tompkins Insurance Agencies
Countywide Glass Hampton Inn McIlroy Farms Tony's Pizzeria
Cycle Craze Harris Studios Morgrain Farms Toshiba Business Solutions
Dansville Radiator Hemlock Hills Alpaca Farm Morley Corporation Turbo Taxi
Deer Run Winery Henderson Equine Clinic Mosaic Health Mount Morris Twisters Ice Cream Shop
Dick Thomas Photography Heritage Christian Services Naturluxe & Stars Unified Maintenance & Construction.
Dogwood Floral Company Holiday Hill RV Resort & Campground Not Dot Shop Vacuum Innovations
Double Gage Run Hurricane Technologies Oakwood Financial Services Vasile's Catering
Dr. Nathan's Veterinary Clinic Image Empire O'Brien's Septic Service Vital Few Consulting & Publishing
Eagle Crest/O-Neh-Da Vineyards In.Site Architecture Old Soul's Catering West's Bookkeeping Services
Electronic Merchant Systems Jack's Place Gaslight Grill Partyman Catering Wilson Dairy & Sheep Farms
Wood Butchers

2nd Time Around Consignment Edward Jones, Leann Hill, Financial Advisor Letchworth Farm Spotless Express
585 Pest Control EFPR Group Lima Veterinary Center Steed Energy
Alla Breve Educational Consulting Elle Kay's Little Lakes Community Association Strange Design Brewing
Angry Rooster Deli Emily Watkins Photography Little Lakes Framing Sunrise Bouldering
Annabel's Gifts & More Empower Martial Arts Main Street Suites Suzea's Gluten Free Cafe & Bakery
Anytime Coach Lines Envy Salon Market on Main That Vacation Co.
Assembywoman Marjoie Byrnes Euro Cafe - Real Food & Deli McEvoy Appliances The Cake Place
AVH Invest - Farmer's Creekside Tavern & Inn Michael Adam Insurance Agency The Charlton Farm
Kyle Wentalnd, Financial Advisor FASTSIGNS of Rochester Mikala's Quilting The Fuzzy Bunny
Avon Inn Finger Lakes Management Solutions Mortalis Brewing Company The Hammocks at Geneseo
Avon Park Theater Fire Creek Farms NexGen Mobile Detailing
Under 10 Years

The Ridge Campground

Battle Street Brewery Genesee Sun Nickel Back Bottle & Can Redemption Center The Village Gallery
BBS Accounting Geneseo Parish Outreach Center Novem Group / Robert C. Hayes Thornapple Dairy
Beardsley Building Innovations High Way Cigar and Smoke Shop Oak & Stone Photography Tracy Design
Blue Rose Bed and Breakfast High Banks Tavern Oak Knolls Manor Trail Otter
Boriken Restaurant Hyperbarics on Wheels Oak Valley Inn & Suites Tri Acres
Breezeway Barns & Gardens The Hillcrest Estate Old Stump Blower Ciderworks True North Farm / True North Yoga
BrickInn Honeygirl Gourmet Palmer's Gutters & More Twin Silos Event Center
Caffe' Tazza Hunt's Auto Parts, Inc. Patchwork Saddlery Twins Family Restaurant
CJ Promo Design Ice Cream Island Perry Main Street Association Valley Propane and Fuels
Crickets Coffee Company JAZKAM ENTERPRISES Photography by Tom Cote VersaScape
Cruise Planners JonnyB's Custom BBQ Pickard Solutions Village Tavern
Cute as Can Bee Child Care Keeler's PSI Pregnancy Resource Center of The Valleys Vintage and Upcycled
Dansville ArtWorks Kish-a-wa Creamery Presutti Law Office Lasting Treasures (The V.A.U.L.T.)
Dansville Community Center Kith and Kin Guest Services R. Tripp Enterprises Vonglis Enterprises
Dirty Chores Outdoor Services K's Canine Rich Harvest Seeds Inc./Rich Harvest Farms Wendy's Pantry and
Double M Schuster Barn Lake Country Echo Rising Storm Brewing Company The Country Mouse Tea House
Dream Home on Conesus Lake Lance Dusett Enterprise Route & Roost Kitchen & Trading Post Whistling Farmer Pub
DRJ Repair Service LandPro Equipment Scientific Perspectives Willow Creek Venue
Dublin Corners Farm Brewery Law Office of Marcea Clark Tetamore Sessler Law P.C. Wingate Barn
Dutch Hollow Market Legendary Mobile Laser Tag Simco Zeppo's Creekside Creamery
Eagle Insurance Simply Positive
10 • July 2022 The Chamber Factor

