The Effects of Antimicrobials On Endodontic Biofilm Bacteria

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Basic Research—Biology

The Effects of Antimicrobials on Endodontic Biofilm Bacteria

Luis E. Chávez de Paz, DDS, MS, PhD,* Gunnar Bergenholtz, DDS, PhD,†
and Gunnel Svensäter, DDS, PhD*

Introduction: In the present study, confocal microscopy,
a miniflow cell system, and image analysis were combined
to test in situ the effect of antimicrobials and alkali on bi-
T he proposed efficacy of chemicals with antimicrobial properties for disinfection in
endodontics has often been based on their activity against microorganisms grown in
liquid cultures in vitro. Test systems using planktonic cells do not mirror the conditions
ofilms of Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus in vivo because the microorganisms to be targeted rather than being dispersed are
paracasei, Streptococcus anginosus, and Strepto- likely to be organized in structures attached to each other and/or the root canal walls
coccus gordonii isolated from root canals with persis- often involving a multitude of species known as microbial biofilms. It is now well recog-
tent infections. Methods: Biofilms formed for 24 hours nized that such microbial communities are noticeably resistant to and difficult to erad-
were exposed for 5 minutes to alkali (pH = 12), chlorhex- icate with antimicrobials (1, 2). Deep-seated microorganisms, in particular, may
idine digluconate (2.5%), EDTA (50 mmol/L), and sodium escape killing and remain viable for remultiplication when conditions are favorable
hypochlorite (1%). The biofilms were then characterized and, thus, cause an endodontic treatment failure. A recent in vitro study (3) showed
by using fluorescent markers targeting cell membrane that wild-strain bacteria of endodontic origin grown over 8 days on dentin slices of
integrity (LIVE/DEAD) and metabolic activity (5-cyano-2,3- extracted teeth to generate biofilms were not possible to eradicate using ampicillin,
ditolyl tetrazolium chloride and fluorescein diacetate). In doxycycline, clindamycin, azithromycin, or metronidazole.
addition, the biofilm architecture and the extent to which Various techniques for the effective control of endodontic biofilm infections are
coating of the substrate surface with collagen influenced being explored. Promising in vitro data have been reported for photodynamic therapy
the resistance pattern to the chemicals were also analyzed. (4–7) as well as ultrasonic irrigation performed with small files or wires that are acti-
Results: NaOCl (1%) affected the membrane integrity of vated to oscillate freely in the root canal space and mechanically dislodge experimental
all organisms and removed most biofilm cells. Exposure biofilms (8, 9). Also, the effects of endodontic irrigants have been tested on root canal
to EDTA (50 mmol/L) affected the membrane integrity in bacteria in vitro by growing biofilms on extracted teeth (10), a cellulose nitrate
all organisms but failed to remove more than a few cells membrane placed on agar medium (11), and membrane filter disks (12).
in biofilms of E. faecalis, L. paracasei, and S. angino- Studying endodontic microorganisms when adhered to surfaces and how they may
sus. Chlorhexidine (2.5%) had a mild effect on the respond to antimicrobials calls for relevant in vitro models. Thus far, the testing of anti-
membrane integrity of E. faecalis and removed only microbial agents against bacteria in biofilms has not been standardized. Some studies
50% of its biofilm cells The effects were substratum- have used models that include the mechanical removal of biofilm cells followed by tradi-
dependent, and most organisms displayed increased resis- tional cell cultures for enumeration of survivors (13, 14). Alternative approaches
tance to the antimicrobials on collagen-coated surfaces. include the use of confocal microscopy combined with fluorescent viability staining
Conclusions: The biofilm system developed here was for in situ investigation of antimicrobial effects on biofilms (15). In the present study,
sensitive and differences in cell membrane integrity and we use confocal microscopy in combination with a miniflow cell system and image anal-
removal of biofilm cells after exposure to antimicrobials ysis to examine biofilm responses in situ to alkaline pH and some common disinfectants
commonly used in endodontics was discernible. (J Endod used in endodontics including chlorhexidine, EDTA, and sodium hypochlorite. In addi-
2010;36:70–77) tion, we also analyze the extent to which collagen coating of the substrate surfaces might
influence the biofilm resistance to these disinfectants. A structural and metabolic char-
Key Words acterization of the biofilms formed by four individual root canal isolates is presented.
Alkaline resistance, antimicrobial resistance, biofilm
model, biofilm system, biofilms, environmental changes,
image analysis, microbial adaptation, persistent infec- Material and Methods
tions, substrate conditioning Bacterial Strains and Culture Conditions
The bacterial strains used in the present study, Enterococcus faecalis, Lactoba-
cillus paracasei, Streptococcus anginosus, and Streptococcus gordonii, were iso-
From the *Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Odontol- lated from root canals undergoing endodontic treatment in patients who presented
ogy, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden; and †Department of with persistent infections (16). Strains were stored at 70 C in skim milk powder
Endodontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at The University (Oxoid, Hampshire, UK) diluted in double distilled water. Strains were recovered on
of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Luis E. Chávez de Paz, blood agar in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 in hydrogen at 37 C for 24 hours.
Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö To prepare the inoculum, colonies from blood agar were transferred into Todd-He-
University, Malmö SE-20506, Sweden. E-mail address: luis. witt (TH) liquid growth medium and incubated in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 in hydrogen at 37 C overnight. Aliquots (500 mL) were transferred to 10 mL of fresh TH and incubated at
0099-2399/$0 - see front matter
Copyright ª 2010 by the American Association of
37 C; the optical density at 600 nm wavelength (OD600) was monitored until the exponen-
Endodontists. All rights reserved. tial growth phase was reached (ie, OD600 values of 0.6  0.1). Cells were harvested by
doi:10.1016/j.joen.2009.09.017 centrifugation (3,000g, 5 minutes at 4 C), washed in 10 mmol/L phosphate-buffered
saline (PBS), and resuspended in TH to an approximate cell concentration of 1  108/mL.

