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Before answering the question What remnants of Westphalian System can still be felt at this day and
age? In what sense has the world gone beyond the Westphalian System? We must know what the
Westphalian system is, so the Westphalian system is the term used in international relations, that
arise supposedly from the Treaties of Westphalia in 1648 thus ended the Thirty Years War. It is
generally held to mean a system of states or international society comprising sovereign state entities
possessing the monopoly of force within their mutually recognized territories.

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According to Doctor, E. (2020) The dominant remains of the Westphalian system up until today is the
concept of sovereignty, tracing its history with agreements signed in 1864 that ends the war, not until
challenged by Bonaparte and killed in waterloo that paves way to revival of Westphalian but still
collapsed. Despite the challenge of napoleon Bonaparte at this present-day Westphalian system has
its footprint that is evident in different states today considering sovereignty. Westphalian still hold the
significant influence in a world of politics for example the United Nations as product of this decides
through council decision process.
According to Goel, K. (2021) The Westphalian system still remains the model for international politics
around the world and the concept of state sovereignty, solidified by the peace, is still the basis for
modem international treaties and conventions.
According to Doctor, E. (2020) The world gone beyond the Westphalian system (since it divides
separate governance with different sovereign entities) there have been attempts to transcend it that
results to heightened interaction between various sovereign states and the desire for greater
cooperation among people and state.


So, the remnants of Westphalian System can still be felt at this day and age is the concept of
sovereignty, it is traced in 1864 where there is an agreement that ends the war. Up to this present
day the Westphalian system has still remnants or footprints that is noticeable in different states today
in consideration of sovereignty. The influence of Westphalian influence still stands in the political
world an example of this is the United Nations as product of this decides through council decision
To add to that another statement says that the Westphalian system is still the model used in
international politics all over the world and the concept of state sovereignty that is solidified by peace
still remains as the basis for modem international treaties and conventions.
The world has gone beyond the Westphalian system, because there is separation of governance with
different sovereign entities.

According to Holton, R. W. (2020) No, it hasn’t gone beyond it though there are forces who think it’d
be a good idea to no longer have countries and allow the free migration of labor and consumers to
wherever these forces wish them to be easily available and low paid enough to do whatever these
forces want done and thus simplify the interests they pursue without care about anything of mankind’s
except consumerism and labor. Multi culturalism actually pans out to be no cultures. It turns out to be
homogenization. It is a disrespect for culture, borders, identities, humanity, etc. in the not very long
According to Banos, P. (2022) There is and was no “Westphalian system" except in the minds of
theorists. They used the Treaty of Westphalia as a convenient marker, a sort of stamp of approval, for
a complex of developments already in progress before then and still changing in one way or another
ever since. The world doesn't have to go beyond Westphalia, the world will go about its frustratingly
multidimensional business as it always has; it's up to the theorists to decide what changes they're
going to recognize and in what terms.


In contradiction to the first review of related literature, it is said that there is no existence of the
“Westphalian system” it is said that it was just a theory that theorists talked about, and that they just
used the treaty of Westphalia as a sort of convenient marker, a sort of stamp of approval, for a
complex developments that is already in progress before and it is still changing in a way ever since. It
is also said that there is no particular sense that the world has gone beyond the Westphalian system,
it is said that the world will remain in its frustratingly multidimensional business as it always has been,
and it is up to those theorists to make a decision on what are the changes that they are going to
recognize and in what particular terms. To add to that another statement says that the world has not
gone beyond the Westphalian system, but there are forces that thinks it would be a good idea to no
longer have countries and to allow free migration of labor and consumers to which is it be easily

The Westphalia system is the term used in international relations, that arise supposedly from the
Treaties of Westphalia in 1648 thus ended the Thirty Years War. It is generally held to mean a system
of states or international society comprising sovereign state entities possessing the monopoly of force
within their mutually recognized territories. There are several statements that agree with existence
and the acknowledgement of the remnants of the Westphalian system, an example is “Westphalian
System can still be felt at this day and age is the concept of sovereignty” another one is The
Westphalian system still remains the model for international politics around the world and the concept
of state sovereignty, solidified by the peace, is still the basis for modem international treaties and
And there are several statements that said that there is no existence of the Westphalia system, an
example is “There is and was no “Westphalian system" except in the minds of theorists. They used
the Treaty of Westphalia as a convenient marker, a sort of stamp of approval, for a complex of
developments already in progress before then and still changing in one way or another ever since.”
So, we have talked about What remnants of Westphalian System can still be felt at this day and age?
In what sense has the world gone beyond the Westphalian System? And there are several answers
to that question agreeing that there are still remnants of the Westphalian System that until up to this
day that can be felt, and it also answered in what sense has the world gone beyond the Westphalian
System. And there are also contradictions to the answers that agree, there is a statement that says,
“There is and was no “Westphalian system" except in the minds of theorists.” In conclusion there is no
clear answer to the questions.


Scribd. (n.d.). What remnants of the Westphalian system can still be felt at this day and age. Scribd.
Retrieved June 17, 2022, from
What remnants of the Westphalian system can still be felt at this day and age in what sense has the
world gone beyond the Westphalian? Quora. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2022, from

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