Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date I. Lesson Title Ii. Most Essential Learning Competencies (Melcs) Iii. Content/Core Content

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Learning Area Grade Level

TLE – Tourism and Promotion Services 7 Exploratory
Quarter Third Date Week 1

I. LESSON TITLE Sources of Tourism Products

(Consumer information Sources)
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Discusses the role and ways of gathering product information.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Sources of Tourism Product Information
(References: Houston, M. J. (2012, May 18). Consumer Evaluations of
Product Information Sources. Taylor & Francis.) Identifying & Evaluating Sources
of Consumer Information. (2018, April 25). Retrieved from

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction/ 60 minutes Presentation
In this lesson, you will learn about the different sources on how to gather
information on creating products for the benefit of Tourism and as well
as the economy.


Before we start, List down inside the monitor at least 10 commercial

products that you have seen in your television today.

within the commercial you have written above, name at least 3

products that you have bought in your household and why did you or
your family buy it?
Read these new concepts.

In Marketing, one of the most strategic ways of promoting your

products is to advertise them in various forms, it can come in a form of
commercials, campaigns and other programs that can boost the
popularity of the product so it can be well known and accessible to the

We often familiarize ourselves with these strategies for the basis if we will
buy or use the certain product which is advertised.

Quick Question: Pick one of your favorite healthy snacks (food) that
you buy, state how you discovered the product.
B. Development There are five sources of product information according to a study
Pagpapaunlad conducted in 2012, sources of information may vary in the need and
presentation needed of the product and consumer as well.

First of the source is Television Advertising or what we called

“Commercials”, it is the fastest and most convenient way to find
specific information to your product, because in the digital era,
television is one of the basic appliances in a Filipino household and it
has many target audiences in sight.

Next is Magazine advertising, reading magazines or newspapers is a

traditional way of finding information on a specific product.

Digital Advertising (Social Media) is a new way to advertise and

promote a specific product and access to the information about itself.

Consumer Report and Review plays a role in finding information about

certain products. We often use the friendly “Recommendation” from a
fellow consumer that has used and experienced the product for more
knowledge about it. especially about Tourism products and services.

We can also look for the products that are recommended and
regulated by Government Agencies and Product Testing Organizations
DOT (Department of Tourism) and FAD (Food and Drug Administration).
C. Engagement 60 minutes Learning Activity 1. Shopazada

How often do you practice the following activities? Write in a sheet of

paper if you “ALWAYS”, “SOMETIMES” and “NEVER” do the following if
looking, considering and buying a product.

1. I buy products locally produced in my area

2. I buy products that are recommended to me by my friends or
3. I often search about the product I wanted to buy before
buying it.
4. I look at the product I purchase if it is FDA approved.
5. When i travel i buy souvenir products to help the tourism
6. I find other products in the market that i don't know because I
saw it in Tiktok and other Social Networking Sites
7. I buy products I saw being recommended.
8. I recommend products that I have bought to my friends and
9. I first learn about a product when watching tv Commercials
10. I ask / research online or other people if the product is good
before buying.

Bonus Question for 2pts:

Pick any product that you have at your home and explain in 3 short
sentences how you have known (discovered) the product.


D. Assimilation
Paglalapat 120 minutes Product information is important for a local product to flourish and be
successful in the line of Tourism, we often look for the reviews and
recommendations for the locals to formulate a specific product design
that will support the local tourism in the area.

One of the basic importance of product information is the locals that

design a product which is safe and environmentally friendly. It can also
give a certain image or representation for a place, for example, When
in Lucban, Quezon people will immediately look for their most treasured
“Pancit Habhab” or like Choco tablea of Alfonso, Cavite. It gives the
locals a business and a way to discover the places who made it as a
form of product tourism.

It also follows guidelines and regulations of the Department of Tourism

and Food and Drug Administration for Public Safety.

Learning Activity 2:
Give at least 10 Local Products offered in the Philippines.

