SC4e 04 SB Audioscripts

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M=Mike R=Roberto A=Audrey
M So, Roberto, how does it feel to be home?
A=Audrey M=Mike
R Great! I really missed you guys.
A Shhh! I think I hear something.
A Were you surprised?
M What is it, Audrey? Is it Roberto?
R I was surprised when I got off the plane and
A No, Gus texted me a few minutes ago. They’re
I didn’t see you! I thought you guys forgot
still waiting for him at the airport, but we have to
about me.
be careful or we’ll spoil the surprise. Hey, Mike,
A Never! We thought maybe you were thinking
what are you doing?
about staying there.
M I’m hanging decorations. See, it says: Surprise,
R Nah, I had a good time, but I missed you.
Roberto! And this other one says, Welcome back!
A It didn’t look like that online!
A Oh, I see! Do you need any help?
R That was later. At first, I spent all my time
M No, I’m okay.
studying in my dorm room, and then I said to
A I’m looking forward to seeing Roberto. He has
myself, “Roberto, you didn’t come to Toronto to
been gone a long time!
stare at the wall.” Then I made myself get out and
M Well, a year feels like a long time, but I bet it went
join an international club.
by quickly for him. I wonder if the experience has
M Good for you!
changed him.
R Yeah. After I started hanging out with the other
A I think he has changed. Have you seen his video
internationals, I found out they were feeling
channel about his experiences in Canada?
homesick too, so we connected over that. After a
M No, I didn’t. Is he really making videos? What
while, we started talking about making videos for
new international students. We wanted to help
A They are about life as a foreign exchange
student. He interviewed other international
A Oh, good idea. So you wanted to give new
students and documented his adventures
internationals tips on life in Canada?
on film.
R Yes, exactly. At first it was just an idea, but then I
M But Roberto is so quiet! He hardly ever talked to
got really focused on it, so I bought a camera and
real people in high school. How does he handle
learned to film and edit.
being in front of a camera in another country?
A I saw your videos! They were funny and had
A I guess it doesn’t bother him. The last time
some good ideas.
I checked, his channel had 14,000 followers.
R Yeah, making those first few videos got me out
M Wow! 14,000! Maybe he has changed.
there. I started interviewing Canadians, and they
A Sometimes travel changes people.
offered information and advice. That was when
M Well, I hope he hasn’t changed too much. I liked
my social life improved.
the old Roberto.
M That makes sense. You were able to make
A I also heard that a private university saw his
connections between local people and your
videos and offered him a job. They asked him
to make short films about their campus and put
R Right. So many people watched them that I finally
them up on social media. So he is turning this
started my own channel. Can you believe it? Me?
into a career.
A It’s not that hard to believe. I always thought you
M Wow. I didn’t know that either.
had talent.
A Hey, here’s a text from Gus. He says they’re
R So, right before I left, I signed up for some digital
almost here. Places, everyone! Mike, what are
media classes. I am going to change my major to
you doing? I see the car!
M I’m turning off the lights. There!
M That’s very cool. No more shy quiet Roberto!
A Shhhh!
You’ll have to remember us when you’re famous!
[sound of a door opening]
Everyone Surprise!

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Audio Scripts


LISTENING  page 12 P=Presenter M=Mia
P Welcome back. Come on, Mia, we’ve been waiting
P=Presenter M=Mia
to hear about your plans for this weekend!
P … and with the weekend approaching, we are
M Well, on Sunday I’m going to take part in an
joined here in the studio by our highly respected
innovative theater production – a murder
“Out and About!” expert Mia, who’s going to
mystery experience going on around the city.
tell us our options for weekend entertainment
P Er … You’re going to have to tell us more than
around the city.
that, I think.
M Wow, “respected”! Thank you very much!
M Of course. A cast of actors play characters in a
P Thank you for being here. So, Mia, I’ll ask the
murder story. You learn the plot by talking to the
same question as every week: What’s on?
characters, and they give you clues that you have
M Well, the weather will be beautiful this weekend
to solve. Those clues will take you to different
– so get outdoors! Music fans, I hear there are
parts of the city, different members of the cast,
still a few tickets left for the open-air concert in
and new clues. If you work out all the answers,
Prince’s Park. Rock band The Gloss are supposed
you’ll find out who the murderer is.
to be amazing, and they’re going to perform on
P I get it – sounds like really good fun. What
the main stage on Saturday night. It’ll be huge!
happens when you find the murderer?
P Sounds fantastic, especially for those looking for
M Actually, I don’t know. And when I find out,
high energy and excitement. But, what about
I won’t tell anyone. I think it’s important not to
something a bit more low-key …? And, perhaps
give away any spoilers!
not quite so expensive would be good …
P Good point. Can anybody take part?
M Low-key and affordable? OK, well, how about
M It’s recommended for people aged 12 and up.
this? Ji ho Kim, the poet, is doing a poetry reading
Oh, and you’ll have to do a lot of walking, and the
and book-signing on Sunday at Whitewells
website says you might need to run, too.
Bookstore on Main Street. It’s free to get in, and
P Running? I’m not going to run!
you can just show up – there’s no need to get a
M Fine. I guess you’re going to Ji ho Kim’s poetry
ticket in advance. You will even have a chance to
reading, then!
meet and talk to the great man. I’ve heard he’s
very witty.
P I really like the sound of that, as I love poetry … UNIT 03
But, you said we should do something
LISTENING  page 20
outdoors …
M=Minerva E=Ely
M Ha! Yes, I did say that, didn’t I? In that case, why
M Most of us are in constant conversation with our
not check out this incredible new tour of city
body. “I’m hungry,” it says, or, “My feet hurt,” and
street art?
we try to obey it as much as we can. Sometimes,
P Street art? You mean graffiti?
we have orders for it. “Get up and go for a run,”
M Well, not only graffiti. All around the west of the
we say, or, “Don’t go to sleep now, you still
city, there are amazing examples of drawing,
have three chapters to read before tomorrow.”
painting, and writing on the buildings. The
But how far does this relationship go? Is there
guide is talkative and insightful, and some of
communication between the mind and the body
the street art is really impressive: sometimes
that we are not consciously aware of? Today
funny, sometimes political, and often beautiful.
on the “Better Living” podcast, we explore the
You’ll love it – it will definitely make you think.
ways our thoughts shape our health. We’re going
It’s outdoors, you’ll get a bit of exercise, and it
to start with the writer Ely Finnigan, who has
won’t cost you too much.
written a book called The Conversation Within:
P How much?
A Collection of Essays on the Ways Our Body Speaks
M That’s the cool thing – you just pay whatever you
to Us. Welcome, Ely.
want to give.
E Thanks for having me, Minerva.
P That sounds fair. When does it leave, and from
M So, in your book, you write a lot about the
placebo effect. I’ve always understood it to mean
M 2 p.m. at the bus terminal.
that if you believe medicine will cure you, it will.
P Are you going to be there?
M Oh no – I’m trying out something else, something
very different.
P Hmm, intriguing. OK everyone, Mia is going to tell
us all about it after the news …

