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SF Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region | SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR OO —————— Office of the Schools Division Superintendent DIVISION MEMORANDUM No, 042s, 2022 POLICY GUIDELINES ON DIVISION READING PROGRAMS AND INTERVENTIONS TO ADDRESS READING GAPS IN THE DIFFERENT KEY STAGES TO: Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors District Coordinating School Heads Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads Allothers Concerned The Schools Nn of Ilocos Sur - Curriculum Implementation Division hereby provide to the field Policy Guidelines on Division Reading Programs and Interventions to address Reading Gaps in the Different Key Stages for implementation. Attached herewith is the copy of the policy guidelines. All elementary and secondary schools are hereby advised to implement this in the schools. It is a MUST for schools to include these in their School Improvement Plan (SIP), Annual Improvement Plan (AIP) and School-Based ‘Management (SBM) practices to align to DepEd’s goals and objectives. |. The Education Program Supervisors in-charge of languages shall fully monitor the implementation of this policy guidelines in schools and provide the appropriate technical assistance to school heads and teacher. Dr. Maria Teresita R. Gapate - Education Program Supervisor, Mother Tongue & Filipino Mr. Marlon G. Taloza— Education Program Supervisor, English }. Funding requirements in the application of reading programs and interventions shall be charged to the Schoois Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOEs) and other funds available. JORGE M. REINANTE, CSEE, CEO VI, CESOV Schools Division Superintendent on . For information, guidance and compliance. Policy Guidelines on Reading Programs and Interventions hee ooaniTRG! ‘ane Bonevars, Zon V, Bata, 2727 cor Sor ret. No (077) 7222055, Fax No (077) 722-740 Sepedcaeae fo facebookcon/S0Oiconse “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART” SF Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region | SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR POLICY GUIDELINES ON DIVISION READING PROGRAMS AND INTERVENTIONS TO ADDRESS READING GAPS IN THE DIFFERENT KEY STAGES, “Sa Pagbasa, Tayo ay Magkasangga” RATIONAL! The Implementation of the modular distance learning brought about challenges in the reading instructions in schools. Achieving quality reading instruction and promoting quality education, the Curriculum Implementation Division of SDO locos Sur hereby provides reading programs and interventions to address reading gaps in the different key stages. Reading is the foundation of academic learning, With the resutt ofthe division-initiated Pre-Reading Assessment conducted this School Year 2021-2022, the Education Program Supervisors find it a must to intensify reading instructions in schools, hence this division policy. READING PROGRAMS AND INTERVENTIONS: This division policy hereby presents these division reading programs and interventions. HAMON: BAWAT BATA BUMABASA (DepEd 3Bs Initiative) - DepEd Memorandum No. 173, s. 2019 ~ DepEd shall strengthen the Every Child a Reader Program (ECARP) with the following aims: a. Equip learners with reading skills to make them proficient and independent readers in their grade level; b. Capacitate teachers to become effective reading teachers; and c. Nurture a culture of reading in schools, communities, and various levels of governance in DepEd Central Office (CO), Regional Offices (RO), and Schools Division Offices (SD0s). READING FIRST FOR REGION ONE: DepEd Region 1's Response to Bawat Bata Bumabasa — Results of monitoring and evaluation reveal that there are still earners from secondary schools who struggle to read. Therefore, the promise of high level of literacy in the region must be futfiled by every teacher regardless of the grade level of learning area he or she is handling, It is a ‘commitment of the DepEd RO1 that every teacher in its area of jurisdiction shall be a reading teacher. With this, DepEd Region | puts premium on reading instruction to promote quality education, Bae lear Toe V, Barty, 2727 cos ut re. Na (077) 722.2055 Fax. (077) 722-7400 Be tacenoorcomsootocossir “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART” Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR. ——— General Objective: The Reading First for Region | program aims to contribute to DepEd's goal of developing holistic learners with 21% Century Skills by improving the reading ability of learners across key stages. Specific Objectives: Key Stage 1: Equip learners with fundamental iiteracy skilis and competencies needed for academic success in the succeeding key stages. Key Stage 2: Provide learners avenues for enhancement and application of learned literacy Competencies to varied content areas in preparation for academic demands of high school. Key Stage 3: Arm leamers with the skils and competencies to interpret, evaluate and represent information within and between learning area texts and discourses. Key