Name of the Product Place of Origin:

Sample: Tablea Alfonso, Cavite

1. _________________ ___________________

2. _________________ ___________________

3. _________________ ___________________

4. _________________ ___________________

5. _________________ ___________________

6. _________________ ___________________

7. _________________ ___________________

8. _________________ ___________________

9. _________________ ___________________
10. _________________ ___________________

V. ASSESSMENT 60 minutes Learning Activity 3:

(Learning Activity Sheets
for Enrichment, Part I: Identify the following sources of Product Information.
1. _______________ and ____________ are the local government
Remediation or
unit and organization which regulates and recommends local
Assessment to be given on
products in the country.
Weeks 3 and 6) 2. This is a form of product information in the form of written
advertisement and promotional.
3. It is the most used and simple way of finding information on a
Product using Television.
4. ______________________ is a simple consumer to consumer way
of finding recommending products in the market to your
friends and family.
5. ____________________ is a way of consumers to identify the
product by the use of social networking sites.

Part II: Answer the following questions or needed information needed


1. How does Source of Product Information can help

2. Is it helpful to know the products before recommending it to
your friends and family?
3. Why do we need to develop a local product to a
community? What are the benefits it has to the locals and

VI. REFLECTION Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that ________________________________________


I realize that _________________________________________


I need to learn more about _______________________________


EPS- CSDO- Dasmarinas City
Prepared by: APRIL JOY D. GERONIMO Checked by:
EPS – SDO Laguna
Learning Area Grade Level
TLE – Tourism Promotion Services 7 Exploratory
Quarter THIRD Date Week 2

I. LESSON TITLE Tourism Products

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Discusses the major categories of Tourism Products and Services
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Sources of Tourism Product Information
Dighliya, B. (2017, February 16). Tourism product. Scribbr.Com.
Smith, A. K. (n.d.). Product Development | UNWTO. UNWTO. Retrieved February
3, 2021, from https://www.unwto.org/tourism-development-products

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 1 Hour Presentation

Did you enjoy our last lesson?

If you did, Good Job! You are now ready to gather more
information for our lesson for today.

Let us do an exciting activity first. I will be presenting some of the

high-quality products or tourism services in the Philippines. Can you
try to identify them?

Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

How did you find out these products or services? Where in our
country does these products are known for?

Read these new concepts.

In the Philippine tourism, we define Tourism product as the thing or

resources in a certain place that can attract costumer or visit tourist

As we have discussed before it can generate not only tourism

products but can be a direct source of work and contribute to the
community at the place as income.

Our country, like the other has many beautiful natural resources and
landscapes that people need to develop and create products that
will make our place famous around the world.

Quick Question: What other tourist products and destinations do you

know of?

B. Development Tourism Product Classification are divided into 5 groups, these are
Pagpapaunlad the following:

1. Natured based Tourism – These is any type of tourism that relies

on experiences directly related to natural attractions and
includes ecotourism, adventure tourism, extractive tourism,
wildlife tourism and nature retreats.
2. Cultural Tourism – these are tourism attractions based on the
people’s lives, beliefs, and established structures throughout the
century such as temples church and sacred places known for
their history. Perfect examples of this are the BANAUE RICE
TERRACES in Ifugao provinces.
3. Beach and Sun Tourism – among the classification, this is the one
most suited in our country which is suited with beautiful islands
and beaches. Example: BORACAY ISLAND in Aklan
4. Shopping Tourism - is a recent concept that is defined as a
contemporary form of tourism carried out by individuals for whom
the acquisition of goods, outside their place of residence, is a
determining factor in their decision to travel. Example: TAYTAY
MARKET in Rizal
5. Food and products Tourism- it is one of the most common form of
tourism product, it is easily defined as the fine cuisines that a
place or region can offer the tourist or customers that allows them
to visit and travel to the community Example: LOMI in Batangas
or SHOES in Marikina

C. Engagement 1 Hour Learning Activity 1. Tourism in your Area!

Analyze your community or area, what are the different tourism

products can you spot in your neighborhood. Try to classify them
according to its type.
Create a small 4 sentence poem about it.


D. Assimilation
Paglalapat 2 Hours Classifying the potential tourism product in your area can unlock
many benefits and profits for our country but sadly due to the
COVID19 pandemic had a terrible impact not only on our tourism
performance but also in the economy.