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E Well, sort of. There’s a common experiment that M Excited, nervous, wonderful?
goes something like this: one group of patients E Yes, these are all conditions in which your body
takes a sugar pill, and another group takes a creates stress hormones. These chemicals
real pill. The patients do not know if they are actually provide you with the mental focus to
taking the fake sugar pill or real medicine, but the fully participate in the situation. Now think
researchers do. Next, the researchers see which about public speaking. Many people experience
group gets better. stress when they have to give a talk in front of
M And there’s no difference, right? The people who an audience. What that nervous feeling is is your
take the fake pill, the placebo as you call it, are body giving you the gift of focus and energy so
as likely to feel better as the ones who take the you can do your best.
medicine. M I never thought about it that way before!
E Yes, you’re right. The fake pill is generally as E I have one more!
effective as the real one. That’s an experiment M Great! First, we have to take a short break, but as
that has been done many times, and it’s very soon as we get back, we want to hear it.
helpful because it suggests that our beliefs can
affect our health. LISTENING PLUS  page 20
M Not just eating vegetables and getting exercise? M=Minerva E=Ely
E Well, eating vegetables and getting exercise are M So, we’re back with Ely Finnigan, who is here
important, but it’s also important to look at what in the studio talking about mental strategies
we believe about our levels of diet and activity. for creating a better, healthier you. Ely, you’ve
As with the pills, if a person believes they are promised to tell us another mind hack for
exercising and eating well, their body will actually improving health. What is it?
be healthier than someone with the same E I’m going to leave you with one final idea.
lifestyle but who believes they have a sedentary Here’s a great one for people who want to eat
lifestyle. less candy. It’s best if you know ahead of time:
M So, if I believe that washing the dishes is good for example, if you know you are going to a
exercise, will I get more health benefits from it? party where there will be cake or candy. Then,
E Right. And that’s a mental trick you can use. Just before you go, sit quietly and imagine yourself
remind yourself that housework is exercise, and eating cake or cookies or whatever. Try to make
according to research your heart rate, weight, the experience in your head feel real. This is a
and other health indicators are likely to show visualization exercise, and studies show that
improvement. people who do this do not eat as much when
M Amazing! Just because of my attitude towards they are presented with a real bowl of candy.
housework. M So, if I visualize eating chocolate cake before the
E Yes, that’s what research tells us. Of course, I’m party, it’s like, in my mind, I’ve already had some.
not saying you shouldn’t exercise, but it might E Exactly.
help to develop a belief that your habits are M I’m going to have to try that when the holidays
healthier. And Minerva, I’ve got another mental come around. It’s going to take a long time for me
trick that I think you’ll like even better. It’s about to visualize some of those dinners!
stress. E But you’ll enjoy it!
M I’m sure our listeners have plenty of that! M Thank you so much for the tips, Ely.
E You know that stress is bad for you, right? Lots E You’re welcome, Minerva. It’s been a pleasure.
of people say it makes you sick and can even
shorten your life.
M Right. Some people say stress is worse than a
bad diet. LISTENING  page 30
E Well, not always. L=Lucas A=Anna
M What? L So, Anna, are you going anywhere for spring
E It turns out that what really matters is how you break?
think about stress. If you change your perception A I am! I’m heading back to Japan to spend time
of stress, if you see it as a benefit, as a way that with my family.
your body is helping you by giving you energy, L Oh, that’s very exciting! I associate spring in
you will not experience as many negative health Japan with cherry-blossom festivals – what do
effects. you call them?
M So I’ve been thinking about it all wrong? A Hanami.
E Yes. Here’s an example. When you are about
to do something important, like take part in a
graduation or give a speech, how do you feel?

