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Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

Affiliate Marketing Hack

Copyright © July 2022 by Nwaeze David

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or

transmitted in any form or by any means, including photography, recording, or
any other electronic, digital or mechanical methods, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, except in the case of a brief quotations embodied in
critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
For permission requests, write to the publisher, address “Attention: Permission
Coordinator,” at the address above.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID


This book and the contents provided herein are simply for educational, general
information and entertainment purposes only. They do not (and should not) take
the place of legal advice from your lawyer. It is sold with understanding that the
publisher in not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional
Every effort has been made to ensure that the content provided in this book is
accurate and helpful for our readers at publishing time. However, this is not an
exhaustive treatment of the subjects.
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information
within the book was correct at the time of publication. While we try to keep the
information up to date and correct, there are no representations or warranties,
express or implied, about the completeness accuracy, reliability, suitability or
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Any and all references to persons or businesses, whether living or dead, existing
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Any use of this information is at your own risk. The author does not assure and
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by errors or omissions result from accident, negligence or other causes.
No guarantees of income or profits are intended by this book. Many variables
affect each individual’s results. Your results will vary from the examples given.
Nwaeze David and Pro Blogging Academy cannot and will not promise your
personal success as they has no control over what you may do or not do with this
book and therefore cannot accept the responsibility for the results. You are the
only one who can initiate the action, in order to reap your own rewards.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

If you wish to apply ideas contained in this book, you are taking full responsibility
of your choices, actions and results.
If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent
professional person should be sought.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

Table of Contents
 Affiliate Marketing Overview
 Affiliate Marketing Networks To Join
 Hack for Website Owners
 Hack for non-Website Owners
 Important Tools & Resources To Have

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID


With the information contained in this eBook, you are about to become a 10x
sales machine in affiliate marketing. This eBook is equipped with top-notch hacks,
quality tools and resources which the gurus use every day to stay on top of their
game in affiliate marketing.

As long as you apply the hacks that I’m about to show you, sales will keep coming
in and you will keep making more money online sitting at home without stress.

Are you ready to become a pro in affiliate marketing?

Do you want to make more sales in affiliate marketing?
Do you want to make more money online as an affiliate marketer?
If your answer to any of these questions is YES! Then you can go ahead and dive
right in to what I have for you in this eBook.

Congratulations & Good Luck!!!

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID


Affiliate Marketing Overview

Before we begin, it’s best to do a little overview of what exactly ‘Affiliate

Marketing’ is all about. That will help you understand what you are doing and
how to play the game right and achieve real success in it.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is simply selling other peoples products and services for a
commission as profit.
To further explain this, I’ll show you the three major components or bodies of
Affiliate Marketing and how they are linked together to make up the Affiliate
Marketing Business Industry.
This industry has been around for years and has no end in sight; As a matter of
fact, the curve keeps going up and consistently growing. So you are not mistaken
to be an affiliate marketer, you just need to do it the right way to get the results
you seek.

The Three Major Components of Affiliate Marketing

1. Product Vendor
This is the person or company that owns the product you are promoting as
an affiliate.
2. Affiliate Network
This is simply the platform where these vendors come to publish their
products and services to find affiliate marketers like you to help them
promote their products and services.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

3. Affiliate Marketer
This is you, the person who is going to promote these products and services
for a commission as profit per sale you make.

When a vendor publishes a product or service on these platforms, they will

register it with tracking links which is unique to each affiliate marketer approved
to market that product. This is ensure that your marketing efforts are not in vein.
These tracking links are called ‘Affiliate Links’ and your own link is unique to you
alone. When someone buys with your link, the platform will recognize the sale as
your sale and you will receive any commission assigned for that sale by the
Some vendors pay one-time, while others pay recurrently (known as
subscription/recurrent based). These are some of the things you will need to look
out for when choosing a product to promote.
We’ll discuss more on these things in the coming chapters; for now, let me wrap
up this chapter by saying this:

“Great Things Take Time to Build Up, You Have To Keep Building Consistently and

Now, it’s time to take a look at some of the mistakes you are probably making
right now in affiliate marketing that are causing you to make little or no sales.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID


Affiliate Marketing Networks To Join

Before you become an affiliate marketer and start selling products and services
online, you will first need to have a product or service assigned to you by a vendor
to market and make commissions from.
Fortunately, there are so many networks around the globe today ready to accept
you in and help you make money online by selling other people’s products and
Quickly, I’m going to list some of these networks with links for you to join them
with. All you need to do is click on each of the listed names and the link will open
up in your browser.

List of Affiliate Networks:

 Shareasale
 ClickBank
 WarriorPlus
 JVZoo
 Commission Junction
 Impact Radius
 Fiverr Affiliates
 PartnerStack
 Owodaily
 Amazon Associates
 And so much more…
All these networks have hundreds of affiliate programs active inside them, all you
need to do is sign up for an account with any of them and you can start promoting
products and services in each of them.
Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

Some of these affiliate programs will require you to explain how you are going to
promote them before they approve you, so make sure to be professional and
For more tips on that, check out my videos on affiliate marketing here…

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID


Hack For Website Owners

If you have a website, then good for you because you will have maximum control
of everything and also an unlimited possibility in the business.
The first thing you need to do as a website owner is to get the following tools
installed on your website real quick.