Livingston Chamber honors 5 at annual gala

Special to The LCN thinking as they support facul- bipartisan leadership and con-
The Livingston County Ar- ty and encourage diverse view- structive governing necessary
ea Chamber of Commerce points. to move the country forward.
honored five individuals with n Business Leader Award n Future Leader Award
community leadership awards Recipient: The Business Lead- Recipient: The Future Leader
as part of the Chamber’s anni- er Award recognizes a Cham- Award is presented to a young
versary gala on April 23. ber member CEO, founder, professional who strives to-
The Chamber celebrated president or managing partner ward the highest levels of
its 50th – plus one year – anni- of a for-profit company that personal and professional ac-
versary at Willow Creek Venue has been in operation for at complishment in their chosen
in Lakeville. The evening in- least three consecutive years. field, devotes time and energy
cluded a formal plated dinner, The business leader is first to their community in a mean-
presentation of the Chamber’s and foremost an outstanding ingful way, and forges paths of
2022 Leadership Awards, and business person who displays leadership for others to follow.
a champagne toast. Music high business and personal in- The Future Leader is one
by Bob’s Brother’s Band and tegrity. Additionally, they pro- with less than 10 years of in-
dancing followed. Recipients of Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce
mote diversity in the business dustry experience but still pro-
Awards were presented to 2022 Leadership Awards include, from left, Joe Yantachka III,
community, understand the vides innovative leadership
Karen Rumfola, past region- Jennifer Rodriguez, Karen Rumfola, Mary Ellyn Merle, and Olie
importance of community ser- within their business or orga-
al director of the United Way Olson. The awards were presented during an April 23 gala.
vice and are civically engaged. nization and demonstrates a
of Livingston and Wyoming Through their mentoring of passion and commitment to
Counties; Olie Olson, metal to the quality of life in the com- Leader Award recognizes a
munity. current or former Chamber other business leaders, they that business.
trades instructor at Genesee are committed to creating a Guests were also invited to
Valley BOCES; Joe Yantachka The award winner must member that has demonstrat-
have demonstrated active in- ed a long-term and consistent positive regional business cli- take a walk down the red car-
III, owner of Partyman Cater- mate through development, pet and memory lane as the
ing; Jennifer Rodriguez, public volvement in the community pattern of educational lead-
in the form of either volunteer- ership, achievements and im- growth and investment in Liv- Chamber recognized member
health director for Livingston
ing personal time or providing pact in their field. ingston County. businesses and individuals
County; and Mary Ellyn Merle,
financial support for charita- The candidate is distin- n Government Leader who have made an difference
project manager of Genesee
ble and worthy activities that guished as an outstanding Award Recipient: The Govern- in the community in the past
Construction Service.
enrich, protect or entertain the educational leader, while also ment Leader Award is present- 50 years.
Here’s a capsule look at the
awards: citizenry of Livingston County. showing the ability to create ed to a current or past elected The Chamber’s anniversary
n Community Leader Nominees should be tireless environments that inspire in- or appointed government offi- gala was sponsored by Spec-
Award Recipient: The Com- in their quest to challenge the tellectual curiosity and critical cial who has demonstrated the trum Reach.
munity Leader Award recog- status quo in order to improve
nizes an individual or business life in Livingston.
Chamber Member that has n Education Leader Award
made a notable contribution Recipient: The Education


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The Chamber Factor July 2022 • 11

The campground bag drop is an innovative way that the

Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce helps members
get information to visitors of Livingston County.