70 Chávez de Paz et al. JOE — Volume 36, Number 1, January 2010

Basic Research—Biology
100 100
2.5% CLX Alkali (pH12)

75 75
% survivors

% survivors
50 50

25 25

0 0
Ef Lp Sa Sg Ef Lp Sa Sg

100 100
50mM EDTA 1% NaOCl

% survivors
% survivors





0 0
Ef Lp Sa Sg Ef Lp Sa Sg

Figure 1. The survival of biofilm cells after 5 minutes of exposure to chlorhexidine digluconate (2.5%), alkali (pH 12), EDTA (50 mmol/L), and NaOCl (1%).
E. faecalis (Ef), L. paracasei (Lp), S. anginosus (Sa), and S. gordonii (Sg).

Biofilm Formation sessed. The universal protocol was to aspirate the TH medium and to add
Biofilms were created in miniflow chamber systems m-Slide VI for 40 mL of the antimicrobial test solution. The samples were left at room
Live Cell Analysis (Integrated BioDiagnostics, Munich, Germany) with temperature for 5 minutes, and cell membrane integrity was assessed by
hydrophilic uncoated surfaces and with surfaces conditioned with using the BacLight Bacterial Viability kit for microscopy (LIVE/DEAD)
collagen type IV. Biofilms were created as described in a previous study (Invitrogen Ltd, Paisley, UK) and image analysis as described later.
(17). Briefly, each flow chamber was inoculated with 30 mL of a washed
suspension of cells grown to the midexponential phase in TH, followed Fluorescent Staining for Cell Membrane Integrity
by the addition of 100 mL of fresh TH to give a final volume of 130 mL per Cell samples were stained separately for dehydrogenase activity,
flow chamber. Flow chambers were incubated in an atmosphere of 5% esterase activity, and membrane integrity with fluorescent dyes. Three
CO2 in hydrogen at 37 C. After 24 hours of biofilm growth, chambers triplicate sets of biofilms formed in noncoated surfaces and on surfaces
were rinsed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH = 7.4) to coated with collagen type IV were cultured under the same conditions
remove nonadherent cells. with each set having its own unique total cell count.