There are many precious raw materials and beauty of our country
not yet discovered but we also need to preserve and protect those
resources. By learning on how to classify the resources we can know
what promotions and ways for improvement for the betterment of
the economy and as well as for the people.

Learning Activity 2:

Identify the classification of the different products or sights if they are

AND PRODUCT Tourism. Write your answer in a separate paper.

11. Taal Volcano

12. Sandunes of Ilocos
13. Bagnet
14. Divisoria
15. Mall of Asia
16. Nasubgu Naval area
17. Kay biang Tunnel
18. Danggit
19. Paoay Church
20. El Nido, Palawan

V. ASSESSMENT 1 Hour Learning Activity 3:

(Learning Activity Sheets
for Enrichment, Part I: Identify the following, supply the needed information:
Remediation or
1. ______________________________ it is one of the most
Assessment to be given on
common form of tourism product, it is easily defined as the
Weeks 3 and 6) fine cuisines that a place or region can offer the tourist or
customers that allows them to visit and travel to the
2. ______________________________is a recent concept that
is defined as a contemporary form of tourism carried out by
individuals for whom the acquisition of goods, outside their
place of residence, is a determining factor in their decision
to travel.
3. ______________________________ among the classification, this
is the one most suited in our country which is suited with
beautiful islands and beaches.
4. ______________________________ these are tourism attractions
based on the people’s lives, beliefs, and established
structures throughout the century such as temples church
and sacred places known for their history.
5. ______________________________ These are any type
of tourism that relies on experiences directly related
to natural attractions and includes ecotourism, adventure
tourism, extractive tourism,
wildlife tourism and nature retreats.

Part II: Essay, in 5 sentences, why do we need to classify our tourism

products? What benefit can it give to the people of the community
and the economy of the country,

VI. REFLECTION Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts

I understand that ________________________________________


I realize that _________________________________________


I need to learn more about _______________________________


EPS- CSDO- Dasmarinas City
Prepared by: TLE Teacher, Pal2 IHS Checked by:
CSDO- Dasmarinas City
EPS – SDO Laguna
Learning Area Grade Level
TLE – Tourism Promotion Services 7 Exploratory
Quarter THIRD Date Week 3

I. LESSON TITLE Industry terminology and common abbreviations in relation to major product

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Discusses the basic industry terminologies and acronyms in product categories.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Sources of Tourism Product Information
Department of Tourism, D.A.P., & Department of Internal Local Group. (n.d.).
Tourism Guide Book (revised ed., Vol. 1).
Krajevskaja, K. (2021, January 19). 53 Most Popular Marketing Acronyms from A to
Z. Blog | Whatagraph.

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
E. Introduction 1 Hour Presentation

Did you enjoy our last lesson?

If you did, Good Job! You are now ready to gather more information
for our lesson for today.

Let us do an exciting activity first. Are you good at acronyms? Well try
this one. Match the meaning of the Acronyms at Column below, do
that by drawing a line from Colum A to B.

B2B Gross rating point
CPP Unique Selling Point
FAQ Return of Investment
GRP Business-to-business
QR Code: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
ROI Suggested Retail Price
SRP Frequently asked questions
SWOT Quick Response Barcode
USP Cost per products

Read these new concepts.

In Tourism and Product Promotions, to have a concrete guide in

handling and navigating certain terminologies and process we must
have some Abbreviations and Technical Terminologies.

All in all, there are almost 200plus terms and acronyms in Tourism alone,
but we are only talking some most used acronyms of the products and
services, the above terms are the examples.

Quick Question: Where did you heard or know these acronyms?

What answers did you get?
F. Development Industry terminology and common abbreviations in relation to major
Pagpapaunlad product categories.

B2B Business-to-business - a term that refers to businesses

that offer their products or services to other

CPP Cost per products – total cost of a service or a


FAQ Frequently asked questions - a list of questions

together with answers on a specific topic and details
about solutions, processes, and services.

GRP Gross rating point - a measurement of advertising

effectiveness across media channels.

QR Code: Quick Response Barcode – a bar code used in

products that leads then to set of question for
product or service betterment.