Campground bag drop delivers

On Thursday, May 26, The bags were filled with
the Livingston County Area member information, bro-
Chamber of Commerce de- chures, coupons, “swag” and
livered 300 “Campground even flyswatters.
Bags” to local member The annual campground
campgrounds and hotels in bag drop is innovative way
anticipation of Memorial the Chamber can help you
Day Weekend. reach thousands of visitors.

MacFadden Coffee Co.

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Homemade Baked Goods,
Breakfast & Lunch
(585) 204-4230
211 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437

Chamber hosts annual Women’s Summit

The Livingston County Area Watch our website, https:// The Chamber is on Ins-
Chamber of Commerce host- www.livingstoncountycham- tagram at https://www.ins-
ed its fifth annual Women’s, and social media
Summit at The Hillcrest Es- platforms for the date and de- countyny/.
tate, 1940 Craig Rd., Pavilion, tails. Find the Chamber on
on Thursday, May 12. The Chamber’s Facebook LinkedIn at https://www.
The weather was beautiful, page is https://www.face-
the venue was amazing, the ingston-county-area-cham-
speakers were insightful and Chamber/. ber-of-commerce/
the conversations were inspir-
The contributions you make
to your profession, your fam-
ily, and your community is of
great value.
The Chamber’s goal is to
provide encouragement and
educationally enriching pro-
grams that motivate you to
continue to succeed.
We look forward to our next
Women’s Summit and hope
you are able to join us.
12 • July 2022 The Chamber Factor

4 things small businesses must THE STATE OF

do this holiday shopping season By Frank Kenny
The chamber is the “Voice
of Business” and as the “Voice
of Business,” there’s some-
By Christina Metcalf or specialize in. If you find thing we feel the need to ex-
Now is the time to be someone looking for those press to everyone in this com-
thinking about how you’re things, you can start a con- munity. Inflation is being felt
preparing for the holiday versation about it. everywhere, from Fortune 500
shopping season – with some If you’re sold out of the companies to solopreneurs
of the biggest shopping days item they want, suggest just starting out.
of the entire year. where they might be able to However, the difference be-
Since every sale can help find it. They’ll appreciate the tween large-scale companies
your future marketing, it’s help. and smaller ones are their re-
essential that over the next serves. According to JP Mor-
Post funny videos.
few months you think not gan Chase, the average small
only of the money, but the Interview people about
their holiday shopping business runs with only 27
data you can garner from days of operating expenses in
each sale as well. (don’t forget that media re-
lease!). reserves. Increases in utilities,
But don’t stress. goods and services, real estate,
Doing this now will cer- Highlight some of your
and gas costs; supply chain
tainly give you a leg up this METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION more unique items/services
issues affecting delivery; and
holiday shopping season. Since every sale can help your future marketing, it’s essential or your best sellers. employee shortages have tak-
Things You Need to Do that over the next few months yout think not only of the money, Analyze what gets results en a toll on businesses, espe-
During Small Business Sea- but the data you can garner from each sale as well. and do more of it. Tag your cially our smaller ones.
son local chamber in these posts In this challenging time,
of-sale system that could last-minute offer email to
Don’t let the biggest sales and they might share your while you are dealing with
quantify the sales data you’re them. People who have pur-
season go by without gather- content as well. your own concerns over
gathering to tell you what chased from you before are
ing this data and implement- This is a critical time to stretching your paycheck, we
people who buy from you more likely to buy again.
ing some of these activities to get sales, but revenue isn’t want to share some things you
often buy together. Buy one, get one offers
help with future marketing: the only benefit to your busi- might not realize.
But if you don’t have that are particularly beneficial
Build your list in place, you can do it man- in driving sales because ness.
You have a lot of people ually by paying attention to they allow people to buy for Every sale provides critical SMALL BUSINESS PRICING STATS
interested in what you sell items or services that sell two people inexpensively, information about your ideal (April 2022, Goldman Sachs)
well together. Then get that get more for less, or keep a client. The more information n 91% of small businesses
or the service you provide.
When people buy from you, information to your staff so special something for them- you have for analysis, the said they have been negatively
ask them if they’d be willing that they may make satisfy- selves. closer you are to the kind of affected by rising costs, supply
to sign up for a VIP list that ing suggestions to custom- Who doesn’t love that? personalized marketing that
will give them special dis- ers. gets results. See STATE T14
Excel in social media
counts or coupons. They get Email last-minute
savings, you get a way to stay Now is the time to blow up
in contact with them.
offers or deals your engagement on social A NICE SMILE IS
If you already have an media.
Notice the also boughts
Ideally, you have a point-
email list of past custom-
ers, send out a discount or
Search on social for
hashtags of things you sell
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The Chamber Factor July 2022 • 13