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L That’s it – hanami! Families and people who work LISTENING PLUS  page 30
together all dress up in kimonos, go to a park,
A=Anna L=Lucas
and eat rice balls and sushi. Everybody sits under
A Wow, this pizza is quite good, even with the
quite big trees that are covered in really beautiful
pineapple on it!
pink cherry blossom. It’s one of my iconic images
L It’s called a Hawaiian – although somebody once
of Japan. Wait, why are you looking at me like
told me it was created in Canada.
that? Are those all just stereotypes?
A Well, my dad could never accept this as true pizza
A Well, not stereotypes, exactly. I mean, some of
– maybe nobody in Italy could! Anyway, you were
the people I know go to cherry blossom festivals
going to tell me about your Thanksgiving last
every year, and I remember going to one when
November. Did you stay in Seattle?
I was fairly young. But, I didn’t dress up in a
L I did, and I had a really good time. Some of my
kimono, and I think we ate fried chicken.
relatives from all over the country came back
L So, your family doesn’t like sushi?
here to the family home, as they do every year,
A Actually, we do like sushi, but we eat it at
and we had a huge turkey dinner: mashed
different times. My family’s tradition is to go
potato, stuffing, a little cranberry sauce –
out for a sushi meal every Sunday night. So, at
festivals, we usually eat something different
A Nice. You said it was very interesting this time?
because we don’t associate sushi with special
L Right. Well, my sister came with her boyfriend,
festival food.
who’s Korean. It was his first time attending a
L OK, that makes sense. So, if you’re not going to a
traditional Thanksgiving, and it was good fun
cherry-blossom festival this spring, what are you
sharing a few of our traditions with him, like
going to do?
watching the New York Thanksgiving parade on
A Actually, I arrive in Japan on March 2. The
TV, breaking the turkey wishbone after dinner …
following day, March 3, is Hinamatsuri, or Girls’
A Sounds great.
Day. This is quite an iconic Japanese traditional
L It was. But I was also fairly surprised to hear
event, and my family always celebrates it.
that there’s a similar holiday in Korea. I’ve never
L I guess that’s not too surprising – you have three
associated Thanksgiving with countries outside
sisters, right?
North America, but in Korea they have something
A That’s right. Five females in the family – my dad is
called … Chuseok. I hope I’m pronouncing it
correctly. Like Thanksgiving, it’s a harvest
L Haha! So, tell me about Girls’ Day.
festival, and they celebrate the good harvest of
A Lots of families – especially those with daughters
the past year, and it has a lot of its own customs –
– display special dolls on a red carpet on a
just like we do. He even invited me and my sister
platform. The dolls represent the Emperor,
to join his family for Chuseok this year.
Empress, musicians, and other people associated
A It sounds like you had a very cross-cultural
with the ancient royal family.
L Nice. And do you do anything special on that day?
L Totally!
A Well, every family has different customs. Many
people eat traditional Japanese foods like
chirashizushi – which is raw fish placed on top of UNIT 05
a bowl of vinegared rice. LISTENING  page 38
L Is that what your family has?
W=Walter A=Amanda
A Actually, no. My dad has his own special custom
W This is delicious! I’m glad you found this place.
on that day. He says that because it’s Girls’ Day,
A Yes, I’ve only recently discovered Thai food. Now I
he should do all of the cooking. You know he’s
want to eat it all the time.
Italian, don’t you? Well, on that day he makes
W That’s fine with me.
a different kind of rice dish – Italian seafood
A It’s fun to try food from different countries.
W It makes me want to travel.
L It sounds a little similar to chirashizushi.
A Me, too. But it’s so hard to decide where to go.
A The ingredients are quite similar, I guess, but it’s
W Maybe we should be spontaneous and just get
a very different dish. The point is, every family is
on a train and go!
different. I think it’s better that way. How about
A Well, that’s one idea, but maybe we should plan
you? Thanksgiving is the big festival for you,
a little bit.
W How?
L It is – for many families. Last year was really
A Okay, I have an idea. How about we play a game.
interesting. I’ll get the pizza out of the oven and
W Okay. What kind of game?
tell you all about it!

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A I’ll describe a possible destination without saying LISTENING PLUS  page 38

the name, and you listen to the details and try to
A=Amanda W=Walter
guess the place.
A So, we should pick a place and make a plan.
W Okay ... So, do you have a place in mind?
Maybe if we have a destination in mind, we’ll be
A Yes.
inspired to start saving for it. Even if we backpack
W Have we ever been there?
and stay in hostels, we’ll still need money.
A No, we haven’t. Now give me a chance to
W Okay. I like a little adventure.
describe it. This place has a river and a very tall
A Hmm … I like art and history. Istanbul is high on
building that looks a little bit like a triangle, and it
my bucket list.
has lots of art.
W If we go to a city, I’d really love to see the carnival
W That’s easy! You are talking about the Eiffel
in Rio De Janeiro.
tower, so it’s Paris, France.
A I hear it lasts for five whole days. What a party!
A Yup. Okay, your turn.
W So … music and fun, or history and food?
W Okay, this place is also a city. It’s near the ocean,
A I guess I could go with Rio De Janeiro. We could
and every year they have a very special festival
see Istanbul another time.
with lots of parades and dancing.
W Yeah. Rio has the carnival, but it also has some
A Have we been there?
interesting art museums.
W No, we haven’t … yet. But I hope we can go.
A When would we go?
A Tell me more. Is it New York?
W The carnival happens when it is winter here, so it
W Nope. The beaches are much more famous, and
will be summer in Brazil, perfect for the beaches
so is the festival.
and sightseeing.
A Ahh! Rio De Janeiro in Brazil!
A That sounds perfect! Let’s do it.
W This is fun. Your turn. Try to pick someplace
harder. SPEAKING  page 25
A Okay. This city also has a river, but the river
1. A I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights.
divides it into two cultures, one on the east and
B That sounds like quite an adventure!
one on the west.
2. A I still haven’t gone rock climbing. I want to do
W That’s a hard one. I’ve never heard of a city like
that before I get too old.
B You’re certainly brave, but isn’t that a little too
A Sure you have! This city has been an economic
center for centuries, and it’s very popular with
3. A My dream has always been to visit England. Just
history buffs.
think, I could see Shakespeare’s birthplace!
W I give up. Tell me.
B That’s fine, if you like history.
A Istanbul, in Turkey!
4. B She’s never been to Hawaii, but she’s thinking
W Oh, of course! Istanbul. I’ve always wanted to
about going next summer.
go there. I’ve heard it has wonderful historic
A Wouldn’t that be exciting? She could climb a
neighborhoods and fabulous food.
volcano and go surfing!
A Well, let’s put it on the list. Now it’s your turn.
5. A Someday, I would like to go scuba diving.
Why don’t you pick a place that isn’t a city?
B Are you sure it’s safe?
W Okay. I have an idea, and it’s also someplace
I want to visit. It’s a volcano, but it hasn’t been
active for centuries, and it’s covered with snow. UNIT 06
A Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania! I’d love to go LISTENING  page 46
there and see the elephants.
P=Presenter C=Clara
W Well, that’s a thought. But it’s not the one I’m
P Hello, and welcome to the “Works for You”
thinking of. The one I’m thinking of is on a big
podcast. This week, we’re talking about play –
a word that isn’t usually associated with work.
A Mount Fuji in Japan? I know you’ve always wanted
But, why not? When we were kids, play – having
to go there.
fun – was a big part of life. And yet, the idea of
W Yes. Can we put it on the list?
an adult playing (not playing a sport or a musical
A Sure. Do you want to take another turn?
instrument, just playing) sounds, well, childish.
W Yes. This place is in the Pacific Ocean. Tourists
However, most of us will spend a large part of our
take a boat and see islands. Every island has
adult life at work …wouldn’t it be nice if we could
animals, but the animals are all different from
stop to chill out and have fun sometimes? Well,
each other.
actually, it wouldn’t just be nice, it would be really
A Aha! The Galapagos Islands. They are near
beneficial in many different ways. Here to tell us
Ecuador in South America. Lots of interesting
more is work and life expert Clara Kim. Hi, Clara.
birds and creatures.