Stage 4: Develop ability of learners to apply reading skills to a wide range of materials and integrate information representing multiple and potentially conflicting perspectives, using muttiple criteria and generating inferences across distant pieces of information to determine how the information may be used. READING CORNER AND DROP EVERYTHING AND READ (DEAR): A structured time for pleasure reading to intensify genuine love for reading. This is a 15-minute dally reading routine from 1:00-1:15 in the afternoon to strengthen the learner's habit of reading, FAMILY READING NOOK: A Structured Home Space for Reading Activity - An innovation of Mr. Marion G. Taloza, Education Program Supervisor in English, which was launched last October 27, 2021. This innovation develops literacy skills, encourages reading and aids learning ‘and support students, The reading passages (prose or poetry) are purposely selected to align with the Most essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) and to comply to the readability index prescribed for the specific curriculum level of the learners. These will be posted in a weekly basis and will be gathered as the modules and other supplementary activities are retrieved. Project Objectives are as follows: To estabiish a structured reading space at home; To spare time for reading as a family; To maximize home engagement in improving learners’ reading proficiency; To scaffold learners while enhancing their reading skills at home; and To realize the advocacy of the DepEd’s 3Bs initiative: Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa and improve the reading proficiency level of learners in the division. gaoge CID-WIFI (Wikang lioko at Filipino isuiong): intensifying Filipino and tioko instruction in the New Normal aligned with DepEd’s Sulong Edukalidad — An innovation of Maria Teresita R. Gapate, Education Program Supervisor in Mother Tongue and Filipino, which was launched last November 04, 2021. This is a productive learning joOurney which intensifies home-based and community-based learning. The Sulong Edukalidad's Four Pillars of Aggressive Reforms for Quality serve as the “backbone” of this CID-WIFI Innovation which are as follows: K ~ K to 12 Curriculum Review and Update; | — Improvement of Learning Environment; T - Teachers’ | E - Engagement of Stakeholders for Collaboration and Support. Biri wo:(or 72-2055, ax No (077) 722-7400 denature {acsbookcon/$0Olbcoesu “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART” rh SS Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR General Objective: This CID-WIFI project aims to encourage collaborative involvement of teachers, learners, parents, community people, stakeholders and DepEd officials in the delivery Of Filipino and loko (Mother Tongue) quality instruction, hence, intensifying home-based learning and community-based learning. Specific Objectives: 1. To provide technical assistance to all the concerned through series of webinars and constant monitoring and supervision. 2. To encourage schools to put up their effective reading programs, reading remediation plan and reading interventions in Filipino and Mother Tongue to cater the needs of the learners. 3. To develop localized instructional materials and reading materials in Tongue by the teachers, parents and community people. 4. To come up with teacher-made video lessons in Filipino and Mother Tongue especially on the most critical and most essential learning competencies (MELCs). 5. To provide a learning avenue and learning opportunities for learners to continuously grow and develop. 6. To intensify partnership with stakeholders in the realization of quality instruction along Filipino and Mother Tongue. 7. To contribute in the realization of DepEd’s Sulong Edukalidad, Happy Schools Movement, 3Bs Initiative and Reading First for Region | and improve Filipino and Mother Tongue instruction in the Schools Division of llocos Sur. ipino and Mother ONE YEAR ONE STORY (OYOS): Education Program Supervisors, Public Schools District Supervisors, District and School Coordinators in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English, School Heads, Teachers shall be encouraged to come up with one original story written once a year. In this way, SDO llocos Sur shall be able to have a compilation of MELC-aligned and originally- written storybooks to be used in schools. SCHOOL READING RESORT: One of the disturbing concerns of the education sector nowadays is the decline of reading abilities of learners especially in public schools. Despite of the many reading programs, teachers training and school activities towards the Improvement of reading, non-readers still exist even in higher grade levels. In this light, all schools in the DepEd Division of llocos Sur are mandated to revitalize their reading curriculum through contextualized and localized resources in a venue appealing to learners and one that promotes genuine love for reading which is called a Reading Resort. DepEd’s Sulong Edukalidad speaks for conducive learning environment that propels the enhancement of study skills