Resistance to Alkali and Antimicrobials Membrane integrity

In order to test the dependence of substratum and whether resis- LIVE/DEAD stain was used to assess membrane integrity of biofilm
tance changed with respect to antimicrobials, biofilms established for 24 cells. The LIVE/DEAD mixture was prepared by mixing components A +
hours were exposed for 5 minutes to PBS adjusted to pH = 12 with B in the kit, consisting of SYTO9 and propidium iodide, at a ratio of
NaOH, NaOCl (1%), chlorhexidine digluconate (2.5%), or EDTA 1:100 with the inoculum medium (TH). After removing the culture fluid
(50 mmol/L), respectively. Thereafter, cell membrane integrity was as- from the flow chamber and washing with PBS, 30 mL of the LIVE/DEAD

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Figure 2. Three-dimensional reconstructions from confocal micrographs showing the removal of biofilm cells by antimicrobials using LIVE/DEAD staining. The
green cells represent cells with intact membranes, whereas the red cells are damaged or dead. The left-hand column shows the controls with their corresponding
biovolumes (BV). The percentage of cells removed in relation to the controls is presented below each image. Images were reconstructed using the software
bioImage_L (18).

mixture was added. Chambers were incubated at room temperature for (green fluorescence) (Invitrogen Ltd). Fluorescence of the stained cells
10 minutes. The fluorescence from stained cells was viewed by using was examined by CSLM.
confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) (described later).
Esterase activity
Dehydrogenase activity Fluorescin diacetate (FDA) (Invitrogen Ltd), which reacts with
The redox fluorescence dye, 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chlo- nonspecific esterases in metabolically active microorganisms, was
ride (CTC) (Invitrogen Ltd, Paisley, UK), which targets dehydrogenase also used as a metabolic marker. A stock solution of FDA was prepared
activity, was used to assess the physiologic status of the test bacteria. by mixing 5 mg FDA/mL in pure acetone. The working solution was
After removing the culture fluid and washing with PBS, 30 mL CTC prepared by mixing 5 mL FDA/acetone/mL in TH medium. After
(5 mmol/L) was added to the chamber. To visualize nonactive cells, bi- removing the culture fluid from the biofilm chamber and washing
ofilm samples were counterstained with 1 mL of 1 mmol/L SYTO 24 with PBS, 30 mL FDA working solution was added. Ethidium bromide

72 Chávez de Paz et al. JOE — Volume 36, Number 1, January 2010

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TABLE 1. Survival of Biofilm Cells on Collagen-coated Surfaces after 5 Min Exposure to Alkali and Antimicrobials. Values are Mean % of Survivor Cells  SE
of Triplicate Experiments
Control CLX (2.5%) pH 12 EDTA (50 mM) NaOCl (1%)
E. faecalis 98  1 22  4 97  1 11  2 26  8
L. paracasei 77  4 83 77  2 0 30  4
S. anginosus 84  3 44  3 64  5 51  1 2  0.5
S. gordonii 78  4 58  4 52  4 42  7 53  5