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C Hi there. Thanks for having me. C It’s quite simple: when we play, we have fun.
P So, Clara, why do you think play is not usually When we have fun, we’re happy. And when we’re
associated with the workplace? happy, we’re better workers.
C It’s about image. Many people think, P It’s really that simple? Wow. In what way are we
“The workplace is where you work. After work is better workers?
leisure time, when you can have fun.” C Well, for one thing, we learn better when we’re
P I remember hearing that from my boss one time. having fun, and we are more productive when
C This stereotype of work has existed for a long we’re happy. Also, playtime has a positive effect
time, and I think people still believe it today. But on our imagination and creativity. That has to be
a balance of work and play is really important. a good thing.
The opposite of play isn’t work, as some people P So, if I’m having fun at work, I may come up with
believe: the opposite of play is boredom and better ideas?
sadness. Those can’t be good things to have in C Exactly. Play is also really good for stress, and
the workplace. we all know that stress is a problem in the
P No, they can’t. Now, I think some people modern world. Studies show that having fun at
misunderstand what you mean by “play”. work actually cuts down stress, boredom, and
It doesn’t have to be running after each other tiredness, and the number of absences and
around the parking lot, does it? healthcare costs also go down.
C Of course not! But this is part of the problem P Well, that’s something companies can’t ignore!
– the belief that it is somehow childish. Play C Companies must not ignore it. And there are
is anything you find enjoyable. It can be a also positive effects on teamwork and group
card game with a co-worker, throwing a mini- interaction. Research tells us that the more play
basketball around, or just relaxing while watching there is at work, the friendlier the workplace
your favorite TV show. It can be something atmosphere becomes. Simply put, people having
that you do by yourself, or it can be a group fun together work well together.
interaction. It might involve going outside for P Well, this is fascinating stuff, Clara. Thank you so
a walk and socializing with a colleague, or trying much for agreeing to share this with us. And now,
to personalize your own workspace. I think I’d better go bowling.
P I think most people would like to incorporate C Um … we ought to finish the show first!
these into the workplace.
C I think so too – you just have to remember to SPEAKING  page 51
build them into your day. Some companies have S=Stefan N=Natalie
realized the benefits of introducing relaxation S Thank you for coming today. This is the first
and play. At many of the largest tech companies, meeting of the new rock-climbing club. First, we
for example, employees can take free cooking have to decide on a name.
classes, where they learn something fun and N How about The Rockers?
useful while getting to know fellow employees S I love it! Next, when and how often are we going
better. There are gyms for exercise, relaxation to meet?
rooms for chilling out, climbing walls, ping-pong N Let’s get together once a week. We should pick a
tables, video games, even a bowling alley! day when everybody is free – maybe Saturdays?
P Wow, I really want to go bowling at work! S Sounds good to me. OK, importantly, where are
C Then you ought to be able to – or something we going to meet?
similar, anyway. You don’t have to think of it as N We could meet at the bus station. On sunny days,
“avoiding” work. It’s about having fun at work so let’s take a bus out to the country and find some
that you can work better. easy places to climb. If it’s raining, we’d better
P OK, you said “work better”. Let’s take a short not go rock climbing outdoors – maybe we could
break and then find out what exactly the benefits take the bus to the leisure center instead. I think
of play at work are. they have a wall there for rock-climbing practice.
S Good idea! We must remember to call and
LISTENING PLUS  page 46 reserve the climbing wall. OK, is there anything
P=Presenter C=Clara else we’re forgetting?
P Welcome back to “Works for You”. Before the
break, Clara Kim was telling us about how
companies have introduced play at work.
Now perhaps you’ll tell us why they should do it.
How is it beneficial?