of hands-on connections during brought in vehicles for students will provide in the world of work.
Future ABCs these interactions that reinforced
student learning. Veterinarians
to safely “get behind the wheel.”
These connections were in per-
There were more than 2,300
student interactions with local
From T4 From T4 brought in animals for students son, for 25 minutes to an hour, business professionals that pro-
to examine. Construction project event dependent, and provided vided information on how to ac-
the Board of Supervisors and ifying the skills needed for suc- managers had students using students the ability to relate the cess careers with the best return
the Town of Avon supervisor, cess in the industries. Career their math skills to decipher blue- material and skills they are learn- on investment and armed with
said “it’s important that our lo- professionals provided an array prints. Linemen and truck drivers ing in school to the benefits they the skills needed for success.
cal students be fully informed
of the many rewarding indus-
tries and careers available to
them right here in Livingston
The program allows stu-
dents to explore career options
now, said Grouse, “when it is
at no cost to them; not in the
middle of their college years
when that exploration is com-
ing with a significant price
The Career Connector pow-
ered by Nepris allows busi-
nesses to share a day in the
life on the job and provide
information on the training,
education, and pathways for
students to move into these
fields. Corporate partners
can scale, manage, and track
their employee engagement
through education outreach
to improve students’ career
awareness and readiness.
“I think it is difficult for stu-
dents to figure out what they
want to be when they go up
or what they want to focus on,
so a platform like this is huge.
What you are doing is support-
ing the career development of
an individual, which in turn,
supports a business so the
business sees the benefits of
that,” said Joe Bucci Jr., envi-
ronmental health and safety
manager at American Rock
“You don’t have to drive
elsewhere, or relocate to get a
good job, there are terrific jobs
right here in Livingston Coun-
ty,” said Grouse. “The goal in
exposing students to these
local opportunities is to en-
courage them to remain or re-
turn here after post-secondary
studies or training, build our
talent pipelines, and strength-
en the fiber of the local com-
For more information about
the Career Connector plat-
form, people can contact An-
gela Grouse, director of educa-
tion to employment initiatives
with the Livingston County
Chamber of Commerce at
(585) 243-2222.
14 • July 2022 The Chamber Factor