ROI Return of Investment - a type of performance

measurement that is used to evaluate the
profitability of a campaign for a specific period
compared with the initial cost

SRP Suggested Retail Price – a Price sealing for a product

or service

SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats –

Type of company analysis that helps to identify all
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
before making important decisions.

USP Unique Selling Point - a type of communication that

intends to focus on the element that differentiates
your business from competitors, such as the cost,
quality or being the first in its category

LTP Local Tourism Products – list of products that is being

sold in a specific are as their main attraction.

G. Engagement 1 Hour Learning Task 1. Captchamon! Below are some Captcha or group of
words that depicts and tells the meaning of an Acronym that is
connected in product information. Your task is to write on the box
below what are the Acronyms that they are representing.



H. Assimilation
Paglalapat 1 Hours Every industry has its language; can you talk tourism? We abbreviate
words or phrases to save time, effort, or space. This is great, but
if you do not know what the acronym or abbreviation stands for, it may
feel like people are speaking a different language.

But by familiarizing in these simple yet very commonly used terms in

creating or planning in selling or producing products or services. And it
can help us to further understand the basic operations and creating

Learning Task 1:

Identify and write TRUE if the sentences are correct, write FALSE if not.

21. USP stands for Unique Shelfing Price

22. There are only 10 Acronyms used in products information or
23. Cost per price is the total price of a product or a service.
24. ROI stands for Return of Investment.
25. Local Tourism products are products in your area that being
26. QR Code is a Barcode
27. FAQ is fancy asked questions
28. GRP stands for Gross rating Point
29. Business to Business has an acronym
30. SWOT is an acronym in product development
V. ASSESSMENT 1 Hour Learning Task 1:
(Learning Activity Sheets for
Enrichment, Remediation or Part I: Identify the following, supply the needed information:
Assessment to be given on
Weeks 3 and 6) 1. ______________________________ list of products that is being
sold in a specific are as their main attraction.
2. ______________________________is a type of communication
that intends to focus on the element that differentiates your
business from competitors, such as the cost, quality or being
the first in its category.
3. ______________________________ Type of company analysis that
helps to identify all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats before making important decisions.
4. ______________________________ a Price sealing for a product or
5. ______________________________ a type of performance
measurement that is used to evaluate the profitability of a
campaign for a specific period compared with the initial cost.
6. ______________________________ a bar code used in products
that leads then to set of question for product or service
7. ____________________________ measurement of advertising
effectiveness across media channels.
8. ____________________________ a list of questions together with
answers on a specific topic and details about solutions,
processes, and services
9. ____________________________ total cost of a service or a
10. ____________________________ a term that refers to businesses
that offer their products or services to other businesses.

VI. REFLECTION Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that _________________________________________


I realize that _________________________________________


I need to learn more about ________________________________


EPS- CSDO- Dasmarinas City
Prepared by: TLE Teacher, Pal2 IHS Checked by:
CSDO- Dasmarinas City
EPS – SDO Laguna
Learning Area Grade Level
TLE – Tourism Promotion and Services 7Exploratory
Quarter Third Date

I. LESSON TITLE The use of 24 hours clock

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Discusses the different ways to tell time when dealing in Tourism and services
24-Hour Time Format. (n.d.). 24 Hour Format. Retrieved March 9, 2021, from

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
I. Introduction/ 60 minutes Presentation
Did you enjoy our last lesson?

If you did, Good Job! You are now ready to gather more information
for our lesson for today.

Let’s do an exciting activity first. Are you able to tell time? Help me to
figure the Time illustrated by drawing the correct hands on the clock
below according to the time directing below:

9: 00 1: 00

4: 45 13:45

20: 00 17: 30
Quick Question: After answering the activity above, what did you
noticed? Is there a new way of telling what time it is represented? Did
you get all the time stamps? How did you do it?
J. Development 30 minutes It is usually created in a 24-hour format where in our regular time
Pagpapaunlad format, which is 12 hours, after 12:00, we will be telling the time to
1:00. We also relay to the mini script of time stamp “AM” and “PM”
where in “AM” (Ante meridiem) means before midday and “PM”
(Post meridiem) after midday.