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UNIT 07 L Jessie! It’s okay to have fun sometimes – you

don’t have to be perfect at everything. At least
LISTENING  page 56 let’s have dinner first!
D=Dana L=Linus J=Jessie
D Hi, Linus. I’m so glad you could make it. Come in. LISTENING PLUS  page 56
Dinner’s almost ready. M=Maxine J=Jessie
L Thanks, Dana, I’ll just hang up my jacket. M Today, we are going to hear about the
D Here, sit down. Have you heard about Jessie? compassion of teenagers. My guest is Jessie
L No. What about her? Walters, a recent high school graduate who is
D She’s going to be on a radio talk show. already making lives easier for our senior citizen
L No kidding! What for? population. Welcome, Jessie.
D She created a website to help old people. J Hello. It’s nice to be here.
L Wow! That’s cool. Jessie cares a lot about people, M Jessie, I understand you were inspired to create
and people admire her. But I have a question … an online message board that matches high
How did the radio station find her? school volunteers with older people who need
D One of the old ladies had a daughter who works help?
at a radio station, and she introduced the radio J Yes. I have a neighbor who lives alone in her
host, Maxine Martinez, to Jessie. apartment, and one evening I came by to give
L That’s lucky. her some soup, and it was very dark. So, I asked
D Jessie always seems to be in the right place at the her why, and she said she was afraid to climb
right time. on a chair to change the lightbulb. I did it for her
L I agree. She’s very smart that way. in two seconds. That gave me the idea to start
D She just gets out there and talks to people. “Teens for Tasks.”
Remember her speech about loyalty? M How does it work?
L Royalty? J It’s a website. Older neighbors can go online and
D No, loyalty! Don’t you remember? It was when describe a problem. A volunteer teen can search
we were in high school. She talked about people the list of tasks and message the person to
making time for each other. arrange a visit.
L Oh yeah, I thought about that a lot: how giving M It sounds easy!
someone your attention is a gift. J Well, there are details to consider. All the teens
D Honestly, I wish I had her confidence. come from the same local high school, and they
L Me too. can only work on Saturdays to make sure the
J Hi there. Are you talking about me? seniors feel safe. However, it’s also great for
D Hi, Jessie, I didn’t hear you come in. us because we want to do volunteer work, but
L Me neither! So, Dana was just telling me that you sometimes it’s hard to find.
are going to be on the radio. M So you change lightbulbs. Anything else?
J Don’t remind me! I’m so scared. J Lots of things! We walk dogs, water plants, and
D Why do you say that? Speaking is so easy for you! we help with technology.
J It most certainly is not! M So useful! Do you repair things, too?
L But you are so good at it! Remember your speech J No, we don’t have those skills, and we don’t want
in high school? We were just talking about it. to break anything, but people really like that we
You got an award. can do these small tasks for them.
J They probably felt sorry for me. I hate public M I understand. So, if people want to find
speaking. your website, it’s That’s
D I don’t believe it! Thank you, Jessie.
J I’ll tell you a secret. I’m always worried that people J Thank you! It’s good to be needed.
will figure out that I don’t know what I’m doing.
D That’s really interesting, Jessie. I always think of
you as this confident person who isn’t afraid of
anything! LISTENING  page 64
J Well, I fooled you, then. I just practice and do a lot S=Sam M=Mel RV=Robot Voice
of research, but I’m still shaking when I go up there. S Hi Mel – it’s me.
D Huh! It’s kind of a relief to hear you feel that way. M Oh, hi, Sam. Hold on, I’ll just open the door.
It means there’s hope for the rest of us! S What was that all about?
J I feel like I can tell you guys because you’re my M What? I was just opening the door.
friends. In fact, I have a favor to ask. Would you S You were pressing some buttons, weren’t you?
mind helping me practice for the interview? M Oh, that! It’s my lock system – it uses a code, not
keys. It’s such a great idea, isn’t it?

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S Er, sure. S Appointment?

M Anyway, come on in. How have you been? RV You have no appointments today.
S Good, thanks. Sorry it’s been so long since I came M No, that’s not what I meant …
to visit you. Wow, the house is looking amazing! RV I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.
You’ve redecorated, haven’t you? M Activate … Mexican … um … reservation.
M I’ve done more than redecorate; I’ve adopted RV Flights to Mexico are $2,000. Would you like me
the latest technology and completely upgraded to reserve you a ticket on the next flight?
the whole house! It’s now a “cyber house”: super M No, no, no! Cancel, cancel!
smart and full of useful gadgets. S Hmm, you might need to upgrade this house!
S Cyber house? That sounds so … scary. RW Hola, Los Amigos restaurant.
M Not at all – it’s really user-friendly. Let me show S Good evening. Table for two, please. 6:30.
you around. But first, you must be thirsty. RW No problem. Name, please?
S Yeah, a drink would be nice. S Sam Marlowe.
M Activate fridge! Two glasses of lemonade. RW Very good. See you at 6:30, Sam.
RV Two glasses of lemonade. Would you like ice? S That was so complicated, wasn’t it? Right, tell
M Yes. your robot friend to take the evening off. Let’s go!
S You should say “please,” shouldn’t you? M An umbrella would be a good idea, wouldn’t it?
M Oh, come on, it’s a robot! You don’t have to be Activate weather! Is it raining right now?
polite to a robot. Here you are. S I give up.
S Thanks. So, what else does your cyber house do?
M It’s so cool. With my voice, I can control the lights,
the TV, and the music. Check it out … Activate
radio! Play chill out music. You’d like that in your LISTENING  page 72
house, wouldn’t you? K=Kyle N=Neda
S To be honest, turning on the speakers myself has K Caught between childhood and the world of
never been a problem for me. adults, teenagers often get a reputation for being
RV Mel, you seem stressed. Shall I prepare the impulsive, and even reckless. But, according to
bedroom for you to relax? Dr. Neda Aziz, what some people call typical teen
S Wait …What?! How does he … she … it … know behavior has a purpose. I’m Kyle Martin, and this
you’re stressed? week on “Brain Bites” we’ll be finding out what
M This bracelet I’m wearing – it’s a kind of that purpose is. Welcome, Dr. Aziz.
integrated technology. It measures my heartrate, N Thank you. I’m happy to be here, Kyle. I have a
blood pressure – that kind of thing – and sends lot of respect for teenagers, and I believe many
that information to the central house computer. people have the wrong perceptions about them.
S Oh my goodness! And what does “prepare the K That’s an excellent place to begin. What is an
bedroom” mean? example of a perception that adults may have
M Close the curtains, turn on the ceiling fan, and that is not correct?
play relaxing music. N Many adults think that teenagers “these days”
S I see – those would be such difficult things to do are different from teenagers in the past. They are
yourself! But, anyway, you’re not stressed now, surprised when young people take risks, or do
are you? Do you need to relax? impulsive things. I’ve interviewed parents who
M No – it always gets that wrong. I think it’s a bug in say, “I wasn’t like that when I was their age,” but
the system. if I dig a little deeper, I usually find out that they
S Good, because we’re planning on going out and used to be reckless, too. Maybe they weren’t the
having fun, aren’t we? same risks, but they were risks all the same.
M Absolutely! K Can you give me an example?
N Look at the concept of a dare. Young people
LISTENING PLUS  page 64 have always dared each other to do things like
M=Mel S=Sam RV=Robot Voice  jump off a bridge or maybe ring the neighbors’
RW=Restaurant Worker doorbell and run away.
M So, where do you want to go tonight? K Ah, yes. I remember that. My friend would dare
S Let’s go to that new Mexican restaurant. I’ve me to climb trees.
heard there’s such a fun atmosphere there. My N Do your friends do things like that now?
cousin went there last month and said the food K Of course not!
was so delicious. The only thing is, it’s quite N That’s because you are using your adult brain!
popular, isn’t it? Do you think we’ll get a table at But the brain of a 14-year-old is very different.
such short notice? The 14- year-old brain craves excitement.
M Activate … um … appointment … search.