(EB) was used as a counterstain to visualize nonactive cells. The EB substratum coverage (%), and mean biofilm height (mm). Biovolume
stock solution was prepared by mixing 0.5 mg EB (Carl Roth GmbH, represents the overall volume of the biofilm including an estimate of
Karlsruhe, Germany) per milliliter in NaCl. The working solution was the biomass in the biofilm, substratum coverage reflects how efficiently
a 1:200 dilution. EB was added in 20-mL aliquots to the biofilm cham- the organism colonizes the substratum, and mean height indicates the
bers already containing FDA. The biofilm chambers were incubated in spatial thickness of the biofilm. To visualize structure and spatial differ-
the conditions described previously. Fluorescence of the stained cells ences, three-dimensional reconstructions were produced by the func-
was examined by CSLM. tion ‘‘structure and distribution’’ in bioImage_L.
The percentage (%) survival of biofilm cells determined by the
Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy LIVE/DEAD technique was obtained by calculating the percentage of
All microscopy work was performed by using an Eclipse TE2000 the biovolume of the green subpopulation from the total biovolume
inverted confocal scanning laser microscope (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). By of the biofilm. Accordingly, the percentage of metabolic active cells in
means of a motorized stage, 10 randomly selected image stack sections biofilms after staining with CTC was obtained by calculating the propor-
were imaged in each biofilm sample. Image stack sections were tion of red cells (metabolic active) in relation to the total biovolume.
composed of 10 images, each taken with a variation of 2 mm along The removal of biofilm cells was calculated by comparing the biovolume
the z-position. Images were obtained by using a 60 magnification of biofilms after the antimicrobial exposure with the biovolumes of
oil immersion objective with a numeric aperture of 1.4 and the confocal biofilms before treatment.
pinhole set to a diameter of 30 mm. In all cases, CSLM images were
acquired by the software EZ-C1 v.3.40 build 691 (Nikon) at a resolution
of 512 pixels2 and with a zoom factor of 1.0, giving a final pixel reso-
lution of 0.41 mm/pixel. Individual biofilm images covered an area of Statistical Analysis
0.05 mm2 per field of view.
To confirm that the patterns observed were reproducible, each
For the LIVE/DEAD and FDA/EB techniques, confocal illumination
experiment was repeated three times. Hence, results are presented as
was provided by an Ar laser (488-nm laser excitation) fitted with a long-
mean calculations from a total of 30 biofilm sections (ie, 10
pass 515/30 filter for the green fluorescence signal (emitted by SYTO9
sections/flow-chamber channels in three independent experiments).
and FDA) and a long-pass 605/75 filter for the red fluorescence signal
The software bioImage_L also included a function that analyzed the
(propidium iodide and EB). Simultaneous dual-channel imaging was
three independent biofilms by two-way analysis of variance. This statis-
used to display green and red fluorescence. For detection of the red
tical analysis detected any significant variation in terms of time, varia-
fluorescence by CTC staining, a G-HeNe laser was used (543-nm laser
tions among the color-base–identified subpopulations, interaction
excitation), together with a long-pass 605/75 emission filter. SYTO 24
between surface coating, and random variation (error).
was detected by the same laser with an emission filter of 515/30 in order
to determine the numbers of cells not reacting with the CTC stain.
Biofilm Survival to Alkali and Antimicrobials
Image Analysis of Microbial Biofilms E. faecalis, L. paracasei, S. anginosus, and S. gordonii biofilms
CSLM images were analyzed in two dimensions and three dimen- grown over 24 hours on polystyrene flow-cell chambers were used for
sions by using the software bioImage_L (18). The bioImage_L software testing the effect of alkali (pH = 12), chlorhexidine diclugonate (2.5%),
is based on color segmentation algorithms written in MATLAB (The EDTA (50 mmol/L), and sodium hypochlorite (1%). The cell
MathWorks, Natick, MA), which produce information of the total bio- membrane integrity of biofilm cells after 5 minutes of exposure to all
film population as well as the independent subpopulations represented four compounds was determined by LIVE/DEAD staining and image
by red and green fluorescent colors. Structure and distribution of bio- analysis. As shown in Figure 1, exposure to 2.5% chlorhexidine diclug-
films are characterized by the following variables: biovolume (mm3), onate had a large effect on streptococcal biofilms, with only 20%  3%
and 21%  2%, respectively, of the S. anginosus and S. gordonii cells
surviving. The lowest effect of chlorhexidine was observed for E. faeca-
TABLE 2. Removal of Biofilm Cells on Collagen-coated Surfaces after 5 Min lis and L. paracasei with 60%  2% and 30%  1%, respectively, of the
Exposure to Alkali and Antimicrobials. Values Are Mean % of Removed Cells 
cells surviving.
SE of Triplicate Experiments
After exposure to alkali (pH = 12), biofilms of S. anginosus and
EDTA NaOCl S. gordonii showed 50%  2% and 51%  4%, respectively, of the cells
CLX (2.5%) pH 12 (50 mM) (1%) surviving. The same stress condition failed to damage more than 10% of
E. faecalis 53  1 15  1 57  2 83  1 the E. faecalis and L. paracasei biofilm cells. EDTA (50 mmol/L) and
L. paracasei 28  3 51 20  2 78  1 sodium hypochlorite (1%) had the greatest effect on cell membrane
S. anginosus 41  2 69  2 11  1 89  3 integrity, producing up to 100% damaged cells in the biofilm popula-
S. gordonii 28  3 50  4 57  1 88  2
tions of the four species tested.