Affiliate Link Manager

This tool will help you manage all your affiliate links and help you track your
progress with each one of them.

>> Click Here To Get This Tool <<

Email Marketing Manager

Click on the link below to get the best email marketing tool that will serve you and
give you what you want on your website.

>> Click Here To Get Email Marketing Tool For Your Website <<

After you have gotten these two plugins installed on your website, set them up
and then proceed with the following hacks.
Note: These hacks are very effective but will cost you a little money to setup; but
once the setup is complete, the results are massive.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

Method One: Using Blog Posts

Step 1. Write a Super Convincing Blog Post about the Affiliate Product.
You can use this recommended tool below to get that done in minutes.
>> Click Here To Get Content Writer AI <<

Step 2. Insert your affiliate Link Strategically

Using the affiliate link manager plugin I recommended earlier, insert your affiliate
links into the post manually or automatically if you are using the pro version.

Step 3. Rank Your Post on Search Engine

After doing your normal SEO setup for the post, you might want to do a little
boost to that post, so that a lot of free traffic will come to it and make you a lot of

How To Do that:
Go-to SEOClerks, and look for a gig that will rank your post on the first page of
google. Make sure you go for those with high reviews and possible money back

Buy the gig and they will rank your post to google search no.1 and you will start
getting lots of free traffic to that blog post and sales will keep pumping in and that
means a lot of money right?

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

Method Two: Using Email Marketing

Step 1. Setup a Bridge page

Use the second recommended plugin above to setup a bridge page on your
website. For a more detailed guide on how to do this, check out my YouTube
Channel Videos here…

Step 2. Get a Professional Email Swipes Ready and Automated

To get professional email swipes, all you need to do is click the button below and
get one for yourself.
>> Click Here To Get Email Swipes <<

With these professional email swipes, you will be able to build a relationship with
your subscribers and make them trust you. As long as they trust you, selling to
them will become very easy and faster.

Step 3. Get the Word Out

After you are done setting up the bridge page, it’s time to advertise your product
links on social media to get interested audience to your bridge page, once they
sign up, you give them a free gift to gain their trust.
You can buy any of my books and give it to them as a free gift, to build that trust.
>> Click Here To See List of My Books <<

Or, you can go online and download PLR eBooks for free and use it as gifts to
attract more subscribers.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

Step 4. Send Professional Emails with Your Affiliate Links

Just copy and paste the email swipes into the email manager plugin that you
Instructions on how to setup the emails are all in the email swipes template.
>> Click Here To Get the Email Swipes & Templates <<

That’s pretty much it for website owners. The more traffic and subscribers you
get, the more sales you make; which equals more money.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID


Hack For Non-Website Owners

If you don’t have a website, you can still make money online with affiliate
marketing; all you have to do is follow my instructions carefully and you will be
good to go.
For starters you can create a free blog with and start writing
blog post just like the first method. Or, you can create a free email marketing
system and use if to automate your business.

The first thing you need to do is to setup an automated system that will help you
build a relationship with your audience and at the same time make you more
money repeatedly.
If that sounds like what you want to achieve, then read on…

To build a system that will help us achieve this, we are going to open a free
account with an email marketing platform.
And the reason why I’m recommending this free platform is because most of
these other similar platforms are way too expensive and I want you to make some
money before you can start paying for such premium products okay!

Mind you this particular platform I’m about to recommend is very good and
effective and simple to use. Also, I’ll be showing you step by step how to setup
this system in the video below:

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

To begin, click the link below to open a free account for yourself and then watch
the video to see how to set it up and use it for your marketing.

>> Click Here To Open a FREE Account <<

When you are done creating your free account, you can watch my YouTube
videos on affiliate marketing to learn more on how to setup the system and
automate everything.
>> Click Here To Watch My YouTube Affiliate Marketing Videos <<

You can get the unlimited version of this email marketing software by clicking the
link below;
>> Click Here To Get Funnel Mail Suit <<

Now that you have setup your email marketing system, it’s time to plan your
marketing and make more sales using the professional email swipes you got from
the previous chapter.
If you didn’t get the email swipes from the previous chapter, then click on the link
below to get them now. Your success depends on these professional email swipes
because they will make you so much money in the long run.

>> Click Here To Get the Professional Email Swipes <<

When this is all done and your system is ready, it’s now time to start advertising.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

When advertising your affiliate products and services, there are so many
platforms to choose from and you can get overwhelmed sometimes with
choosing the best platform for your advert.

I’ll advise you be very couscous at this stage to avoid wasting your money and not
seeing a reasonable amount of results.
I’m going to list some of these platform here so you can visit each of them and
understand who they work.

1. Google AdWords
This platform is owned by google and with it you can advertise on google
search results, Gmail, YouTube, and many other platforms owned by

>> Click Here To Get $150 Free Google Advert Credit <<

2. Facebook Ad Manager (Meta)

This platform is owned by Meta (formally known as Facebook) and with it,
you can advertise on Facebook, messenger, Instagram and other platforms
owned by Meta.