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K So, are you saying they want danger? LISTENING PLUS  page 72
N In a way. The young person is becoming
K=Kyle N=Neda F=Fabiola B=Brendan C=Cho
independent. Their family home is safe and
K If you’ve just joined us, I’m here with Dr. Neda
comfortable, but the desire for risk and
Aziz, and we’ve invited some teenagers to call in
adventure prepares them to leave home and
with their responses. Is risk-taking a natural part
start making their own decisions. It is how they
of growing up? Our first speaker is from
become mature adults. That was true in the past,
Mexico City.
and it’s true today.
F Hello. My name is Fabiola, and I’m a senior in
K That makes so much sense. I know my parents
high school. I don’t agree with what Dr. Aziz says
were nervous about letting me drive a motorbike
about craving adventure, because I hate taking
on my own when I was a teenager, but they had
risks. I don’t like to get in trouble.
to let me.
N But you don’t have to get in trouble, Fabiola. Let
N Of course, and that’s another point I like to make.
me ask you this: when was the last time you felt
Parents have always had to adjust to the fact that
nervous about something?
children need to bond with peers in the same
F Hmm, maybe when I first started volunteering
at the hospital. I was nervous about meeting
K That’s true. I always got along well with my
parents, but I remember having a strong need to
N And how did it go? Was it a positive or a negative
be with friends. If I missed out on a social event
like a birthday party, I would feel terrible. Is that
F Positive.
what you mean?
N Well, it would have been easier to not do it,
N Yes, that’s normal. Teenagers crave connection
right? But you did something that was new and
with each other because, for millions of years,
different for you.
having a loyal community of people the same
F So that was risk-taking?
age meant survival. Really, it was the difference
N You challenged yourself, and that’s the positive
between life and death.
side of risk-taking.
K Do you mean this craving for friendship is part of
K And here’s Brendan from California.
our biology? Is that why teenagers tend to take
B I like this show, and I want all adults to hear it.
more risks in groups?
Here’s why: I’m trying to get our community to
N Yes, the two are connected. If adults understand
build a skateboard park. A lot of adults say it’s
that risk-taking and bonding with peers is a
too dangerous, but I think there will be more
natural part of brain development, we can
accidents if kids are skateboarding in the streets.
support our teenagers.
N Yes, Brendan. That’s a good example.
K Right. So, when I was a kid, we used to get that
K Next, we have Cho.
through sports and music. I played guitar in a
C I am at a high school for the performing arts in
band with my friends. But is that risk-taking?
Colorado, and I play piano. I’m calling because
N Did it give you a thrill?
performing in public is part of my training, but
K Yes. I used to get really nervous before we
I do it alone. Does that count as developing my
performed, but you are right, being with other
brain, or should I be taking risks with my peers to
musicians was fun.
have the best result?
N And it’s the same with sports. Athletes feel close
N I’m glad you called, Cho. You don’t have specific
to each other, they share a desire to win, and
rules for this. My point is that you can take
they feel the excitement of competition as well as
healthy risks. For you, it is giving a concert,
a physical challenge.
and maybe you can share the feelings of fear
K So, sports and the performing arts serve a
with other young pianists like yourself? That
developmental purpose?
can be a bonding experience, even if you aren’t
N Yes. They help kids mature emotionally and
performing at the same moment.
socially, which is just as important as academic
K I’m afraid our time is up, but we’ll be continuing
this theme all week and we’d love to hear from
K Wow! I can’t wait to hear what some of our callers
you. What do you think about teenagers?
have to say about this!

