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Industry Analysis
Research and discuss the industry and its environment which the business enterprise will
be operating or its territorial scope in general. Consider in the discussion the different
dimensions of the environment such as the political, economic, social, technological,
ecological, and legal dimensions, including the conditions, trends, and/or issues in each
Discuss the overall nature of competitiveness in the respective industry where the
business enterprise belongs with the Porter’s Five Forces Industry Analysis. Check the
uploaded 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC), updates and technical notes,
to serve as a guide in the classification of industries prevailing in the country according to the
kind of productive activities undertaken by business enterprise.
Threat of New Entrants
In this Threat of New Entrants part, Discuss the seriousness of the threat of new entrants
in the respective industry where the business enterprise belongs. Check the example in the
lecture as a guide in this part.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Discuss the bargaining power of suppliers that affects the intensity of competition in the
respective industry where the business enterprise belongs. Check the example in the lecture as a
guide in this part.
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Discuss the bargaining power of buyers affecting the intensity of competition in the
respective industry where the business enterprise belongs. Check the example in the lecture as a
guide in this part.
Threat of Substitute Products
Discuss the bargaining power of buyers affecting the intensity of competition in the
respective industry where the business enterprise belongs. Check the example in the lecture as a
guide in this part.
Rivalry among Existing Competitors
Discuss how intense the current competition is in the market in the respective industry
where the business enterprise belongs. Check the example in the lecture as a guide in this part.
Demand and Supply Analysis
State here the demand situation of the product/s or service/s offered in the market in the
same category/industry as your business enterprise. The easiest and fastest way is to research for
published market statistics by different specialized government and private agencies. It is very
important to get the figures needed to reliable sources as basis. Other reliable sources of
published market data or statistics in the Internet, such as OpenSTAT
(, FAOSTAT (, and Statista
( Some market analysts use a computed correction factor to obtain
market demand measurement in terms of per capita consumption or percentage share of the
specific product or service to the total market.
State the supply situation of the product/s or service/s offered in the market in the same
category/industry as your business enterprise. Competitors to be considered are the (1) direct
competitors, the business enterprises that offer/sell a similar product or service in the same
category/industry as you; and (2) indirect competitors, the business enterprises that sell a
different product or service in the same category/industry as you but a substitute for your
product or service.
Discuss the gap in the market, if there’s any, which is the difference between the supply
and demand for a product or service, and this will give the entrepreneur’s business enterprise an
opportunity to make and sell that is not yet available or the demand of consumer has not yet been
supplied yet or met.
General Marketing Practices
State here the description of the market in general where the business enterprise will
operate up to the description of the current market specific for your product or service of the
business enterprise, and your evaluation of the competitors or knowing better your identified
competitors in terms of their marketing strategies, mix or programs.
State here the description of the market in general the business enterprise will operate
down to the description of the current market specific for your product or service, and your
evaluation of the competitors or knowing better your identified competitors in terms of their
marketing strategies, mix or programs.
Marketing Strategies
Product/ Service

Discuss the product or service offering of the business enterprise, including the
attributes, breadth of the product or service line, quality levels, and customer services. The
product or service offering must provide customers with value that will be preferred over the
competitors’ products or services. A product or service has three attributes that can be identified
with its quality, features, and design. Figure 2 shows the product of put the business name here
(you may put more than 1).
The size of the picture should be within
3 inches x 3 inches. You may put
multiple pictures for multiple products or
services offered of the business enterprise
that will be featured here, be mindful to
adjust the figure numbers accordingly
with the previous part of the business

Figure 2. Product of Business Name here


Discuss the pricing strategy used (check the discussed basic pricing strategies in the
lecture) to set the price or the value placed for product or service offered in the market. Be
reminded of the fair pricing and pricing of the identified competitors.
Place and Distribution Channel
Discuss how the products or services be available in the right quantities and locations,
when the customers want them. Discuss both of the physical and virtual distribution channels
of the business enterprise, to have wider coverage.
Promotion and Related Activities
Discuss the promotion and related activities of the business enterprise. Convey here
the promotion strategy of the business enterprise for the message to the target market. The
message should convey what benefits the target market can expect to get from the product or
service, and should be able to get across the message that the product or service will address a
specific need or want that found out when studied the market. There are several ways of
communicating benefit to your target market through pictures, through stories, using various
media like print, broadcast, people, among many other ways. State here the different
promotional tools used. Figure 3 shows the promotional tools (specify) of Business Name here
(you may put more than 1).
The size of the picture should be within
3 inches x 3 inches. You may put
multiple pictures to feature multiple
promotional tools to be used by the
business enterprise, be mindful to adjust
the figure numbers accordingly with the
previous part of the business plan.

Figure 3. Promotional Tools of Business Name here

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