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Figure 3. The effect of surface coating with collagen on biofilm structure. Images are three-dimensional reconstructions from confocal micrographs. Biofilm
sections were artificially colored blue for better visualization of the architecture and reconstructed by using the software bioImage_L (18). Scale units, mm.

74 Chávez de Paz et al. JOE — Volume 36, Number 1, January 2010

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Removal of Biofilm Cells by Means of Alkali and A 100
The effect of chlorhexidine, pH12, EDTA, and NaOCl was tested on

% CTC active biofilm cells

the removal of biofilm cells in the aforementioned organisms (Fig. 2).
The most efficient removal action was achieved by sodium hypochlorite
that removed 91%  1% of E. faecalis, 84%  2% of L. paracasei,
76%  3% of S. anginosus, and 71%  1% of S. gordonii biofilms.
Chlorhexidine removed a large number of cells in biofilms of S. angi- 50
nosus (79%  3%) and E. faecalis (49%  4%), whereas pH = 12
showed a significant removal effect only in S. anginosus biofilms
(63%  6%). Similarly, EDTA was effective in removing S. gordonii 25
(83%  3%) and S. anginosus (33%  1%) biofilm cells.

Influence of Surface Coating with Collagen on Biofilm

Resistance 0
Ef Lp Sa Sg
In order to assess whether the observed effects of the disinfectants
would be influenced by surface conditioning, the four root canal
bacteria were allowed to form biofilms on collagen-coated flow cells B 100
for 24 hours and were exposed to the disinfectants. The results on
bacterial survival and removal of biofilm cells are shown in