>> Click Here To Get $150 Free Facebook Advert Credit <<

3. Pinterest
4. Quora
5. Bing Ads (Yahoo Ads), etc.
The list goes on and on, but these ones are the top advertising platforms that can
get you fast results right now.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

To learn more about each of these advertising platforms, I’ll advise you subscribe
to my YouTube channel using the link below so you can learn how each and every
advertising platform works.
Also, you will be learning so many other things as well on my channel for free.

>> Click Here To Subscribe To My YouTube Channel <<

Now, that you have subscribed to my channel, take your time and go through my
videos on affiliate marketing and advertising with different channels.
I’ll be able response to any question you may have on any of these platforms
through my YouTube channel, and that’s why I’m recommending it to you. To be
able to communicate with you and help you out.

Cheap Affiliate Marketing Traffic Hack

Now that you have learnt how to setup your affiliate marketing system and
business, let take a look at one more hack to getting more traffic and making
more money.

This particular hack involves paying individuals to market your affiliate links for
you at a very cheaper price and this method is kind of a black-hat method but it’s
very effective and works fast as well. Not to mention, it’s cheaper.

Step 1.
First thing you will need to do is create an account with any of these two
platforms listed below:
Owodaily – Click Here To SignUp
Picoworkers – Click Here To SignUp

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

After you are done creating your accounts, make sure to activate your accounts.
Then proceed to creating a job on the platforms.

Step 2.
Create a Social Media Post with Your Affiliate Link attached to it. Make sure this
post is attention grabbing.

Step 3.
Copy the link to the post you made on social media, be it Facebook, twitter, etc.
Create a job on these platforms and instruct your workers to share your post with
their friends or share it with other social media groups they belong in.

Ask them to submit screenshot of the post shared on these groups as evidence of
job done.

That’s it, you can hire 1,000 or 1,000,000 or more people to be doing this type of
advert for you every day and trust me, the results are always super massive.

The YouTube Hack For Affiliate Marketing

This particular one is also very effective but so many people shy away from this
because they don’t want to be on camera and all that stuff.
Luckily for you, there’s no need for you to be on camera before you can make
money on YouTube. Just follow my instructions and you will be up and running in
no time without ever showing your face on camera.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

Step 1. Get The Best AI Video Creator

You can get started with any of the two recommended AI Video Creators listed
below. These software will make the videos for you and all you need to do is
publish the video on your YouTube channel.
Video Creator Software
 VidReviews – >> Click Here To Get It <<
This software will generate a product review video for any product you
 Content-To-Video Converter – >> Click Here To Get It <<
This software will convert any blog post into video automatically.

Step 2. Optimize Your Video for More Traffic

You can use the tool below to optimize your video for more free traffic and
>> Click Here To Get SEO Tool <<
Make sure to add your affiliate links in the description of the video so that your
audience will use your link to buy the product.

YouTube Shorts
Another option is to Upload YouTube Shorts.
You can find a video relating to the product you want to promote on social media
sites like TikTok or Instagram.

Download the video and edit it using Canva.

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

Once done, upload it as shorts on YouTube and then add your affiliate links in the
description of the video so that your viewers will use your affiliate link to buy the
product in the video.

For video tutorials on how to achieve this, click on the button below to subscribe
to my YouTube Channel and also watch the videos on how to get these things

>> Click Here To Watch My YouTube Tutorial Videos <<

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID


Important Tools and Resources To Have

Here are some of the important affiliate marketing tools and resources you
should consider using to achieve maximum result includes the following:

 Mangools
This simple will help you find the right keywords, target audience and so
many other things you will need, to find the right audience and target them

>> Click Here To Get Mangools <<

 SEO Buddy
This SEO Software will help you on a daily basis to will guide you with an
SEO worksheet for ranking higher on search engine and getting you a lot of
free traffic. You should definitely try it out.

>> Click Here To Get SEO Buddy <<

 Copy AI
This simple tool will help you write the best ad copy that will capture your
audience and make them want to buy from you.
This tool is a must-have.

>> Click Here To Get Copy AI <<

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID

 Article To Video Software

This particular software is very essential if you want to make money with
both your affiliate products and also from YouTube AdSense.

It will convert any article you want into video automatically and you can
upload it to YouTube and add your affiliate links to it.

>> Click Here To Get This Software <<

 VidReviews Software AI
Just enter the details of the product you want to review and the system will
make a video for you and you can publish it on YouTube for free and make
money with free YouTube traffic.

>> Click Here To Get Video Review AI <<

 Email Generator
This software can generate emails just by using keywords, and you can do
cold email marketing with it.
You should try that out.

>> Click Here To Get Email Generator <<

Affiliate Marketing Hack | NWAEZE DAVID


Now it’s time to get up and start making money today online with affiliate
All the information you need to succeed if available here and on my YouTube
Take advantage of this marketing strategies right now and make that money.

See You at the Top!!!


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