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UNIT 10 D Maybe not. But, look …

P I’m sorry, Danny, we need take a short break for
LISTENING  page 82 the news, but this discussion will be continued in
P=Presenter D=Danny E=Elena just a minute.
P Hello, and thank you very much for tuning in to
this week’s edition of Interactions, the show that LISTENING PLUS  page 82
looks into all the ways humans communicate. P=Presenter D=Danny E=Elena
Today’s topic is very relevant for our young P Welcome back to our fascinating discussion
listeners: social media. With us is Elena Connelly, about social media. So, Danny, do you think there
an online “influencer” who, according to her is nothing good about social media?
own online profile, “lives and breathes social D OK, I accept Elena’s point. Before I quit, I had
media.” And for balance, we are also joined by seen some good points of social media. When
artist and writer Danny Dixon, who said in a I was writing one of my books, for example, I
recent interview that social media was a kind of found social media very useful for getting ideas.
“poison.” Elena and Danny, welcome. And, after I’d finished the book, social media was
D Hi there. very helpful in terms of advertising and publicity.
E Hello. E So you agree with me, then: social media can
P Danny, let’s start with you. “Poison”? Really? have a positive influence.
D Look, I just meant that social media makes D I’m saying there are some good points.
people behave badly and can be bad for us. E Exactly. And I recognize that it’s not perfect.
A few years ago, I was using social media a lot, It’s too easy to spread fake news, and there have
and I was seeing people writing rude messages also been very sad cases of bullying. But, those
and comments under videos, calling each other problems are not being ignored, and they will be
names. I was watching trolls write terrible things solved, leaving an amazing tool that connects the
just to get a reaction. So one day, I just quit whole world.
social media completely. I hadn’t really thought P Danny, any comment on that?
about that option until I did it, but it was actually D I accept that there are positives, so perhaps my
very easy. “poison” comment was too much. But, it’s not for
P And why do you think normal social etiquette me, and since I stopped using social media I don’t
and online etiquette are seen differently? miss it at all.
D Well, partly it’s because you can be anonymous. E That’s your choice, and that’s fine.
People are safely behind their computers – they P OK, well I think our guests finally agree with
don’t have to look the other person in the eye, each other, so that seems to be a good place to
and this makes them feel free to write bad stop. Thanks again both of you for coming in
things. and sharing your opinions. And thank you, the
P Elena, do you agree? listener, for tuning in. We hope to have you with
E No, I don’t. I mean, I know that this kind of thing us again next week on Interactions. Goodbye.
does happen, but it’s not that bad. I spend my life
online, and the behavior Danny’s talking about SPEAKING  page 87
isn’t seen so much. In my role as influencer, Student: Good morning. Today I’m going to tell you
I write lots of posts on social media and about the results of my survey about social media.
upload lots of videos, and I get thousands and I made a list of questions about social media usage
thousands of reactions and comments every day. and I asked those questions to 30 people, who are all
About 99% of them are positive, and the other students at this school. The first question was “How
1% are just trolls that I ignore or, even better, many times do you upload photos in a day?”
I block. What’s more, Danny is only talking about
As you can see, more photos are uploaded by females
the negatives, but there are lots of good things
than males. In fact, the average number of photos for
that come from social media. Let me give you an
females was 4.3, but for males it was only 1.6.
example. Last month, one of my followers wrote
a post about a problem she was worrying about – Next, I asked what kind of photos they uploaded …
she was having relationship troubles, and I had
told my followers to share their stories on my
page. Soon, her post was trending, and she got
hundreds of replies with helpful advice. A week
later, she wrote another post to say that she’d
taken some of the advice and her problem had
been solved. This level of help and support didn’t
exist 20 years ago, did it Danny?

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K Cozy is good, but organized is better. Listen, I’ve

been reading this book called Living Simply, and
LISTENING  page 90 it says that many people feel much better when
K=Katie M=Minerva they simplify their lives.
K Hi, Minerva. Hey, what are you doing with all M That’s why Sima is doing it. She’s reading the
those boxes? You aren’t bringing them in the same book.
apartment, are you? K I have an idea. What if we look through Sima’s
M Hi, Katie. You first! What are you doing with those boxes, but let’s do what the author says. We go
boxes on the kitchen floor? through each item and decide if it makes us feel
K Well, I woke up and thought, if we didn’t have good, and if it doesn’t, we put it in the giveaway
all this clutter, we’d be able to find things more pile.
easily. So, I spent all morning organizing the M OK, OK. You know, if I didn’t have you for
kitchen! I packed up everything we don’t use to a roommate, I would probably end up with
donate to charity. 14 teapots!
M But the kitchen looks so empty! K I think you would. Look, let’s just try it, and then
K You don’t like it? you can tell me how you feel.
M Um …
K Whatever. Now it’s your turn. What’s in your LISTENING PLUS  page 90
boxes? K=Katie M=Minerva
M Just a few household items, like dishes and pots K One, two, three, four, five, six. That’s six boxes
and things. to take to the donation center. I really feel good
K Minerva! Where did you get all this stuff? about this, Minerva. Do you?
M Sima. She’s cleaning out her house. She says M I kind of wish we hadn’t put the birdcage in the
she’s ready for a change, and she’s getting rid of giveaway pile. I kind of liked it.
the things she doesn’t need. Check out this clock. K But we don’t have a bird. Why do we need a
We can put it on the wall there. birdcage?
K But we already have a clock! I kind of wish you M I know, I know. We don’t. But it was my
had asked me. We don’t have space! grandmother’s.
M If I had waited to ask you, she would have given K Do you really want to keep it? We still can.
it to someone else. At least let’s look through it. M Yes. I think if I gave it away, I’d regret it.
What about this lamp? It’s great, right? K OK, then let’s keep it. Here. Is that it?
K Sure, but do we need another lamp? M Yes. I’ll just put it over here.
M You can never have too many lamps, and it’s K Now let’s load these boxes in the car.
perfect for reading. M Katie, the place does look a lot better!
K Umm, OK. What else is in there? K Can you get the door for me? No, don’t look at
M Look at this plant. OK, so it would look better if that.
she hadn’t over-watered it, but I’m sure we can M I wish we could keep that teapot too. It’s pretty.
bring it back to life! K Really?
K I don’t know. It looks dead to me. M OK, you can donate it.
M You don’t seem very excited about this. It was K Don’t look so sad. The author of the book says
all free! Look, here’s a really nice teapot. We can when you make space for the things that are
make tea. truly important, you feel better, think better, and
K You don’t drink tea. it even improves your relationships!
M But you do, and now you can make it in a teapot. M Then there’s a lot to look forward to!
K Look, I know you are excited about this, Minerva,
but we’ve already got a teapot. It’s right there,
and there’s another one in the donation box.
M So you don’t want this teapot? LISTENING  page 98
K It’s not that I don’t want it, but we only need one. PA=PA system announcement S=Sasha J=Jake
M So what are you saying? PA Ladies and gentleman, please note that the job
K Well, when we became roommates, we combined fair will be closing in 30 minutes.
our stuff. S Jake, did they say they would be closing in
M Yes. 30 minutes? Wow, we don’t have much time left.
K Well, that means two of everything. Do we really I haven’t spoken to any IT-related companies
want three? yet. “Digi-Tech Solutions” … that’s where our old
M I like having stuff around. It makes the place look classmate Kei works now, isn’t it? I really want
cozy. that kind of job. I’m gonna go and talk to them.

