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FEU Institute of Technology

Life and Works of Rizal
Summative Assessment

Write an essay that agrees with the fact that the Republic Act 1425: The Rizal Law, is still relevant
today and should not be abolished. Alternatively, write an essay that provides points on why the
aforementioned law is obsolete and should be amended or abolished altogether. You must only
choose one topic.

Dr. Jose Rizal is well-known as a national hero in the Philippines. The man who dedicated
his entire life to his country. He is also the one who writes the famous Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo. But that is not enough for the Filipino youth or the incoming generation to fully
know Dr. Jose Rizal. Some argue that the Republic Act 1425, often known as the Rizal Law, is
unsuccessful in attaining the law's objectives, such as recognizing the importance of Dr. Rizal's
teachings, ideas, and values in modern life. Some may argue that the Rizal Law is obsolete and
should be abolished, while others believe that the Rizal Law is still relevant and should not be

The law must not be abolished because people and the next generation must learn that there
are heroes who sacrifice their life to free the Philippines. The Rizal Law is associated with enacting
rules to teach people about our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, and his Life, Works, and Writings,
particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. This is to provide future students
and citizens with a solid foundation and to help them comprehend how Jose Rizal gave his life for
our country. The law was created specifically to ensure that future generations of Filipinos do not
forget what Dr. Jose Rizal had to go through to ignite the burning passion of Filipinos to begin a
revolution against Spanish colonization. Abolishing the law may also harm and affect the future
history of the Philippines.

It is still important studying Rizal in today’s world. The academic subject on Jose Rizal's
life works, and writings were not imposed by law for nothing. Just like Senator Jose P. Laurel, said
that "Because Rizal was the founder of Philippine nationalism and has made significant
contributions to the current status of this nation, it is only appropriate that the youth and all people
in the country are aware of and learn to absorb the noble values for which he died." There are
things that the law seeks people to recommit the lives of today's youth to the values of freedom
and nationalism for which our heroes fought and died. Also, there are other reasons why studying
Rizal may benefit the youth today and the future generation. The question remains, why to abolish
Republic Act 1425 or The Rizal Law when people can learn a lot about our national hero's past
and gain an appreciation and deeper grasp of Philippine history. Instead of abolishing the Rizal
Law, they should help and encourage the youth to study and learn the life and works of our national

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