Arshita Matta - 0011 - Psychometric Assignment 1

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Q1. Difference between psychological testing and assessment.


1) A test is a “product” that 1) Assessment is seen as a
measures a particular behavior or procedure instead of a product.
a set of objectives.
2)  Tests are done after the 2) Assessment is used during and
instruction has taken place, it’s a after the instruction has taken
way to complete the instruction place. After you’ve received the
and get the results. The results of results of your assessment, you
the tests don’t have to be can interpret the results and in
interpreted, unlike assessment. case needed alter the instruction.

3) Testing involves the use of 3) A psychological assessment can

formal tests such as include numerous components
questionnaires or checklists. These such as norm-referenced
are often described as “norm- psychological tests, informal tests
referenced” tests. That simply and surveys, interview
means the tests have been information, school or medical
standardized so that test-takers records, medical evaluation and
are evaluated in a similar way, no observational data. A psychologist
matter where they live or who determines what information to
administers the test. use based on the specific
questions being asked.


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