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J OK, Sasha – I’m not really into techy stuff, S That’s you all over!
though. I’m going to talk to those cool-looking J That’s what I thought. He said that even without
people over there. Catch up with you later. too much experience, I could go far in the
S OK, great. company – I just needed to be committed and
M Hi there, my name’s Mike. Are you interested in ambitious. I told him I was interested and that I
a job in an exciting new tech company? thought I had all of those qualities, and also that
S Maybe. I’m not sure. What exactly do you do? I had been working in a clothing store until last
M Well, we’re an innovative company – we go into year. He said I should definitely apply for a job
workplaces and ask them what problems they’re with them.
facing. Then we come up with solutions for them. S That’s great, Jake! What do you need to do next?
S Such as …? J Pierre said that I ought to start reading fashion
M Such as, last year a company was having magazines so that I know all about the latest
problems with presenteeism – have you heard of trends, and he told me that there was an opening
that? as an intern this coming winter vacation. He said
S I think so. It’s when people go to work even when that I could work there for a couple of months –
they’re tired and sick, isn’t it? unpaid, unfortunately – and it would definitely be
M Exactly. Well, we designed a super hi-tech nap a big advantage if I applied for a job there next
pod for them. We stored all of the employees’ year.
favorite resting positions and music, and so any S So, are you going to do the internship?
time they used it their preferences were saved. J I’m thinking about it. My dad told me it was a
S Cool. So, what kind of people are you looking for? good idea to get any work experience I could.
M Team players. We’re a small company, so it’s I don’t like the idea of working for no money,
extremely important that everyone gets along but I guess I could put up with it …
with each other and works well together. The S I say go for it!
hours can be quite long, so you need to be J Yeah, maybe I will!
committed, and we also expect our employees to
show initiative – don’t just wait to be told what to SPEAKING  page 103
do. Does that sound like you? I=Interviewer M=Martha
S It does, actually. I remember Kei – an old friend I OK, let’s begin. Could you start by telling me your
who works for you now – said that the job was name and a little bit about yourself?
great fun, and that the atmosphere was very M Sure. My name is Martha Delgado. I’m in my final
friendly, but that the interview had been pretty year of university, and after graduating I really
stressful. want to work in advertising.
M Ah, it’s not so bad. It’s a group interview, and I I see. And why do want to work for this
we put on a little pressure to see how you work advertising company?
as a team, how articulate and organized you M Well, I researched all of the advertising
are – that’s all. If you’re interested in finding companies in the area, and this one has the best
more out, check us out online. You can also fill workplace atmosphere, and I think it’s suited to
an application out there. I’m sorry, I’ve run out of an ambitious person like me.
business cards, but you can look me up through I OK. And could you tell me about yourself? What
our website. I’m looking forward to hearing from are your strengths and weaknesses?
you. M As I said, I’m ambitious. I’m also a very
S Thanks very much. Now, I need to find my friend committed person.
Jake. He said he’d be nearby. I Could you give me an example?
M Is that him over there? M As a matter of fact, I was the president of the
S Oh, yes. Thanks. Bye. student council in my second year at university.
M Bye. This was very hard work, especially because I was
also busy with studying, but I kept working hard
LISTENING PLUS  page 98 until the end of my term.
S=Sasha J=Jake I Good. And you have no weaknesses?
S Hey, Jake. Did you find out anything interesting? M Actually, I do. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I mean,
J Yeah, I had a great chat with a guy who runs a I can’t relax until the work I’ve done is absolutely
fashion company. 100% perfect. Sometimes, this means I take too
S That’s perfect for you. You’ve always wanted to much time over projects.
work in the fashion industry! I I see. And finally, Martha, could you tell me about
J I know, right? So, the boss – Pierre – he told a time when you had a problem, and how you
me that they were looking for enthusiastic, overcame it?
personable, and creative people.

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M In fact, I had a big problem recently. I had a group

project at university, and two of the members of
my team weren’t getting along with each other.
I took on the role of leader and spoke to each of
them separately (I think I’m quite personable,
and definitely a team player), and then asked
them to sort out their differences face-to-face.
After that, our work went very smoothly.
I Excellent. OK, well, that’s all, Martha. Thank you
for coming in, and I’m sure you’ll hear from us
soon. Have a nice day.
M Thank you for your time. Goodbye.

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