% Esterase active biofilm cells

Table 1and 2, respectively.
In contrast to the results observed on noncoated surfaces, biofilms
of S. gordonii and S. anginosus showed the highest resistance to
chlorhexidine with 58%  4% and 44%  3% of the cells surviving,
respectively. E. faecalis and L. paracasei biofilms had the lowest resis- 50
tance to this antimicrobial. The removal effect on S. anginosus biofilms
was reduced to 41%  2%.
Exposure to pH = 12 buffer had no significant effect on biofilms of
E. faecalis, L. paracasei, and S. gordonii as compared with noncoated
surfaces (p < 0.001). However, S. anginosus showed a significant
increase in surviving cells with 64%  5%. Although exposure to
EDTA had a strong effect on membrane integrity for all four organisms 0
Ef Lp Sa Sg
on noncoated surfaces, it was less effective on streptococcal biofilms on
collagen-coated surfaces. Streptococcal biofilms were also not as effec-
Figure 4. The effect of surface coating with collagen on cell metabolic activity.
tively removed as their non-coated counterparts. In a similar fashion, in (A) The effect on dehydrogenase activity and (B) the effect on esterase activity.
biofilms of E. faecalis, L. paracasei, and S. gordonii, the number of White bars: noncoated surfaces and gray bars: surfaces coated with collagen.
survivors after the exposure to NaOCl was significantly increased.
proportion of FDA active cells. Significant reductions in dehydrogenase
Influence of Surface Coating with Collagen on Biofilm activity and esterase activity were evident for all species in biofilms on
Structure collagen-conditioned surfaces. For E. faecalis and L. paracasei, the
The observed substratum-dependent differences in biofilm resis- reduction in CTC active cells was six-fold and four-fold, respectively.
tance to antimicrobials can be explained by differences in biofilm For S. anginosus and S. gordonii, these levels were 12- and 13-fold,
structure and distribution. Preconditioning the flow-cell surfaces respectively. Esterase activity was reduced in all organisms.
with collagen noticeably modified the biofilm mass volume (biovo-
lume, mm3) and percentage substratum coverage by the four microor-
ganisms compared with those formed on uncoated surfaces (Fig. 3). Discussion
All four organisms formed unevenly distributed biofilms on the In this study, we introduced a system for analyzing the effect of anti-
substrate with reduced substratum coverage and biovolumes on microbials in biofilms, which is based on in situ examination of bacte-
collagen-coated surfaces. This trend was clearly seen in S. anginosus rial cell membrane integrity and biofilm structure and metabolic activity
and S. gordonii, which presented two-fold lower biovolumes and less using fluorescent staining and image analysis. By means of this system,
substratum coverage as compared with biofilms formed on uncoated we were able to observe differences in membrane integrity, metabolic
surfaces. activity, and removal of biofilm cells after treatment with antimicrobials
commonly used in endodontics. Although it is realistic to acknowledge
that no in vitro method will accurately reflect the conditions under
Effect of Surface Conditioning on Metabolic Activity which microorganisms grow in vivo, the implementation of models
of Biofilms that take into consideration that endodontic organisms are likely to
To further characterize the differences between surfaces, meta- prevail in communities attached to the root canal walls should better
bolic activity was tested by means of the redox fluorescence dyes CTC our understanding of their persistence and how they may be combated
and FDA, which target dehydrogenase active cells and cells producing clinically.
esterases, respectively. Figure 4A shows mean values of metabolic active Others have assessed cell membrane integrity by mechanical
biomass (%) of biofilm cells reducing CTC, and Figure 4B shows the removal of cells and enumeration through traditional culture (7, 13,

JOE — Volume 36, Number 1, January 2010 Effects of Antimicrobials on Endodontic Biofilm Bacteria 75
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19). However, such methods have inherent errors that are connected the proportion of removed cells was still high. The mechanisms behind
with incomplete cell removal, resulting in poor homogeneity of the these changes are not fully understood, and, therefore, we undertook an
culture suspension. Furthermore, membrane integrity assessment of in situ screening of metabolic activity. The levels of dehydrogenase and
removed biofilm cells might be hampered by the presence of cells in esterase activities of biofilm cells on collagen-coated surfaces were
metabolically inactive states, which are incapable of cellular division much lower than on noncoated surfaces. This metabolic down-
preventing them from forming colonies on a plate (17, 20). This may regulation may give some indications as to how the surface condition
lead to overestimation of the efficacy of the tested antimicrobials. may influence bacterial physiology.
In the present study, NaOCl (1%) and EDTA (50 mmol/L) seemed The biofilm analysis method presented in this report, including the
to be the most effective of the agents tested by affecting the cell assessment of both cell membrane integrity and biofilm structure,
membrane integrity of all organisms in biofilms on uncoated surfaces. provides a broad picture of the in situ effectiveness of antimicrobials
Although EDTA is typically considered as a ‘‘nonantibiotic’’ agent and against bacteria in biofilms. After controlling variables such as substratum
used in endodontics to remove the smear layer for improved sealing conditioning, the presented system can be used to monitor not only vari-
during root filling (21), recent studies have shown antimicrobial effects ations of structure in biofilms, such as biovolume and area coverage, but
of EDTA against microorganisms in biofilms (22, 23). Although the also the distribution of undamaged cells with active metabolism in three
mode of action of EDTA in this respect is still not clarified, the chelating dimensions. This biofilm model seems useful for assessment of the
effect to calcium and iron may affect important metabolic pathways in efficacy of a variety of agents used for root canal disinfection.
the bacterial cell (24).
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