Assistance Package For Families of Government Employees

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GOVERNMENT OF PaiustAN CABINET SECRETARIAT. [ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION No, 102013-6.2 09) Subject visi FICE MEMORANDU EMPLOYEES WHO DIE INSERVICE, ‘The undersigned is directed to ceft otis Division's O1M No. 7/402005-£-2, ced Jue, 2006, OM No. 8/102013-E-2, deed 20 Octobe, February, 2015 and O.M. No, 81072013 (Ell (PT) ded 25" May, 2015 inching anos thtcot issued fom tine o time on the subject noted above and to sae tal te Pine Misses hs ben plese "0 soprove the following revised Assistance Package for Governinent employees, who di i sevice: wef9! Fobruty, 2015, !slorabed, te a Desens 2015 fam H GOVIERNMEN 2014, O.M. No, $/10/2017-6-2 dated 9M SiRSRCEREREN sca Sn doe oper eee ave |e am eo caer | : ae Sea Ee ee 7 R200] |v. Rs, TOO GONE she wiecrtlals IB] [eal CS. 000K 9 the ott oti | Teas — Haare ae a pa Sterne rt ph on | Grose s rns aus we beyyte e et| Seg era iaeimstigene "SS eae “| Aeceinmedation ‘Reeiion of Goverment Roose o payment oP eat of hire house il he age of uperanation ‘Rrcetion of Goverment hone w pay emt of hited house il the aye af superanmation, Banesion Free edison to allie Guides of the oes s2vernment employees up t0 erection in any public? government education! inltuiog inclodng expenses of wition fee. books rlaed ‘natal and ving aowances ee Free eiteaiion To all Whe ahr OF We eceised government employees ay to sgraduaion “in any pois) rovernmen ‘thea intition icine capter of tution fe, bok send moira Te allowances ete ‘Allotingit oF Plot ‘Discontniaion af the ellereat oF PW gata Br illtment of plat. Payment of lamp sum grant In iu of plot subject tothe cancion tat no pot had ben ello in the pasa persue given Bowes Biscontniton oF ie een AC qin for allotent of plot Payrt n” inp seam Fanti ew oF pe sujet to tis cnn np, plot had Been alte in the pst por sei given beiow- aS Ameo aS ‘ai 18 2 Wien Le 2 Wie a ion 36 ion and above | 7 lion Ting aave—_[ 7 Matin] Erayment Enwoyiiant fr pose is BST i BETS oo no os coma withou verses, ‘Eployme Yor poss w DSU o HIT ar Tariage Grant ‘Marriage gront amounting e Re§ he on welOTG ‘of oe daughter may bo granted 10 famly Ce deceased Goveraveneuployees, ‘v9 yenrs contra: Win aerisg men Marriage grim anouning wy Rell for ‘wedding of one dmugter, ma fe ese Fay of deceased Government simployecs Weare ise heat Relies spe er culetnet ring | Troe Heyih Tailes Se pF Ty service Atrng servic awe In ete of abvaice aga solaris scone? by [In Gie-of Wve Tasha SaNiS MaioneT Buiting the AGPR or the provineial AG Ofer, the | by HEAGPR ev the rove AG Olfcg hc Agvauce ‘ip balanee tobe wave. gai Blanc o be wins Nomiaation ofa officer a8 counet ‘AD lier of BS-I7 o¢ BS-18 aay be aomiwiee by cach MinisiryDiisionDepartnen as coun) ‘who wil be respansbie fr falizatonproison Of all the Taclies under the package to he families of Govt. employees who tie In save within one mont othe nsigent, ‘Aa officer Of Si7 oe HSIN thay be nominated by each Minsty Division Depaninent os couse) wo wil be vesponsibe for falizatonfowsa of all the facies wader the pe, tothe faites of Gor. employes wha di n service iin oe orth of te inten Speci Laay Sum Grant fo Benevolent Fund 1 Special Von eat gt fom Basie and ranging for Hs 200,000 ws 300.000 enti ser Pay Tae ait [See ay Sats “Groat Berean, Minium’ | Maxim ine | Mes Grant Te [ 00} ToT this oa S001 | ~3500—| a0 Tver 5500 350 {e900 —|—300 SI ssor sad col | eso] “tas0 tear [39007] 5 [eso Fano sear 35007} e009] eter 0 [801 Faso fa Tsar 00 Ea OC sr io, 5s} hae $—[ aso 1} s.001 [900] 550 1“ aaor L901 hae} it 30r 1 Toor] .900 —T—$50 Too] 3.008 Ea CEN gor} .00F ie 15,001 17,000" 6,500] 15,001 17.000, is — 1 aor —| 19.900] —“eo atl —[—15 9 ion] p00 fa Bat | ram tai oo |S | Fa “se 12st 5 | 3.0o1 | a A EL ET 300 | “arn 2137001} 99.000] ~ 580 —| 3901] 9.08 Ea TT LC Ss.001 [Sr 2.0 “53560-4505 — eat] Sa EST Bolsa Sst} 3s Ss.o0r[ Sr [35 'cor |“ 39.900—-T sap 37.901 —]— 38 26 39,000 & 70,109, ie DOF stove above Tersiwilie lr Gi fin aee deni oFapoveranen Caplayee| i GE Oe ise Hat tw TAT for A folowing prevequsies mst imiecely be | govemnem enployce, tne ohowee heen fied som van... comme | mt trnelatly be fined ie ces family of | MinisryDivsonBepsrinen 10 tt the family of | MinisnyDiviset Denne a nat ae feemtes__ [he deceased govenent employe maybe acne | ie atewsee aurea caste an oct swthomany aye fied wth ut ayy: Umpiges 2 Tnnedate sisson of Sanity pension ee, Option fem for Direct Cred Scheme (onin payment of pension) © Application for Antcipatry Pension (aver etl pen, Besides as a proactive approach eich ‘Minisey/DivisionDeparinent inst” observe “ike following practices regarding their employees- © Uptoduie list of ily nantes of exch employee for ermin nurpoee be rmainained before bs ‘© Nomination for Gene Provident Fond must be erste for each employe n Die ie 1 Inmet sn Ei pension en : b. Option fore for Dicer Cie Scheme (one pavinn of pension) 5 Applisiten for Astcipary Pension Gorrie ot pension), Besides oe 9 prowetive proach each MoisuyiDivisoniDepetiment an ebsrve the flowing peciesegieding te enploneess ‘6 Upto dts lin of lambs mainte of exch caplyee Tor pension erpote be naad lnsh, © Nomina for Gree avant Fund mow be wysie fo ee | OF Fund” Oily iayaiesioont oF GP Find sal be pad | Only payable eset EGE ond SEES Pad ecto mi ‘ne Scented try. Payonent of [The Tllowig sep tay Ut es by he catarad | Tie Bllawing A@pC hay Pension | Minisie! Division Departmen for payment of | Mises! Divisions Benin fy poser ftvough | pitsion tzough Direct Credi Scheme (OCS) | pension through Die! “Creat Scheme (Dea) Breet Crea | ero (ootena : woes}, The Diet Cred Scheme mist be made | a. The Direet Cie Scheme ust be sks compulsory fora new | compulbory forall sew person personaly pensioner | peasioers wf 91-01-2013 Seo-o1-2013 The mania bath bales woud be dcntnwa b The ‘mamal bot halves would be |” we.fO131-2015 foal mew yesionry sisontined we f01-01-2015 forall new | pensions, Densonesfany sions. «The Mtriea! pensions ins! be bron is ‘& The hinoneal pensions must be brought | the sean of DCS ose uise . Int he soean of DCS pins 2 The Prinie Minister has also approved that- (9. Relevant recruitment ‘rnles may be appropriately amended to provide fay ppointments of family members wader the instant package; nd (ii). A death will be deemed to be » “Security Relate death” i it oecies duc to 4 ferrosist act or while combating ar confronting the teroriss).inespeetive of the fact thatthe victim was member uf Law Enforcement Ayeney (LEA) ur a Clin employee. Death of a member of LEA due to a cause, ciher than a cecmist act, will be classified as an “In.soiviee death, 3 ‘Al Ministvie / Divisions ace requested to take forther necessary action accoingly Tele 9103653 All Ministries / Divisions /Islamalyad / Rawalpindi, Accountant General of Pakistan Revenue, Islamabad, Federal Emplovees Benevolent and Group Insurames, Islamabad

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