But in 24 hours we after 12:00 we just proceed with 00:00 start of a

new cycle just like in the table below:

12-hour am- 24-hour 12-hour am-pm 24-hour military

pm clock military clock time
12:00 0:00 1:00 PM 13:00
1:00 AM 1:00 2:00 PM 14:00

2:00 AM 2:00 3:00 PM 15:00

3:00 AM 3:00 4:00 PM 16:00

4:00 AM 4:00 5:00 PM 17:00

5:00 AM 5:00 6:00 PM 18:00

6:00 AM 6:00 7:00 PM 19:00

7:00 AM 7:00 8:00 PM 20:00

8:00 AM 8:00 9:00 PM 21:00

9:00 AM 9:00 10:00 PM 22:00

10:00 AM 10:00 11:00 PM 23:00

11:00 AM 11:00 12:00 midnight 24:00:00

12:00 PM 12:00

K. Engagement 60 minutes
Learning Activity 1. Time After Time. In this activity I there will be a list
or chart of time from the regular 12 hours format and supple them
with their 24-hour format counterpart.

8:45 am
12:20 am
7:00 pm
2:00 pm
5:30 pm
12:00 nn
1:45 am
4:00 am
2:00 am
3:00 pm

L. Assimilation
Paglalapat 60 minutes Why do we need to tell time in a different way? In tourism we
adopted a way of saying time in a similar yet different way.

We a similar technique we called 24 Hour time stamp or Military hour.

We do this in the airlines systems and other tour services. In 24 hours,
there are 22.7 million people passing through airports, 22.5 million
visitors on Expedia, and 20,000 new jobs created in the Travel &
Tourism industry. Time is very important in Tourism Industry.

It can be used in the tracking of products and tour schedules.

Learning Activity 2:

Applied in a Tourism Industry situation, tell the time indicated in the

following scenario:
31. Ken has a tourist request a large quantity of their home-made
mango juice and he wanted to deliver them in their hotel by
00:45 am. In 12 hr. format what time does Mr. Gonzales
needed to deliver his product? _______________________
32. Stell and his friends came on a local tourist spot, the travel tour
guide told them that they will be starting to dive in 14:30 hr.
What time does the tour guide told Stell they will be diving?
33. Sejun only knows 24 hr. format due to his military background,
when his client in his local tourism industry wanted to have a
meeting with him and said 3:45 pm, what time does the
meeting will start in 24 hr. format? _________________________
34. Josh has an international meeting with an investor in his local
products of his province due to the time difference the client
choose to use a 24-hr. time format and they will be meeting
at 23:45 in his local time schedule. While Josh is using a 12-hr.
format, what time is his meeting with his investors.
35. Justine has a flight overseas as a part of his international tour,
it indicates 11:00 pm in a 12-hr. format but all of the flight
schedule is indicated in a 24-hr. format, what time does the
time Justine need to get aboard in the flight?
V. ASSESSMENT 30 minutes Learning Activity 3:
(Learning Activity Sheets
for Enrichment, Part I: Identify the following, supply the needed information:
Remediation or
12-hour am- 24-hour 12-hour am-pm 24-hour military
Assessment to be given on
pm clock military clock time
Weeks 3 and 6) time
12:00 0:00 1:00 PM 13:00
1:00 AM 1:00 14:00
2:00 AM 2:00 3:00 PM 15:00

3:00 AM 3:00 4:00 PM 16:00

4:00 5:00 PM

5:00 AM 5:00 6:00 PM 18:00

6:00 19:00

7:00 AM 8:00 PM 20:00

8:00 AM 8:00 9:00 PM 21:00

9:00 AM 9:00 10:00 PM 22:00

10:00 11:00 PM

11:00 AM 24:00:00

12:00 PM 12:00

Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that _________________________________________


I realize that _________________________________________


I need to learn more about ________________________________


EPS- CSDO- Dasmarinas City
Prepared by: TLE Teacher, Pal2 IHS Checked by:
CSDO- Dasmarinas City
EPS – SDO Laguna

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