tough times.
State Business owners are re-
silient, hardworking, prob- JOIN THE LUNCH BUNCH
From T12 lem-solvers. People who go to
work for themselves believe
chain, and workforce chal- in the service or product they
lenges, up from 86% in January provide.
2022. As the saying goes entrepre-
n 73% said increasing ener- neurs would “rather work 80
gy costs are negatively affect- hours for themselves, than 40
ing their bottom lines. for someone else.”
n 56% believe the issues We have faith in business
have gotten worse since the owners and we’re doing our
start of the year. best to help by giving them
n 74% are currently hiring, the resources to work through
90% are finding it difficult to these extraordinary challeng-
fill the positions. es, but we need your help.
n 88% have said inflationary
Small business owners are Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce members
pressures have increased in BOTTOM LINE
doing the best they can to gather at Jonny B’s Custom BBQ, 1883 Rochester St., Lima, for
2022. Small businesses need you
make enough profit and cut “Lunch Bunch.” These networking sessions meet monthly at a
n 67% have increased wages to:
costs to stay in business. different Chamber member restaurant. For more information,
to keep or attract employees. n Show up. Keep patroniz-
call the Chamber at (585) 243-2222.
n 42% have lost employees to save money. ing them.
to larger companies. Table your complaints. n Put up. Costs are increas-
n 75% are seeing a rise in They’re doing the best they ing for everyone. They are not
their operating costs, yet only can right now to make enough here to gouge you.
40% are raising prices. profit and cut costs to stay in n Support them. If not
Let’s repeat that last one. business. through purchases than
Three-quarters of small busi- According to the National through reviews, word-of-
nesses are seeing a rise in their Federation of Independent mouth, or referring someone
costs, but less than half have Business, 31% of small busi- looking for work.
raised prices. nesses are taking on debt to n Pass the message along.
Costs are going up. These help keep costs low. So, they Remind others what busi-
businesses have held out as need your continued support nesses are going through. It’s
long as they could. Soon those and understanding. stressful wondering how you’ll
that haven’t already will raise This may seem like a bleak make payroll, pay your suppli-
their prices. It’s inevitable. Be- picture for small businesses, ers or your landlord.
fore you react to this, please but we have had some won- We’ll get through this to-
consider… derful success stories over the gether, but it won’t happen by Proud to be a Certified Women-Owned Business Enterprise
past year as well. There are making small business owners
RESPONDING TO new businesses growing. Peo- and employees feel dumb or
INCREASED PRICES ple are starting their own en- guilty for trying to do what’s
terprises even through these necessary to stay open.
Businesses need our sup-
port, and they need our pa-
This is a last resort for many
small businesses because they
are very close to their custom-
ers. They don’t want to pass
on their costs. They know cus-
tomers have their own pricing Market on Main
concerns and their paychecks
are not going nearly as far as Gifts for All Occasions
they used to.
You may see closures on
days the businesses used to Handbags
be open or experience limited Decor
hours to help with staff short- Bath & Body
Be understanding of this. Cards
By limiting their hours, they
are trying to remain in busi-
ness and cover the employee
Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 11am-6pm,
Sat. 10am-5pm, Closed Sun. & Mon.
45 Main St. Geneseo
585.335.9466 Option 1 (Septic)
shortage they’re facing.
Businesses may reduce 9429 Meter Road, Dansville, NY 14437
the services they offer or the
secondary costs. Bars, for in-
stance, may cut back on bands
The Chamber Factor July 2022 • 15


The Livingston County Area
Chamber of Commerce provides
ribbon cutting ceremonies
for new businesses and those
that have recently relocated,
expanded or celebrating
significant milestones.
Recent ribbon cuttings have
been Route & Roost, Kitchen &
Trading Post, 6105 East Avon
Lima Rd., East Avon, on April 10
and Main Street Suites, 94 Main
St., Geneseo, on June 3.
Route & Roost is a breakfast
and lunch cafe with a focus
on making clean food readily
available to the community
at an affordable price. Its core
concept revolves around taste,
nutrition, community and
Main Street Suites has become
a new innovative way to run
self-employed businesses. Each
tenant designs and creates
their own individual space. At
this time, the location is home
to Maria’s Hair Emporium,
Woodland Waves Hair
Lounge, Bully Barbershop
and Divine Beauty. Other
professional businesses can
be accommodated. A few more
suites will be available soon.
For information or to schedule a ribbon cutting contact the Chamber office at (585) 243-2222.

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16 • July 2022 The Chamber Factor

7.19 Monthly Coffee Connection - Genesee Country Village, Mumford
7.27 July Lunch Bunch - The Beachcomber, Conesus

8.14 Farmer Neighbor Dinner - Hemlock Fairgrounds
8.17 Monthly Coffee Connection - Zeppo's Creekside Creamery, Mt. Morris
8.25 August Lunch Bunch - Deer Run Winery, Geneseo

9.20 Monthly Coffee Connection - Grzenda's Farm, Livonia
9.28 September Lunch Bunch - Glen Iris Inn, Letchworth SP

Happy Summer!!
More details on all events can be found on our website

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