of learners. Every school recognizes this aspect as a vital element in ensuring academic success and lifelong learning. In support to this advocacy, schools and its premises must be at all times enticing and appealing to all learners and stakeholders. ‘The establishment of a reading resort is in support of the DepEd’s rally in pivoting from access to quality, ‘agro Botevard Zane, Het No. (077) 7222055 ox No077) 722-740 ow dees fo facebookcon/S0Otocossut “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART” SS Republic of the Philippines. Bepartment of Education Region | ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR READING FROM A DISTANCE: Inspite of the adversities of the new normal in education, schools were able to deliver the MELCs and reading instruction but uncertain if the quality of ‘education was actually realized through the distance learning modality. With this the Reading from Distance division contest was initiated last September 6, 2021 as a strategy to celebrate the best Practices of schoo! in reading using distance reading instruction and reward learners who excelled in reading with the use of the distance iearning modality. SCHOOL READING PROGRAM: Basic education, in order to be effective, must have within its system the components of a complete school-based reading program. Hermosa, as adapted from a model by Dupois and Askov (1982) exerts that a complete reading program should include developmental reading ~ the teaching of reading in the primary, intermediate, secondary and tertiary levels, content-area reading - reading done in content-areas such as science, health and social studies, and remedial reading instruction or specialized reading instruction adjusted to the needs of a student (Ocampo, 1997). ‘A school must have to produce one (1) reading program to teach literacy skills in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English. This aims to help learners attain grade level proficiency, to help students achieve basic and more advanced skills, to help learners show progress toward meeting the desired outcomes of their grade level and to help learners raise their reading comprehension level. Parts of a School Reading Program Unique TITLE Introduction Rationale (Needs-Based) Matrix of Activities Implementation Phase ‘A. Pre-Reading Assessment B. Specialized Reading Instructions ‘+ Reading Remediation ‘+ Learning Action Ceil for Reading Teachers ‘* _ Provision of Supplementary Reading Materials, C. Post-Reading Assessment D. Monitoring and Evaluation (Schoo! Heads, PSDSs & EPSs) > Result (Data Generation and Analysis) > Action Research based on the result > School Policy Formulation vvvvV THE BIG SIX (6) OF READING: For beginning readers, all the components of the Big 6 need integrated throughout reading opportunities across the day, even though teachers may highlight these individual components at different times. The Big Six of Reading are as follows: » Phonological Awareness (Kamalayang Ponolohikal) > Oral Language (Pangwikang Oral) > Phonics and Word Recognition (Ponema at Pagkilala ng mga Salita) ‘Gagne Boevrd Zane, Botay, 2727 cas Sr Bra. no. (077 7222055 Fax, (077) 722-7400 ww depadocossurito ev facsbookcom/SoOlocossur “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART” Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 1 ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR —_—_—_—_—————————— » Fluency ( Tatas) > Vocabulary ( Talasalitaan) > Comprehension (Pag-unawa) ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES FOCUSING ON THE BIG SIX (6) OF READING: The following are suggested activities focusing on the Big 6 of Reading. Teachers may choose activities to implement suited to the grave level and appropriate to the reading level of the learners in all the different key stages. These activities are applicable in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English. ‘The Big 6 of Read » Phonological Awareness (Kamalayang Ponolohikal ‘Suggested Activities Marungko Approach syllable awareness rhymes alliteration onset rime initial and final sound ‘segmenting words into sounds and blended sound into word deleting and manipulating words sounds in words ‘guessing games ~ "I Spy” team word-webbing hula-salita ‘gumawa ng sailing tugma larong tugmaan ppakikinig ng tula at awit (pagtukoy ng mga salitang ‘magkatugma) sundin ang kumpas/foliow the beat _pagpapakita ng mga larawan action everyday observation sharing oral stories reading book together singing and playing rhyming games listening games such as "Simon says” ‘dramatic play when the child takes on imaginary roles © pagbabahaginan ng kuwento © sabayang pagbasa ng mga aklat © malikhaing dula-dulaan © pagbibigay ng tanong bawat araw © kumustahan © Pagtuturo ng mga salitang may konsepto e000000 > Oral Language (Pangwikang Orah cooccolo agtambalin natin ‘sound wall phonics journal letter poster word scrapbook interactive chart Phonics and Word Recognition (Ponema at Pagkitala ng mga Salita) ‘Sage acevard Zone Rana, 277 aos Sor BB re. no. (077) 7222055 x No (077) 722-7200 facebook com/sDOsocossur “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART” Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education Region | SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR clip cards magic mat crossword puzzles alpabetong bola mmisteryosong bag ‘eksplisit na pagtuturo pagmomodelo Pagpapanood ng mga video lessons (ang mga tunog ng letra) > Fluency (Tatas) ‘modelling fluent readers repeated reading in class phrased reading ‘chumber theather chants reader's theater pick a fluency focus echo reading ‘model robot reading record reading reading carousel basa ko, ultin mo paligsahan sa pagbasa bigkasin mo ako > Vocabulary (Talasalitaan) ecloccoccecccc0e ‘words in context use dictionary! thesaurus play word games use flashcards word of the day mnemonics new words in conversation Graffiti wall vocabulary Pictionary scavenger hunt co-op cards ‘rapikong pangtulong agbibigay ng kahulugan ng mga salta ‘rawang tala - word journal ssapot ng mga sal arkitekto ng sata isakilos ang mga salita pag-uugnay sa mga salita at kahulugan > Comprehension (Pag-unawa) read aloud questions story sequence retelling ciose reading inferencing anticipation guide Division shall conduct capacity-building activities for teachers and school heads especially on the improvement of reading instruction. » Schools shall implement the 3Bs Initiative, Region First for Region |, DEAR, OYOS, Family Reading Nook, CID-WIFI (Wikang !loko at Filipino Isulong), Reading Resort and Reading Corner, and Reading Interventions focus on the Big 6 of Reading. > Allschools must have their functional Reading Program. > School Head shall lead all the teachers to implement the schoo! reading program and these reading interventions in their school. > School Reading Coordinator be assigned per school as a whole and a Reading Coordinator be assigned per key stage. All teachers are also considered as Reading Teachers. > School Reading Resorts and Classroom Reading Corners be made available. > Monthly LAC session or as the need arises must be conducted. > Conduct quarterly reading assessments in schools. > Careful analysis of the reading results to address reading gaps be strengthened. > Provision of localized reading materials for learners per grade level. > Create teacher-made video lessons, digitized storybooks and reading materials. > Teachers must be assigned to the grade level where he/she is trained. ‘Signe Wasi Zone, Saray, 277 coe Sor ret. No: (077) 7222055, ax No. (077) 722-7400 Qornn depetiecnsrit wu facebook com/SoOseeasur “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART” Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region | SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR eKa—_—_—_—_— Maintain the "No Read, No Move" policy and conduct appropriate reading interventions to help the struggling learners. Initial rapid reading assessment to the learner upon enrolment shall be done. Conduct research on reading for policy formulation and continuous improvement. Create a strong partnership with the stakeholders to effectively implement reading programs and reading interventions, Validation of school reading result be conducted by the district supervisors and the education program supervisors. > Regular monitoring and evaluation in schools up to the division level shall be conducted. vvv v Vv MONITORING AND PROVISION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: The Education Program Supervisors in-charge of languages shall fully monitor the implementation of these reading programs and reading interventions in schools and provide technical assistance to maintain its effectiveness. Dr. Maria Teresita R. Gapate - Education Program Supervisor, Mother Tongue & Filipino Mr. Marion G. Taloza ~ Education Program Supervisor, English Likewise, the school heads, public schools district supervisors and education program supervisors shall take part in the monitoring and provision of technical assistance to better improve reading performance of learners in schools. EFFECTIVITY: This Policy Guidelines on Division Reading Programs and Interventions to address Reading Gaps in the Different Key Stages shall take effect immediately. Date: February 16, 2022 Prepared by: = maria TeRdSitAR. GAPATE, EdD MARLON. TALOZA Education Program Supervisor Education Program Supervisor Mother Tongue and Filipino English ‘are Bouevars, Zone V, Bata, 2727 cos ur et No. (077) 7222055 xno (077) 722-7400 facebook com/S0Olocoss" “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART” Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region | ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR Recommending a: a MARIA SALOME R. ABERO, EdD Chief Education Supervisor Curriculum Implementation Division NESTOR|C. HERANA, CESO VI Assistant Schools Division Superintendent APPROVED: a JORGE M. REINANTE, CSEE, CEO VI, CESO V ‘Schools Division Superintendent ‘Siro avteverd Zone Bova, 2727 cas Sar rel No (077) 7222055, (077) 722-7400 aepedccorurinto Bar sacedookcom/sootocossur “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART”

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